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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2 KB, 259x194, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11505663 No.11505663 [Reply] [Original]

What Are You Wearing Today?

can we get some decent fits today boys

>> No.11505666
File: 90 KB, 615x903, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need new shoes

>> No.11505676
File: 147 KB, 862x699, clothes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing special

As do I friend

>> No.11505692
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>> No.11505695

satan likes soft pinks

>> No.11505696
File: 896 KB, 2016x1512, IMG_0117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's three of of us there

>> No.11505706

sick fit bruh
where to cop hoodie?

>> No.11505709

Need to see from the back

>> No.11505712

yep those shoes are gross

on the plus side everything else seems good

>> No.11505713
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From the back

>> No.11505724
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trying something new

>> No.11505733

fucking kek

>> No.11505741

sick canadian tuxedo bro.

>> No.11505756
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>> No.11505762
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What do you guys think

>> No.11505773

Kind of ok

you look like your parents are too rich for h&m

daring, bold and ambitious

>i sure hope goodwill has something the same colour as these 373s

Love the shoes mate. Keep us posted on your progress.

love the color palette, though I'd go for a different shoe / sock combination

dope shirt w2c

>> No.11505781

i want to know where you got literally every piece of that outfit 10/10

>> No.11505816
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Rainy day. Gap jeans, banana republic shirt and common projects

>> No.11505869
File: 588 KB, 3741x5612, BLACK PORTRAITS6334_CMYK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the pics from a mag interview I did.


>> No.11505874

asos m8

>> No.11505888

clown shoes

>> No.11505909

This is pretty great. Good silhouette. I like to think that given a mirror and a less demanding job I would be just as capable of the lucidity of a fit like this, and some days I believe I achieve it, yet, though I too do not belong in this place, I am imprisoned with no other corner to turn to, as it seems the internet is devoid of anything that will fill my body with the grace of transcendence from the feelings of life. And so I am trapped, for now, until I may feel the sweet joys of distraction from a momentary pleasure once again.

>> No.11505926

You look like my dad.

>> No.11505947
File: 528 KB, 960x960, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey it's me ur 70's mum

>> No.11505974

you look like my regular mom

>> No.11505978

is that that same bush I see on the coolshirts website? the one they hang the t-shirts on?

also nice fit, probably the best in the thread

if you are the guy who runs coolshirts do you plan on restocking any of the hats?

>> No.11505985

w2c jeans??

>> No.11506012

That works too

Nah I'm not the coolshirts guy, cheers tho dude

They're just jeans that I thrifted & then cropped myself, back tag says they're from Cotton On if that helps

>> No.11506026

A 10/10 fit if I ever saw one. A fusion of styles drawn together to form an avant-garde masterpiece of fashion. The footwear is clearly a centrepiece of this perfectly amalgamated outfit - clearly a throwback to early 1950s clown attire, while also incorporating some more modern clown elements á la late 80s early 90s Weber Bros. Now the silhouette of the footwear may hark back to these early elements of clowning, but the off-kilter tying of the laces is clearly paying homage to early 17th century British Ship of the Line fashion through the use of this rare British Naval knot. In the pants we clearly are seeing some elements of Americana with a classic black denim that provides a flawless transition from shoe > pant. Such a transition may look simple, but pulling it off with such expertise is anything but. A real traditional look through the leg is cut abruptly when we come to the waist and we are presented with some of the more experimental aspects of the fit - the hoodie. Alone the hoodie is a conversation piece, but the way this is worn it's a not just a conversation piece between friends of fellow fashion afficianados, it's cause for a general assembly. The contrast of dark - light is clearly a social commentary metaphor on the current state of ethnic relations within the global community - such a statement incorporated into fashion is truly an aspirational movement that will affect fashion in future days. Additionally, the rolled sleeves on the hoodie also say "hey, the ethnic tension is not OK and I am ready to get dirty to solve this problem". Beneath the hoodie is what looks like a plain back T, heh... anything but.. it's braided from the OPs own hair (head AND pubic) and is a unique one of a kind item with a truly interesting story.

Overall this fit is flawless, I'm not sure /fa/ is entirely ready for such forward thinking yet. I think ultimately, this fit will be lost on the masses.

>> No.11506087

Boys, we've reached the stratosphere of shitposting

>> No.11506094
File: 171 KB, 750x1000, IMG_7564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it, but I think the watch doesn't really go with the rest of the fit
I think this would work a lot better without double denim, and with your shirt tucked in
I think a higher rise would work better here but it still looks good.

>> No.11506116

thanks for the tip

>> No.11506118

This isn't a serious post right, like I'm getting baited aren't I?

>> No.11506122

this is cool

>> No.11506332
File: 2.63 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-07-12-00-47-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the tie dye too much?

>> No.11506376

Nice choice of colors, its nice senpai.

>> No.11506382
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>> No.11506396

dick status: MUH

>> No.11506409
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>tfw 6'5 master race

believe i might buzz my hair

>> No.11506414
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>> No.11506420

Wanna neg and say something nasty but if I'm honest this looks good

>> No.11506426
File: 662 KB, 862x1000, 1459130633429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6'5 master race
this is what lanklets actually believe

>> No.11506427


>> No.11506429
File: 2.25 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160711-222739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even try

>> No.11506430

do like. bretty good chances of being a qt but cannot confirm; would def be down to get wrapped up in those legs though

>> No.11506445


k y s

>> No.11506457

b mine

>> No.11506460

nice fit

>> No.11506462

se te cayó el papel bombón

>> No.11506465


>> No.11506468
File: 553 KB, 1846x1942, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.11506475

>that upperlip

>> No.11506491

would take out and paint the town red with /10

>> No.11506515


>> No.11506521

bro we're on 4chan /fa/. the entire board is cringe

>> No.11506529

only you

>> No.11506551
File: 1.69 MB, 1783x1303, 777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11506553

turn the noise down m8, pre cool fit tho - what shoes?

>> No.11506558

sorry.. open file in new tab and zoom out for clarity!


>> No.11506559

why do you even bother coming here anymore dude? you've clearly established yourself in the culture (have fashion friends) enough?

>> No.11506564

you should buy some new jeans looks like yours are ripped

>> No.11506572


>> No.11506579
File: 2.52 MB, 2412x2412, IMG_20160710_191304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this shit?

>> No.11506580

>making a new thread before the old one hits 300
stop doing this

>> No.11506582

I generally like to dump miscellaneous stuff in here that I don't have much interest in showing anyone else. All the legit pics I do plus personal work doesn't really touch here and I prefer it that way.

>> No.11506587

as always i think your fits would be sick with better pants

>> No.11506588

is this real? are you the cloak guy?

>> No.11506596
File: 541 KB, 600x800, fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not obscuring my face because everyone i know is either too lame or too cool to be here
best fits

>> No.11506603

Yup drapey cloak dude

>> No.11506604

shit meant to write that above the " >>11506551 "
not below it

>> No.11506608

>change shirt

>> No.11506611

w2c shorts

>> No.11506612
File: 265 KB, 897x1200, black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might be trying too hard today

>> No.11506623
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reposting since everyone abandoned the last one i guess

cool, wear different socks or no socks though

collar makes your neck look really long

>> No.11506626

good, great pants as always, great doggo too

>> No.11506633
File: 477 KB, 1142x864, Bedazzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a better camera stat. Or a cameraperson.

Beautiful beautiful friend

>> No.11506639

you're gorgeous

>> No.11506643

The white jeans make this terrible, sorry dude

>> No.11506649

The whites match, you would prefer more formal trousers?

>> No.11506668

I want to pet your dog

>> No.11506691
File: 3.01 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160710-224139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colourful and summer prep

>> No.11506733

Change pants to literally anything else, the all white screams obnoxiousness. In fact this picture just screams obnoxiousness, the fucking pose is tragic - you look like an overtly flamboyant man that waves his arms around when he talks, someone who thinks they're 'fashun' but they're not even close. The jacket is nice enough but the sleeves don't fit you and I can't even begin to understand why you'd feel the need to pin two brooches you stole from someone's dead grandmother onto your chest. To top it all off you have that fucking choker which I could only see being appropriate at a bisexual swingers party.

I never pick on people in these threads but your post made me ashamed to be homosexual - a feeling I havn't felt since I was a teen - overt gays like you that thrust it into everyone's faces are the reason why my upbringing was so fucking shithouse

>> No.11506746

get a black belt, looks shit with a brown one. also what kinda shoes are those even?

>> No.11506769

They're socks and then brown Boat shoes

>> No.11506786

Wow this place is more volatile than I remember.

>> No.11506794


>> No.11506803


>> No.11506828

What the fuck? You are 11 years old. Gtfo.

>> No.11506842
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>Levis I'm working on hemming

>> No.11506855

in my senior year of high school I got hit on by 14-15 y/os and they recoiled when I told them my age
I'm probably going to get carded into my 30s
I hope this looking young thing lasts until I'm old enough for it to be beneficial

>> No.11506880

looks good but your underbite is hella unfortunate

>> No.11506895


>> No.11506911
File: 201 KB, 640x1136, 1435545942533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to a wedding today what do u guys think ?

wish i still had my fedora but mom didnt want me to take it

>> No.11506914
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Julius 7 + Rick Owens

>> No.11506926


>> No.11506930

Pls b in london

>> No.11506940

when will knoch attain his final form and start lifting

>> No.11506968
File: 427 KB, 1223x2187, killingit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11506973

haha long boy

>> No.11506982

You have a beautiful body!

>> No.11506984

t nasty?

>> No.11507126

What'd you have in mind?

>> No.11507144

w2c shirt

>> No.11507279
File: 2.34 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still trying to style these, they're pretty hard to work with, how did I do

>> No.11507299

Cdg black cons

>> No.11507305

what if this wasn't a meme, it was actually him posting the same fit everytime. but not the same pic, just the same fit in a similar position/lighting.

>> No.11507318

what if you were actually not stupid?

>> No.11507355

>meme hat
>shorts too tight

>> No.11507409
File: 113 KB, 775x1037, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me improve effay

>> No.11507441


>> No.11507455
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>> No.11507474

i would replace socks and shoes or just shoes. still neat.

>> No.11507478
File: 1.87 MB, 1152x2048, 20160712_151640_20160712153115230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these shoes work? How can I make then work?

>> No.11507491
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>> No.11507498
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Are you fat? Cause that shirt makes you look fat.
Real diggin' the pants tho

>> No.11507512


What the above guy said, minus the fat comment, those pants are ace, ID please? Nice fit man

>> No.11507521

These pants work great with the derbies, and I like what you're going for here, but The pants are too loose for the sneaks. Either pinroll them or try some slimmer fitting trousers.

>> No.11507524


stand up straight

nice pants, bad fit

>> No.11507534

meme hair
meme glasses
Shirt is high school tier
Pants don't fit
cant see shoes
And to top it all off, you appear to be dead inside.

>> No.11507536

You look like you're about to have an argument with ur mum for pinching a fag

>> No.11507539

pull that hat lower
siqq fit

>> No.11507625


>> No.11507651

>that bare tummy skin

>> No.11507650

should I just get them tapered because I like the rise too much to look for a different brand

>> No.11507672

Try pinrolling them first. Tapering would be a permanent solution but they might not look as good with the docs

>> No.11507697

w2c pants?

>> No.11507698

every day I think /fa/ might be better today

but then i see fits like this

>> No.11507759
File: 1.05 MB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks trashy
How u dare?..
Radical feminist cheap drug addict
The fit is siqq but u look like 14 y.o. Girl, just fuck this
Dat skirt lmao
Not you. Is it called reversed drop crotch?

>> No.11507776
File: 132 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its dat girl

>> No.11507783

backpack is stretching the turtleneck strangely at the shoulders. also, it's a personal pet pet when people tuck their ramones. even so, definitely a good fit.
what the hell is wrong with your arm?

>> No.11507784

oh shit LONDON

>> No.11507786


>> No.11507797

he said they were thrifted w no tag in another thread

>> No.11507822
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 1362376549834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the most basic advice I'd give to most bad outfits in here is to stop layering the same colors and textures onto eachother.

A jeans jacket never looks good on blue jeans.
A blue vest looks like shit on a blue shirt
Stop wearing BROWN ON BROWN

There was this embarassing white on white on white outfit I wanted to whale on but I can't find it anymore, maybe he deleted his post

>> No.11507851

Is this advice for bad fits or does layering same on same make a fit bad?

>> No.11507855

There might be exceptions in extremely specific cases like black on black combos, but same on same layering looks almost invariably shit.

It looks so careless and bad, yet there's outfits in this very thread that are praised, even though they're committing babby's first dressing mistake.

>> No.11507872

fit is good, if a bit ill-fitting both on your body and the environment you took that shot in
try a different haircut and glasses, maybe consider contacts instead

cool, nice dog and bg too

german hacker core
are you legit knoch btw

>> No.11507884

ID on pants?

>> No.11507892
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>> No.11507907
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Wow, I almost didn't expect /fa/ to be as retarded as everyone says, but lo, this thread is direct evidence.

what a smelly ass autist board

>> No.11507929

o shit waddup

>> No.11507934

bad shop

>> No.11507937


>> No.11507947


this is sacrilege

>> No.11507954
File: 595 KB, 1200x1200, 1468341637649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post orig pls

>> No.11507955

qt,great shirt

>> No.11507961

"u wot m8"
"ur mum"

>> No.11507993

The boy with the faggy tattoo

>> No.11508005

worst advice i've ever heard
literally nobody but you adheres to this anyway

>> No.11508006
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>> No.11508015

Same advice as the other two I would go with Nike Rifts or something similar.

>> No.11508096

sorry boys, >>11506468 def from Denmark. All the furniture are from danish designers

>> No.11508112
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Reposting from the last thread cause I'm wearing the same thing today.

>tfw your closet is full of identical black tees

>> No.11508113
File: 378 KB, 3513x2883, jaforhelvede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it's not even her posting
popular /r/streetwear poster jaforhelvede

>> No.11508124
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>> No.11508129


>> No.11508133



>> No.11508135
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shit boi here for today's shit fit

>> No.11508137


>> No.11508275
File: 1.75 MB, 1826x1457, asf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> i'm bored

>> No.11508341
File: 685 KB, 1200x1600, _48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I wore fishing

>> No.11508354

Thx dude
Drkshdw memphis jeans

>> No.11508365

>rick owens for fishing
hm, yea, I can see that

>> No.11508386

Cool frog

>> No.11508404

none of this outfit is Rick Owens

>> No.11508414

Ve vill cut off your Johnson lebowski

>> No.11508415


people from this shit board post shit from the waywt of /r/streetwear fucking cancer

>> No.11508416

Oh, my stupid mind saw digi(??)camo cargo pants and made a quick conclusion. They're v nice, where'd you get them?

>> No.11508425

splintertarn doesn't really look all that much like geocamo
would love to pick a pair of those drkshdw cargos sometime though

this is true

>> No.11508444

with the way the pants are cut pinrolling looks like garbage so I'm just gonna get a second pair if it looks bad tapered

>> No.11508459


>> No.11508478

yikes- the thread

slut core dam ma

very nice

literally inspiration



i love your frame but nothing interesting is going on and from your comment you come off as the 'all black means fashion!!!' type

>> No.11508479

he's probably fuckin lying

>> No.11508525

prob h&m or asos and doesnt want ppl to know

>> No.11508676
File: 997 KB, 1053x1875, 20160712_170954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11508701


>> No.11508743


>> No.11508763

hate those type of ppl

>> No.11508772

w2c pantalones?

>> No.11508776


You're a shame to the board

>> No.11508785

>implying this fit is what makes this board an embarrassment

>> No.11508863

Nice doggo
Hope you changed ya underwear
Nice hat
>pure moist
Bedazzle my ass senpai
Good dog

>> No.11508871

Gonna do a mass post of all the images in thread, trying to be constructive, but I will be pretty harsh so take from that what you will.


Personally don't like this at all, nothing seems to fit and there's some major colour blocking going on but not in a good way, your stance could be improved. Work on fixing those duck feet and knock knees


Looks cheap and autismy in my opinion, buy better quality things that fit you better


Boring with some overpriced clown shoes, if you're gonna have shoes that look like that, at least make the rest of the fit as interesting to back it up


This is just bad, you look like every teenager in 2012


boring, but not bad. The hat makes you look douchey


It looks like you threw some clothes on in all honesty


Not bad, interesting but not exactly standout. I think we have the same glasses too


It really shows that you only splashed on the shoes and that everything else is high street.


cool as hell


I like this, but I can't tell if that's the good quality picture making an average fit look good or not. Either way it looks nice.


untuck the t shirt and get some derbies like the other poster said, and get your hands out of your pockets


This is memey


The superstars and the beanie turn this really nice fit into 'I'm so into fashion,I'm a fashion killer and you're not'. Understatement is the aim of the game.

w2c skirt btw?


This is nice but I think you would be better served with a grey or khaki t shirt


memey Mac Demarco nonsense, though if that's your thing good job.


Gross short, Supmeme hat


You don't quite pull off the grandpa look, you look like a teenager that writes for the school paper


This is cool, though personally I'm not into that look. But you've done it well so good job




>> No.11508881

your legs are really gross

pasty ass mayonnaise looking

>> No.11508887

shit silhouette

>> No.11508923


Prep is garbage, I'm sorry, and your knock knees make you look bad


This is nice and you pull it off well. Improve picture quality


This is just some clothes


This is really nice and you pull it off well. I love how different the shoes are., if anything, unroll the pants by 1 and maybe get a watch with a strap


You look like a businessman who is out on the weekend. Get clothes that conform more to your body since you have that luxury


Nice fit but the meme smiths ruin the flow. Get the pants a little lower too by unrolling them by one


Kind of boring, but maybe that's the potato tier photo


The shoes don't match the pants, the pants don't match the shirt




Really nice, you worked the memes to make them not memey and reflect you


unlike the other guy, the shit here doesn't go with eachother. there's a discord between the top half and the bottom half


Basic but nice


Also basic, but you pull this off well


This looks hella cool, nice job


the blazer is bad, lose it


interesting,not my taste but I can see the appeal


The shorts look bad

>> No.11508973

it´s ok
muh dick. Very nice femanon.
>>11508676 w2c dawg

>> No.11508978

What the fuck is up with dirty socks and shoes? Looks like shit get new socks and shoes.

>> No.11508985
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Nothing special

>> No.11509025
File: 506 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20160712_125259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just permanent dilemma figuring out ways to wear them

>> No.11509030

Wish my legs didn't look so stocky at this angle

>> No.11509034

id on shoes ?

>> No.11509084

Tbh i feel you on the shorts but its just so damn hot out.

>> No.11509115
File: 184 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have come to the realization that these pants fit like shit but I can't tell why. 70% of the time there is a weird fold at my crotch. I tried wearing my pants at different places (places above/below navel) and the fold persisted.

>> No.11509132

Much better. Ive found the weird fold from my pants were from being big around the waist or just being low quality material.

>> No.11509133


The rise is too high and the leg is too wide, you also wear them in such a way that they flap, because you roll them too much.

>> No.11509141

They look like classic fit dickies in which case I think theyre supposed to fit that way.

>> No.11509154

It seems I should throw these pants away then. I thought I was buying the correct pant size (although I guess weight loss will change things like that) and I'll have to size down and get some (nice) pants hemmed. Any recommendations?
They aren't dickies but I think they are still supposed to fit that way (high rise, wide leg) which doesn't really work like others have said because of the wide leg. I have no idea where to buy mid/high rise slightly tapered pants.

>> No.11509156


Yeah, I figured that they were designed like that but they just look bad

>> No.11509159


Well, what kind of trouser do you want?

>> No.11509179

High/mid rise, slightly tapered or just not wide like my pic. Material doesn't matter but ideally I would buy these wonder pants in most available colors and wear them in all seasons. My price max is at most $200 I guess.

>> No.11509191

Totally fair. It's less about muh fashion and more about being too much of a pussy to wear nice shirts. I love the look of layered, intricate tops ala Ann D and Takahiro Miyashita, but I feel like I'd be too worried about fucking them up to be able to wear them comfortably.
Hence the closet full of black tees. Boring, but carefree.

Sure did


Guidi 991

>> No.11509217

Thanks lads x

>> No.11509266


Jaeger do a nice variety of trouser to suit your needs

>> No.11509299
File: 184 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90s is coming back

>> No.11509303

any specific fit/type?

>> No.11509319

Trendy normie tier - not saying its even remotely bad but there's nothing interesting to garner a second glance

>> No.11509337
File: 631 KB, 675x1200, P7138741-Edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, i dunno.. first time posting.

>> No.11509350


Wool plain twill modern trouser
Wool twill modern trouser
Washable wool slim trousers

>> No.11509352

I like it, would invest in a new haircut though famalam also w2c shoes?

>> No.11509367
File: 207 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this one....

>> No.11509371

any pics on something that isn't a model?

>> No.11509372

Lemme milk you

>> No.11509380

its adidas los angeles, fairly common and cheap, super light and comfy.

youre right about the haircut, it was good like two weeks ago, but now. ehh.

>> No.11509387
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>> No.11509392


Hover over and it shows you the trouser flat

>> No.11509423
File: 21 KB, 500x487, 1416277428246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor wording on my part, I meant like a fit pic I guess. Now that I read my question I sound like an idiot

>> No.11509444


>> No.11509479
File: 1.65 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just recently shaved my head, thoughts?

>> No.11509544
File: 1.03 MB, 2848x4272, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

head looks good and so does the fit, would recommend less ratty jeans though

pretty cool but i don't like the shoes

rotate your goddamn pictures

good fit doggo inc

>> No.11509554
File: 1.80 MB, 3024x4032, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11509555

what's on your feet man

>> No.11509556

Do you mean the photo quality?

>> No.11509558

w2c that shirt

>> No.11509593
File: 923 KB, 1728x1534, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what up senpai

>> No.11509599

you look like a guy that plays cover songs badly on guitar at house parties. Some kind of obnoxious embarrassing guy is what I'm trying to get at I suppose.

>> No.11509604

teen stonercore. Please tell me you aren't wearing a backpack. Do you live in the southern hemisphere?

>> No.11509608

dope af, shirt fits nicely

>> No.11509611
File: 3.07 MB, 3456x2304, DSC_0838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11509615

I don't smoke, there's no backpack, and I'm actually in upstate NY currently.

>> No.11509617

9/10, do it again

>> No.11509647

This one is a lot more /fa/ friendly compared to your other one for the simple fact that you are wearing palladiums. What I'm trying to say is that /fa/ only recognizes "wow so unique pieces. In conclusion, nice fit bud.

>> No.11509655

No, it's mainly the shirt that makes it appear that way

Sorry, but the pants have no tag and I got them at a thrift store and then had them tailored to match another pair of pants. So I can't ID them

I have some white shoes that would probably work better. But do you have any suggestions for the shirt?

>> No.11509656


>> No.11509693

waist size?

>> No.11509760

shoes my dude
once upon a time they belonged to my dad, who got them custom made by some indians one time when he was visiting wyoming

>> No.11509771

wow that's actually badass

>> No.11509773


>> No.11509775

they're pretty neat, all the buttons are made from antler
not very water-resistant unfortunately tho

>> No.11509802

It's a great conversation starter and the shirt is really nice. All in all prob best in the thread

>> No.11509818
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>> No.11509863

pretty solid
wear long socks though

>> No.11509875
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>> No.11510008
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>> No.11510010


Looking for some mens mary jane shoes to wear with this setup + cream colored socks to pull it together who even does mary jane flats for men

>> No.11510014

Nice. Cav Empt sweatshirt? Gats would look great with this.

>> No.11510020


>> No.11510024
File: 596 KB, 1067x1600, muhdad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11510045

if my dad dressed like this I'd probably buy him a beer. you look cool

>> No.11510054

this is really cool, but you look incredibly homosexual
also, dries did some pretty feminine flats in ss15 if you can find any floating around

>> No.11510067

haha thank you everyone else is saying like "idk this looks alright" but this guy dresses like complete shit

>> No.11510073


heres a beer dad cuz u cant afford it lol

come on dude dont rub it in

>> No.11510079


Wussup eso , looks pretty dope.

>> No.11510102

hahahah what the fuck is this shop get off this board if youre not comfortable enough with your own body

>> No.11510111


>> No.11510119

teeth whitener/10

>> No.11510151

Only decent fit so far

>> No.11510176
File: 1.51 MB, 1152x2048, 20160713_142528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit late but o well

>> No.11510183

waist size?

>> No.11510218

ok, thank you

yes, its unfortunately too big for me though but i like the design and dont want to get rid of it. i dislike gats but thanks anyway

>> No.11510245

Waist 32inches, chest 42inches

>> No.11510248

are you saying I need it or my teeth are bleached?

>> No.11510253

on the pants though, right?

>> No.11510259


>> No.11510280

Cheers, the first post above mine is dressed much better than me tho lmao

>> No.11510520

muh HDR

>> No.11510542

You're the best looking black person I've ever seen no homo.

>> No.11510768
File: 34 KB, 499x630, 653746234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11510941


>> No.11510948

10/10 good shit man

>> No.11511007

w2c camo pants?

>> No.11511076

I'm straight and I'd rock this beautiful fit

>> No.11511077

>This is just some clothes
What does that even mean?

>> No.11511617


thanks i think


>> No.11512153

looks good

shaved head seems to suit you well m8

>> No.11512184
File: 3.06 MB, 4160x3120, 20160713_145935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fit is a few months old. It's 95 degrees here and my summer fits are shit.

Also, the lighting makes these pants look a tad brown

>> No.11512199

It seems as though I have neglected to rotate my image :)

>> No.11512500

Stop posting redditor's pic..i know her.she is from Denmark and her name is Anne

>> No.11512515
File: 135 KB, 680x750, remiq.net_9522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white knight cringe

>> No.11512564
File: 559 KB, 841x1741, IMG_6027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11512633

nice tits

>> No.11512715

Fucking awesome

what's wrong with looking homo

>> No.11512724

What's up with your proportions senpai

>> No.11512736

w2c boots?

>> No.11512751
File: 127 KB, 1000x664, this thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11513146

holy shit lmao what the fuck is this shit

>> No.11513225

Mmmm tiddies bb

>> No.11513240


you spent so much time on this look, and you pair it with those unimaginative eyeglasses. Come on bro, complete the look!

>> No.11513262


First non dork outfit ITT

>> No.11514055

i like the aesthetic you're going for but I don't think it's being pulled off very well with this fit

>> No.11514240

O baby, be my fit boyfriend and get a better haircut
overall very nice fit though, plain but looks good

>> No.11515444

Holy shit W2C OPN Replica tee

>> No.11515450

fat fuck.

>> No.11515457

stop buying shit because it's on sale you impulsive moron

>> No.11515464
File: 129 KB, 499x1126, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these pants

>> No.11515472

would look better with blue jeans

>> No.11515476

what are they broseph

>> No.11515495
File: 1.01 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11515497


>> No.11515501

I feel kinda gross saying this but Aeropostale chinos

>> No.11515527

This is a troll thread, right?

>> No.11515531
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>> No.11516101

think it'd look better with different shoes

>> No.11516117

tuck that shirt in and this fit would look better
also consider a grey jacket instead of a black one

>> No.11516124

nice af

>> No.11516268

>out of focus
>too grainy
>poorly balanced

oh wait this isn't //p/ at all...

nice shirt bro
hats a little much but i dont really liek the dad-hat fad in general
also gold waches are kinda lame unless theyre real IMO

>> No.11516449


>> No.11516671

I don't know nor care if this is racist but I feel like this fit would only work on a black dude. I think this would look out of place/tryhard on whitey.

>> No.11517183

sorry buddy, you aren't funny

>> No.11517379
File: 520 KB, 1192x1500, stefancore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11517536

Charlie day?

>> No.11517688
File: 172 KB, 548x1447, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11517817

what is this