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/fa/ - Fashion

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11362495 No.11362495 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /fa/ youtubers?
preferably not mainstream

>> No.11362502

i hope those gay retards didn't pay a whole lot for those bad outfits

>> No.11362508
File: 22 KB, 300x373, 1464748856501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol that guy totally ripped off justin biebers entire look holy shit

>> No.11362541


Just looked up OPs vid. Could only get the the 58 second mark before I fucking lost it. These faggots are so stupid they dont even know what a fucking dart is. The piece has darted shoulders, and they called it a fucking "acute triangle". Im fucking done.

>> No.11362560


are there any youtubers that actually know what they are talking about? most are clueless consumers that have no interesting opinions on anything

>> No.11362561

I'm pretty sure /fa/ youtubers don't exist

>> No.11362580

just looking at that picture they all look like they try WAY too hard
left is the only one who might seem like he wouldn't be a total fuccboi despite his fit being shit

>> No.11362605

>that guy ripped of bieber's entire look

looks like they all did lmao

>> No.11362633


now that this look is 350% played out and the socks in sweatpants gosha skater look is reaching critical mass. what is next? gotta stay atleast 2 waves ahead of these people.

baggy pants are already coming back so whats the move now?

>> No.11362710

that triggered me, too
there's the canadian asian girl i watch that has some cool tutorials that are easy for anyone to do
but having gone to school, some of the things she says or the way she does things bug me

>> No.11362718


this guy is decent tbqh

>> No.11362746

yeah he's the best i've come across but his voice fucking sucks, it'd suit a instructional cooking channel much better for voice overs
the more he goes on when he speaks his voice gets shakey

>> No.11362751


he is really informative and his videos are edited extremely well. he is a fuccboi though just not as extreme as>>11362495

>> No.11362759

lol this guy sounds like jesse eisenberg

>> No.11362805

>there's the canadian asian girl i watch that has some cool tutorials that are easy for anyone to do
but having gone to school, some of the things she says or the way she does things bug me

YO thats so funny you mention that, I saw that chick's channel too. She actually has pretty decent content, its weird how she has actual fucking shit for views. I suppose its cause she isnt very exciting/funny or cute.

>> No.11362812



srs what is the name

>> No.11362838

Dont remember. She makes decent vids tho.

>> No.11362914


this is who i'm talking about, not sure if it's the same as anon

>> No.11362928

ayy this guy actually seems pretty chill

>> No.11362954

Wtf yeah thats her but, I remember her sub count being WAAAAAY less a while back. Also her video views dont match up with her subs? Only like 16k view and 20k views or less with 132k subs? Doesnt make sense...

>> No.11364575

Wendy is patrician, fuckk

>> No.11364634


i want 2 marry her

>> No.11364664

hes a little bit trendy but i enjoy his enthusiasm

>> No.11364672

hes just so passionate about clothes he has to hold back his tears

>> No.11364861


he make some good videos

>> No.11364873

is that jerry lorenzo in the middle?

>> No.11364875

Holy shit, the amount of "fashion victim" in the same room is unreal

>> No.11364876

Left's face is so wide he will seriously never make it

>> No.11364889

What a painfully Jewish man

Pretty good channel though as far as this kind of shit goes

>> No.11365050


probably thinks pantera is a fucking game

>> No.11365088

Yeah. The era of /fa/ social media is pretty much dead and gone. Even the good blogs are mostly finished.

>> No.11365100


>> No.11365107

>fear of god
fuck me dead, purge yourself from this place asap thanks

>> No.11365115

he only does shoe reviews

>> No.11366325


>> No.11366345
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The only person that I follow is Trendyrosi because he reminds me of the only black person that talked to me in High School

>> No.11366358

the close ups of his smirking face had me dying. is he really like that or is it just a "character" he plays?

>> No.11366362

only good on this thread

>> No.11366366

It has to be satire.

>> No.11366373

awful, stop posting

>> No.11366403

couture atelier

>> No.11366431

You went to fashion school? Could you recommend some books on sewing and designing clothes?

>> No.11366462

showstudio is the only decent one
all the rest are fuccboi and hypebeast tier garbage

>> No.11366544

I'd like to know this too

>> No.11366629

It's fucking astonishing how these faggots exist. Jesus Christ.


That pajeet is the epitome of a hypebeast. Corny try-hard channel name too. There's no way he even knows what "couture" is.

>> No.11366665

The comments are filled with samefagging and fake accounts.
>I literally laughed out loud and impulsively blurted out the word "douchebags"

>> No.11366739

will post when home
in a thread a few weeks back i posted a list with a description or quick review of the book, i hope someone took a screenshot

>> No.11366756

Is this the right thread?
Or is there another one

>> No.11366788

there's another, i think it was more recent

>> No.11366850

cringe shit

>> No.11367081

>there's no way he even know what "couture" is

Uhh he studied at literally the best fashion school in the world so I think you're probably wrong on that front.

And desu I disagree he's a hypebeast. Yeah he wears a lot of SLP and Kanye-style shit but he manages to add a bit of personality to it instead of looking like just another SLP drone or Yeezy stan.

>> No.11367129


he literally studied garment construction

you're an idiot.

>> No.11367150
File: 217 KB, 1080x1284, 13188066_240647762959524_310348362_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca is pretty cool. I actually found out about him the last time I was in one of these threads.


>> No.11367173

okay okay okay, i've been following Luca since he first started his youtube channel in Italy and when he started he was really fucking cool. He had sick fits, a creative mind, and nice videos.
As he progressed his popularity and moved to NY he developed the most atrocious, pretentious, shit style that he thinks is "next level" or "high fashion" or "breaking barriers" but in reality he's just making himself look idiotic and entirely absorbed in his own childish mind.
I want to like him but i just can't believe in his pseudo-intellectual idea of "art".

>> No.11367189

yeah and he cries over people liking his hair and talking about his hair so he cut it off so people wouldn't talk about it anymore. He's mad he puts so much time and effort into videos and then people only want to watch the ones where he does his hairstyles.

>> No.11367917

damn you really summed up how I feel about him. I caught up on old videos and was really interested but I guess I subbed right when it started to go to shit.

It feels very edgy and uninspired now. sucks cause he was decent

>> No.11367921

Really? Just after I get into fitted jeans? Why shit always have to change?

>> No.11368596
File: 476 KB, 2200x1188, Screen Shot 2016-06-05 at 1.23.26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't seem to find what i remember typing but this is a pretty similar list >>/fa/thread/S10458210#p10461032

>> No.11368701

Jan Böhmermann.

>> No.11368827

yeah I remember when he started the vlogs, it was chill
now he's cringe

>> No.11368833
File: 220 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joey Graceffa

>> No.11369051


>> No.11369134

Tall ass pizza?

>> No.11369188

God this guy is so terrible

>> No.11369197

don't think there's anything more un/fa/ than making videos on clothing fits/hauls

>> No.11369251

>go to top fashion school
>limit your personal style to yeezys and SLP


>> No.11369255

>gotta stay at least 2 waves ahead
>asking a board that is objectively always at least 1 wave behind

>> No.11369274


lol, I bet this is you


>> No.11369301

>goes to reddit

lmao just fucking rofl

>> No.11370200
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>> No.11370220
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he got a nice butt T B H

>> No.11370237

I have never in my life seen a YouTube channel about fashion that I didn't end up despising.

It's weird because some topics (old tech) tend to attract really great videos (LGR, The 8-Bit Guy, even Classic Game Room despite the corniness) but fashion just seems to be this weird jerk-off fest.

>> No.11370242

we all go to reddit stop lying to yourself

>> No.11370374

i have literally never been on reddit because i am cooler and more fashionable than you

>> No.11371372


>> No.11371447


They aren't professional just yet but I've seen the guy out in public. Him and his girlfriend are effay asfuk