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/fa/ - Fashion

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11369561 No.11369561 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people still come here on a regular basis seeking support from a board that doesn't actually know the first thing about fashion and is literally a bunch of trend-hopping (see hypebeast) faggots?

I see so many idiotic opinions being thrown around on this board and it is quite literally painful to read. You hear anything with wave after it or read about some new trend and you instantly jump on the bandwagon and actually think you're different from any normie on the street (hint: you aren't).

Another thing I've noticed is the fact that a lot of you like to add "meme-x" to plenty of different types of clothing in order to point out how overdone it is etc meanwhile you're just one of many faggots wearing the exact same palewave or rick owens outfits that don't differentiate or incorporate anything you value in fashion into them which brings up the main problem: most of you have no fucking identity. Fashion is about expression and creativity not about following what others do exclusively and forcing a niche where you can fit in and feel cool.

Now, this doesn't apply to all of you, some of you have legitimately creative ideas and approaches to fashion but the vast majority need to do a lot of thinking, why are you dropping thousands of dollars to look like the next faggot who thought copping the exact same template outfit was a good idea?

Be yourself, stop being sheep, git gud.

>> No.11369568 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11369572

OP you're about 75% fucking retarded and 25% completely correct. Everyone here dresses like they're over 30 and no-one over 30 is a hypebeast. Rick isn't played out, and everything everyone wears here is nowhere near played out in real life. You're just imagining the public as if they all dressed like /fa/ does.

I agree with the last part though, everyone should have their own dressing sense and not just go with what others wear in order to feel special.

>> No.11369579 [DELETED] 

fuck you ben i dont need good dreams you stupid old nigger go run away from that dumb chick you seeded last weekend

>> No.11369583

I don't know where you live, I live in western europe and half of the fits I see here I also see on a regular basis on the streets being worn by 13 year olds.

The shit posted here might be cool and original if you live in fucking kentucky but nowhere else in the world is half of this shit considered creative, especially not when a lot of "inspo" on this board boils down to copying fits.

>> No.11369585

>/fa/ is one person
Please stop this meme anon
I realise 95% of this board is utter shite, I come here for that good 5%
I know there are still people on here who aren't completely memed to death and can actually think for themselves

>> No.11369588

I'm here for the drunken shitposting, idk about you senpai.

>> No.11369595

You're the cancer

>> No.11369598 [DELETED] 


>> No.11369604
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Hey, you earned it

>> No.11369608

it's cancer all the way down, sorry pal

>> No.11369612 [DELETED] 


>> No.11369621 [DELETED] 

well someone obviously woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Try wishing Mr. Ben a good night so you feel better tomorrow, sweaty :^)

>> No.11369625 [DELETED] 

I am not scared just not sleepy even through I should be bc I have to get up at 6:30 tomorrow

>> No.11369626

of all the damn fits i see on here so many of them are stupid formal shits or high-end stuff

I also live in Western Europe too and all the 13 year olds I see just wear nike and adidas tops with joggers and some cheeky huaraches or air maxes with their stupid side bags

Depends whereabouts you're from in Western Europe though

>> No.11369631

I live in Germany and get the exact same expression of 13year olds

>> No.11369635 [DELETED] 

Nah i woke up on the right side of the bed, I had a pretty good dream and I didn't have to suck Mr. Ben's smelly wrinkly old nigger penis to get them :)

>> No.11369642

Are you the guy that I replied to? I live in the UK so literally everywhere I see 13 year olds they're all cheeky little faggots with their cheeky trims, I didn't know Germany was like that too lol

>> No.11369649

Nope m8

>> No.11369657

I'm from France.

>> No.11369664
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>> No.11369668
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>> No.11369682

I wholeheartedly agree with this

Just out of interest what clothes do you wear, I'm not going to insult you or anything, just wondering

>> No.11369683

Yeah, pretty much.

>> No.11369695

Lmao dude /fa/ doesn't post high end shit that looks like you have to be 30+ to wear. As a matter of fact you'll see that most people bully and shitpost on "menswear" because you have to be 40 or over to wear loafers apparently. Not that I do, but /fa/'s opinion regarding clothes is fucking retarded. Honestly I think all posters outside bigger cities should be fucking banned. Not only are they completely clueless and think that they are original with their CPs (again nothing wrong with CPs; I own a pair myself) but they also apply their redneck countryside to the whole world.

as with teens most teens where I grew up (Stockholm) are basically the /fa/ prep general incarnate, which is why I've shitposted in those threads because honestly you don't need a fucking general for prep. It's just too easy.

I currently live in London, most teens dress like fucking shit here and go out with "le epic streetwear" probably because they wear uniforms so they don't feel like wearing anything more "grown up". This is where I think the shit comes from that you need to be a certain age to dress something

Don't misinterpret my post though because I generally cringe or trash talk faggots who "dress up" with zero thoughts into their fit and then get butthurt because we here on /fa/ call them out on how shitty in looks

went a bit off subject here but I'm on the train right now and nothing to do so fuck you

>> No.11369702

I don't see how any "style" can be shit on.
I understand most "street wear" is ill-thought out and mostly looks pretty trashy but I've seen plenty of well done, creative street wear fits (admittedly they are a bit rarer).

>> No.11369704

talk shit, tell us about your fit then im quite interested

>> No.11369718

>prep general
Actually havent seen one of those around for a long time

Also even through you have at least some valid points you seem to be a huge cunt since the style the text is written in expresses how superior you feel nonstop

>> No.11369732

yes I absolutely agree with you - which is why I'm shitting on both streetwear faguettes and "dressing up" fedoralords. Either can be done and there's nothing wrong with either - it depends on who you want to look like. Obviously if I only dressed in prep/#menswear people would think differently of me than if I wore full Rick. Fashion is about expressing yourself after all.

on my phone soz

>> No.11369740

You being on your phone doesn't mean you can't explain what kinda stuff you wear or what your style is, I wanna know

>> No.11369754

Fuck. This is too true.

>> No.11369819

We've had so many meta threads about addressing problems and improvement of the board and look at where we are.


>> No.11369872

Everything that is fked up on this board is taken up here, which is kinda nice.
Including this fucking shit that really needs to GTFO >>11369568

We should create threads that encourages creativity. Does anyone have any ideas?

>> No.11369898
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>We should create threads that encourages creativity.

We have the /diy/ threads and the inspo threads. They can be improved.

Here's a link with some books and documents:

For the latter I think we need to make a general inspiration thread. What influences your style? We have too many bullshit threads about specific shit, like "shorts inspo", "slav military inspo" or "/fa/ artists".

Some other shit I took and cut from another thread that could serve as a little pasta:
Protip: an inspo image contains ideas which can be applied in different fits either as direct inspiration or reaction. Inspiration is about taking elements you like and incorporating it yourself to make something different, not for imitation or duplicating.

>> No.11370143

You know what would be cool
If /mu/, /p/, /lit/, /his/ and /fa/ would collaborate to make some lookbooks
shit would be so cash and get us some respect.

>> No.11370172

/fa/ is full of trend hoppers but so is every other fashion discussion site out there whether it be a forum or reddit.
i'm one of the few who don't follow trends and do my own thing. i barely ever post fits because i know nobody's going to offer any constructive opinions of value, but when i do there's always someone trying to label my look as this-core or that-core.
think outside the box a little and be creative. don't shoehorn yourself into labels and accept the fact that if you're under the age of like 25 you probably don't have a developed sense of fashion yet you're still figuring yourself out. create your own looks, don't follow the sheep to the latest hype designer. i do high fashion too but if you just cop someone else's style every day of your life you really don't have any steez.

>> No.11370243
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honestly... we're far from saving

>> No.11370256

/p/ made a photography book once

My photo is on the last page in the second edition.

>> No.11370264

care to share it? im interested to see the book

>> No.11370269


>> No.11370306 [DELETED] 

good night mr.ben

>> No.11370307 [DELETED] 

Good night Mr. Ben

>> No.11370405

Honestly it depends.
I grew up in the upper classes so naturally I wore sort of what many fedoras on this board tries to emulate - upper class "prep" or whatever you wanna call it.
I don't want to use too many memeterms but I personally dress in sportswear inspired clothing and scumwave-y shit and have done that the latest two years when living in London, but it's only been inspired by it, not wholly shitty chav gear.

>> No.11370452
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I'll say this: I wear my clothes based on colour. Every garment must 'click' with another garment.

>> No.11370554

i come here exclusively so i can get inspo and occasionally read a good bit of conversation. i just like to see the pics people post and find new things to wear that i never would have seen irl. not trend hopping or anything, just finding new stuff that i slowly (if ever) get around to copping

>> No.11370581

im pretty sure /p/ makes one at the end of every year with all the best photos of the year. granted i havent been on /p/ in absolutely ages. you can only look at other peoples photos and read the same fights over and over again for so long.

>> No.11370583

>everyone thinks they're a unique individual snowflake but aren't
>except me I'm literally the only unique person

post fit

>> No.11370588


>> No.11370610


>> No.11370683

yo, snowballing is a great technique. Speeds up the process.

>> No.11371435

Post fit

>> No.11371464

Me too third bottle is open it's my birthday and (I know no one cares) I just like looking at people. Would have never heard about yohji without /fa which looks comfy at least.

>> No.11371494

Some anon posted a mega link with a bunch of vaperwave stuff I think that was the highlight of my day.
If anyone is interested.
>2814 - 新しい日の誕生

>> No.11371519

Happy Birthday anon

>> No.11371643

Pretty much this. The board's gone downhill so I shitpost/give bad advice unless the style is something I like. That's rare these days though, since a lot of sportswear/streetwear chav shit is popular with normies these days. They should all kill themselves

>> No.11371652

Damn you are good at this, I cant even tell if you are shitposting right now

>> No.11371653


i only come on here to laugh at the awful fits posted

>> No.11372410

I thought Stockholm was a swede too, turns out he isn't. Once I responded to him regarding prep and he just replied with "I don't speak sandnigger." Very funny, when you shitpost you should turn your trip off at least.

>> No.11372448


go to preview, my photo is the very last photo in the book.

>> No.11372460
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any good alternatives?

>> No.11372478

I've been gone a couple years, but on the low I will curate a culture for the board again. It takes time, and a lot of cyber bullying, but it will be done.

A few hits to the self-esteem will chase casuals away.

Make sure to report the anorexia threads and let everyone in the face rate threads know they are ugly. Fuck, if you see anyone's face tell them they are ugly, and I do mean WAYWT threads

>> No.11372505

>muh chase the casuals away
>muh elite /fa/
what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.11372514

What went wrong is tumblr, reddit, and plebeians infiltrated and they need to be chased out so the board can establish an identity again, you fucking jackass.

>> No.11372802
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>> No.11372865


>> No.11373169 [DELETED] 

>this thread again et c

>/fa/ is the /b/ of fashion et c

>all hope is lost et c

Min signal-to-noise ratio är oerhört hög för att vara en trip på /fa/, dock. Grattis på nationaldagen.

>> No.11373172

is there any alternative place though, aren't they all dead (except reddit)?

>> No.11373179


>> No.11373182
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Because I don't know where else to go. There's occasionally useful people here but other than that it's utter shit filled with pretentious losers and hungry hungry skeletons with +3 light damage resistance who think anyone who didn't escape from Auschwitz like them is fat/ugly.

>> No.11373196

Min signal-to-noise ratio är oerhört hög för att vara en trip på /fa/, dock. Grattis på nationaldagen!

>> No.11373725
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I have only one Reason,why I lurk /fa since many years: To Compare my Superior Killer Outfits (that I would never share here or anywhere else on the Internet unless it would win me some Money or a Job in Hi-Fashion)to all that bullshit posted here since like for ever! Gives me an enormous Boost, to see that my Wardrobe is 10x better then everyone else around here. I guess I am not the only one that come here for similar reasons. Besides there are tons of nice Posts though I would never Contribute anything here.

>> No.11374376


>> No.11374431

This is absolutely correct but, the one question is: Why are you here?

>> No.11374449

There are two answers:
1. Bait
2. You are frustrated in your genuine pursuit of actual fashion advice, and you've run across a board of underdeveloped teenagers who regularly ask people to
a. post a picture of an outfit to copy
b. ask what cigarettes are "effay"
c. assume that fashion has one silhouette

Both of which answers lead me to this advice:
please leave this cancer they call a image board you won't find any hope here.

>> No.11374479

There are other places, but they don't have the anonymity, lack of ID and quick accessibility that 4chan and other 'chans' offer.

>> No.11374515


anyone have suggestions for fabric to use/ where to get it? Im thinking of trying this out

>> No.11374527

1. Use google
2. Post in the /diy/ threads
3. At a fabric store. Choose tricot/stretchy