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11420642 No.11420642 [Reply] [Original]

>insecure, self loathing, stylish effay gf


>comfortable, pleasant, no make up or sense of style gf

>> No.11420648

that's gonna be a sick scar

>> No.11420656

I hate myself too. And I don't a caretaker.

>> No.11420664
File: 1.61 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-06-19-01-01-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Opposites are effay

>> No.11420673

I've had the "insecure, self loathing, stylish effay gf" nooo fucking thank you, i've had enough daddy issues. Insecure women can't do intimacy.

>> No.11420675

if anyone chooses the 'stylish effay' gf you're clearly more interested in your impression on others than more important things in life like
>having a loving and fulfilling relationship

>> No.11420678

then why did you post a waifish model-fu type with styled hair-do and make up and jewelry?

>> No.11420687

most of your answers will probably be number 2 because these kids think no makeup = minimal/natural make up and no style = she'll still look good even if she doesn't care about her looks. lel no.

case in point

>> No.11420715
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Get you a Kourtney

>> No.11420729

i accidentally ended up with an insecure, self loathing, no make up or sense of style gf

>> No.11420738

Do you love her?

>> No.11420739

lol Tbe worst of both worlds m80

>> No.11420785

dude's leg looks busted af

>> No.11420793

His pants fit like a ps2 glitch ignore it

>> No.11420812

OP post didn't say she had to be ugly. It said comfy, pleasant, non stylish. Only thing is she's got make up on, but she's just as qt without it so whatever

Point being normal girls are better


>> No.11420814

First was meant to reply to

>> No.11420831
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Had both types of gf's. Idk guys, the first type is living hell relationship wise since regardless of how well off she is or how good she looks or does any of her activities, she will always find something to be upset, obsessed or depressed about.

And the second type is so rare nowadays even to the extent of no make up. She looked great with or without any make up, was socially comfortable and nice in general but lacking any sense of responsibility .

So to answer this question I guess I'd go with the second one. Tho I think it's never one extreme and it's a mix of both when it comes to girls, their apperance and personality

>> No.11420893

>op only said no makeup
>all she has on is makeup
>also curl ironed hair and a nice gold necklace

Fixed that for ya.

>> No.11420909

Are you implying every girl is stylish?

Because curling your hair and wearing some 10$ necklace from Ross does not seem too fashionable when every fucking female on the planet does it

>> No.11422262

fake and gross

>> No.11422278
File: 1.12 MB, 406x720, Actaeon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not both

>> No.11422286

this is a loaded question because everyone on here will assume the second with the condition that she looks as beautiful as a girl with makeup but somehow still retained an affable personality which is pointless because that would put her in the top 1% of girls, you're basically asking do you want an average girl who tries hard to look good or a beautiful model girl with amazing personality

>> No.11422292

Is this person real?

>> No.11422300
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>> No.11422309

I'm not gonna lie, that's kinda hot.

>> No.11422320

ugh that shit had the texture of straight up mucus i seriously gagged so fucking hard

>> No.11422338
File: 47 KB, 558x564, 1388700356834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah you're telling me blood from the nose wont have any mucus in it. Jesus you're retarded

>> No.11422340

Eliza orbiter needs to get a life.

>> No.11422350

>comfortable, pleasant, no make up or sense of style gf

depends. can be a bit cute if they have a derpy sense of style, + u dont need make up to look hot af. other option is true hell, i stay the FUCK away from those kind of people no matter what

>> No.11422590

fucking al dente spaghetti ass nigga

>> No.11422598

whoever did this did a bad job. you can spot it's a fake from 10m.

>> No.11422600

His trousers fit so poorly. Wtf

>> No.11422609


do yourself a favor and just leave

no for real

seriously you're just wasting your time and our time

>> No.11422613

Neither. Or both.

The only thing I will ever look for in a woman is

a) She's intelligent.
b) She takes care of herself.

Everything else is unimportant. If she's intelligent, I can quickly teach her to be both effay and pleasant. If she's dumb, then I don't want to deal with her other problems too.

>> No.11422615


comfortable, pleasant, no make up or sense of style gf


substance over style in my relationships everyday

>> No.11422835
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Agree, also that's a real qt.

>> No.11422859

>insecure, self loathing, stylish

This is literally everyone I know and love, so...

>> No.11423393
File: 46 KB, 634x400, article-2458623-18BBD21300000578-186_634x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're kind of right. Most of these posters have likely never spent enough close time with women to have any honest understanding what most women look like without at least minimal make. Sad.

>> No.11424159

>tfw can't be with girl who doesn't care about looking good
>tfw seems like every girl who puts effort in her looks and works out is kinda fucked in the head

pls take these feels

>> No.11424178

I'd fuck the chick on the left no problem. My son will have an amazing jawline and brow.

>> No.11424274

fucking disgusting ass hair honestly, acne, and shit teeth

>> No.11424309

b nice :^)

>> No.11425192
File: 453 KB, 280x207, 1412150957726.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg i'm getting a nosebleed