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File: 38 KB, 511x511, kanye-west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11329444 No.11329444 [Reply] [Original]


Tell Adidas that we need a million in production (Yo!)
I done told y'all, all I needed was the infrastructure (Boom!)
Now we hottest in the streets, it ain't no discussion


>> No.11329883

They probably won't make Yeezys though. Got to keep those limited.

>> No.11329887

Kanye himself wants the Yeezys sold in masses . He isn't in nike anymore so he gets to xall the shots

>> No.11329888

Whats that?

>> No.11329895
File: 47 KB, 564x400, 1463855805349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cuckolded by a German sportswear company with a schizophrenic African American spokesmaninto defending and arguing their brand is superior
Shilled fag pls

>> No.11330016

Good, made in a good country without trash humans mistakes. I welcome the robot takeover. McDonalds CEO just said its cheaper to make a robot flip burgers than to try and pay an irritable black teenager $15 and hour.

Thank the cyberpunk gods.

>> No.11330018

Wait have to add
Good despite being a bunch of immigrant terrorist harboring cucks

>> No.11330055

> call shots
Yea right. Adidas will deliberately keep production low.

>> No.11330058

Why the fuck do you guys like Yeezys so much? They look terrible and if you remove the exclusivity you probably wouldn't even want them anymore

>> No.11330108
File: 82 KB, 506x353, kanye_west-tweet[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't really matter what Kanye wants though, Adidas are the ones calling the shots.

I know he said new factories had opened and that they were going to produce a million but how true do you think that really is? Kanye is hardly the most reliable source

>> No.11330152


He he's unintelligent, and he's a psychotic, delusional narcissist.

In the video he talks about being charitable and wanting to help ppl.

>He's the most selfish prick on planet earth.

>> No.11330160


>> No.11330170


Wants to take away bullying by releasing expensive shit.

Lol this dude is so uneducated and unintelligent

>> No.11330230

Adidas makes the prices

>> No.11330239

lol you're just like the 65 year olds from kentucky on yahoo articles

designers do not set the pricing

additionally, he's actively trying to work with companies that make products in the budget market, like payless

>> No.11330426
File: 96 KB, 720x658, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the 22 year-old currently pursuing dual BSE in electrical engineering and macromolecular engineering at MIT.

You are the 27 year-old working at Papa Johns, because you came from poor family and you never finished school past the 10th grade

Watch the interview with Ellen in the link above.

If you still believe everything that comes out of his mouth is coherent then you should really consider going back to school.

Here you go sweetheart

>> No.11330449


>>wtf is this shit mane dyum that's cold ass hole

>> No.11330565
File: 37 KB, 570x960, lolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11330568

Those nigger lips

>> No.11330577
File: 284 KB, 540x307, d_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kayne West will be our president in 2020 and he will be one of the best ones of the 21th century. Not even kidding, you'll see.

>> No.11330601
File: 14 KB, 253x380, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Either you're trolling,
or... you need to go outside, find your nearest tree, take this rope, and hang yourself like the worthless nigger you are.

>> No.11330604

nobody on effay likes yeezys