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/fa/ - Fashion

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11475023 No.11475023 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /fa/ like flat chested girls?

>> No.11475025

big boobs fuck up silhouette and proportions

>> No.11475034

low T teenagers

>> No.11475109

pretty much
also most girls with big boobs will dress to that "advantage" which in the current paradigm isnt /fa/
its sexy though, will get you everyone that doesnt browse /fa/ which is a great filter if you ask me

>> No.11475113


>> No.11475119

i like chests of all sizes 'cause i'm not gay
small boobs are still cute but a flat ass is tragic

>> No.11475122

Dunno about the rest of /fa/, but I've always preferred small breasts. Plus it's pretty much necessary for models in haute couture because of the way clothes drape.

>> No.11475127
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It's common for models to have relatively small chests and narrower hips because it allows fashion designers to showcase their designs on a less distracting canvas. Also, from a design standpoint it also allows for less adjustments to be made to the particular item of clothing.

>> No.11475133

>which in the current paradigm isnt /fa/

>> No.11475340
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>> No.11475342
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>> No.11475347
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>> No.11475351
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>> No.11475365

Because most of /fa/ are queers that want to fuck twink boys. Seriously I'm not trying to be insulting, it's true.

>> No.11475369

Then why don't they fuck twink boys?

>> No.11475405
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>> No.11475417
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>> No.11475424
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>> No.11475532

For the same reason they like adidas sneakers instead of Balenciaga, Marc Jacobs etc. It's about conveying a certain feeling of not being too flashy or sexy I suppose. That and the fact that big boobs don't work for shit with styles like f example heroin chic.

>> No.11475555
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>> No.11475575

Honestly if you have a flat chest I want nothing to do with you unless that mouth game brazy.

>> No.11475585

Because teh ghey. Duh.

>> No.11475594

Most of these women would die if they ever tried to give birth.

>> No.11475639
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Honestly most of the flat chested girls ever posted in this thread or on /fa/ in general can only get away with being that flat because they're attractive otherwise (aesthetically pleasing faces, tall, slim, dressed nicely etc). Now imagine an average looking, basic grill with an AA cup (i.e. literally non-existent) sized breasts. I highly doubt any of you fags would prefer her to someone who is similar in other aspects but with larger boobs.
Fight me.

>> No.11475681

Why would you settle for anything less than attractive? Lmao

>> No.11475684

average looks like shit regardless. Nobody looks good with a big stomach

>> No.11475817
File: 1.28 MB, 1065x1600, https%3A%2F%2F67.media.tumblr.com%2F8a8fa4c55395e992f6f8fcffe3e25f54%2Ftumblr_o5gpk9sOzp1t898c5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big tits cant wear this without looking awkard

>> No.11475835


At age 33 after 2 kids and 200 cases of coors light maybe

it's easy to find pretty skinny 19 year olds

>> No.11475840

You seem to be forgetting that they're 6', not 4'11

>> No.11475843
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>when girls attempt to be edgy

>> No.11475982

>will get you everyone that doesn't browse /fa/
great so it weeds out the retards and teenage fag bags.

>> No.11475986

Big tits could definitely pull off the left out fit, that crop top is made for big tits. These two girls look like edgy highschool boys.

>> No.11476030

we wuz eric n dylan n shit

>> No.11476113
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Smaller breasts are prettier and fits a more "beautiful" look while larger breasts are sexier and speaks to sexual urges more.
i'll probably do an autismal graph on that at some point

>> No.11476150

What >>11475025 said,

also big boobs get in the way of cuddling and there's less options when buying her cute underwear

Big boobs are for fuck buddies and hooking up

>> No.11476174

There's a whole world of boob sizes between flat-chested and big.

That said, anything bigger than a fist will sag with age. Starts at late thirties already. That's why tamer chests are wife material.

>> No.11476182

He basically said that, yeah
>which is a great filter if you ask me

>> No.11476192

Cause that's gay duh

>> No.11476200 [DELETED] 
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Personal opinion: I have a sex drive but I am not obsessed with sex. I don't know how it is with others but most of the time I am not horny. So when I am not horny big breasts do nothing for me. They seem vulgar and showy to me. I mean they stand out. Don't women with large breasts complain about back pain? I prefer modesty. I dislike the culture of showing off. Now of course this is kinda harsh since breast size is genetic and doesn't say anything about character. But I associate big breasts with the culture of showing off. After all in rap videos, which embody this culture, don't the women there all have huge breasts?

>> No.11476237

Nope, my gf is a D cup.
Nope, though I'm not posting pics. It's easy to find counterexamples of this in this forum already, I'll let you do the work.
This entire thread is an excuse to post sexually suggestive pictures <3

>> No.11476278

nah mate i literally have never seen any fit where it looks better by the fact that the person has a bigger chest

>> No.11476282 [DELETED] 

>It's easy to find counterexamples of this in this forum already

I want to see some. So far I've only seen big breasts look good in dresses. Also >forum.

>> No.11476283

For the same reason that most runway models are skellingtons and not bodybuilers: slim, straight bodies are much less unwieldy than ones that contort in all kind of directions, and thus are easier to design cohesive outfits for.

Also, dimorphism tends to lessen among the higher classes.

>> No.11476312

big tits on short girls is god tier

>> No.11476371

> dimorphism tends to lessen among the higher classes


>> No.11476378

did you mean small perky breasts on short girls

>> No.11476379
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>> No.11476381

You guys are all low test that's why you're attracted to male bodies.

>> No.11476385

No, I'm attracted to male bodies cause I'm gay, faggot.

>> No.11476401

Flat is justice.

>> No.11476500

and you're attracted to big boobs because you inconsciously want to fuck your mother.

see how easy it is to assume shit and make bullshit claims out of thin air?

>> No.11476504


this u faggot

>> No.11476505

It's not bullshit though desu senpai

>> No.11476517

100% agree

>> No.11476533

That means the higher your social status, the less likely you are to find bulky men and thick women.

>> No.11476561

i could less about tits cus ass is all that matters
small tits big ass > flat ass big tits

>> No.11476580

>This entire thread is an excuse to post sexually suggestive pictures <3
So is all of the rest of 4Chan.

>> No.11476594


Small breasts are more elegant and refined, but only when attached to a girl with an attractive face and a slim body.

>> No.11476606

flat chested girls breasts stay perfect with age, while girls with big boobs start to sag around 30, so

>> No.11476622

/fa/ likes little boys.

>> No.11476646
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What real men like.

>> No.11476661

I'd rather have sex with a guy tb h

>> No.11476701

There is this thing where healthy things can not be fashionable. It's the same with object; a convenient object can not be a beautiful object.
A woman with big boobs is an healthy woman; and therefore she will never be as beautiful as a flat chested one. It is the same as comparing a glass chair to a plastic chair; the latter will be "handy" but surely it will be ugly in front of the former.
Also, she triggers instincts of fucking; which is close to animal desires and as such is not complicated enough to be fashionable.

>> No.11476787

ITT: People who think dorito flaps are attractive.

>> No.11476832
File: 21 KB, 400x601, 400full-jacqueline-suzanne-bikini-model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jacqueline suzanne

>> No.11476898
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Proving the point exactly

>> No.11476981

yeah only real men like 40+ saggy old cunts

>> No.11476986

I enjoy most breasts to be honest famalam

>> No.11477165

shit taste in women = faggot

>> No.11477744

its the best... big boobs is a no go

>> No.11479102

le low test meme
why would high test be a good thing? have fun with your premature balding faggot

>> No.11479130

Idk about you bro but i have a lot of body hair and some acne as a result of high test yet i prefer small breasted girls

>> No.11479254

>it looks good in fancy designer clothes
>I like my girls bred like my bonsais or chihuahuas , small.
>Tweenage girls are the best ,I plan on fucking them for the rest of my life.

And the great thing is , we guys get only hotter as we get older

>> No.11479434

Bigs breasts have their advantages and disadvantages in fashion. Eventhough tall and thin is the standard that doesn't mean big breasts = fatcore.

Because /fa/ is full of faggots and women will always despise women who are more attractive than them.

>also big boobs get in the way of cuddling
Not only does thay not relate to fashion but it's laughably wrong.


>> No.11479452

same, i'll be fucking 18-25 all my life if I can.

>> No.11479473
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>tfw skinny but big boobs
im thinking of getting breast reduction surgery since theyre such a pain and dont match my body type

>> No.11479504
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>> No.11479546
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>> No.11479549

They're gay.

>> No.11479555

m u h
d i c k

>> No.11479570
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>> No.11479575
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>> No.11479579
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>> No.11479628

I don't. I like B through HHH

>> No.11479673

Cause most guys on here are virgins and very skinny or overweight insecure fucks that are probably closeted homosexuals who couldn't deal with a girl that might be too feminine.

>> No.11479758

Edgy. Nice comment, dude.

>> No.11479893

Skinny girls with big tits are hot though