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/fa/ - Fashion

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11358774 No.11358774 [Reply] [Original]

How do you /fa/gs afford your designer/brand names clothes

>I make $42/hr
>Consider myself Finacially Responsible
>I like Ralph Lauren
>See Ralph Lauren Button down
>$109 before taxes
>Im doing mental gymnastics in my head trying to convince myself its okay to spend the money
>I remind myself being nigger rich is worse then being poor
>Leave the store as fast as i can
>get home
>still think about the shirt

How the fuck do you guys do it? I usually only buy the designer stuff when i get it on sale, I want to buy it more often but ill feel so bad
if i drop $120 on a shirt.

Help me be less responsible /fa/

>> No.11358781

>Ralph Lauren

>> No.11358784


w-whats wrong with ralph?

>> No.11358785



pls go niggertoes

>> No.11358788

>ralph lauren

>> No.11358793

>Ralph Lauren
>Designer stuff

It's all about you priorities, mindset and the way you've been raised. For example, an Italian guy would prefer to buy an expensive suit and be broke for the rest of the month, eating at his parents place every day.

>> No.11358796

>Paying $120 for a Ralph Lauren shirt
>Buying a Ralph Lauren Shirt
>Buying a Ralph Lauren shirt and paying $120 for it
Nigger what are you doing

>> No.11358809

If you don't have a designer clothing budget, just try to look good with what you can afford. I'm a broke college student and I get compliments on what I wear all the time. Just develop taste and buy decent basics. Go to Ross and Marshalls and dig for gold there. Find decent fitting tapered jeans/chinos and a decent pair of boots and sneakers. Get solid colored crew neck tees. Get a simple jacket or two if you need it. But don't worry about brand name stuff, especially if it has a visible logo.

>> No.11358813


What would you recommend as a better brand to waste $120 on?

Yeah i know this. I grew up pretty poor and now that i make $80000 a year i get these nigger rich thoughts that are hard to shake.

>> No.11358821

Purple and black are both nice and much better than hba, rick, givenchy, or any of that other nigger shit

>> No.11358825

>making 42/hr
>tripping about a hundred dollar polo

Lmao bro you make 3 times as much as me and i cop new shit every weekend

>> No.11358830

>he thinks purple and black are the same thing as macys

Oh you kids these days

>> No.11358835
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Fuck i wish i could be as dumb as you...

You probably dont even put money into an RRSP. Fuck anon how do you do it?

>> No.11358836

Of course the racist white kid defends Polo lmao.

>> No.11358840

Op what do you do that you make 42 and hour?

>> No.11358843


No use for money when i'm dead or old, nomsayin'?

>> No.11358847
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>unironically thinking racism is bad

>> No.11358850


Im a Train Conductor. I Build Trains or ensure they get to the next destination safely

>> No.11358863

You could pick up Ralph Lauren shirts secondhand for $5 a piece.

>> No.11358876


>> No.11358942

I have some advice for you:

Open the door & go outside.

>> No.11358959


Nope, being financially responsible is smart, keep doing it.

>> No.11358973

Responsible is fine, but don't overdo it. I intend to die with $2 in my bank account.

>> No.11358977

You realize that the interaction is how one becomes racist, right?

You should go outside sometime. And get off social media. It's poisoning your mind and making you a pussy to scared to think for yourself. Gotta get those validation points, right? Wouldn't want to have an original thought outside of the groupthink.

>> No.11359006

Just buy your clothes used its better for the environment and your wallet

>> No.11359044

Agree with you, after living in an urban environment for Uni you would think I would become less racist. Rather I am more racist than I ever was when I was living with my parents in a suburb

>> No.11359066

Why are you racist though
do you not think all races can be equally capable human beings

or do you for some reason pride the fact that your ancient ancestors developed civilised communities a few years before somebody elses, yet you're still a neet

>> No.11359068 [DELETED] 

you shouldnt feel bad. if u feel guilt after you do something instantly gratifying, that will inevitably become a destructive habit.
the easiest forms of happiness usually cause the most harm.
maybe set aside money for a while and then go on a shopping spree.

if you need a way to convince yourself, consider that for 3 hours work, you have a shirt for a few years.

>> No.11359082

No, I believe that societies function best homogenously. I believe that like people should live together. I believe that tribalism is natural, healthy, and beneficial so long as we maintain peace among them and trade with one another. I believe what Malcolm X believed. I believe that one should operate in a guilty until proven innocent mindset against people who are not from your tribe lest you get stabbed by a spic like my last girlfriend. It is smarter for your own survival to do so. I will cross the fucking street and concealed carry a handgun because niggers post fucking videos of them suckerpunching white people. I will assume that black women stole what they return without a reciept because they absolutely fucking stole it.

>> No.11359096

Wait for sales, no shame. Learn to shop smart unlike trust fund kiddies or dumb teens deep in debt from spending their college loans on clothes.

>> No.11359111

>How the fuck do you guys do it?

I don't care if it's 'designer' or not. Two things matter:

1. does it fit within your budget
2. does it fit in your wardrobe

>> No.11359623

>I will cross the fucking street and concealed carry a handgun
you're fucking deranged lol

>> No.11359678

we need more people like you

>> No.11359809


>> No.11359831

>It's all about you priorities, mindset and the way you've been raised. For example, an Italian guy would prefer to buy an expensive suit and be broke for the rest of the month, eating at his parents place every day.
This is essentially correct. It's the same reason some NEETs who live with their moms are okay with blowing their bank accounts on video games - different priorities/responsibilities.

>I don't care if it's 'designer' or not. Two things matter:
>1. does it fit within your budget
>2. does it fit in your wardrobe
This is also true, though quality is a factor to consider.

>How the fuck do you guys do it?
1) I make enough money to do so and would never buy something like a shirt if it seriously hurt my bank account.
2) I don't buy clothing often. A really nice pair of dress shoes last me years. My dress shirts - absent catastrophe - tend to last me about 3.
3) Part of the reason I can do (2) is because I buy high-quality, meaning I'm not often shopping for the same thing.

>> No.11359864

I don't understand this post
Is that meant to be expensive? It's fucking polo ralph lauren for fucks sake, hardly designer

>> No.11360680

do you even live in a city/urban environment?

people are getting stabbed, robbed, shot, raped everyday and guess whos doing these things..

I'm not the guy you replied to but I'd say he's smart to be CCing and everyone should if they are able to. I wouldn't be surprised if you were european or something.

>> No.11360698

Honestly this.
>>work in U.S. costumer service industry.
>>not be racist.

>> No.11360699

he didn't mention polo at all? are you retarded?

>> No.11360705

fuck man working retail made me so racist it's not even funny

>> No.11360709

I agree with you 100%.
But this belongs on /pol/.

>> No.11360717

As a spic i'm sorry your gf was stabbed, I wish i could say "not all spics are like that" but that's why a lot are leaving their country through gang cartel cannibalism. I'm lost friends to gangs. I'm assuming the incident with your gf was gang related because that's a gigantic problem for us.

At the same time latino gangs have been ethnic cleansing blacks in california. despite being a racial essentialist, i personally disagree with blindly killing blacks but anyone who has seen the incredible role blacks in crime in america and UK, i just don't know. Everyone should go after the jews.

>> No.11360726

I got a $120 Ralph linen button down for $40 at tjmax so you can try that or outlet stores for mall tier stuff

>> No.11360733

I agree, nobody should blindly kill others. I just don't think we were meant to live this close together. I like diversity. I like other cultures. That's why I am racist. I want us all to preserve them. I like mariachi music and mexican food. I like mexicans. But I think that we should live in our own spaces and just visit one another. I'd gladly move back to europe and I think it's fucked what we did to actual Americans. I wish we could all just not fuck with each other and trade together and appreciate each other's art and culture without destroying it by muddling them.

>> No.11360739

Are you fucking stupid? That's the single dumbest thing I've ever read

>> No.11360944

ITT: Fags that think all ralph lauren is the polo ralph lauren line
>not dressing in all purple label

>> No.11360952

youre an fucking idiot

>> No.11360971

I still live at home but I earn like £1k a month from working part time, the money doesn't mean much to me and I have no interest in driving so I'm happy to spend £300-500 on clothes, I'll be much different once I have some responsibilities, though.

>> No.11361114

I don't care if it's polo or not. All Ralph Lauren clothing is overrated and overpriced and makes you look like everybody else that has money but doesn't know how to spend it.

>> No.11361330


i fucking hate brazil nuts

>> No.11361341

I work as a software engineer in Seoul; paid around five times more than my friends :^)

>> No.11361347

t. petite bougie

>> No.11361422

confirmed scandinavian

>> No.11361729

Being racist is 4chan groupthink

>> No.11361737


im canadian and I've heard the term nigger toes before for Brazilian nut so...? Idk if its only Scandinavia

>> No.11361777


i remember it from the episode of louie when his great aunt just kind of dies in her kitchen after offering him brazil nuts

>> No.11361784

that pic is very homo

>> No.11361925

>purple and black
as in RL purple label and RL black label
u dumb fuck

>> No.11362413

No, speaking freely is though. You couldn't do that anywhere else.

>> No.11362712

>I grew up pretty poor
how do I escape poverty anon?

>> No.11362757

>saying nigger is revolutionary

>> No.11363087

That food has to be shooped

>> No.11363093

wait for sales
Go to Banana Republic or J Crew which is affordable when a sale is going

>> No.11363122

why the fuck are you on a fashion board if you don't get it
sacrifice the bullshit in your life for nice clothes, buy them on credit w/e

>> No.11363617


It just made me hate everyone except Asians desu.

>> No.11363737

also dubs blessed the truth

>> No.11363738

sucking my sugar daddies cock xD