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File: 14 KB, 453x453, ma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11338696 No.11338696 [Reply] [Original]

I'm one of the least attractive people I know. What can I do to improve my appearance?

>> No.11338715
File: 46 KB, 720x1280, oh my.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More recent picture.

Haircut suggestions and plastic surgery suggestions welcome.

I've got about $15,000 to spend.

>> No.11338722


Only thing ugly is your low self worth, moron

>> No.11338734

shave that shitty facial hair, and go to a barber worth a damn and tell him to choose a haircut for your face

>> No.11338751
File: 3 KB, 135x135, zodlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11338756

no ur not dont b silly

>> No.11338781

usually i tell the barber to style my hair however they like so far the results have just been 'meh' and w/o the facial hair i look like i'm 11

>> No.11338817

Shave that thing off.

>> No.11338821

OP is going to look like 10 if he shaves. So I'd advise against that. Some people should not shave until they are 40+ years old, if then.

>> No.11338827

you're not ugly stop being a bitch. just get some confidence, hit the gym if that's what you'd be into, get some solid clothes and you'll be hot.

>> No.11339047

>senn 600s
You did one thing right mate.

>> No.11339059

You honestly look fucking fine. Problem is there's no definition to your face. There's no jawline. You need to get in shape. I'm guessing you're skinnyfat.

>> No.11339064
File: 151 KB, 620x780, dan stevens1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To elaborate. Even when you're not "fat" you can drastically change how you look by getting in shape.

>> No.11339151
File: 453 KB, 1280x720, filthy frank pepe flute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, when taking pics don't tilt your face upwards, makes all kinds of eye shapes look horrible and kills your jawline game. Squint a little more in photos, not too much though.

Trim your beard a bit, those wild strands of beard shouldn't be there. Keep your mustache a bit thicker than your beard, it should even out your round jaw a little bit.

For hair, follow the usual measures for guys with unimpressive facial genetics, which is short sides and longer top. Try to grow your top hair a bit longer than this >>11338715 so you can keep em slicked back a bit more.

Go for high cardio workouts and low carb/high prot diet if you want to lose some of that fat on your cheeks.

Best of luck, anon.

>> No.11339807

oh man

>> No.11339823


You'd be pretty handsome if you can figure out a hairstyle that works for you

>> No.11339847

You aren't ugly. Improve your fitness a little, find a haircut that works, and act *confident*.

>> No.11341122

You look like Steven Hyde without the fro.
Jokes aside, you look fine, just shave that thing off and get a decent haircut. Also try not to look pissed at life in photos.

>> No.11341182

preach anon those 650s are the only good thing in your life