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/fa/ - Fashion

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11499472 No.11499472 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel like girls have really poor taste in fashion? The average grill may be more fashion interested than men - but their spectrum isn't as wide. They go from "moderately interested" to "interested". But they never go further.

It seems like they only follow celebrity trends and such. I live in a big city, yet girls are as shallow as ever.

>> No.11499476

women dress just as shit as men do they just pay more

>> No.11499490

Lmao what kind of shit hole flyover state do you live in
Womens fashion has always been more experimental and has so many more options than men's fashion
Ever notice how it's acceptable for women to wear a trousers, blazers etc, but never for a man to wear a dress and other women's pieces

>> No.11499498

>but never for a man to wear a dress and other women's pieces

Yeah because men don't want to look like faggots (in general).
Women can get away with wearing some masculine clothes, just like if a woman gets all lesbian with another woman it doesn't matter. But if a dude goes all gay, their reputation goes to doodoo and women will find him effeminate and not attractive.

>> No.11499509

Exactly my point, menswear is much more limited and conservative than women's wear, for something to become acceptable and trendy in menswear it usually takes a couple years, for womenswear it can happen in a season

>> No.11499525



Also there is the whole body positive movement where women resent having to look attractive (I mean look at Lena Dunham), so they are encouraged to deviate from the norm in that way. A lot of work is put into placating them in this sense.

>> No.11499529
File: 62 KB, 775x518, Screen Shot 2015-04-27 at 3.05.42 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A lot of work is put into placating them in this sense.

They even ban ads like this to make them feel better about looking less attractive.

>> No.11499534


>> No.11499543

Yeah that's totally what this multi-billion dollar industry is about isn't it? Male beauty.

>> No.11499605

Why do we keep having this thread.

The entire female population can't be judged by the girls you knew at highschool in Ohio. I thought we established this last time.

>> No.11499664

Agreed, more or less. While it's certainly true that a lot of women are bad at fashion, the same applies to men.

Fucking infuriates me to this day. And, true to form, the second Sadiq Khan gets the mayoral chair warm he begins to rant about banning more ads like this.

>> No.11499675


Yeah Sadiq Khan/leftists and their ilk are a cancer to Britain.

>> No.11499885

Eh, I can kinda understand why this add would be disliked. Not to the extent that it should be banned, but still
This picture is almost certainly photoshopped, and even without photoshop this girl body isn't something that everyone can achieve, maybe because they're shorter, have broader shoulders smaller boobs, smaller hips or whatever
That picture with that caption makes it look like this is what it's normal to look like, making women want to buy the product out of shame.

I personally think it's just a shitty and lazy way to advertise, but if you're banning things like these, there are a ton of other things you should ban too.

>> No.11499908
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She isn't photo shopped in the picture desu (apart from the black/white effect). See pic related for her in real life, she is beautiful.

I don't really blame the advertisers myself, they are advertising a product that people will use with the hopes of being more attractive, so they use an attractive model to advertise this (who herself uses the product). If they put Lena Dunham on the advertisement, no woman would buy the product.

>> No.11499913
File: 82 KB, 620x620, transformation_-_side_by_side_1_1_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lot of women use the product and get good results also.

>> No.11499923

>she isn't photoshopped guys here's a photoshopped image to prove it
really makes you think

>> No.11499930
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more photos

>> No.11499933
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she is real desu

>> No.11499936
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>> No.11499938

>more photoshopped pictures

>> No.11499947
File: 45 KB, 600x600, renee-somerfield-instagram-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ha, you are either a troll or a woman in denial that other women can be this attractive.

>> No.11500012

you have to look beyond what they wear. a lot of girls enjoy color and fabric more than the look itself. the girls that are passionate about fashion practically live at designer stores and their style isn't just fad based, it comes from their own ideas.
i've found that most people that love fashion dress more understated because they realize the game of economics it is, and just like quality material.

>> No.11500039

I know people have already been jumping your case re: whether or not she's photoshopped, but to address the larger issue:

I agree that, at some basic level, it's unfair to advertise falsehoods. Womens' magazines are pretty bad about that with, for example, makeup ads. With that said, "these ads should be banned" doesn't necessarily follow. I don't think we could reliably trust a bureaucrat to accurately and consistently draw the line between fake/exploitative ads and just ones displaying really hot/ideal/perfect people.

Your point is a pretty well-supported one, though. I had a longstanding beef with my First Amendment professor over this (and a related argument re: public nudity, which I support wholeheartedly).

>> No.11500057
File: 450 KB, 600x1510, Lena Dunham Girls Body Weight Fat Mess Ugly Tranny Actress Legs Ass Dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I agree that, at some basic level, it's unfair to advertise falsehoods. Womens' magazines are pretty bad about that with, for example, makeup ads. With that said, "these ads should be banned" doesn't necessarily follow. I don't think we could reliably trust a bureaucrat to accurately and consistently draw the line between fake/exploitative ads and just ones displaying really hot/ideal/perfect people.

But dude, what about women's feelings? We have got to ban all the stuff that might make them feel inadequate. Perhaps if we were to change mannequins to fit the body type of Lena Dunham for a start?

All I am saying is, if a company wants to advertise their product with attractive women, they should be crushed into the dirt and have their business destroyed. Is that too much for a strong independent woman to ask in the year TWO THOUSAND SIXTEEN?

P.S I drink white male tears.

The end.

>> No.11500067

What? Why would a gay guy mind women not finding him attractive?

>> No.11500071

I have changed my mind because you made me think of Lena Dunham naked, ban all nudity

>> No.11500081


My point was that women can drift in and out of same sex relationships with no problems, whereas if a guy went gay then looked for straight relationships he would have trouble.

>> No.11500089
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Remember, this is what feminists want all women to look like in advertising.

So look again at this lady >>11499933

and then look back at Lena Dunham. Think carefully about what policies you want to advocate.

P.S On a side not, having attractive women in the media encourages women to not look like Lena Dunham. If women are told looking like Lena Dunham is ok, more of them will start looking like her.

>> No.11500092

That is why you don't tell anyone. Notoriety doesn't favor the noted only the notees.
Why would a gay guy look for a straight relationship? Did jesus die for your right to be stupid?

>> No.11500097
File: 302 KB, 420x420, f6c77a53c62908b2d65bbf82f20d298a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was making a point about fashion udik breh. Women can wear boyish clothes and its not a big deal, but if a dude wears a dress it will be bad for him in many ways.

>> No.11500103

That's very true actually. Fashion is very one sided, favoring women. Women can wear masculine clothes and get away with it, but suddenly if a man wears feminine clothing it's immediately: disgraceful, embarrassing, UNMANLY, mentally disturbed, transvestite, blah blah blah.
The only thing men can really get away with are using makeup that makes them look natural.

>> No.11500122


I think it is just indicative of the times we are living in, if a lady were to wear masculine clothing say 80 years ago they would have been seen as some kind of odd future cat lady, which may still be a true assessment, but speaking of this is suppressed in the mainstream. Whereas if a guy deviates from a male look (a dress perhaps), he is seen as inadequate and not a real man.

>> No.11500132

80 years ago was like that flapper movement, so pretty sure it would've been a hot topic like the issues of the world right now. In recent years it's been slowly getting accepted for men to wear female stuff. Drag queens are guys who dress up in female clothing and whatnot as entertainment for others, which I guess is right now the best way for men to get away with wearing female clothing, if it's for entertainment.

>> No.11500163

>flapper movement

Ah that's a good point. Though I have heard the majority of women were against the feminists/flapper movement at the time.

>> No.11500182

Well the 20s was like a whole different country compared to now. Things were so different. If you beat your wife for insubordination, no one would bat an eye. And for a while women had the whole "BE A HOUSEWIFE" idea beaten into them.

>> No.11500278

>And for a while women had the whole "BE A HOUSEWIFE" idea beaten into them.

Well it was more like, be a housewife or a cat lady/prostitute I think.

>Things were so different. If you beat your wife for insubordination, no one would bat an eye.

Not sure about this, if a guy was properly beating their wife I think they would have a lot of problems. But if they slapped them or something when they were acting up perhaps you are right, I would have to look into things. I would think the vast majority of marriages were probably happy and peaceful though.

>> No.11500301

no. just the ones you know.

>> No.11500322

i remember that one time when lena dunham lashed out at a magazine for photoshopping an image of her for the cover but it turns it wasn't altered. still she made a point about how womyn yada yada yada

>> No.11500335


She is such cancer desu.

>> No.11500937

To me it seems that the spectrum is much wider on men - just like it is when it comes to income and IQ.

Males have some very fashionable types, just like men also make up the largest amount of hoboes and sub 70 IQers. So even though we have some outliers, the average man is still worse dressed. Although if you look at designers - most are without a doubt men.

>> No.11500961

my guy i think that's a matter of what kinds of people you surround yourself with.
muh gender roles

>> No.11501010

Let me sort this out for you guys

>Southern Girls

Either dress like hick trash
Dress in nike running shorts and some some oversized dad shirt/monogrammed shit/vineyard vines shirt, and sometimes you have ones occasionally dressing in higher fashion or nice street clothes.

>North East Girls

I haven't spent too much time up there but I remember lots of long sleeve stuff. Generally people are dressed much better there.

>Midwest Girls (Colorado etc.)

Haven't been to the midwest but I had a group of friends from there, lots of pastels, whitewashed jeans, converse, fluffy shit like scarves, pretty well dressed.

>Western Girls (Cali, mainly.)

By far the best, all dressed well, most look like they came out of a /fa/ street clothing thread, they're all attractive, happy, and dress well.

None of this matters when compared to European chicks. They dress so well its unbelievable. Stan Smiths everywhere.

>> No.11501034


Southern girls also got yoga pants north face and ugg boots lmao

>> No.11501041
File: 1.90 MB, 3264x2448, 20151111_093752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shallow as ever.
You realize that fashion in general is shallow right?
It is an interest of only the most shallow , materialistic humans on this planet my friend.

>> No.11501054

North East girls fall in every catagory, with a lot in either fast fashion or Vinyard vines/wanna be prep. But honestly I've seen everything possible up here.

>> No.11501310

Not true at all. t. professional fag who still does girls sometimes

>> No.11501625

Not entirely. Like yeah, a huge majority of people in the fashion industry are shallow, materialistic, and incredibly rude, however, fashion is how you wish to represent yourself to the world. Getting every minute detail perfected to make the most presentable you to any situation. What people REALLY need to know, and this goes with the whole shallow thing, is that fashion is not about inner beauty. So many newcomers that I see at fashion institutes who are such kind and goodhearted people and I always keep thinking to myself, "Such a shame." Because by the end of their four years, they're gonna be the worst people imaginable.

>> No.11501898

the average male dresses like complete shit atleast women care about their appearance somewhat even if it's following trends. better than the cargo shorts and Nike slide with socks I see going to class every damn day. men have zero self awareness

>> No.11501905

fuck u mean im a 6'2" ripped chad in full rick

>> No.11501914

i died at nike slides

>> No.11501916


case in point

you don't fall into the average male category congrats.

>> No.11501951
File: 33 KB, 372x527, 500 keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average woman will obviously look shitty to a fashion-conscious man, but the average man looks like a bridge troll compared to the average woman

>inb4 numale
>inb4 cuck
>inb4 gay

>> No.11501977


True the average males dress like fucking shit

>> No.11501986

thread is less about fashion and more /thinspo/ from what I'm seeing.

what fashion trends u guys find is unfashionable that women wear????

>> No.11501989

>the average man looks like a bridge troll compared to the average woman
the average woman has makeup and is encouraged to look nice

the average man may even be discouraged to look nice or put effort in his appearance

>> No.11502031

exactly my point :^)

>> No.11503538

A lot of women fashion is just using the body's sex appeal as a substitute for actual fashion taste. Skintight leggings, super short skirts and shorts, tight tops, all often have no real design and exist just to reveal the woman's body. You may look good, but I can't say you're fashionable. There aren't really equivalent outfits for men besides maybe those super skimpy tank tops.

>> No.11503551

Haven't seen ugg boots in a while, yoga pants a lot when I used to live in Antalya tho, I live a couple hours north of there now and see almost none

>> No.11503564

agreed. men are taught fashion is stupid so they just wear what their boring/plain gf or wife tells them to wear. lots of american eagle bullshit and graphic ts. hate it.

>> No.11503595

i've always felt envy towards women. They can dress in different styles dresses, skirts, trousers, shorts. Go from feminine to masculine in one day and try different silhouettes and styles while us, men, are stuck in the most basic stuff.

>> No.11503878

Nothing stopping you from doing the same aside from the opinion of normies and /pol/ cross posters on a Taiwanese Gerrymandering Bulletin Board

>> No.11503890

Anyone have any "modest but attractive" not necessarily ankle length skirts, but j.crew esq tumblrs/fashion collections?
Tryna /fa/ my gf which dresses fa21 core.

>> No.11503907


European girls by en large dress terribly, tan smith s are s hitty basic 'I'm a fashion killer' shoe

>> No.11503924
File: 823 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously hope you don't believe this. Although I'll admit I've never been to the Balkans, pretty much everywhere in Europe girls dress better than the US.

>> No.11503949

Cannot be worse than here in Funland

>> No.11503955

just google "mid length skirts" my man

>> No.11505214

It can be, have you ever been to the US? I've visited Finland and the other Scandinavian countries and they're overall much better than America. Although if you live somewhere rural it might be shite.

>> No.11506281

Seriously? Manygirls are fashion bloggers or make their own clothes but unfortunately the cutesy and girly bloggers are much more known so you wouldn't find anything interesting just by following the top blogs.

Also, I found this community recently and in general I like the styles here but it isn't diverse at all. Mostly hip hop influenced or very basic street style, people arguing over 30 different kinds of sports shoes that look exactly the same. I often feel that it not my generation, people here are 18-20 and I am over 30. Sometimes there is something interesting like philosophercore or memes, but because male fashion itself is not that diverse - there are only pants, shirt and jacket to design - but surely it isn't all that same. I'm not saying I hate the styles here, for instance everything dark and Rick Owens style is nice but he isn't the only designer making something like that. Therefore I find the criticism of female fashion kind of funny.