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11464836 No.11464836 [Reply] [Original]

Skin Care tips:
>Specific products and application

>> No.11464850
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This shit is a godsend you guys weren't kidding

>> No.11464855

if anyone has any treatment tips or remedies for seborrheic dermatitis i'd appreciate

i've used topical shampoos and medication, only minor improvements, keeps coming back

>> No.11464857

this looks sus as fuck

>> No.11464896

Pls help me /fa/, met with a derm and was prescribed accutane, however it will take a month for me to start my course, however i'm going on holiday and will still have a fuckton of spots by then.

Is there any sunscreen that could double as a concealer to try and hide the spots? Any help at all would be appreciated.

>> No.11464970

>seborrheic dermatitis

>> No.11465035

where can i buy this. fuckin outta stock everywhere i look

>> No.11465178

Got mine from amazon

>> No.11465318

just been using a charcoal soap from lush and a vitamin c serum from 100% pure
pimples are smaller and my skin is beginning to get clearer in some areas, still have redness under my skin
hope the vitamin c helps out with that like some say

>> No.11465358

aight i cant use amazon since the shipping for me is crazy, found some on a local site, chur

>> No.11466914

I've just been using the Neutrogena Naturals cleanser (not the cream one) and moisturizer. Recently had a bit of a breakout but I'm on minocycline and benzoyl peroxide for that.

>> No.11466947
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Trying this one out. It's not enough to touch the worse parts of my acne, but it makes my skin heal faster and makes bumps/redness go away pretty quickly. It'd probably flush out most everything but cystic acne but, well, that's what I've got. Trying some simple masks and spot cleansers for the big ones though.

>> No.11466954

Should add, I never gained a damned thing from salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, so this stuff doing anything at all is really huge. It does make your skin start peeling off in layers but they do it easily and what's underneath is just healthier.

>> No.11466974

I bought a cleanser from then and it's made my skin literally glow/wrinkles shrink/sabateous filaments become less noticeable

>> No.11466990

Hasn't quite been that magical so far for me, but I started off with disaster-area skin so in relative terms, it's probably the same kind of improvement. I dunno, it's quality shit. But it's also the first thing I've really used that's a step above beauty-aisle supermarket stuff.

>> No.11467004

My acne has disappeared ever since I started taking cold showers daily. Otherwise I wash with a Cetaphil soap bar and then moisturize with Neutrogena lotion every morning and night. I still don't know how to take care of those red/brown spots under the skin though.

>> No.11467010
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this stuff is noice as fuck, along with the toner. makes me feel fresh

>> No.11467285

New to this board, I had pretty severe acne, but I reduced it to moderate with the acne.org regimen. What's the general consensus on the regimen, is there anything better to get me clear?

>> No.11467298
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how do i get rid of random breakouts and cold sores on lips?

>> No.11467301

I would try a high percentage staylic acid treatment for that

>> No.11467314

accutane, go to a fucking derm and get it. you will not regret it. dont let them take forever to give it to you either, let them know you want to go on it. it is gods gift to anyone with acne.

>> No.11467316

protip: dont have herpes

>> No.11467331

As a counter argument to the guy who said accurate; I personally suffered from what I would (and my dermatologist) describe as regular acne. I did not have deep scarring or severe acne, just what would be considered unattractive, but normal.

I used just the acne.org regimen and after about 2 months of twice to day I noticed a huge improvement and now only have the occasional blemish usually around my jawline from a hair getting slightly ingrown from shaving. If I don't shave I don't notice any blemishes.

Also I cut out dairy but for unrelated reasons, but it could have contributed to my clear skin as well.

Just my experience, but overall it will do the job well

>> No.11467339

Thanks for the input, did you use the other products like the AHA and Jojoba oil?
I've already taken a round of accutane, but the results were temporary and it came back after a year.

>> No.11467356
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like pic related?
protip: over 85% of adults have herpes simplex type 1 (common cold sore)

>> No.11467380


85%? source?

>> No.11467387
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You should definetly be using a wash, but I would also use something like this to treat it. I would also reccomend the acne.org regimen for overall treatment, I used to have horrible acne all around my lips, but that cleared most of it up.

>> No.11467668
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I have pale skin around my chin and mouth, so when I get pimples, they'll leave this faint mark behind.

Will exfoliating help to get rid of these?

>> No.11467738

No, like a spot treatment. Clean and Clear has a decent option that you can find in a drugstore. Just put it on before you go to sleep on the first day you feel a pimple coming on and it should be cleared up within 12-24 hours.

In general you should be washing your face with a cleanser everyday twice a day. A toner and properly removing your makeup will do wonders for your acne over time.

If you're getting "random" breakouts and cold sores at the same time something could be up with your immune system. If you don't take birth control could be a hormonal thing too. Try tracking your breakouts in relation to your cycle. It's worth having your bloodwork looked at for a thyroid disorder or similar virus. Moderate your sleeping, eat well and exercise regularly in the meantime.

Also for cold sores, treat them with Abreve or Coldsore FX THE FIRST DAY you feel that you're getting a cold sore (the dry insatiable tingling lips). And put it on frequently. If you're just puttering around at home, keep your lips saturated with it. if you're out in public, apply a thick layer before you leave and carry the tube with you.

And throw away/disinfect (like cutoff the tip from) any lip makeup you've used with a cold sore. Unless you use disposable brushes It spreads it over and over again.

>> No.11467750

daily reminder to WEAR SUNSCREEN

30 SPF or higher and broad spectrum. Even if you only walk to class for 30 minutes a day...wear sunscreen! All the little bits of time add up.

>> No.11467753

daily reminder: Only wear sunscreen if you wash your face properly. the buildup isn't worth it if you don't care.

>> No.11467767

People who don't bother to wash their faces don't have the discipline to stick to a sunscreen regime either

>> No.11468170
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I have some constant redness in the moustache area. Doesn't make any difference if I don't shave or do shave or how I shave. Have tried a few different after shaves, blades and foams, no difference.

Is there anything I could try?

>> No.11468180

can i lick your face please ?

>> No.11468188

I have very oily skin, and really big pores. What do I use for that?

>> No.11468191

some people wash their face but don't know how to take off heavy products like makeup and sunscreen properly.

>> No.11468321

A gun

>> No.11468398


I'm from the UK. Guns aren't available here.

>> No.11468748

Astringent, toner.

>> No.11468761

I struggled with acne for years and I'm finally starting to solve the issue, but I have dozens and dozens of blackheads on my nose, anything to propose?

>> No.11469005

I'd like to use Glossier Milky Jelly because I wanna be one of the cool kids, but I'm wondering if it's suitable for my skin or if I should stick with what I have.

My main problem is large pores after a long time of just not doing skin care. Not having a large budget right now to just go into Sephora and ask to throw money at them, I started using Accure Facial Cleansing Creme because it was one of the cheapest cleansers in Whole Body and said "pore minimizing" on it.

It's working to bring them back down, but I don't know if other stuff in the <$20 price range would work better, and like I said, I just want to hop on the Glossier bandwagon.

Is it suitable? Can /fa/ recommend me something better than either.

>> No.11469034

what does this thing actually do?

>> No.11469045

Your scalp might be dry, I got a shampoo from my dermatologist but it didn't help. Saw a huge improvement after conditioning with coconut oil

>> No.11469049

It's basically an industrial strength clay mask. On the plus side, it cleans the absolute shit out of your pores. On the negative side, it's ultra-strong, and - while I don't mind using it - a lot of the girls I've dated with fairer skin couldn't use it because it literally begins to hurt them or something.

>> No.11469051

Put vanilla extract on the cold sore when you start to feel it tingling
works for me

>> No.11469061

it certainly is dry but i don't think that's the main problem, my scalp has these gross scaly patches of skin that itches when it's too hot or when i sweat after exercise
also gets red and blotchy

>> No.11469074

>industrial strength

Sounds painful

>> No.11469101

is it good for clogged pores?
i literally have no acne but clogged pores up the ass

>> No.11469102


you're a big guy

>> No.11469160

I own more than five different cleansers and the glossier one is one of my favorites 2bh. it's very gentle and my skin feels clean and soft after using it, so I imagine you will like it if your skin is oily. I think it's suitable for any skin type. I would also check out their clay mask, because they are generally good for enlarged pores/oily skin and I like theirs better than the Aztec healing clay mask.

>> No.11469227

Anyone have any opinions on Paulas choice?

How often should this be used, and how much?

>> No.11469231

I was asking about the aztec Indian healing clay

>> No.11469586


>> No.11469602

I wouldn't use it too often, it does make your skin pretty sensitive. Personally, I use it every other week.

>> No.11469644

What are your guys recommendations for cystic acne, I'm currently using Lymecycline for meds, and a gentle face wash.
Idk it seems to not stop, leaving scars badly

>> No.11469802


I have oily skin and large pores. What cleanser, toner, moisturizer and clay mask brands should I use? I'm also unsure how to incorporate the a clay mask into my routine. When should I use it, and how often?

>> No.11469803


Assuming money is no object

>> No.11469804

Vitamin C Serum is literally jesus for acne scars

>> No.11469917
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I've been using Thayer's Witch Hazel Toner (Rose Scented) and I'm in love with it. I've got large pores around my nose and I swear by it.

If you have oily skin, I'd recommend doing a double cleanse with an oil cleanser (look it up, it's surprisingly effective) and then a foaming cleanser. Pretty much anything from Korea is safe to use because they know how to into skincare (I use Klairs for an Oil and Neogen's Green Tea foaming cleanser -- both of which you can find pretty easily on Sokoglam/Amazon)

Best of luck to you!

>> No.11469946


Thanks for the advice mate. Really appreciated. What do you think about clay masks and moisturizer?

>> No.11469966

Moisturizer is essential. I've never used a Clay mask myself, but some people in /skin/ swear by the Aztec Secret clay.

You can find anything, patch test it, and if it doesn't cause breakouts you'll be good to go.

>> No.11469977

You don't need a clay mask. Just buy a decent exfoliant (aka a chemical exfoliant, not physical scarring shit), use toner properly and get a moisturizer that works for your skin type. Clay masks are unnecessary and dry your skin the fuck out.

>> No.11469980

>Moisturizer is essential

Of course. I was wondering what brands are best. I figure something light would be ideal.

>some people in /skin/ swear by the Aztec Secret clay

Okay, I'll test that. I read earlier in the thread to use on a fortnightly basis.

Also, I don't know if this really applies in /skin/, since it's mainly about the face, but can I use coconut oil on the rest of my body? Is there some, better, alternative to coconut oil?

Again, thanks for the advice

>> No.11469988

>Just buy a decent exfoliant (aka a chemical exfoliant

Any recommendations? How often do they need to be used? Before or after cleanser/toner?

>> No.11470070

>acne.org regimen
Ive never heard of this before so i just looked at it. I thought benzoyl peroxide was bad if you actually wanted to treat acne. I could be wrong but i thought i read one time that its used in proactiv because it temporarily treats acne, but as soon as you stop using it all your acne comes back, and eventually your skin need more than the usual amount of benzoyl peroxide in order for the acne to go away

>> No.11470119

I've used proactive before, the difference between the two is that the acne.org regimen uses alot more bp. Proactive is built around a small amount so you continue to get breakouts and buy the product. It's true if you go off of bp your acne will come back, but you won't ever need more because bp creates oxygen that kills p. acne, so it will always work.

>> No.11470120

shit just never actually worked for me lelll

>> No.11470284

I don't think coconut oil will hurt

>> No.11470415

BP royally fucked me up. It left marks that took several months to begin to fade, and they're still visible. Granted I used one that was probably way too strong for me but it swore me off of it entirely.

I started using Tea Tree Oil with a carrier oil and it works just as well and doesn't open you up to the risk of red marks.

>> No.11470488


>> No.11470506
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Tea tree oil can help with redness and razor bumps

>> No.11470516

egg white mask

>> No.11470578

Oooh fuck. Accutane is rough. Good luck.

>> No.11470646

I have acne scars and crater face, am I fucked for life? what do I do?

>> No.11470708

go to your doctor, they'll prescribe you a retinol

>> No.11470762

How do I into perfect skin?

>> No.11471136

This stuff is the shit, first thing that removed the oil slick from face, the closed comedones on my forehead are vanishing, and my pores look a bit less noticeable as well.

>> No.11471195
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Recently copped La Roche Posay Serozinc spray. Anyone else tried it?

>> No.11471205

get a chemical peel

>> No.11472765

What are the best moisturizers?

>> No.11473089

People who've used this, what's the condition of your skin and how has this helped?

>> No.11473401

How do I get rid of blind pimples? I have a rather large red bump developing on my forehead and would like to get rid of it before tomorrow

>> No.11473455

Bumping this

>> No.11473571

Thanks! Which mask, the Mega Greens?

>> No.11473992
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how do i fix this bullshit on my forehead

>> No.11474434

>believing in products

>> No.11475441


>> No.11475495

no problem! and yes, that's the one

>> No.11476380 [DELETED] 

Paulas Choice 2% Salicyclic Acid is GOAT
Used after cleansing and toning, be generous with amount used, apply to a cotton makeup pad (not a cotton ball) and apply all over face. Don't lightly swipe your face with it, use a bit of pressure and apply it all over

>> No.11476387 [DELETED] 

Concentrated salicyclic acid works wonders on unsurfaced pimples

>> No.11476397

Paulas Choice 2% Salicyclic Acid is GOAT
Used after cleansing and toning, be generous with amount used, apply to a cotton makeup pad (not a cotton ball) and apply all over face. Don't lightly swipe your face with it, use a bit of pressure and apply it all over. Salicyclic acid is also amazing for stopping pimples from surfacing.

>> No.11476464

I've determined that my skin is obnoxiously sensitive. I'm still trying to find a toner that works; so far I've tried the pink booskin toner by Enprani and the Thayers rose water toner, but I have similar results with them; my face erupts into tons of pinpoint sized pustules after a few days. Should I even bother trying to use a toner? My skin seems to do well with what I've got so far...

>Cleanser: Glamglow supercleanse
>Moisturizer: Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Moisturizer
>Toner: N/A
>Sunscreen: N/A (Haven't found anything that doesn't break me out yet, could use recommendations on that too)

I have a peeling serum on the way which I'm hoping will help with my hyperpigmentation. On the weekends I use Cosrx BHA power liquid, innisfree jeju volcanic mask, and clean it zero oil cleanser to help with SFs and Blackheads.

>> No.11477336
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Does anyone know of any concealer or a cream that helps with baggy eyes
Ive been catching up on sleep but idk theyre still there

>> No.11477384

i heard dick batter can help with that baby girl

i got the juice

>> No.11477426

Anything to help brighten my skin? I used to have a lighter skin tone and ignored my mom's advice to put on sunscreen all throughout my childhood.

>> No.11477539

>gone through just about all of the acne shit at Target
>none of it did anything for me, acne continues to get worse with each passing day
>scars up the ass all over my cheeks
>at least 2 breakouts a week
>became desperate enough to use my own cum because vitamin a and shit
>it helps control grease and make my blackheads go away but didn't help with acne
I seriously think I'm fucked. Nothing I've tried has worked on me. I have like industrial-strength acne.
>tfw I feel like I'd be a solid 7 if it weren't for acne

>> No.11477545

Oh shit. By cheeks, i meant on my face

>> No.11477564

Drink more water.
It might also just be due to the shape of your skull.

>> No.11477570

Try acne.org regimen or see a derm.

>> No.11477664

I've been told Vitamin C is pretty good for it

>> No.11478388

Anyone try Paula's Choice toners?

>> No.11478476

Trying out refined coconut oil as a moisturizer. Patch tests have been good so far. It's also the GOAT moisturizer for muh dick

>> No.11478523
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alright guys I've got pretty oily skin. To the point that most people think my face sweats a lot.

I break out pretty often (3-5 new pimples a week)
Constant blackheads and bumps other than that

I've been using Retin-A and a Salicylic acid wash once before I go to bed.

It hadn't really been changing much.

However, the last few days I haven't been showering as much, and decided not to wash my face either, and my acne is starting to fade, however I still can feel one or two new zits coming in on the most oily spots on my face

I'm confused on what my skin is actually doing and I'm not sure my dermatologist understands either

Anyone have this problem?
I assume I should continue not using the salicylic wash, but what else should I try?

>> No.11478703

im not sure what to do guys. never miss my routine, only drink water with the exception of one sugar free coffee. never eat bad, make sure to always eat 4 servings of vegetables a day. still suffer mild breakouts daily.

morning routine:
panoxyl (10% benzoyl peroxide)
moisturizing lotion

night routine:
.05% tretinoin cream
cerave renewing cleaner applied with exfoliating brush (every other day)

really don't want Accutane (for financial and personal reasons), what do?

>> No.11478782

maybe try


>> No.11478836


I've tried abandoning my routine a few times, it usually clears out for 2-3 days and then becomes substantially worse, even when i keep my diet in check.

>> No.11478877

Ok, I'm going to a concert on the 29th. Which is a little more than three weeks from now. What can I do in the mean time skin care wise? I don't have any money right now, so buying stuff is out of the question. I have a cleanser and a moisturizer that you guys recommend. They're not really good imo, but it's fine I guess.

My skin has a little acne right now and my face has some dark spots. I was wondering what can I do to improve my skin in less than three weeks. Even if it's the little things. Please help.

>> No.11478886

Just like you I was really against accutane but nothing I was doing was working. I went on the acne.org regimen and it cleared me up alot, I even got compliments from people on how it was clearing, I still have some marks but they are fading.

>> No.11478892

Wash in the shower for 10 secs, moisturize gently after. Don't touch your face. Make sure you get proper nutrition. If you can borrow it from someone, dab some concealer on the acne before you go out. There's not much you can do without buying some products.

>> No.11478936


im gonna check this out, thanks a lot man.

>> No.11479015

>but can I use coconut oil on the rest of my body?
Sesame seed oil.

>> No.11479022

Np just make sure you start on a slow dosage and slowly ramp up, I would also pick up the AHA and joboba oil. Make sure you follow the instructions and are really gental on your skin. Good luck

>> No.11479132
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Hey guys my skin has cleared up a lot but I still have bumps from shaving. Could someone recommend something to help with this? I have added pic related in hopes of showing progress and also entertaining you guys.

>> No.11480051

>Sesame seed oil.

Why is sesame seed oil any better than coconut oil?

>> No.11480188
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I have a nasolobial fold on only one side of my face. Not sure why, I'm only turning 19 soon. I drink a lot of water and such. I don't sleep on that side either. Is there a way to non-surgically lessen how deep it is?

>> No.11480208

I knew a girl who got put on accutane, and her skin is like anime-perfect, so don't trip once it gets crazy bad for a while. Sorry I don't have an answer to your question, I just thought it was worth mentioning since there might be a time when you don't think it's worth it, and it totally will be.

>> No.11480212

Use good quality new razors, and use a sensitive shaving foam, and moisturise afterwards. Simple

Doesn't look too bad in any case tho

>> No.11480262

>her skin is like anime-perfect

I don't have acne, but my skin is far from good. I wish I could go on accutane for a few months.

>> No.11480287

so much grease on ur face

>> No.11480301

It's not grease, this was after my nightly routine w/ AHA and vitamin E oil which makes my face shiny

>> No.11480442


cheers, appreciate it

>> No.11480453

makes little expression lines not very noticeable, good for clearing up blackheads apparently but what it does for me rather than clearing up is bring them to the surface so I can scrub them away. still good imo. also my pores appear tinier. it's a bit messy though and if you get it in your hairline it'll feel like chalk until you wash it out but i recommend.

>> No.11480507

what is your diet like? i had the same problem, i'm 25 and just recently i noticed that i had a fold on just my right side ( in certain lighting but still noticeable to me). i think it's a slow decline in collagen production and consuming a lot of sugar causes glycation which destroys collagen. i've tried everything topical though, but what worked most is honestly just cutting out bread and sugar, even super sugary fruit like watermelon and bananas. maybe for some people they can handle it but i notice my fold looks 10x worse when I have a lot of sugar. recently i noticed my skin looks tighter and i can barely see the fold even in atrocious lighting. i think it's worth a try. good skin comes from inside out as they always say. keep drinking water and up your vitamin A intake too. good luck

>> No.11480514

Fuck, not him but I've been blasting sugar like a madman, that probably explains it, thanks anon

>> No.11480541
File: 39 KB, 301x450, 682-02891649em-Studio-shot-of-woman-snarling-close-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm that makes sense if it is correlated to sugar, I eat a lot of fruit :s I think the actual cause of it is I sometimes make a face like pic related with that side of my face. I'll try lowering my sugar intake and see if it helps at all, thanks man

>> No.11480544

but keep in mind there isn't cold hard evidence out there that sugar really ruins your skin but if you do a google search you'll read stories about people quitting and their skin looking like 10 years younger. plus tried it myself and its worth it.

http://articles.mercola.com/sugar-side-effects.aspx worth a read, though they don't say much about having better skin but when your organs are functioning normally i'm pretty sure your skin will just fix itself

>> No.11480559

it could also be expression lines, which the best diet in the world couldn't fix completely but they can reduce the appearance drastically at least. i do know it's normal for everyone to have a deeper fold on one side though so you shouldn't obsess over it too much. i've seen 6 year olds with crazy folds..it seems to depend on your nose/skull shape. still worth a try, i notice things change within a few weeks. it really fucking sucks though when you realize the things you once loved to eat you really can't anymore..and once you have it in what you think is moderation you just fall off track (at least for me). also..flatter stomach senpai. feels good.

>> No.11480568


accutane saved my life, lots of negative reviews but that shit cleared up my acne 10/10 would recommend.
Make sure you're using plenty of sunscreen though

>> No.11480573

Where do you guys buy your products ?

>> No.11480586
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joyal vitamin c eye serum works wonders. are they dark circles or just bags? it's hard to tell from the picture.

But this shit tightens them up and it's pretty painful but works and I don't even need concealer anymore after years of having meth head eye circles. You should check out their other serums too

>> No.11480588


>> No.11480638
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Dermatologypro's help needed:

I have sebaceous cyst things on my balls 1-2mm in diameter. I can remove the whole thing one by one with a razor blade with a little patience. My question is: will they grow back? I know for sure that if I only empty them with a needle they will grow back, and fast. What I am talking about is removing the little sac from under the skin, the cyst per se.

>> No.11480789
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is this any good ?

>> No.11480798
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How good are these for removing blackheads? I've been thinking about getting one but I keep hearing mixed opinions about them. Some people say that they're a godsend while other people say that they're terrible for your skin. I only have a few blackheads around my mouth that prevent me from shaving effectively. So I thought this tool would be best for me.

>> No.11481540


>> No.11481623

why not go to a doctor? I wouldn't risk any infection or accidentally cutting too deep, especially on your balls

>> No.11481647

Anyone know how to treat dark marks left over from acne? I have a pretty big dark spot on my face and it has been there for awhile.

>> No.11481768
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They're tiny shallow cuts, not much worse than a shaving cut, just enough to push the fuckers through and pluck them. Alcohol everywhere before during and afterwards of course.
I know what a doctor will tell me: get laser for 50€ a pop (IIRC) with no guarantee they won't come back. For a couple dozen that's some money and effort just to make my balls look better.

I THINK I may have had the exact same shit on my forehead just above the hairline a few years back. Wasn't visible thanks to the hair but still made me anxious and obsessed as fuck. Scratched it to death for months until I went nuts and decided to scratch a hole in my head if necessary. There was a lot of blood until some sort of peel came out (similar to these cysts when they're empty, only bigger). Miraculously it didn't leave a mark or come back.

>> No.11481778

There's not much you can do. There are procedures that dermatologists do but it may cost a good amount of money. Besides that you can exfoliate it at home, but that's really it.

>> No.11481799

salicylic acid (stridex) or a retinol might help lighten your marks

>> No.11482113

Does anyone have any opinions on accurate? Is there anyone here who's used it or knows about it?

>> No.11482136

Cured my back acne forever, didn't kept my face clean after I stopped taking the pills. For side effects I got a bloody nose, dry lips and a deeper voice. I'm now taking a smaller dosage of Vitamin A and E, since my acne is pretty much mild now I hope that this will do the trick.

>> No.11482487

I use benzyl perozide(5 %) a gentle cleanser and a oil-free moisturizer. I dont got a lot of problem with acne anymore but i got some whiteheads and blackheads. What could i add to my routine to help with that? My skin is pretty sensitive btw.

>> No.11483281

5 percent does the same as 2.5 percent, but is more irritating. Switch to 2.5 and use more of it. Use a cleanser before benzoyl and moisturize after the benzoyl dries.

>> No.11483383

What is the best Vitamin C Serum for acne scars?

I remember a picture on here before of a serum bottle as Jesus's face. Is that the most recommended one here? Which ones have worked best for you?

>> No.11483392

OST C20. Affordable and very effective.

>> No.11483401

Doesn't work at all

>> No.11483542

>OST C20
Too bad the last manufacture date is May 5. That shit's probably rotten by now.

>> No.11483555

What skincare routine should I be using if I have no major skin problems? I very rarely get spots (maybe one or two a month at most), my face isn't overly oily or overly dry and the only real problem I get is that my skin sometimes appears quite pasty.

Would a light cleanser, exfoliant, moisturiser and sunscreen be all I need, or should I still bother with face-masks, toner etc?

>> No.11483564

In my experience, if you have the gift of a good face, don't fuck around with it. You'll be spending money testing different shit with a good possibility of making things worse.

If you must, stick with one product and take your time if you want more. A sunscreen with added benefits would be best.

>> No.11483593
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How to get rid of tiny bumps on forehead?

>> No.11484775

Hope this isn't dead yet.

What's the best way to fade a scar? I got something cut off my face at the dermatologist's, and while it's healed, it left a red-brown dark circular scar. Would silicone sheets help?

>> No.11484795

Fuck fka tWigz or however the fuck is her name spelled. so obnoxious, artificial and unoriginal.

>> No.11484808

>Paula's Choice

I'm thinking about just going for the 9% Y/N?

Same person as >>11469005, problem is large pores, not acne.

>> No.11484881

Best thing to clear up blackheads

>> No.11485278
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-06-20-42-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do to get rid of these?

>> No.11485302


>> No.11485304

If you keep your Vitamin C in the fridge and away from light, it can last 6+ months easily

>> No.11485307

You forgot bonerific

>> No.11485428

You cant remove your nose sorry bud

>> No.11485464

rosehip oil is a godsend. seriously. it worked for me for my hyperpigmentation. it takes a few weeks but i've definitely noticed fading more than anything else, even vit c serum.

when you buy it though make sure it's orange. it'll give you a yellowy cast on your skin but it fades away.

>> No.11485496

Explain more. Are they a grit like texture?

>> No.11485521


>> No.11485925

I REALLY don't want to go on Accutane again. It cleared up my acne for like a year and a half but it's back, but only on one side of my face. I use benzoyl peroxide daily. salicylic acid products make me break out even worse, adapalene works for a month then makes me break out even worse. How can I control my acne?

>> No.11485938

Diet? What do you eat?

>> No.11485964

Vegetarian, not the healthiest diet though. I generally avoid greasy or oily foods when possible. I do notice my acne gets worse when I eat shitty greasy food, but even when I avoid oil in food, the acne remains.

>> No.11485972

Do you Stress much and do you get any vital vitamins in you

>> No.11486003

I take a multivitamin, I have no doubt stress is a contributing factor but unless I quit life to live at a Buddhist monastery there isn't much to be done

>> No.11486140
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This shit is a godsend it cleared up the blackheads on my nose like nothing else and improves my skin in general 100/10

>> No.11486147

Are you talking about pores?

>> No.11486155

Anyone have success with aloe gel?

>> No.11486434

If it's only on one side of your face, do you change your pillowcase/sheets regularly and avoid touching your face?

>> No.11486459

What's the consensus on lasers for acne?

>> No.11486598

Sandpaper works for me. Just be sure to use a really high grit rating.

>> No.11486607

Lemon in face is good?

>> No.11486843

whole foods market if you're in the US

idk how people don't have more horror stories with accutane but
>5 months last semester of senior year
>peeling lips that nothing would fix
>arms/shins got so dry they cracked and bled
>no amount of moisturizing would help
>extremely bad lower back pain
>laying down to sleep took 10 minutes
>had to stop shaving bc skin was so irritated
>cholesterol shot up, had to switch diet and work out intensely
>mfw I never want to eat cheerios again
>really bad anger mood swings
>couldn't go out in the sun, live in the desert
>skin looked good for 6 months and then started coming back

had the softest hands of my life from all the moisturizing I was doing

I'm still pretty pizza face, but not as bad as I was before I started it?

>> No.11486854


>> No.11486916
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Honestly my skin is so fucked. What do you guys recommend I'm down for anything at this point

>> No.11486942


try being white

>> No.11486950
File: 413 KB, 480x484, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha funny and original have a meme friend

>> No.11486998

I have clogged nose pores and they're really noticeable.
Just now I noticed one of them looked loose and decided fuck it, im gonna take a pin and get this son of a bitch out of me

So I did. It was like 3 cm long and it felt disgusting knowing that shit was in me
I want to try again and get all of these fuckers out of my nose but am scared of doing some permanent scarring or something

Is this why cleansers and acids are doing shit for me?

>> No.11487019

How do I get rid/lessen visibility of sebaceous filaments? I used to use a blackhead remover tool but I heard it isn't too good for your skin.

>> No.11487023

I hear rubbing semen on your face does wonders.

>> No.11487033

>green streak of hair

good god woman look at yourself

>> No.11487035

This anon here
Just read >>11487019 and looked up sebaceous filaments
Guess I just removed one from my nose
Is this bad

>> No.11487091

Sorry man you're going to die

>> No.11487154

Where is is best place to order C20? Wishtrend?

It seems shifty. When I clicked on free shipping it turned into $10 shipping, trying to Jew me. Also when I clicked oay with paypal it said that any information typed or sent could be viewed by a third party. Is this shit normal or is C20 just a bunch of shilling?

>> No.11487701

accutane is legit
ask ur doctor

>> No.11487704

Why not?

>> No.11488365

Look up closed comedone removal techniques.

>> No.11488370

Those are sebaceous filaments. You can look up techniques to reduce the size of your pores, but they aren't anything to be concerned about, it's largely genetic. Without surgery I don't think there's anything you can do to actually remove them.

>> No.11488381
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Where is STHLM? the only good 4chan trip. :(

>> No.11488387

I've got a shit ton of acne scars on the back. Some of them are purple af. What is the most effective way to remove them? Laser therapy?

>> No.11488561

try using ebay to order. there's an ebay wishtrend store iirc.

>> No.11488572

>>11483555 dont fuck around; if it aint broke dont fix it

>> No.11489757

AM: Cetaphil mild skin cleanser & Nivea sensitive aftershave balm if I shave, otherwise usually cetaphil moisturizer

PM: regular water wash with cetaphil moisturizer

I exfoliate once every other day with regular niveau face exfoliation in those small little overprices tubes

I still get a lot of acne skin pimples on my chin and between my eyebrows and blackheads on my nose. How can I prevent this? What are some good basic products I can use to bring my face skincare routine to a higher level?

>> No.11490256

Wash face with lukewarm water
SPF 15 sunscreen (brown skin)

BHA every other day

I change my sheets/pillow case very regularly, and don't wear make up. My skin has always been quite good (no acne, maybe 5 spots in the past 5 years), just trying to get rid of some closed comedones on my forehead and improve the softness and glow of my skin.

Will be working in an aha to use weekly, and am researching various masks and vitamin creams. My skin is really good now, but wondering if anyone has any other advice to speed up closed comedone removal?

>> No.11490409

Yo. Dunno if this thread is dead but I've been going without eating dairy or sugar for the past month and it's really cleared up my acne/skin. Just a suggestion if you're looking to clear up acne and you're out of options.

>> No.11490435
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Anyone have experience with oil cleansing and if so how did it go?

>> No.11491306

Somebody respond to this. I absolutely have to know.

I don't need shit-tier answers like >>11483401

>> No.11491315

>put on break out free sunscreen
>work 8hrs
>go home tired and sleep
>skin feels like a babies bottom when I wake up
Wew lad, I'm a happy camper

>> No.11491354
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As you can see I don't have any real issues with my skin other than the disaster that's my forehead. I wash with ceraphil, use thayers toner, and moisturize daily. My forehead can never seem to clear and smooth out.
I also have fucking warts on my forehead and theyve been multiplying lately, advice on that would be much appreciated

>> No.11491399

Im going to share my golden rules

>NEVER touch your face with anything
>avoid kissing caked hoes cheek in cheek
>clean your face with cold water every now and then to close your pores, dont use soap unless youre taking a shower
>drink a lot of water and stop eating freasy food

Havent had a single pimple in a whole year, except for that time i broke rule 2

>> No.11491474
File: 943 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20160707_220856527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me how the FUCK this shit can come out of my skin??

I wash my face twice a day, shower at least once a day, twice on gym days, lift three times a week, haven't had soda in a year, eat clean (literally all I've eaten this past month was chicken, rice, milk, and Broccoli), and drink at least a gallon of water a day. Why the FUCK won't it clear up?

I've already tried almost all of the meme routines: Cetaphil and water just makes my skin oily, stridex doesn't do shit but I keep using it because it's the only product that feels like it's doing something but dries the shit out of it , cerave moisturizer leaves my skin oily as fuck. I even tried the OCM meme which seems to manage my oil level, but only for a few days. And on top of that, every time I do seem to find a combination that works for me, my face loses its shit on me and starts breaking out again in a matter of days.

I turn 21 next week so I don't think it's hormones, the towel trick doesn't seem to work either. And when it isn't breaking out horribly, I have God awful PIH that makes me look like I'm diseased. What the fuck is going on?

I recently tried cutting out milk last week to see if that's what's aggravating it, but this morning I woke up and my face had started to break out again. When I got home after work, I started to work on some of my blackheads, when pic related came out of the most unassuming places on my face! I getting fucking sick of this!

Only thing I haven't tried is cutting out salicylic acid. I'm going to try that with a gentle cleanser and some witch hazel and sunscreen for the morning. Any suggestions would be more than appreciated. I just want my skin to look like Twigs'.

>> No.11491476

Best tip: go paleo

Just eat nothing but like fucking salad, celery, carrots, eggs, chicken, fruit, etc. No dairy, grains, beans, added sugars/gross shit (dextrose, corn syrup, etc), or nuts.

I've been doing this for 6 months now and haven't gotten a single pimple and haven't had to use concealer since I've started. I only wash my face/moisturize once at night before I go to sleep and that's it.

>> No.11491480
File: 926 KB, 1024x1023, agony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is again at another angle

>> No.11491488

I'm only eating rice and fucking chicken man.
It doesn't help that my brother eats like shit, doesn't drink water, and his face is fucking clear as day.

>> No.11491491
File: 1.99 MB, 1787x1479, you iidne gh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another money shot for you sickos who like this shit

>> No.11491496

Not sure about you're routine. Sounds like you need to pick one that has worked the most and stick with it. It takes time for your skin to adapt to new washes and stuff, and whike it does it will purge, bringing up more unsightly pimples and blackheads.

Also sounds like you need to change your diet. Try adding in more veggies, ESPECIALLY greens, as these will help to alkalinze your body better, and are packed with Vitamin A, which is a very important nutrient for your skin to heal and maintain itself. Also try adding in some eggs or fish, as these contain Omega-3s, which help halt and take away inflammation. You might wanna try not eating wheat, as this can be a key factor in outbreaks for some people (such as myself)

Good luck man. I hope my advice was of some help to you :^)

>> No.11491499

Yeah some people are just lucky. Each person is different when it comes to their skin, unfortunately.

>> No.11491502

More fucking memes man
I take fish oil and some of those hair skin and nail tablets (~3000 IU of vitamin A)

Aside from that, the cup of broccoli I have with every meal basically already covers most of my vitamin requirements

>> No.11491512

My diet is literally this:
Eggs Sunny Side Up w/ Turmeric Seasoning & Garlic Salt
Salad w/ Catalina Dressing
Sugar Free Applesauce
Lettuce Wrap w/ Turkey & Mayo
Veggie Chips and/or Tostitos w/ Hummus
V8 Green Juice
Maybe Chicken/Steak/Hamburger (No Bun)
A Fuckload of Water

This is all I ever eat/drink. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.11491515

Have you seen any improvement after taking those tablets? Also how long have you been taking them?

>> No.11491516

I'm not trying to out hipster you man, I'm just saying that's all I eat all day every day, so I'm almost certain it's not my diet.

Like literally every day it's chicken breast and rice. Also it looks like you're not eating enough.

>> No.11491519

Surprisingly I have. Aside from my hair growing considerably faster (and curlier for some reason), my "full breakout mode" is much better than what it used to be. Overall skin quality has gone up as well. I most I'll get is a white head or two rather than the 20+ I'm used to getting.

>> No.11491527
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do recommend

use 50/50 apple cider vin (the good stuff, like braggs) and water and your set.
only about a table spoon of each

and really cake it on, wash it off with a shower and a shave and you are set.

Do it no more than once a week, ideally, twice a month. I find that it's a little powerful, so I use a lot of LUSH's facemask, but dollar for dollar the mayan stuff is best.

Full regiment is like;
>Wash face with morning shower, use clearasil Hydra-Blast
>if I shave, I gotta exfoliate, even just washing lower face first, but ideally scrubbing it with something, from facial scrub mask or even a rag
>end shower with cold water to head and face
>use l'oreal hydrablast toner
>then use a good lotion, one for the face and with sunscreen in it.

bonus use carmax for lipbalm, its cheap, and nobody will ever want to borrow it. its also very bright, so easy to find.

tips and tricks:
Stop touching your face. stop.
This is the best thing you can do for it. This will save you so much pain, and its easy to fix.
Like right now, half of the people browsing this have their left hand on their face, just rubbing it for hours.
That's gonna cause a lot of damage.
Rest your hand on the underside of your jaw so as to prevent the oily face your grace.

Ummm, i've heard pillow slips should be washed often, but I don't because I'm lazy and gross.

And finally, if you do pop a zit, which you shouldn't you should just blast it with salic acid medication
but if you HAVE to pop it, get it all out in as short of time as possible, all the pus and shit you can, its fair to say there will be blood. then, clean it with hydro peroxide till its white, then apply neosporin and band-aid.
its best to do this at night when you are going to stay home, as you won't want to be out in public with a band-aid on your face. its embarrassing but I've done it before.

good luck, hope i helped.

>> No.11491528


drink more water
get more sleep.

cold sores attack dry dehydrated lips when you are physically exhausted. thats always how it happens to me anyway.

>> No.11491530

Nah man my intent was hostile or anything. Was just trying to give you some insight or something.

And yeah I don't eat much. I just binge eat when I wake up then take Concerta 54mg for my memey ADHD, so I'm never hungry after anyway.

>> No.11491532


don't like it, only like their 10% acid spot treatment a couple times a day on bad zit.

>> No.11491533

I'd keep on with the tabs then.

What's your current washing routine like?

>> No.11491548

Actually, it's recommended to pop pimples. But ONLY if it's a full on white. Getting all the bacteria (white/yellow stuff) out means that the pimple can just start healing immediately, instead of having to deal with the pustule, THEN start healing.

What you're supposed to do is take a push pin or a needle or something and push it in through one end of the whitehead and out the other end. It's not painful at all, as it's basically dead skin. Then, do your normal washing routine and BOOM that shit'll be half the size and half the redness when you wake up.

>> No.11491617


thanks, might just have to give it a go next time one pops up

>> No.11491669
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How to get rid of this shit. I'll post my routine if needed so I can alter anything if recommended to.

>> No.11491684

Looking for products, routines, and diets to help get a tighter face. Most of the time my face is really puffy but this isn't natural since occasionally it can be really healthy and tight.

>> No.11491783

They work great if blackheads are a little more to the surface. Absolutely buy it

>> No.11491789

>skin is starting to get paper-y texture and fine lines popping up

advice? can this be reversed?

>> No.11492349

Kiehls Ultra facial cleanser
Alcohol free Witch Hazel toner
Neutrogena rapid tone repair
No 7 lift & luminate
Botanics mattifying day cream w/ SPF 15

Same cleanser
Noxzema 2.5% salicylic pads (going to try hopping off of these)
Same toner
Kiehls nightly refining micro-peel concentrate
Cerave PM facial moisturizer

>> No.11492380

cut down on dairy products

>> No.11492622

Is there any proof that dairy products increase outbreaks or less-than-perfect skin? I love yoghurt dressings and some fatfree greek yoghurt with fruit :(

>> No.11492697

Do you guys ever take a week off for natural oils to take over?

>> No.11492742

What the fuck do i do about the fordyce spots on my lips?

>> No.11492775

Sesame seed oil is far more easily absorbed.

>> No.11493861

I'm still here

don't see any real reason to post since it's not rewarding to provide people with help on a one-on-one basis, when I actually can get paid to do the same shit irl, while on here it's rare to even get a 'thanks'.

when the more time-effective sticky, meant to help many people at a time, isn't being reposted - it's hard to bother.

/fa/ has gotten better at disincentivizing the work of dedicated & knowledgeable contributors.

that is partly why there are so few left.

>> No.11494675

i haven't used the spray but i use the effaclar gel and so far (~2 weeks) its worked wonders

>> No.11495188

Is it true that a coffee enema will help with cystic acne?

(Yes, I'm desperate.)

>> No.11495194
File: 1.14 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best shit in the world thank you Germany

>> No.11495244



>> No.11495322

yes. dairy and sugar for sure.

>> No.11495545

What do you use it for?

>> No.11495777

Is it normal for skin to be dry when you're starting to use a vitamin c serum? I have combination-oily skin but after ~a week of using vit c my face has been dry all over. Not flaky, just rough. My PIH has been lightening though so will I just have to double up on moisturizing or will my skin get less dry eventually?

>> No.11495784

I get like eyebrow dandruff, does anyone have any suggestion on how to deal with it? Plain old moisturising or coconut oil doesn't seem to be a solution.

>> No.11495946
File: 15 KB, 460x460, 122995_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a metric tonne of this shit lying around.

Is it an effective face cleanser?

>> No.11495965

got a breakout a year after i stopped taking accutane when i went to a construction site job for a week, how the fuck do i stop breakouts?
I already stopped eating sugars and diary, should i also stop drinking beer from time to time?

>> No.11495974

dandruff shampoo? I use Selsun blue as a cleanser for folliculitis and for dandruff in my hair. Try gentler head and shoudlers.

Shampoo is safe to use on your face (but normally there would be no point). it is drying.

>> No.11495998

Moisturise with coconut oil should work

>> No.11496037

Anyone have tips for paler skin? What sunscreen do you recommend?

>> No.11496043

Looking for two more things to finish my skincare routine
>morning moisturizer with SPF protection, preferably with matte finish
>weekly face mask

Decent budget and regular skin type

>> No.11496054

I'll give that a go. Thanks.

>> No.11496061

Just general face moisturizer before I go to bed. Works well for other dry areas too. Really good

>> No.11496122

any help? I don't use any skin care products just dove moisturizing bar

>> No.11496185


>> No.11496317

I'm the anon you replied to. I've cut down on milk, butter too?

>> No.11496399

>"Butter is a solid dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk"

Use sesame, sunflower, olive or coconut oil
personally love coconut oil for pretty much everything. It's pretty cheap, neutral taste and the healthiest options.

>> No.11496425

less salt, more water, cold showers

>> No.11497141
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Any anon with tips on mole care? like how do you get rid of them/make them smaller and such.

>> No.11497161

get the doctor to freeze them off

>> No.11497350

I hate coconut :/ I heard it's good for skin though. Not sure what brands of coconut oil are good. Also how the fuck can I eat my cereal/granola now :(

>> No.11498313
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>> No.11498334

Stop eating acidic food. Tomatoes and lemons are the worst. Orange juice isn't great either.

>> No.11498487

right i forgot to email you, what is it again/

>> No.11498991

thats a fuckin beau-t

>> No.11499043

Not my nose cause I don't have camera atm, but I have black heads pretty much like this in mine. A little bit blacker and more populated than pic but basically the same.

I'm litterally a fucking ignorant in skincare. What do ?

>> No.11499047
File: 97 KB, 720x700, Blackhead-On-Nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic sorry

>> No.11499055


everyone has these

>> No.11499078
File: 70 KB, 540x707, 1468141405193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wat, no.

look at him. he doesn't.

>> No.11499085

Makeup familia. And they aren't black heads, they're Sebaceous Filaments. Everyone has them.

You can remove them but they'll keep coming back forever.

>> No.11499095


>> No.11499101

It's ok friend. It'll all be ok soon.

If they're really bothering you, could look into OCM, or just get some BB/CC cream that's the same color as your skin. They really aren't that bad. Some grills even like them.

>> No.11499104

k thanks

I once dated a girl who had litle hairs coming out of them. and it traumatized me.

>> No.11499131

W2c his haircut, what's the name of this type of haircut pls guys, and what color for the coloring pls dude ?

>> No.11499275
File: 661 KB, 1492x1916, left side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me out guys, im exactly one year after y 6 month accutane course and i just got a semi bad breakout, accutane left some redish marks that you can probably see on those pics.
I mostuirize and put on sunscreen after i wake up and before i go to sleep, i also use herbal tea extracts once a day, how do i fix this?
Pic related the left cheek

>> No.11499279
File: 626 KB, 1440x1952, right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the worst part the right thing, notice the two big inflamated spots, they appeared overnight, some time after i cut out most diary, most sugars and started drinking loads of water and doing physical activities, what to do?
pic related is the right cheek

>> No.11499331


>> No.11499372

Another break out justtt

>> No.11499379

Then post how yo correctly wash heavy products

>> No.11499391

Don't have any problems with acne or anything but my forehead is pretty creased and my skin surface is pretty dry and not very smooth (not pot-holey or anything)

Any reccs? I've tried moisturising for ages but doesn't seem to help

>> No.11500137

What do you guys use for shaving? I'm looking to get a pre-shave oil, shaving cream, shaving brush and safety razor. I've been using cheap shaving cream and disposable razors all my life, which has not been good for my skin. Any recommendations for brands?

>> No.11500554

I need a sunscreen to complete my routine. Does it matter what kind I use?

>> No.11500996
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Can Sweet Almond Oil be used as an oil cleanser on its own, or does it HAVE to be mixed with something else?

>> No.11501019

whats a good cream or something to use to get rid of decoloration in intimate areas or underarms? like a bleaching thing i just want my vag to be the same color as my skin. I heard lemon juice helps ?

>> No.11501172

read reddit's /r/wicked_edge FAQ/beginner info

maggard razors will start you off with a decent kit. if you want to go all amazon, edwin jaggers are decent, as well.

you'll have to experiment with the blades themselves, but many like astra or feather brand blades

soaps another one you'll have to look for, probably more important since this is a skincare thread. i use proraso white, but i'm cheap.

wicked_edge is meme-y but full of good info

>> No.11501230
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Anyone here use egg yolk on their face to make it smoother? I never see that mentioned on here

>> No.11501243

Yo where are the pastebin links

>> No.11501317


that subreddit is a mess

It says that pure badger brushes are bad, and that synthetic ones are good. Is that right? I'm looking at plisson brushes, and they're all pure badger.

>> No.11501326


I'm also looking at Above the Tie razors, but I'm not sure what type of blades to get. I haven't even started looking at shaving creams.

>> No.11501443



Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

- Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
- How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
- How to improve your skin tone through diet
- Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
- How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, skincare ingredients

>> No.11501653

This is literally just as bad as eating mcdonalds everyday

>> No.11501687

>I'm a complete retard - the post

>> No.11502597

Probably a basic question but I cannot find s clear answer online.

Does neosporin help at all with popped acne and things like follicultus? Specifically the redness associated with the two? I know that putting in on pimples that haven't come to a head is bad due to it being very greasy.

Thanks guys

>> No.11504201

You are black. Pretty much every black person can not digest diary products properly. So yes, that's the problem for you.

>> No.11504214

When I shave in the shower I use a fair few products, just wondering if I'm using them in the correct order.

Products in order:
>shaving foam
>acne cream

Is this the right order and should I use aftershave somewhere in there? I have it, just cut it out cause seems redundant with the moisturizer.

>> No.11504301

k guys, i'm 27 and still have acne. had accutane and that helped for the time i took it. when i got off of it, the acne acne came back. i have tried so many diffrent approaches, i'm really at a loss.
now i want a minimal and functional routine. going to playce an amazon order. what should i get?

i need:
moisturizer with sunscreen
eventually something like a clay mask and bha

help me...

>> No.11504888

How often?

>> No.11504895

Yeah, 10/10 would recommend.

>> No.11505126

How to get paler skin?

>> No.11505143

recommend good moisturizers

>> No.11505291
File: 20 KB, 168x300, Scrubbing-Bubbles-One-Step-Toilet-Cleaner-168x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stuff usually helps me get rid of disgusting brown stains

>> No.11505293
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>> No.11505716

read the fucking thread

>> No.11506174

>tfw changed jobs and suddenly my skin goes from oily to dry

Guess it's a good time to switch from Western to Asian skincare stuff

>> No.11506206
File: 87 KB, 297x198, 1426358696379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been double cleansing for the past few days now and I'm loving it. Plus I cut down on time in the shower because all the facial stuff can be done right at the sink.

>> No.11506211

Make sure to heat it up or apply alcohol to it so the bacteria on the needle dies

>> No.11506231


shit senpai, you read my mind in what I was about to ask if double cleansing is worth it. What do you recommend?

Thinking about getting the MISSHA Time Revolution Clear Toner as I hear good things about that, an anon a while back recommended Mamonde Lotus Micro Mild Control Foam, and I already use Hada Labo Gokujyun Super Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Lotion.

So I'd just need an oil-based cleanser or a foam-cleanser if you have a better recommendation for that too.

Also could I get any input on LJH TeaTree 90 Essence? Is that worth it?

>> No.11506236
File: 191 KB, 500x377, 1405626373468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Combination skin here (Dry cheeks/Jaw, oily T-zone, normal forehead) I've been using Klairs deep cleansing oil and a Neogen foaming facial cleanser and it seems to work pretty well for me.

Theoretically I think you can use any oil for cleansing just so long as you make sure to get it all off with the foaming cleanser afterwards.

>> No.11506250

If you're pretty strapped for cash I'd recommend this as a make-up/sunscreen remover + oil cleanser. It's cheap, really highly rated, and comes in a gargantuan tube for the price.


>> No.11506275

I just started working out and my acne is starting to get pretty bad. Is there any way to fix this?

>> No.11506333


The Neogen cleanser looks good, will try that, gonna do Banila Clean It Zero for an oil-cleanser though as that has consistently really great reviews.

Still trying to decide how worth it an essence would be.

>> No.11506386

I actually have this. It'll make your pores much smaller. You'll notice the difference when you wake up in the morning.

>> No.11507081

im not black dude

>> No.11507111

how do i get rid of bacne fast?

i'm having sex soon and this is gonna be really embarrassing

>> No.11507116

Wash your face with water ONLY.

Never apply any kinds of soaps or creams, they are all snake oil filled with shit that either gives you cancer or fucks up your hormonal balance.

The best way to keep a young looking skin is to drink a lot of water, eat whole foods, sleep on a regulat schedule, dont drink coffe.

Your body can heal itsself it doenst need any help from creams or ointments.

>> No.11507119


Also if you have acne its either bad genetics or a bad diet, try cutting out meat for example.

>> No.11507838

wow, this post is such a clusterfuck of retardism.

>> No.11508646

Im not one of those reddit tier unicorn mane shaving brush guys so don't take what I say for Gospel. Cleanser first, shaving cream, shave, after shave balm.

I think doing all your cleansing and cleaning before shaving is best.

>> No.11508879

should I squeeze blackheads out