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/fa/ - Fashion

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11346577 No.11346577 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw want to buy Dreambox fake Geobaskets but afraid /fa/ggots seeing me wearing them will take pics of me to post in Dreambox hate threads

Anyway post other high fashion sneaks with cheap knockoffs you fags

>> No.11346737
File: 36 KB, 606x540, 1455945977407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do NOT buy fucking reps kid. Save ur money. There's literally no excuse

>> No.11346748

Why would you want to buy reps..?

>> No.11347689
File: 43 KB, 640x637, 4768A6E3D7961361A30F6A0B78C09CB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(wispering) shhhh.. hey bud, buy reps, u might get shit from your faggy effay friends but girls cant tell the diference and youl get the same amout of buzz/ puss from that. they just recognise the asthetic. not to mention your brain cant tell the difference really because same aesthetic, still get same dopamine ruch when you look down at your feet.
>more money to buy big box full of rep mail daily. desu
>if you realy like em, you can buy the origional ones
>free card to beat the shit out of em cuz they are reps,
dont tell anyone i told you this.

if you really are a collectors type of person or big fan of designer and want to have the origional peice and origional quality then go right ahead. you wont wear them as often tho cuz you dont wanna beat em up.

>$30 vs $1,000
>$1,000 for one pair of kicks vs 30ish pairs for same price
>quantity vs quality, the big debate.

just remember what they say, one mans trizash....

>> No.11348911


Your shoes will smell like bottom-tier slavery leather. You underestimate how bad they're going to smell, people will be able to tell when you walk in the room.

When the smell finally fades, you'll notice they're not comfortable, parts start tearing and looking worn out after only 7~ weeks. You'll start to notice inconsistencies in the construction, which will make you insecure about them. You'll realize that you bought loud, showy, shoes that you don't mesh into your style at all.

IF you have any friends, and IF anyone thinks they look interesting (not necessarily good), they'll ask you where you got them. What are you going to say? (They're fakes) [why not get the real ones] (They're too expensive) [why do you even want that shoe so bad] (I think they look cool) [but aren't the cheap fakes worse?] and so on and so forth until whoever's talking to you is sufficiently disgusted.

Buying fakes in fashion is the ultimate level of pretension. You don't understand what you like about the shoe, and you attach a lot of value to it's aesthetic and physical construction anyways.

Just think about what you're doing. You're buying the cheapest possible version of what you really want. The lamest, most readily accessible imitation. You're taking everything even remotely valuable about the shoe and ripping it away in order to look like someone who owns Geobaskets.

Imagine if you knew a guy who was madly in love with this girl he barely spoke to, a cute thin blond with a nice butt. But she was always out of his reach, so he fucked random 2/10's. Rail thin whores, fake blond rachets, some girl with a mustache and a huge ass.

It's not the same. It's not worth it

>> No.11348924


this is mostly not true.

just get the replicas op. i guarantee nobody on this board, or anything for that matter, will be able to tell the difference.

>> No.11348997

>buy a $20 pair of shoes for $500
>buy a $20 pair of shoes for $30


>> No.11349692

>there's literally no excuse
yeah apart from money retard

>> No.11349694

Just do it. You've got nothing to lose, so you may as well just see what they're like. The people who are autistically against it are just triggered because they realied they spend thousands on bullshit memes

>> No.11350080

Are you baiting or actually retarded enough to think that a pair of geos costs 20 bucks to manufacture?

>> No.11350099

It's probably like $10 tops

>> No.11350114

Are you in clown college?

>> No.11350139

You're a fucking faggot projecting on so (SO) many levels. I didn't even need to have a conversation with you to be sufficiently disgusted.

>> No.11350144

This. It's way less than $20.

>> No.11350204

le xDDDD

>> No.11350273

I wouldn't even buy the originals if I had money to shit out.

>> No.11350399

the whole point of fashion is to say "Hey I own these expensive, well designed shoes". I don't like Rick to begin with but a rep is going to look even worse m8. Either save up and buy them used or don't buy at all.

>> No.11350474

You have to be a sad pathetic person to buy fakes especially fucking shoes.

I can see t-shirts
but fucking fake shoes. don't you care about your feet.

>> No.11350639

is this copypasta

>the whole point of fashion is to say "Hey I own these expensive, well designed shoes"
maybe if u dress in obnoxious shit all the time

>> No.11351297

/fa/gs with experience post online shops that offer a big variety of knockoff sneakers
Those ones for example look really nice too

>> No.11351304

I'm almost certain that normal people will be far more weirded out by you spending 1000 bucks on designer shoes than spending 30 for fakes, my man

>> No.11351321

I purchased fake shoes and they're the most comfortable pair I've ever owned.

>> No.11351365

>the point of good-looking stuff is the label

Marketing victim pls

>> No.11351749

Your a fool if you don't realize that they're selling you a shoe 10x it's actual manufacturing cost

>> No.11351770
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>You have to be a sad pathetic person to buy fakes


>> No.11351792


> 1,200 / 10 = 20????????

i'd bet rick's shipped production cost per unit on geos is a little more than 10% of MSRP. probably like 15-20%.

>> No.11351799

Oh sorry I mean 100x

>> No.11351842


lol. why not 10,000x? 1,000,000x?

>> No.11351876

this is wrong
no one cares what you wear apart from you

>> No.11351984

>buy ugly clown shoes for 1200$ to seem well dressed to high schoolers, while everybody else thinks you are huge faggot
>buy ugly clown shoes for 30$ to look like a faggot to everybody
>buy shoes that wont make you look like an emo clown
Hmmmmmmmmmm, really hard choice senpai

>> No.11351999

if you don't have the wardrobe for geos you'll look hilarious. So yes, please buy the reps. Post in WAYWT after they arrive.

>> No.11352006

Aren't geos supposed to be really versatile?

>> No.11352008
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>> No.11352032

le monkey face

>> No.11352033
File: 167 KB, 900x675, 1379238784049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Yes, they are.

>> No.11352151

W2c shirt

>> No.11352155

i cut my grass in geos

fuck dick ovens

>> No.11352156

Hes so flamboyant.

>> No.11352162

yeah definitely. They'd go fine with gay goth ninja, streetwear, or even heritage menswear. Try wearing a buffalo check flannel and some raw denim, should work perfectly with the geos. Looking forward to seeing your post in WAYWT.

>> No.11352175


>> No.11352177

his shirt might as well say "I <3 Cock"

>> No.11352202

I bought "super perfect" reps once, the leather felt cheap as fuck and they absolutely stunk of chemicals, I wore them once and threw them out.

>> No.11352206

>Imagine if you knew a guy who was madly in love with this girl he barely spoke to, a cute thin blond with a nice butt. But she was always out of his reach, so he fucked random 2/10's. Rail thin whores, fake blond rachets, some girl with a mustache and a huge ass.

This is literally me holy fuck

>> No.11352258

Man it actually shows from the thumbnail those are fakes. They transpire cheap quality

If they look so bad on a fucking picture, I can't even imagine what kind of garbage they are irl. Don't do that to your feet and to your wardrobe, buying those is a huge mistake

>> No.11353118

Sarcasm's the lowest form of wit, anon

>> No.11353180

But the highest form of intelligence

>> No.11353453

don't buy reps you fucking loser

if you can't afford it DON'T BUY IT, by imitating it you're just disrespecting the designer and fashion in general

most reps are garbage quality pieces of shit that look great on the website but when you actually get them they smell like death and fall apart after a few weeks, just go ask r/fashionreps

I almost got baited into buying a pair of fake balenciagas on there but then read some reviews and saw the kind of garbage construction that they have

So I went and bought real ones and they were the most beautifully crafted shoes I'd ever seen, so I bought more high fashion sneakers as well

Buy the real ones, your feet will thank you

>> No.11353459


>autism, the post

>> No.11353466

>poor people, the post

go be poor somewhere else you disgusting waste of space, no one likes you or your fake ass shoes and everyone who owns legit pairs can spot the differences really easily

>> No.11353891

>clown shoes are a sign of wealth

>> No.11354623

Nah he's right man, you're a moron.

Kill yourself.