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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 138 KB, 493x662, brexit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11456726 No.11456726 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy /thinspo/ thread!

Last Thread: >>11448002

Cara Edition
Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6rW2GpQLQE

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"
>Lose It!: "/fa/ friends"

>> No.11456736
File: 403 KB, 1231x545, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please vote. Thank you.

>> No.11456739
File: 259 KB, 1136x1080, FDPs_yACscQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11456740
File: 51 KB, 657x527, hidhratted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helo frinds daly remindar to stey hidhratted luv u tanks bye

>> No.11456741
File: 2.76 MB, 1600x900, Ottoman.Empire.Europa.Universalis.4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been doing fairly well this game. Managed to conquer the levant and egypt and and I'm planning to take control of moslem north africa.

I'm interested in county Meaths expansion. I hope they do well.

>> No.11456744
File: 75 KB, 720x763, 9rK-KM4YozM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not starting with the greeks and crushing muslims with glorious orthodox armies

>> No.11456746
File: 224 KB, 1024x1024, L9r1hCCGOPU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11456749

mapgames are a great distraction from eating.

love seeing england being put on blast

>> No.11456751
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>> No.11456754
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>> No.11456757
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>> No.11456762
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What if I'm a boy who wishes he was a girl?

>> No.11456764
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>> No.11456766

I gained weight again because i got depressed and started stress eating
my life is out of control please help

>> No.11456767
File: 177 KB, 871x871, pR1tUrcDVdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sell your souls on a crossroad at midnight.

>> No.11456768

if you are a qt with a benis you still need to put male.

>> No.11456776
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>> No.11456780
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I literally would if I could.

>> No.11456782
File: 65 KB, 605x807, Ig-5bfbBN9k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember saving some male thinspo pics but strangely I can't find them.

>> No.11456785
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>> No.11456791
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>> No.11456796

wew you've got some great thinspo

>> No.11456799
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>> No.11456802
File: 140 KB, 720x960, FiNcFhoGPDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11456877
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there wasn't a tranny option
i picked boy even tho bagina

>> No.11456880

stop trying to force your sexual identity into everything. nobody gives a shit.

>> No.11456881

there wasn't an option because it isn't an option in life

>> No.11456883


>> No.11456885

have i invaded your safe space?

>> No.11456894

That means you're a girl.
That's it. No other options.

>> No.11456929
File: 178 KB, 1280x960, J-s6WCtgsfI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Triggered af.

>> No.11456930
File: 114 KB, 750x1024, 1451744009895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be gay or confused beta
>not special enough
>become memesexual

k y s all attention seeking faggots

>> No.11456938

wew thats some serious mental gymnastics

>> No.11456951
File: 649 KB, 2880x1680, 1433605505991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget it

look! how skeeny

>> No.11456957

It's 2016 guys, trans people exist.

>> No.11456965

>it's the current year guys

>> No.11457021
File: 632 KB, 481x600, Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-29 um 14.04.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do y'all add the calories burned while exercising to your daily calorie budget? Like if you burn 400 calories exercising, do you eat 400 calories more?

Also, have you seen Ali's Miss Playboy shoot? Her body is so good.

>> No.11457028

Are belly button piercings /fa/?

>> No.11457035

Yes, I think you can do it in myfitnesspal.
Preferences. Myself, I don't mind them. I thought nipple piercing looks hot untill met a girl with actual one and it was not what I expected. Facial piercing is almost always sjit tho.

>> No.11457061
File: 97 KB, 500x332, tumblr_m1q45q0QVy1r4ri63o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11457069

don't remind me

>> No.11457073

I want to drop about five pounds so I can be at a bmi of 18~ again. Should I try substituting my lunches (which are around 500 cals) with some sort of meal shake?

>> No.11457157

I don't add it.. that's just bonus fat lost
plus I don't trust most exercise calculators.. most would give you 400 cals for 100 cals of actual work

>> No.11457165


>> No.11457311

>not playing as the papal states and forming the kingdom of god before the protestants take over
i love the pattern on the dress its cute

>> No.11457314

ill trade u bodies desu

>> No.11457328

how do i lose water weight

>> No.11457334

if i'm not mistaken its best to drink water to get rid of water weight

>> No.11457339

r u trying to trick me again

>> No.11457351

can the next general have a different image. i dunno if this is some model but the clothes she's wearing are terrible.

>> No.11457353

No he's actually right. Your body holds onto water weight when it feels that it is not getting enough fluids. So that you don't dehydrate it stores excess water in fat cells. If you drink 2-3l a day then your body will shed its water weight because it doesn't think it's going to have to go thirsty

>> No.11457380

we seem to be rotating between the same like 3 photos

>> No.11457402
File: 790 KB, 2560x1920, P_20160629_113441_BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love drinking mineral water on an empty stomach. I think ill have some peanut butter and mints for lunch.

>> No.11457422
File: 76 KB, 500x653, tumblr_nuqnrzqQxY1tfcvvro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 643 kcal left, should I make some Brownies? Brownies are really good.

>> No.11457440

Brownies are for fatties.

>> No.11457444

get some sunlight

>> No.11457522

don't eat if you aren't hungry

>> No.11457526

ilu hydrate frog

>> No.11457580

thank fregg i lov u i drenk 8 pint todag

>> No.11457583

for the past two weeks or so I've been jogging for 10-30 minutes every morning depending on how much energy I have, eating apples for breakfast and drinkin mostly water with the occasional sprite

if I keep this up for 6~ months, should I potentially be skinnier?
parents are saying I look like I've lost weight, but it's too early to say that I feel, and if I have it's just water weight

>> No.11457592
File: 130 KB, 640x823, tumblr_nv96hzbEeH1s8ppn8o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had two scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream and still have 330 kcal left but I'm probably not going to eat anything more tonight.

Fun fact: Timothy McVeigh had two pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream for his last meal and he finished it in 17 minutes.

>> No.11457596

How about you weigh yourself?

>> No.11457611

ali isn't pro-ana, pretty sure she's banned from runway because of her vocal criticisms on the pressures from the industry to be skinny

>> No.11457623

It would've been better to have 4 options: m straight, m gay, f straight, f gay. Oh well maybe some other time.

>> No.11457624

>posting muffin tops on a thinspo thread

>> No.11457633

I know, but I like her body. Also, she's still pretty thin and her gym selfies are really motivating.

>> No.11457634

i don't wanna be disgusted so that's okay

>> No.11457639

calories in, calories out

god you guys are fucking retarded

>> No.11457642

Can one drink too much water?

>> No.11457679


>> No.11457727

only apples and water for 6 months?

>> No.11457729

Anyone have experience with caffeine pills? I can't drink coffee because it always makes me sick to my stomach for some reason.

Will pills work the same to keep my energy up and suppress hunger, or nah? I took one about 30 minutes ago and my head feels a little but that's it. Will it work if my body isn't used to it?

>> No.11457735

well no I'm eating other stuff too, that's just for when I wake up

>> No.11457773

I had about 1500 calories today, I feel bad

>> No.11457779
File: 105 KB, 1080x937, 13385667_138031966615705_809587046_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, it's Alana. :3

>> No.11457787

These threads really are mental health issues general. I hope you all get better, especially the girls with shitty self esteem.

>> No.11457808

>These threads really are mental health issues general. I hope all skinny girls itt sit on my dick, especially the ones with shitty self esteem.

i totally agree

>> No.11457824

stop posting her. don't let her become a meme. she's too nice for that.

>> No.11457834
File: 36 KB, 256x640, fatlegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11457862

Meme me up Scotty

>> No.11457903


>> No.11457925

Why a meme? She's just thinspo

>> No.11457933
File: 37 KB, 1080x607, 11410763_190816807924645_2075306041_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, I've been purging myself

Pls end my life, senpai

>> No.11457979
File: 59 KB, 485x750, 1433201148617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you can't tell if you're skinny or getting fat and switch between feeling the two.
Wew lad.

>> No.11457991

What is the most effective and safe way to loose fat in a short period. I don't give a crap about having abs or anything, just to look good in clothes and have a slimmer face. I am 15% body fat.

>> No.11457994
File: 110 KB, 500x749, tumblr_m4lkl6IaaD1qa42jro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't do that.

It's such a shame Sky doesn't shoot with Terry anymore. She seems to have gained some weight as well.

>> No.11457998

Eat your BMR - 500 kcal + do cardio. It's really simple.

>> No.11458000

>tfw no short haired skinny gf

>> No.11458008
File: 40 KB, 657x527, helo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helo grat luv u tanks bye!

helo yes u can ovarhidhratte an cuase watar intockication. watar intockication is onley extrem casses an tak a lot of watar luv u tanks bye

>> No.11458010

it doesn't matter, sky is the limit.

>> No.11458013
File: 26 KB, 250x188, tumblr_nstyqdccVI1uuok5do1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is not that I want to purge but when I eat and I feel too full I just feel the need to do it.

I'm fucked up

>> No.11458016

terry is such a pervert she probably decided against getting stds

>> No.11458018

You must draw more pictures of hydrated frog it's extremely cute.

>> No.11458022

>Sky doesn't shoot
I wouldn't be so sure.

>> No.11458023

More like
>tfw not cute like her

>> No.11458047
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x1920, tumblr_o8j88hOZEx1sayi64o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried it a few times years ago but could never get myself to do it. Throwing up is gross, man.

>> No.11458228

hate coming home for summer.
Seriously who the fuck ears three meals a day?

>> No.11458247

You're just lazy fuck. Exercize and three meals would be barely enough.

>> No.11458299


>> No.11458305

You're literally my favourite person on this board..
I love you, bro. Just want you to know.

>> No.11458354

>balding due to bulimia

>> No.11458378

wew how does that even happen

>> No.11458406

hair loss is only temporary
>wew how does that even happen
lack of nutrients probably

>> No.11458559
File: 332 KB, 500x425, tumblr_o8ahqv9OY11ugzyq2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will go fruitarian in July,i estimated that i will lose 7kg of pure fat in that time.

What is your opinion on fruitarianism?I think it's viable if you want to lose weight because you're constantly hydrated and fruit is very low on calorie and huge on volume.

I highly recommend it,as i've tested it myself in the past again.

>> No.11458567

it sounds like a terrible idea
fruit is good for you, but it's basically just sugar
you lose weight because you aren't getting nutrients like protein

>> No.11458572

This mate.

If anything go paleo, cut grains and processed sugars.

Protein Kees you full for longer and your body needs the fats and proteins for cell function.

>> No.11458583

>it's basically just sugar

That's true but wrong in some way.It's not the same unhealthy processed sugar we find in chocolate for example.

I won't eat 2000kcal of fruit of course,something like 500kcal will be my daily intake.

>inb4 it's unhealthy

I know,i just aim for fast weight lose

>inb4 you'll take it back

>> No.11458608

my point about the sugar isn't necessarily that sugar is bad, it's that there isn't much else in fruit
u should still be eating other things as well. aiming for fastest weight loss is almost always very unhealthy, senpai

>> No.11458623

I know m8,i want to lose that 7kg in July though and i will reach my goal.Nothing bad can happen in a month and i'm not even exercising so i guess it will be bearable.

>> No.11458679

Would I be considered fat at 128 lbs 176 cm grill? I want to drop 10 pounds, but I feel sick most of the time so I end up eating.

>> No.11458684
File: 63 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_o4yajkr2H51u8bprdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to sound rude but yes.

Drink a shit ton of water and just bear it or eat fruit whenever you're hungry.

These words are coming from a guy.

>> No.11458707

You don't sounds rude, I was just wondering. Since I'm tall I find it hard to determine if I'm at appropriate weight. All the short tiny girls look so good.

>> No.11458714


wew, maybe you'll have a spooky experience or something!

>> No.11458732

whens the best time to exercise? I've heard that cardio first thing in the morning or on an empty stomach is the way to go, but whenever I cardio in the morning I get really hungry throughout the day

>> No.11458737
File: 268 KB, 1285x1015, grill-h2o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helo tank u fer kin werds luv u tanks bye

>> No.11458741

I think the optimal BMi is 16

>> No.11458747

post pic, I doubt you're fat at 128 pounds and 5'9. You might not be /thin/, but not fat.

>> No.11458753
File: 2.23 MB, 3787x2523, 1466364775108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dunno if this is some model
do you even /fa/

>> No.11458759

help I have no self control and I'm worried I'm going to become bulimic because I know how to puke on command

>> No.11458766

that's what the body's normal reaction to exercise is. feed it good shit and you;re okay fammo, just keep almonds & walnuts on your person, and then supplement that with carrots or something else you can munch on along with drinking water.

>> No.11458833

Any pro-ana male blogs to read ?

>> No.11458843

you can eat an entire meal if you made vegetables instead of 3 square inches of dense sugar, flour, vegetable oil, and flavoring powder. only an idiot would choose brownies.

>> No.11458855

What would be the best way to cut hunger? or even envy of food. How do I disgust myself from eating.

>> No.11458863
File: 1.59 MB, 718x404, fathate.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch fat people eat. I watch some fat fuck gobble down a meatball sub and I want nothing to do with food.

>> No.11458879

drink a lot of water

even if you're not thirsty just shove it down your throat

>> No.11458904

Agreed, just look at some of these posts

>> No.11458905

so i'm assuming you all are either landwhales or former landwhales? because naturally skinny people don't give a shit about skinniness

>> No.11458908

Haven't you all felt so sleepy and lazy after long time dieting that you can't even do the weekly cardio routine? i feel this way right now, i just sleep because i'm so tired although i haven't done anything.

>> No.11458909

Nah m8. Heaviest I've weighed is ~160 as a 6' tall male.

>> No.11458917

lol no heaviest I weighed was 140 at 5'9. I just find really skinny girls as a goal weight I can never be , since I'm tall so it causes poor self esteem

>> No.11458929

yeah i'm 6tt 135lb, guess most i've cared about my weight is to not get too fat for my jeans, not to look like a skellington or some shit. some of these pics in these threads are cringe as fuck

>> No.11458933

nah, 140 was my heaviest

>> No.11459249

nope, former /fit/ hehe

>> No.11459399

highest weight 108 :,) dark times man (im 5'2 n a gril so thats a bmi 19.8, now im at bmi 15.6)

however, i personally consider myself an inner landwhale like i've always been way to obsessed with food, like when there's food in front of me i just feel an intense urge to eat it, all of it, regardless of whether or not im hungry, while everyone else around me seems to not even notice it's there. i think ive just always lowkey restricted, and thats the only reason ive never been like.. morbidly obese

>> No.11459403

nani kore

>> No.11459410
File: 179 KB, 1080x897, SkateyP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So ive been eating around 1000 calories a day for a week and my bmr is 2000 :) /fa/ body coming soon

>> No.11459411

eternal skinnyfat here. the fact that no one encourages my weightloss is fucking annoying.

>> No.11459424
File: 321 KB, 1080x795, Screenshot_2016-06-29-19-05-43-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean man my whole family is fat and they think I dont eat enough baka
>nice dubs btw

>> No.11459459

>because naturally skinny people

there is no such thing.

there are people who eat less, and people who eat more.

>> No.11459462


join the discord

>> No.11459506
File: 274 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_ny6l34Vssn1sqdh44o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good luck, mane

Drink lots of water

>> No.11459550

yeppp thats due to slowly starving urself :| i just get used to it and learn to fit more nap times into my schedule desu

>> No.11459616
File: 2.31 MB, 1654x1164, Screen Shot 2016-06-29 at 10.31.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'1" 138lbs/62.5kg
should I keep aiming for more skinny? am i okay? am i just super insecure posting online for internet validation? All else aside, do I look okay, or should i keep trying for 120lbs?

>> No.11459640

you look pretty good bro.

I'd focus on getting abs.

>> No.11459643

Pets screen, can I keep you?

>> No.11459686
File: 58 KB, 800x701, tumblr_o17wrzueR81v5yvujo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looking good, bro

You have the same body type as me

>> No.11459704

thank you. I'll work on abs.

what does "pets screen" mean, "can i keep you" feels creepy

>> No.11459778

>playing as t*rkroaches

I need an appetite suppresor. I know coffee and smoking cigarettes are mentioned here often but is there any over the counter medication that fills this role as well?

I don't smoke, and coffee gives me the runs.

>> No.11459812

>steve jobs


>> No.11460187
File: 488 KB, 477x598, lily6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your BMI is 18.7, you're slender. Especially since you're tall. What do you mean, you feel sick? Like weak or like you're going to throw up? What kind of things are you eating and how many calories?

I like to do cardio ~2 hours after lunch because it fills the time between lunch and dinner and I'm never hungry after I exercise. It keeps me from snacking in the afternoon.

What do y'all think Lily's BMI is? Around 15? I think she looks really good in some pictures but really sickly in others.

>> No.11460206

Skinnyfat here that just discovered this thread.
Did you guys taper off of most foods or just cut cold turkey?

>> No.11460210

What do you mean? Cutting out certain unhealthy foods? I didn't consciously cut out specific foods, I just look what fits into my daily calorie budget.

>> No.11460213
File: 67 KB, 535x577, 1410490011504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh my body is beginning to look good and almost thinspo-worthy but my face won't follow. It stays fatter than the rest ;m;

>> No.11460231

m/f? Maybe grow a bit of facial hair/change makeup a bit?
If it's your facial structure, a different haircut?

>> No.11460296

M. But I'll try makeup as I'm not that big of a fan of beards, and I'm currently growing my hair out. Thanks for the tip, sweet anon.

>> No.11460346

Really really really do your best to make in not obvious. Makeup tends to look terrible on men, mostly due to lack of skill more than anything else.
Post face.

>> No.11460372
File: 1.15 MB, 1732x3234, an.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i achieve actual thinness

>> No.11460375

Godtier facial aesthetics, are hips like those considered wide or normal?

>> No.11460380

It's normal, they look wide because he's thin.

>> No.11460440
File: 164 KB, 597x503, 1455406474887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hips are the same and it's frustrating af,i just want to have a straight body like /thin/ girls

>> No.11460445

anyone else here on amphetamine and chewing tobacco?

>> No.11460472
File: 37 KB, 852x480, ET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those hips are wide as fuck lmao

>> No.11460481

That shit'll make any slack jawed faggot a sexual tyrannosaurus

>> No.11460484

that guy was my governor

>> No.11460573

I think if your BMI is listed as obese you should have to pay higher taxes because it is a drain on society and the health care system.

>> No.11460585

this, the exact same reason is used for the absurd amount of taxing done on cigarettes

(that being said, the same logic could be applied to the extremely skinny) however, a lot of the models and whatnot we post in this thread aren't quite thin to the point where they become a liability

>> No.11460589

>this, the exact same reason is used for the absurd amount of taxing done on cigarettes

im p sure they just do that because they know they can milk the addicted for what theyre worth without anyone having any pity

also second-hand smoke

>> No.11460592

extremely thin is a lot more rare than fat and not an epidemic burden on society.

Cigarettes are heavily taxed, at least here in America. I think Europe it's even more now.

>> No.11460596

im aware, not sure what i said that made it look like i wasnt

ps its six euro fun bux for 19 smokes in germany and this is why i roll

>> No.11460597

Good idea, common sense even.
Will never happen for the same reason the death penalty is being outlawed and affirmative action exists.
Muh feelings trumps logic.

I've personally had the idea of government backed manual labour camps for obese people that they're forced to go to.
You get the free labour and the obese lose weight. It's win-win.

>> No.11460600

the fatsocs broke out again

>> No.11460602

what's that?

>> No.11460610

Calisthenics. Eat at maintenance.

>> No.11460611

>(that being said, the same logic could be applied to the extremely skinny)
Sure, that's okay though. Obese causes higher taxes, not overweight. So same could be said for being underweight versus dangerously thin. 17 is underweight, no tax hike. If you are 15.5 bmi or below then you should have to pay higher taxes because you're going to need hospital care. Maybe 15.5 isn't the number but some agreed on number.

>> No.11460614
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>feelings trumps logic

>> No.11460724

caffeine and ephedrine will destroy your hunger.. its weight loss on ez mode. it works best when your body isn't used to it.

>> No.11460734

i've been so hungry lately but if I have caffeine past the early morning I can't sleep. sucks.

wish there was a non-stimulant that reduced hunger.

i've been trying to eat a lot of protein and fiber. protein helps a bit, I think the fiber is a meme.

>> No.11460735

i'm going out to eat tonight at this place https://squareup.com/store/the-lunch-room/

what should i get? i have about 1000 cals for tonight

>> No.11460744

drinking lots of water helps too but not on the same level as stims imo

>> No.11460757

hard to tell what is in those. maybe a power up bowl but don't eat all the avocado and nuts.

>> No.11460775

Theres descriptions if you click on the pictures. I was thinking the burrito bowl

>> No.11460807

Get the soup and salad combo if the soup is not cream based. Otherwise get the banh mi as a gluten free salad with the garlic mayo on the side. If the person you're dining with asks if you're celiac, just say you're doing tests and you're not sure and don't want to take risks in the mean time. Maybe get the wilted greens on the side.

People won't suspect anything if you look like you're eating a lot.

>> No.11460830

thats true. thank you <3

>> No.11460942
File: 533 KB, 514x599, alana7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about athletes? They get hurt regularly, they probably have even higher medical bills than obese people.

The death penalty isn't logical. It costs more to kill a prisoner than to keep him in prison. One reason for that is that you need an extra trial. For example: James Holmes' trial cost two million dollars more because the prosecution insisted on the death penalty. In the end, he didn't get it and two million dollars in taxpayers' money were wasted.

Y'all are also forgetting that national health insurance is supposed to be a social thing. Rich people also pay way more than poor people even though the poor get sick more often.

Anyway, have some more Alana.

>> No.11460958

ur a cheeky cunt 8nt u m8

>> No.11460961

Eat vegetables and legumes too faggot.

>> No.11460982

I was fat when I was 11,
then I was anorexic for a few years,
then I was skinny but healthy for a long time,
then I lifted and tried to eat ~4,000 calories per day for a while in college,
now I stopped lifting and just do calisthenics.

I can already see my ribs but I can't see my abs so I'm trying to get down to that level. I'm vegan, I exercise daily when I'm not injured, and I don't smoke or take drugs besides coffee, tea, and alcohol on occasion. I'm not quite a hungry skeleton since I do strength training but I'm definitely not a big guy. I'm just trying to get to model-mode since I'm tall and have a slightly slim frame, by model-mode I mean tall, skinny and muscular.

>> No.11460988

Try eating slightly more or spacing your meals out better.

Put on some muscle but keep the same body fat percentage and you'll be golden. You don't have to go crazy just do some push ups and pulls every once in a while. Plebbit has a good body weight fitness routine.

You look good btw.

>> No.11460993

If you're young, it's normal to have chubby cheeks. People lose their baby fat at different times. I'm in my twenties and I still have a baby face.

Put some muscle on. You can already see your ribs and undeveloped abs so you're not going to gain anything by losing more weight, you're just going into eating disorder territory.

>> No.11461062

Anyone have experience with caffiene tabs/pills?

>> No.11461069
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>It costs more to kill a prisoner than to keep him in prison
Only because they pussy around it and use expensive chemicals that barely work.
A length of rope or a bullet costs basically nothing.

>> No.11461138

I think they're a little wide? I'm not sure, honestly. They seemed to get wider when i got thinner

ET go home

>> No.11461212

I look to the mirror and I see myself fat as fuck. Got on too much weight during finals, and I work out everyday to lose this bullshit. I am developing agoraphobia, don't want to step on the street until I'm fine with my body, I suffer when people see my bloated gut and fatass legs.

Sorry if not /comfy/ but needed to take this out of my chest. These threads are helping me lots.

>> No.11461222

Try seeing a therapist or psychologist. You can still be thin and not have a mental disorder.

>> No.11461301

What are some legitimate and healthy ways to lose weight if you cant afford gym?I know cardio but I've read that you will end looking skinnyfat if you only do that but i'm skinnyfat already
>tfw cant drink almost any water at night otherwise it takes me hours to piss even if its really small amount and its just summer now where is sweet the most at night
>tfw went to two urologists and they said i'm completely fine

>> No.11461309

See >>11457998. Do some calisthenics if you want definition.

>> No.11461318

Yeah but what is the best routine for that because I can find literally 1000 types and all of them claims to be the best eg overcoming gravity streetbarz etc.

>> No.11461320

Have you tried the supplement pygeum? It's readily available and might help you. Helps with bladder problems.

I took it to increase my cum loads (part of that god tier cum list) and noticed in the amazon reviews people were also using it for bladder problems. At night I used to have to get up and pee pretty often, now I don't have that problem anymore, I seem to sleep through the night or only have to get up once. I really think it might be the pygeum. I since quit the god tier cum stack, but I didn't stop taking pygeum and a multivitamin.

>> No.11461328

>supplement pygeum
I will check it but I'm almost 99% that there will be no distributors about it in my country
>At night I used to have to get up and pee pretty often, now I don't have that problem anymore
The thing is that it also takes me so long to piss even though I feel like the piss is on the tip and sometimes drives me insane.

>> No.11461329

For calisthenics? I've never done it but I've heard good things about Convict Conditioning.

>> No.11461332

>god tier cum stack

>> No.11461333

where the fuck do you live? it's a common supplement. you can get it on amazon or in the grocery story. I literally got mine at whole foods.

>> No.11461346

yeah it's a series of supplements that increase your load among other things. like 4-5 different supplements depending which list you follow.

>> No.11461355

Yes and also forgot to ask what cardio I can do at home without any equipment.
>Convict Conditioning
When I browsed /asp/ I remember it being universally hated.They had a lot of resources and routines but I had no time to read them all back then.

>> No.11461356

Can you give me a list? I'm a girl but I want to read about this.

>> No.11461359

Well without any equipment, there's only running outside.

>> No.11461364

But I'm not thin kek

>> No.11461366

depends on the clothes you are wearing

>> No.11461370

>Southeast Europe
but I found it on a few online shops its a bit expensive for me(16$ 100g) considering I already have pills that do pretty much nothing and even had to convince the second urologist to prescribe me something because I was not going out without anything.Also do they work only temporary and when you stop the supplement the effect stops?

>> No.11461377

What if you're not wearing clothes?

>> No.11461385

Well I don't know if they'll work for you at all. Read up on it and see if it's something you might try. I noticed a benefit from it.

Sure, if you stop taking it, the effect will go away.

Read the amazon reviews, you'll see people talking about peeing.

It's about 18 bucks here for 120. Have to take two per day (maybe less would be okay), so that's two months supply. 9 bucks a month.

>> No.11461390

What about this youtube cardio videos like fitness blender?Are they really that bad?

>> No.11461400

I have a gym membership so I haven't tried it but just try it and see if you like it/it works?

>> No.11461425
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Do y'all also get really bored while doing cardio? What do you listen to?

(Post more thinspo)

>> No.11461443
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most songs on art angels have a nice rhythm for running

>> No.11461455
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..also she qualifies as thinspo

>> No.11461465

i would FUCK grimes

>> No.11461474
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>starting to look thin with clothes
>disgusting skinny fat naked
kill me

>> No.11461475
File: 60 KB, 500x669, sky9-od-special.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grimes is gross, please stop.

>> No.11461480

remember to be nice to grimes

>> No.11461490
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>tfw you want to be a skinny sophisticato but caffeine makes you anxious as fuck

>> No.11461498

You know I don't even find Sky attractive, but I find her atrractive. That's a paradox.

>> No.11461509
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am I fat /fa/ ?

>> No.11461513

no. obviously not.

>> No.11461537

neither am I skinnyfat or anything that has to do with more fat than muscle I hope

>> No.11461547

no but you have shitty bone structure

>> No.11461549


>> No.11461556

what do you mean?

>> No.11461558

cant see the bones even though you are p skinny

>> No.11461571

I got chicken bones actually and even though I go to the gym on a regular basis I look like a fuckin brick .

>> No.11461577

Same here, but you don't need coffee to fight the urge to eat, it's all in your head

>> No.11461625 [DELETED] 
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>tfw you see a model tier thinspo gril with her bf
>tfw day ruined

>> No.11461640
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>tfw her bf is no thinspo or fa at all

>> No.11461656
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Is her ribcage gigantic or is it just her weird pose?

>> No.11461710


>> No.11461738
File: 135 KB, 483x442, 1467191621083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>117 lbs
>Still have D tits
I'm getting near my goal weight of the summer of 110 and my tits still haven't gotten smaller, any ideas?

>> No.11461746
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Give them to me, I have Bs.

>> No.11461754

Wish I could. I just can't look good in a tank top or crop top because they make me look larger.

>> No.11461819

F cup here, it's not as bad as you think anon. Cup size isn't determined by volume of your boobs, but by the difference between their size and your ribcage. So if you lose weight, it's pretty normal for your cupsize to go up even if your boobs get smaller.

>> No.11461833


>No skinny big boobed /fa/ qt will ever be in my area or talk to me

Suffering. Fyi, large chest might not be /fa/. but think about it, wouldn't a muscular well toned guy be more attractive than the same guy as a skelly dressed in the same thing?

>> No.11461836

big boobs are disgusting

>> No.11461842

So are gays.

>> No.11461847
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>> No.11461848

>wouldn't a muscular well toned guy be more attractive than the same guy as a skelly dressed in the same thing?
Why does /fit/ come to /fa/?


>> No.11461860

All titties are good. Flat asses on the other hand...

>> No.11461862
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I'm saying having bodily sexual value is objectively better than having runway skeleton potential. This is undeniable senpai.

>> No.11461866

just leave

>> No.11461869

hey bra-anon!! thanks again for teaching me about boob size a while back.

>> No.11461874

That body is beautiful

>> No.11461877
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I will if you become my big chested /fa/ gf.

>> No.11461906

>only 10 more pounds to go
>haven't made progress in weeks

holy FUCK I am so frustrated. I'm still going under my TDEE but I've just been hovering around the same weight for weeks.

>> No.11461937
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x1080, 73b4ef15-2c3a-4a5d-8e36-683497413b44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that looks disgusting this is the worst picture ive ever seen of her :( Its probably like that all the time

>> No.11461958
File: 33 KB, 248x186, 47101e04d3dca1488d2a929f1756e717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F cup isn't necessarily that big, tho. Pic related, first result when you google my bra size.

Thanks! I'm glad I helped somebody.

>> No.11461978

Post a pic pls femme anon

>> No.11461979

Post a pic for scientific reasons.

>> No.11461990

Oh, forgot to say, if you're tall, your boobs almost definitely look a lot smaller than they would if you were 5'2". I guarantee you're no tittymonster, anon. I bet you're really cute!

>> No.11462005

how did you become such an expert on bra sizes? did you work in a retail store or something? or for a manufacturer of bras? or just autism?

>> No.11462026

I worked at a high end lingerie store in college.

>> No.11462028

i'm going to need to see this for research purposes, i work in human machine interface and i'm making a robot bra.

>> No.11462030

never said that
just said that big boobs in general are disgusting

>> No.11462034

jelly flat chested.

>> No.11462035

im a guy

>> No.11462038

nice. agent provocateur or something similar?

what types of people shop in a high end lingerie store? I know wealthy, but, is it a lot of females just trying to feel good, or something sexy for their boyfriend, what was the mix?

also any guys buying for themselves / crossdressers.. any crazy stories?

>> No.11462042

i'm a guy but wish i had tits. imagine how great it must be to have your own pair of tits to play with whenever you want. women have it so good.

>> No.11462046

I play with balls sometimes.

>> No.11462053

i feel like the balls fun factor is much lower though. i don't even really play with mine while jerking off. tits at least have some sensitivity and nipple stimulation is apparently possible.

also my balls the left one hangs down so much farther than the right, it's disappointing.

>> No.11462058

No I mean I literally play with balls. Like you know toss them and that kind of things.

>> No.11462060

Spot on guess. Customers were mostly business women in their 30s-40s. Occasionally there were sugar daddies shopping for their babies. Not very many guys shopping for themselves, but between the cost and the culture of the city I lived in, that wasn't very surprising.

The weirdest situation I remember was a mother shopping for her daughter. She was getting over the top sexy bras because she was worried her daughter wasn't married yet.

>> No.11462067

>also my balls the left one hangs down so much farther than the right, it's disappointing.
Do you even have sexual education where you live?
Also why is my captcha in french? Last time I had french was almost 6 years ago.

>> No.11462072
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>tfw I have no idea what my real bra size is because every bra I own is a different size
The one that fits me best is a 32C from Victoria's Secret Pink but other brands' 32Cs are too big.

>> No.11462085

btw I'm planning to buy myself a nice lingerie set from Agent Provocateur once I reach my goal weight >>11462060. I live ~30 minutes from one so I can get measured and everything. I'm excited.

>> No.11462086

Same things with all the clothes I have. Most is M with some S's and strangely a couple of L's.

>> No.11462092

Is it because you're tall? I'm short and slender so I just get everything in XS but sometimes dresses fit weird.

>> No.11462096

186 cm. It's 6'1 I guess.

>> No.11462098

would you recommend agent provocateur? I realize it's expensive, but is it also good quality? they got a store by me.

do women that are single ever buy lingerie just for themselves? like wearing around the house? or is it always someone sexually active or looking for sex? i never completely understood the relationship between women and lingerie

>> No.11462104

If your face is too chub then cut out on sodium. Probably not entirely but as much as you can. When I did it I saw results in just a week ^_^

>> No.11462107

i don't remember them talking about balls. is a ball size mismatch normal?

>> No.11462126


>> No.11462129

One ball always hangs more than the other. If one is significantly bigger you;d better go see a doctor. Might be varicocele or something like that.

>> No.11462141

I know it's
but this is actually a really good resource if you're interested in figuring it out:

Women definitely buy lingerie for themselves. I'm a virgin and I wear pretty underwear almost everyday. It's a good way to feel confident and attractive and it makes whatever you're wearing on top fit better. Ap is great quality, but a pretty big part of what you're paying for is the label. You can find a lot of equally well made lingerie for cheaper from less well known brands. I've only payed full price for their stuff a handful of times.

>> No.11462162

I agree with you, but I wish I had the option of having a literal potion that gives you energy. Ah well, I guess it's better for me in the end.

>> No.11462211
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Well this is unexpected

>> No.11462230

>UK bra size

>> No.11462253
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>> No.11462282

thanks for all the info that's interesting. Also m-Miami?

>> No.11462361
File: 1.14 MB, 849x1280, _06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no ali gf

>> No.11462548

This - I just view it as more burning

>> No.11462560

Oh. I was gonna say that you're going to die. Anyhow, how would we know whether you'll lose weight? We don't know what else you eat during the day.

>> No.11462605

Can someone help me with my maths?

Let's say I eat a certain food item. I eat this every single day. It adds up to 3220 calories a week.
Given that there are 3000 calories in a pound, if I cut out this one food item, I'd lose an extra one pound a week, right?

>> No.11462635

I thought it was 3500 calories per pound of fat?
But, yes, I think, as long as nothing is added to replace the calories.

>> No.11462640

Oh, it is, my bad.
Almost an extra pound then.

>> No.11462651

You eat something that is 460 calories every day?! Do you split it up or is it one meal? What is it?

>> No.11462663

Well it's between two meals.
I don't wanna say. It's embarrassing and people here will bully me.

>> No.11462668

Please do tell we won't. Was it pizza?

>> No.11462754

Say what it is, we won't bully.

>> No.11462773

Chocolate bar.

>> No.11462782

I eat them once a weak. Human body needs sugar. I also ate lots of cookies but then fucked up my teeth.

>> No.11462794
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>tfw fasting before 4th of July

Pls kill me, senpai

>> No.11462810

Once a week is much better than twice a day.
I really need to cut down but I'm kind of stuck in my routines.

>> No.11462818

But you used to eat them daily? Routinely? Interesting. Which one?

>Captcha is pizza
Fuck you, man

>> No.11462824

Do Americanos eat a lot leading up to the 4th of July? Pls explain

>> No.11462837

Well not daily but often. I only got small belly after 25 and my maximum weight was 79kgs when I lifted for a year. I'm not so rure that I'm happy about that tho. And I definetely don't want to look like some auschwitz mode guys from he threads. Just skinny.

>> No.11462838
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Most do

I'm not American so I wouldn't know

4th of July will be my cheat day so I'm preparing for the worst in advance

>> No.11462842
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 189492849242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually lots of bbq food
hamburgers, hot dogs, a bunch of shit covered in mayo

>> No.11462849


Mayo and gravy which is literally warm fat

Holy fuck, wtf is wrong with this country

>> No.11462873

So have you been fasting for a while now? And are you going back to fasting after your cheat day? Explain please

>> No.11462892
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>> No.11462899

tattoos are for degenerates.

>> No.11462905


>> No.11462907
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>> No.11462915
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>> No.11462924

but you still are celebrating the 4th?

>> No.11462927

New thread:

Bump limit reached.