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/fa/ - Fashion

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11511079 No.11511079 [Reply] [Original]

I've got spots under my eyes. What can I do?

>> No.11511083

Water-activated gel cleanser.

>> No.11511086
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OP here. Pic related.

It's fucking gross, how do I get rid of this shit? My skin is near perfect except for this and some minor wrinkles from smiling.

>> No.11511135
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They're called milia. You can get them removed by a dermatologist.

Look at what came in the mail today, /fa/m!

>> No.11511148
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Check out this bullshit packaging though.

>> No.11511457


>> No.11511480

>>11511135 is right. Don't try to remove it yourself, you need a dermatologist

>> No.11511481

These are not milia, I've have the exact same problem, still unsure as to what they are even after hours upon hours of researching though the internet. Do you have similar small bumps on your nose?
I've found that Salicylic acid helps a great deal. I've been using one the paula's choice BHA exfoliators for a while now and it's almost vanished.

>> No.11511489

Milia only tend to form around the eye orbital area and are whiter than OP's

>> No.11511567

I finished my accutane treatment a few months ago and my acne is starting to come back

Would the acne.org kit be good for keeping it in check

>> No.11511595

could i use these products for quite mild acne treatment? I had fairly bad (not really that bad but in my eyes it was) acne but cleared it up w some intense/harsh products and now I'm looking for gentle products for maintenance/clearing up the last few spots.

>> No.11511624

Yeah, I think that should work. I have combination skin with some pimples. Idk if you could call it acne since I thought acne was an actual skin disease you can only fight with medication but maybe I'm wrong. I also use a BHA from Paula's Choice, vitamin c serum (for PIH) and 5% benzoyl peroxide on pimples if you're interested.

>> No.11511631

I have visible veins under my eyes. What do I do?

>> No.11511632

*AHA oops

>> No.11511665

just close then

>> No.11511682
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Embrace it brah

Above my eyes looks like a placenta

>> No.11511686

veins on my eyelids are even more visible

>> No.11512084


>> No.11512140

I just started using an exfoliator because I've always had near perfect skin. That's also why I started this thread.

>> No.11512837
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Can Sweet Almond Oil be used as an Oil cleanser for a double cleanse on its own or does it need to be mixed with something?

>> No.11513236

i put the inside of a vitamin E capsule on my face, more specifically my under eye
will let you know how it goes cause some people on the internet comments say it made their face swell up go red and flaky
others said it worked perfectly
time will tell

>> No.11513250

I've been having this since winter. I've tried everything and no luck.

>> No.11513322

I think this is fucking cool, keep it man

>> No.11513338

its not nearly as cool on lower eyelid where everyone can see it

>> No.11513687


Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

- Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
- How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
- How to improve your skin tone through diet
- Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
- How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, skincare ingredients

LAST THREAD AT >>11464836

>> No.11514909


>> No.11514934

Is it true that sodium bicarbonate + lemon juice is the uber recipe to put on my face and will remove my acne and whiteheads permanently?

>> No.11514959

When I shower and use my mud mask the blackheads they disappear for like 10 minutes then come back when I get out of the shower. What do?

>> No.11515008

sodium bicarbonate is way too alkaline to be good for your skin. it'll dry your skin out and hurt it.

the lemon juice will make your skin more sensitive to sun.

/r/skincareaddiction has written a lot about how harmful it is.

>> No.11515011

isn't that what accutane does? Dry your skin until each and everyone of your whiteheads is gone?

>> No.11515063
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nice dubs

accutane in part works by killing the sebaceous glands deep inside your pores. this causes much less sebum, or skin oils, to be produced. this gives less food for the acne bacteria inside your pores, leading to less acne.

sodium bicarbonate will almost exclusively act on the surface, and not go that deep down in your pores. it will react with the skin oils and create soapy substances out of them, drying the skin out, and completely wrecking the elasticity and barrier functions of the skin.

when it increases your skin pH it will also make it much easier for acne bacteria to grow on and in your skin - while also making it harder for the beneficial bacteria to thrive. it will irritate and inflame the skin.

there's a difference between "drying your skin", by removing surface oils and making the skin vulnerable, and successfully removing excess oils and shit deep inside the pores.

please don't use alkaline substances on your skin. your natural skin pH must be maintained at about pH <5 for optimal function.

acids such as AHA/BHA are GOAT for removing shit inside the pores. they're fat-soluble (targets the fat in the pores) and actively helps skin residues to not end up in the pores and clog them. but citric acid in lemons is generally not to be recommended. too uncontrolled.

for some more info, check the "Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face" part in the FAQ and:


>> No.11515337

How to remove dead skin? Whenever im in the shower and rub my body with the palm of my hand theres always dead skin comming off. Does it even matter?

>> No.11515358 [DELETED] 

It's best to remove dead skin thoroughly at least once a week and moisturize the areas you exfoliate so your skin doesn't fuck up even worse because of dryness imo You should try a korean italy towel. That stuff removes all dead skin if you use it after soaking yourself in hot water and its like 3 dollars on ebay.

>> No.11516169


>> No.11516280

im back to say that it worked and seems improved, i will continue to apply knowing my face wont explode

ty /blog

>> No.11516341 [DELETED] 


>> No.11516366
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My only skin "flaw" are dark circles under my eyes and I kinda like them so whatever. Dodged a bullet there considering skincare products cost shit tons.

>> No.11516446

Try a korean italy towel, they are like 6 dollars for 8 on ebay/amazon and work a lot better than exfoliators. Soak yourself in hot water for a little bit, scrub your skin with it, and done, dead skin is all off. I'd recommend doing it every week/every other week depending on how much dead skin you have and keep constant with it.

>> No.11517056

I've had control over my skin a couple months ago, but now I'm breaking out. Thing is, it's only on my left cheek. The acne isn't right on the surface, though, it's deeper so benzoyl peroxide wouldn't do much. I change my pillowcase frequently, I avoid touching my cheek. I don't let my phone touch my face when I talk on it, etc. Anything I'm missing, here?

>> No.11517223
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Critiques/Additions to my routine?

>> No.11517600

the sunscreen is only pa+++ but other than that looks fine

>> No.11517606

if you at a bare minimum dont at least have a sunscreen your skin is gonna go to shit

not using a moisturizer generally isnt too great for fine lines and stuff either

>> No.11517609

those are sebaceous filaments, not black heads

they will always come back, use a bha if you want to try and minimize their appearance

>> No.11517610

any reason you're lacking in the moisturizer dept.?

>> No.11517613

What else can/should I be doing?

>> No.11517618

lol inferior genes btfo

>> No.11517712

Just want to share, I'm using hemp facial cream at the moment and it seems to be working really well. Has been lessening redness on my face and making me look a lot younger in general. Plus my face has never been softer, except for when I was a baby maybe.

I bought it in some hippy shop and its made here in Australia so I don't know how readily available it is. But I thought i'd recommend it.

>> No.11517738

Avene is my shit! Too bad I break out even from their mineral sunscreen. I have to decide whether I want skin cancer or acne every damn morning.

>> No.11517845

Would it make sense to use both BHA and AHA?

>> No.11518074

Ok..Thx a lot for the info. I need to change my anti-acne program

>> No.11518137

I wouldn't personally use 2 cleansers, and I don't think the aloe cream will do that much considering you already have almond oil on your face. it would be better to put the aloe cream underneath the almond oil.

but making a flowchart out of your skincare routine?


>> No.11518155

Started working out and am getting acne on my face and back. How do I stop this?

>> No.11518166

Don't you shower after? Or are you eating differently?

>> No.11518186

How to get rid of red spots after acne? I have almost no actual acne but with the red spots it feels like I do.

>> No.11518189

I do shower after. Have been eating more

>> No.11518327

I started lifting too and I only get occasional zits on my back that hurt alot.

Just make sure you shower after workout and don't "dirty" bulk, it may cause acne. Good luck on your lifts bro

>> No.11518347

test increase creating more acne + maybe you've started eating much more whey protein

>> No.11519200

Oh the almond oil + TTO is spot treatment. I usually only leave it on for about an hour before wiping it off.

I'll take your advice and hunt for a new moisturizer though. Thanks!

>> No.11520380

How should I go about Diluting Tea Tree Oil with carrier oils? I have both bottles of Jojoba Oil and Almond Oil

I've been doing the oil cleansing method with Jojoba and then using Almond for the moisturizer

Should I mix the TTO with one of the carrier oils? Which one, or both?

Am I an idiot?

>> No.11521066

So I'm a little confused on the order I should be applying my products, as I've seen conflicting advice.

What I'm doing atm:
Shave -> Wash face with hot water -> Cleanse -> Wash face with cold water -> Dry -> Salicylic acid pads -> wait 10 min to dry -> moisturise (or apply suncream if going out)

Does this sound right?

>> No.11521068

What I'm most confused about is whether I should exfoliate before cleansing or vice versa

>> No.11521090

is it normal to purge with small red/colorless bumps all over my cheeks once you start exfoliating?

>> No.11521241
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Yep. But only to the extent that your skin can handle it. It's easy to irritate the skin by drying it out, and exfoliating away too much of the skin.

The skin residues on the top of your skin, the dead skin cells that sometimes end up in your pores and helps cause acne, also acts as a protective barrier to all kinds of bad stuff out there. You don't want to take away too much of it by over-exfoliating, because then the underlying skin will be exposed and dry out too easily and be irritated by stuff.

2% salicylic acid (not in a drying alcohol/ethanol solution) 1-2 times a day works for most people. Coupling that with any low-strength AHA product a few times a week PM is also fine. Some people use it a lot more often than that, because their skin can handle it.

Typical signs of that you're using too much AHA/BHA exfoliators (and cleansers) is dryness, redness, tight skin, light burning, and skin peeling. If you're completely new to all kinds of AHA/BHA exfoliating treatments, try something light like salicylic acid for a few weeks and see how it helps your skin.

A lot of people see great improvements after a couple of weeks, because it has helped them:
- lower the skin pH closer to a healthy level
- remove skin residues faster, leading to a smoother skin, a less dull appearance, and fewer clogged pores
- make the skin overall less inflamed

>> No.11521245
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oh BTW
don't forget sunscreen

making the top skin layer thinner will make you more exposed to sun radiation
that's why it's important to use the AHA in the evening, and never the morning.

sunscreen is also important if you use benzoyl peroxide, accutane, or retin-a for pretty much the same reasons

I don't want the SUN to mess up your skincare gainzzz

>> No.11521431

I really have a hard time believing the people here who spend so much time and money on skincare products actually have better skin than someone who just happens to have no problems with their skin

>> No.11521638

add moisturizer to the end of your flow chart both am and pm

>> No.11521654

I don't eat whey powder but I'll be considering it in a few months. Thanks for the advice anon.

>> No.11521878
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This is my forehead. Someone end me

>> No.11522054
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I'm a noob at this, been trying various washes and moisturizers but nothing has really helped more than others. Currently washing my face every evening and applying this moisturizer:
Normally (home for summer) I use this:
They have different effects and I like the latter better, thought both leave my face shiny and it's still not too great.

I don't know if it's acne or something else, hard to really identify exactly. I do get the ones filled with white puss or something now and then though. Any help?

>> No.11522062

Go to a fucking dermatologist. This shit can be fixed, dont be a helpless bitch

>> No.11522063

Depends my dear anon, what skin type you have?

>> No.11522079

i think you're washing your face too much

try using a 2% salicylic acid scrub every other day, there are many different types I use the pink grapefruit one.

also try to fix your diet a little bit. drink more water and cut out junk food and soda as much as possible

>> No.11522100

Could anyone recommend some blackhead facial scrubs?

>> No.11522106

you don't need scrubs to get rid of blackheads, anon. scrubbing mostly just affects the surface of the skin. you need bha and blackhead removers in your life

>> No.11522108

my forehead was like this in start of june, i started using the cerave cleanser and it cleared it really well

>> No.11522192

I have Cleanance Solaire but I'm always reluctant about putting it on my face because it also has SPF protection. If you're not careful to spread it even on your face, a day at the beach can turn out horrible.
What is Mousse Nettoyante for?

>> No.11522299

How do I remove blackheads from my nose without other people in the house realizing I'm a faggot?

I know you can stand over boiling water for 3-5 mins or you can apply tomato juice for like 3 hours but none of those are sneaky

>> No.11522323

What's a good physical exfoliant? I'm already using Paula's choice BHA chemical exfoliant and I've been using one from lush but I don't know what makes a good one or not.
Grow some balls

>> No.11522432

go vegan you look like shit

>> No.11522492

Aztec Secret is actually great. despite the hippie packaging it's just 100% bentonite clay. it really gets all the grit out of the skin and makes it much more smooth. I guess most other clays like kaolin could work too

>> No.11522516

Could you recommend some of these products?

>> No.11522597
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Dry with a normal T-zone

>> No.11523019

Hey Avène is like N°1 skincare product in France. The name come from the lake of Avène of which they use the water.

>> No.11523031

Exercice, eat healty food and go outside so your skin see the sun.

>> No.11523418
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Can anyone recommend me a good cleansing oil for sensitive, acne-prone skin?

>> No.11523438

I've started using epiduo which seems to be working pretty well for acne, but I still get some pimples that seem like they're from shaving. What are some good shaving products to use without going full "safety razor" meme

>> No.11523448

just do it man

>> No.11523457

This is my favourite face wash when I'm in Europe (I live in Canada; I can buy it here I just prefer not to). It takes makeup off really well and the mattifying quality is great for summer. I have dry skin and it still keeps my face soft.

Glamglow packaging is so over the top imo.

>> No.11523666

do you speak German by any chance

>> No.11523708

do i wash my face and then apply cleanser, toner, and moisturizer right after?

>> No.11523728

Oil cleanser (optional for double cleanse)
Wet face
Water-based cleanser
Dry face

>> No.11523850

Ive gotten a shallow cut on my face how do you make sure it heals properly with a minimal scar?

>> No.11524229
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What moisturizer for oily skin?? They're all for "normal to dry skin."

>> No.11524312

should i even bother moisturizing if i have oily skin and live in a super hot and humid country?
my face gets so oily and sweaty that i have to light-cleanse in the after lunch

>> No.11524516

Thank you! I'm >>11511135 and >>11511624. I already use an AHA and sunscreen and was just wondering whether adding a BHA would benefit me.

How so? Mousse nettoyante is cleansing foam.

Do you use it yourself?

I really like it so far! I have normal to oily combination skin though. The GlamGlow packaging is super unnecessary but the mask itself is really good.

>> No.11524589
File: 165 KB, 469x600, 3337872411083-Effaclar_Gel-Main.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here ever used LRP Effaclar Gel, if so how did you find it?

>> No.11524716

thank you

>> No.11524722
File: 1.66 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do if a cut partially heals but is a weird color? Has never happened to me before
Pic related, cut is on my wrist

>> No.11524725

Sorry for big file size, uploaded from my phone

>> No.11524730

The Effaclar range made my skin worse a couple of years ago. Went from normal but spotty to angry and inflamed and dry, but still spotty.

>> No.11524997

what's a good retinol night cream?

>> No.11525078

what is a good sunscreen

>> No.11525266

I used CeraVe moisturizing lotion a few hours ago and my skin feels a bit greasy. Is that supposed to happen?

>> No.11525466

Generally speaking, yes.
It's also possible you just put on too much or maybe you were in the sun for a bit and your skin started producing more oil.

>> No.11525470

That looks similar to the aftermath of a large pimple, it's not anything bad but it may scar for a while afterward

>> No.11525477

Absolutely, moisturising should actually make your skin produce less oil, even if it's by a fractional amount since it's humid.

>> No.11525479

These are closed comedones.

>> No.11525490

Thank you. I was in the sun for a bit, but showered and applied cleanser and the lotion after the shower.

>> No.11525589

when using a facial wash/cleanser are you supposed to wet your face first or just apply the soap raw?

>> No.11525665

wet your face first unless you're using an oil cleanser.

>> No.11525725

Can I get a rate?

Cerave Cleanser
Cerave Moisturizer

Cerave Cleanser
Stridex BHA (every other day)
DUAC BP spot treat
~20 mins
Cerave Moisturize

Bentonite clay mask ~7-10 days ish, when I feel like it.

Kind of want to add an oil cleansing every 3 or 4 days maybe?

>> No.11525740

Do you wear makeup?

>> No.11525745

Nope I'm a boi

>> No.11525827

what would should i buy for a "skincare starter pack"

>> No.11525860

geeze i sure did forget how to form sentences for a second there

>> No.11526218
File: 13 KB, 320x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a complete step for step guide with what to apply and when to apply it with products I can follow for normal skin?

Normal skin as in, I could go without any skin products and most people would still think my skin looks good/average - but I want to unlock Bateman tier.

It can be really overwhelming with which brand to buy, when to apply what, etc. if someone had a "100% basic this works" guide it'd be great. Like a color coordination guide or Starting Strength of skin.

Forgive me for my laziness

>TL;DR: complete guide with products and step by step for normal skin

>> No.11526230

36 hour fast

>> No.11526240

Face wash, toner, moisturiser, exfoliant, eye cream

>> No.11526293

recommendations? price isn't a prob, I'll gladly pay a bit extra for good high quality products, as long as I don't have to wait 3 years to order them online. I also live in Yurop so ordering online isn't the best option

>> No.11526324


you could always try reading the FAQ

>> No.11526347

there's no "starter pack" like the other anon said

I just want a simple guide for the plebs like me. my skin is pretty perfect already anyways, I just need that one little boost.

>> No.11526369

I use that shit, haven't noticed any improvements tbqh.

>> No.11526374

What does the % mean in Toners/Exfoliators?

>> No.11526389
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What's the verdict on Double Cleansing?

>> No.11526401

it's a list of the 3-4 most basic things you can do to improve your skin, some product recommendations, and usage instructions. seems pretty simple for me.

>> No.11526668

Thanks, should I just leave it to heal? I've been applying neosporin to try to make it heal faster

>> No.11526734
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What is a good moisturizer with sunscreen in it that wont make my face look oily/shiny

>> No.11527044

It's already too late because I've been out in the sun too much with shitty off brand sunscreen, but holy shit I hate being tan, how do I stay beautiful and pale year round?
Suggested facial sunscreens? I don't have any in my routine and I'd very much like one.

Also what are the differences in benefits between BP and SA? I mean should I use them interchangeably or in specific ways?

>> No.11527120

help guise

>> No.11527144

Bought a dermaroller to help with beard growth, what else can it be used for?

>> No.11527168
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>Have crap skin all through highschool
>T-zone one huge mess of blackheads
>Somehow never get taught I can just use a cleanser and moisturizer or anything about fixing my skin
>see doctors and specialists, they treat the pimples but never address the blackhead issue
>Highschool ends. Bumpy forehead, blackheads everywhere. Read some articles and posts, start using Benzac / Salicylic + oil free moisturizer to try and purge my skin
>takes almost 3 years with a blackhead remover, scrubs and washes to slowly remove all the shit out of my pours without irritating my skin into producing more blackheads
>skin is now clear but T-zone pores are horribly stretched and collect dirt at high speed
>mfw have to cleanse 2-3 times a day forever to keep skin clear
>mfw work at a hospital so I have to wear a cap + facemask for 12 hours a day.

Is there some way for me to reduce my pore size? Dermatologists here must be dogshit, every time I ever saw one about anything they said "it's just your skin type etc etc" suggesting basically nothing.

>> No.11527181


>> No.11527250

I have been using salicylic soap on my chest and shoulder for about 4 weeks and I have noticed a huge difference on my shoulders but my chest has remained the same unless I'm crazy gotten more red

>> No.11527336
File: 391 KB, 1431x787, What do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woke up to this on the side of my head a few days ago. It doesn't have a head on it like a pimple and it hurts like hell.

What is this and how do I get rid of it?

>> No.11527344

dont do anything

>> No.11527362

Will it just go away on its own?

>> No.11527364

Just started trying to take care of my skin, can I get a hand with my daily routine?

Morning and Evening:

>Charcoal facial scrub (in the shower) - exfoliate with exfoliating gloves 3x a week

>Benzoyl Peroxide 5%

>Non-alcoholic Toner

>Moisturizer with SPF15
Skin seems to be improving slowly but surely. My pimples and red spots are going quite quickly, however my blackheads seem quite resilient.

Any improvements you'd make?

>> No.11527378

>skin starting to become thinner and drier all of the sudden
>fine lines all over body and face. it looks like my skin was given a run through with sandpaper or something

what's happening with this? I used to have borderline girly smooth skin. what can I do to fix this?

>> No.11527510

>been on accutane for almost 6 months
>almost off it
>forget to bring my pills while on vacation for a few days
>few days later my skin begins to get red a little breakouts around eyes/cheeks
>this is my second accutane run

What the fuck? If I can't go a few days without breaking out then what the fuck is going to happen once the treatment is done? I'll be right back to square one.
I'm honestly starting to think I should never get off accutane ever.

>> No.11527625


stop. this drug is fucking awful to your body long term. getting clear skin now is not a tradeoff for all the health problems you get later. stick to topical treatments

>> No.11527642

Why do you think I'm taking accutane in the first place?
Every topical my dermatologist has thrown at me has not done anything

>> No.11527644

Yes. If you mess with it, it'll just get worse and possibly infected. Then it'll stick around way longer and hurt even more. Also awful scarring.

Just gently wash it with your daily routine and it should go away soon. If it stays there for more than a couple weeks see a dermatologist.

>> No.11527651

You're just getting older, that's normal. What's your routine?

>> No.11527668

pimples that will go away when you get older are better than all this shit


>> No.11527695

just a facial mousturizing wash for face and spot acne cream. while dove meme soap for body.

I stopped exfoliating and using scrubs because it thins my skin out more

>> No.11527711

I've had appendicitis surgery some years ago (3+) and I got a scar of course, however some of it turned darkish (like if there was an excess of melanin) even when I did cover it from the sun and didn't go much outside after returning back home. Is there any way to fix this that doesn't involve laser treatment?

Ah yeah, I forgot to say I had this scar reopened 3 days after leaving hospital because of some inflammation so I had it drained, fuck that was painful.

>> No.11527749

What's the lowdown on BB Cream / light makeup for men? I want to try it but I don't know what I'm talking about

>> No.11528395

well that section says

>StriDex Medicated Pads, Maximum Strength (2% salicylic acid)
>Paula's Choice 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant (salicylic acid)
>Alpha Hydrox Oil-Free Treatment 10% AHA*
>Paula's Choice 8% AHA Gel Exfoliant*

isn't it obvious that it means that it contains 2% salicylic acid or 10% AHA or whatever?

>> No.11528696

Any recommendations on a good vitamin C serum besides OST 20C?

>> No.11528722

Cool. How much % is too much/too little?

>> No.11528730

Somewhat related, but when should one shower? Before going to bed or after waking up?

>> No.11528990
File: 60 KB, 1100x1100, kkccleanser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if noob question, but could anyone rec me some good moisturizers and toners. Currently using this( pic related ) for my cleanser. Price really isn't an issue, since it's my skin. Oh and my skin is pretty normal not overly dry or oily.

Forgot this too, it's a must that the products can't have any carcinogens or endocrine disruptors as well

>> No.11528996

Could be wrong but that probably because you don't need a moisturizer if your skin is already plenty hydrated. You could also moisturize with something that is nuch lighter than many store brought moisturizers

>> No.11529222

I've been using a 0.1% tretinoin topical with a benzoyl peroxide scrub in my face and recently I've started getting dry cracked skin and blisters on my face. Any recommendations to fight dryness or stop this from happening?

>> No.11529288

fuck off retard

accutane was the best skincare choice i ever made don't listen to him

i have been off it for 1.5 years and i have no acne anymore. don't dwell on it u will be fine

>> No.11529297
File: 825 KB, 2152x2575, DSC_0150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my skin fucked 4 lyfe or is there something I can do about it?

>> No.11529550

>Could be wrong but that probably because you don't need a moisturizer if your skin is already plenty hydrated.
You do because after cleansing it strips your skin of all the oil leaving it very dry.

>You could also moisturize with something that is nuch lighter than many store brought moisturizers
Like WHAT?

>> No.11529568

Hey, by the way how much did all of these products cost you? And are they really quality shit or something? I can't say I've ever seen any of them anywhere but maybe I just wasn't looking hard enough.

>> No.11529574

Also, is it a good idea when a pimple turns from a slight raised red bump - to a whitehead to pop it gently and then softly dab with a clean paper towel or cotton ball, and then rinse with warm water and apply acne treatment?

I've always been told that popping your pimples and then doing a salicylic acne treatment of exfoliator, toner, and every other day a deep pore cleansing mask is best, but am I wrong? I'd appreciate the advice because I don't want to hurt my skin, it's just recently cleared up to the point where I have my confidence back.

For a while it was even affecting my job performance, since I work in high end retail I was quite self conscious about my slight acne. Perhaps a note to add, but my bout of acne was spurred on by a severe allergic reaction on my face to poison ivy which I had to be hospitalized for. Thanks!!!! <3 <3

>> No.11529674

you're stupid and recklessly endangering people. roche literally stopped producing accutane because they're afraid of getting sued and recalled it. these effects don't show up 1.5 years. we're talking 4+ years on it.

>>One factor beyond the expiration of patents that may have led to Roche’s decision to discontinue Accutane was litigation. Roche found itself defending thousands of Accutane lawsuits.
>>By the time Roche stopped making the drug, people who experienced Accutane’s side effects – as well as their families – had filed nearly 1,000 lawsuits against the company. With more patients citing the ill effects of Accutane as reasons for their illnesses, the total number of cases is expected to exceed 5,000.

>> No.11529677

>we're talking 4+ years on it.
clarification: it shows up 4+ years

>> No.11529693
File: 2.88 MB, 5320x3956, dove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a better soap than pic related for moisturizing? My skin feels dry and paper-y lately

>> No.11529698
File: 618 KB, 2448x1399, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get rid of this?

>> No.11529735

tfw my face was almost rid of blemishes and suddenly break out

>> No.11529804

Thanks /fa/miliar, bumping it so ppl see it

>> No.11529852

Search for snail gel moisturiser really helps me with my skin and I'm oily/comb a little goes a long way and if you do get pimples I've noticed that it helps to heal them a little faster

>> No.11529892

Good news: it was a pimple after all. It came to a head this morning.

>> No.11529896

>snail gel moisturiser
Sounds like snake oil but thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.11529897

pls advise me

>> No.11529936

Please someone please i have a date this weekend

>> No.11529965

rate routine ty

>Cleanse in shower

>Exfoliate using BHA Exfoliant
>Remove larger spots and blackheads with blackhead remover
>Wash with water, moisturise dry patches
>Apply topical spot cream (alcohol based) on bad spots and common sites of breakouts

My products all work well with my skin, minus possibly the moisturiser. Are there any strictly less comedogenic moisturiser? I feel it kinda blocks up the recently exfoliated and cleansed pores

>> No.11529998
File: 117 KB, 620x760, 1422764931888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This stuff is fucking incredible. It astounds me that this isn't on the front page.

Also steer clear of alcohol unless you're trying to sterilize a needle. That can cause premature wrinkles and is generally like a desert for your skin.

>> No.11530053

Drink assloads of water.
Go for a run or something until sweat is pouring off your forehead.
Wash yourself immediately afterward.

>> No.11530081

I drink like 3L of water a day yet my lips are chapped and skin cracked and chalky.

What am I doing wrong?

>> No.11530443

drinking extra water hasn't been shown to decrease skin dryness that much

try some lip balm instead

>> No.11530475
File: 78 KB, 217x476, 1331260_cv1__75069_zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this stuff really work or is it all fluff?

>> No.11530479


>> No.11530488

2500 reviews on Amazon


>> No.11530491

that doesn't automatically make a product great. Reviews on Amazon can be bought and memed.

>> No.11530528

As long as it doesn't have sulfates (which I don't believe it does) then you're safe. I stay away from American/Western foaming cleansers because they usually have sulfates in them, which strip the skin and can cause breakouts due to the skin then creating even more oil thus opening you up for the possibility of even more breakouts.

>> No.11530533


>> No.11530547

>implying they've hired 2500 people


did you happen to check all the other sites where it is also loved?

>> No.11530556

silly Anon, I only trust 4chan. Are you telling me all the people saying I need to rub squid oil in my eyes and apply my urine to my face daily to improve my vision and clean my face are lying to me?

>> No.11530562

get an exfoliating toner

>> No.11530616

>I only trust 4chan

And I'm the silly one...

>> No.11530638

moisturizer. Also give more time after you cleanse before applying tretinoin/add some moisturizer beforehand. Also using tretinoin less frequently for a while as your skin gets used to it.

>> No.11530831

I actually do all of those things.
Is there something I'm doing wrong? I use aha at night after a run

>> No.11531254

With Salicylic Acid (BHA), 2% is usually what most products have, so that's fine.

There are a few AHA's, the most common one is Glycolic Acid, the range it comes in is somewhere around 8% to 12% in most products. I would start on a lower percentage and work the way up to a higher one.
I think 10% is a good start, it really depends on how sensitive your skin is though.

I'm fine with using 12% once or twice a day, others may have to limit it to a few times a week.

>> No.11531297

So this is my "routine". Anything I should add/subtract/replace? I started this a few weeks ago and my skin hasn't really changed. I have noticeable pores and my skin is a little tight and wrinkly but not too bad overall. What can I do to make it smoother and brighter? Also, what can I do to clean/shrink the sebacious filaments on my nose? And if you could recommend a sunscreen that won't make me smell like shit and will protect the shit out of my white ass skin that would be great. Lastly anything I can do about kp on my arms? Shits fucking gross. I'm trying gold bond rough and bumpy rn.

>> No.11531323


>> No.11531333
File: 358 KB, 847x830, routine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic like a complete retard

>> No.11531358

Hi. So I've been doing this routine with a salicylic acid wash in the morning and a benzoyl peroxide wash in the evening. Is this dumb? Should I just stick to one. Skin has not changed much. It's shit quality but I've been keeping it in check for several years

>> No.11531784
File: 38 KB, 421x407, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have normal skin except for a few blackheads, smile wrinkles and spots like OP had in his second pic. Should I use an AHA or BHA and how much %?


>> No.11531887

Any good full body soaps or something j can use?

My skin is pretty good except for back of my arms (triceps) which are all spotty and red

>> No.11532053

Bump for these

>> No.11532147

slow board
slow threads

>> No.11532170

sunscreen spf 50++++ please

>> No.11532177

increase spf

>> No.11532233

dove is pretty harsh, try cetaphil or qv

>> No.11532237

+1 for snail

>> No.11532256

so i need some advice since it feels like my derm cant help me with my issues.

i've got moderate acne – using BPO for ages and it wont cure it anyways.
my skin is rather red with some scaring and pigment spots. also my pores are rather big. i dont break out too often, 1-2 annoying spots every 2 weeks. in general i'd say my skin still looks horrible – i guess others would judge it as looking old.

what would be the best products fitting my condition?

im currently only using BPO and some avene moisturizer suitable for that treatment.

i guess some AHA would be good for my pores and general appearance?

also i shave every other day which also irritates my skin (which is why im not shaving as regularily anymore)

thanks for the help everyone. i feel like i read all the faq too often and just need someone to give it to me straigt, so sorry for that

>> No.11532348

Will sunscreen kill my ability to tan?

I don't have a problem with being a bit pale, I'd rather have great skin and look like a ghost than have wrinkly brown skin. But still, I'd like a bit of a tan.

>> No.11532501
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>> No.11532514

>Is there something I'm doing wrong?
I'm not sure. If you're drinking enough to sweat clean and sweating enough that it's pouring off your face it should clean your pores out as effectively as anything. Just need to make sure to wash the sweat off immediately.

>> No.11532526

Who /Accutane/ here? Started like 11 days ago. My skin is still oily af and my acne has gotten significantly worse than before (my acne is normally mild to moderate). When does the initial breakout stop?

>> No.11532548

>sweating enough
I barely sweat because I'm in an environment with AC most of the time. How bad is this?

>> No.11532549

lel, shitskin detected

>> No.11532563

Not sweating isn't inherently bad for you, but if your skin is less than perfect due to acne or clogged pores then sweating a lot (and keeping well hydrated) is the best way to clean out your pores. But just being sweaty and leaving the stuff on your skin for too long can have the opposite effect.

>> No.11532989

bump 4 these and >>11532348

>> No.11533034
File: 162 KB, 1428x484, myshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my current routine. I used to use a moisturizer but I found that it would leave my skin way too oily. Any criticisms or suggestions for changes are v appreciated <3

>> No.11533721

No. Tanning without sunscreen will give you sunburn and a cancer.

>> No.11533748
File: 57 KB, 230x227, 94873732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bubble off skincare general, but: Best pube-shaving routine? I'm half Japanese, and I always seem to fuck myself up down there because of how my hair is.

>> No.11533795

stay out of the sun, wear high spf sun screen
Embrace the night that's literally it. As for recs i'd like to know as well

>> No.11533806

same, I just use lots of soap and lather up real well and pray todays not the day i wack my willy

>> No.11533945


If you're really this insecure, being fresh out of the shower should be adequate enough

>> No.11534024

I'd say at night before bed so you can go to sleep with clean skin, but as long as it's only once a day your skin should be pretty healthy

>> No.11534042

this stuff has done amazing things for my skin, try it out anon

>> No.11534511

Clay masks and oil cleanser recommendations pls?

>> No.11534658

shit guys, first off don't shave, get a trimmer and just trim them short.
If you are gonna shave down there though, do it the same way you do your face, warm shower, warm water, shaving cream, etc.
baby lotion is good if you get razor burn down there

>> No.11534871
File: 67 KB, 518x553, 1385363104616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Don't shave

But I hate how hairy I am down there. Really take after my Okinawan side, if you know what I mean.

Maybe I should just get laser hair removal. Hahhh.

>> No.11534876
File: 1.29 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20160720_154043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8? Any advice? (These are just my routine products, I have damage control stuff as well)

>> No.11535097

>Best pube-shaving routine?

I just use an electric shaver to shave off bulk and longer hairs

I step in the shower and chill for a bit, then I lather up the area with shaving cream. It's fucking terrifying using a razor like that, but I've never had any severe cuts or pain

Just make sure you try to flatten out the skin with your other hand and shave. Be careful and you should be fine.

>> No.11535285

what do yall think of banana peels for hyper pigmentation? currently highest rating on acne.org

>> No.11535323

it would be really hard for your skin to not get dry, cracked, and irritated from that.
how long have you been using the .1% tretinoin? I would probably stop with the BP completely for now and just do tretinoin + sunscreen + moisturizers. if you ḱeep having issues, try the .05% version, and/or use it less often. if you really want to use the bp scrub, then use it just a few times a week tops.

assuming you have issues with acne:
both SA and BP will benefit your skin so much more if you leave it on.
get a salicylic acid toner and/or a 2.5% BP cream to leave on. it'll do wonders, even though the BP will probably give you some initial issues..
check the sticky recs for acne issues.

sunscreen will just make it take a longer time for you to get a tan. it's still to be recommended as the sunscreen can block the UVA rays that go deep into your skin and wreck the elasticity. also consider carotenoids from foods to improve skin tone (make you less pale) and help protect skin from the sun.

a lightweight moisturizer/sunscreen would benefit you. you could also consider other brands outside of clearasil/neutrogena. check amazon or w/e for reviews

>> No.11535333
File: 94 KB, 1500x1500, 19049-pmd-personal-microderm-system-raw-72dpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pretty light scarring on my temples and forehead, do you reckon a pmd would help? any one have experience with it. If I get it it would be for scarring only, i already have a clarisonic so im wondering wether the pmd actually reduces/removes scars

>> No.11535336

In case nobody tells you: thanks for all the work you do, man.

>> No.11535380

These are the retail prices:
>cleanser: 15,50€
>moisturiser: 17,90€
>sunscreen: 15,90€
>mask: 50€
The mask was 10% off and everything else 30%. I've only been using them for a week now but so far I really like them. The GlamGlow mask is actually pretty popular and I do notice that my skin looks a lot better after I use it (I use it every 2 days rn). The cleanser doesn't leave my skin too dry, the moisturiser hydrates my skin sufficiently and the suncreen doesn't make my skin too shiny and it also doesn't smell like most normal sunscreens do.

Waxing is gr8

>> No.11535569

I've had accutane for a month and my skin is much better now. Also the side effects have started now. My skin is now much more dry and I have some joint and back pains. For the first few weeks my acne got worse aswell but now it's much better since all the shit is coming out.

>> No.11535626

I used to have absolute shit skin, not quite cancerous acne level but awful still.

Listen closely fags, what I did is buy me a 30 pack of amoxycillin for a few bucks, take one of the capsules, opened it and mixed the inside with a tiny bit of water, mix it and let it sit for 15 minutes in the fridge. Take out and clean your skin roughly and go to bed. Did this every day for like a month. No need for expensive health care scams.

I have amazing skin now.

>> No.11535644

>I'm half Japanese, and I always seem to fuck myself up down there because of how my hair is.
what does it mean?

>> No.11535672
File: 19 KB, 300x300, salicylicacid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giant bag of the stuff is less than 10 dollars... mix it with lotion or pg

>> No.11535687


>> No.11535702

Thanks anon. How bad is the dryness? Does moisturizer keep it in check?

>> No.11535758

Not him, but first month at 40mg, dry skin is pretty tolerable if you use moisturizer once or twice a day and chapstick.

im on second month at 80mg per day and my skin is just a little flaky but i no longer need lotion anywhere. oddly enough my lips are dry as fuck tho. nothing aquaphor cant fix

my acne is damn near all gone already, highly recommend if the side effects dont scare you.

>> No.11535844

I'm in a small town in Norway, gonna take a while at least to get products. After going swimming two days in a row but without washing my face outside that, it's starting to get dry and irritated. Should I still use moisturizer without washing? Or just use it after showering? Should I shower less often? I read the FAQ and it only mentions the morning/night routines, and for dry skin it only said to wash less often so I'm a bit confused.
As for diet, I almost never eat and drink high-sugar foods, soda etc. unless beer is grouped with them. I do eat cereal a lot though, is diary something to avoid? I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, maybe too little fish and whole wheat if anything.

>> No.11536004

Quick question, can I use my acne cream, wait for it to dry, and then apply sunscreen over it later or will something go wrong?

>> No.11536008

Yeah I'm definitely sticking with it. Haven't had significant side effects, except my lips are slightly dryer than usual.

>> No.11536038


>> No.11536215

I got these sebum glands that I want to shrink

saw this video in a /biz/ thread-

this method has got to be better than squeezing, right? squeezing is generally warned against because it damages your skin, but tweezer method looks much gentler

Once the full face is done, then what? Astringent and moisturizer?

>> No.11536290


>> No.11536418

Thank you! I'm the last person you replied to in your post, so I was just wondering what moisturizers you'd recommend for someone with slightly oily skin? I don't think it's naturally oily, but I live in southern florida so the humidity makes it so haha.

>> No.11536579

>actually paying for overpriced garbage when you could just eat healthy food and take cold showers


>> No.11536622

Thoughts on mineral oil?

>> No.11536788

Can you do anything about small "craters"/acne scars on you skin? Or is it just a meme?

>> No.11536989

Yo dude this stuff helped me a ton, I was on painkillers from an injury one summer and got a lot of cystic acne and whiteheads, literally just a red pizza.
Two years later and most of the discoloration is gone and the pock marks are starting to lighten up/even out

>> No.11536995

Btw it runs at about $90 and you put it on twice a day, lasts me like 3 months or so.
And it WILL break you out at first so just start using it when you're not in school or have time off work or something

>> No.11537002

>is it just a meme?

all incentive to answer the post: lost

>> No.11537003
File: 1.72 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11537011

i have to keep my face super dry by washing my face constantly or i break out

what do

>> No.11537138

don't be hard on this new guy

>> No.11537140

Change your diet if your skin is getting that greasey

>> No.11537725
File: 30 KB, 450x321, red eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, /fa/. I found out recently that a friend of mine is into the whole DE shaving razor thing. When I talked to him about it, he enthusiastically recommended it as a way to both get a closer shave and save money on razors. I've been using cheapy disposables my whole life.

My question is this: Is there any merit to what he's saying, or are DE razors just a meme pushed by people who want to make money off of them? Saving money sounds nice, since I live in a very expensive state, and I do notice that I often get a shitty shave with disposables. Is it worth looking into? Is it worth the extra time it takes?

>> No.11537748

if anything, it's the FIVE-BLADE-MACHO-CLOSEST-SHAVE-GILETTE-THE-BEST-A-MAN-CAN-GET shit that's being shoved down our throats everywhere that's the shilly stuff.

the major razor companies make money off us buying expensive & disposable multi-blade razors.

you can buy 100 razor blades for $20 and have it last for 1-3 years depending on how much beard you have and how often you shave.

https://www.reddit.com/r/wicked_edge/top?sort=top&t=all <--- will give you some insight.

I'm currently using Derby Extra blades & a Mercur razor since a couple of years back. Saved so much money because of it.

>> No.11537878
File: 149 KB, 1920x1080, 763465243524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how old are you /skin/? and when did you start caring for your skin?
19 here, I started a month ago

>> No.11537892
File: 96 KB, 610x512, 1308375161882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Unilever Buys Dollar Shave Club for $1Billion

This isn't making me any less worried that the boom in DE shaving enthusiasm is a calculated attempt by big companies to bilk us of money, man.

A lot of these DE razors seem rather pricey. Would it be better to faff about town looking for old ones in secondhand stores and pawn shops? Maybe risk one of these shifty-ass looking online listings for DE razors for $1 - 4 instead of blowing what seems to be an entry level amount of at least $30?

>> No.11537955

Just looked up the news. Never heard of that company. That's just one of many. There are plenty of different makers of blades and razors. I bought my razor (blade holder) for $23 and it has lasted a couple of years. Feather Popular on amazon.

if we are to ignore the issue of evil profiteering capitalist corporations making money selling you things that you want to buy, you can choose between a consistently smooth and cheap shave and... something else.

>> No.11537985

If it's just a meme being pushed by shills they are doing an incredibly shit job. DSC just got bought for a billion dollars. This is the meme you don't want to fall for. DE is legit.

>> No.11538008

Tretanoin 0.1% guy here. I tried a while back to switch to a lower percentage like 0.025% but I used it with clindamycin which causes me to bleed all over and not be able to sleep from skin cracking. I'll try to get a good moisturizer and apply sunscreen more often. Thanks.

>> No.11539163

he's probably underage anyways
I'll go easy on him

>> No.11539209

so anyone have tips for scars that look like someone assaulted me with an ice pickaxe

>> No.11539231

I know accutane works incredibly well for acne, but I've got it all over my back and that shit is expensive when you have to use that much.
Is there something else I can use?

>> No.11539235

stick with it nigga, those pimples will be history after a few months

>> No.11539237

is that you trotsky?

>> No.11539241

5 years since i took my last accutane, no side effects to this day

>> No.11539243

erh no just a finnish man hehe

>> No.11539247

Do you have to keep using it or once they're gone are they pretty much gone?

>> No.11539265

not an expert but i'd keep taking it for a few weeks extra after they've gone

thats what i did and no acne for years, back & chest acne also gone and only side effects were a bloody nose and dry skin WHEN taking the drug

>> No.11539285


If you're a guy, don't shave, trim.

If you're a girl


>> No.11539288

Benzoyl peroxide. 5% or even 10%. The thick skin on the back can handle it. The initial dryness and scaling will pass after 1-2 weeks.

>> No.11539293

please respond

>> No.11539309

Ive got a few questions
When it says to use an AHA/BHA toner, does that mean both or one of the two?
Is pic related acne?
Sorry I'm a bit of an idiot to these things

>> No.11539310

Doesn't really look all that bad, man. Then again, working in healthcare has exposed me to skin that is TRULY "fucked 4 lyfe." Your situation just looks like a little youthful oiliness and some stress.

>> No.11539312

No, but that ghetto-ass apartment is.

>> No.11539322


it's basically magic if you leave it on overnight. by the next morning you can see the work it did

>> No.11539694
File: 357 KB, 3000x2001, mew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be dude
>but want soft girly skin

how do?

>> No.11539776

You can either use both AHA and BHA, neither, or one of them. Its kinda up to you, depending what you want.

If you're using both, use BHA before AHA (something about BHA opening up the way for AHA. As BHA cuts through oil and AHA doesnt using BHA first makes sense, IIRC).

And remember to use sunscreen with AHA!

>> No.11539788

I live in the west of Ireland and its cloudy and wet all year round, we get about a week of sun, do I still need a sunscreen?

>> No.11539792
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>> No.11539802

Yeah, I live in London and *try* to use sunscreen every day, if I remember. UV rays are still powerful on cloudy days.

Generally speaking, if you weren't using an AHA then you probably wouldn't need it, but AHA increases the turnover rate of your skin, basically speaking. So its more susceptible to the sun.

>> No.11539929
File: 279 KB, 1024x768, hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have tips on hand wrinkle care and prevention?

>> No.11539948

U.S. newbie to the topic here, where do you guys shop to get a discount if any on products?

I have neither excessively oily or dry skin but still the occasional blemish so I'm getting one of every category listed in the sticky from Avene that's skewed towards normal/combination skin. Am I set?

>> No.11540016

I'm also living in the same place as you for most of the year I use a really light moisturiser from Simple in the morning that has 30spf in it. I'm not using an AHA so I'm happy that the moisturiser with SPF will be OK for my needs especially given I'm inside in school nearly all day during the winter. During the summer when we have a lot of sun I'm using a 50 SPF on my face, not everyday only when it's visible sunny. Today for example I used the Simple moisturiser as it's cloudy and lashing so I won't be outside much.

>> No.11540349

>recently began the cleanser/toner/moisturiser routine
>face now i think might be a little too shiny
>don't know if it's because skin has poor response with the moisturiser (cetaphil) or just the blazing hot UK weather we've recently had

I heard gel-based moisturisers are based in preventing too much shine, any recommendations?

>> No.11540576

I've heard Cetaphil is pretty mediocre, try some of the CeraVe stuff, its pretty good, and pretty cheap.

But yeah, don't make any assumptions until the weather calms down, hot weather makes you itchy and sweaty as fuck, which isnt great for your skin. Give it a few weeks then try your routine for a week or so and experiment.

>> No.11540648
File: 48 KB, 200x210, face-shaving-cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I ended up grabbing a cheapy Misaki Butterfly for a tenner.

Recommendations for a good shave soap on a budget? I already have a brush I inherited from my father.

>> No.11540654

Is shave soap ever expensive?

>> No.11540945

fuck off retard

>> No.11540994

Honestly it seems like the most expensive part of the whole ordeal, at least if that wicked_edge sub that other anon posted is to be believed.

>> No.11541060

>where do you guys shop to get a discount if any on products?


>> No.11541079

I think it's because your body is responding to decreased oil on your face, so it produces more to compensate, leading to an shiny face at the start until you body adjusts

But don't quote me on that

>> No.11541349

new thread



>> No.11541545

I am also asian. Just trim it short. But if your going to shave it like I do, doing it in a hot shower with shaving cream is fine.

>> No.11542243

Is there a specific order I need to use BHA and vitamin Cs in? Right now I've been using paulas choice BHA in the morning after cleansing and ost C20 at night. But I havent really noticed much difference. Not sure if I should be using them twice a day as well

>> No.11542596

CeraVe fucked my skin up

>> No.11543131

dont ever shave pubes

get hair removal cream, its way easier if you want to also get hair around your ass crack and your hair doesnt grow back feeling really prickly