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/fa/ - Fashion

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11431441 No.11431441 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about your bodily deformities /fa/ and how you dress around them.

>tfw pectus carinatum

For me, my chest can make loose tops drape oddly but besides that it's not awful.

>> No.11431450

oh yeah i have that as well it really isn't noticeable at all also im underweight and 6'2

>> No.11431468
File: 15 KB, 917x1186, 1466559904289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the muscle in one of my eyes is to strong, so my heads tilts itself to compensate, giving me a slight head tilt and not letting me look at things from certain angles without my eye looking like a lazy eye

>> No.11431476

I need glasses

>> No.11431480

Pics of this freakish deformity?

>> No.11431588

I have a gap in my front tooth.

>> No.11431648

man tits, I slouch and don't go to the beach.

>> No.11431693

Pectus carinatum combined with tubular breasts with enormous nipples. I'm getting a surgery soon so there might still be hope for me tho.

>> No.11431732


Flawless, perfect skin, perfect teeth, perfect body shape, all around great, aside from glasses. Getting laser eye surgery once I get money. My brain's pretty fucked up though.

>> No.11431741
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Im just ugly

>> No.11431756

I have a humongous penis which I keep discrete by tucking it into your mum.

>> No.11431767

Cross eyed : (

>> No.11431820


i usually wear pants and long sleeves, and a hat and sunscreen. even a wide brim panama hat i would never otherwise wear. except for a few months in summer and afterwards I'm mostly pale enough that you can't really tell, but I have to work at this.

>> No.11431863

keratosis pilaris

also overweight, but I'm working on that.

>> No.11431884

Most of the population has that and nobody cares. Moisturize and exfoliate

>> No.11431889


>> No.11431904

>wide hips and big fucking thighs with small ankles/calves, thighs are both muscular and fat at the same time somehow
>pretty skinny everywhere else (6 ft, 148 lbs)
I'm pretty happy with myself from the waist up but my lower half is utter shit

>> No.11431912

im a type 1 diabetic

its not as bad as some of you guys so i feel bad complaining about it, but it does feel awkward having my insulin pump tubing stick out from under my shirt into my pocket.

>> No.11432096

I have puffy nipples, it makes me want to commit suicide.

>> No.11432105

>Wide Hips
Never tuck-in
>3 inch dick
Never have sex
Looser fits
>Terrible facial aesthetics

>> No.11432174


Same, I feel it man. One of the reasons I prefer Winter/coats over Summer wear

>> No.11432177

i have gyno so i wear compression tanks

>> No.11432191

>big crooked nose

I am fucked

really regret not just saving my hair because longer hare would have saved me i guess

take the attention off my nose

>> No.11432194

I have the hips of a high test woman. No amount of weight loss can hide it ;_;

>> No.11432200

i have pseudo-gyno and i do the same. i've had ultrasounds done and it's just deposits of adipose tissue, not an enlarged gland, and i've been told it's not hormonal.

otherwise i'm fairly fit/athletic. fucking nuisance, hopefully going under the knife within a year.

>> No.11432202

I have spots all over my body. My skin is very pale and ingrown hair picking scars and mosquito bites and other marks are everywhere esp legs and arms and back

I used to really care now I kind of don't but also I'm kinda just fat and shitty now

I also have broken out on my face

Im a grill kill me

>> No.11432282

that's really interesting, is there a name of this?

>> No.11432286
File: 44 KB, 363x236, matt leblanc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big nose, big head, long tendril-like fingers half of my face is slightly "higher" than the other half see pick related)

>> No.11432293

i am also t1 and i inject, and i have this thing where i always inject in my tummy, and like, i have this hard lump thing like at the bottom of my tummy. like a pouch kinda. i also used to have bruises on my arms cause i always injected in my arms when i first got diagnosed.

>> No.11432410
File: 284 KB, 1728x1328, 1419654383613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no jawline
>manlet "
just kill me

>> No.11432454

I'm a guy with moobs and a pear shaped body because genetics. No matter how much weight I've lost, I could never get rid of the moobs and the fat in my hips / thighs / ass. I wear a lot of button-up shirts, even in the summer, it helps hide things fairly well. I love the Fall / Winter because I can layer up without it being 'weird.'

>> No.11432466

My ribs are protruding and I have a sunken chest I've already thought of suicide I got my helium tank with me

>> No.11432471

You're not alone.

>> No.11432477


>> No.11432492

You might have hormonal disbalance

>> No.11432502

broke my nose when I was a kid and had it fixed later so it looks a lil off sometimes

because I'm retarded and have no self control I've compulsively picked at my skin for years, which has left me with slightly darker spots on my chest, back and face

also extremely small breasts coupled with wide shoulders

>> No.11432507

>curved penis
>asymmetrical face
>tom cruise's teeth after wearing braces for 2 years

That's about it. Could have been a lot worse.

>> No.11432508

Puffy nipples. Not major but affects the drape of t-shirts a bit. Somewhat wide hips but they're becoming less obtrusive after hitting the gym for a while - delts, lats and thighs make the hips more proportional.

>> No.11432609

moderate scoliosis (55ish degrees)

apparently it doesn't come through in my posture though so cosmetically i'm not that bothered

>> No.11432618

wear a compression vest, i got an xbody one and it great

>> No.11432623

That killed me. ty

>> No.11432625

my fingers are all crooked, swan neck deformity in all fingers. Right side of collarbone sticks out about an 1/8th of an inch more. That's about it though

>> No.11432634

Thanks for the tip, I'll look into them. How often can it be washed? I sweat p. lot, would it hold up being washed once a day or every two days?

>> No.11432636

are u me

>> No.11432755
File: 199 KB, 1021x889, Thom-Yorke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a slightly lazy eye or my eyelid is hiding my eye. Pic related but not that bad.

>> No.11432774

holy shit same its so weird

>> No.11432780

We're going to make it Lazy Eyenon ;_;

>> No.11432789

>small narrow feet
They make ugly shoes look better, so I don't mind too much.

>> No.11432795

as often as you want, i do it by hand
i dont sweat a lot but i usually get 5-6 wears out of it before washing, I got the white tanktop one

>> No.11432804

vitiligo is pretty effay tho

>> No.11432807

>Flat feet
Literally have no arch. Really annoying sometimes, without insoles shoes look retarded. I know most people don't even notice but its so bad

>> No.11432818

i also have this, my right eye looks like it's more open than the other one. not really as noticeable as on the picture though i think

>> No.11432842

fatass or gynocomastia?

>> No.11432869


>> No.11432887

Go full Mac Demarco

>> No.11432893


I get this when I drink/do drugs, but not as bad.

Somedays I notice it in the mirror, some days its not even there.


>hairline has started to go
>wide hips
>fat butt
>eyebrows are super fat & thick (and grow down around my eye)
>only 5'11.5"

I have above average resting testosterone and estrogen under the normal limit, so I guess the fat around waist thing is just genetics.

I like my eyebrows but I literally have pluck them everyday without fail or I look shit.

Wear lifts in shoes so I'm not a sub-6ft manlet.

>> No.11433084

>vitiligo is pretty effay tho

People always say this but I don't really agree. One model who has it doesn't make it /fa/.

>> No.11433096

Badly curved spine, broad chest, and inconsistent fat distribution (skinny everywhere, except I have a belly and muscular thighs/calfs from lifting).

My posture is bad, so it makes my stomach look bigger when I slouch. If I try to straighten up, I look like a dick because my chest puffs out.

Just learning to stop giving a fuck

>> No.11433098

Some of my eyebrow hairs fell out and now i have to fill in the missing hairs. Not too major since it looks good but its annoying spending that extra few minutes everyday

>> No.11433100

i have big fucking lips and droopy eyes.

i just want to die

>> No.11433169

lel, I have thought about this but the style doesn't fit me.

>> No.11433237

Don't feel bad anon when I lay on my front my ribs touch the floor and hurts

>> No.11433247

I've got that too son, like you I just try and avoid wearing stuff that drapes over the growth, I also make sure anyone worth seeing only sees my front side, as well as working out

>> No.11433303

varus knees.

I try wearing long jeans even if its hot, but it's becoming unbearable...

>> No.11433526

weak chin b/c poorly planned braces.

>> No.11433781
File: 41 KB, 500x375, Macintosh Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have eczema.
It's very manageable with a good moisturizer but if I don't take care of it I look like a burn survivor.

>> No.11433797

dont do it anon live and become effay

>> No.11433805

Tend to grow a monobrow. Gotta pluck it.
Lips are a little big for my liking, I'd rather they were more narrow. Nothing can be done because plastic surgery lips are fucking nasty.
One deep line across my for head from frowning.
My cheeks are a little full for my liking, I have a strong jawline, and the full cheeks kind of destroy that aesthetic.

Also skinny bitch boy. Starting gym.

Wouldn't call myself very good looking but I'm far from bad looking. Above average. However I work hard and got into medschool. So that helps with the puss.

>> No.11433810

I have gyno and acne.

At this point, I just don't give a fuck about my gyno. Been living with it for a long time so I'm used to it. As for my acne, I'm seeing a derm soon so hopefully that'll go away.

>> No.11433858

Bitches think crooked noses are masculine as fuck

>> No.11434042

Im like 6 foot 7, and i have a huge nose.. Im slowly getting used to being ugly, which is nice i guess.

>> No.11434103

Acne on my back

It really kills me on the inside ;-;

>> No.11434122

my proportions are way off
my legs are big and my upperbody is skinny af
i really need to work out but THERES NO FUCKING TIME ANYMORE FUCK

>> No.11434149

Im a transgirl so nothing fits

>> No.11434151

having a mental disorder doesnt change you physically.

>> No.11434154


>> No.11434161

his statement is factually correct
this thread is about bodily deformities and the like

>> No.11434171

it's not edgy it's true

>> No.11434179
File: 1.03 MB, 500x500, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same thing :/

kills my confidence

>> No.11434211

become a bottom

>> No.11434214
File: 75 KB, 932x933, kiwi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello my lost brothers with pectus carinatum, please give me back my chest,
thank you

>> No.11434255


It's hard for trans people to find clothing that fits our shoulders and hips.

Post-transition FtM. Happy with my body and wardrobe now but shopping for clothes pre-testosterone was always frustrating.

>> No.11434293

We all /Pectus Excavatum/ here

>> No.11434307

i have an emotional pectus carinatum

>> No.11434377

asymmetrical bone growth likely due to levoscoliosis

it seriously destroys me any time I think about it

>> No.11434395

Hello me, I didn't realize I posted in this thread already.

>> No.11434416

i guess a crooked smile which i mask with a beard (i thought braces would fix that what the fuck)
also one of my eyes is a teeny bit smaller like in thom yorke fashion (just a little though)

>> No.11434440
File: 170 KB, 900x600, shore4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pectus excavatum
I worked out my chest a fuckton so its not really noticeable
but I hope it doesnt cause my heart to explode someday

>> No.11434453

oh and I forgot when I get drunk my face turns to literal shit and the eye thing is super noticeable
i have no idea why

>> No.11434492


Go to a doctor that sounds disgusting.

>> No.11434545

doesn't really bother me tho

>> No.11434558

probably because you dont have fat stored in your moobs, you have breast tissue (gyno)

>> No.11435031

What's a bottom?

>> No.11435040

My teeth are an absolute train wreck.

>> No.11435044

Besides being ugly,
>elf ear on one side
Stopped giving a fuck
>asymmetric cheekbones
Never take a picture of myself lest I be reminded, candid/social pictures only