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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 63 KB, 640x640, 12940246_1724453004461677_1589625980_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11381794 No.11381794 [Reply] [Original]

please make me feel better /fa/
are ugly females the least effay of species?

>> No.11381837

Id say in fashion body type is more important than facial ascetics.

>> No.11381854

Where i live everyone around me wants to bulk up and get bigger to be more attractive, makes no sense when people dhould be lean and cut
>Being /fa,
>actually looking good

>> No.11381894

if you're not as ugly as Michèle Lamy you're gonna be ok. being /fa/ is a matter of self-confidence/charisma and who you are as a person.

>> No.11382661

>are ugly females the least effay of species?

Yes, no matter what an ugly female does, she'll always be undesirable. At least ugly men can get women and develop respectful relationships with other men by developing a likable personality, dressing well, getting a high paying job, being funny, learning cool tricks to impress people, etc. An ugly female is stuck waiting around for a bottom of the barrel omega male to scuttle along and settle for her, if that ever happens at all. There's plenty of ugly guys who can get people to look at them and still think "damn, how does he manage to be such a winner?" There are no ugly women who can do that because men don't want them and other women (who aren't ugly tumblr sjw tier losers) won't treat them with much respect.

So if you're a guy, you still have hope. If you're a girl, get over yourself and start putting out as much as possible and hope someone accidentally knocks you up OR learn to get into some SERIOUSLY deviant sex that a man knows he'll almost never find with someone else and if you're unwilling to do that, then just kill yourself because there's not hope for you.

>inb4 someone posts some successful old lady

being old doesn't count as being ugly, this applies to ugly young people

>> No.11382692
File: 34 KB, 390x600, c6fedc19b1e23833921bf5af53818399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

michele was a total babe before she went into that crazy voodoo shit she does now. ill never get white people

>> No.11382704

> michele was a total babe before she became old


she would look even worse if she didnt do that 'crazy voodoo shit'



in terms of easy, comfortable and effortless life, the rankings are as follows: beautiful women > beautiful men > ugly men > ugly women

in terms of ceiling of development, power, finances and so on and so worth, it's a bit more complicated, but I'd say: beautiful men > ugly men > beautiful women > ugly women

>> No.11382709

idk man she could go jennifer aniston mode. young michele seems milf potential

>> No.11382729

thats milla jovovich retard

>> No.11382738

I'm sorry is pic related supposed to be attractive?

If that's the case don't feel bad that you don't look like that. You do you, the only thing "ugly" is your outlook .

>> No.11382745

who hurt you

>> No.11382771

t. autismo

>> No.11382860

This hits too close to home
I'm not fat but my face is fucked and I'm incredibly awkward so it's like, why even live?

>> No.11382868

kek it came up when i searched her name

>> No.11382877

How incredibly awkward? Although it's obviously hard to be an ugly female, to be totally undesirable by men is pretty hard to do. If it really is that bad, well I laid out 3 suggestions for you. But in all honesty, you'd have to be pretty much genetically deformed or just horribly unlucky to get to that level.

>> No.11383011

>tfw you're a bodyless cosmic entity

>> No.11383039

Finding someone to date isn't IMPOSSIBLE but when you know they're just settling for you it's obvious and a terrible relationship to begin with. I'm not like dysfunctional awkward but its enough for people to notice and be slightly uncomfortable with

>> No.11383158

Do you live in the real world or the r9k world.

>> No.11383177

If that picture is your face, I would say you are definitely not ugly... pretty attractive actually

>> No.11383215
File: 16 KB, 328x266, 1452950813079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats the contoversial Queen of EFFAY buddy

>> No.11383248

Every time I see a picture of this girls face I get intense uncanny valley vibes.

She's pretty but something's off.

>> No.11383335
File: 436 KB, 900x1395, Screenshot_2016-04-24-17-39-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>queen of /fa/

>> No.11383352

n o t t r u e


>> No.11383513
File: 298 KB, 600x512, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly chicks don't even have friends
Not even gonna touch the rest of this mess.

>> No.11383517

this girl is ugly desu

>> No.11383620

>this Autist voted 120 times for his ugly waifu

Kek g

>> No.11383698

being attractive is not about what you look like (within reason) - it's about what you think you look like.

if you're a (genuinely) confident person, people will find that attractive. As someone who went to a liberal arts university, i had plenty of experience with ugly girls who garnered competition because they were confident and cool

it's also possible to be ugly and have a "look" u kno

not if you're fat tho. do not be fat

>> No.11383710

if all else fails:

get in good shape
wax your eyebrows and upper lip
get a nice haircut

barring horrible acne or some SERIOUSLY fucked up genetics you will do fine with men

>> No.11383726
File: 58 KB, 986x222, Screen_Shot_2016_04_23_at_2.12.54_AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still. quints speak

>> No.11383796

You got a lot of work done huh

>> No.11383812

ugly chicks

ugly chick who is lying about what she read

>> No.11384007

Stop posting this cunt

>> No.11384020

She's cute .

>> No.11384052

You'll be alright, just get used to talking with people more.

>> No.11384142

Malissa >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ugly chink fat face nao

>> No.11384144


Well, as true as it is, I've also seen some butt ugly broads who have multiple guys lined up trying to get them, of course, these guys are fucking butt ugly as well, but unless you're a mutant, you can probably do good enough for yourself.

>> No.11384184

Malissa is a self-hating ugly ass hapa slut. Toni is clearly superior

>> No.11384233

Get plastic surgery. If you can, do it. I did it, and I'm much happier. Plastic surgery. Do it.

>> No.11384292

your kids will still be ugly fucks with shit genes though.

>> No.11384294

they can get plastic surgery too