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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 6 KB, 313x72, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11429550 No.11429550[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You are now a mod and have to clean this place up.

What do you do?

>> No.11429561

>ban eliza
>ban hypebeasts
>ban shills
>rule with an iron fist

>> No.11429562

I delete this thread

>> No.11429572

>create and sticky runway show threads to induce exposure
>a specific picture could only be posted once a week so inspo threads won't be the same shit every single time
>have a rolling sticky WAYWT

>> No.11430857

Ban everyone ugly
Ban everyone with shit fits
Outlaw "w2c" and "is this /fa/?" threads
Close down /fa/

>> No.11430865

use a broom

>> No.11430877

No thinspo threads, no face rate threads, no is "x" fashionable threads

The majority of discussion should be designer clothing, and niche styles like techwear

Hair threads not posted in a hair general deleted

All threads with casey deleted immediately and issue ban every single time

>> No.11430884

We can even do without waywt threads

trip codes / alias users are banned immediately

ban eliza

>> No.11430893

1. Forced anon
2. is ____ /fa/ threads banned
3. what are /fa/ ____ threads banned

>> No.11430896

Filter the word "effay" to "hip with the kids"

>> No.11430899

more muh dick core threads

>> No.11430901

Ban any discussion of cigarettes, movies, music, anything that belongs on another board.

>> No.11430907


>> No.11430920
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1365055596664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep waywts and trips

you cant call yourself a fashion board w/o a waywt and frequently posting ***good and knowledgeable and fashionable*** trips really help towards fostering regular, on-topic, and incisive convos (timber, twerk, pigfuck, anorak, dada, even controversial ppl like the onani gang and poet contribute to it too). look at the times where we didnt have a healthy, non-shit trip community (like for the last year) and you can see how garbage everything is

hair and face generals dont have any place here straight up. your face has nothing to do with fashion go post in /soc/ if you want to fish for compliments. hair threads are just shitty transparent excuses to post faces

>> No.11430924

If someone posts a picture of themselves - delete and consider ban

If a picture of a person is posted that is not obviously a runway photo or a model, or someone at NYFW (street style) should be deleted

Like someone else said, rule with an iron fist. Delete first and ask questions later.

>> No.11430928

True. Trips have a purpose, but outside of waywt threads we do not need to see what they look like, and threads shouldn't be started around trip users or forced trip drama, or birthday samefagging entire threads

>> No.11430933

Yeah, I also agree about no hair threads. If you don't know how to style your own hair you need to hang out on reddit desu

>> No.11430971

>fostering inclusive and on-topic conversations


anyway, get with the times. fresher/still active trips include fabricman, intern, laser, nahk, sthlm, birthday, sieg, bateman...

>> No.11430973

Obvious /pol/ bait and anything pigeonholing an entire group of people needs to be deleted and have bans issued immediately even if it's initially posted in a complimenting way as someone will flip over it and derail a thread

>> No.11430978

ban anyone using the word "meme" "cuck" "core" and "wave"

>> No.11431182

>Trips have a purpose,

No, they don't. Forced anon is better historically.

>> No.11431196
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I think that'd be a good start

>> No.11431199

It's fine as long as all hair shit is in one thread. Then you can just minimize it

>> No.11431204

immediately ban anyone shitposting with any rick owens clothes (geobaskets are fine) and any other shit worn strictly on runways that no normal person in their right mind would ever actually a) buy and b) wear

>> No.11431214

Not body threads though. /fa/ bodies and /fit/ body goals are completely different

>> No.11431216
File: 81 KB, 652x652, thisiswhatsieglookslike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Permaban Sieg

>> No.11431221

Have an automatic 24 hour ban for posts with the format 'Is ___ effay' or similar
Ban for 3 days for those 'You have been visited by the ___. Good fortune etc will come to you if you post ___ in this thread' images
Ban for 30 days for shills, if they do it again permanent ban
Only one WAYWT, Cop or Not, BST up at a time

>> No.11431223

this is a pretty good idea
the sticky should be pretty small, i think, like 400-500 posts max

>> No.11431233

I support this.

>> No.11431235

>have a rolling sticky WAYWT


>> No.11431244

end all waifu threads
end all thinspo threads
ban all trips

>> No.11431293


The /effay/ meme needs to die already.

>> No.11431309

Permaban Malissafags

>> No.11431318

No ban WAYWT. Everything it used to offer is now covered by fuccboi general. it's long been a containment thread for newfag cancer, and you can't contain cancer on the same board, they'll just encourage each other and then spill over.

>> No.11431319

>people wanting to ban music and film threads
>not realising how much fashion and those things intertwine

I get that there's /mu/ and /tv/ but those are not the same as the threads we have. I do agree on cigarettes and 'is __ /fa/?'

Also ban facerate threads. This isn't r9k.

>> No.11431323
File: 102 KB, 450x443, 1466505025034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ban for 3 days for those 'You have been visited by the ___. Good fortune etc will come to you if you post ___ in this thread' images

hello newfag. these serve the purpose of dubsposting after dubposting was banned, which had served the purpose of sagebombs after sagebombs were banned, which served the purpose of CP & gore dumps after CP & gore dumps were banned.

it's to shut down cancerous threads. ignore & filter is not an solution. imageboard communities always need to self-moderate, they always fall as soon as powertripping mods try to stop them and open the gates to cancer.

>> No.11431945

damn yall goofy asses still believing that fat motherfucker posting eliza all the time is her, she posted a video on youtube saying it wasn't her doing it baka

>> No.11432082
File: 82 KB, 1008x672, 1466356352325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. a smart mod would allow Eliza as a trap. any newfags who responds to would get a 1 year ban forcing them to fucking lurk. cancer would be cleaned up in a week.

>> No.11432088

Close down the board. Permanently. So these fucking incompetent losers can fuck off to somewhere else

>> No.11432091

>Ban for 3 days for those 'You have been visited by the ___. Good fortune etc will come to you if you post ___ in this thread' images
you obviously dont understand the purpose of those images

>> No.11432553

Explaim what you think the purpose of them is, beyond shitposting, and I'll explain why they're still completely unnecessary.

>> No.11432556

informal social control

>> No.11432595

Ban everyone who talks shit before showing fit

>> No.11432603

ban new/fa/g posters

>> No.11432606

i got a 24 hour ban for posting a "you have been visited..." thread last month if it makes you feel better.

>> No.11432676

uuhhh... having people spam the same thing over and over?
great system man

>> No.11432678

good. keep your offtopic shitposting in /b/

>> No.11432679

too bad it wasnt permanent

>> No.11432689

Ban the 'w2c' threads.

90% are obviously just people trying to sell their shitty dad caps

>> No.11432712

>offtopic shitposting to counter offtopic shitposting
i don't see the problem

>> No.11432715

cmon im a decent poster otherwise

>> No.11432718

prove it

>> No.11432722

I would delete any anime/art thread that is made up of more than 50% reposts by tumblr artists and webshops attempting to advertise themselves

So sick of that shit

>> No.11432726

I'm sorry I'm an idiot,

what's a rolling sticky waywt?

>> No.11432729

>hair threads are just shitty transparent excuses to post faces
I've never understood people that don't block out their face when posting hair

>all hair shit is in one thread. Then you can just minimize it
this is solid, >>11430933

>> No.11433063

there would be one stickied thread that has a max of 500 posts or some other arbitrary number. every new post would bump off the oldest post

>> No.11433113

It's better than having a cancerous thread stick around like the flag thread, gun thread, cigarette thread, etc all on the first two pages right now.

>> No.11433118

>i got a 24 hour ban for posting a "you have been visited..." thread

That's because you don't make those the OP you idiot. You post them in shitty threads so the threads are ruined.

>> No.11433151

>No ban WAYWT. Everything it used to offer is now covered by fuccboi general. it's long been a containment thread for newfag cancer, and you can't contain cancer on the same board, they'll just encourage each other and then spill over.

So you'd rather have 500 threads a day where newfag OP posts a shitty fit than one containment thread for all that with occasional conversation?

>> No.11433158

>people wanting to ban music and film threads
>not realising how much fashion and those things intertwine

But there's never any discussion of how they intertwine, like at all. If the thread was "post outfits from films" that would be one thing. With music it's worse in that people just post albums they like with no discussion at all, fashion related or not.

I get that there's a lot of overlap between fashion and aesthetics, but without discussion, it's a shitty thread. "That's one effay gun right there" "No it's shit, not effay at all" is the limit of conversation in these threads and that is why they are cancerous.

>> No.11433164

Report, hide, move on
Read the rules thoroughly (there aren't many to be honest) and report whatever falls out of line. I do and a lot of threads get deleted from it

>> No.11433165

Please mods do all of this. Or make this guy a mod lol

>> No.11433167

but effay is the far superior way of saying /fa/

>> No.11433168

Hah, we only have one board specific rule:

/fa/ - Fashion

1. Images and discussion should pertain to fashion and apparel.

So I guess it's settled then, cigarettes are not /fa/.

>> No.11433171

Definitely cigs and music, but there are most definitely /fa/ movies with good fits / aesthetic

>> No.11433174

Wanna improve inspo threads? Look deep for new inspo then spend time posting pics
Then start a mega or Google drive account with your shit so that everybody can see it
This board won't improve by banning people who repost pics from Take Ivy, even if that's a daily occurrence

>> No.11433175
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>> No.11433178

Read the global rules
And those threads aren't fashion related and can constitute spam
They get deleted occasionally...the sticky even says "don't start threads like that" but people do anyway

>> No.11433190

Delete and ban for any of the following
>what's the most /fa/ [...]
>is [...] fa?
>posts clearly formulated by insecure scared teenage boys
>posts asking for where to get cheap [...]
>waifu posting
>Any discussion of how to get laid
>face rate threads
>posts about individuals (trips etc) that aren't related to the fashion industry
>discussions of bodies and which are best etc
>what is this called?
>what should I wear with this?
>I need [...], please buy clothing for me
>I want [...] but for 1/10th of the price
>hilarious troll posts in waywts
>boy or girl?
That should cover it.

>> No.11433196

>Read the global rules

Like I said, we have only one ~board specific~ rule.

>> No.11433197

1) we have our own memes so I don't exactly know what point you're trying to make
2) although I've never gone through a face rate thread before, I do appreciate that they're active containment threads....see nothing wrong there

>> No.11433211

But most of the posts you don't like violate a goal rule
Get posts, memes, anything nsfw, spam, advertisement, anything suggestive of a raid, macro image replies, etc

>> No.11433212

All of these are good.

Maybe add a sticky for fictional inspo? Put video game, TV, film, anime, whatever fashion in there.

For a board solely about fashion it doesn't really focus on runway and the like.

>> No.11433215
File: 262 KB, 1428x1020, 1463260684669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you need seperate inspo threads? It's connected to each other.

>> No.11433216

>But most of the posts you don't like violate a goal rule

Who do you think I am? The only threads I really have problems with are shit like "/fa/ cigarettes, wallpapers, albums" etc that have nothing to do with fashion.

>> No.11433217

Absolutely nothing.

4chan has always been a beautiful mess, over-moderation tends to fuck that up. I'd rather have 100 dumb threads get posted and made fun of rather than someone running around with a proverbial battle axe chopping peoples' heads off for "off topic" discussions.

>> No.11433221

i'd ban anyone who shows one of the following traits

>/pol/ tier beliefs
>doesn't drink
>doesn't have any friends
>hates women

everything automatically gets a thousand times better without stupid fucking virgin nerds with asperger

>> No.11433224

Should have clarified, you can post memes in context of course but don't start a thread solely for it.

Face rate threads belong in /soc/, simple as that. They are also part of the whole teenagers seeking validation shitshow that has nothing to do with the discussion of fashion unless you're actively discussing the interaction of the face and the clothing as in a face being suitable to a style or not.

>> No.11433232

>4chan has always been a beautiful mess, over-moderation tends to fuck that up.

This is a pretty dumb and historically inaccurate perspective applied to boards other that /b/. Blue boards in the past have had good communities because of the silent work of moderators not tolerating idiots flinging shit.

Just because you are fine with 100 shitty threads doesn't mean the average user should have to wade through them. This is a board with a topic. Users come here (in theory) to discuss this topic. If you want your beautiful mess fuck off to /b/. Oh that's right though, /b/ has been shit for the past 10 years and the blue boards don't have to go along with that if they don't want to.

>> No.11433233

IP ban all previous mods

>> No.11433234

Clearly you were run out of vg at one point

Yeah like I said I've never actually gone through a face rate thread but assumed they weren't full of frog posters based on the image count...apparently that's not the case

>> No.11433271

leave this place, there is no further hope

>> No.11433295

post with other fora: >>/fa/thread/S11184256#p11184402

Honestly, there's no other image board about fashion where I don't need to sign up and where I can post anonymously. Maybe infinitychan, but that board is not active or better.

>> No.11433323

Not entirely historically inaccurate. Part of what got 4chan popularity (on both blue and orange boards) over SA back in the day was the former's lenience and the latter's overmoderation. Hell, SA has only recently been able to un-fuck itself in that regard, and it's near-dead as a result of that fiasco.

I don't disagree that - in a perfect world - it's a good thing to have moderators patrolling the boundaries of the subject matter of these boards. The problem is, that gets incredibly slippery. I don't personally think I could come up with a reasonable distinction between "on topic" and "off topic" that could properly handle threads discussing - for example - whether phone backgrounds are fashionable, or the fashion of old computers generally, or even just whether dumb questions should be relegated to fuccboi general threads (which are, incidentally, far from obviously the place to ask random questions 95% of the time).

When faced with that sort of uncertainty, I'm much more comfortable erring on the side of lenience. If we over-moderate, we risk becoming Reddit, where ideological power-tripping becomes the norm and new users are discouraged from participating. Or, worse yet, SA, where - back in the day - weird fucking basement dweller mods would ban users for weird inconsequential "violations."

I personally don't see this as a huge issue, though. It's an anonymous image board, having shitty threads isn't some sort of huge issue.

>> No.11433425

I think a lot of what you describe as wrong with SA and reddit stems from a lack of anonymity. People have online personalities on those sites (kind of like you try to have here with your tripcode) and when those users are given power they abuse it and try to make it their little clubhouse. Yes, they overmoderate and fuck their websites over for average users not in the mods good graces for not jacking off to them enough.

That's the beauty of anonymous image board culture though. The mods are anonymous and work in the background with almost no visible moderation.

Yeah there's a risk of moderators opinions differing from the majority of users. Maybe some mod thinks phone backgrounds are an appropriate topic and I don't. Whatever, as you opine, we can ignore shitty threads, but that's not the point. We can reduce the number of shitty threads and actually regain some of the good aspects of an anonymous community that have historically been present on less trafficked boards on this site.

>The problem is, that gets incredibly slippery. I don't personally think I could come up with a reasonable distinction between "on topic" and "off topic" that could properly handle threads discussing

It's not our fault you don't have the common sense to decide that phone wallpapers are not related to fashion and threads about them belong on the board expressly dedicated to wallpapers. Mods don't have to be as silly about this as you are being. There is a line that can be drawn and we have passed it.

>> No.11433695

Do you think there is any board on 4chan that is overmoderated?

>> No.11433729

Edit the sticky to direct stupid questions to fuccboi general

>> No.11433759

ban theo and huck the cuck posts

>> No.11433773

Good ideas but I think sometimes it is useful to post a picture more than one a week, for example if you want to post in a tech wear thread bit someone posted it five days ago on an unrelated thread that would be a problem

>> No.11433801

rolling WAYWT sticky and that would be integrated with new cops
Rolling w2c sticky integrated with c/n threads
Encourage reporting of shit posts/ ban is x effay posts or clear bait. Encourage users to sage shitpost if they must reply.
Hair and face stuff belongs all in one general. Still fashion related because how your facial structure and hair is interacts with outfits.
Encourage users to post w2c info on their pictures so we don't have w2c? Shitting up threads as much
Sticky some designer threads and fashion show threads
Then the rest of thread can be genuine advice or niche styles, like techwear, earthtones, whatever memewave people want to discuss.

>> No.11433825

seconding this

>> No.11433850

Are the mods even reading this thread?

>> No.11433865

remove face rate threads

>> No.11433971

For those W2C threads: First ask google, then ask /fa/.

>> No.11433999

Literally this, but with more muh dick threads

>> No.11434032

no facial aesthetics or thinspo threads allowed. no "muh dick" threads (wtf is up with that lately?). im borderline on hair/skincare threads too, I'd have to think about that. I basically just want to see people talking about clothes, shoes, and accessories.

also no "is _____ /fa/?" threads when the user is asking about some dumb shit unrelated to fashion.

>> No.11434085

Stop people from treating the board as a self help forum.
All people posting in above type threads will be decapitated and their heads strung to a poncho to ward off others.
Runway collections will cycle on a slide show above the sticky.

>> No.11434109
File: 190 KB, 2048x1356, 187932858_large.v1432554339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete any thread that belongs in the fuccboi general

Seriously so many fucking threads are shitty, basic questions which belong in the fuccboi general.

>> No.11434117

also it would have to be made more obvious what the fuccboi general is for

>> No.11434124

But it doesn't shut down those threads, it floats them to the top of the board and because /fa/ is not as fast as /b/, they tend to linger for more than 24 hours.

>> No.11434157

If everyone knew to sage then it would work, but most people don't.

>> No.11434162

Makeup and hair are part of the fashion industry.

>> No.11434165

I sage pretty much every post I make, unless I'm specifically trying to bump a thread, simply from habit, though I have to admit I forgot to sage >>11434124. Most of /fa/'s userbase is too young or new to the site to know what saging is given that it's invisible now because redditors got offended at people '''''''''downvoting''''''''' their threads

>> No.11434217

Ban everyone supporting the /cgl/ x /fa/ bullshit
Ban anyone that says ">>>/pol/"
Ban all the kanye/shiacore threads
Ban that any/stupid hat spam
Close all threads whose question can easily be answered in specific threads "w2c, is this /fa/?"
Ban trips/name niggers especially 'killy'
Ban Eliza
Ban race bait threads
Allow one or two light hearted shitposting threads.

>keep waywts and trips
Fuck you all trips are cancer, waywts is okay.

>people wanting to ban music and film threads
>not realising how much fashion and those things intertwine
This, crust punk /fa/ threads are important and fashion related.


it's to shut down cancerous threads. ignore & filter is not an solution. imageboard communities always need to self-moderate, they always fall as soon as powertripping mods try to stop them and open the gates to cancer.
This is how 4 chan died twice, sjw mods.

>So these fucking incompetent losers can fuck off to somewhere else
like 8 c h a n ?

>>/pol/ tier beliefs
>>doesn't have any friends
>>hates women
So most MEN on the internet? Permaban yourself.

>> No.11434227

>>/pol/ tier beliefs
>Banning people because of their beliefs.
Allow people to express their beliefs, this is the internet and you know better than to be a thinskinned child.

>> No.11434231

Mods on /cgl/ are kind of annoying about "no singling out of individuals" or something like that. The majority of the user base is just there for drama and shit talking, everything else is a front.

>> No.11434233

Is there a way to contact the mods

>> No.11434234


>Ban everything related to Rick Owens

>> No.11434253


STHLM has a nice picture about it.

>> No.11434260

Tell them to read this thread.

I don't like Rick's clothes or the people who wear them but threads about Rick are objectively related to fashion, unlike most of the threads on here.

>> No.11434282

delete everything except fragrance threads and /rog/

>> No.11434283

ban these >>11433951 threads as the people will it

>> No.11434318

And then /fa/ died. Self moderation is the only safe way to keep a board (you know unless it gets too big) There is nothing stopping said biased mod from banning any kind of person he/she doesn't like.

On /co/ there is a mod who bans you for saying "nigger" regardless of the politics, that's bullshit but realistic when it comes to how easily any terrible person can be a mod abd kill the board regardless of quality. A sjw mod on /mlp/ banned everything related and just told moot that they were just being childish.

Cherish you self-moderation while you still have it, don't let the mods run your board.

>> No.11434448

This is the right thing but people are retards.
Can't ignore trips 2bh
This. It's like people don't even know it exists.

>> No.11434454
File: 37 KB, 540x388, Laughing_Muslim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I namefag as killy even though I'm not
>mfw started doing this a few weeks back and post the most inane shit

>> No.11434479 [DELETED] 

Self moderation/informal social control is the only way to enforce rules, when the moderation ('government') is incapable performing their task. It isn't all that bad though. We do have moderation, but I think the posters in general want more, which doesn't have to be a bad thing.


>That's the beauty of anonymous image board culture though. The mods are anonymous and work in the background with almost no visible moderation.

In this beauty lies the danger of a biased mod. A cop can be held accountable for something he did wrong. He has a face, a name and works out in the open. The opinion, the dissatisfaction, of the public can easily be heard, thanks to social media. This is different on 4chan. We don't know who the cop is. Even if we have a name, when the cop/mod messes up, he will likely not listen. When a mod doesn't receive feedback on his performance, he may develop tunnel vision. I'd say that it isn't more moderation that would 'kill /fa/', but a mod that does not interact with the board.

Anyway, I doubt mods will listen to the feedback. A while back some anons were working on a new sticky. The mods said in the IRC chat that they would look at it at some time (aka never). Again, STHLM has a screencap.

My two cents, probably forgot some essential theory (4 logical fallacies that results tunnel vision, etc.), off to bed.

>> No.11434486

Self moderation/informal social control is the only way to enforce rules, when the moderation ('government') is incapable performing their task. It isn't all that bad though. We do have moderation, but I think the posters in general want more, which doesn't have to be a bad thing.


>That's the beauty of anonymous image board culture though. The mods are anonymous and work in the background with almost no visible moderation.

In this beauty lies the danger of a biased mod. A cop can be held accountable for something he did wrong. He has a face, a name and works out in the open. The opinion, the dissatisfaction, of the public can easily be heard, thanks to social media. This is different on 4chan. We don't know who the cop is. Even if we have a name, when the cop/mod messes up, he will likely not listen. When a mod doesn't receive feedback on his performance, he may develop tunnel vision. I'd say that it isn't more moderation that would 'kill /fa/', but a mod that does not interact with the board.

Anyway, I doubt mods will listen to the feedback. A while back some anons were working on a new sticky. The mods said in the IRC chat that they would look at it at some time (aka never). Again, STHLM has a screencap.

My two cents, probably forgot some essential theory (4 logical fallacies that results tunnel vision, etc.), off to bed.

>> No.11434495

DESU /mlp/ deserved to be ruled with an iron fist.

Gas the ponyfags.

>> No.11434498
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>> No.11434562

It is indeed a pitfall of anonymous moderation and having mods across several boards that a mod team with no member that actually cares about /fa/ can just let this board fester and respond to things as they are reported.

But if a few anonymous mods or two gave a shit, the benefit is (theoretically) very great.

>> No.11434616

Self-moderate the board, don't give the mods control. This site has an ugly history of the mods or the admin trying to force change or kicking out a demographic because they don't fit with the modern widest audience.

Horse autism aside what the mods did to this board is disgusting, and you would understand if a mod came along and started pacifying /fa/ to appeal to /r/mensfashion.

Absolute best outcome you can hope for.

>> No.11434664

>This site has an ugly history of the mods or the admin trying to force change or kicking out a demographic because they don't fit with the modern widest audience.

This is a pretty recent development, within the past few years. I am harkening back to a different time.

It's honestly tiresome to self moderate the board. I try by pointing shit out, saging, and reporting, but I can't delete threads or ban users. I end up spending more time dealing with crap than posting about fashion which I think is the case for a lot of users.

>> No.11434784
File: 131 KB, 800x1000, 800px-Jonathan_Brandis_Wiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self-moderation is the only way to maintain existing cultural standards. When the community is healthy, the mods need to step back, especially when it comes down to cracking self-moderation (ie sagebombs or dubs spam).

But when the community degenerates, with too many newfags not assimilating to the point where they assimilate by imitating the other cancerous newfags, any community enforcement will be corrupted. The newfags will shut down the wrong things, faith in self-moderation becomes lost and board runs wild.

This is when the mods need to step back in and crack down. They clean up the board, lay down cultural standards and guidelines, give it a reset. But once it's cleaned up, they need to step back again and let the community take over.

This is the cycle of every imageboard ever. Except more times than not, it gets cut off by mods either banning self-moderation, or by not stepping in when the cancer becomes terminal, or by powertripping after they're called back in and not giving the reigns up.

blame moot for making sage invisible, the fucking cuck. the newfags have no idea what they're supposed to do.

>> No.11434804

>But when the community degenerates, with too many newfags not assimilating to the point where they assimilate by imitating the other cancerous newfags, any community enforcement will be corrupted. The newfags will shut down the wrong things, faith in self-moderation becomes lost and board runs wild.
>This is when the mods need to step back in and crack down. They clean up the board, lay down cultural standards and guidelines, give it a reset. But once it's cleaned up, they need to step back again and let the community take over.

Well put, this is exactly what I'm advocating for. But I think we're at the point where we need a swift intervention due to the overwhelming amount of stupid off topic bullshit on this board.

I don't want tyrannical mods any more than the next guy. But I'd like to see some of this cess removed.

>> No.11435994

Yes, laissez-faire and zero tolerance.

>> No.11436006

Ban every
>is x effay
>post effay x
>tumblr/instagram/other bullshit /soc/
threads for a while just so people will learn to not fucking make them
Make a sticky that states the obvious, those kinda threads don't belong here.
That's it really

>> No.11436106
File: 156 KB, 687x1000, 1446316678406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is shit and is not relevant to fashion. Fuck off. The mods won't listen to you whiny little bitches

>> No.11436130

perfect example of useless trip who clogs up the board with inane and uninformed bullshit

>> No.11436220
File: 745 KB, 2900x1706, zim zam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Inspector Redwood

>> No.11436222

saying nigger literally adds nothing to the board

>> No.11436276

>Absolute best outcome

How is that a good outcome? People have complained about the sticky for years. There had been several threads about creating a new sticky. One that had actual useful information and board rules in it.

>> No.11436289 [DELETED] 


>> No.11436306

What about it? Do you think we should just go somewhere else for more moderation?

>> No.11436340

I meant to post this: >>/fa/thread/S10614733#p10619163

>> No.11436347

I hope you die of drinking anon :>

>> No.11436723

But the board only has one rule:

1. Images and discussion should pertain to fashion and apparel.

Why don't we ban people for violating this rule and then see what happens?

>> No.11436731

Permanently ban anyone who posts seriously in Rick Owen threads or black hair threads

>> No.11436739

>Permanently ban anyone who posts seriously in Rick Owen threads or black hair threads

Why not ban posters who make threads unrelated to fashion instead?

>> No.11437526

Daily reminder to bug the mods to read this thread.

>> No.11437543

Less relevant than face rate threads? is "x" effay, homescreen, tumblr and snapchat threads?

>> No.11437555

>ban eliza
No, ban casemods
Eliza it's GOD

>> No.11437564

just make the board forced anon

>> No.11437569

Mods don't fucking care about this board

>> No.11437574

Rick Owens isn't fashion, black hair isn't fashionable

>> No.11437580

What are some common threads on here more related to fashion than rick owens general?

>> No.11437864

Wow I had so much free time

>> No.11438699


>> No.11440230


>> No.11440331
File: 7 KB, 335x303, collective_efficacy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt this meta thread and future threads will cause any change.