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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 44 KB, 450x301, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11361524 No.11361524 [Reply] [Original]

post your vests/jackets

>> No.11361610

The irony.

Maybe that was what punks dressed like back in the day. But if you dress like that now and think you are a punk you are just fooling yourself. That look has become a cheap costume at this point. Empty of any sort of passion.

True punks march to the beat of their own drums.

>> No.11362423


elaborate? clearly it's just a fashion, you can be a nazi, or an anarchist regardless of how you dress. And it was always a cheap custome. You sound like a scene elitist, are you going to authoritarianly tell me how to do the subculture?

>> No.11362470


>> No.11362693


>> No.11362756

You can do whatever you want man. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of dressing a certain way and thinking it is "punk" in the year 2016.

>> No.11363223

I'm not offended, just genuinely curious, and you didn't answer my question.

>> No.11363236

not even the same guy but you may actually be fucking stupid

>> No.11363313

>Ask someone to define something that could easily be missunderstood, because of their subjective claim.
>You may actually be fucking stupid.

>> No.11363346

>True punks
We're never going to have a decent punk thread because everyone is too busy being the final authority on it.

>> No.11363459


>> No.11363686
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posting some inspo because im bored, might post pics of my diy stuff in a bit

>> No.11363690
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>> No.11363694
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>> No.11363699
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>> No.11363704
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>> No.11363709
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>> No.11363713
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>> No.11363720
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>> No.11363733
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post punk >>>>>> punk

>> No.11363740
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god those fuckers are dressed poorly

>> No.11363747
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>> No.11363752
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>> No.11363758
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>> No.11363763
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>> No.11363766
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>> No.11363770
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>> No.11363774
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>> No.11363775
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>> No.11363782
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>> No.11363786
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>> No.11363790
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>> No.11363794
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>> No.11363801
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>> No.11363802

different guy here.

they're calling you stupid because "punk" philosophy is about NOT following trends, and being yourself. To be punk means to be an egocentric child, basically.

>> No.11363813
File: 60 KB, 319x480, x_92c6a38d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also not the guy you where talking to but I think punk rather developed as an anti-capitalist subculture as a responce to modern global late-capitalism. Has nothing to do with following trends or not, or being yourself, it's about morality and politics. Although not following trends and "being yourself" (whatever that means), can be a logical conclusion of attempting to follow punk ideology.

So that's what I think punk is about, by research of the history of punk, and partially by personal opinion and anecdote.

>> No.11363815


At this point, there is a strict dichotomy between punk fashion and punk subculture. The punk culture started as a rejection of mainstream society. By "dressing" punk to portray the image in this day and age, you're doing the opposite of what original punks set out to do, you're conforming to a traditional aesthetic

of course a big part of punk culture is doing whatever you want regardless of social pressures so if that's truly how you want to dress, then go for it.

>> No.11363821
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I think a big part of punk dress comes strictly from utilitarianism; double front work pants, patched clothing, denim vest, work boots, longjohns/union suits, etc.

I think dressing punk purely for show is sort of silly, but it's also a very good way of finding other people who have a similar, or sometimes nearly identical, ideology to your own.

>> No.11363827
File: 61 KB, 500x333, x_e32ef038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I forgot to mention that the only reason punks resist social pressures is because there are destructive immoral actions that THIS society commits (speaking globally), and if there was a more moral society punks would have less of a desire to resist social pressures.

>> No.11363830
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>> No.11363837
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>> No.11363874

pls stop posting these oogles. I spit on them when they beg in the streets.

>> No.11363898
File: 50 KB, 500x512, Y6S6Fypasxg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like 75% of these people are in pretty fucking famous bands, (zyanose, LIFE, amebix, chaos UK, etc.) and about 25% are dirty kids, at least im not the fag posting pics of hipsters. Also i guarantee these punks have better taste than u.

>> No.11363917

>The punk culture started as a rejection of mainstream society. By "dressing" punk to portray the image in this day and age, you're doing the opposite of what original punks set out to do, you're conforming to a traditional aesthetic
>of course a big part of punk culture is doing whatever you want regardless of social pressures so if that's truly how you want to dress, then go for it.

>but I think punk rather developed as an anti-capitalist subculture as a responce to modern global late-capitalism. Has nothing to do with following trends or not, or being yourself, it's about morality and politics.
>Although not following trends and "being yourself" (whatever that means), can be a logical conclusion

Thank you for the answers. Then who is 'right'? Also there are different kinds of punk subgenres, like hardcore, street punk, crust, and i'm sure i'd get either one of the two answers.

You can only reject mainstream fashion so many times in current year. Wouldn't the primary goal of this subculture be to spread their message of anarchism instead of keeping it in a secret club?

>> No.11363923

Discharge is playing in San Fransisco and i'm not going to see them.

>> No.11363937
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I almost went to see them at deathfest but then i got super super sick, so i couldn't. I wasn't going to see them mainly though, i really wanted to see Yacopsae, infest, and doom, though.

>> No.11363939

u r wrong m8
there are still plenty of people dressing like that and actually living the punk life
i'll throw hamburg as an example

>> No.11363944

This guy gets it 100%


Back then punk was doing your own thing outside of what people did, now "punk" as a fashion taste is a costume. Just like anon said. Punk now is more an ideology, it's doing what you want to do with little/no regard to what people think. You don't have to be in bondage and chains to be punk now, it's more the idea of being different and very comfortable with it.

There's always more to punk, and different levels of it - as to any subculture. But punk as an aesthetic, is about being you, and doing you.

Of course you'll see those oldschool guys who come out in their tartan and mohawks only when it's those weird music events they throw in public parks, or hanging out at the train station bars who reek of punk, like born and bred.

Just wear whatever you want and be comfortable doing so. You'll feel so much happier!

>> No.11363951

did this nigga get calf removal surgery or something?

>> No.11363952

I think street/pogo punk developed out of the corpritizaiton of punk and mainstream influence on what people beleived to be shocking at the time, the aesthetics for it where developed with the sex pistols (who where and are massive sellouts).

On the other hand, crust and to an extent hardcore (although not really the super bro-ey hardcore) developed out of diy spirit and an attempt to live both more sustainably and more ethically, as well as influences from working class folk and (to a lesser extent) old time hobos.

Also individualism does play a roll because a lot of people view dressing in a way which puts mainstream society in distress as rebellious. Although I think it's very important for punks to think about WHAT they're rebelling against.

>> No.11363966

I always wondered he he fit into those fucking things, they might have zippers in the back so you can put them on easily and then zip them tight around his legs. I have that on a pair of my patch pants because one leg is too tight and i always had trouble fitting my foot through the bottom.

Punk has never been perfect and just because it has a set ideology you're supposed to follow which can influence, not decide, how you dress and i do think that that ideology does reflect individuality, but there are also certain ways of dress which express those ideologies better than others. Like it's stupid to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on an outfit if you claim to be punk just because it makes you feel like an individual.

>> No.11363972

Punk and its existence was bound to the idea of being the counter culture of the dominant, in a world where a dominant ideology does not existence such need to display disgruntlement is no longer necessary. Rather a toned down version does the same job just with out the need of over indulgence.

>> No.11363979

>Like it's stupid to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on an outfit if you claim to be punk just because it makes you feel like an individual.
Who would do that? The benefits of generic versions of the look is it's way to extend the life of originally common clothing.

>> No.11363988

i think its just do whatever the fuck you wanna do and be happy doing it

>> No.11363990

>in a world where a dominant ideology does not existence such need to display disgruntlement is no longer necessary. Rather a toned down version does the same job just with out the need of over indulgence.
Dominant Ideologies exist though, depending on who you ask, it could be left or right ideologies. If i wore a sweater that said gas the jews, i could be sent to jail for racial prejudice.

>> No.11364001

You asked for it. This is the new punk


>It was only a matter of time before West's missus, Kim Kardashian West, caught the punk fashion bug. Earlier this week, she stepped out in an Enfants Riches Déprimés (translation: Depressed Rich Kids) spike-studded black leather jacket, replete with various patches bearing various anti-establishment slogans. The icing on the extremely expensive cake— the jacket apparently cost $11,000 and was made by some nouveau riche boarding school dropout who seems to think wearing an Operation Ivy shirt means he understands the struggle—is located on the back. Yup, you saw that right: a Disclose patch.

>> No.11364011

It was simply a hyperbole, i didn't mean that people actually do that, I meant that it would be counter to punk ideology to frivolously waste resources simply for the sake of individuality.

Well that's not what most punks are going to tell you. You're not a punk if you have a fucking office job and a white picket fence house and claim that you're doign "whatever the fuck you want and you're happy". Also as >>11364001 pointed out, there are pretty much people doing this all the time, they're called celebrities.

Yup, this has been happening forever, starting at almost the begining of punk with Vivian Westwood, and continuing with lil wain wearing a "punk" vest and mohair sweater a couple years ago for a photoshoot.

Also i saw a bunch of kids saying "he ripped of discharge" and don't seem to realize that disclose is another d-beat band. And people have been making those d-beat style jackets with different bands on them forever!

>> No.11364017

You are fucking stupid and this is an insult to the punk culture.

>> No.11364033

I like that movie
but the bands suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked

>> No.11364038

>office job and a white picket fence house

yeah you're right - I mean I didn't exactly think about my use of words in that context.
I was mostly thinking in terms of youth "punk" ideology.

Punk as an aesthetic, punk as an ideology and punk as a movement all mean different things within different context and can be applicable to probably most subcultures.

>> No.11364043

>You asked for it. This is the new punk
The look was always "sold out" since the sex pistols, and somewhere after the 2005s lady gaga did the same in a music video. This is why you shouldn't take the look seriously.

Even if Kim Kardashian donated all her money and went to squat in an anarchist community, and never got new clothes, she would still be doing it wrong to someone's personal definition.

Anarchists want this to spred to their ideas even if it comes as a obsolete counter culture.

>Well that's not what most punks are going to tell you. You're not a punk if you have a fucking office job and a white picket fence house and claim that you're doign "whatever the fuck you want and you're happy".
But if you knew nazi punks/skins those qualities of being successful member of the white race would be celebrated. A strong work ethic is a values of nazi punks.

>> No.11364056

I've been involved with punk and hardcore for a long time and have gone to a lot of shows
I've never seen nazi punks, or any overt racism at a show ever
In fact, like in soccer games (which also have a reputation for attracting racists, and in truth do not), there's a fairly good racial mix and adamant anti-racist vibe

A friend of mine said there were skinheads - who constantly got their asses kicked - at shows when he was going to shows in south jersey, but that's the only thing I've ever heard from someone about racism in punk rock, even among guys I know who tour year-round and have been to way more shows than you or I ever will

so, not entirely sure what you're talking about

>> No.11364059

>The look was always "sold out" since the sex pistols

Depends on who you ask. It's still pretty much the main style for oi/77 fans and crusties dress pretty similar too.

>> No.11364073


>> No.11364076


>> No.11364092

>South Jersey
You would see nazis there, they're in redneck areas.
It's another subculture of punk https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_neo-Nazi_bands and there are bands that play for both punk and nazi punk audiences with their own shows,like defiance and anti-product.

But my main point is you're always "doing it wrong" by some genre/subculture of punk, because there are so many conflicting genres, or personal interpretations.

>Depends on who you ask.

>> No.11364113

yeah but for all intents and purposes that stuff doesn't exist; you had to justify it by checking for a fucking wikipedia list of bands....literally every made-up genre has bands listed on wikipedia

....and dude defiance is NOT a racist band I dont know what the fuck you're talking about now


>> No.11364165

It's common knowledge that nazis exists, and sometimes they become the audience of subcultures. You don't need scholarly source to know that it exists regardless if it's discouraged or if you personally never saw them.

I should have specified that the lead singer of defiance being a nazi is a rumor.

Yes, it a forum, see the bottom for sources. The exploited genuinely hang out with nazis.

>> No.11364192

The scene in England is different they had a legitimate neonazi problem all over the country from the late 70s until the mid 80s mostly related to the shit economy. Did you read their show review from Get in the Van and somehow not immediately disregard any other information about them? They're an embarrassment to punk and their music sucks

I don't think defiance would have such close ties with left-wing punk bands (or would have been signed to Punkcore back when they were the it label) if the singer was a suspected Nazi. Even the black drummer from stomper 98 is rumored to be a Nazi but that shit makes no sense

Spreading gossip that you read on the internet is fucking stupid; instead, give a scene report and denounce misconceptions cuz people on here are a lot more gullible than you think

And the b9 boards are /v/-level cancer so get off there for awhile cuz it's showing

>> No.11364198

>god those fuckers are dressed poorly
Care to elaborate?

>> No.11364230

>And the b9 boards are /v/-level cancer so get off there for awhile cuz it's showing
Fair enough, but what are "b9 boards"?

>> No.11365325
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>> No.11365343

Fuck, I already have an awful smell in my nose looking at this thread,

>> No.11366341

Have any of you ever put a back patch in the laundry?

>> No.11366405

Maybe you need some tictacs or sumthin because your breath stincks!

>> No.11366776

If it's sewn on well enough it should be fine, post pics

>> No.11366784

Ice Age is just so goood

>> No.11366862

I hear it gets rid of the paint. It's this white patch but how it's beige from sweat.


>> No.11366879
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national geographic jacket :)

>> No.11366921

try this, stolen from dyingscene.com

>Never wash your jacket in a typical washer/dryer. Your silkscreened patches cannot take it more than a few times, trust me. What you should do instead is fill your sink up with warm water, and as you are doing so throw in a little laundry detergent (and a quarter cup white-vinegar if it’s really fucking gross). Let it soak for about 10 minutes and then compress the material, making it absorb the liquid and expelling it. If you’re like me, pretty soon the water will turn a disgusting shade of murky black, when it does? Empty the water out. Perform this task once or twice more WITHOUT the detergent in order to get the soap out of it. Simply hang it up to dry, or if you’re a real nutcase like me, wear it wet and it will form to you.

>> No.11366983

Thank you very much.

>> No.11367644


>> No.11367673

Wow these are great. Crust pants without the doom and gloom

>> No.11367733


I've never used detergent to wash any of my clothes. They get clean just fine by throwing them in a tub of cold water for about an hour and agitating them a little and then hanging them to dry. They last longer this way, too.

>> No.11367828


Me too, been involved in the local scene for over a decade now. We definitely have had run ins with neo-nazis over the years. It most often occurs where bands with members in the generation above my own play. This brings the older skins and punks out of the woodwork - the lifers. This is when trouble most often occurs and it usually ends with at least a punch being thrown. It must have been about 12 years ago that racist Nationalists tried to hand fliers outside a hardcore show in my home town. They were asked to leave politely first..

>> No.11367834


Bridge 9 record label has an active HC/Punk forum.

>> No.11367866

>Not read the discussion around that interpretation and seeing how "you doing you" can contradict dressing against the dominant ideal.

>> No.11368084

>hipsters decide to get into punk
>to pretentious and contrarian to actually be into punk
>crust-punk and folk-punk boom


>> No.11368131

>My subculture is the right subculture

>> No.11368201

Maybe it's regional, but tfw i never keep any punk friends because they're unstable/have personality problem and they keep moving away or are homeless and are only seen on a whim.

tfw i used to have decent punk friends to go to shows with but they all moved away or stopped going to shows.

tfw every punk i meet has really specific idea of what a punk is, and ends being a huge elitist.

>> No.11368232

tfw the best and worst concerts I've ever gone to were punk shows with shitty local bands and inconsistent friends
And I still plan on flying down for the Halloween party at my friends bar, knowing the risks lol

>> No.11368247

There is something good about not revisiting the same people that you have left terrible drunk impression.

>> No.11368260

You can revisit them at the same bar once a year, that's pretty much it

>> No.11368301

tfw discharge is playing in san fransisco right now...

>> No.11369459
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my brothers look back in the day

>> No.11369468
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oops, better res

>> No.11369474


>> No.11369665
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what about soul punx

>> No.11369779

>By "dressing" punk to portray the image in this day and age, you're doing the opposite of what original punks set out to do, you're conforming to a traditional aesthetic
this is so fucking stupid thing to say considering what everyone associates and thinks punk looks like was mostly made up and sold image created my Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren in the first place

>> No.11369825


>> No.11370012

tumblr go home

>> No.11370079

What is soul punks?

>> No.11370145

crust punk is so disgusting

>> No.11370155

>bro hardcore

they just dress like greasers that really like vintage horror movies and hockey now it's kind of weird, like a hyper masculine slp with graphic tees

>> No.11370513

Looks like new scene shit wanting to be hard-core.

>> No.11370520

victoria justice?

>> No.11370537
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>> No.11370552

>Implying the britpunk look wasn't just a complete marketing ploy by McLaren to begin with

>> No.11370636

muh facism

>> No.11370703

Can we please get more crust punk inspo?

>> No.11370769
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>> No.11370773
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>> No.11370780
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>> No.11370783
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>> No.11370786
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>> No.11370789
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>> No.11370795
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>> No.11370801
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>> No.11370806
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>> No.11370814
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>> No.11370817
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>> No.11370826
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>> No.11370831
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>> No.11370836
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>> No.11370843
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>> No.11370849
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>> No.11370851
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>> No.11370853
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>> No.11370859
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>> No.11370865
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>> No.11370872
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>> No.11370881
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>> No.11370885
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>> No.11370893
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>> No.11370896
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>> No.11370904
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>> No.11370908
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>> No.11370914
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>> No.11370917
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>> No.11370923
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>> No.11370925
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>> No.11370930
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>> No.11370937
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>> No.11370940
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>> No.11370943
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>> No.11370947
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>> No.11370951
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>> No.11370956
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>> No.11370958
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>> No.11370961
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>> No.11370963
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>> No.11370968
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>> No.11370969
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What about post punk? Or bettet yet, the Goths?
Why is /fa/ portrayed as a Goth looking dude anyways? Wearing all black with the shaved sides hairstyle smoking ?

>> No.11370973
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>> No.11370982
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>> No.11370984
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>> No.11370989
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>> No.11370994
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>> No.11370999
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>> No.11371003
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>> No.11371010
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>> No.11371017
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>> No.11371021
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>> No.11371029
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>> No.11371034
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>> No.11371037

The Sex Pistols were dressed by Viviane Westwood who had a fashion store in London.

They were literally an artificial boy band created by Malcom Maclaren to sell his girlsfriend's fashion.

>> No.11371043
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>> No.11371048

You're fucking disgusting

>> No.11371052
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>> No.11371058
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>> No.11371059

get intae the fucking bin

>> No.11371063
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>> No.11371067
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>> No.11371070
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>> No.11371074
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>> No.11371080
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>> No.11371081
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>> No.11371082
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>> No.11371083

Am i effay?

>> No.11371085
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>> No.11371090
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>> No.11371093
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>> No.11371102
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>> No.11371105
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>> No.11371109
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>> No.11371114
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>> No.11371118
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>> No.11371121
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>> No.11371125
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>> No.11371131
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>> No.11371135
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>> No.11371137
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>> No.11371138
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>> No.11371140
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>> No.11371145
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>> No.11371150
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>> No.11371157
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>> No.11371158
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>> No.11371164
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>> No.11371167

Punk Costumes are fucking corny bro

>> No.11371172
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>> No.11371177

It's not hard to belive that, but i don't suppose you have any kind of documentation of this?

>> No.11371178
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>> No.11371184
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>> No.11371190
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>> No.11371195
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>> No.11371204
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>> No.11371211
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>> No.11371216

Those slutty punk women at shows who dressed like punk prostitutes.

>> No.11371231

Try reading the actual discussion that answers that notion.

>> No.11371233


>> No.11371245

henry rollins
the ramones

>> No.11371258

fucking cultural appropriatation

>> No.11371362
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I concur

>> No.11371746
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God you people have shit taste

>> No.11371748
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>> No.11371752
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>> No.11371753

>shoes on bed

this is far too anti-establishment for me desu

>> No.11371755
File: 176 KB, 1401x788, Television.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right

>> No.11371762
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>> No.11371765
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>> No.11371769
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Excuse me?

>> No.11371794

they all fucking dress the same

>> No.11371923

just like /fa/

>> No.11373124

yeah! this aint no free country where you can hand out flyers $?!?!?!?!!?! we beat up flyer hander outers! (except anti fa!)

what a retarded concept

>> No.11373145
File: 78 KB, 500x741, 1463250770101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not real punks. what kind of PC-cucked sperg gets triggered by neos? Handing out fucking fliers. $20 says you're ausfags. Who ever told you being punk meant pro censorship, inclusivity, body positivity, radio friendly, rounded edge bullshit?

>> No.11373158


>> No.11373999
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>> No.11374030

>Hey guys, ready for the photo shoot?
>Hold on, we gotta roll around in the parking lot first

>> No.11374436
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>> No.11374445
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>> No.11374460
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One for the queers.

>> No.11374468
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>> No.11375377

Bump for more crust inspo.

>> No.11376315
File: 116 KB, 271x600, tumblr_n2wnjtnF511qit937o1_500-271x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted all of mine in a different thread just recently but in case you missed them, I will post them again...

>> No.11376317
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>> No.11376321
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>> No.11376322
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>> No.11376325
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>> No.11376328
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>> No.11376332
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>> No.11376334
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>> No.11376456

God letLive. went to shit

>> No.11376629

That Derek whibley

>> No.11376784

he said crust, not oogles

>> No.11376867

Pretty much this.

I went to a gig last month and pretty much every person was wearing a denim, leather, or vest version of the jackets. With lots of black and pins. I however went in just my blue hoodie and casual jeans cause its what I like to wear.

When everyone who is trying to be different dresses alike you all look the same. Dressing however you want and not giving a shit what people think of your clothes is really punk.

>> No.11376870

nazi punks fuck off

>> No.11377041

can you imagine that dressing with denim and leather with lots of black is what they like to wear?

>> No.11377044

antifa punks fuck off

>> No.11377074

this guy gets it

>> No.11378687

most underrated guys in the game

>> No.11378728

Oogles is the UK word for crust.

>> No.11378736 [DELETED] 

lol everyone sheepishly agreeing with that post while ignoring how how "dressing your own way" means dressing like a punk or how the look was conformity on arrival as seen in the various post stating this >>11371037

>> No.11378772

lol everyone is sheepishly conforming incorrectly with that post while ignoring how contracting the idea of "dressing your own way" can also mean dressing like a generic punk. Also ignoring how the look was conformity on arrival as seen in the various post stating this >>11371037

>> No.11379846

try talking with your teeth kicked in, faggot

>> No.11380279

>Implying extreme jewish sjw or alt-right are the only options.

>Act like niggers

>> No.11380509

this is bait

>> No.11380518

>implying I implied that
You don't have to be a nazi to not be triggered by nazis not doing anything beyond standing by their political beliefs. It's the definition of bigotry and intolerance.

>> No.11380620

oogle in burgerland means poseur train hopper, pan handling kids who like ska

>> No.11380625

nope nope nope, cant be bigoted towards whites, not with obongo nigger in the big seat

>> No.11380672

Fuck fascist punks. Tryhard edgecunts need to get gutterstomped.

>> No.11380739

we all know what happens when antifa meets nationalists

>> No.11382275

And the cycle continues...welcome to the start of the thread.

>> No.11382292

so basically exactly what i just said

how does that make you any better, parrot?

>> No.11382600

>has a helmet like theyre gonna fuck up their hair for safety