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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 345 KB, 582x434, 1465017502683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11365110 No.11365110[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw black
>tfw only style i can wear comfortably is street wear
>see other blacks trying white clothing styles
>they look retarded
>tfw see white boys pulling every single style off flawlessly
>including street wear

god i wish i was white just for the style bonus

>> No.11365112

Just be tall and thin

>> No.11365119

>tfw cant speak to any of my classmates
>tfw im white

t-thanks multiculturalism

>> No.11365120
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1455321067942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iktf anon, I'm only half south African but I got stuck with shit eyes and very thick and wirey hair I can't do shit with.

It's no wonder Africans are always pissy at whites when they are literally better at every thing then us.

>> No.11365131

dude do you realize how pathetic you sound. you're probably some ass ass hurt white guy pretending to be black

>> No.11365194
File: 231 KB, 400x400, 743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mixed race masterace

>> No.11365245

No friend, the problem is probably that you are just ugly.
I see tons of blacks pulling all kinds of styles.

>> No.11365254

>>including street wear

Literally what? Most people who say they are into "street wear" are pasty losers like Mike The Ruler,

>> No.11365623


>> No.11365640

>tfw see white boys pulling every single style off flawlessly
>including street wear

a black person definitely wrote this

>> No.11365655
File: 615 B, 15x15, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw black
>tfw people compliment you on your fits
>tfw you can wear whatever the fuck you want to wear
>tfw sat on a bench in a park and got two phone numbers without even opening my mouth
>tfw consider myself a 6/10 now that I stopped lifting

>> No.11365763

lol the insecurity

>> No.11365838

>tfw black
>tfw have already found a style i am comfortable with
>mix between meme fashion/minimalism/slacker core
>tfw always get compliments on clothes and glasses
>tfw best friend always trying to copy you
>tfw slowly branching out into comfy core
>tfw can't wait for fall and winter to get here so i can try it out.

>> No.11365845

>tfw sat on a bench in a park and got two phone numbers without even opening my mouth

how is this even...

>> No.11365930

im half asian so i can pull of some asian styles pretty well without looking too edgy

>> No.11365976

just go full goof ninja if you're an exotic looking black dude. no one will make fun of yoh because they are afraid of being seen as racist

>> No.11366112

Nigga fuck outta here, you sound like a whiney bitch

>tfw see white boys pulling every single style off flawlessly
>including street wear

white boys look trash in street wear, thats why they have to mx into prep and what not.

>> No.11366132

>tfw Arabic
>dece facial features
>but skinny as fuck
>face looks really masculine while body is SLPcore
>tfw only like cutesy girls
>but only cutesy girls like white dudes

>> No.11366136

I'm guessing most of the responses here are nigganons so question.

What are done black hairstyles?

>> No.11366149


op is probably buttblasted race baiter

>> No.11366172

Black and asian people are /fa/ though.

Did you know that Latinos and black people can develop muscle more easier? because of approcane sweat glads, however it leaves them more smelly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-_QKyipj_Y

I wish i was asian and not Latino so i could pull off the cute unisex clothing that just look gay on other races like


They can also get away with being manletts over us for some reason, also that genetic high performance intelligence.

>> No.11366177

Dindus up in this thread mad as shit at OP for exposing their subhumanity


>> No.11366200

shitskin poo in loo master race reporting in
everything looks awful on me
im not even from there, nor my family

>> No.11366562

the funny part is I bet you probably only like cutesy white girls.

>> No.11366571

My ex was half Spanish and Arabic, and she's the definition of cutesy.

>> No.11366572


>> No.11366590

>tfw my diaspora in my country is literally under 100k
I feel like an alien, even though I am white.

>> No.11366595

>just be tall
yeah like you can choose to be tall

>> No.11366611
File: 1.23 MB, 2447x2447, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw basically this
>but asian
>asian androgyny negated

>> No.11366621

Wew, I was wondering where the weekly race bait thread was

>> No.11366639
File: 99 KB, 600x800, smugpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw asian
>tfw being able to pull off every style

>> No.11366671

>only in ur mind, manlet

>> No.11366689

white folks stay hating
white girls stay giving it up
its a cold world but we adapted and we taking yall hoes frfr

>> No.11366715
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 1453487523944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw mixed good looking asian
>mfw 5'7
>mfw big forehead
>mfw I could deal with the big dome piece if I was at least 5'10

>> No.11367239

i'm half asian and I have a big forehead too senpai
u r not alone, stay stronk

>> No.11367259

I think white people in streetwear is corny as fuck what are you talking about?

White kids in supreme and Jordans looks so bad.

>> No.11367277

>itt: white people pretending to be black
black people pull off EVERY style better than white people, especially if you're dark skinned

>> No.11367279 [DELETED] 


>> No.11367285

bigger dick = better style

>> No.11367315

>shitskins actually believe this

>> No.11367366

this lmfao idk what youre talking about im black and dont wear streetwear and im pretty popular with the ladies. if anything we get that ethnic advantage son. also genetically speaking we got that height and naturally well sculpted body bro dont sleep on niggers. you'd prob pull off more looks if you were more comfortable with yourself

>> No.11367371


>> No.11367377

This I remember growing up I wanted to be white so bad. Now I wouldn't have it anyway, everything white people do is so fucking corny in my eyes. Have you seen 90% of this board. White kids are wild and greasy

>> No.11367384

>little dick white cucks think they can pull off streetwear

>> No.11367388

>Cumskin actually takes the bait

>> No.11367399 [DELETED] 

honestly i hate reading threads that involve black people issues. the way black people talk about white people on the internet is unsettling as fuck. not just on 4chan but literally the whole internet. i swear these black people are just itching for their chance to revenge enslave white people

got me questioning all my black friends intentions

>> No.11367407 [DELETED] 

yeah i know what you mean. makes me wonder what my black friends say about me behind my back

>> No.11367409

dont worry, black people are too stupid to ever achieve something like that. although white liberal cucks are slowly helping them right now

>> No.11367413

i am latino and live in a asian/hispanic neighborhood and asians do smell, mostly like fucking gross ass food but if its not like that then they dont smell.

>> No.11367417

DESU, I'm persian, and I can pull of whatever the fuck I want. Streetwear looks goofy, so I don't even want to. Chin up, nigger.

>> No.11367420 [DELETED] 

no you cant

>> No.11367423

I'm not white and I do agree that the whole stigma that everyone has against white people is kinda shitty

But at least you guys have it only on the internet and I have to deal with seeing shit about my race on the news every day and people literally rallying against me to leave this country IRL.

>> No.11367426
File: 87 KB, 540x300, Mayonnaise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the mayo is uncozy.

But seriously I don't think you realized how much openly racist shit I have to deal with both on and off the internet, black people have a reason to be bitter. You guys are awful pieces of shit, that like to poke fun and treat us and our culture like a commodity, shit is really annoying and gross.

But at the end of the day I wouldn't trade being black for anything white people are so fucking lame.

>> No.11367428

if it werent for whites you would never know what its like to work a day in your life (back when you were picking cotton)
if it werent for whites you would still be living in grass huts in africa

>> No.11367429

I'm Persian too, im >>11366132

Feels good man. >always get compliments on hair
>girls think me saying I'm 'Persian' is exotic as shit

>> No.11367430

Yeah, sort of can. Amongst non-persians, I look euro, since I have brown hair/green eyes. Pigfuck white people look hilarious in anything but prep.

>> No.11367445 [DELETED] 

nah i can't understand why you're bitter. but it still takes me back when i see the horrible shit you have to say about individuals who did absolutely nothing to you

the internet has made me significantly more wary of non white people and their intentions in society

>> No.11367446

>Tfw White
>Tfw Irish
>Tfw 5 ft 7
>tfw just wanna be James Dean

>> No.11367451

>if it werent for whites you would never know what its like to work a day in your life (back when you were picking cotton)
>if it werent for whites you would still be living in grass huts in africa

Lol miss me with this /pol/ shit. White people didn't do shit for me, I thank them for nothing.

You say that like I should be grateful for years of oppression and being treated and still viewed like second class. But maybe you'll understand stop being edgy and racist when you turn 17.

Seriously take an AA studies course in college and maybe you'll understand, that is if you really want to be the "educated superior" you truly claim to be

>> No.11367453

Dadash, i know what you mean lol, but I always say I'm Iranian to avoid being an iranian stereotype.

>> No.11367463 [DELETED] 

>take an AA studies


>> No.11367464

>nah i can't understand why you're bitter.

Seriously is it that hard I can 100% explain it to you?

>the internet has made me significantly more wary of non white people and their intentions in society
Lol do you think we're gonna gun you down or something, seriously what do you think black people's intentions in society are

>> No.11367465

this is actually hilarious bc I'm white and think the opposite of that. I feel like black people can wear pretty much anything and look good

>> No.11367466

Why do Iranian males always have intense narcissism?

Why are they all into cars?

>> No.11367467

>I have to deal with seeing shit about my race on the news every day and people literally rallying against me to leave this country
so you're a spic in the US? all people want is proper enforcement of current legislation, appropriate border control and timely removal of illegals. alarmists are trying to paint this as some sort of extremist position when in reality it has been and should be the norm. genuine racists (depending on how loosely you define it) are few and far in-between. most just people are just normal centrists who want a sane, stable country.

>wittiest racial slur you can come up with is a fucking condiment

>Seriously take an AA studies course in college and maybe you'll understand
>literally undergo three years of indoctrination and maybe you will understand

i know they didn't make em smart in africa but come on, at least apply yourself a little

>> No.11367471

yeah but fuck niggers though

>> No.11367478

>literally Slavs had it worse during WW2

But on a serious note - you are second class. And that's why you're treated like second class.

>> No.11367483 [DELETED] 

will there ever be peace?

>> No.11367484

You must be tall.

>> No.11367485 [DELETED] 

they arent sending their best. thats for sure

>> No.11367489
File: 42 KB, 675x391, terry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's it going my niggas?

>> No.11367492


There are people from all walks of life who think this shit is stupid, dude.

>> No.11367495

do white people actually think like this? the thread is just talking about pulling off fashion, you guys make the same threads about us.

>> No.11367496
File: 327 KB, 1024x683, fresh-off-the-boat-w-eddie-huang-miami-trailer-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baka dont even start bruhhh like foreal reppin dat real swag niqqa ya feel me? can relate with the urban youth homie fucking honkey bruhh. my motherfuckin asian swag in da house bruhh

>> No.11367505



You got trolled hard by your parents if you believe that

>> No.11367511

If you ever wonder why black people are bitter

Read some of these

Even those these is exaggerated, this is some of the shit black people have to read on a constant basis on the internet. Now translate these into subtle and real microaggressions and you just get tired of it.

Black people are tried of this shit, it's not cute or funny.

I mean I get I'm on 4chan and it's part of the board culture but god damn there are real people who believe these things, but 90% of this site are people who don't go outside so I don't think their opinions matter.

But the shit black people have to deal with on a day to day basis is tiering, maybe these video will kinda help you understand racism a little more.



>> No.11367521

I'll tell you why. It's a condition of our culure. men are brought up to think they're exceptional, and exceptionally masculine at that. Same goes for persian women. Also, we're well connected, and some of us are filthy rich. As for the cars, in Iran, luxury cars (BMW, Benz, Porsche) cost three times as much, and have to be bought in cash, so they're impressive. Here, you can buy everything on margin, and most Persians tend to take the piss out of that...

>> No.11367529

this entire post reads like satire
>doll test
this is completely unscientific. babies show racial preferences from a few weeks of age (but not at birth). racial in-group preference likely has its basis in evolutionary biology. i.e. the tribe that looks like you is more likely to nurture you, the tribe that doesn't look like you is more likely to eat you. maybe if you took a critical thinking class or an introduction to logic in college you'd understand.

>> No.11367544

>tfw Indian
>anything I ever do will look like I am compensating for being indian
>never going to make it

>> No.11367549
File: 146 KB, 971x817, discarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be part of a race that has some of the highest crime percentages on Earth
>"why am I being treated like shit?"
>be part of the dumbest and weakest race on Earth's surface
>"why am I treated like an inferior being?"

Who designed your phone? Computer? Who invented them? Who harnessed the powers of electricity and radio waves to create an image in your TV? Who invented the toilet?
You're living this well only thanks to the white man's kindness.
If not for the white man importing your ancestors here, you'd be already dead due to malaria. So before you chimp out about "muh raycism", just think how long you'd be able to live in Africa, if at all, and how many years of life you owe to the genius of the white man.
Also, learn how to write, nigger.

>> No.11367551

Not that anon, but you do realized that the doll test is showing that black kids find themselves "ugly" and "undesirable" the whole point is to show that even at a young age black children find themselves at a disadvantage, it has nothing to do with nurture. It's supposed to show the racial conditioning and prejudice black children go through at a young age.

>> No.11367561

didn't watch it, thought it was another video of a similar variety. again, it's completely unscientific and there's absolutely no substantial conclusions that can be drawn from it. what kind of sample sizes did they use? what kind of controls did they implement? what kind of meta-analyses did they perform?

>> No.11367563

>are you a spic in the us?
I'm Iranian, my parents are Muslim. I live in Texas, and a few days ago while driving down the street in downtown there was an anti Muslim rally going on with a bunch of people waving Confederate flags, yelling at a group of Muslim and other people on the other side of the street.

>> No.11367577

Firstly, most whites tend to forget that Rome was nearly felled by an African civilization. Carthage. Secondly, if it wasn't for the commodity hoarding of newly-emerged European nations during the scramble for Africa, Africa would have developed on it's own terms, and as a continent with a surfeit of natural resources, it would have done splendidly. Thirdly, the west owes most of its academic/technological accomplishments to Eurpean-Jewish scholars, who suffered countless pogroms at the hands of the same people now laying claim to their thought. Fourthly, its in bad taste to even joke about such things. It's not funny, or ingenious, and most of America's knowledge economy is now in the hands of foreigners. Deal with it.

>> No.11367579

that's a different story then. still, i can't fault people who don't want a barbaric desert theocracy to gain a foothold in their country. also, you said:
>seeing shit about my race on the news every day
islam is not a race, nobody is rallying to have legal arabs deported. people are simply suggesting a temporary halt on muslim immigration.

>> No.11367588

>the way black people talk about white people is unsettling
i hope youre joking hahahaha like blacks dont get shat on 24/7. shut your cumskin ass up

>> No.11367593
File: 55 KB, 600x448, Cj99qNiUYAAbUCj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phew the edge.

You do realized that the only reason white people invented so much is becuase the western aristocracy made education available exclusively for wealthy white people up until the late late 19th century.

Just becuase a white people made it doesn't mean they aren't scum at the end of the day.

Also about the crime rate thing, black people are just targeted more hun. White people have more counts of domestic abuse and drug use than blacks. White people are the ones shooting up schools and movie theaters etc.

But I'm gonna dip before it becomes full pol in here.

But hey think of me next time you're listening to hip hop at a party, that is if you actually go to parties you neet.

>> No.11367595

>>be part of a race that has some of the highest crime percentages on Earth
Not him, but I could see how generalizing might be justified in this case, though do you really think black anons that use 4chin would be one of those thug dumb niggers?

>Who designed your phone? Computer? Who invented them? Who harnessed the powers of electricity and radio waves to create an image in your TV? Who invented the toilet?

It definitely wasn't you or anyone that comes on 4chan.
>relying on your ancestor's accomplishments while you are probably as useless as the next /r9k/ poster

>If not for the white man importing your ancestors here, you'd be already dead due to malaria. So before you chimp out about "muh raycism", just think how long you'd be able to live in Africa, if at all, and how many years of life you owe to the genius of the white man.

No one can't change their history, what happened, happened.

Race talk belongs on >>>/pol/ people

>> No.11367596

/fa/ used to be one of the most reasonable boards on the chinz

What happened?

>> No.11367599
File: 1.29 MB, 1270x2096, Mommsen_p265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rome was nearly felled by an African civilization. Carthage
north african
carthage was phoenician
they were phenotypically closer to mediterranean europeans than they were to sub-saharan africans
are you telling me this man, hannibal barca, looks like a black african to you?

>> No.11367606

Iranians aren't Arabs, for one. Most Iranians aren't even remotely Muslim off paper. We're talking about American media outlets bad-mouthing an entire nation because they want the right to nuclear development, a right granted without question to the second largest terrorist state in the world, Israel, which currently has an impressive second-strike capacity, if you aren't already aware. Also, the Iranians have made an impressive place for themselves in American academia and commerce. This is unfair.

>> No.11367612

Not the anon you quoted but

>"just think how long you'd be able to live in Africa, if at all, and how many years of life you owe to the genius of the white man"


Cumskins who take credit for what other white people have done are no different than the "WE WUZ KANGZ" niggers they make fun of

>> No.11367618

That's a bust produced by Europeans, in the European style. Besides, Phoenicians were a Semitic people, not European.

>> No.11367626

You're black you can wear loud colors unlike whites.

>> No.11367631
File: 33 KB, 500x333, 1464114750825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>North African
>being white
Wew lad, u wuz kangz n sheit?

>Africa would have developed on its own
Yeah, sure. It was a shithole until modern times by pure coincidence.
Look, if not for our conquest, you'd hang on gook meathooks or become fuccbois for the Ottomans.

>most academic/technological accomplishments of European-Jewish scholars
>Tesla wuz a Jew lolz
>Kopernik wuz a Jew lolz
>Bell wuz a Jew lolz
Honestly kekd at that one, lad.

>bad taste
Oh, a special snowflake.

>> No.11367635
File: 45 KB, 660x607, 1449242671947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only question is why can't races get along here, on the fashion board of 4chan..

>> No.11367647
File: 70 KB, 758x270, no niggers allowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because blacks are gross and dont belong in the fashion

>> No.11367653
File: 204 KB, 312x750, vUsfNfI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only reason white people invented shit was because white people were intelligent enough to invent a system that would let people invent shit

>>up until the late late 19th century
And still nothing. Wow, that's surprising, right?

>>doesn't mean they aren't scun at the end of the day
Now is the time you should kneel for every day of your miserable chimp life in a gesture of joy thanks to not dying because of malaria.

>>black people are just targeted more
No, you just chimp out like in Africa. Only difference is, you wouldn't kill as many with spears.

>>shooting up schools and movie theaters
>literally cherry picking now

>listening to hip hop
>in 2016
Get with the times, you hipster nigger.

>> No.11367660

>That's a bust produced by Europeans, in the European style
and when compared to carthaginian depictions of hannibal it appears to be quite accurate
>Phoenicians were a Semitic people, not European
ever said anything to the contrary

>> No.11367661
File: 120 KB, 800x1158, tumblr_inline_o3fa6xLTmV1te9s4t_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL The black community is driving streetwear right now.

90% of the brands that are popular in streetwear owe their success to black celebrities. Most kids under 25 are trying to dress streetwear.

Seriously you're trying so hard to be edge-y stop it

>> No.11367663

And who are you to say who's gross and who belongs in fashion?

>> No.11367667

For the record, I'm not black, I'm Iranian, so you're not offending anyone here. If we're discussing details, the Ottomans, Persians, and most civilized nations had lusotropical imperial policies. The Ottomans for example, converted Eastern Europeans people via the Devisirme system and even allowed them to hold office in the empire, unlike the Belgians who lopped off native hands to meet rubber quotas like fucking animals. Also, you're keen to disregard any development, because the Africans, unlike the Europeans, didn't keep record of every pot pissed in, but please feel free to read the journals of Dutch missionaries travelling throughout Africa circa 1700.

>> No.11367669

this is bait and the reason the """black""" community in on the floor, pls kys

>> No.11367671 [DELETED] 

street wear isnt real fashion

>> No.11367675

They are dumb enough to chimp out about "muh raycism" instead of shutting the fuck up and knowing their place.

>wasn't you or anyone that comes on 4chan
We live in the system of white men, using the inventions of white men. I didn't say anyone here invented them. I'm saying that NOT BY COINCIDENCE every single one of those inventions were created by white people.
That doesn't leave room for "b-but what have u done" wank.

>> No.11367682

Love your work AA

>> No.11367685

>4 inches shorter than my father while my brother is 7 inches taller than me

Kill me.

>> No.11367690 [DELETED] 

i don't even know why i read these threads. you absolute autists treat your race like its a sports team

fucking losers

i hate you all. good bye

>> No.11367693

an aa professor told me blacks literally make their names up cause they sound pretty,have no heritage or meaning behind them

>> No.11367699
File: 66 KB, 572x286, Hannibal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the obverse and reverse view of a Carthaginian coin. Not that you bothered to post a picture.

>> No.11367701
File: 148 KB, 610x885, comment_8hMz7ZQJLYJJBoXLIqXYWKkt07SzZuNB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I share a gene pool with men that invented Katyusha rocket launchers.

You share a gene pool with animals that created... uh... yeah. What did you actually create?

>inb4 - "b-but we all share a gene pool with apes"
>inb4 - "muh jazz"

>you can't take credit for the inventions of other white people
>you must take the blame for the crimes of the white race as a whole

Kek, stay mad chimp.

>> No.11367703
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

natural instincts and common sense?
white is associated with beauty and good
black is associated with evil and ugly

>> No.11367707

i'm pretty sure vetements owes more to margiela than black people

>> No.11367711

idk there might be a reason nearly every civilization in history preferred light skin

>> No.11367717

and there's nothing to suggest that this is:
a) a carthaginian coin
b) a depiction of hannibal barca
you're exhibiting nothing but confirmation bias, ignoring all evidence to the contrary. how far did you have to reach to pull that out of your ass?
>that coin depicts not an african elephant, but an indian elephant
>the man depicted on the obverse is likely meant to be its trainer
>the coin was likely designed and manufactued by people who had never even seen hannibal's army
>there are even accounts of racial division in the carthaginian army, with one general refusing to take orders from hannibal's second-in-command on the basis that he was half african

>> No.11367719

>Ottomans this
>Belgians that
>Dutch missionaries this
Yeah, but what about niggers?

>didn't keep record
Neither did pagan Slavs.

Not really gonna bother with the astonishing tales of Coco the Snake Hunter.

>> No.11367732

jane elliott is a marxist who thinks lincoln was black
not exactly a good source to back up your point

also the doll experiment is about colorism not racism, well at least not directly anyways

>> No.11367735

Just like one cannot take credit for the inventions of others, you can't take the blame for crimes of other individuals of your race. This goes for anybody. Therefore, you cannot say that any race is inferior as a whole, due to the fact that you do not know the individual you are talking to. You, are taking credit for the inventions of others.

"I share a gene pool with men that invented Katyusha rocket launchers"

You are also, placing the blame of crimes of individuals, or at least the lack of intelligence in individuals, onto an entire race.

"You share a gene pool with animals that created... uh... yeah. What did you actually create?"

You could at least make sense.

>> No.11367736
File: 170 KB, 800x600, barbados-location-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First my lineage is from Barbados hun. Not Africa, hell I was born in Paris, and now I live in America, so no not African hun. I speak 3 languages and 4 dialects and I promise you I'm way smarter than someone who sits on their ass and spews hate speech.

Second off is super rare to get malaria with modern medicine. and easy to avoid if you take the proper precautions. Seriously do you guys think Africa is a waste land a they live in mud huts?

Black people don't "chimp out" I made a valid point I feel like I'm arguing with a child right now

And black people weren't even allowed into those intuitions until the mid to early 20th century. That being said 60% of modern medicine's accomplishments are due to black people.

No most school shooters and mass murders are white, most wife beaters and child molesters are white it's not cherry picking, white people are crazy.

I don't even know why I'm replying anymore, you're not arguing you're just acting like a child.

>> No.11367746

t. turkroach apologist
yeah dude providing buttboys for the sultans was really humane

>> No.11367761

How the fuck can you discern between an African and Indian elephant based on a several-thousand-year-old relief on a silver coin? why would an elephant trainer be the subject of coinage? this is in fact a coin claimed to be Carthaginian, but the source of anything that old is subject to disagreement by archaeologists. Shut up already. It's not like you posted anything. And Hannibal may have been physically different than your average African, but he was in fact FROM THE AFRICAN CONTINENT. Mediterraneans are physically different than the plurality of Europeans, but that doesn't stop you from laying claim to Greek heritage. Just shut up already.

>> No.11367763

What is then?

>> No.11367764

the crux of your entire argument is just wrong, it's not about blaming entire groups for the actions of individuals, it's about pinning group characteristics on somewhat stratified groups. characteristics with basis in evolutionary biology and human behaviour genetics.

>> No.11367768

>you cannot say that any race is inferior as a whole
>literally 2000 years proving you wrong
Wew lad.

>or at least the lack of intelligence in individuals, onto an entire race
Your smartest nigger is literally a meme scientist.

>at least make sense
Point is, you chimps created nothing useful.

>> No.11367771

Not Turkish. Buttbois are still better than cattle.

>> No.11367772

You brought as a slave from Africa to Barbados by the french.

>> No.11367774 [DELETED] 

you can when you're forced to live with them. black peoples very presence can have a significant effect on the quality of life of countries they inhabit. its not about the individual its about the effect of the group. that's before we even talk about replacement rates between different races

i'm not a /pol/tard btw. i'm pro multiculturalism in certain countries but i believe the europeans, specifically germans, british and french have a right and a valid case to justify retaining homogeneous societies

>> No.11367777
File: 204 KB, 1714x1091, 1455774711283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No most school shooters and mass murders are white, most wife beaters and child molesters are white it's not cherry picking, white people are crazy.
>black people don't chimp out
>what was fergurson?
>hat being said 60% of modern medicine's accomplishments are due to black people.

this has to be bait
anyways here are some crime rates, as you can see blacks have higher rates of "wife beaters" and "child molesters"as you put it

>> No.11367780

you can do slp

>> No.11367782

Read the last sentence twice, and your post is moot.

>> No.11367802

>reading comprehension
i didn't say you were turkish

>we just raped the slavesup until the 20th century that makes it ok!

why are you trying to justify slavery

>> No.11367807

>How the fuck can you discern between an African and Indian elephant based on a several-thousand-year-old relief on a silver coin?
>why would an elephant trainer be the subject of coinage?
why wouldn't an elephant trainer be the subject of coinage? not an argument
>this is in fact a coin claimed to be Carthaginian
cite one primary, peer-reviewed scientific source (hint: no afrocentrists with degrees in cultural anthropology)
nobody is arguing otherwise, but beyond basic ancient geography this is a fairly inconsequential point
>Mediterraneans are physically different than the plurality of Europeans, but that doesn't stop you from laying claim to Greek heritage
strawman argument, now you're just putting words in my mouth

you need to calm down and get a little less emotional there friend

>> No.11367821

>being this retarded to spew utter nonsense
Yes let's act as if there wasn't some semblance of civilization in Africa before slavery.

>> No.11367823

because of racially selective housing policies, blacks and other minorities were forced into underfunded areas that are now known as the hood. because of low income, people in these areas literally had to turn to lives of crime and violence to support themselves and their family. as alladin once said "gotta eat to live, gotta steal (and sell drugs, gangbang, etc) to eat."
so in reality the white man literally sabotaged the black community at its core and made the black community y'all hate so much today. honestly i kinda think its irreversible too but who knows.

- a black man

>> No.11367824
File: 120 KB, 970x672, graphic-crime20-1119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was born in Paris
I guess that faggot Jean raping your chimp great-great-great grandmother wasn't useless after all.

>I live in America

>I speak 3 languages
>not speaking 5 languages or more
Literally pleb-tier.

>I'm way smarter than someone who sits on their ass and spews hate speech
Huh... what?

>super rare to get malaria
>with modern medicine
>modern medicine
I wonder who are the fathers of modern medicine...

>do you guys think Africa is a waste land a they live in mud huts
In the territories untouched by the white man, yes.

>Black people don't "chimp out"
They do. It's called homicide.

>weren't allowed into those intuitions
Guess they should've created their own.

>60% of modern medicine's accomplishments are due to black people
Modern medicine isn't <20th century, lad.

>it's not cherry picking
>literally most crimes done by black people
>hurr, not cherry picking
Pls, stop.

>you're just acting like a child
No u.

>> No.11367826


>> No.11367832

>what is Detroit

>> No.11367833


>treating people like shit

Is there a point of treating individuals poorly when they themselves haven't treated you poorly?

>> No.11367837

And your post was just as useless as this one.

>> No.11367838

>not speaking 5 language or more
the only language you need to know is american. anything else is 3rd world shit language

>> No.11367842

When they're niggers.

>> No.11367844

Lol how the fuck did a race war pop up on /fa/

>> No.11367848

Yeah i literally can wear a tshirt and shorts and ppl will ask how i pulled it off

>> No.11367849

Russian is useful, mate.
You can basically communicate across 80% of eastern yurop if you know Russian well.

>> No.11367851

You are aware that Europeans wouldn't have anything near the wealth they have today without the forced labor of non-Europeans, right?

>> No.11367855

Not that anon, but anyone can make a spreadsheet, that doesn't make it fact provide a legit source please

>> No.11367860 [DELETED] 

why arent muslims the richest people on earth then? they still have slaves to this day. throughout history have enslaved the most people out of any group

and if it weren't for white people's presence in the middle east they would still have mass ammounts of african slaves

>> No.11367861
File: 48 KB, 407x482, 1463261806398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you're admitting that you race was only useful as a substitute for cattle.
Good work, chimp, you figured that one on your own.

>> No.11367864

Because one /pol/ tard has decided to argue with the entire board

>> No.11367867
File: 3.48 MB, 200x150, 1463428276823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to prove the holocaust with that thinking.

>> No.11367869

it's a sign of things to come
shit always crops up on /fa/ very shortly before it becomes mainstream
race war soon

every single successful civilization relied on slave labor until the advent industrialization, where it was no longer necessary. the source of that labor is irrelevant.

>> No.11367872

NYPD is known for being extremely racist and biases, not the best source.

>> No.11367881

i'll humor the trawl. consider this: at their core, most of the inventions you brought up are derivatives of complex mathematics, which wasn't utilized until the babylonians and egyptians (black people) began using arithmetic for financial calculations. one could even argue that africa could have been a prosperous global power if weren't for the white man coming in and ravaging the continent of it's people and resources.

>> No.11367882

The way you talk makes me think you attend community College

>> No.11367889

They still are sentient beings, just like you are. Would you kick a dog for fun?

>> No.11367893

>give source
>"muh bias"
>all other sources display literally the same
>even Fox fucking News does


>> No.11367898

>Would you kick a dog for fun?
no, but if dogs killed such a wildly disproportionate amount of people then i would quite reasonably argue for a dog cull.

>> No.11367899
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>> No.11367902

I would kill a rabbit for fun.
Actually, I did. Last month. The meat was meh, but hunting was good.

Does that answer your question?

>> No.11367905

This is 4chan, most of the black anons that come here are most likely those weeb nerdy beta blacks, not thug niggers selling drugs on the street.

>> No.11367908

The factors behind their enslavement is relevant to the conversation. What makes American chattel slavery unique is that it's solely based on arbitrary classifications like race.

>> No.11367916

So I should miss a chance to make fun of black neets? Not a chance.

>> No.11367918

and where are these kids getting these notions from? we're not enough generations removed from things like the civil rights movement. their parents and other blacks in their environment still believe that whites and the system are biased against them and transferring those beliefs to their kids. these beliefs are still being propagated when it might no longer be true.

well yeah, they're targeted more because they're responsible for more of the crime. people have to stop denying it and blame it on racial prejudice, especially when the majority is crime perpetrated by blacks against other blacks.

personal anecdote. pardon my french, some niggers recently moved out of one of the houses across the street and left a bunch of furniture and shit on the lawn in the process. prior to them moving out the household count was 3 white, 3 asian (that includes my household), 5 black (1 household is african immigrants), and 1 hispanic. it is exclusively the household mentioned at the beginning that i would call niggers. it is that household that i would be privy to place blame on if crime were to occur. if they were any other race that engaged in the behaviour that i observed from them, they would receive the same blame.

this doesn't explain the other minorities who don't engage in such widespread criminal behaviour. i want to preface this and detach any inferences of superiority.
the races are not equal. the thousands of years of difference in the necessities of survival did not only lead to physical dimorphism. there are mental and behavioural differences. what allowed survival in africa has carried through into incompatibilities with the societies built by other races. this does not condemn blacks. it'll just take time and also not letting it keep happening with things like welfare.

>> No.11367922
File: 558 KB, 2640x2539, 1463714953580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But think about how they would feel, anon?

>> No.11367924

it has sources on it if you could read you illiterate nigger

>> No.11367927

>race is an arbitrary classification
then why is it central to evidence-based quantitative fields like physical anthropology and and forensic anthropology? do you honestly believe that there is no micro-evolutionary difference between populations of humans that have lived in varying degrees of isolation from one another for anywhere from hundreds to tens of thousands of years? do you honestly fucking believe that races are phenotypically identical?

the only two arguments i've heard against race as a classification are
>race is a continuum therefore classification is impossible
>the definition is contested therefore it doesn't exist
neither of which stand up to much scrutiny

>> No.11367929

Too bad I don't care.

>> No.11367932
File: 40 KB, 623x473, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.11367936 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 170x278, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3000 BCE
>Egyptians not have black skin


>> No.11367939 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i go to a mostly black school and the black people are such fucking loud, annoying, assholes...
yesterday i got called an ugly dyke by this black guy because i turned down a date offer from him

>> No.11367941
File: 74 KB, 170x278, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3000 BCE
>Egyptians not having black skin


>> No.11367943

the Egyptians had depictions of 4 distinct races in their hieroglyphs compare the deceptions of themselves versus the depictions of Nubians they weren;t black dude

but please continue black revisionist history is the funniest shit

>> No.11367950

well he's not wrong....
you deleted your post over a typo... lmao

>> No.11367952
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>> No.11367960

No shit we've adapted differently, but the idea of there being "white", "black", "[eastern] Asian" is bullshit. They're just extremes on a triad. If it weren't for migration and the continents being separated, it'd just be a gradient of features; we wouldn't be able to tell at which point someone's features are distinctly black or Asian or white.

>> No.11367966
File: 213 KB, 1080x1349, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the drawing? i tend to doodle when i have trouble focusing or im bored

>> No.11367968

just cause jews want an underclass of a single brown skinned race doesn;t mean race isn't real my dude

>> No.11367989

>If it weren't for migration and the continents being separated, it'd just be a gradient of features
all you're asserting is that if, hypothetically, selective pressures and migration patterns due to geography were radically different then the human phenotype would reflect that. but that's not the case, so what on earth is your point? the reality of the situation is that we have been isolated from one another since possibly the breakup of gondwana, by immense features such as massive deserts, oceans and mountain ranges. as a result east east asians are more genetically similar to one another than they are europeans. europeans are more genetically similar to one another than they are arabs. arabs are more genetically similar to one another than they are sub-saharan africans. to some degree, human populations have been isolated by natural features, creating residual groups. this isolation has resulted in distinct selective pressures as a result of the environment, which has resulted in adaptations specific to populations which are then reflected in the phenotype.

>> No.11367994

In simple terms, would you treat a random black stranger poorly, just because they were black? Even if they were a good person?

>> No.11367996

He's saying you're an ugly dyke.

>> No.11368002

U kidding me? I'm Swedish - I look fucking retarded in Street wear.

>> No.11368006

school shooter core.

>> No.11368008
File: 54 KB, 750x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really? cause i think he just said that out of anger, or else why would he ask out an "ugly dyke" in the first place...

>> No.11368009

well yes thats because you're a swede
cucks tend to look awful in everything

>> No.11368018

its a black thing, he doesn;t actually want to date you he just wants to be able to date you

>> No.11368031
File: 35 KB, 736x414, f26de3c141032b867c2d7ab1daf020f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit now I remember who you remind me of

>> No.11368043

Niggers, how does it feel that you are limited to primarily dating your own race and trashy spics? It must be a major opportunity cost for blacks since you most likely will not be favored by qt Azns and actual white girls who aren't degenerate.

>> No.11368047

No, I meant >>11367950 was calling you an ugly dyke. If you're the woman in black, you're still not particularly attractive.

>> No.11368051

Do you even feel the need to prove this to yourself? I'm just posting because I have nothing better to do for the next 3 weeks.

>> No.11368052
File: 962 KB, 993x1203, tysonthegawd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black people can't pull off white people clothing
sure thing cumskin

>> No.11368060
File: 75 KB, 1080x810, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright well most boys are stupid but black boys just take it to a whole other level
lol who is that
i know now but thats not me in those pictures..those are just annoying black kids at my school.
this is me in the grey hoodie, my school is just full of blacks

>> No.11368072

in those days race may have been an arbitrary classification. if you looked white you were white. if you looked black you were black.

if you believe race in actuality is an arbitrary classification then well shit you're wrong.

>> No.11368128

So you're a sociopath?

>> No.11368170

pretty sure white people do the same thing bud. Browse 4chan fro 20 min and count how many times someone says nigger

>> No.11368179

blacks kill more whites because there's more of them. this doesn't make black people more dangerous. if you're a murderer, you're going to kill the people around you. in America, most of the people around you are indeed white

>> No.11368181

your point became 100% invalid when u posted a pic of tyga

>> No.11368187

underrated post

>> No.11368195

you must be at least 18 to post on this website

>> No.11368199

i am 18

>> No.11368203

>blacks commits more murder irrespective of race
>dude blacks aren't dangerous you're just being racist lmao

>> No.11368207 [DELETED] 

>white people are only a group when im talking about the things i dont like about them

>> No.11368223
File: 24 KB, 250x318, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you know what dude u rite fuck black people it doesn't have anything to do with institutionalized poverty or the fact that black people have only had equal rights for 50 years it's just cause they're inherently violent and stupid. hundreds of years of slavery and racist law totally won't have any effect on a culture as a whole! poverty and classism has nothing to do with it! blacks are poor bc they're lAzy!!!! go get a job u fuckin monkey!
somebody fucking kill me

>> No.11368235

how did i end up on reddit

>> No.11368241
File: 451 KB, 1000x721, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone says something I don't agree with
grow up buddy

>> No.11368248
File: 43 KB, 332x396, 1465013641795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I defend black people on the internet

>> No.11368257

stating they're dangerous doesn't ignore that
it's stating a fact you moron
black commit more murder
blacks are more dangerous
whatever the reasons are behind that doesn't change those facts you stupid fuck

>> No.11368261
File: 42 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a mulatto, so I don't think there's anything "Reddit" or "fedora" about defending my own race

>> No.11368265

>Be Mixed
>South east asian and English
>Look mexican and short because of genes
>Try to pull off asian/jap/korean fits
>Try to pull off streetwear
>Look like new money asian
>Forever have acne, curly hair and braces for 4 years

Why even try? I still look good around other SEA's here at least, I might be 5'6 but everyone else is 5'3. Also fuck jeans, I have to always get the waist and pants tapered.

>> No.11368266
File: 1.23 MB, 500x500, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the world is a hideous place and I am still afraid to die

>> No.11368269

cuck band, made some good songs before derrick became a mentally ill tranny

>> No.11368271

ok I give up sorry man
black people are bad, can't pull of most styles, and have contributed next to nothing in the world.

>> No.11368273

He's either lying or those white girls are trying to fill a quota to put on their tumblr and Facebook

>> No.11368276

well i mean the last part is actually true

>> No.11368279

context matters retard

>> No.11368290

blacks don't kill more white people because they;re around more white people they kill more white people because they kill more people in general

so yeah i guess context does matter you retard

>> No.11368314

stating blacks kill more people and are thus more dangerous can be said as fact irrespective of conclusions drawn or reasons why. also sucks to say it because i love music but outside of culture blacks really have contributed next to nothing to the world.

>> No.11368323

Grow a pair and wear what you like you self hating moron

>> No.11368326

>6 ft filipino
>slim and tall but i have wide ass feet
>i look good in clothes but lots of shoes can look too wide so i have a limited selection
>i get tan and light again really quickly so im like a different skin tone every week
>baby face if i don't grow chin hair out
>mustache area still dark even when completely shaved to the grain
>super oily skin if i don't tend to it
>hair grows outward and sticks out until its over an inch long (hair is easy to style on top tho)
>filipino parties

>> No.11368360
File: 99 KB, 635x980, 542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

are these whiteys serious

>> No.11368366

>white people are corny
You know how white people feel about niggers? Whether knowing it or not, they can't take any part of nigger culture seriously. When they sound wack when they rap? It is because they can't do it unironically. They think all black culture is for children.

>> No.11368373

black people are so anti-/fa/ it is hilarious.

>> No.11368374
File: 546 KB, 479x611, calm down edgelords what are you 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being racist on anonymous image boards

>> No.11368376

mixed race will dominate this planet in 100 years just watch

>> No.11368378

This is all truth.

>> No.11368380

keep telling yourself that

>> No.11368381

you are embarrassing yourself.

>> No.11368389

and blacks are dirty, ashy and have kinky hair so whats your point?

>> No.11368395
File: 375 KB, 2000x1000, knuckles grinding a sweet half pipe on a sonic skateboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not currently watching Shrek in theaters
>posting racism on an image board that hasn't been created yet
>the worlds gonna roll ya

>> No.11368402

Mixed race already dominate the world
there is no pure race

>> No.11368408

Oy vey

>> No.11368414

I can see the white guy in your brow, head, and chin shape. Why are you shaving your head at such a young age, it looks weird?

>> No.11368420
File: 29 KB, 219x186, iYdD0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11368423

If you don't think Jaden Smith is the most effay nigger alive you need to get the fuck off this board

>> No.11368428
File: 199 KB, 732x960, 1507755_1424147461159080_695790744_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only race is the human race fellas

>> No.11368429

Literally gets cucked by a trashy white girl and Ian Connor
Talks about the dumbest shit
Wears skirts that ain't even Rick
Wears running shoes as casual shoes

>> No.11368430

There is not one racist in this thread with good style

I guarant-fucking-tee it

post fits u cuck centipedes

>> No.11368432
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>> No.11368570
File: 227 KB, 1277x688, behead1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw white
>have the opportunity to wear any style
>always wear khaki shorts, hawaiian button up shirt and socks with sandals or something similar to Franco's outfit on Pineapple express

>> No.11368571
File: 27 KB, 704x739, 1395984652551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw brown mexican trying palewave

>> No.11368588 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_mtniv1Txiw1r6swod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahah this thread is full of so much insecurity

black tears
white tears

its all the same

>> No.11368691 [DELETED] 

/fit/ here. i didnt realize how much black people hate white people until i came to 4chan

none of you ash children would ever say this bullshit to a proud white mans face

>> No.11368742

Be me a slav, cant pul off any style except scum wave, get treated like shit by other white people for being a slav

>> No.11368751
File: 195 KB, 186x387, awesome_hawaii_shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hawaiian button up shirt

Why not?

>> No.11368760

peace be on you brother

>> No.11368795

You're completely wrong.

>> No.11368805

>shitty hybrid asian + european
>look like shit in any clothing
i like it

>> No.11368808

What country do you from kek?

>> No.11368809

nice bait. he looks HORRIBLE!
I would laugh in this niggers ugly face if i ever saw him DARE to wear this in front of me

>> No.11368813
File: 80 KB, 838x720, 1462971614884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this salty butthurtery
>white people dindu nuffin for me
>he says while posting on a board made by a white man, on a computer invented by a whites while under a roof and four walls thanks to whites
>and most likely wearing closes designed by whites

What an ungrateful whiney litte faggotnigger.

>> No.11368819


>> No.11368822

>Taking credit for the achievements of others and your ansestors while sitting on your ass all day doesn't make you better than the anon in question

>> No.11368824 [DELETED] 

>you're not allowed to take credit for your ancestors achievements
>but we will blame you for your ancestors mistakes

>> No.11368836

I'm not even white you dump fucking chimp

>> No.11368869

Slave labour was a loss affair because of the reparations white countries had to pay. It was more of a cultural dominance not an economic dominance whites gathered from colonialism. Plus, all civilisations have practiced civilisation. I'm really tired of white people being the ones having to face the moral consequences of their actions while other peoples do not. It's like white men are the only ones treated as adults - white men have to be responsible for everything, while for example Arabs just didn't know better at the time etc etc. Non-whites and females don't have to face these moral questions because the left has fooled us into believing we all assume they are below us for the sake of hierarchy when it's rather just that on average white men tend to be better fit for civilisation (and Asians).

>That being said 60% of modern medicine's accomplishments are due to black people.


>most school shooters and mass murders are white, most wife beaters and child molesters are white it's not cherry picking, white people are crazy.

There's no statistics to back this up, only confirmation bias.

>butthurt because someone calls to out on your bullshit
>proceed to call him out on hate speech
>hatespeechs himself

And by the way black people are treated like shit because they act like shit. The country I am from (Sweden) we used to love niggers and NO ONE not even old rednecks disliked them. Now everyone does and the difference in pay between dindus and whites is greater than in the fucking US, probably because our dindus weren't forced to integrate.

Nobody hates on Indians or Asians except for some racist jokes but everyone hates blacks. Gee wonder why.

No I wouldn't. Most black people I have met have been decent. It still doesn't change the fact that statistically black people are a disaster and more inclined to about every crime there is.

>> No.11368879

please please please kill yourself

>> No.11368895

the sooner you stop caring the sooner youll be happy

>> No.11368919
File: 1.91 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, at least not for my country's standards.


>> No.11368933

then youre an even bigger cuck

>> No.11368957 [DELETED] 
File: 1.89 MB, 4032x3024, 1465126813393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did u delete the pic you piece of shit. made me search the archive for french fries

shit like this is why i hate niggers. upload here so all my fellow white brothers dont waste their time checking the archive to see this fucking porch monkeys french fries

man you niggers need to learn. i swear

>> No.11368959

You must be American. Africans don't wear street wear

>> No.11368966

Are you seriously getting angry over fries?

Are you seriously spending your "precious" time on 4chan?

If so please get your priorities straight.

I haven't been on effay for a while, but please tell me this what people used to call ironic shitposting.

Also rekt

>> No.11368968 [DELETED] 

bet you wouldn't question the authenticity of my shit posting IRL black piece of shit

>> No.11368979
File: 53 KB, 373x397, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh I indeed probably would not know what to say to a guy that gets upset over french fries with mayo.

>> No.11368980 [DELETED] 

any niggers in this thread wanna step to a real white man

hit me up anytime. i got left right good nights for each and every one of you black dogs

im a racist scientist. ive studied the dna of black people and i know why you arent bringing your best.

stand up white man

>> No.11368981

just be russell westbrook

>> No.11368986 [DELETED] 

say it again wise guy. see what happens

>> No.11368990


>> No.11368998 [DELETED] 

thought so

>> No.11369010

You're using a trip called "racist"

I don't think any of your opinions matter or are valid with that on.

>> No.11369019 [DELETED] 

white man stand up

>> No.11369025 [DELETED] 

my very symbological existence is proof of a superior species of human dna that dwells within the hearts of proud white man every where.

the white man will rise again. stand up white man

>> No.11369036 [DELETED] 

every proud white man knows that something isn't right. the white man built the museums and we built the jets white men dwell with in the stars. we were ancient european kings and queens that invented rare technologies and the jew stole it from us because he knew what we were capable of every proud white man knows his destiny is with great measure the most powerful force on planet earth

know your worth white man

>> No.11369042 [DELETED] 

you're so ignorant and wrong

>> No.11369048 [DELETED] 

keep me posted... nigger

>> No.11369060

He is just baiting. Don't answer him.

>> No.11369119

It's a very obvious joke.

>> No.11369127

almost as bad as afrocentrist pages on Twitter and Instagram. Off yourself.

>> No.11369580

Same here.

>> No.11369620

fashion has actually very little to do with races.

Maybe some color combination or hairstyles may do, but not the fit of the clothes you're wearing.

>> No.11369848

you're joking right

>> No.11369896


Black people pull off tailoring so well too

Navy/charcoal goes so well with dark skin

Bonus points if you can grow a beard

>> No.11370477
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>implying more than 30% of Egyptians were black

Egyptians didn't have black skin, you dumb fuck.
Egyptians had puke-tier skin, just like Arabs today.
Are Arabs niggers?

>> No.11370485
File: 240 KB, 1100x1380, 1461636448755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I'm a xenophobic and racist Slav.

>> No.11370495
File: 27 KB, 512x512, i645ot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blacks commit more murders than whites in America
>blacks kill more of their own people than whites do
>hurr hurr hurr, blacks do more crime bcuz da white man iz moar in numbas

Just do society a favor and kill yourself, you dense apologist cunt.

>> No.11370500

>being a halfbreed
>"defending my own race"


>> No.11370518
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't take credit for it. He told you that whites created basically every commodity you have in your life, and no matter how you turn it around, your education, clothes, food, water and a roof over your head are all due to white men from the past and current.

Doesn't matter if he did it.
It just matters that a WHITE MAN did it.

>> No.11370524

5'3" Latino here. I can't pull of a well tailored suit even if i had one.

>> No.11370539

Why are slavs portrayed as psychopaths? Is it because of 3 guys 1 hammer?

>> No.11370553

Oh fuck off its nothing to do with race
Yall got noice hair as well
And yes its tough for some races to pull off certain styles
u have 2 options either u try harder and figure shit out or just kill urself rn

If ure a manlet or fat pls dont reproduce
Stop spreading ur flawed genes

>> No.11370566

dus je bent nederlands?

>> No.11370614
File: 44 KB, 500x281, 49e2ab3ab1194924bbb13bf44dcc95893a60615c61db3b259b6d8f5fe4442b10_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Because we like to cut Germany in half.
Also, gopniks.