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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 115 KB, 660x554, Screen Shot 2016-06-11 at 5.30.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11390489 No.11390489 [Reply] [Original]

is there any point in even attempting fashion if you arent white or asian?

>> No.11390492

most icons of fashion are black nowadays

>> No.11390495

Of course, anon. Especially if you're of African descent

Honestly if you're black you can pull off more than most white folk can

>> No.11390497
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>> No.11390499

who? I can't think of a single /fa/ black person off the top of my head. whites and asians just ooze style

>> No.11390525

kanye, asap rocky, tyga

>> No.11390526


>> No.11390540


>> No.11390544

Can people like you honestly suicide? I don't care if you are a trolling white guy or a self hating black guy. Suicide. Do the world a favor and don't spread your mental cancer.

>> No.11390563

Literally readable cancer

>> No.11390564

glad to

>> No.11390597

probably not. can't see a black person pulling off any real fashion

>> No.11390846

Only 14 year skinny white nerds listening to "trap music" believes this, that and niggers ofc

>> No.11390851

It's only hopeless if your a 5'5 poo in loo like me

>> No.11390862
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Sure. Just don't try to adapt currently nigger fashion

>> No.11390869
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>> No.11390870

Seriously? Blacks have the best legs, smallest and densest bones so skinny jeans look better on them.

>> No.11390872

Are you kidding? Any ethnicity is automatically cooler than white. I wish I was Asian or Black, there is nothing uncooler than being a middle class straight white male. It's simply easier to be /fa/ if you're not white.

>> No.11390875
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>> No.11390876

Art isn't art unless you have rules

>> No.11390877
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>> No.11390880

T.bernie supporter

>> No.11390885

I'm impartial due to the fact that I'm not American and have no interest in their political process.

>> No.11390889

so just an overall cuck

>> No.11390900
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>> No.11390906

>is there any point in even attempting fashion if you arent white
I understand your worry fampai but you'll ma--
>or asian?

Son! Listen: as a black guy you have an insane edge over asians in looking /fa/. Look at the sapeurs if you don't like the gangsta shitbirds.

>> No.11390946

no desu

>> No.11390950

they're appropriating white culture :/

>> No.11391083

t. white cuck trying to race bait

>> No.11391123

> black people wearing white shirts
wow, yeah this is fashion

>> No.11391128

jesus christ lol

>> No.11391137
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>> No.11391149

looks like a fucking lion

>> No.11391151
File: 156 KB, 620x732, tumblr_nea5nu9TOt1qd9ql4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People with darker skin tones can pull off vibrant, rich colors

>> No.11391158

Sounds like a compliment to me

>> No.11391167


w2c trousers

>> No.11391644

:/ Back to dumblr

>> No.11391660

Jesus christ you sound like you went through German post-WW2 education.

My condolences, I hope you discover your pride and masculinity at some point in your life, and that no one will take advantage of you before you do.

>> No.11391779

Luka Sabbat

>> No.11391811

To be fair the entire world has.

>> No.11391819

That sweater looks like a 35 year old cat lady's toilet seat cover

>> No.11391824

Dude probably eats soy out of microwaved plastic

>> No.11392083
File: 70 KB, 500x628, 1385493144184 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of yall white bois/self-hating blacks made this?

>> No.11392655
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Tyrone Smithers

>> No.11392657

#tar brush

>> No.11392660

> Tfw same

>> No.11392674

Canadian,swede or german

>> No.11392752

More like white people exported it when they consumed the world. But sure, "appropriation".

>> No.11392758

If by consumed you mean created.

>> No.11392819
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>> No.11394216

Niggers can never be effay

>> No.11394291


>> No.11394339

>nike is a white brand
>most jordans designed by white people

try again

>> No.11394377

ASAP Rocky, Ian Connor (if you're into his style), def Luka Sabbat

>> No.11395051
File: 20 KB, 353x350, forkpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any point in even attempting fashion if you're 5'5''?

>> No.11395180

Can someone redpill me on black people? I am from Iceland and have never seen black people in my entire life..And no i dont want to go on /pol/ for that

>> No.11395269

Alright anon. In America, they're quite the violent demographic, but the ones outside of California and the Midwest are pretty normal people.

>> No.11395274

>what is new york, baltimore, philadelphia, and atlanta

>> No.11395356

I know you're trolling but it's pretty easy to pull off a lot of styles if you're black, but specially if you don't have that big ass wide nose that a lot of blacks tend to have, I see a lot of /fa/ as shit nigs at my uni.

>> No.11395436

you can always make yourself look better with clothes, but i dont recommend wearing flashy or hard to pull off stuff.

>> No.11395478

Fuck you all races are effie. Stop memeing pols racist shit.
I'm half Asian half white myself and I have friends and acquaintances of all kinds of ethnical backgrounds and most of them are effie (yes even Indians).

There is nothing less effie than being a racist retard.

>> No.11395500

they're mostly violent, lazy, willfully ignorant, and cause a lot of problems for themselves which they then whine incessantly about instead of actually working hard to improve like every other race in history has done.

>> No.11395515
File: 126 KB, 745x745, 11351217_10202945558960141_7973239555758553940_n-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm half asian

>> No.11395670

there are beautiful people of every ethnicity, don't blame genetics.

>> No.11395775

you'd look better with a different hair cut

that cut is shit

>> No.11395789
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>> No.11395910

Yes if you're skinny and take care of your skin and hair

>> No.11396134

Thanks guys .Sounds Scary to me..

>> No.11397142

hey I know him I see him walk where I work sometimes

>> No.11397304
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>> No.11397306
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>> No.11397311
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>> No.11397320
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>> No.11397322
File: 286 KB, 817x1222, jaden-smith-rocker-chic-outfit-for-sugarfish-dinner-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11397344

who dis ?

>> No.11397353

No clue, sorry

>> No.11397372


black people can get away with wearing scarves around their dreads and shit, without looking retarded.

I love it And I think black people have the best style opportunities, And I definitely noticed that.

>> No.11397378

I know Jaden is with it, and fucks with cool shit, but he looks mall-core 90% of the time desu

>> No.11397380
File: 146 KB, 634x821, 32E82A0D00000578-3528091-image-a-198_1460029774271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he isnt afraid to try new things and he has the resources to do so.

>> No.11397389
File: 2.03 MB, 400x385, 1458614853505.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11397401

I wore a dashiki to a rave yesterday (im mixed ) and I got like 10+ compliments from random girls.
Somehow most of them never even seen one before.
If I were white it would've looked so cringey

>> No.11397412

Black people can actually pull of a lot of shit desu. You're pretty fucked if you're hispanic though. I've never seen any effay hispanics irl except myself.

>> No.11397448
File: 341 KB, 1200x1800, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just googled that and my god they're awesome, I've always loved them but never know what they're called.

Unfortunately I'm white as can be and could never rock one, however maybe I could layer on top of one at most.

It's a shame you can't wear pieces of clothing from minority cultures without being labelled an appropriator of culture. It furthers racial segregation and completely bypasses that actual issues at hand regarding race relations between cultures.

I love black women.

>> No.11397762

dubs speaking truth. nothing worse on fa than a self hating black dude or autistic race bait threads

dumb fag is actually caught up in the idea that he wont be fa because his hair isnt loose and his skin is brown.
fucking nonsense

>> No.11397773

hardly looks black. is literally only tan. wouldnt be surprised if some sort of brazilian dude

>> No.11397778
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mfw from california, black, not violent at all, and not a fucking loser.

>> No.11397815

Ez, just laden yourself from head to toe with supreme clothing.

>> No.11397823


>> No.11397827
File: 898 KB, 1860x606, 1465007717455-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the other day i saw this screencap and realized that blacks are responsible for basically everything people make fun of US for. high crime, low test scores, low quality of life.

then I thought, oh wait, the last big stereotype is obesity. so I looked it up.

and yep, niggers were more than 50% of the obese in every state, bordering 70% in some. overrepresented with femniggers. so if you stop counting blacks, suddenly good old America is low crime, high IQ, high test scores, healthy, happy, clean and arguably even uncucked by libtards - on top of being entirely responsible for all the technology in the modern world as we know it. God bless White America

>> No.11398171

It's almost like you're forgetting white people are the ones who made them slaves in the first place. Plus most of those problems are a result of the flight of the black middle and upper classes from black communities following desegregation. Y'know what people also make fun of the US for, racism.

>> No.11398208

>enslave negroes
>think thay deserve a medal for de-enslaving them
>think that the civil war was fought to liberate negroes and not to secure the hegemony of the northern industrial economy

>> No.11398253

are you kidding me? blacks are fashionable as fuck.

>> No.11398269
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>> No.11398271
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I know she's practically naked but effayness is more than just clothing desu

>> No.11398275

African tribes sold the Africans of other tribes as slaves, so that is not entirely true. You're also missing the part where Arabs and Asians used slaves as well, but it was White Europeans who abolished it.

>> No.11398289

daily reminder that if normies compliment your outfit you're doing fashion wrong

>> No.11398293


Goddamn is that an unfortunate name.

>> No.11398294

this is less effayness and more i wanna bury my dick inside her-ness

>> No.11398358

hahahahaha what why are those wheels so wide??

>> No.11398792

no lol

>> No.11398800

Fuck off elliot you supreme gentleman you

>> No.11398801

absolutely qt ;)

>> No.11398905

>Casio F-91W


>> No.11399659
File: 77 KB, 768x1024, 1463802965837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American slaves weren't enslaved by whites, not counting Irish. The slave market was present in African society since time immemorial. British bought the slaves from Africa, then felt bad for participating in their barbarism and initiated abolition throughout the colonies.

>Plus most of those problems are a result of the flight of the black middle and upper classes from black communities following desegregation
>blaming the colonialists for taking their leave when the natives demand freedom, are given it, then proceed to erupt into race war, delve into barbarism and dismantle all infrastructure while continuing to invoke whitey's devil magic for their poor luck

>Y'know what people also make fun of the US for, racism.
>implying you weren't force fed our good old puritanism by yours truly
>implying the entire non western world isn't "racist" as a rule
I guess yuropoors are known for american cuckoldry for a reason

>think that the civil war was fought to liberate negroes and not to secure the hegemony of the northern industrial economy
You're right there, the OP needs a history lesson.

>> No.11399693

>The slave market was present in African society since time immemorial.

Irrelevant, the scale and ruthlessness of the African slave market was nothing until the Europeans came along. But obviously Im arguing with the wrong person, you're just sitting back what you read on /pol/.

>> No.11399816


>> No.11399878
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>> No.11399921
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you could try something like this

>> No.11400260


>> No.11400882
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What a faulty measure. Obviously engagement with globalization and introduction to industrialized civilization would rapidly increase the degree of trade as well as their population - and that was first experienced with the Arabic, not the Europeans. In any case, the total Arabic estimates from Africa, 10 to 18 million are comparable at worst to the Atlantic Slave trade's 12m.

When Europeans did a first in human history and willingly abolished the practice, it just made the trade with Arabic Africa pick up again significantly until it too was colonized. It's also worth noting the arabic slave market included white christians wit ~1-2 million betweens 16th to 18th century, as did American/Caribbean's heavy rate of contracted (often forceably) slavery.

But obviously Im arguing with the wrong person, you're just sitting back what you were told in highschool

>> No.11402059

What if I'm a 5'5 poo in loo kv with acne scars from picking at shit all my life
Should I just become a robot wageslave??

>> No.11402576

kys desu. A wageslave life is not worth living. Nor is a NEET one. Unless you can get rich.

>> No.11402605

I mean a decent paying job 65000 a year plus job that would give me enough time and money to buy clothes/vidya can't be that bad

>> No.11402610
File: 452 KB, 1232x1840, tumblr_nhu19dnvOv1ru8glfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf dude niggers can wear almost every color