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11424367 No.11424367 [Reply] [Original]

How does /fa/ shave?

>> No.11424376

Like pic related

>> No.11424381

electric shave
cant be arsed since i gave up on finding a relationship

>> No.11424399

I put shaving cream on my face and run a razor over it, removing the hair on my face.

>> No.11424422

The guy in the OP doesn't even have a beard.

>> No.11424433
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this tbqh

>> No.11424437

but choppy stubble looks bad.

>> No.11424866

Damn that's a shit lather
No self respect at all desu

>> No.11424876

With a meat cleaver.

>> No.11424886
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With DR Harris Windsor soap, a Mühle Synthetic Silvertip brush, and an Iwasaki kamisori.

I use a Kanayama #50000 Strop.

>> No.11425469
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That blade makes me nervous.

>> No.11425478

are you autistic or whats the deal

>> No.11425485


>> No.11425488

No, I don't think so. I just like a good shave.

>> No.11425495

I epilate for unparalleled smoothness

>> No.11425517
File: 162 KB, 466x418, Epilator---Home-Page-bf4692fd-1ad9-4e8c-aace-77eac671b912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a grill going for those silky smooth legs? :^)

>> No.11425518

just a boi for silky smooth face

>> No.11425523
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Isn't that... Isn't that quite painful?

>> No.11425528

not at all now
but cant do my moustache i use tweezers for that

>> No.11425641

Don't ruin your face you fagget, shave like a normal man and maybe people will wanna talk to you.

>> No.11425645

is that fucking linus

>> No.11425651

I'll be keking at this thread for a bunch of misinformation like usual, shave threads on /fa/ are utter shit

>> No.11425677

Mind sharing some good information, then?

>> No.11425730

does it make you nervous because you are tempted to slit your wrist with it?

>> No.11426335

like pic related

>> No.11426348


>tfw member of the nude-shaving master race

>> No.11426391

I dunno ask a q get an a

>> No.11426397

same except I don't even have a proper electric shaver, I use head clippers on my face

>> No.11426444

Soap or cream and why?

>> No.11426478

I shave upside down.

>> No.11426671

literally have that exact razor and brush

>> No.11426690

For me, soap. There are definitely great creams out there, but I just personally prefer how soap behaves and it's harder consistency. Also, you can get great soaps at low prices, while great creams are usually pricey-tier (i.e. Castle Forbes). In addition to that, cheap creams are full of long ingredients and sometimes chemicals whereas soaps often have a super minimal list of ingredients.

>> No.11426698

I fucking suck at shaving, and my skin hurts after, so I don't, and i have the weakest blonde prepubescent facial hair possible

>> No.11426705

Other anon here, what if one has to choose between trash like canned foam or gel? Is there any difference?

>> No.11426717

I think it's cool man. Just don't go around telling people you shave with a blade like that or they might think you're autismo or tryhard.

>> No.11426725

Different guy. What's a good site to get info from? Tried wicked edge on reddit but all they did was jack each other off and post may mays.

>> No.11426743

I've been in the wet shaving meme for so long that I haven't used my canned goo in ages, I literally can't answer your question anon I have no clue.

wicked edge is pretty shit, there are forums with a bunch of old guys on them... on reddit there's also /r/wetshaving, their wiki is pretty expansive. What info are you looking for anon? When I started, I personally just searched products then watched a few youtube videos.

>> No.11426784

With a bar of soap and a blunt spoon.

>> No.11426832

I'm not a poorfag so I don't really need to save up on shaving using those double or straight razors.

I use gel because to me it just feels like it does a better job of hydrating the skin and gives a smoother shave.

>> No.11426886

Look up tutorials half the work is making sure the blade and your face is wet and going slow so you don't mess up.

>> No.11426929
File: 22 KB, 500x372, WHAT YEAR IS IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck shaves?

>> No.11426955

I'd fall for the full patrician DE soap with Arctic Fox Fur shaving brush meme thing but the initial investment is still quite high.
Thanks, thought so. I think I might be able to pick up shaving cream in a local shop though, that's better still right?

>> No.11427005

that blade's pretty small and minimal though.

for pure efficiency's sake, it's a lot better than a DE or mach 3 or disposables or whatever else. it's more reasonable to naturally come to it than all the badger hair brush shit.

>> No.11427087
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How do i achieve very short stubble like pic related?Hair trimmer only cuts my facial hair to 3mm which is fairly long

>> No.11427090

Can you take the comb off your trimmer? Most go down to 0.5 mm without the comb.

>> No.11427091
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That's too short,i think 1mm or 2mm would be optimal but it's literally the only length i can't achieve

>> No.11427094

Sorry senpai, can't think of any other way other than buying another trimmer.

>> No.11427099

You're probably right,i should do that

>> No.11427101

disposable razor in the shower

>> No.11427115

I rode the beard bandwagon for a few years but a year or two back when I started seeing it on jersey shore type guidos I knew it was time to stop

>> No.11427173


Could be that you are pushing too much towards your skin?
Are you using a safety razor? I switched to feather-blades (super sharp razor blades) and eased back the force against my cheek as much as possible. Now I rarely ever have cases of razor burn.

>> No.11427202

The investment really isn't high at all these days, the market had a race to the bottom. Get a synthetic brush, a cheap razor, a decent soap, and a blade sampler and you're good to go.

>> No.11427223

Will any razor work as long as it looks well built? I'll try finding one in shops near me. I definitely saw some cream for sale, no soap sadly.

>> No.11427233

like this

>> No.11427238

Not really anon, buying online is usually your best bet these days. Which country are you in?

>> No.11427250

Latvia. It's almost impossible to find good shaving stuff in actual stores, it's all Gillette with 17 blades and canned stuff. Buying online is kinda difficult with shipping etc, but probably the only and best option really.

>> No.11427288

I can't grow a beard.

>> No.11427327

Sup Latvian friend! My dad's side is from Latvia, visited when I was a kid.

I'm pretty clueless when it comes to stuff that's available in the EU because I'm in Canada. Locally you should be able to find your standard department store stuff (Nivea, Palmolive, etc). Lots of good blades are manufactured in Eastern Europe/Russia and are available in bulk for great prices off eBay. As for online vendors, something from the UK is your best bet. I'd do a quick search for shops in Latvia (which I can't do because of the language). Just a bummer because kits are available for really cheap in the US.

>> No.11427485
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that is a terrible fucking lather. you need to use way less water and lather for significantly longer

agreeing with the recommendation for soap over cream, with the caveat being that if you use a 3 band or silvertip badger brush, loading up a soap will probably take a while. save the $300 simpson brush for the creams

I prefer to face lather with a reasonably stiff boar brush like the semogue owner's club in pic related.

settled on gillette super stainless (the russian, not indian ones) after trying a few different blades. derbys were just way too dull.

mitchell's wool fat is the goat soap. easy to lather (at least for me, but where I live has very soft water) and leaves an amazing slickness on the skin, as well as smelling pretty great in its own way.

>> No.11428258

>mitchell's wool fat is the goat soap
Lies, it's good but the GOAT soaps are Italian soft soaps -- Panna Crema, or the Valobra soft.

I also like the Valobra hard soaps, but you can tell pretty much right away that they don't lather as easily or thickly.

>> No.11428260

I shave with some really cheap kit, but upgrading soon.
Have you tried the Semogue 1305? Been looking between the one you have and the 1305
Also how much for the Mitchell's with the bowl?

>> No.11428262

I'm the guy from>>11428260
Have you tried Proraso's soaps? If so, opinions?

>> No.11428270

>Have you tried Proraso's soaps? If so, opinions?
No I haven't, they seem kinda unfairly meme to me, lots of people swear by their preshave but I use the TOBS oil instead.

Also >>11428260
>how much for the Mitchell's with the bowl?
£15-£20 depending on where you get it, just look up Amazon or some shit, would be basically supernatural if nobody there has free shipping for it

>> No.11428279

I can't grown any real facial hair so I just run an electric shaver over my face every week or two.

>> No.11428338

just started watching the show
pretty good aside the petty hs drama

>> No.11428379
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>shit lather
>no discernible stubble
>babby face
>takes selfies of himself shaving

>> No.11428527

Thank you so much!

>> No.11429180

I use some barbasol with aloe and a safety razor. I don't care enough to make my own lather.

>> No.11429191

there's no reason to ever have facial hair.
remove it permanently with IPL and save your time.
also better for your skin because you don't have to do some cruel mechanical peeling every morning where you put a knife to your face.

>> No.11429258

Isn't Barbasol used to clean guns too?

>> No.11429274

I just use cheap barbasol canned foam with aloe. It doesn't really matter that it has aloe though, it doesn't really interact with the skin much. I just use a decent cartridge razor and shave. It's five minutes out of my day and I don't want to do any reddit tier shit and waste time and money.
After shaving I use a foaming cleanser, a benzoyl and salicylic wash to control any acne, then a rejuvenating face mask and then a hydrating cream, and finally a protective lotion with spf30.
So I don't really care what my cream does, I just want it to be quick. I have an actual routine anyway.

>> No.11429283

No my man,

>> No.11429955

>remove it permanently with IPL and save your time.

How painful is that compared to laser hair removal?

>> No.11429995


You're a big guy.

>> No.11430684

Who epilates their scalp?

>> No.11430690

Oh, I get the diagram. Turns out I'm retarded.

>> No.11430694

4 U

>> No.11430704


>> No.11430714
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>> No.11430890

crying out of one eye

>> No.11430903

more painful

>> No.11430922

regular Gillette razor after a shower
no shaving cream or aftershave

>> No.11431208
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Shower, Dove white soap, Lubriderm immediately afterwards.
Dry with a 3-week old towel and consider using a fresh one.
Sniff towel.
Smells alright to me.
Schick 3-blade whatever-the-fuck-it's-called.
Barbasol Aloe.
Remove excess cream with (m)old towel.
Lubriderm Men's lotion immediately afterwards.

Water here is hard as fuck (New Mexico woohoo), so that may be a factor. But I've never had clearer skin or a smaller penis, so obviously something is working.