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/fa/ - Fashion

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11449373 No.11449373 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /fa/ careers?

>> No.11449375


Fashion designer

>> No.11449386


art gallery curator / director

>> No.11449388

Sorry, I should have specified:

What are some /fa/ careers that can afford me a life of dignity and material comfort? It needs not be fashion-related.

>> No.11449394

Male prostitute

>> No.11449395

taxi driver

>> No.11449400

Being a producer/DJ, but if you suck you're automatically disqualified from being effay

>> No.11449408

What about a watchmaker?

>> No.11449417

A curator. I like that. Never thought about that as a career before.

>> No.11449419


>> No.11449422

Dont know about a watchmaker but when I played magic the gathering there was a jewlery maker at my local store. He was a nice guy, but not /fa/.

>> No.11449423

you can't rock a pocket square driving taxis

>> No.11449424


>> No.11449430

Fuck, I think I will become both.

>> No.11449436


>> No.11449438


>> No.11449442
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Not talking about fedora-core "muh mechanical pocket watch is the only way" but rather some proper skilled watchmaker like Paul Buclin (pic related)

>> No.11449449


>> No.11449487


>> No.11449510

Marketing at clothing brand/company

>> No.11449515


>> No.11449590

fashion is fa but theyre usual gay
i was devasted when i found out tom ford is gay (nothing against gays but was just disappointed cause i thought finally a straight male in a gay dominated community, and not only straight but alpha as fuck looking)

most FA careers
Salesmen and investment bankers

>> No.11449601
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>> No.11449616


>> No.11449621

Salesmen and investment bankers? You've got to be kidding me. You are that one retardo who always post people in suits and slick Bateman hair? The one with the god awful lame leather shoes?

Dude your aethestics is shit. It has no energy. No revolte. It's just the good ol' "i watched wallstreet 1 and liked it" philosophy.

Fuck man even a drug dealer is a more FA career than those suitfuckers.

>> No.11449628

real estate agent

>> No.11449645
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Yeah, go full Rick or go home, squares!

>> No.11449650

Highschool math teacher

>> No.11449651

and i bet you are the retard that jacks off to that old fucker that wears yellow shoes with coloured tattoos on his arms

mens suits are best fashion and that is what those 2 industries wear

>> No.11449671

Street wear is best fashion for middle class city swelling youths

>> No.11449677

teacher at any higher grade

>> No.11449678


>> No.11449696
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Fucking this

>mens suits are best fashion

/fa/ makes me sick

struggling artist
drug dealer/trapboi
rich NEET

>> No.11449715
File: 161 KB, 1800x1013, actn_160406_NIGEL_SYLVESTER_GO_LA1018[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more

extreme sports
sports star
small business owner (not entrepreneur)

>> No.11449738

musician is the only /fa/ thing on their besides rich NEET because it's the ultimate relaxing lifestyle
not /fa/ but respectable
not really
>extreme sports
>sports star
interesting, but more often too dirty and is only /fa/ if the person is naturally good looking
lighting more so, photography is underwhelming because of instagram now
>small business owner
too much work to be /fa/ more often then not

>> No.11449744

It certainly is. Too bad you never paid attention in school and will most like become
>muh painter
>muh wannabee fashion designer
>hipster working at starbucks

So stay mad while I enjoy wearing best brands and cuts and meeting interesting people from all over the world. But you most likely do not even own a dinner jacket. Poor kid.

>> No.11449762
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You know nothing anon. You know what the media sells you, but nothing deeper than that.

Do you know the world, or how people work? Or what makes something fashionable? What fashionable really means, and not high street fashion?

Though, I guess OP asked for /fa/ careers, not fashionable careers. In which case, yeah, no wonder NEET is your ultimate lifestyle.

Sink your teeth into the world and express yourself. There's no fashion without struggle. Fashion is self-indulgence despite the worlds shit.

>> No.11449802

a prestigious, but not well-known title is /fa/.

>petrolium engineer
>marine merchanter

Working as a suit, whether it be in sales or an office is not /fa/. While working in alpha jobs like the military or a firefigher will make women swoon, they are not fashionable jobs.

>> No.11449819

right because extreme sports and wearing rockstar energy shirts are just so cool. if you want to talk about lifestyle, I think youre taking ryan gosling's serious movies too seriously. being a student is in no way fashionable, because trades aren't /fa/ either because i don't believe that wearing work onesies and welding are /fa/, not that they aren't respectable and decent jobs to have. look at the average student and all you will find are "pink hoodies" and chinos for boys. I guess I could go back to marketing, but it is much less like madmen and a lot more stressful and full of muted suits. if what you say is true than a NEET with no budget is absolutely the most /fa/ because it is the most indulgent. I understand what you're saying but you're looking at it from a much more romantic view than what they actually are, at least in my perspective. if you disagree, that's fine, but at least we can agree that being on an anime forum isn't /fa/

>> No.11449830
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We can agree to disagree, but my contention still remains: fashion is largely an attitude. An aesthetic that actually says something, particularly about you.

Buying whatever Topman puts on the racks is not true fashion, nor is it fashionable. It's basic and high street.

But meh, I suppose only some will get this, and that's why only some are actually fashionable.

Bye boys.

>> No.11449832

>argues with kids on 4chan
do you greentext these interesting people from all over the world as well? kek

>> No.11449843
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Rich NEET: effay
NEET who's not even rich: Not effay
The Dude: effay
Generic stoner: borderline, mostly not effay
Socially impatient space miners: effay
Tradesman who doesn't own his shit and just buys whatever is on highstreet: not effay

It's attitude. Anything else is media/consumerist spin.

>> No.11449849

Not a diplomat yet. Currently in the application process though, after I finished my MA earlier this year. I've been on /fa/ for a while now and I don't plan on leaving just because I'm busy 9-5. Although this board's taste has deteriorated since a few years. People don't value quality clothing and classic cuts but rather fall for the express yourself you special snowflake meme.

>> No.11449866

I'm going into pharmacology because I want to synthesize drugs. Picking a job because it's /fa/ is the type of cancer at makes me think of /fa/ as a retarded and incredibly vain board.
>''Let me become a taxi driver because it best suits the bullshit persona I've created through the 'unique' aesthetic that I blatantly ripped off the internet. I'm such an individual. I can think for myself.

>> No.11449894

effay career: ghostbuster man

>> No.11449927

>Salesmen and investment bankers
Salesmen might be a stretch, but I 100% agree on investment bankers, investors, fund managers. If you had any clue about investors whatsoever, you would probably understand that he probably doesn't imply anything about Wall Street. That's so stupid, and we have come a long way from yuppies. Some of the most fashionable people I know are lawyers and investors. You goddam retard.
You have got to be the most fucking retarded uneducated and uncultured sack of shit that's ever walked the face of this earth. I can personally tell you that being a lawyer and investor in any downtown core is, while it may be face paced, boring as hell. There is hardly any wolf of wall street shit.

And this thread is fucking stupid as is, most people is most professions can look good while doing their job regardless, it's all about that individuals sense of style.

>> No.11449942

>lawyers and investors are similar
>money is fashion

Get a load of this faggot

>> No.11450072

Are you fucking daft?
Lol you filthy piece of shit didn't even read the entirety of my post. You have probably worn blue tommy hilfiger polos with brown plaid shorts and george sneakers for the entirety of your life, until you recently found /fa/ and took some retard's advice on what 'Fashion' was and posted something so dumb shit retarded in hopes of getting some approval. Most people can look good doing their jobs regardless, maybe not uniformed jobs, but where people have the freedom to choose their outfits, yea bud

>> No.11450087

I'm an on-site stylist for a semi-highend menswear store. I advise customers who visits the store.

I like to think that my job is quite effay

>> No.11450095

federal booby inspector
amazon mechanical turk

>> No.11450107

Sort your brain out buddy, I think you need some help.

Protip: you're autistic.

>> No.11450135

Lol, bud, if you are gonna argue with me, at least have the slightest amount of substance. If you don't ever do that, you literally might be on the autism spectrum, which is irony.

>> No.11450181

>tfw going to school to study engineering
>least effay job in existance

>> No.11450261

>What are some /fa/ careers that can afford me a life of dignity and material comfort?

anything that generates money so you can buy your newest Rick Owen clothing item?

dumb fucking question, OP.
you can be /fa/ in your free time while cleaning shit in a canalisation.

>> No.11450324
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You didn't post an argument, just swear words and inane rhetoric.

>Most people can look good doing their jobs regardless
You are one heck of a dreamer.

Sort your brain out buddy

>> No.11450536

Lol exactly, you didn't post an argument, that was my point, Jesus guy, if you want to make a point, you have to actually make a point.
And it was a generalization, are you the most literal literalist to ever walk the face of this planet? Or do you just keep repeating 'sort your brain out' like the tourettes ridden autist that you are.

Like Jesus guy, you're insulting people that say businessmen or investors have a sense of style, like what the fuck are you doing? Anyone can look good at the job as long as they have the freedom to dress in what they want reasonably, are you seriously that fucking stupid?

>> No.11450557

this is truly the most /fa/

>> No.11450598

Private detective

>> No.11450756


>> No.11450786
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musician, painter, film director, pro skater, model.

shit that requires talent and creativity.

>> No.11451021

are u serious?

>> No.11451030

same, at least I'm moving to Berlin next year

>> No.11451074

I hate fuckers who are into outrageous socks. I grew out of that shit my sophomore year of high school. And honestly those socks in pic related are fairly conservative as far as wild patterns go, but it still makes me want to punch him in the kidneys.

>> No.11451106

easily the best answer ITT.

>> No.11451784

He's an investment banker bro, he can buy your daddy

>> No.11451922


As an analyst at an investment bank, let me tell you this shit is not /fa/

>> No.11451931
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What's not /fa/ about it?

>> No.11451953

>mfw studying pharmacy
how un/fa/ will I be?

>> No.11451957


Based on my experience, the work isn't that exciting or challenging - just an insane amount of hours doing mind-numbing work in excel or powerpoint. All of the analysts I work with use their time in banking as a stepping stone to bigger and better things - nobody wants to be here longer than they have to.

I suppose at the director / managing director level it becomes /fa/, but my bosses dress very conservatively. I think one wears a Rolex but it's the base model Submariner. Some wear Ferragamo or Hermes ties but it's nothing too extravagant.

People make it seem way more glamorous that it really is. It's nothing like American Psycho (and I work in M&A)

>> No.11451959

Everything you fucking idiot. It's monotonous and shit. Find what you love and do it.

>> No.11451966


Murders and executions?

>> No.11451980

You're a fucking ugly bitch. I want to stab you to death, and then play around with your blood.

>> No.11452379

How much money do you have available for sick cops and how do you dress when you're not at work?

>> No.11452402

it isn't just the socks
the loud-ass suit pattern does him no favors

>> No.11452409

this is objective

>pizza delivery guy
>drug dealer
>grindcore/black metal/powerviolence musician
>folk musician
>independent military
>security consultant

>> No.11452433
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Me and my crew are the coolest and most comfy out there.

>> No.11452485

Only old people work as watchmakers

>> No.11452640

>tfw going to be working at a tech startup soon
>could have worked at bank in ny but fucked up interview
Kill me already
it'll be pingpong, beer and sweatpants around the office every day soon..

>> No.11452656

>tfw starting comp sci (hopefully) next year even though i graduated high school 2.5 years ago

we gon make it senpai

>> No.11452663

I'm a UX/interaction designer. My job is pretty effay.

>> No.11452843

"fashion is seasonal, but style is forever"

That's certainly a quote that sometimes makes peoples eyes roll, but it's fairly true. Fashion is important for showing you understand the world around you, but you need to show some self awareness if you want to really look your best. It's easy to look like you're wearing a costume. If not now, then in the future.

>> No.11452872

Is urban planning /fa/?

>> No.11452876

sounds like you're jealous that you're not in an industry that allows that kind of sartorial freedom

>> No.11452884

Barista detected

>> No.11452900

Double this. Working at the big4 - not fa at all. Wearing Rick out of work

>> No.11452947

thank for helping see my own autism

>> No.11453126

As an accountant at a Law firm, I can tell you, largely, a lot of people don't know how to dress. But those with the means and knowledge are incredibly stylish.
That's what I mean by Lawyers + Businessmen, however I work across from the stock exchange downtown, and a lot of the people that go in and out look like they don't try,
but I would say a good 20-25% of them are pretty well dressed.

>> No.11453156


>> No.11453182

>pet engineer

I guess if you look at it a certain way

Speaking from experience when you're on site for two weeks at a time working 16 hour days the last thing on your mind is fashion

>> No.11453227


Most lawyers aren't very good dressers. The overall trend is "me too"-ish conservatism. There's also an overall downward trend because most lawyers eventually figure out that there's no point in dressing to the nines if you're locked in your office doing doc review or drafting verbiage all day.

>> No.11453290

>magic the gathering

you'll never be effay

>> No.11453295

you mean nick wooster? who get's paid to tell brands what to make and has celebrities ripping his fits regularly?

>> No.11453296

The game is fun, and its easy to be best dressed if you wear more than athletic shorts, a graphic tee, and sketchers

>> No.11453299

Where did you do your MA?

>> No.11453321
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wew lad

>> No.11453362

arguably the game may be fun but it's crawling with basement dwelling grand wizards. besides, being the best dressed magic player is like being the king of shit mountain

>> No.11453408

Drug driller.

>> No.11453449

Hobo / Traveler

>> No.11453456


OK, here's the thing about architects: they generally dress well, and when you see them in public they are immaculately pressed. But relatively few architects ever come into contact with anyone other than clients or each other. A lot of them just stay at their desks with CAD software.

Curatorial careers are inherently /fa/ because we gain PR value for ourselves and our employers by presenting ourselves a certain way. We deal with the press, we deal with the public. We work with artists. We do private tours for rich people. Etc. There's a lot of opportunity to dress with intention and there are rewards for doing so.


One thing that you can do now that you couldn't when I was in school is get a degree specifically in curatorial studies. I've spoken to classes in Columbia's program on this. Obviously no degree guarantees a job but if you get a master's in curatorial studies from the Sorbonne you can pretty much write your own ticket.

>> No.11453462


Call yourself a "flaneur". Sounds sufficiently effete.

>> No.11453630

if those are the only metrics to measure how effay a job is, engineers in R&D would be effay supreme

>> No.11455050


I net $2-$3k a month after taxes, bills, rent, savings, etc. and before bonus. I shop at Old Navy whenever it's on sale.

I dress in absolute poverty tier when I'm out of the office.


Point taken. Everyone at my bank wears the same brand of shirts, same shoes, pants, suits, watch, etc. and there's an unspoken rule that you need to "earn" the right to wear certain brands around the office.

>> No.11455080

/fa/ was never good you poser

>> No.11455103


Realtorfag here.

Out here in the boonies it's really not effay, mostly dad-core (is it dad-core if you're actually a dad?). A lot of checkered shirts, Ralph Lauren polos, khakis, neckties, pleated pants, sweaters over shoulders, cardigans. A lot feel like they havent updated their fit since the mid 90s, sort of like the OG versions of the new prep fratbro style.

In the big cities obviously You get fags in $5000 fits pushing condos, a lot more designer eyeglasses, chinos, Paisley, slim-fit shirts, bright colored pants, blazers with pocket squares, third button open on the dress shirt (how do gays get away with it in a professional workplace?) . I'd say yeah, effay in a young urban professional homosexual way.

A lot of Indians and Arabs will do the Mr. Moneybags gangster look, it's not uncommon to see pinstriped double breasted suits with rose corsages and triple folded multicolor pocket squares on these guys.

In general a big part of the job is displays of wealth, to inspire trust and consumer confidence. I'm just in my first year (where you make fuck all frankly) and a huge chunk of income goes towards renting nice SUV's and made in Thailand tailored suits. Feels weird man...

>> No.11455114


>You must be 18 to post on 4chan

>> No.11455135

That's some major league fedora tipping

>> No.11455142

Curators have no creativity though

They're faux artistic, poseurs with good memories

>> No.11455153

Lol you realize 2k-3k a a month is most people here's gross income right?

>> No.11455282
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>> No.11455296


sound engineer
label manager
gallery owner
rich philanthropist
travel escort
erotic novelist

>> No.11455498

Trying to break into ECM. Tips?

>> No.11455915

>Me and my...

>> No.11456197

any job that allows you to travel to exotic destinations on the reg

>> No.11456211

t. never worked a day in his life

>> No.11456509

investment banker

>> No.11456516
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creativity can't be maintained when there's a shitload of money involved. You realise how much peoples opinions of creativity doesn't matter when you're under pressure to get a bunch of sheep into your gallery

>> No.11456520

>arguably the game may be fun but it's crawling with basement dwelling grand wizards.
how can i be as insecure as you?

>> No.11456525

ux is so interesting. what did you do in school?

>> No.11456526

They're artists too, they just don't want to be called artists

>> No.11456564

have you seen the magic players in australia? it's pretty grim

>> No.11456598
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>> No.11456638

what about being a quant/data scientist at an IBank/buyside shop

>> No.11456819

what do you do for a living?

I'm also considering architecture, design or curating as future areas for myself.

>> No.11456837

I hope so, that's what I'm studying

>> No.11456840
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dude who lives in britain on benefits but drives home every 3-4 months to eastern europe buys cheap steroids/drugs and just sells it in britain

plot twist: that's me :DDD

brexit wants to fuck my business thou

>> No.11456853
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Well i will tell my story, my mother is a doctor and my father is a Computer Scientist both have phd and now i am studying in med-school, because of my parents smart decisions i always had what i wanted (in a since of money and materials) so now i am a student who is pretty effay imo, and after that i'm going to be a doctor which has a huge income to spend on anything i want.
>pic semi related

>> No.11456864
File: 228 KB, 640x480, stalincorbyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the immortal science of marx, engels, lenin, and stalin


>> No.11456890

hope you're prepared to be miserable 90% of the time when you enter employment

>Overall, then, physicians are more than twice as likely as the general population to kill themselves.

>> No.11456893


You talk like a shut in asian aspie.

>> No.11456919


If you say so, but it sounds like you don't know what we actually do. I don't really see how memory plays into it (there are a million references available for everything) but if you ever had to come up with a truly original idea for an exhibition, figure out what sort of pieces will express the concept, design the space, etc. you might find it requires more creativity than you realize.


I'm a curator at a small contemporary art museum, and occasionally curate / consult for galleries and collectors.

All three of the careers you list could be really enjoyable, have decent /fa/ potential and they all have a correlation between the quality of work and how successful you can be. That last point is I think a key to enjoying your work. Not everyone is afforded that.

>> No.11456991
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Ah sounds great, I'm going to an art school in September and my teacher at sixth form has recommended curating for me.

Did you complete a degree in Fine Art, or something along those lines, like Art History?

In terms of design and architecture I am much more interested in aesthetics as opposed to mechanics and electronics, so I'll just have to see which degree I'll decide to go down.

Thank you very much for replying.

>> No.11456995

sorry, just to clarify, 'curating for me,' as in she recommends me going into the field of work of curation.

>> No.11457082

Why not?

>> No.11457250


You could say that about any creative profession. People's opinions of your creativity don't matter if you aren't selling albums, if people aren't attending your movies, buying your books, etc. At least a curator probably has the luxury of working for a non-profit organization that relies very little on attendance for revenue. The board chair of an art institute for which I once consulted told me straight up that he didn't care about ticket sales, he cared about getting good writeups in ARTnews and The New York Times.


My own route was circuitous and fraught. I would recommend a curatorial degree or an MA / MFA, yes. The latter depends largely on the kind of art that you're interested in working with.

>> No.11457263

Are you retarded? Do you think you can show up to teach a university class while wearing whatever the new /fa/ meme is? Do you think any publisher will take you seriously if you aren't in at least a button up shirt and slacks when you go to meet them? Do you think you can go to academic conferences looking like some faggy 18 year old hipster, when in reality you're a 31 year old man that just finally finished his PhD, because philosophy grad programs take forever to complete? If you want to be /fa/ in philosophy you have to do it in a professional way, Camus is a good example of this.

>> No.11457382

I can tell you that nursing scrubs are not very /fa/

>> No.11457514

See >>11456890

I've dated medical students/doctors a few times. Private practice is totally do-able, but it'd be kinda silly to care about being /fa/ if you're suffering through residency at a big teaching hospital or something.

>> No.11458624


No idea. I assume it's like the rest of finance though - being in the target schools raises your changes, networking, getting good grades, etc.

>> No.11458810

taxi drivers get no respect

>> No.11458817

I make a living as a watercolour artist. am I /fa/ yet.

>> No.11458824

>fashion is only looking like a child fuccboi


>> No.11458846

I dress in dirty steeltoes and overalls and wear a straw hat and I fucking love it

>> No.11458893

drop a pic senpai~

>> No.11458918

i don't take selfies at work because fuck those people

>> No.11458939


youre an analyst a bank making powerpoints, not a capitalist investor bro

analyst != banker

>> No.11459008

I'm an intern at an international survey research firm with an opportunity to get taken on as full time.

I think the starting salary is around 80k and you get to travel a lot.

Is that /fa/?

>> No.11459032
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>> No.11459035

Drug dealer.

>> No.11459065

what is a respectable tier (brands) for work suits/clothes/etc for entry positions? still in school and trying to not come off as a dick at my internship.

>> No.11459096

Despite what the occasional weirdo on here says, no-one in the professional world knows or cares unless you make it obvious. The only real limit is to avoid rolling around with a Gucci-branded tie or something, just because it seems gauche.

In terms of off-the-rack shit you could pick up reasonably affordably, check places like J.Crew and MAYBE Brooks Brothers or Banana Republic for sales, their suiting isn't outright awful (it isn't great, but again, I'm speaking generally and assuming you don't want to go made-to-measure, like Indochino/Blank Lapel/Black Label). Brooks Brothers has great shirts, assuming you tailor them. As for ties, you could literally grab junk from thetiebar.com and do just fine.

>> No.11459157

I'm at a crossroads of sorts, barber or chef? Both take a good deal of work to get there, but chef is clearly more intensive. They're equally fulfilling in my eyes, but I can't choose. guys, help me choose.

>> No.11459166

>rich NEET

I'm making it lads

>> No.11459196


it's all shit


Basically what this guy says. Let your work stand out, not your clothes - leave the Gucci loafers at home.

My old go-to for shirts was Brooks Brothers (on sale). Good quality, but the slim fits are a little baggy though. I bought a 4 pack of shirts from Charles Tyrwhitt a few months ago (4 for $200) and I was impressed with them. They fit well, but the sleeves are a little short. People at my work swear by them and Thomas Pink, but Pink seems overpriced.

Not too familiar with suits since I don't wear them too often. I've got 2 Brooks Brothers 1818's and a Men's Wearhouse suit that put me through college. The 1818's are ok - conservative cut and feel nice but the interior construction kind of sucks.

How is the quality of the made to measure stuff?

>> No.11459343


How do you become a diplomat?

>> No.11459372

Architcet here. What are you talking about? Architecture is a very social career. You need to talk to a lot of people, from contractors, potential clients, attend meetings with existing clients, your colleagues etc. You must be getting confused with design interns who stick to their desks.

>> No.11459393

Really not true. I learnt this the hard way and it's too late for me to get out. There's proportionately a very minimal reward to the amount of work you need to put in for every project. You're forced to work overtime 4 days a week. Even when you're not at work, you need to keep yourself updated about the latest in design trends, and keep dealing with contractors on site in case they fuck your design up. And the clients....terrible to say the least. It's nothing short of masochism that architects subject themselves to. I hate it, but I have nothing else that I could do.
Think really hard if any of you wants to go down this road. You'll need to increase your pain threshold and be prepared to be underappreciated for quite a while. Things might get better, but that's a long ways down the line.

>> No.11459394


I knew a dude who was a massive supplier for the darknet that took pharmacology and did that. He also studied music and philosophy.

>> No.11459758

hah jokes on u, starting comp sci this september.
i lost 2 years studying dietetics tho

>> No.11461256

Planning on double majoring in Philosophy and Psychology at Boston College next year. I'm disillusioned with the corporate/business world and subsequently have been considering university teaching/research as a viable career. To do this I would likely/preferably attain a PhD in either of those fields. Will I be setting myself up for failure if I pursue this path? I'm only asking because you seem to have a cultivated knowledge of what it takes to do well in higher academia.

>> No.11461269


(bonus points if NEET in Japan)

>> No.11461649
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>> No.11463209

aka retail manager. its not 2001 anymore

>> No.11463439

Have 2 more semesters at a CC. How can I compete when I transfer for Fall recruiting when I will be up against people who have had relevant freshman and sophomore internships?

>> No.11463445

Teaching at the collegiate level, especially in the humanities, is incredibly competitive. Not really worth it considering all the schooling you have to go through for a "career" that barely exists anymore.

>> No.11463446


>> No.11463457

Humanities courses are a waste of time.

>> No.11463949

Doctors. I'm an undergrad taking up a pre-medicine program, and my Physiology instructor wears name brands all the time and usually has a three huge rings that have rocks that shine every time the overhead projector (old-fashioned, I know) hits his hands. I recall a rumor about this one time he went abroad and bought five pairs of LunarGrands for himself.

>> No.11463967

I dont think you know what fashion is, m8

>> No.11463975
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>> No.11463996
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Residencies only 4 years, and besides if you take a specialty like radiology you get decent pay and dont work half as hard as interventional medicine, but as with any doctor youll be almost 30 by the time you start though

>the real answer is architect.
Ever wonder why in every horror/drama if the main guys job is not important hes always an architect? Now you know

>> No.11464010

i'm a bricklayer suck my pecker

>> No.11464048

Designer (almost any kind really)
Artist (depends which sort)
Model ofc
Certain kinds of business
Almost anything that will end up making you money with minimal exerted effort.

>> No.11464059


That's sick shiacore.

>> No.11464227

>make lots of dough
>use dough to get out of the brokeboi barrier
>be thoroughly depressed of your job because it's stressful as fuck
>kill yourself
At least you look good when you die.

>> No.11464310

sauce on the picture? fa af

>> No.11464339


thank you for the feedback

I'm not really sure what my plan is now

>> No.11464349

What's left then?
Law school?

I wish I didn't care about my work "meaning something" (which I know is only the reflection of a damaged // hungry ego) and that I could be happy just taking a paycheck, but the thought of working for a government // major corporation // pharmaceutical company // tech business // etc. makes me want to shoot myself. I considered working as a public defender beforehand so maybe I can give that a go. After writing this I realized that I sound extreeeeeeeemly entitled holy fuck.

>> No.11464934

More like brickslayer amirite?

>> No.11465195

Work in government, but not for the government. If you work at a lobbying firm, or if you work as a policy consultant, you can make a good wage in a professional setting where you're not necessarily selling your soul. If you want to make the big bucks you do have to sell your soul, but you can raise a family and somewhat stick to your morals, and at the end of the day, it'll mean something.

>> No.11465376

I work as an occupational therapist in psychiatrics, I dress somewhat formally.

>> No.11465922

Dietetics graduate here, regret it big time

>> No.11466014

philosophy grad student here. you can go to class or conferences wearing pretty much whatever you want.
cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Chalmers

and people don't go to meet with publishers. articles are submitted online and reviewed double-blind. for book manuscripts (probably won't be doing this until your in your 30s at least, maybe later, maybe never), it's more complicated, but mostly done online, and based on academic reputation, not how professional you look.

that said, I don't recommend dressing like an 18 yo hipster when you're 25+, but that's just personal advice, not required for a successful career.

>> No.11466066

Are any of the sciences effay

>> No.11466407

Construction, Trade Labor.

Make tons of money, stay in shape and look like a man, plus it adds to the effect of your clothes if you tend to look like you just got back from Baghdad after work.

>> No.11466459

hey hey hey hey hey


you are basically living my dream desu (graduate studies in philosophy) not be a fucking nerd or whatever

i have a lot of questions

...did you major in philosophy or double major with something (im the loser thinking about doubling with psych and philosophy but now also maybe bio and philosophy or envi sci and philosophy idk)
...what are your ultimate career goals (higher ed teacher maybe)
...would you recommend this to somewhere with a sincere interest in the discipline or is it a pipe dream

don't feel that you need to answer them all (or any of them!) but i would really appreciate the feedback, thanks!

(sorry for writing this like a coked up teen but that's exactly what I am)

>> No.11466692

>did you major in philosophy or double major
Yes, linguistics. I recommend double majoring, both for potential backup options and for doing better philosophy. Psych would be good, but so would just about any non-bullshit degree.

>ultimate career goals
Hopefully prof at a decent school

>would you recommend this
It's great if you can manage it and enjoy doing philosophy. I'm getting paid to do what I would want to do anyways and I get to be around smart people with similar interests. But it is very risky. To get a good job doing philosophy (i.e. tenure-track full-time prof), you basically have to get a phd from one of the top programs, and these are very hard to get into.

My advice would be to try a couple intro philosophy courses your first year and take other stuff as well, both things that you think might interest you and things that fulfil requirements. If you find you're spending your free time thinking/talking about philosophy, and are still interested in pursuing it, try to do as many upper level philosophy classes in the next year as you can. This is the best way, I think, to learn a lot quickly, to practice writing long papers, to see if this is really what want to do, etc. And then you can find your way from there.

I should say that I've only been in depts that focus on analytic philosophy and boston college seems to be a continental dept. I don't know how well they'll prepare you for grad school in an analytic dept, and I don't know much about how grad school and hiring works for continentals, though my impression is that it's harder for them to get jobs. So unless you want to focus on continental stuff or maybe history of philosophy, I'd look to take/audit classes at nearby analytic depts (mit, harvard, bu, tufts) or consider transferring or doing an ma before the phd.

good luck!

>> No.11466836

I never considered the difference between analytic and continental in relation to grad school so thanks for the tip. Furthermore, I had already intended to transfer independent of coursework, (because catholicism) but now I'll know to look at schools that focus in analytic applications of philosophy. One last question, another poster claimed that professorships are nearly impossible to come by presently, especially in the case of humanities. Have you found this to be true? Thank you so much for your detailed reply!

>> No.11466857

After reading the link you posted I'm not so sure that this is for me. Law school it is!

>> No.11466900

Not impossible, especially if you're willing to teach at a lesser known school. Most of the good graduate programs have placement records on their websites. It looks like most people from the top 20 or so depts get tenure track jobs somewhere eventually, though it's fairly common now to do a post-doc or VAP first. See also http://philjobs.org/appointments

Law school is good option that philosophy should prepare you well for. But there's really no need to decide now. You've got plenty of time to figure out what to do.

>> No.11468123
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>> No.11468147

this desu

>> No.11468162

lawyer is boring. I know a lawyer who works at her dads law firm, which is specialized in patent law, in Germany. They have some big clients. She told me it pays really well, but its Soooo boring.

>> No.11468173


But only psychiatry, which requires going to med school.

Clinical Psychology or Counselling psychology are not /fa/.

>> No.11468442

>cosy wool pants and button up
>not effay

>> No.11468461
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>> No.11468496

Something where you hold huge political power
otherwise what are you in it for?

>> No.11468529
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power electronics/noise musician

>> No.11469118

What he said:

A philosopher in tweed herringbone pants, woven shirt and maybe a cardigan is /fa/ as fuck. (And will probably be drowning in pussy too.)

>> No.11469133

never seen a /fa/ politician

>> No.11469169

In a year I'll be an MD
effay or nay?

>> No.11469174

Please don't make long term career choices based on an arbitrary standard set by an online image board

>> No.11469248

Nay. Have you worked in a hospital? Literally everyone is dad core except the technicians.

>> No.11469379


anything art related, as in all forms; music, painting, graphics etc. being effay in these careers is beneficial as if youre artistic it follows that you should be effay. musicians and singers especially, looking good sells, even looking bad in an effay way sells