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>> No.11513728
File: 3.66 MB, 5560x3312, frag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me, LAST THREAD HERE >>11479173

For anyone looking for fragrance suggestions, give as much information as possible about what you want. Helpful info could include gender, price range, climate/season, need (work/clubbing/etc.), notes/families you like/dislike, and other perfumes you've tried and liked/disliked.

>> No.11513774
File: 39 KB, 500x500, GIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have experiences with this frag?

How close is it to Green Irish Tweed?

Also, could it be used year round?

>> No.11513830

this is going to sound completely lame, but is anyone aware of a fragrance with notes of marijuana?

i'm sure there's a company that has just completely recreated it with some tacky weed-leaf bottle, but i'm more interested in seeing what a complex perfume created around/ inspired by marijuana would smell like? not really even interested in wearing it, just more like curiosity.

i'm aware nasomatto has a scent that has notes of hashish, sort of like that i guess.

>> No.11513893

If you don't coordinate your fagrance with season, weather, time of day and location. Don't post here

>> No.11513958

SmellBent has some.

>> No.11513966

>time of day

>> No.11514223

any of those any good? Acqua di Parma gets lots of mentions in these thread but I haven't tried any of them

>> No.11514266

I haven't tried many. But I adore Essenza. Very refined, elegant.

>> No.11514443


Or if you're more particular, going out, post-lunch refresh and night out.

>> No.11514458

>this much autism

>> No.11514475
File: 19 KB, 380x296, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this?

>> No.11514619
File: 224 KB, 1200x1200, flori no89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to move beyond the standard, popular scents (BdC, Sauvage etc). Would something like pic related be hard for a 20-something year old to pull off?

>> No.11514673
File: 41 KB, 300x417, codeprofumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get displays for my cologne? Something that I can maybe put untop of my dresser drawers , so all my cologne is presented in a nice, neat, organized, raised display.

also opinions of pic related. Smells too much like bubble gum to me. Do girls like this fragrance?

>> No.11514764

Go here and search for cannabis as a note, there are a bunch.


>> No.11515006

Anyone considered getting something like a wine cabinet for storing fragrances and keeping them cool? Anyone tried it?
Asking for a friend.

>> No.11515020

CDG Play Green might be good if you're looking for a subtle nod, and you want the weed that you're smelling like to be really fresh.

>> No.11515068

I mean, Day/night's fair if you're doing something in the evening. I'm not trying to entice anyone at work, just trying to smell acceptable. Inversely, I'd want to smell better than average if I were going to dinner/going out later that night.

>> No.11515101

Need a night summer Fragrance and a day spring fragrance.

Summer Night- Male-50-80 price range, something that's noticeable during a night at the bar with friends or a date, Acqua di Gio & Acqua di Gio Profumo do not work well on my skin

Spring day- something rainforest smelling. I want fresh and cool, but not drier sheet or too citrusy. Something I can just casually put on and go

>> No.11515283

tbth most of the varvatos artisan line is garbage. Smells alright, but generally unremarkable and doesn't last for shit. would not recommend

>> No.11515309
File: 69 KB, 468x468, dior_homme_eau_for_men_dior_88af860127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got this and I'm really really liking it


only downside is it doesn't seem to last very long

>> No.11515439
File: 124 KB, 946x406, jeremyfrag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts about pic related

>> No.11515467

I really liked it too, enjoyed wearing the sample I had and used it up pretty fast. Then I bought 50mL and wore that a few times, then I just kind of stopped. Couldn't really into it anymore. Somehow they made it just good enough to get you to buy a bottle.
A few months later I bought plain DH. That one is a masterpiece.

>> No.11515487

Thoughts on CDG 2 Man? Was gonna cop that or Wonderwood, some opinions/experiences on both would be appreciated.

>> No.11515536

not that I know of, you might have to make your own display.

As for Armani Code Profumo, yeah girls will dig it

>> No.11515653

Nobody's surprised. jeremy comes off as a cocky son of a bitch

>> No.11515655

A literal homosexual.

>> No.11515711
File: 22 KB, 560x560, 10029144_3TierExpandingShelfBamboo_6.jpg?width=560&height=560&align=center&yocs=t_&yoloc=us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Container Store, picture related, would be my first stop. Then Ikea, Target and perhaps a restaurant supply place.

>> No.11515785

>wine cabinet
If you mean a small refrigerator, some people do it on BN. I have some old and discontinued frags that are doing just fine in the medicine cabinet away from light and extreme heat, but that strikes me as total overkill. I suppose if I lived some place brutally hot, had no air conditioning and had lots of rare expensive bottles I wanted to keep around for decades, I'd consider it.

>> No.11515870

wow, I wish the Fragrance Bros would ellaborate on that experience more, its hard to judge from the little information they provided

>> No.11515876

I think its bull crap that Macy's doesn't carry the original Dior Homme or DHI, at least at my location they don't.

But this is alright, pretty close to Dior Homme

>> No.11516229
File: 107 KB, 640x480, AgarWoodOUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good oud fragrance that costs less than $150 (so not anything Francis Kurkdjian or Tom Ford Private Collection).

>> No.11516264

Montale is known for their ouds. Best I've tried are Aoud Cuir d'Arabie, Aoud Damascus and Aoud Lime. Aoud Red Flowers is decent too. Hear good things about Black Aoud, but haven't tried it.

>> No.11516365

if you're not looking for something as artsy, 24 gold is a solid babby's first oud

>> No.11516372

What if I don't like Kiefer Sutherland?

>> No.11516587
File: 253 KB, 447x415, 1466996510814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my fragrance package arrives
>the bottle is super hot

I'm scared everytime that the heat has ruined my fragrance. I don't understand why it gets so damn hot.

>> No.11516601

>I don't understand why it gets so damn hot.
probably because it's been sitting in the back of some un-airconditioned delivery truck in the hot summer all day you fucking moron

>> No.11516607

The cedro one is really fucking nice

>> No.11516650

It was a 250 dollar bottle of Creed Royal Oud ! should I return it? I don't know what to do.

>> No.11516658

Pro tip: the ones on display at a fancy department store also sat in blistering heat on a tarmac

>> No.11516784

I am a big oud fan and have had a bottle of 24 Gold for years and I can detect no oud in there. Bizarre.

>> No.11516799

Actually, every single bottle of every single fragrance EVER has sat in the back of a hot truck or shipping container or room for untold days at some point in its life span. The stuff isn't plasma or insulin and doesn't need to be coddled on pillows in climate controlled litters carried by eunuchs. You just don't want to leave a bottle on a sunny windowsill or in a hot car in the summer for weeks or months or years. Jesus people.

>> No.11516840
File: 998 KB, 2560x1440, 20160714_201725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me or does the label look crooked and off?

>> No.11516971

I have a hard time believing heat won't degrade the ingredients in some way, I guess it's unavoidable. I just got into frags and I'm really hesitant to buy online cause of the Texas heat.

do any sample sites use temperature-controlled packaging?

>> No.11517035

lol are you guys dense? Jeremy's a fucking douche, all the way from his taste in fragrance to the way he looks to his vapid, pretty-boy "personality". Why don't more people sense this?

>> No.11517058

Just you I believe

>> No.11517068

I don't believe it's authentic. Doesn't smell right ,too harsh.

>> No.11517070

>just got into frags

Then shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down you pedantic fuck.

>> No.11517112
File: 60 KB, 1200x900, comme-des-garcons-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the most versatile cologne by Comme des Garçons?

>> No.11517121
File: 39 KB, 600x524, 1468190504717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus bro it's a sensible concern, I also wouldn't really call it "pedantic" when someone's paying $350+ for a bottle of Creed.

>> No.11517173

have you smelled tuscan leather before

harsh is certainly one of the adjectives people throw around

>> No.11517178

yes it's exactly pedantic every single one of us has bought expensive fragrances online and not person has told you any horror stories

quit being a little bitch and buy online or drive 4 hours out of your shitty one horse town to a barney's or sakk's and buy it or stop posting

>> No.11517189

I have the original scent. It's definitely pleasant, but have found its more feminine than masculine. It's comforting and has a clean smell so I do use it on days that I want to relax around the house.

It's also perfect at what it originally was used for, spraying on a handkerchief or scarf.

>> No.11517244

Yes. I bought samples from Surrender to chance. The samples I got smelled a lot more sweet and had a pleasant dry down. I bought the bottle from Beautyspin and it's just a lot harsher and doesn't smell as refined. The bottle also feels very light and I heard tom ford bottles have a good heft to them. I know people will defend beautyspin as legit, but something is off. Also the price was marked down about 45 dollars below retail, which is fishy because as far as I know Tom Ford likes it's exclusivity. I have doubts the source on where they got these are actually legit.

>> No.11517294

woops! sorry for trespassing. I definitely didn't posit something rational and get flak from some shitty dyslexic troll.

The same should apply to you; get off your fucking high horse or stop posting.

>> No.11517321
File: 459 KB, 1037x779, Whep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the endless dance of "is it legit?" BN is full of threads about this. The ONLY way to be sure you are getting a legit bottle is to buy from an authorized retailer at retail price. And even then, people complain that it's not just like the last sample/bottle they smelled. Then you get in to the insanity of batch variations or even worse: reformulations. Batch variations is why Aventus ended up getting its own subforum because people got in to discussion after discussion of which batch smelled more smoky or fruity or had 30 minutes more longevity... And "did this frag get reformulated?" Then bottles of this particular vintage of a common fragrance start selling for more on eBay...

Bottom line: you'll never 100% know if the sample you got from StC was legit, or the bottle you got from BS, as neither is an authorized retailer. I'll tell you this, that both companies have been around for many years and if they HAD sold fakes, they would have been outed long ago by people more knowledgeable than you or I.

Ever been to a restaurant and had your favorite dish, and it didn't taste the same as you remember? That's because ingredient suppliers change, or their source crops or chemicals changed, etc. The only way of getting something that smelled exactly like that sample you got is to get a bottle of that BATCH of TL.

Welcome to the insanity of being a fumehead.

>> No.11517359
File: 101 KB, 650x650, car worried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wasn't me who flamed you, FYI. The sad bit is that on a chemical level, you are probably right that that time in the truck had SOME impact on SOME of the molecules, but it is highly doubtful that that impact is detectable by a human nose. Every time you take the butter or milk out of the fridge and expose it to higher temps and air it has a chemical impact. Do you notice it? No. Does it bother you? No. But now because you're spending insane amounts of money on something, you're worried about it. Again, this shit isn't highly unstable and needs to be coddled like nitroglycerin. Chemists made it to withstand the rigors of shipping. If they didn't the company would go out of business from endless returns. The changes happen over long periods of time. Just don't store your bottles in direct sunlight or extreme heat and you'll be fine.

And your question about temperature controlled packaging is a little crazy. Just saying... Again, if it was an issue, you better believe Creed or some other bigger high end house would offer "premium refrigerated shipping" as an option for people with more money than sense. Frankly, I'm kind of surprised they don't. Would be another way to separate fools from their money.

>> No.11517364

>premium refrigerated shipping
I smell a business opportunity.

>> No.11517381

Forgot to mention: while I've never done it, I'm sure if you have legit concerns about something you bought from BS, they'd stand behind it. Contact them.

Also forgot to mention: check out La Yuqawam pH. I like it even better than TL and I've never heard anyone question if their bottle of LYpH was a fake.

>> No.11517393

No shit. God, I'm sorry I said anything. I want a fucking cut of every dollar made from that golden goose.

>> No.11517442


pretty much I agree with what that anon said, basically some people even think fragrancenet is not legit. If you're that paranoid, just return (if you could) and get a bottle from an authorized retailer in store

>> No.11517484

Doing a little research. I have batch A75, july 2015 batch. Apparently this was a very bad batch coming from others online and in forums. So it's legit, but I still got screwed over. You think I have a case for a refund or I'm SOL.

>> No.11517502

definitely SOL

>> No.11517877


I like to use my Tom Ford decanters as book ends. They look nice and it's a good place to store them.

>> No.11518287

So when you go to spray yourself all your books fall down?

>> No.11518722

Prefer Oud because of absence of pepper.
>Odeur 71
Big bottle and pleasing scent, pretty cheap in comparison to others.
Maybe standard, to me it's a little too metalic.

>> No.11519218

You don't spray from flacons, or as TF regrettably calls them, "decanters." You decant from them.

>> No.11519452

what's good for 95F+ days? this shit is ridiculous. fuck hot weather.

>> No.11519476

creed MI gets my dick wet

>> No.11519542
File: 214 KB, 1000x600, IMG_0525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sampler pack just arrived in mailbox today. I hope I'm not too massively disappointed when I get home...

>> No.11519626

How long does the cedro last?

>> No.11519651

is it normal to not being able to smell your fragrance after a while of using it?

>> No.11519670

reccs for a summer scent for a 27 year old male? i wear a lot of YSL L'homme Libre

>> No.11519717

Generally, thanks to scent fatigue.

>> No.11519756

olfactory fatigue

>> No.11519775


>> No.11519776

Is it a waste of time and/or retarded to hit up macys/norstrom/sephora to sample some fragrances to get an idea of what i like/am looking for, or should i just order samples online like everyone else.

>> No.11519786

SOL, but hey these niche fragrances and their batches are all a crap shoot anyways. Imagine all the people who bought that batch when it was new and in store.

>> No.11519788

>after a while
Whether you mean hours or days, they would both be correct and the answer is >>11519756 . To address the hours bit, avoid application in proximity to nose, i.e. face and front of neck. For days, don't wear the same scent for days in a row.

>> No.11519792

what does /fa/ think of COOL WATER BY DAVIDOFF ?

>> No.11519796

Free testing and take home samples and a bigger selection at your fingertips vs. paying money and having to chose before spending and waiting for shipping... Hmmmm....

>> No.11519820

Is 23 too young to wear Guerlain's Vetiver?

>> No.11519827

no, anyone who takes age into account for wearing a fragrance has autism

>> No.11519829
File: 22 KB, 801x483, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth the money?

Considering this or polo red

>> No.11519834

dude wear them both for a day and decide yourself, i can't imagine heeding to advice from a stranger on a chinese cartoon chat room on something as personal as your scent

>> No.11519849

I live in a small town and only place you can really buy fragrances in person is the mall, which doesn't have l'homme

I haven't been in a while though so I don't even remember what polo red smelled like. to be honest no matter what I use I don't notice the smell more than a couple minutes after I spray it, not sure if i'm doing it wrong or what

>> No.11519853


Sephora is my favorite place to get samples, the samples are free and the sales reps are super chill.

At Macy's and Nordstrom you could only spray on your skin or paper. The sales reps at those places seem to have higher pressure to sell for some reason, dunno if its commission or management.

Ordering samples online sucks cause you pay for it and wait for shipping. Online samples are only good for niche products. All your designer samples should could from Sephora since its free.

>> No.11519864

although our noses do get used to the scent and stop picking them up constantly after a while, you still get a waft of it every now and the. Make sure you're spraying on your skin, chest or either side of neck.

I don't recommend blind buying, so really try to go to sephora to sample both those. they're pretty safe and cheap though, just read reviews on fragrantica and see which one appeals to you most

>> No.11519868

thanks guys. yeah, really want to be able to take my time and not feel a) pressured to buy and b) not feel like i was wasting anyones time.

>> No.11519883

where do you recommend spraying specifically on the skin, how far away, how much, etc.?

>> No.11519888

I hear you. Unlike >>11519853 I have decent success at getting samples at Macy's & Nordstroms but I live in LA, so other places might have different policies. Plus, I come right out and tell the sales rep that I'm just sampling right now and won't buy anything I haven't worn several times, just to make sure we're on the same page and they can help paying customers no problem.

Now, at Sephora, you can walk right up to any sales rep and ask for three samples of anything, and some have TF and other higher end houses, and they'll make you a 1.5ml spray sample with a smile on their face. That is Sephora policy and they don't work on commission.

>> No.11519904

Does sephora have Bleu de Chanel edp samples?

>> No.11519907

Not that anon, but spray anywhere except face and front of neck. Hair and clothing hold on to top notes longer and enhance projection. Under clothing mutes projection. Spray far enough away that most of it ends up on your skin (sprayer dependent). 2-5 sprays, fragrance, sprayer and situation dependent. Most 3-4 sprays. I do 1-2 on chest, 1 on nape of neck, 1-2 on forearms and rub to share if necessary.

>> No.11519908

They have a web site for you to check stock. Any bottle in store they can make a sample from.

>> No.11519919

so spray with clothes on? I always figured it was spray before you put your shirt on so it's not overwhelming

>> No.11519926

Read my post again.

>> No.11519932

well I did yeah, I'm referring specifically to the spray on the chest, obviously the ones for the back of the neck, and forearms aren't really issues but with my colognes personally at a certain point of how far away it is, the spray just disappears so I can't spray far enough that it'll mostly end up on my skin rather than the actual shirt

>> No.11519934

Yeah, you generally apply before you put your shirt on. The spray on the back of the neck gets a little in my hair for a little boost, but only when you really want more help would you spray on clothes. Careful, some frags stain some fabrics.

>> No.11520010

IMO it's way easier to sample in person if it's at least semi-convenient for you to get to a retailer. Especially a place like sephora where you don't hardly even have to deal with a sales associate. Best part is it's free (other than the cost of getting there) and usually you can take free samples of 2 or 3 to try them out at home. I get not wanting to have to deal with SAs and feeling pressured to buy, but nothing worse than ordering a bunch of samples (paying for them) waiting a week+ to get them and then hating every single one. But like a previous anon said, if you're looking for niche then ordering online is probably your only option.

>> No.11520021

Yes, this is good advice. In any sales situation, it's best to stick to your guns and voice your goal to the sales person up front. Make sure you're very clear with the fact that your goal is to go home with several samples in order to decide which one you like best.

btw, this is probably dependent on location, but around holiday time, sephora SA told me that they limit their free samples to 3 per person.

>> No.11520022

Contrary to what people say. I always spray my clothes. My skin sucks for holding on to scents and projects like shit.

>> No.11520023

thanks for the reply. i think i mostly need to get a sense of what general family i'm interested in wearing before i can narrow down what samples to order anyway. it's literally a walk across the street for me to get to a decent mall with all three of those stores, so there's really nothing stopping me but my own autismo.

>> No.11520039
File: 235 KB, 1621x985, Burning rat hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk in to Sephora
>go to fragrance section and check out selection
>wait for sales person to ask if I need help
>go up to a free one and ask (advanced mode)
>make eye contact, smile and say "Hi! I'm interested in getting samples of X, Y and maybe Z."
>(say names of frags you want, not letters)
>they will say something like "Sure, my pleasure!"
>possible small talk while they make samples if done near you:
>"what are some of your favorites?"
>"what would you say are the most popular scents here?"
>that should keep them talking for the duration of the visit
>receive samples
>smile, make eye contact and say "Hey, thanks a lot!"
>leave store

>> No.11520098

Should I just blind buy Armaf Tres Nuit

>> No.11520222

Yea that's why dept. store or sephora is the way to go. You have no idea what you like, so you can smell a bunch of mainstream hits all at once and start narrowing down. In my experience Sephora SAs (where I live) are typically young black women who dgaf about their job or anything that pertains to you. So don't sweat it too much. Department store SAs are a little more forward, as they're actively trying to get you to buy shit

>> No.11520226

i want to say i didn't need this, but i might have needed this. thanks.

>> No.11520267

I was just having fun, but looking at the /fit/ screen shot, I know some folks out there could actually use that...

>> No.11520287

Oh my bad I've never owned one

>> No.11520289


>> No.11520294
File: 90 KB, 728x810, Not thrilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckers at usps didn't deliver it today, still says out for delivery on the site. It's probably sitting in the truck overnight at this point.

>> No.11520302

It's an insane amount of juice for any one person to buy, but it is much cheaper per ml, so makes sense for splits or pro decant sellers.

>> No.11520309

Someone should set up a /frag/ split.
Problem is, I don't think a lot of people here will trust other people with money.

>> No.11520319

Yeah, I think when it comes to money the anonymous nature of this place kind of works against us. I've seen people mention it from time to time though.

>> No.11520580

I always assumed Fahrenheit was a cheapie type fragrance that wouldn't be that great, but I just tried a sample and I like it. I assume it's the reformulation.

Is the vintage version that much better than the reformulated version? Not sure if I should buy a new bottle or find a vintage one.

>> No.11520616

I own a first version vintage bottle and it's a little richer than the current, and the gasoline note is more pronounced, but when that runs out, I'll get a current bottle with no regrets. And Fahrenheit is a fucking great frag. I will never be without a bottle.

>> No.11520663

I enjoy Aqua Fahrenheit so much that I purchased a 4.2 oz backup bottle. Absolutely worth sampling if you enjoy the original and can find AF in store.

>> No.11521172

> using Tom Ford decanters as book ends
You sir are winning. Can you provide a photo?

>> No.11521175
File: 379 KB, 800x571, Colonia-Quercia-100ml[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this one and got 4 Amouage samples with it. Anyone familiar with it? I like the leathery tonka notes.

>> No.11521497
File: 62 KB, 1020x780, bleudechanel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bleu de Chanel edt or edp ?

>> No.11521523

edt, fresher and spicier. Like I'm wearing a 90s fragrance with the edp, the citrus feels like lavender.

>> No.11521565

Finally it arrived. I tested them all on my limbs for a bit, just initial impressions as I haven't wore any for an extended time. Obviously the marketing gimmick here is that these are location based scents, complete with long & lat coordinates on the production bottles.

The Cape (as they describe, mint-ginger-moss) Starts very ginger, have you ever bought ginger soap? Very similar. It the brightest scent of the four, I'm interested to see how it mellows out but I don't believe it will be for me.

Sequoia (incense-cedarwood-sandalwood) I thought I'd hate this one the most because of the incense and I thought it would be overly woody. It actually starts fairly light with cedar and pine tones, incense notes take a backseat. Still on the fence, but optimistic.

Mojave (bergamot-safron-tobacco leaf) So much bergamot, bergamot and bergamot. Did I mention bergamot. Will there ever be any tobacco leaf? The world may never know. I feel like this is one that I will wear once and then toss.

Telluride (pepper, suede, tonka bean) This is the one I'm going to wear today and am currently wearing. This is the one I'm having the most difficulty with, no tonka but almost like spicy pine? I get where they are going with the suede, but not the suede I know.

I started out the most interested in Telluride, and kinda still am but now I'm looking forward to Sequoia. I'm already disappointed in Telluride's longevity, the website doesn't say, but the box says it's a parfum.

>> No.11521580

Just blind bought Dior Sauvage. Don't care how it smells, but everyone says girls drop their panties for this. I just want girls to notice me ;_;

>> No.11521657

this "I wear it cause the girls love it" meme is all over this fucking general. Receiving positive attention is important but jesus christ the "axe effect" isn't real, okay? Wear it because you like it.

>> No.11521672

people have different priorities, man

im going to assume he knows that he's not going to be a living embodiment of the fragrance that girls are going to fall for, but crowd pleasers are crowd pleasers for a reason, nobody's going to say he smells bad, if anyone comments it's going to be good.

>> No.11521702

unless you run into someone who has actual taste.

why do you guys want to impress normies again?

>> No.11521708

well that post sounded like he was solely relying on sauvage for female attention. i don't see how this is not meme,/r9k/ worthy.

>> No.11521714

yeah man I fucked this birkenstock-core, bohemian chick while wearing secretions magnifique. she was like a cat in heat god damn

>> No.11521732

i'm here because a ysl l'homme advert arrived in the mail. haven't worn cologne since being a tryhard at 12. coasted on deodorant (old spice: fresh) that girls close to me complemented.

anyway. i cracked open the paper on the ysl ad and didn't really pay it much mind. gave it and l'intense a few sniffs, pleasant, i thought, but thought nothing more.

but then throughout the day i'd catch a whiff of something. and it was more than pleasant. it was mood altering. like i've spent my life seeking pleasure for my eyes and ears and brain and heart, but i'd completely forgotten about my nose. i kept picking up the sample and burying my nose in it. i couldn't help myself. must have done it a dozen times throughout the day.

so now i'm here, looking for scents for me. that will make me happy when i catch a whiff. that will transport me somewhere for a moment. i have no interest in invading others lives with unwanted scents. i just want a richer, fuller existence.

sorry for the blog. i don't know why i'm posting this.

>> No.11521743

nah this is a good post. I relate, although the interest verges on obsession and I spend an inordinate amount of time researching fragrances rather than actually experiencing them.

>inb4 autism

>> No.11521768

because fragrance is a niche interest within a niche interest? have fun anointing yourself in the finest of oud oils, but if he wants to fuck girls and you can't understand that, then that's autism

>> No.11521771

Are you me?

I've wasted hours watching fragrance reviews, browsing bottles on fragrantica, looking at prices on fragrancenet (and not buying). I have a decent collection, but I spend way more time looking at fragrance related stuff online than I probably should

>> No.11521777

Let's get some opinions going: Who's the best and worst YouTube fragrance reviewer?

I like Greggieboy a lot, although his channel activity has really fallen off. But he doesn't seem to fall into bullshit hyping, nor does he turn his nose up to mainstream stuff. I like Kristo a lot too, but he comes across as trying a bit too hard to be unique and go against the grain.

Least favorite is probably chad /white spirit bear / a gentlemans journey. he is just cringey as fuck to me. And his taste in fragrances kinda sucks

>> No.11521789

grow up, a fragrance will not help anyone get laid

>> No.11521803

I like Redolessence as he seems really knowledgeable and probably knows more technical details about fragrance than any other youtube fragrance reviewer. He said that he spent years actually studying the craft.

I don't necessarily like Jeremy Fragrance, but I like how he goes around asking random girls or sometimes have girl guest on who give their opinions. I wish other reviewers did this format more.

Katie Puckrick Smells was also a good reviewer that goes really in depth, but she hasn't been active in about 2 years. She still has a bunch of reviews you can check out.

>> No.11521854
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What fragrance do you think would fit me best?

Right now I use Tom Ford TL and Le Labo rose 31. I guess I'm looking for a rough dangerous "bad boy" fragrance.

>> No.11521915
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are there classic fragrances that still hold up today without smelling like a) an old man, or b) dated in general?

what would those classics be? like the male version of chanel no. 5, i suppose, though not necessarily as iconic. (what else could possibly be as iconic)

>> No.11521942

the original Acqua di Parma Colonia has been around since 1916 and doesn't smell "old" or old-fashioned

you can try browsing this list for some ideas, she seemed to have quit around #50 though


>> No.11522007

grazie, grazie

>> No.11522150

Kouros by YSL

>> No.11522206

>when that kush hits you.jpg
When you do start wearing frags, make sure you give yourself 1-2 sprays on the chest so you get wafts from under your collar throughout the day. I live for that shit.

>> No.11522219

>YouTube fragrance reviewer
I kind of hate them all. Not that I've seen many. The only one who I don't feel is wasting my time with meaningless shit is Fragrance Bros, but I rarely watch his/their shit unless it's something I'm interested in. I'm much rather read about frags on BN/FG.

>Katie Puckrick
I'm kind of in love with her.

>> No.11522260

dior fahrenheit

>> No.11522569

Dracdoc is really the only one I've ever watched. He's not annoying, decent quality video and audio, and seems to know what he's talking about.

>> No.11522629

>smelling good isnt going to help get you laid
>looking good isnt going to help you get laid
>any sort of perceivable factor about you isnt going to help you get laid
ok man i guess youve never been laid

>> No.11522681

What we getting for Autumn/Winter?

>> No.11522712

not the guy you're talking to, but i got laid most when i didn't care what i wore or what i smelled like, just did basic hygiene and wore jeans and shirts from the thrift store.

maybe clothes/cologne is useful in one night stands? i don't know, never had one of those. but from experience, at least with the kind of girls i've been with, it's been fairly unimportant.

>> No.11522725

Such an annoying argument.

The vast majority of women want a man who looks good, takes cares of himself, is in shape, dresses nice, etc. etc. Now, you may have all of those factors going for you and still not get laid. You may be missing a few of those factors and will indeed still get laid.

Scent/fragrance is the same way. It's not like you spray on sauvage and suddenly women want to sleep with you. But think of it as a point in your favor.

>oh look at that guy
>he looks good, nice body +1
>nice smile +1
>his shoes are kind of gay -1
>wow expensive watch +1
>hairline is receding a little bit -1
>wow, he smells amazing +1

No one thing is going to get women to sleep with you, it's the accumulation of attributes (I didn't get into personality, which is a completely different set of factors). Except money. Women will sleep with you if you have money.

>> No.11522736

>not having one night stands
Then they clearly liked you mostly due to your personality, not your basic hygiene and cheap shirts.

>you can meet the love of your life by simply spraying on bleu de chanel
Pretty sure no one has insinuated that or thinks that. the argument is more of the "picking up chicks" side of things

>> No.11523007
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Anyone have thoughts on this, smelled it at a store once and thought of copping it.

>> No.11523069

Thanks for the recs. Anything that's more on the Niche side?

>> No.11523168

well paypal offers security

>> No.11523224

This one doesn't get mentioned much, not sure why. I like it a lot, and my girl loves it. Its clean and fresh. An anytime scent. The lavender and birch wood combo kills me. imo it smells unique. They should have given it a different name tho, night doesn't suit it well. Buy worthy for sure

>> No.11523624

Can you even buy the EDTs anymore?

>> No.11523637 [DELETED] 


>> No.11523638

Great smell but really sharp and pungent at first lasts for a total of 2 hours before disappearing

>> No.11523648 [DELETED] 

almost stopped posting? / it's a hard habit to kick / quite happy for you



>> No.11523754

i'm not involved in this thread at all but i fucking love that cat holy shit. i'm so drunk and that cat is so damn cute

>> No.11523757

can someone recommend a mint based frag. i've read good things about cartier roadster, so i might go with that. any others to look out for?

>> No.11523763

i don't think eliot hates people? he may be a bit of a social recluse but his whole motivation to do all of the shit he does in the show comes from a place of deep empathy not only for all the people in his life but humanity in general

>> No.11523790
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>he bought the 'it smells like a brick lmao' meme

>> No.11523819

>he fell for the minimum wage/mom's basement meme
are you too poor to afford quality fragrance

>> No.11523859

want to buy my homemade cum fragrance for $500? highest quality/10 guaranteed

>> No.11523861

Thanks for the detailed description, very much appreciated.
I think I'll order a sample box as well. Where did you Order it from?

>> No.11523873

Fragrance Apprentice is my go to.
Goes through stages of uploading though. Check him out.

>> No.11523940

it's on the pricey side, but Frederic Malle Geranium Pour Monsieur is great, in my top 3 favorite fragrances

Heeley Menthe Fraiche
CdG Play Green

and though I haven't tried it yet, Acqua di Parma Colonia Club is a mint scent from a very good house

>> No.11524154
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Any of you anons have experience with L'Artisan Parfumeur Voleur de Roses? What do you think?

>> No.11524164
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Any suggestions for someone who likes Lacoste Blanc and Nautica Voyage?

Love "laundry fresh" scents if that matters. Problem is, I don't really care for the dry down of either voyage or blanc.

Thinking of sampling encre noire sport

>> No.11524262

Versace Pour Homme my man.

>> No.11524270


>> No.11524290
File: 54 KB, 300x419, nd.1681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already own it, appreciate the suggestion though.

Aside from Encre Noire Sport, I'm also thinking of sampling Acqua di Parma Colonia and Voyage d' Hermes.

Am I in the wrong ballpark choosing those scents?

>> No.11524311

Any recommendations for online vendors? Getting fragrances beyond very basic fashion houses is very difficult where I live (NZ) so my meager collection has been mostly via duty free.

Fragrancenet doesn't ship here has anybody used fragranceX.com or galaxyperfum.com? Or have other recommendations?

all I want to do is replace my rocky mountain he wood it's just about to run out

>> No.11524313

>>Thinking of sampling encre noire sport
Not laundry fresh, but fantastic,

>Am I in the wrong ballpark choosing those scents?
If your ballpark is laundry fresh, yes.

I can't believe I typed the phrase "laundry fresh" twice. Fuck that's three.

That's not really my bag, but I'd bet you might like:
212 Men
Allure Homme Edition Blanche
Bleu de Chanel
Cool Water
Green Irish Tweed
Lalique White
Wings for Men

>> No.11524466

Can anyone rec me a signature scent? Something versatile that can be worn night and day, any season or weather? 23 years old.

>> No.11524939

Colonia is definitely laundry fresh (Colonia Intensa and Colonia Essenza are better imo though)
Voyage d'Hermes is a gingery scent, I don't usually associate ginger with laundry though it is fresh

>> No.11524982

Should Aventus be in everyones collection or is it overrated. Personally I thought it smelled good ,but more for like a room smell not something to wear for a man.

Also is it true the Bleu de Chanel turns into a skin scent after 2 hours.

>> No.11525010

I'm not the biggest fan of Aventus, but you must've tried from a very pineapple-heavy batch with little of the woods to prefer it as a room scent. I don't want a room to smell like pencil shavings covered in pie filling

>> No.11525105

dunhill icon

>> No.11525119
File: 139 KB, 700x1000, bleu-de-chanel-advert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this walking around Chicago yesterday near Clark and Adams and burst out laughing. Something about his face ...

>> No.11525133

The whole point of a signature scent is that it's a fragrance you chose on your own, no?

>> No.11525185

he could always force it. a signature scent to me is just something you wear enough that those in social circles can recognize as you, i.e., they smell it and think of you. but i have a rotation of scents to chose from, 3-4 s/s and f/w each, as opposed to one "signature," so what do i know

>> No.11525462
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>sample L'Instant de Guerlain pour Homme
>it just smells like Allure Homme Sports with cocoa instead of orange
>tfw disappointed

>> No.11525630

No price range given so affordable ones:

Encre Noir Sport
Cool Water

>> No.11525639

my bf wears the extreme version of this and i love it. I like when we wear gourmands together

>> No.11525640

lanvin avant garde smells likee a mixture of weed , la nuit de l'homme and one million

>> No.11525669

>Should Aventus be in everyones collection
I thought it already was. While it is a crowd pleaser, my bottle is almost full after years because it isn't interesting enough imo. And BdC has pretty meh longevity on me too. Another crowd pleaser that I grew bored of quickly.

>> No.11525841

I only have bleu de chanel edp in my collection, but want to start expanding it. Any recommendations?

>> No.11525914

Will check out, thanks.

True, but tips on versatile scents will hopefully point me in the right direction .

Thanks, already own TdH but not sure if I'm mature enough to really pull it off yet. Will check out the others.

>> No.11525970

I don't own aventus. Can't bring myself to spend that much on a single bottle. Not broke, just a cheapskate.

And yea BDC is way underwhelming. It hasn't gotten me nearly the compliments that Sauvage gets me either. Turns into a skin scent after probably 90 minutes. Sauvage has amazing longevity on me and as a bonus, it sticks around on whatever clothing I was wearing. So if I'm rewearing a shirt or jacket, even days later, it will still smell of Sauvage's base notes

>> No.11526016

What does Sauvage smell like. I always hear it smells like lipstick.

>> No.11526021

>Aventus isn't interesting
This. Smells like a generic aquatic wood with a little bit of fruit. This is from a deluxe sample that's only dabbable so idk if the atomizer is the way to go.

>> No.11526042

I didn't know you could have a collection consisting of only a single bottle

Ambergris, spicy, citrusy, bit of woods and vetiver. I'm not good with likening a smell to something, but no I don't get "lipstick" at all

>> No.11526052

The older men only meme doesn't apply to TdH, and really only applies to powdery-amber pieces of shit.

>> No.11526067

L'occitane's vetiver. A steal for the price and I think they're phasing it out soon.

>> No.11526076

Still, to my nose it feels pretty formal for my everyday student life. I do wear it on occasion though.

>> No.11526080

I use the Armaf clones of Aventus and GIT and it's great. Especially if you don't think Aventus or GIT is anything special, but would like to use it as a everyday safe scent. Cheap, reversed engineered to smell near identical, and bottles are designed well/not cheap looking.

>> No.11526581

quite a lot of girls swear by this, although they don't stock everything you might want.

this place is legit with several brick and mortar stores stocking various frags and some nice clothes, but not cheap

I do wonder if other online options like perfumenz.co.nz are legit or not

>> No.11526694

Hey thanks for the suggestions. Been wanting to try 212 for a while and your post just made me pull the trigger on some samples.

>Colonia Intensa and Colonia Essenza are better imo though

Think I'll pick them up after I try the original.

>> No.11526844

amazingreen, 2 man, hinoki, standard, serpentine, all three of the series 4: cologne, energy c series, play series.
Their smoky shit is really good too, not too hard to like. Top tier weird scents also.

>> No.11526855

I do splits through facebook groups. I'd def trust people from /fa/, but never do anything before I get the money anyways.

>> No.11526856

Does Armaf just produce clones? That's some lulzy shit; one of their Derby Club frags is an exact replica of TdH and another one copies Silver Mountain Water. Some Tom Ford clones as well, all pretty fucking accurate.

I wouldn't buy their stuff but at least they're good at what they do. Just seems sorta slimy to me.

>> No.11526860


ended up going with fragrancex as strawberrynet didn't have in stock what I wanted

we'll see what happens. I payed via paypal which should give me some protection I'll report back.

>> No.11526973

Sucks being an ausfag
Shipping is ridiculously expensive so splits from anywhere else aren't feasible

>> No.11527691


L'Homme by YSL
Boss Bottled Intense by Hugo Boss
Club De Nuit Intense for Men by Armaf

>> No.11527925
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>> No.11528177

Dior Homme is the one that smells like lipstick.

>> No.11528183

it's really fresh compared to other incense or fruity scents

>> No.11528184

Really? This is how lipstick smells nowadays?
I'm oblivious, just heard that lipstick rose and drôle de roses smell like old-fashion lipstick. Grandma type stuff.

>> No.11528414

Galimard Aventure

>> No.11528553
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>> No.11528605
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>> No.11528673

It reminds people of lipstick, but might not be exactly what lipstick smells like, probably because of the iris note and powdery accord.

There's plenty more going on in DH, but I can definitely perceive what reviewers describe as a "makeup-bag" or lipstick smell.

>> No.11528912

FragranceBros, Redolessence, Greggieboy, Maximilian Heusler, Lanier Smith, The Fragrance Apprentice

>> No.11528916

Anything iris-y or powdery will probably remind people of cosmetic products. I think when people are comparing it to lipstick, it's just because it's the easiest way for them to call to mind what they're smelling. Also, a lot of people just parrot what others have said.

>> No.11529059

book name pls?

>> No.11529126

Perfumes: The A-Z Guide
By Luca Turin, Tania Sanchez

>> No.11529156

literally just got this last week after using the deostick and getting addicted to it's warm dark smell.

i'm not an expert on fragrances but this is nice. the deostick has a much darker smell which i personally prefer. do yourself a favor and buy the big bottles at once. the tiny ones are (suprise) fucking tiny and im mad i didn't spend 20€ more on 2x the volume.

>> No.11529364

I spent $100 on YSL L'Homme and nobody has complimented me on it yet.

I want my money back.

>> No.11529425

>YSL L'Homme

lol, never buy retail for designer scents, bruh

>> No.11529449

what the fuck, did you buy 200ml? 100ml is 50€ here

>> No.11529467

How many sprays and where?

>> No.11529573

I bought some gift pack at macys, has one big bottle and a little bottle. I haven't even gotten through the small one yet, I will probably have this shit until I'm 40.

I know now, right after this I saw almost a full bottle of Helmut Lang for 80 bucks :(

Idk usually 2, one in front of me / chest area and one towards my face / neck

>> No.11529589

>Idk usually 2
That sounds low for L'Homme. Add a spray and ask people throughout the day if they can smell you within arm's reach. If not, next time add another. Avoid proximity to nose, i.e. face/front of neck to prevent olfactory fatigue, and your use of the word "towards" gives me pause. Make sure you hold the sprayer close enough that most of the juice is actually hitting your skin.

>> No.11529703

Just received my Imaginary Authors samples in the mail. They gave me 3 extra samples and a hand written note, which I thought was very nice of them. I'm sick right now so I won't be able to test it out til next week. I did spray Every Storm A Serenade on my wrist and got complimented by 2 friends that loved it. I can't wait to actually spend some time on these scents.

>> No.11529931

I love the iris in Dior Homme Parfum, it's there at the opening and it stays all the way to the end.

Anyone know where to get any interesting pdf book on perfume?
Been interested to read the one about JCE making sur le nil, no chance to buy that here.

>> No.11530561

why would anyone compliment your common mallcore cologne?

>> No.11530566

The Macy's fragrance counter is literally the very worst place you can go to shop for cologne. I would feel bad spending someone else's money there, let alone mine.

>> No.11530609

How much cologne is proper to wear?
>only enough so that someone embracing you can smell it
>enough that anyone passing by can smell it
>enough that it lingers after passing by
>enough for everyone in a small room to smell


>> No.11530651

Enough that it lingers. You want people to notice you smell good. Don't be one of those passive retards that go "hurr a gentlemans scent should never be smelt by another unless 2 inches away from skin , tip le fedora, open doors for old women ". Listen man, You want to get notice by cute girls? You want compliments? You want to stand out a little? Make sure people can smell your cologne and don't be afraid of "over spraying".

>> No.11530684

this is horrible advice if you're not a minority or have graduated middle school
one spray at the base of the neck

>> No.11530719

>one spray at the base of the neck

just no

>> No.11530734

People in my personal space, or arm's length feels right.

Is way too much, unless you're in an Arab culture.

and >>11530684
is way too little. I was a one spray guy for years but I finally realized nobody could smell my scent.

>> No.11530800

why do frag generals contain so many autistic interpretations of alpha male-isms?

No, you'd be a nuisance. No one likes being near that guy drenched in cologne, no matter how fancy it is.

>> No.11530811

people with the most to prove need to speak the loudest

>> No.11530830

this is also shitty advice. one spray works for ultra-projectors like TL but as a general rule that's just dumb.

3 sprays imo is perfect. maybe start out w/ two if you're apprehensive about the strength..

>> No.11530990

What do you guys think of the Ultime?

>> No.11531083
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I know this may sound disgusting, but am I the only one who's noticed that Bath and Body Works reformulated all of their stuff and now it's all utter crap? What happened... it used to be a simple pleasure. Even the drydown is now sad.

>> No.11531580

The Body Shop > Bath and Body Works

>> No.11532417
File: 86 KB, 500x375, frederic-malle-geranium-pour-monsieur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on pic related? It got really mixed opinions on fragrantica and rarely see it posted here.

>> No.11532449
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>> No.11532503

i know myself and at least one other Anon here love it

it's pretty much all mint in the beginning, but as it dries the geranium and star anise really start to shine. really fresh and classy, a modern take on the classic fougere a la L'Artisan Fou d'Absinthe, so you might think it's a little mature smelling (I certainly don't think so, though)

only cons i can say are that the mint could settle sooner and those who need monster longeavity and projection maybe disappointed

>> No.11532615

You're under-spraying. A fragrance like L'Homme is not going to choke anybody out or be too strong, so you can handle spraying on 5-6+ sprays. 1 Chest, 2 either side of neck, 2 each wrist, 1 bonus spray on chest area with shirt on is how I usually wear L'Homme. And I hate to break it to you, but L'Homme isn't a compliment monster. People will probably smell you and think you smell good, but it's not one of those that stops people in their tracks and forces them to say something (Sauvage for instance garners me this type of attention).

By the way, you need to start sampling fragrances at the retailer, and then going home and buying the one you want online for as much as 50% less. fragrancenet and beautyspin are my go-to.

One more thing. Don't spray this shit on your face, your facial skin is much more sensitive than the rest of your skin. Besides, you don't want it getting in your eyes / in your mouth, and with such close proximity to your nose you'll go nose-blind to it super quick.

>> No.11532638

>about JCE making sur le nil
I think you're thinking of the New Yorker article:

>> No.11532656

The correct answer is: it depends on the occasion. Intimate evening with a date/gf/spouse? Wear a couple sprays of something gourmand/sexy. Going to the club and partying til 3am? 6+ sprays of a compliment beast like sauvage or spicebomb. Spending the day at the park, outdoors, at the beach? 3-4 sprays of a nice bright citrus-based frag. Work in an office/in close proximity to others indoors all day? Don't wear anything. Seriously, it's just rude to subject other people to be forced to smell your cologne for 8 hours a day.

>> No.11532747

does anyone want to trade or buy my bottle of zagorsk for something else from CDG?

>> No.11532935


I actually like it

the thing I kind of don't like about it is that its very far from L'Homme, I think YSL could have made this it's own fragrance and not a L'Homme flanker.

>> No.11533044

Has jeremy fragrance ever even do a review of YSL L homme ?

He always talks about it ,but I can't seem to actually find his review of it

>> No.11533419

i have a feeling Dale has been in this general before

>> No.11533532

Thanks for the info. I'm not super into fragrances but I had heard about l'homme, I happened to be at macys and decided to pick it up. I'll be more cautious in the future

>> No.11533554

L'Homme is definitely good, and a good choice for somebody who simply wants to smell good, and doesn't care about owning multiple frags for different occasions. It's a great all-weather, all-occasion fragrance imo. If you want to delve deeper into the fragrance realm, however, you might eventually find L'Homme to be a little bland (this is what happened to me). But even then, it's great for casual wear.

>> No.11533559

It's too expensive of a hobby for me atm, but this L'Homme should last me a good while.

>> No.11533561

Why do you need a full review from Jeremy? His mentions of it in his other videos convey what he thinks of it: "hot weather, indoors, casual." Besides, his "reviews" are usually pretty lacking in comparison to other youtube reviewers. Where his channel shines is his "field studies" where he sees what women think of each fragrance.

>> No.11533597

L'Homme / Dior Homme / Bleu de Chanel are great all arounders.

La nuit de l'homme excellent for a date night.

Consider Creeds if you're loaded and Drakkar Noir if you're on a budget.

>> No.11533611

maxed out 4160 tuesdays

>> No.11533631


return it and exchange for ormonde man. same structure with oud pink pepper combo but the black hemlock note is killer. i think royal oud tried to copy

>> No.11533641

dude sweet and pleasant are not adjectives id use to describe my tuscan leather which i got 3 years ago. id trust beautyspin. did tom ford sell to loreal? they made tl sweet? fucking depressing

>> No.11533643

interlude man. not even trolling. half spray.

>> No.11533647

excellent scent

>> No.11533670

>fragrance bros

hahaha daver is a contrarian that pushes feminine scents and lives to bully the co host. he also bitches heavily about price but then is silent about price when he gets expensive stuff for free. just do your own sampling it's much easier than listening t someone trying to tell you oud actually smells good or some other nonsense

>> No.11533679

i love aventus. own about 40 bottles and use that stuff as much as the rest combined

>> No.11533702

Am I the only one who buys sample bottles for the year instead of full bottles?
The seasons change so quick I feel it's a waste of money to pay for a full bottle. I usually get a couple of sample fragrances for each season so I'm always smelling good, saving money, and always unique.

>> No.11533711

Jeremy reviews:
>hey guys whatsup jeremy here with wankeur pour homme. it smells of citrus and wood and musk. very nice, clean and manly smell, but also a bit generic. anyone could wear this. the girls ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT, however. check out this clip. projection and longeveity are decent. all in all a pleasant fragrance worth buying if you don't already have a safe everyday cologne that also get panties wet.
>total runetime: 4:54

Other reviews:
>hey guys
>this is rick from dude cologne dudes
>i'm here today to talk about wankeur pour homme
>wankeur pour homme is the latest offering from wankeur
>according to the wankeur website, the nodes are bergamot, grapefruit, vetiver, sandalwood, ambroxan and musk
>it can be bought at department stores
>it comes in 1 oz bottles, 2 oz bottles, and 3.4 oz bottles
>it comes in this dark box with the wankeur logo
>and here's the bottle. as you can see it's made from tinted glass and has a cap
>i think wankeur pour homme smells like citrus, wood and musk
>it's a very safe scent but also quite manly
>the longeivity and projection are both average
>it's very inoffensive and no one should mind you wearing this as long as you don't put on too much
>reports on basenotes are that women love this fragrance
>so who is this fragrance for? i think wankeur made this fragrance to be a real crowdpleaser and appeal to a very wide range of men. i could really see anybody from ages 15 and up wearing this, and at any occasion
>alright. bye guys. see you next time
>total runtime: 15:13

>> No.11534032

The newest batch of samples I got are pretty nice so far.

>Atelier Orange Sanguine
Smells like an orange, fizzy drink. Sweet and orange but not nauseatingly candyish. Kind of reminds me of Fico di Amalfi but orange instead of fig and grapefruit.

>Frapin L'Humaniste
Nice, sort of refined citrus scent. The notes and reviews online say that it smells like a gin fizz but I was getting a lemon/lime iced tea accord from it.

>L'Artisan Passage d'Enfer
Light, soapy incense. I really like this one. Maybe it's the lily that makes it soapy and light, I'm not 100% sure what lily smells like. Might have to buy a bottle.

>> No.11534052

As a followup, what are some good masculine/unisex lily fragrances?

>> No.11534197

does anyone know of a longer lasting alternative to CDG black?

>> No.11534245

alternatively do any kind anons have layering recommendations for cdg black

>> No.11534263
File: 55 KB, 450x450, s1030642-main-Lhero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this and Versace's "The Dreamer" did I fuck up or are these good fragrances? Still waiting for them in the mail.

>> No.11534269


>> No.11534278
File: 40 KB, 1308x1308, tiffany-for-mensport-cologne-atomiseur-14196471_16541_ED_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best cologne I've ever owned. Smells phenomenal.


>> No.11534431

>Versace's "The Dreamer"
It's suposed to be a really good lavender scent, but I can never find it to actually test it. Do report back when you get it.

>> No.11534449


Jeremy vs Robes

>> No.11534506

will do.

>> No.11534678
File: 88 KB, 2300x2300, TI-TOBACCO-OUD_OC_250ML_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be rich enough to buy a full set of Tom Ford Private Blends on a whim

>> No.11534690

ywn be rich enough because instead of saving your money up and establishing yourself so you can afford nice clothes later you instead blow your money early on.


>> No.11534701


Did a review of dua stuff recently. If you are into the fragcom you probably heard a lot about them the past few months

>> No.11534705

What the fuck is the point of having nice clothes if you're old and haggard and the best clothes in the world won't make you beautiful?

>> No.11534762

Fragrances made from houses in Dubai are just ways for ISIS and other terrorist groups to launder money.

>> No.11534826

Well you see, if you started saving when you were 15-21 you could have spending money by the time you're 25-30 and if you're old and haggard in your late 20s early 30s then you have more than monetary problems.

>> No.11535168

edp personally, have both and got way more compliments on the latter

>> No.11535216

>tfw wealthy enough to buy a full set of TFPB without even flinching at the price
only poor people can't buy nice things without worrying
take your plebian income somewhere else anon

>> No.11535655

>only poor people can't buy nice things without worrying
not necessarily

i'm poor ($40k/year) but without much of a social life or a family to support, i've got a ton of disposable income

>> No.11535782

protip: you aren't poor

>> No.11536467

try living in a major city on 40k a year

>> No.11536643


Try living on 12k a year you fuck

>> No.11537614

bump for Creed recs

>> No.11537638

>40k a year
Some people get by on 20k a year. Poor is like 8k-14k a year. You privileged fuck.

>> No.11537719

yeah beyond a certain low to mid salary point it becomes less about how much you earn, and more about how you control your expenses

>> No.11538104

tfw i just bought a 50ml bottle of TL impulsively
how am i going to finish this 250ml bottle of TV
i already want to buy a 100mml of OW
kill me now

>> No.11538209

why don't you split your TV? I'm sure there's a couple of people on FB that would love to buy some

>> No.11538520
File: 57 KB, 410x409, brooklyn-candle-company-tobacco-&-teakwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good deal?

Adult Swim is selling $34 Brooklyn Candle Company candle for $10 as part of promotion to promote their web shows.


>> No.11538910

what groups do i look for on FB
i live in a very uneffay area i doubt people are looking for expensive fragrance here

>> No.11539356

Anyone know a good way to store your fragrance with limited space?

>> No.11539551

Box under your bed.

>> No.11540390


The group I use is The Fragrance Guru Nation that is moderated by our friend Robes08

facebook com/ groups/222106934487169

I actually bought a frag and decant from someone on the group. Lots of people buy and sell there

>> No.11540449

are you that limited you can't stick a few small bottles in a closet or dresser drawer?

>> No.11540524

I'm living in the miserable summer heat/humidity of the southeast US, and on extremely hot days I feel like I'm flushing money down the drain by spraying on fragrance. Even frags that have decent longevity completely disappear within an hour or so. I'm saying I can press my nose against my arm and not smell a damn thing.

Any tried & true frags out there that stand strong through brutal summer heat?

>> No.11540538

Al Rehab's Silver pure perfume oil, it smells like Silver Mountain Water it lasts long, projects well and since its pure oil, its not going to to go away even if you sweat a lot

actually, when I go out running in the heat I sometimes use this and it lasts throughout my run and after the shower I take when I finish

>> No.11540558


>> No.11540730

thinking of copping Carolina Herrera's CH men or men prive, anyone have experience with these and what you would you reccomend?
also been looking to get something from Le Labo, going to london and paris in about 3 months and im for sure gonna get both of their city exclusives, any other suggestions on what to cop from them?

>> No.11540844

We will need the following to answer your question: detailed pictures of your space. A blueprint or schematic. A list of every piece of furniture with dimensions of surface area and storage. A list of all your frags and bottle dimensions.

But seriously, what were you hoping to get as an answer here? Where do you put anything in your life?

>> No.11541241

any thoughts on Le Male, just got a bottle brand new (tester tho) for like 40 bucks 125ml

>> No.11541332

you know that smell when it's winter and you can faintly smell the pine trees and a fire burning in the distance, is there any fragrance like that?

>> No.11541344

Gucci By Gucci Pour Homme reminds me of that. Although its longevity and projection is questionable.

>> No.11541559

In my anus but I ran out of space

>> No.11541564

Anyone know a frag that smells like "Christmas season?" Not winter.

>> No.11541566

Burberry London

>> No.11541768

Pretty subjective, but to me:
Creed Royal Oud
Eau d'Italie's Sienne l'Hiver

>> No.11541773

>Some people get by on 20k a year. Poor is like 8k-14k a year
I literally blew fino sherry out my nose

Then I felt bad

I'm so sorry anon :(

>> No.11541905
File: 68 KB, 300x449, imaginaryAuthors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fragrance addictions. I'm just so caught up in finding the "perfect" scent for me and I just know that's an impossible feat. I've probably spent over 200 dollars JUST on samples in the past 2 months. I have enough cologne to last me the next 2 years, JUST on samples alone. But I'm just obsessed in collecting full bottles of the fragrances that I consider PERFECT for me. Fuck, I don't even go out that much either.

>> No.11542134
File: 588 KB, 490x490, perfume cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some help fellas.

How do I remove the spraying cap of a perfume bottle?
Specifically the fragrance is D&G The One

I'm trying to open it so I can fill my atomizer up.
When I'm twisting it it makes a clicking sound, and I don't want to force it.

>> No.11542138

I've also tried pulling it straight up but it seems pretty tight.

>> No.11542143

Ah, you mean you want to expose the tube so you can fill your Travalo? There are a few stupid sprayer designs that do not allow the sprayer to be removed. 99% of them pull off easily, but a couple had to be special...

>> No.11542494

You did good senpai, vintage is a great scent. Personally I wear it during the colder months. I get a mature vibe from this one. Classic and confident.

>> No.11543092

what kind of atomizer do you use?

>> No.11543139

