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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 113 KB, 640x604, thevoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11327026 No.11327026 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw fashion is filling the void less and less

>> No.11327087

means you just have to buy more and more
at greater frequency

>> No.11328535

Sounds like an addiction to me.

>> No.11329438
File: 1.14 MB, 300x200, 1442829746808-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people keep telling me I look like a rockstar and I ought to be a guitarist
>suck at guitar

>> No.11329493
File: 1.13 MB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw work in a research lab and can't wear anything besides jeans and tshirts
Tfw everything is covered with lab coat
I should've been a butcher

>> No.11329508
File: 620 KB, 2084x3126, vintage-comme-des-garcons-robe-de-chambre-coat-gym-shorts-homme-shirt-01-2084x3128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm not staring at dickies' lab coat product page right now considering copping for sick labcore fits
plebs will never learn

>> No.11329573
File: 1.41 MB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2c dickies brand mice

Srs tho labcore is dope
Fuccbois walking around with rubber gloves and blood soaked coats

Rip this mouse in a minute :(

>> No.11329580

>people keep telling me I look like a rockstar and I ought to be a guitarist
lmao whatever you say

>> No.11329591

you look cute post face

>> No.11329613 [DELETED] 


i suck big time
i also mumble because im nervous about having people hear me speak
i swear i dont talk like this in real life

>> No.11329628
File: 388 KB, 956x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a pic of my dog instead, she's a cutie

>> No.11329641

fine, then post shirtless pic no face

>> No.11329645

no dont rip the mouse

>> No.11329703

You know you don't have to be good at guitar to be a guitarist

>> No.11329728

This, or try the bass, is easy as fuck and bands are always looking for bassist because nobody actually wants to play the bass

>> No.11329740

mifune is that you

>> No.11329822

Mouse didn't die in vain
Well, relatively

You first

>> No.11329847
File: 357 KB, 540x780, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have long hair
>"its time for a cut man!" "Cut it!"
>had enough of this
>after hunderds of short hair inspo pics and mental gymnasitcs I cut my hair short
>enjoy it for a few hours but the buzz wears off and I realize Ive made a mistake
>"oh man whyd you cut your hair!" "Who made you do it!?!?"

Two years of growth for nothing. JUST

>> No.11330003

Pls do not kill and eat that dog :(

>> No.11330106

dog is very safe
do u think she is a cute dog

>> No.11330165
File: 1.61 MB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11330176

i was right, confirmed qt
also, what's in your vinyl collection?

>> No.11330182

lol thx bby

its my roommates but lots o old psychedelic and some velvet underground which i enjoy immensely

listening to lou reed atm

>> No.11330203
File: 7 KB, 160x160, 14ywTKf1urgtbgo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound chill
ty for following through with my request, anon

>> No.11330226

Does your roomie have Street Hassle on vinyl? Very underrated Lou album.

>> No.11330227

npnp thanks for the kind words friendo

>> No.11330235

dunno, i haven't looked through em all but ima download it now

>> No.11330261

transformer still the best though
can really feel the bowie influence


>> No.11330388

>find out that girl i thought was a literal 10/10 likes me
>do nothing
>gradually convince myself through self doubt that she doesn't like me after five weeks i convince myself she doesn't like me
>find out a couple months later that she is 'obsessed with me'
>still do nothing
>want to do something but self doubt to the point where i think she must no longer be into me
>she gets a boyfriend
i'm pathetic and i kinda feel killng myself (i dont mean that to sound tumblr i just genuinely never believe i'll become the person i want to be so whats the oint)

>> No.11330411

>transformer still the best though

yeah sure but it gets stale after some years. i mean just listen to bowie if you want that.

some of lou's best albums, such as Magic & Loss, are those where he eschews his influences and just does his thing.

>tfw you will never listen to lou reed on your walkman in the 90s as you take commuter rail from upstate to see your friend of 20 years one last time before he dies of aids while you think on how his family disowned him because at the time the bug was seen as a black mark on the senpai whereas you just want another year or two with him.

>> No.11330444
File: 197 KB, 525x644, 1459230102128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going out a lot more and being social but conflicted on continuing to wear all black and its making me question whether its worth it to continue with focusing so much on "muh aesthetic" or just wear more normal shit and be a cool dude

>> No.11330724

>friend asks me why I would ever buy jeans for $100+ when he can buy them for $30 from asos
>point out all the flaws on his jeans (the material is kind of fuzzy and thin)
>he compares the thickness, the twill, the stitching
>then and there ordered a pair of Made in USA Levi's for $200

>TFW I've transfered him the curse of /fa/

>> No.11330767
File: 8 KB, 512x512, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw literally have no life, incapable of holding a conversation and always so depressed I can barely even attempt anything that would ever help me out of this
>all my youthful years will be spent alone and despairing
who cares really, its not like its uncommon on this site, its not even original or as bad as what a lot of other people have
i just want to have a life, not even anything exciting, id just like to be able to talk to someone every few days when i dont feel good, but they can all see im insecure and basically a derelict human being and few people can tolerate even a short conversation with me

>> No.11331294

this hobby should be depressing enough

tfw waste money to impress people we dont know or like

> bu-bu-but i dress for myself

shut the fuck up

>> No.11332317

why cant go you be sociable and dress in all black, as long as you dont for some retard shit like full goth ninja, i highly doubt it matters

>> No.11332322


>> No.11332337


All of the boards here have given me both narcissism ("I'm better than those 'normies'l) and low self-esteem. The combination results in me taking a path of inaction more often than not. This way, my fragile ego is not hurt and I can keep my delusions of grandeur.

Additionally, anytime I do try to do social things, it's exactly as you describe. I don't really know how, and I'm so insecure that anything I do say or do is awkward. This place has killed me.

>> No.11332338

nah, any hobby is for yourself. it's just with fashion other people get to witness your hobby too. people who collect post stamps or tf2 hats sometimes spend twice as much as /fa/gs, and nobody in real life even know they're doing it

>> No.11332343

this place got me to figure once for all that fashion is supplement, not the life goal ( unless you're designer yourself, that is ) you, me, and a whole bunch of the people on this board need an activity where others won't be able to judge us.

>> No.11332354

this place just perpetuated my desire to live a superficial life while maintaining a close knit of friends. why cant you spend money to impress people you dont know, isn't that one of the main reasons people create art in general

>> No.11332398

you can. but will it fill the void is another question

creating art = making something new. that's not exactly what we're doing in there.

>> No.11332542

maybe i should leave this place

>> No.11332731

I hate this board but also love it so much
Especially feels threads

>> No.11332741

You gotta be effay on the inside before you can be effay on the outside.

>> No.11332890

I know this feel haha

>> No.11333105
File: 44 KB, 640x640, 1449825534990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have a slim face
>you will always have this stupid chad block face
>you will always be a manlet
>ywn be skelly due to "too much" muscle
>ywn have friends
What's the point of living? I've been saving up for plastic surgery since high school but I don't even know if it's worth it. My family will always know what I looked like.

>> No.11333151

same but I have not been saving for surgery

>> No.11333366
File: 36 KB, 880x512, No GF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get girlfriend
>best 9 months ever, talked about clothes and had same interests
>broke up because I never tended to her enough
>buy clothes with the extra money I would usually spend on her
>spend more money
>more money

All these clothes but I have to friends or someone to go out with. I go all out just to go to the mall and buy groceries to make myself feel better.

I spend all my money on clothes and alcohol, for what? Is there a point that having that quick fix of happiness seeing yourself in the mirror with nice fits?

I'm still going out to get a field jacket today though...

>> No.11333371

>>broke up because I never tended to her enough

It's your fault anon. Quit drinking and let those sick new cops get you the attention of a qt you will actually give a shit about.

>> No.11333397

i used to be so happy

>> No.11333934

Literally me

>> No.11333942

Sooooo that's it? You had one gf and now you'll be alone forever?
Fuck that beta shit. Cop some sweet clothes and then go out and fuck some stinky, stinky tumblr pussy.

>> No.11334063

Post gril pic

>> No.11334204

>tfw no effay bf (am boy btw)


>> No.11334224

>ok with my looks most of the time
>strangers and friends constantly tell me that I'm attractive but body dysmorphia fucks heavily with my confidence
>either feel like a greek god or an ogre there is no inbetween
>atleast I'm 6'4 with a huge dick
>want to get into modeling but basic bitch agencies probably won't be into my look since I'm kind of ugly-hot
>have really sweet gf but she bores me
>it's probably because I've become increasingly shallow over the years
>by the way she has no idea that I'm bisexual
>love my clothes but never feel like I have enough
>constantly buying shit to fill the void of not having a satisfying social life or fulfilling aspirations
>pretty sure I've developed a mild eating disorder
>depressive episodes getting worse
>not consistent in my creative endeavors or hobbies
>talented and intelligent but can't find the motivation to apply myself
>scared to death of what my future will hold
>feel like a loser but atleast I look pretty good

life doesn't feel real right now ha

>> No.11334657

>have huge crush on girl but she has a bf
>she's a little chubby but so am I
>lose all my weight running
>she still chubby as fuck
>tries to lose weight but she gives up too easily
>she breaks up with her bf
>We have sex
>I realize we have fuck all in common and I only wanted her because I was thirsty
Feels really bad, man. She's too chubby for me, we share zero hobbies or interests, and I barely ven want to talk to her. I just wanted sex. Our whole relationship now is just sex. I can tell she wants more but I don't.

>> No.11334664
File: 44 KB, 736x981, raf_simons_coat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11334665

>browse /fa/, /lit/ and /mu/
>try as hard as I can to have great taste in things I enjoy
>can't talk to anyone about anything anymore
Holy fuck kill me, I hate being this elitest. I probably don't even have great taste compared to a lot of people but I can't have a conversation about clothing or music with people without thinking "REEEE fucking normies."

>> No.11334671

200 bucks for levis???
for that price you can get Japanese denim or some pretty nice US made denim that's miles beyond Levis

>> No.11334677
File: 59 KB, 700x493, 1271719942282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all you care about is the chase

>> No.11334726

>talking to a cool guy on tinder
>have similar music taste
>lurk through his fb pics
>he's kinda ugly
>looks frail
>tfw I'm also kinda ugly
>tfw ugly with high standards
>tfw can never see myself caring for someone that's not a 10/10 in my eyes
>remember it's only tinder and he probably just wants to fuck anyways

>> No.11334807
File: 464 KB, 2560x1600, travel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try traveling the world instead of buying necessary stuff.

- Make new freinds from all over the world
- explore new cultures and countries
- grow mentally

> invest in YOURSELF instead of being highly materialistic

>> No.11334881

Same here...

>> No.11334891

But... I want to play the bass...

>> No.11334907

>Provincial economy is fucked

Thank god I can still dress alright. Sucks that I can't afford new fits. Or good food.

>> No.11334911

i hope u're a girl

>> No.11335001

Dollarydoos sorry. Everything is expensive as fuck here

>> No.11335002

I know this feel (am also goyim)

>> No.11335013

I want to pet that dog

>> No.11335015

>Have fuckbuddy
>Occasionally fuck other women
>Feel like shit if she does the same thing
>Know it's not justified as I'm not interested in pursuing anything further anyway
>Doesn't make me feel any better

Fucking why.

>> No.11335086

You were doomed any way. This place just facilitated your decline. But iktf. At least 4chan is somewhat of an outlet for me.

>> No.11335257

do you feel threatened that she's going to stop being attracted to you/sleeping with you if she's sleeping with other men? sounds like you have a need for validation (which makes sense considering we're all here). Just don't let shit get to your head and consider that casual relationships like that aren't a zero-sum situation; just bc she's fucking other people doesn't mean she still doesn't want to fuck you.
basically, just chill out, you should be good, man

>> No.11335266

>tfw no gf
>tfw stopped buying clothes because OP pic's
Yep what else is new?

Right now I'm saving for a drum kit and hope it could fill the void in me.

>> No.11335286
File: 78 KB, 400x367, Rise and Fall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because sex for its own sake is unfulfilling and unsatisfying in the long run, you're basically masturbating while using another person as your hand. It's childish and you should stop running away from comittment and emotional attachment.

>> No.11335299


>> No.11335305

Tbh I'm not too worried she'll ditch me for someone else for reasons to complicated to explain, although I definitely have a need for validation.
Maybe I'm just possessive or something. Mind you, at least I'm not a fuckboy who's going to cause drama over it.

>> No.11335315

Only just got out of a really shitty, abusive relationship that I was stuck in for almost 3 years and I'm not in a hurry for a new one.

Also think I might be a sex addict, I'd be masturbating twice a day without sex.

>> No.11335329

>Tfw been planning a fit for a while
>Weather finally suitable for layering
>Start second guessing myself when I put it on
>Go out with a friend to grab some coffee
>Their only comment is "great, now I look like a hobo"
>Feel a bit better about myself

W2C confidence?

>> No.11335337

>tfw have to wait weeks before buying what I want because I'm still fat

>> No.11335346

Precisely how I feel. I can't seem to connect with 'plebs.' And, even more unfortunate, I can't talk to people with good taste either.

For example, this kawaii girl complimented my swans shirt and said that she saw them a few years ago. My response was effectively the 'th-thanks, y-you too' meme. RIP

>> No.11335376

good luck to you friend, i struggle with those validation needs myself so i figured we were in a similar position

>> No.11335401

>constant fear of going bald
anyone else suffer from this
think i just found a bald spot and i honestly feel like i might cry, i cant figure out if i'm just being paranoid

>> No.11335417

I've had multiple girlfriends before. But just something about her, she just, something hit a cord with her.

But me being an unsocial, unappreciative autist, I lost it all. I've been hitting myself over it for months now.

>> No.11335550

Just buy a bunch of shit from goodwill.

>> No.11335612

Had this when dad told me he started balding at my age, went straight to the doc for finasteride

>> No.11335759

>fucking why
because you're a guy and men are stupid, entitled, hypocritical assholes

>> No.11335762
File: 40 KB, 126x105, 12345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get an offer on grailed just after posting
>from AUS/NZ

>> No.11336017

Have you tried changing and try again? Maybe she still thinks about you too

>> No.11336026

I hate to be the one who says this but, how can you be do retarded?

>> No.11336031


>> No.11336114 [DELETED] 

>tfw some imbecile is memeing the piece i wanted to buy on WAYWT every day

>> No.11336129

>look like a rockstar

Rock on, dude! Sk8 for lyfe! \m/

>> No.11336161

Gave up on me, she got feelings for another guy and then decided to break up with me and go out with him immediately. I've talked to her about things, but I feel like the more I talk the more I drive her away. She knows how I am, and she doesnt have or show any sympathy. The only sorry I got was a single word text from her.

>> No.11336318

nice pupper

>> No.11336327
File: 78 KB, 300x300, profile_picture_by_mandark_plz-d569idh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best dressed person at a school of 15000
>best dressed in a town of 80000
>easily one of the best on /fa/
>exclusively wear top tier designers
>still have no friends
what's the point anons

>> No.11336337

>tfw it's getting hotter and hotter outside and I'm allergic to the aluminum in antiperspirants

>> No.11336341

don't sweat it anon, you'll be okay

>> No.11336347

Get some from germany. They are mostly Al-free.

>> No.11336353

>174 lbs
>depressive although on fluoxetine 40mg
>feel fat as fuck
>feet one or two.sizes too big for geos

>> No.11336355

Maybe it's that you seem like a pretentious cunt

>> No.11336383

anon I am 99.9% positive that you can get aluminum free deodorant in most stores in any country that sells deodorant

>> No.11336388

is it pretentious is something actually is the best of the best?

>> No.11336395

but that's only deodorant. the difference between regular deodorant and antiperspirant is the active ingredient of aluminum, which stops the sweating.

>> No.11336399
File: 67 KB, 300x898, 1421810929991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i know this feel
its when you think theres something wrong with someone for being attracted to you. It means no significant relationships and no handle on your self esteem

>> No.11336414

help me bro and to answer the people asking how i could be that retarded, year of bullying as a kid resulted in self hatred and literally no confidence, i'm attractive too so i dont get it
i'm seeing a therapist in hopes of sorting it out

>> No.11336420

It is when you consider that outfits are entirely subjective, what is good to you may not be good to me. Being the best would entale me agreeing that your fit is the most creative/unique/enthralling/functional on /fa/ and i doubt that.

>> No.11336437

doubt all you want
at some point it becomes objective

>> No.11336521

this is the point where you are objectively stupid

>> No.11336527


>> No.11336571

I'm sorry I was too rude. I went through that too.

When a girl finally noticed me was when I started feeling more secure about myself. I know we aren't the same, but that could work for you too.

It's a good thing your are seeing a therapist. Are you taking meds by any chance?

>> No.11336583

Agree with anon.

You are objectively stupid.

>> No.11336773

>only twice


>> No.11336888

says the objectively inferior

>> No.11336894
File: 576 KB, 974x700, margiela-1997-exhibition-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw don't care about fashion anymore
>just come here to shitpost when I'm banned on /mu/

feels good mans

>> No.11336914

Playing the bass is way more effay


>> No.11336923

as a former bass player - depeeendds

>> No.11337083

best post 2004 collection

>> No.11337095
File: 62 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nu262bTmoM1s7y6ddo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 90% of /fa/ is really awful boring waywt
>tfw literally no designer discussion at all except for /rog/ which is just people asking about geobasket sizing
kill me now

>> No.11337125

post fit

>> No.11337129

ppl will think ur cooler if you're sociable but dress differently to the norm

>> No.11337166
File: 15 KB, 500x309, 1460641380299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just a girl

>> No.11337175
File: 448 KB, 496x708, 1447729286681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i just genuinely never believe i'll become the person i want to be so whats the point

i know that feel anon

>> No.11337339

hit us up at /jdg/

>> No.11337420

I like fashion and this board, but I feel like I'm nurturing my vanity by coming here so often.

I'm about to take a high paying job that I don't love, and I think it's mostly because of my growing desire for status and material possessions.

>> No.11337494

>and I think it's mostly because of my growing desire for status and material possessions.

This is the main reason I do any work

>> No.11337527

Dress fairly well but body dysmorphia keeps me from being confident. Don't matter anyhow, gf doesn't love me like she used to.

>> No.11338046
File: 365 KB, 800x600, vHznIzL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanna dress a certain style
>My personality and demeanor is only compatible with it's polar opposite

>> No.11338058


What styles?

>> No.11338074

Gay af

>> No.11338078


I wanna be preppy/menswear. But everything about me says slacker/palewave.

>> No.11338088

>stopped buying clothes
>started wearing nothing but black outlier slim dungarees and grey shirts
>can fit all of my clothes into one bag
>always look good because what few clothes I have fit well and are comfortable
>fashion choices now based soley on weather
>now spend all my extra money on traveling and my hobbies

>> No.11338095

tfw too much muscle to pull off palewave

>> No.11338107
File: 477 KB, 498x568, 1443369005796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Become painfully obsessed with being good looking. Not even just a 10/10, I just wanted to not be hideous
>Become delusional about how I look, have strange thoughts and delusions on what represents the real me
>Spend thousands of dollars on cosmetic surgery
>Work out a lot on an extremely precise regimen
>Get braces
>Get accutane to clear up my surprisingly okay skin
>Had no friends from ages 11-21. And I mean literally NO friends.
>Drive myself insane, my hereditary mental illnesses mixed with loneliness and refusing to accept reality/struggled to distinguish reality
>After all of this, people start noticing me, getting complimented a lot, girls even ask me out
>Schizo-Affective Disorder among several other things have consumed me so much that all the effort I poured into my life for over the past decade is meaningless and in the end I only did it to satiate the delusions of what I thought I had to do to make myself more appealing.
>And not just to others, but to myself.
>But even after all of that I still don't see anything but a failure and a mess
>I have become "that family member who went crazy. But don't worry, he's a nice guy!"

And nah, I don't want to die or anything. I'm content with life, I'm just content with the knowledge that I'll be living a simple life in the country side until I pass away with no next of kin.

>> No.11338110

Hi dug

>> No.11338242

>this much of an autist
>wonders why he has no friends

>> No.11338600

Holy shit literally me minus Surgery part

>> No.11338616

>Work out four times a week
>Get told to lost weight whenever I post pictures when I'm going for a muscular look
>Trousers and jeans never look good on my dino legs, nothing will ever be slim fit off the rack
>All clothes for upper body are made for fat people
>Struggle to dress myself anyway

Kill me

>> No.11339290

Just do it anon. I believe in you.

>> No.11339446

do whatever the hell you want

90 years from now you'll be laying on your death bed wishing that you would have tried out being preppy for once, and then you'll glance down at your beat up vans and sigh before fading into oblivion of death

>> No.11339538
File: 31 KB, 391x453, 1414665205927 (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this some true shit senpai