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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 113 KB, 1080x1080, P6BzvDnkuTw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11460846 No.11460846 [Reply] [Original]

how to lose weight without exercise

>> No.11460865

Eat less.

>> No.11460866


>> No.11460868

Eat less.

>> No.11460869

Hard drugs

>> No.11460872


>> No.11460875

Meth or coke

>> No.11460888

Started smoking about two months ago, no weight loss (though I'm already underweight). Should I also be eating a lot less?

>> No.11460904

All valid answers.

>> No.11460910

Seriously dude this is like human body 101. When calories in = less than calories used you start losing weight. Calculate your TDEE and eat 500-1000 calories less than that.

>> No.11460920

Also worth noting that just doing 20 minutes of cardio a day is proven to help your emotional state by releasing different 'happy' chemicals.

>> No.11460939

Adderal as a pre-workout

Or adderal and play CSGO, or a mix of both?

You eat less and you don't look as bad as the guy who does meth or coke

>> No.11460950

I'm perfectly happy not doing anything all day faggot

>> No.11460998

when you feel hungry have a cigarette instead, it kills your appetite

>> No.11461006

Well then you're in luck! I think this is the same thing they use in my fitness pal. Great app if you're trying to lose weight, never click "complete diary" if youre trying to eat under 1200 cal a day though I've heard they'll send EMTs if you do that consistently. (Still don't recommend eating less than 1200 calories a day. Aim for 1300-1500 a day)

>> No.11461007

u sure

>> No.11461007,1 [INTERNAL] 

stop eating burgers daily

>> No.11461294

Adderall, coffee, cigarettes, and vodka only. Eat once every few days. It's pretty easy and enjoyable actually. I'm 6'1 138lbs I look amazing. And I don't even take the Adderall anymore

>> No.11461341

Just exercise.

>> No.11461345

fatty lol

>> No.11461353

Post pic

>> No.11461357
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>> No.11461401
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>> No.11461403

I stand by this. Personal experience has shown me that it makes a difference.

>> No.11461406


>> No.11461411
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In clothes

>> No.11461417

>skinny fat

>> No.11461422

Not even close

>> No.11461431
File: 45 KB, 400x225, dde0fbca62b9230c14c120c08af7b123_400x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't eat?

>> No.11461434

You should consider becoming a trap, twinko. Hell, you wouldn't even need HRT at all.

>> No.11461450


>> No.11461453

whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.11461456
File: 425 KB, 867x589, FUCK_OFF_ELIZA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off you underage piece of shit

>> No.11461457

Cut off your penis, maybe an ear, shave head, chop a toe off or two.

>> No.11461464
File: 29 KB, 287x382, 920516.jpg?287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show us your track marks or get out

>> No.11461473

implying a underage grill is smart enough to shoot up properly

>> No.11461548

>blood all over my cobra
>four, five silver rings on me
>lately i've been feeling lonely

>> No.11461576

Intermittent fasting, don't drink calories, use myfitness pal, do keto, do cardio for like 20 minutes when you wake up to speed up your metabolism

>> No.11461646
File: 673 KB, 406x720, nosebleed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fuck off, im 18
>current year
>injecting heroin

>> No.11461650

a-are you naked

>> No.11461651
File: 62 KB, 651x651, 13319696_816341945165520_6077955598274234071_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a fat issue, a muscle issue.
you need to build and tone. you look like a posterboy for communism.
Do breaststroke swimming for a good pectoral workout and sit ups/crunches/leg raises to bring your abs out.

>> No.11461663
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stop picking your nose, Eliza

>> No.11461668 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11461670

oh shit, i didnt realize you could almost see my tits lmao

>> No.11461680
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why are you lying to me (us)

>> No.11461721

This. 100% true

Your best bet is to start with endurance workouts to burn fat (15+ reps/set) then transition to strength workouts (1-5 reps/set is the acceptable one, but basically go to failure with high weight+low reps). That won't bulk you and still burn a LOT of calories, but you can develop and maintain a still skinny body but with added muscle definition.

Also swimming. Swimming is basically your best bet. If you sit around all day and starve yourself, you're gonna look like shit.

>> No.11461732

what tits

>> No.11461804

can you post some nudes so i can masturbate to you please?

>> No.11461825
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>> No.11461843

You seem like an annoying person.

>> No.11461943


>> No.11461967

>could have used < or > to actually make sense

you gain weight.
you lose weight

not bad desu

IF is pretty good, too

>> No.11461996

How do I attract a girl like you,.

>> No.11462029

Hahahah I some how did exactly this without knowing but then again I normally dance or jump around my house like I had a sugar rush

>> No.11462081

S-senpai.. more..

>> No.11462118

do sports you chubby fag

>> No.11462238

This is so unhealthy lmao

>> No.11462244

>eat once every couple of days
>138 lbs

Your metabolism is shit lmao. I eat 2 meals + snacks per day and I'm 5'11 120 lbs.

>> No.11462839

Skinny fat. Kys

>> No.11462866


ew what a wannabe tumblrina
is this attention whoring what /fa/ has come to?
I bet you follow and look up to people on ig that wish they could fuck me

>> No.11462880

Whats your excercise ethic/body frame?

I'm 5'9'' 155-158 (kind of muscular/triangle "V" body frame, big headed)

>> No.11462896

Put all of them together and you'll look like a model in about a day and a half

>> No.11462919

u wot

>> No.11462943
File: 7 KB, 250x210, 1466747604989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'4" (manlet yeah) and I can't seem to go under 135lbs. My body is pretty much skinnyfat but I can't go under 135lbs no matter what I do. I don't eat that much and I'm pretty much a retarded vegetarian except I love chicken. What's wrong?

>> No.11462948

Not to mention she's ugly too.

>> No.11462962

oh fuck i'm got a boener

>> No.11463742


>> No.11464130
File: 98 KB, 472x539, 1464327747519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't eat that much
You fatties are all the same

>> No.11464142

If you live somewhere like NYC, walk instead of taking an uber or the train.

I live in Brooklyn, take the train to Manhattan and walk all my train errands that day.

>> No.11464150

The worst part is that the person isn't even eliza, they just have a whole bunch of shit saved of her, it's been confirmed the real eliza is in rehab or something right now

>> No.11464168

Why are /fa/ggots so obsessed with being skellingtons?

>> No.11464206

Rehab for what?

>> No.11464209

Heroin I would assume, her story is true, it's just the anon is faking her.

>> No.11464214


My abs and ribs stick out already, but I want to lose more weight. W-which limb should I chop off?

>> No.11465439

nosebleeds are my fetish

>> No.11465448

What is your rank in cs?

>> No.11465453

> = less than
what have you done?

>> No.11465482

Society tells you exercise is how you lose weight, which is fucking stupid and is probably the reason so many fat shits think they can't lose weight, they exercise but keep stuffing their faces with cake cause they're told exercise is all you need

>> No.11465500

Yung Lean starting to look more and more like Sean Astin

>> No.11465512

tfw this is what americans think??? no fucking wonder they're fat

>> No.11465524

you need both exercise and diet to lose weight. exercise is important unless you want to look like mr skeltal
tl;dr just try walking to the shop instead of driving every time you fucking fatass

>> No.11465547

like this guy mentioned
if you truly don't want to do anything yet want to lose weight, you want to be in a ketogenic mode.
desu the best is going keto if you're pretty fat or chubby, switch to a low-carb diet after you have losed a few pounds, and start working out weekly

>> No.11465566

Why are you mixing metric and imperial? It's weirding me out dudee

>> No.11465581

Tricksy fat hobbitses

>> No.11465605

> keto

has that ever been proven to work?

>> No.11465826

is that yung lean?