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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 59 KB, 256x341, otis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11464049 No.11464049 [Reply] [Original]

What does /fa/ do for excercise? ottermodes post bod & routine below

>> No.11464083

wtf is ottermode?

>> No.11464123

newfag detected

>> No.11464128

eat pills and do lines of ket @ the club

>> No.11464457

A pretty standard PPL
Just maintaining aside from delts, bi's, and calves because shit like a really large chest measurement and really big upper legs make being /fa/ hard af.

>> No.11464475
File: 35 KB, 524x585, ottermode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skinny with lean muscle, pic related

>> No.11464493
File: 167 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying nigga
About 10lbs off by my estimates
6 meals a day, lean protein and high-fiber/low-sugar carbs (leafy greens, baked sweet potatoes, etc)
Run 20 mins 4 days a week first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (only 20 minutes, however far you can go) and then wait to eat for another hour. Push ups, ab workouts, pull ups, dips, body-weight squats.

>> No.11464588

great bod senpai, mirin those pecs and abs.

more mass than that would be excessive though, so focus on cutting and improving definition.

>> No.11465092

thx my man.
this guy is the goal but I feel like I'm on the right track. cardio and calisthenics. More reps, less weight, etc.

>> No.11465220


>> No.11466217

goals desu

super jelly

>> No.11466250
File: 84 KB, 456x768, mbp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lift 2 days a week for 45 mins.

Day one is bench/cable work for chest, ab work, standing lateral raises (shoulders), rows, shrugs, deads.

Day two is weighted chins, standing front raises (shoulders), biceps, triceps, squats.

Picture is older but I'm at this point again and aiming for a bit more definition.

>> No.11466265

It would be awesome to put together a /fit/ x /fa/ guide to ottermode.

>> No.11466435

More like straightfag detected, ottermode sounds stupid, at least bearmode LOOKS like a bear, and tapping in the bathroom? who the fuck hasn't done that.

>> No.11466540

What happened with the picture?

>> No.11466594

You just described the kinobody workout

>> No.11467016
File: 103 KB, 752x956, FullSizeRender 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Run 3.25-3.5 miles 4 times a week. (used to run 7 days a week but i got sick for two weeks and have been lazy since then)

>push-ups,crunches,pull-ups inconsistently

>Used to box 6-7 days a week but had to stop going to the gym :'^ /(2 days of training in a class, 4-5 days of sparring)

About to make/start a new routine next week. Trying to build my chest/shoulders,do more ab work, and increase my distance/endurance. Also want to lose like 10 more lbs.

>> No.11467189

>Black nails
Nice bod tho

>> No.11467632
File: 82 KB, 750x1334, NRTnKhp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ss + gomad

>> No.11467655
File: 557 KB, 1076x1076, 20160603_221746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 days a week.

6' 163lbs

1. Incline bench + Squats + Rows + curls

2. OHP + Deadlift + Squats

3. Flat bench + Squats + curls

4. Cardio + Abs + Chin ups

>> No.11467663

Your treasure trail looks bad, shave it off

>> No.11467672

Fuck that, I don't want stubble on muh belly. Grills don't seem to care. Is laser hair removal good?

>> No.11467688

It's too expensive and too permanent. Right now you're too pale and the contrast is kinda gross. If the hairs were lighter it would look fine

>> No.11467890

you for real or memeing?
usually after ss + gomad you just come out looking like a tub of lard.

>> No.11468137


>> No.11468159
File: 327 KB, 900x1148, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1447631334208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Push pull split + ab work and cardio, will post a more recent pic soon

>> No.11468174


>> No.11468269


>> No.11468296

describe what u mean by "push pull split + ab work" pls
also what cardio and with what frequency
you look really great and im sure everyone else is also interested

>> No.11468304


>> No.11468316

Tell us your secrets, FuccGOD

>> No.11468327

I don't believe for a second you perform any of those lifts, sir.

>> No.11468385
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>> No.11468392

Why not?

>> No.11468399

>no arms
>no shoulder
>no traps
>barely any chest
>probably no legs either

Literally just low body fat and barely any exercise required to achieve this.


>> No.11468592

Push pull split basically means one day with pushing motion, next with pulling. Pushing mostly works chest and triceps, pull works back and biceps. I don't do squats or dead's because all my muscle insertions come in really high so it gives me bitch legs, instead I just hop on an eliptical for 15 minutes and turn the resistance up a good bit.

Day one would be
Dumbell incline bench
Dumbell bench
Pec fly
Weighted dip
Overhead press
Optional tricep extension

Day two is
Weighted pull ups
Lat pull downs
Standing row
Bent over row

Add on core work, I like hanging leg lifts and hanging kick slide

Plus cardio of your choice after, I like eliptical

>> No.11468647

ty famygdala

>> No.11468755

>weighted dip

>> No.11468792

Yeah man just the one.

>> No.11469088
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

abs + upper body workouts at the gym. Try to go at least 3 days a week bare minimum, but go basically every day. Goal is a Brad Pitt from fight club body. Baby steps

>> No.11469099

>that southern trash mustache

>> No.11469105


Please tell me you have a glorious mullet to go with that stache.

>> No.11469113
File: 261 KB, 1008x1395, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11469120


>> No.11469482

Very nice but tell me about your diet?

>> No.11469592


>> No.11471196
File: 145 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to get otter, current routine is PPLPP. Feedback would be appreciated brehs

>> No.11471416


do you eat at under 800 calorie deficit even if you're already underweight? that doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.11472295

Stupid, non-english cunt here, I don't really understand rule 1. Do I have to eat under 800 calories a day or do I have to eat 800 less than I do now?

>> No.11472305

First of all, dont eat 800 under. Eat 200 under unless you've got a lot of excess weight. Eat a lot of fats and proteins too.

>> No.11472316

So if I eat 2000 calories now, I should eat 1800? How do make sure I eat 1800 calories?

>> No.11472378

Your shoulders/waist ratio is great and you look naturally thin, which means you've got the right genetics for ottermode.

You also look like you're on the right path, with pecs as your major strength.
Focus on making abs more defined and getting some more mass around the neck/shoulders, also work on a stronger V shape around your pelvis.

All in all, good job, keep going like this.

>> No.11472386

How tall are you / what do you weigh? Also what size do you usually wear in clothing?

>> No.11472421

He looks good, you're just the typical roidbeast jealous someone looks better than you without being a balloon animal.

>> No.11472509
File: 3.51 MB, 1923x2600, 2016-02-14 22.41.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was following a guide i found in YouTube, was pretty great but then o quit because of the college

>> No.11472704

Be mindful of what you ingest.

>> No.11472722
File: 651 KB, 1067x800, Where do you think we are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /fit/izen. You do realize what board you're on, right?

>> No.11472751
File: 95 KB, 960x1280, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SS with less squats and a bit accessories

>> No.11472975

i don't really follow a diet but this is my eating schedule

>wake up 6 or 7 drink coffee have a cigarette
>few hours later eat a small piece of fruit
>eat a sandwich or something for lunch around 12-2
>eat something dinner around 7-9(had 5 slices of pizza yesterday)

sometimes I eat more sometimes I eat less.

>> No.11472980

30in waist
38in chest
31 inseam

>> No.11473277

lmao have you ever even done arms dr. mcskellington?

>> No.11473296


jesus is this really normie body standards? shitty, small, weak skeleton men? kys /fa/

>> No.11473348

I'm >>11472751
Recovering from skelly mode. Still working on my body. Funnily enough I feel pretty confident of my lifts:
60kg bench
110kg deadlift
80kg squat

>> No.11473384

weak? lmao man I'm >>11468159
and i can easily throw 70 lbs on a weight belt and rep out pull ups like its nothing.

>> No.11473388


Are you over 2m tall or something?

Otherwise it's hard to imagine.

>> No.11473414
File: 15 KB, 704x400, Glassesglare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the best body type for being /fa/, newboi

>> No.11473419

I'm 6' tall. It's not hard if you train back and do a lot of gymnastics.

>> No.11473443

Not him, but could you elaborate on the gymnastics thing? Was interested in getting into gymnastics as I suppose it builds up a strong body base and boots your strength without necessarily buffing you up.

>> No.11473450


I'm the same height, I do chins for sets of 5 with 45 kgs (which isn't far off) and you look like a kid compared to me.

>> No.11473460
File: 407 KB, 933x715, 767847645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, I'm just a little taller (186cm), but you've definitely got a better build. Gonna try what you posted earlier.

>> No.11473465

I second this

>> No.11473482
File: 55 KB, 361x673, img2019282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find a spot where you can teach yourself the basics. Regular chin ups, close grip, wide grip, archer, etc. Monkey bars can work, but you're better off finding a proper set of bars to exercise on. You can also do a lot of core work on the bars.

sets of 5 at 100lbs is impressive man, but photos can be deceiving. pic related is what I look like flexing and with proper posture

>> No.11473485


>> No.11473554


Ha, but I'm really active. Work part time as a bike messenger and get around by bike, and either climb or swim most days of the week. I also just kind of recreationally do bodyweight stuff in odd moments.

Not posting pic, but yeah. Why "go to the gym" when you can just enjoy having a body?

>> No.11473587

what a gayass post

fuck off faggot

>> No.11473590

>people are unironically calling this "goals"
if i smacked you in the chest, you would evaporate my man.

>> No.11473604


>> No.11473647

Thanks m8

>> No.11473706

chest goals

>> No.11473743
File: 101 KB, 325x389, 2016_03_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11473771

I'd get a trimmer and trim it at a really short guard (short enough so there isn't as much of a contrast, long enough so it isn't stubbly).

That or an epilator, which won't leave stubble and will result in hair (temporarily) coming back thinner.

>> No.11473812
File: 599 KB, 1950x2600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just lift and don't eat excess amounts of retarded shit like beer soda pasta bread
Loads of broccoli and healthy veggies

>> No.11473818

>Lel I do exercises n shiet
>doesn't post current stats or reps


>> No.11474014

How come black guys bodies are so much better looking?
slimmer hips, lower body fat, smoother looking skin, better proportioned v taper, better shoulders

are they born like this or what?

>> No.11474057

I suspect it's Maybelline

>> No.11474062

>he thinks this is impressive
>intermediate for someone who isn't light as a feather and trains real muscle groups


>> No.11474088

>stronger than 95% of americans

kek. stay mad fatty

>> No.11474100

lmao you fucking mong I'm pretty much DYEL and I'm stronger than 95% of Americans

>> No.11474111

so are you an advanced lifter then? What are your stats?

>> No.11474119

>I'm pretty much DYEL

>so you are an advanced lifter?

what a fucking retard

in any case, my stats are 115/185/225/275. 5'10 145. I can also easily do pull-ups with 70lb

>> No.11474131

I wouldn't call a 2.5pl8 dead DYEL
post body then. or is it shit?
I'll never understand why /fit/izens get so offended, not everyone needs to get huuuuuge

>> No.11474135
File: 629 KB, 1741x3357, 20160628_171306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Body's shit atm, but still a beginner and semi-cutting.

>> No.11474138

lmao look at my face, i look like a fatass from this angle

>> No.11474140

somehow i doubt you are the same poster as>>11473590

>> No.11474146

not the same poster as >>11473590 but am >>11473296. you must realize though my self-hate and self-loathing know no equal, i think my body is as terrible as they come. I'm working on it though, I'm just calling you out on settling for mediocrity

>> No.11474158
File: 16 KB, 157x300, Scooby-Palm-Springs-157x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't call it mediocrity man, most guys I know who focus on the main compounds can barely do any sort of pull-ups because they weigh around 200lbs and never work on it. Your lifts and strength are respectable, even if you don't think so.

I think I have a decent amount of strength at 155lbs, you may disagree. I just find it odd that so many people come here to bash on the bodies idealized by /fa/ to promote people like pic related, who wouldn't remotely look good in the types of clothes seen around here.

One more thing, while it's not the best idea to skip leg day, your legs might get fuckhuge and look retarded in jeans if you hit the squats too hard. Happened to me when I started, and presuming you care more about form than function, it may be best to switch to cardio. /fit/izens hate this advice though because 'muh lifts'

>> No.11474168

dont forget your lats my man.

>> No.11474170

>this is what people believe thanks to assholes that do inconsistent shit.

>> No.11474177
File: 150 KB, 1080x1080, goal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm learning to fight, if I ever want to compete I need stronk legs. You've gotta realize that SCOOBERS is a meme, as is grand piano guy. Pic related is /fit/ ideal body type.

>we came here to troll >>11468159, is 2small for all the praise it got. we also make fun of /thinspo/

>> No.11474182

no, SS is confirmed meme. PPL, PHAT (idk why I never see this) and SL are objectively superior

>> No.11474187
File: 277 KB, 1215x1787, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't been to the gym for couple of weeks now. How bad?

>> No.11474190

jesus you have the lats of a mammoth. don't forget back and shoulders, the most AESTHETIC muscle

>> No.11474191
File: 225 KB, 1592x938, weight loss feb '15 - march '16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are they born like this or what?

I spent time in the gym and put in hard work to lose weight. My shoulders have always been broad-ish thats just genetics i guess.

>pic related before/after feb2015-march2016

It didn't take me a year to lose the weight thats just the only older pic I could find.


>> No.11474196

what do you do for core?

>> No.11474197

I do pull-ups a lot :D thanks, that's the part what girls mire me about. Should do core and chest more now.

You guys motivate me. Cheers.

>> No.11474206

Too small as well? lmao >>>>/fit/

>> No.11474209

yes. It's good but there's no reason he should be satisfied. he can get bigger and better

>> No.11474211

>>Used to box 6-7 days a week but had to stop going to the gym :'^ /(2 days of training in a class, 4-5 days of sparring)

on the 2 training days we used to do lots of situps,crunches,bicycles etc. As of late I haven't been doing anything other than running and yoga.

>> No.11474213
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Another angle

>> No.11474220
File: 366 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-06-14-09-00-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What mode am I?

>> No.11474226

Manlet mode

>> No.11474230
File: 178 KB, 666x1168, nuder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apologies for terrible picture

>> No.11474237

confirmed for 180 lb squat

>> No.11474244

>implying skwaks and legs 2x a week would yield bad skwak

stfu you mong

>> No.11474275

lmfao, don't get mad at me just because you haven o hip drive

>> No.11474276

looking good sempai

>> No.11474282

if you don't think pull-ups and chin-ups are compound lifts and consequentially a keystone part of any compound lift routine you are a moron.

>> No.11474293

the queer in this picture
does not have
these stats

>> No.11474306

one day you can make it Anon, I believe in you

>> No.11474311

hit the bench more
also don't neglect obliques

>> No.11474312 [DELETED] 

pls rate me or give advice

>> No.11474319

what exactly are you aiming for? I'm not an /fa/ regular so I don't know how scrawny y'all like to be...

>> No.11474328

Not a sceleor-like.

I aim for a good aesthetic, not really anorexia like body.

>> No.11474345

personally I'd say you have potential, but your forearms stand out as needing more work than the rest of you

what's your routine famalam?

>> No.11474354

I currently have none bc my gym membership expired and i only randomly pull- and push ups and some dumbbel presses and bicep curls. Used to do golden six for a moment.

>> No.11474390

so you can only do calisthenics and DB work right now? I'd always advocate for getting another gym membership but if you can't then, at least for now, try a push-pull routine (legs might be a tad difficult with a lack of equipment but you can try DB squats and lunges and shit)

>go heavy on DB press & shoulder presses if possible
>do some tricep isolation, like kickbacks or overhead tricep extensions, I like to superset these with side laterals (god-tier for shoulders)
>do as many push-ups as possible either at the end of the workout or after DB press (if you can't go heavy enough)

>try DB rows after your pull-ups
>do at least 3 sets each of 2 different types of curls (I recommend the regular curl and hammer curls)
>add some wrist curls to isolate forearms
ideally, you should get yourself an actual routine and do it more regularly than "randomly", I'd do push/pull twice a week each

full-body and upper-lower routines are gr8 too, but I'm personally more familiar with PPL so if you'd rather try FB or UL I can't really help you

>> No.11474430

Used to do /fit/ but now it's pretty much just

>walking/running everywhere instead of driving
>yard work

I'd like to swim, but the river around here is disgusting.

>> No.11474876

>tfw pectus excavatum

>> No.11474944


I'm pretty weak.

Squats 5x5 145lbs

Deads 1x5 185-225lbs depending on how strong I feel.

Bench 5x5 145lbs

Rows 5x5 115lbs

Curls 3x21s 20lbs

Leg Raises 3x15

Chinups 2x10

Running 1x1mile 7 minutes.

>> No.11474995

He is still /fa/ and more fit than most /fit/izens. Entry level ottermode is still otter mode. He is like perfect physical form for modelling.

Still, not hard at all.

>> No.11475077

>doing 5x5 as a novice
>what is fatigue management lel
>no progressive overload
Say goodbye to them gains famalam

>> No.11475361

Fuck off fag i'm 6'3"

>> No.11475380


>Squats 5x5 145lbs
do 3x8-12, increase weight when you hit 12
>Deads 1x5 185-225lbs depending on how strong I feel.
seems okay
>Bench 5x5 145lbs
do 3x8-12, increase weight when you hit 12
>Rows 5x5 115lbs
do 3x8-12, increase weight when you hit 12
>Curls 3x21s 20lbs
if you can do more than 12 you're not using enough weight, increase weight
>Leg Raises 3x15
if you can do more than 12 you're not using enough weight, increase weight
>Chinups 2x10
do 3x8, start doing weighted when you can do 3x12

>> No.11475673
File: 310 KB, 1071x1211, IMG_1128e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related 6'2 @ 75kg
pre-lifting (work was physical labour)

>> No.11475677
File: 729 KB, 1223x1167, IMG_1201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related 6'2 @ 85kg, bulking to 90 or 95 depends how I feel.
PPLxPPL / push pull legs rest

>> No.11475749
File: 420 KB, 1800x1800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 month of tryna lose some bodyfat

>> No.11475763

Shut the fuck up you uneducated plebian.

>> No.11476079

Yeah you go man thats definitely what you should do completely not bullshit 100% legit PT level 3 advice

>> No.11476085

145lbs how are you alive you're not even that short fucking hell

>> No.11476089

you look like those worms off men in black, im impressed if those are your actual lifts,kind of.

>> No.11476095

they dont care, all they do is look good they dont actually fuck much or go the beach

>> No.11476110

thick set knees, large calves, godlike symmetry and inserts. goes the gym 3/4 days a week. eats like a normie and stays active. This will never work for 90% of you.

>> No.11476115

Do everything more, hit your core simple but often excessive hypertrophy will make your large core look DOORMODE so watch it

>> No.11476117

woops >>11476115

>> No.11476125

then your head weighs 40kg

>> No.11476127

An A-B split. My A day focuses on squats, bench, row, and pull-up work, with a lot of other random crap thrown in. My B day focuses on deadlifts, OHPs, shrugs, biceps, core, and other random crap. On both days, I usually will do a bit of cardio, and on off-days I also try to get in cardio where possible. I'm stepping back a bit from just getting lifting numbers higher and trying to focus a bit more on getting leaner and faster, so my numbers have unfortunately dropped a bit.

With that said, I've been sick for the last two weeks so my routine has gone to utter shit.

>> No.11476215


This is the answer. God damn perfect. I hope to attain near to this by lifting and then focus on more interesting / active exercise: climbing, running, hiking

>> No.11476369


>> No.11476605

great body mate.
I also find uneven abs oddly /fa/.

>> No.11476720

>Pic related is /fit/ ideal body type
speak for yourself faggot

>> No.11477731

How the fuck do you do weighted leg raises?

>> No.11477750

You look really top heavy man

>> No.11478043
File: 269 KB, 1212x1458, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should i do to achieve similar to this? Pic related me as of Now

>> No.11478089
File: 81 KB, 440x673, fuc u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't been very good about staying up on lifting for a while but am I at least on the right track for ottermode?

>> No.11478098


had it, had it surgically repaired via the nuss method. im old now, but felt great through my late 20s having a normal chest.

>> No.11479527
File: 2.55 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-05-19-00-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get to Ottermode?

>> No.11479612

Nigga you're already ottermode. You can always improve it but you already look good.

>> No.11479620
File: 877 KB, 1920x2560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sit on my ass all day
>tfw superior irish genes

>> No.11479653

Start by eating some otters you skinny fuck.

You what to be on the low end of healthy weight, and have 10% body fat to be optimally effay.

>> No.11479658

Fuck off. We don't need your whoredom here.

>> No.11479681
File: 98 KB, 464x808, ss+(2016-05-19+at+03.15.27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11479684

do. not. reply.

>> No.11479688

The only way to handle attention whores is to not give them attention. Eventually they will begin to starve and go elsewhere to find validation.

>> No.11479691

unfortunate chest genetics

>> No.11479845
File: 2.39 MB, 3120x4160, 1.5.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gym 5/6 times a week. Routine brosplit which means one big muscle every day. Back/Legs/arms/Chest/Shoulders.
Diet: i came from full skelly (gained like 40lb in the last 2 years) but its basically eating like 3000kcal/day with huge amount of carbs and protein. Bread, chicken breast, tuna, rice, salmon, potatoes, etc.

>> No.11479885

Lads, when did you stop doing a beginner programme like SS? Like what weights.

My numbers are progressing p well but I've gotten to about 18% bf from skelly mode so I want to start cutting at the point when I've got some amount of strength.

Also cutting advice?

>> No.11479919

what the fuck do u mean with "lean muscle"

kys yourself

>> No.11479935

>kys yourself

>> No.11479967

Looks fine for /fa/ depending on goals, are you trying to gain more or happy as you are? Arms and back look the least developed but again for for /fa/ you could probably try to gain a tad more muscle than chill at a lower bodyfat percentage so you could eat more later in life.

>> No.11479968

>being a gymcuck
lmao I bought a 1 year membership but gave up since it's so boring

you just need a good face and so charísma, dont fall for the gym meme

>> No.11480002

Why wouldn't you want to be physically fit (even without the visual benefits). Not being out of breath easily, being relatively strong, posture. Endorphin's are great too.

>> No.11480006
File: 134 KB, 603x1197, 2016-06-29 11.36.24-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think dudes? Can I go /hairy-otter/?

A couple summers ago I went on a daily pull-up routine and noticed good changes along with gaining weight. Feel like I've lost it now and I'm having trouble gaining. What are some good core workouts?

>> No.11480065

Keep doing pullups if you have no equipment or access to a gym, only advice I can give is don't be a lazycunt. Planks are great if you're at home--just have a quick google should be able to find a decent bodyweight workout at home.

>> No.11480071

I am, but I cant bring myself to start eating properly and going there 3 times a week. I have some kind of deasese I can neither gain weight nor muscles so it is pretty senseless to try to be /fit/

>> No.11480072
File: 1.07 MB, 639x766, kuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate my bitch hips and love handles

>> No.11480075

If you legitimately have a disease what can I do, and if you're happy with where you are go for it. If you want to improve might be worth seeing a doctor/physical therapist.

>> No.11480094

>no one suggesting swimming+weight training
Best way to get a lean body imo, just make sure to clean bulk, it will be slower but it will be easier to stay at a low bf%

>> No.11480097

Apparently a doc can fix it, but I'mm not sure if I want to be able to get fat

>> No.11480102

According to recent checkup I have 9% bodyfat, 5'9 and 110~120 lbs
Have been eating more, doing dips, diamond and decline pushups and the like (I used to do a lot of chinups/ pullups but I'm traveling and I don't have bars anywhere).

>> No.11480765

ye im definitely trying to gain more. This pic is from the first of May. Im a lot leaner now and my bf dropped to 10-11%. It was like 14-15 in the pic so. But yea im gonna get way bigger than i am rn this next year. Going hard mode baby haha

>> No.11481966


>> No.11482621

he didn't. dips and pull ups both work lats

>> No.11483517


5'7 155lbs (inb4 manlet)

I started out with SS (minus the GOMAD part). I lift weights 3 days a week hitting push/pull/legs and on rest days I swim or do core work. It's very important to be able to have enjoyable applications for working beyond aesthetics. So I've started rock climbing and paintball.

>> No.11483768

when he says eat more, he means eat 3k cals you ano fuck
count your calories in everything you eat, i doubt it even reaches 2k

>> No.11484017

Not really, my chest is just underdeveloped which is going me to require to train it harder.

>> No.11484155

>tfw 5'7 and 145 with broad shoulders and wide hips.
Length wise my proportions aren't actually that fucked but my ribs stick out like a bitch even though I'm not that skinny. Would core exercises be recommended to look skinnier while not going full anno?

>> No.11484697

>cardio and calisthenics. More reps, less weight, etc.
????????? b8?