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11414650 No.11414650 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most /fa/ accent?

I'd say Scandinavian.

>> No.11414665

I once got to speak with a brazilian qt at a coffee
My dick could not be more erect
But it was just sexy, not particularly effay

Anyway, russian

>> No.11414678

>/fa/ accent

Why are you such a faggot anon?

>> No.11414690

I am trying to figure out whether I need to work harder on losing mine.


>> No.11414694

Scandinavian accents are terrible.

I'm Scandinavian.

>> No.11414738


>> No.11414739


>> No.11414768

lmao, anything midwest is automatically shit-tier.

>> No.11414783

Los Angeles stoner drawl + copious use of local lingo

>> No.11414811

german girls speaking english is the cutest thing

>> No.11414906


>> No.11415390
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Is a Northern Irish accent effay?

>> No.11416121

French or Japanese

>> No.11416150

South African

>> No.11416161

Strong German and French.

>t. Southern Anglo

>> No.11416184


>> No.11416229

Scandinavian's sound like retards when they speak English.

>> No.11416247

American, all other accents sound tard

>> No.11417431
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>> No.11417447
File: 49 KB, 498x600, Jodie-Foster-young-pics[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever accent Jodie Foster has
Or perhaps it's just her voice


>> No.11417470


A Dane, Norwegian or Swede all sound different. I think Norwegians sound the best and Danish the worst. (Swedish myself)

Not to mention there are a lot of dialects and different accents. Skånska (southern Swedish) sounds like cancer

>> No.11417473

thicc russian accent comrade

>> No.11417475

American, bruh.

>> No.11417476

why do you guys hate your own culture so much?

>> No.11417514

Scandinavian accent in general is weird. See: Mads Mikkelsen.
t. Dane who hates speaking in English.

>> No.11418102

girls in texas tell me it's cute :3

>> No.11418107

It's a Swedish cuck

>> No.11418110

Finnish rally enklish of cours

>> No.11418111

This and Scottish get my panties wet
Some Irish too

>> No.11418114

What does that have to do with hating your own culture you fucking faggot?? Scandinavian accents are fucking terrible, everyone knows it, pretty much the less /fa/ languages together with the Portuguese language.

>> No.11418184
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self-hating scandi cuck detected

>> No.11418207

Texan / Southwestern / Southern

>> No.11418208

this is true. swedish accent especially sounds TERRIBLE.

>> No.11418299
File: 136 KB, 542x700, fuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11418314

way to represent scandinavia, the birth of "Minnesota Nice".

>> No.11418324

Mid-Atlantic. Most people can't quite place it and it's very rare. The lack of mentions in this thread kinda proves my point.

>> No.11418337


only true answer itt

>> No.11418486

Well, Björk is a special case in it self, wouldn't say it is an accurate depiction of an icelandic accent.

For a more realistic representation look at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8LNaGKGB7M

>> No.11418496

am french

hearing someone say "yump" instead of "jump" is fucking disgusting. fuck scandi accent

>> No.11418513

cuckt by cux
>hypercuck detected

>> No.11418519

I was in the midwest recently, and people thought i was from another country.
when i told someone i grew up in nyc, they looked at me like im a fucking movie star.

really fucking sad, desu

>> No.11418530

fuck Coeur de pirate holy shit I hate her music so much.
all the hipster girls here (Quebec) listen to this stupid shit as if it's so original and creative

>> No.11418749


A soft/weak english accent is cute on girls.
I hate the french accent although a lot of people seem to like it.
Scandinavian accents can be /fa/ on girls tends to make guys sound dumb though.

Deep well spoken English accent is pretty /fa/ for guys.

>> No.11419152

Norf London.

>> No.11419155

the midwest is a pretty sad place in general

>> No.11419160

German for sure. Every time I hear a german speak I get very horny

>> No.11419184

I'm a fucking brummie, someone please end my suffering

>> No.11419224

french> all

>> No.11419268

yust whu do u fink u are? äåäåäåä

>> No.11419276


>> No.11419281

lolol no it's the worst accent ever hugest bonerkiller in language


>> No.11419289

Southern drawl, playboys.

>> No.11419298

see here >>11419281

dude strong german is hilarious they all sound like the governator

I like Filipina accents but Filipinas have weird issues when speaking English they sometimes interchange she and he so getting change of shift report is a hassle

>> No.11419322


>> No.11419751

French is nice
Swedish maybe

>> No.11419761

This. So fucking vain. KYS OP.

>> No.11419768

I think scandi accents are very hit or miss, it really depends on the speaker because they vary by a whole lot (thought I guess that goes for all accents). Having a slight accent is diffrent from trying to speak a secondary language in exactly the same cadence as your main language; this will make anyone sound retarded.

>> No.11419921


>> No.11419988

no, just havent been exposed to other scandi accents that much. I've got a feeling danish accent also sounds ultra-retarded.

>> No.11420000

Fair enough - I don't think my accent is particularly great either


>> No.11420009

lel I cant make out what you're saying, but you sound SO SWEDISH damn. just the SOUND VIBRATIONS are very swedish, you know what I'm saying?


>> No.11420105


>> No.11420140

baby stroller core

>> No.11420758

I think it's because people generally speak English very well and their accents are quite faint. I couldn't find any good counterexamples on youtube except this one though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsKhIs-RD2g

Anyway, I like Yorkshire accents, treading a fine line between hilarious and cool.

>> No.11420765

Why do mods allow autistic threads like this to stay up?

Also the clear answer is a brummy accent mates :^)

>> No.11420766

Thick swedish accent is so funny

>> No.11420775

What the fuck are you on about? Scandinavians are the most fluent English speakers and top tier in any aspect of the English language, excluding Brits and Yanks.


>> No.11420786

New jersey

>> No.11420788

I'm scandi myself and that is bullshit mate.

>> No.11420789

I know its a thread about accents, but can someone post favorite voices in American English?
I'm trying to figure out how I want to sound
Or just nice female voices in general

Also, raspy or girly? Personally, I love girls with voices like Lindsay Lohan but I also love the sound of northatlantic? preps

>> No.11420913

Does anyone have an original accent and find it fading after a time? I used to live in South Africa and have since moved to Canada so my accent is completely gone except for people who share a similar accent (family and english friends). Is there anyway to sortof trick the mental barrier I put up?

>> No.11420930

I live in the USA but I'm from Venezuela. People say I sound like I'm from New York. The bulk of my American education happened in Colorado. I dunno, I like the way Lou Reed talked. Maybe it's because that's what I imagine other people think I sound like.

>> No.11420962

god fuck german accents, please do everything to get rid of yours