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/fa/ - Fashion

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11488001 No.11488001 [Reply] [Original]

>implying designers of color aren't just as good as white/asian designers
stay cucked virgins

>> No.11488008

can you name some designers of color?

>> No.11488012
File: 195 KB, 1412x382, Screen Shot 2016-07-07 at 12.17.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the next potus

>> No.11488017

oh yea, anyone else?

>> No.11488026
File: 727 KB, 737x769, 1381325601395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>designers of color

also nobody here ever implies that

>> No.11488151
File: 63 KB, 300x185, 1459011124166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying asians aren't poeple of color

>> No.11488163

>consumers think "designers of colour" aren't as good
>says consumers are cucked
I don't think you understand the buzzword you're using, friend.

>> No.11488165

>people of color
fuck I hate that term. it's putting every non-white in the same category and it just sounds fucking retarded
like what, white isn't a color? and if not why are asians considered "people of color"?
stupid euphemism shit

>> No.11488183
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>implying designers of color aren't just as good as white/asian designers

they're not. stay mad non-whites.

>> No.11488194

People of color just means non white. It's a way to take the problems of one minority group and make it the problem of every minority group.

I'm Mexican and seriously look Aztec as fuck and have had black people get mad at me for not supporting BLM because "We're all POC and in this together".
What's even funnier is the Asians who think they're oppressed in the US, the only thing they can complain about is people assuming they're smart and fetishizing their race. It's fucking retarded.

>> No.11488328

Grace Wales bonner
Stephen burrows
Agi of agi and Sam
Telfar (the goat)
Oliver rousteing
Every single vogue queen who made and tailored her own outfits

This is so easy mode try harder

>> No.11488336


I hope you realize most of the "white designers" are actually just passing off work from their Asian bitch assistants as their own... And white people stopped making clothes about 20 years ago... So you really can't be into fashion whatsoever without accepting the fact that a non-white person was directly responsible for whatever you're wearing. Sorry kiddo

>> No.11488427

>still all fuccbo1 nignogs are wearing clothing design by white guys


>> No.11488436

alright champ.

OP said "designers of color", not including asians who apparently designed everything in the world.
White people invented 90% of all the things you wear, so a nig putting a bow on a t-shirt doesn't mean he invented t-shirts.

>> No.11488438

>a list of literally whos

come back when you can find anyone actually influential.

>> No.11488531

Grace Wales Bonner who just won the LMVH prize is apparently not influential

>> No.11488534

Jun Takahashi?

>> No.11488555
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>> No.11488563

There was a thread last night with someone asking what brands are designed and made by white people because they didn't want their shit coming from other races. Usually the mods take care of it, but the sentiment exists around here

>> No.11488583

If you haven't heard at least a few names on there then i don't really think your opinion holds much worth on the subject

>> No.11488688

The average Asian person in the US is more privileged in a lot of ways than the average white person.

>> No.11488700

Isn't fashion in it's modern form essentially a French and more specifically Parisian conception? Therefore, aren't we all unjustly appropriating French culture by being interested in fashion? It's like people have no respect for each other anymore. #BlackLivesMatter

>> No.11488714

I've browsed this board for while now and I only know one of these.

>> No.11488719

Time to research some of the best currently working designers I guess

>> No.11488723

>tfw poor asian
it's hard facing my peers desu

>> No.11488773

>best currently working designers
That's pretty subjective m8, but sure, live on in your #BLM and "we wuz kangs n' shiet" world

>> No.11488786

The only time I want a nigger touching my clothes is when they're picking the cotton in W. Africa.

>> No.11488791


you just devalued every single other designer you mentioned, he is such trash

>> No.11488842

How does mentioning a successful 15-year fashion vet devalue the others just bc you don't like what he did at balmain?

>> No.11488849

Imagine being so reactionary that you don't even research the designers

>> No.11488901

even if he is trash, he still is a "person of color"
(as a "person of color" please dont ever use this stupid sjw buzzword)

>> No.11488908

It doesn't matter what race they are because they'll most likely be a faggot.

>> No.11489044

only because the only asians who come here these days are wealthy kiddies of corrupt bureaucrats who send them to college here

>> No.11489722

t. Alberto Barbosa

>> No.11489868

So you're so butthurt that someone didn't want their clothes being infected by Pickers of Cotton that you made a thread just to complain?

>> No.11489875
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>implying designers of color aren't just as good as white/asian designers
Who the fuck told you that?

>> No.11489914

desu muslim designers are probably pretty good, their birds are so shit they literally cover them in clothes.

>> No.11489993

dumb fucking newfag nigger

just hide bait threads if they piss you off

if you get your reddit brand panties in a bunch every time you see the word nigger people will just keep saying it

>> No.11490002

How does one design a color? Can anyone here give me an example of a new color that no one has seen before?

>> No.11490031

>uv or infrared colorways in fashion will be the next big thing

just wait

>> No.11490051

yeah, its like sending a bunch of rich white people to asia and saying white people are privileged because they get treated like gods.

oh wait.

>> No.11490059

Neither do 99% of the /pol/tards and Ledditors that use it.

>> No.11490064

dunno why you don't count asians as people of colour. yiging yin is goat