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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 383 KB, 800x600, 2016-06-20 23.10.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11428304 No.11428304 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Rick hate so fucking circlejerked now on /fa/ ? I've seen "rick is a hack" and "clown shoes" in every thread he's mentioned. You're all just contrarian edgelords that can't give me a single good reason why he is such a so called "hack".

>> No.11428309

clown shoes are shitty rick or not

>> No.11428316
File: 451 KB, 692x1153, WNIJd5S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your stating it like your opinion of his silhouette is fact and that just because you and a couple uncultured people dont like it means its ugly

>> No.11428319

why he is a hack? his clothes are really expensive, not practical, and make you look like an edgelord faggot.

>> No.11428323

And you stating your opinion about me not liking them because I'm uncultured is laughable

I get it's my opinion but I have a hard time believing that would look worse with different shoes

>> No.11428324
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you are on a vanity board talking about being practical. also his stuff isnt that expensive compared to other designers but he gets 100x the hate that anyone else gets

>> No.11428337
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>caring this much about contrarian edgelords opinions to the point where they bother you

>> No.11428342

he just gets the most hate because he is always doing his own thing and people resent him for that it seems.

>> No.11428348
File: 120 KB, 483x750, tumblr_n7divwkXgz1sjf4hzo1_r2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just trying to make my only fashion discussion place a little less cancerous

yeah that could be it

>> No.11428350

you should take a lesson from rick and not care so much about what other people think

>> No.11428354

>just trying to make my only fashion discussion place a little less cancerous

you've done the opposite

>> No.11428355

these are literally oversized chuck taylors sold for like $500

>> No.11428366

>I've seen "rick is a hack" and "clown shoes" in every thread he's mentioned
Have you considered that this might be true?
>can't give me a single good reason why he is such a so called "hack".
hmm, let me think
>Unoriginal ideas such as using drop crotch heavily as a crutch
>multiple times not actually presenting anything on the runway but just strapping people together for shock value
>using cocks as shock value again in absence of anything with substance
>been doing the same silhouette for his entire career
>rip of existing designs (chuck taylors) for some of his most iconic products

>> No.11428368


>> No.11428374
File: 2 KB, 270x187, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting a discussion is somehow now cancer. learn how to reply also

the point is theyre an exaggerated silhouette. tons of other designers take a concept on popular shoes like vans and stan smiths and make them original with a desinger price tag

>> No.11428378

There's absolutely no reason to ever buy those shoes.

>> No.11428380

when will newfags understand that its a runway SHOW, its for an audience and also it shows the ideas that the designer will experiment with and tone down for their retail collection. many other designers have had celebrities perform at their runways. marc jacobs comes to mind

>> No.11428389

when will newfags understand that it is a RUNWAY shoe, it is to showcase the creative direction the designer/company is going in.
how the fuck do you tone down two people strapped together for a retail collection? you defeated your own point. he didn't actually show anything, in absence of any actual ideas he just went shock value for cheap fame. it's pathetic
stunning counterargument

>> No.11428390

>starting a discussion is somehow now cancer

It is when you've pretty much only stated that not liking rick makes you an idiot and that you want /fa/ to like rick so that you can sculpt /fa/ into a hugbox of rick appreciation

>learn how to reply also


>> No.11428392
File: 779 KB, 1016x981, Screenshot_2016-01-10-17-47-23-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely no reason YOU will buy those shoes, other people dont automatically jerk off the next poster who says hes a hack and many people will continue to support his interesting designs

>> No.11428414
File: 166 KB, 1500x1980, 30915_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its for an audience, no one has ever done it before and it is creative and artistic. there was other new pieces displayed in the runway show but i doubt you saw anything besides the single pic of his runway

i meant that it is stated in alot of threads that he is a hack without any evidence or knowledge demonstrated about fashion. im just so damn sick of the circlejerks on this board

>> No.11428417

>im just so damn sick of the circlejerks on this board

except for the circlejerks you agree with

>> No.11428418

>its for an audience, no one has ever done it before and it is creative and artistic.
lmao yeah, keep blindly defending him when presented with facts

>> No.11428419

>pretends to know about fashion
>posts the pic literally every newfag posts and asks "w2c tee"

ayy le mao

>> No.11428460

you didnt give me a single fact and you didnt prove me wrong when i said you didnt watch his runway
like i said before, shock value is part of the show and if you call rick a hack for ot then you might as well call every designer a hack because theyve pretty much all had some sort of performance almost completely unrelated to fashion

using a popular picture means i know nothing apparently

the rick hate circlejerk is bigger than the rick love circlejerk ever was

>> No.11428485

>the rick hate circlejerk is bigger than the rick love circlejerk ever was
rick is still the only designer to have a general thread going on every day
the truth is that he's hated because he's overrated in relation to all other designers, and he also makes /fa/ more homogenous by popularising one particular style

>> No.11428495

those are all true i guess except for homogeny. how many times do you actually see rick in the WAYWT besides maybe the odd post where someone is wearing a single article of his?

>> No.11428542

I think his silhouettes look goofy and will get you laughed at in public. His shoes are fine but everything else just looks like you're wearing a costume.

The fact that he gets a general every day makes me tired of the look as well. Why isn't there an ysl general? Raf general? I just like seeing more diverse discussion I guess.

>> No.11428549
File: 323 KB, 990x1761, DSC_0602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11428562

w2c clown shoes?

>> No.11428564

>diverse discussion
>lists the only two other designers /fa/ knows
/ROG/ shouldnt even be to blame since they are containing their discussion. The reason those designers don't have generals is because there arent any posters that are passionate about their work like rick fans are

>> No.11428575

there was a jp designer discussion for a couple weeks. haven't seen it around lately

they had the good mind to ban julius, undercover & other low hanging fruit to keep the upstream /rog/ fuckboys from getting their foot in the door

>> No.11428593

hedi is a hack who spews out recycled vintage clothing designs and looks straight out of a 70s rockstar photoshoot, drowned in delusions of quality to counteract the ridiculously high price, and most of his fans have very little knowledge of fashion so they arent very good at discussing things that would require a whole general
most of rafs sought after clothes are rare and old and as such are expensive and hard to obtain, similarly there isnt much information about his older work unless you are extremely immersed in the industry, much of his newer work has lost the characteristics his old collections are praised for and much like hedi, a lot of his new work suffers from lack of knowledgable discussion ie the adidas collaborations

>> No.11428611

I was just listing off the two that came to mind, but youre right you Rick boys sure are passionate

>> No.11428620

there have been those generals in the past but they didnt have a large enough following to maintain themselves. id give common projects general a few days before its never brought up again

>> No.11428882

im so glad im not the only ones who hate clown shoes, i hate converse so much for making clown shoes popular

>> No.11428895

>i've been here whole 4 months

>> No.11429627

w2c clown shoes senpai

>> No.11429768

just got my first pair of rick owens drkshdw high top ramones. thanks /fa/. i really do like them.

after going to the Owens store and trying on a bunch of shit, i also really want the geobaskets. fucking 1k for 2 pairs of shoes...

>> No.11429845

Your apparent short stature is inflamated by that long shirt and those "boot" type shoes that combined create the ilussion of you having legs as long as a baby's arm.

Personally, i do not like those shoes, im not a /fa/ regular and its the first time i see them, but after 5 seconds of browsing this thread i understand the clown meme that haunts this "rick" dude

>> No.11429928

rick's shoes are just either an ugly version of converse or an ugly version of adidas, at an extremely blown up price. he is the definition of a hack

>> No.11429953

newfags, basically

>> No.11429982

>why he is such a so called "hack"

Maybe it's not that Rick is inherently a hack, it's that online fashion is a hack. You want your serious answer? Here we go:
>Rick Owens has gone from interesting designer tier -> mainstream focus -> circlejerk-tier

And I'm not acting like this is all revolutionary or recent. A Rick fanboy could come in here and argue that the circlejerk is a result of Rick's grandiose influence on fashion, I'm not going to do that. The heyday of RO on /fa/ passed a long-time ago and now most people see it as over. Nowadays the only designer teenagers can name on /r/streetwear is Rick Owens, people on Reddit are posting fits with RO, it's plummeted into the mainstream, and this is something that people on 4chan hate.

The Rick is a talentless hack meme (thanks Raf) is because he keeps perpetuating a style that is old to us (and to him), the goofyninja all black drapeboy is long-done, it's not trendy or revolutionary anymore, it's mainstream.

>> No.11429989

there's literally daily ROG threads praising him. and there are some people who dislike him. There are different people here who have different opinions on him. Stop being a whiny little bitch because people don't have the same opinion as you.

Also, kill yourself.

>> No.11429992

fucking kill yourself

>> No.11430020

stop wearing shit that accentuates your shortness fuck youre making me nauseous

>> No.11430022

Haha, well spotted anon! I agree, minions are not very fashionable at all, haha!!

>> No.11430079

I get the feeling you spent an embarrassing amount of money on Rick's brand and it upsets you to see your purchases being shit on, especially considering the prices you paid

Sorry bud, you fucked up

>> No.11430121
File: 74 KB, 1000x1333, S I T D O W N P L E A S E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because nothing screams "I can deepthroat a giraffe's neck" louder than this shit.

take from his own website.

>> No.11430130

i don't think you know what circlejerking means friend, you could lurk more to find out

>> No.11430142

I'm struggling to see why anyone cares. If it makes people happy let them do it?

>> No.11430233

don't know if it's been said (probably has, don't really care to read everything)
rick is fine for people who can actually pull it off, but most people on this board cannot pull off his clothing. hence, why so many people think it's retarded.

>> No.11430842

I don't hate rick but a majority of his stuff I don't like, plus most people who wear it look fucking awful in it.

I also think as a designer he's got an incredibly limiting aesthetic, one that is currently the hot trend, but once that passes and we move on to whatever the next avant-garde trend becomes, hes gonna flounder

>> No.11430853
File: 60 KB, 640x652, Nick-wooster-Rick-Owens-Shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're all just contrarian edgelords that can't give me a single good reason why he is such a so called "hack".

All he does is make long drapy cuts, there's nothing nice or flatting about his clothes or designs that shit is so boring and it only looks "decent" on 1% who wears it. I'm sure its comfy as fuck but you're not an anime or video game character.

Shit looks so gross and bad, I can't stand it. I'm also bothered by his lack of color monochrome is easy to pull off and no designer should get away constantly using and abusing it.

>> No.11430873
File: 99 KB, 1000x1000, fox orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>All he does is make long drapey cuts... I'm also bothered by his lack of color

monochrome greyscale drapey tees are what people buy the most, so they're what you see the most. but that is not the same thing as "it's all he makes"

are you even familiar with rick's work beyond what you see bloggers and 18 year olds on an anime forum copy from each other?

>> No.11430939

Yes, I am I'm very much familiar with his work, I've even been to his boutique. It's just not for me, I value his work more as art than fashion, kinda like McQueen but at least McQueen's work was more wearable and varied.

>> No.11430961

I was about to ask w2c that tee

>> No.11430963

He was "baby's first designer" like five years ago, so these individuals now need to deny him

>> No.11430964
File: 30 KB, 460x665, deer sheer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mcqueen also has quite a few pieces that i wouldn't describe as wearable.. pic related.

+1 for conceptualizing it as art.

but honestly i don't find the items that you're discussing and posting -- long t shirts -- terribly unwearable. in fact, they're probably among rick's most wearable pieces. dick-flap dresses for men are what i would consider unwearable. just like 9 inch mcqueen heels that put your foot at a 75 degree angle with the ground are unwearable.

i can concede the point on variation if we're comparing to the likes of mcqueen. he just has an aesthetic, and he finds a way for that aesthetic to permeate all sorts of garments. but he still retains variation within the limits he sets for his aesthetic. he's not going for 100% reinvention each season, as i'm sure i don't have to tell you. and if you don't like that personally, i mean that's fine. but i don't think it's very fair as a criticism. sort of akin to criticizing a baker for not making steaks. a baker is simply not even attempting to make steaks.

>> No.11430981


>> No.11430989

I like Rick and his designs, they're just not for me personally

>> No.11430994
File: 29 KB, 940x585, OWENSDaybedPetrifiedWood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I 100% get what you're saying. I just don't think they way he does his long cuts is flattering on anyone. You could argue that every house has a few wild and unwearable pieces. IDK I just feel like Rick is a house that isn't akin with my taste more than anything, so I feel it's way way too deserving on the praise it gets, becuase I feel like outside of the shows, the garments themselves aren't even that ground breaking or interesting. I feel like it's just draping clothes with rather simple fabrics and cuts. I think his stuff like his furniture pieces etc are nice some times and I like when he uses something other than just cotton; it works well. Nut for the most part I feel rick is just bland and too modern and minimal.

>> No.11431007

he doesn't make much between basic and costume tier

>> No.11431028

Its OK not to like something, it would be a strange world if we all liked the same stuff. Regarding how 'samey' his collections are is somewhat based on his whole ethos, which he has said is to improve on his previous collections and refine them further.

I think one of the main problems with Rick is that 90% of the fits you see use the same pieces, and 75% of those fits are poorly thought out and not executed well. The whole instagram streetwear fame of Rick has sullied it slightly in my opinion.

>simple fabrics and cuts
I don't think this is quite true, fabric wise he has a massive range of materials that he uses and personally I really dig his different leather treatments on both footwear and outerwear. Granted everything in the public eye is jersey cotton though, which can get a bit bland. IIRC each season has its specialty material which is used on the repeat season items such as blazers etc etc. And cut wise, I think he has some pretty special tailoring skills, like his blazers. But again most if it is never really advertised - the internet is awash with Rick fits of newmoney kids in Geobaskets and pod shorts.

>> No.11431068

It's just a reaction to the overabundance of Rick-related posts. For a long time now, /fa/ has basically been /rog/. This fact annoys some people.

>> No.11431109

I think that rick owens uses sex and sexuality in his design. The people strapped in 69 and the dick holes are just blown up off this theme. Think of his silhouettes in general. They tend to synergize wih masculine built bodies. He even said so himself working out is modern couture, and his clothing is a representation of male sexuality. (From what I get from it)

>> No.11431144

damn fabricman has come out of his /rog/ cave

>> No.11431149


>> No.11432248
File: 28 KB, 665x403, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this and his lowtops are the only shoes i like. other shoes are a nono for me.

>> No.11432919

Rick generals are actually one of the few good discussion threads around here. I'd happily have the "x is a hack" and "i don"t understand it therefore you people are stupid for liking it" posts in there.

Besides whats the point of a discussion if everyone's got the same opinions? Hugboxes are boring af.

We used to have a few half decent ones like the jp designer generals and the like but those seem short lived/get drowned out by shit threads "is x effayyy???"

You really don't want to subscribe exclusively to 4chan anyway for these sort of things

>> No.11434439

he's successful, fit, and smiles often

therefore, /fa/ hates him

>> No.11434488

It's always been like this you're just noticing this now cus you yourself lost faith in tricky ricky

>> No.11435113

stop fucking posting this lol
i'm so sick of seeing this

>> No.11435494

This look is incredibly repulsive.