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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 295 KB, 500x750, IMG_20160523_082350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11320544 No.11320544 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11320548
File: 347 KB, 1280x1275, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my b8

>> No.11320593

looks alright

>> No.11320596

i hate this style but it looks good for what it is. the shoes are a little too purple though them hoes gotta be more of an earthy tone

>> No.11320603

boots aint right here

>> No.11320621
File: 188 KB, 1080x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks really cool
i have a vetemens sweater just like that

>> No.11320627

can you stop attention whoring literally youre not even cute

>> No.11320628


>> No.11320632

go away

>> No.11320640 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 1080x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11320661


>> No.11320662


>> No.11320672


>> No.11320679
File: 734 KB, 584x1280, DSC02545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reeeee posting

>> No.11320684


>> No.11320693
File: 83 KB, 720x960, 12240063_10206978552995973_4622211693805715063_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wore y3 kaohe sandals in black tho

>> No.11320696
File: 75 KB, 1080x810, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao ok im leaving forever then and idc if you think im cute or not this isnt a rate my attractiveness thread its what your wearing today
your being cancer stop posting ,this it was funny the first couple of times but its just annoying now and your making people hate me for it

youll miss me when im gone and i hope you guys feel bad that you told me to leave

>> No.11320700

fucking weeaboo core holy shit what is this cosplay you look fucking stupid

>> No.11320704


>> No.11320705
File: 223 KB, 1000x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you dont contribute to any thread
>you only post your face
>on a FASHION fourm
>you look nasty too, take a shower
>and for the love of god please dont smile
>we wont miss you

>> No.11320706
File: 602 KB, 522x849, 1463995821596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11320714

10/10 for that cool face edit

>> No.11320716

I will miss her a lot newfags can't sand anyone who gets more attention than them.

>> No.11320723

why do you post on this board? go to soc

>> No.11320729

only new fags like her
old fags are annoyed of her shit

>> No.11320731

Looks dope as fuck, would be jealous if I saw you in the streets
Though do switch the boots for a more earth tone

>> No.11320735


>> No.11320737

decent, normally no socks and high turnups TRIGGER ME but looks good here senpai

>> No.11320738 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 1080x720, 1455247993876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys im doing a meet up (where i live)
(look me up on facebook and contact me!)
my yt channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCim3gHSZmCUOOTSLJQKXssw

did you know i'm an active browser on /r9k/? i have cavities in all of my teeth and i'm depressed about that. my dads a lawyer but he doesn't give a shit about he anymore. he gave up on me when i was a heroin junkie and sent nudes.

>> No.11320740

new rexy but worse

>> No.11320741

Sounds like a typical 4chan woman desu

>> No.11320748

you have cavities because you dont fucking brush your teeth

>> No.11320761


>> No.11320796 [DELETED] 

also check out my archived cringy videos i make!


>> No.11320833


>> No.11320848
File: 925 KB, 1758x2738, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot outside again

>> No.11320857
File: 23 KB, 480x636, 10174850_1428222404099707_8070021243918966449_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he llo i am new , hhere pls giv adise

>> No.11320864
File: 521 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-2442453804636304931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazy Victoria day weekend fit

>> No.11320866

nice, those shoes make it look like your mom works for minimum wage barely able to pay for your apartment's rent and can only buy you new shoes every 3-4 years

>> No.11320882

Well, there has to be a nu male in every waywt thread.

>> No.11320905


you're alright

>> No.11320916

thanks senpaitachi

>> No.11320922
File: 2.80 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today i cosplayed as a normal person

>> No.11320934

7/10 cuz normie

>> No.11320943
File: 1.78 MB, 3264x1836, 20160523_111246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11320947

you look good and comfy
whats the shirt?

>> No.11320964
File: 332 KB, 1080x1608, Collage 2016-05-23 19_34_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic shit.

>> No.11320988
File: 22 KB, 600x450, 600x450-2014012200231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old ass uniqlo
I only got it cuz i like the movie

>> No.11320990

nort bard my frend gord gord

>> No.11320995

fashion victim core

>> No.11321014

Nah they're just shoes thanks though

>> No.11321050

i for one will be happy not to see your face in every thread. and no one will feel bad, trust mi daddi

she derails any thread and makes it about her
hence how the previous waywt thread became about her teeth, lack of showering and general attention seeking

>> No.11321111

what shoes are you wearing there bro

>> No.11321124

Brown suede derbies

>> No.11321146

no offense but this looks really dumb

>> No.11321149

what brand

>> No.11321171

Shame that you are a junkie.
You are a cutie 10/wouldhavewifed.

>> No.11321176

just fuck off and we'll see

>> No.11321210
File: 1.52 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20160523_204309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have been visited by der spunky skeleton

>> No.11321225
File: 3.94 MB, 3120x4160, RQbIUez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I /fa/?

>> No.11321237
File: 39 KB, 574x574, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.11321244

that was euphoric

>> No.11321248
File: 324 KB, 401x353, m'lady.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11321307

mods pls this spam is doing me head in

>> No.11321357

have you considered pooing in loo

>> No.11321401
File: 1.15 MB, 1699x3240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11321415

not very good but your face and hair are interesting as fuck. would buy u coffee and learn about you/10

>> No.11321427

shoes are completely wrong otherwise ok a bit over the top.

>> No.11321431
File: 760 KB, 2071x2818, DSCF2613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

v grey maybe too grey

>> No.11321433
File: 114 KB, 1080x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please just stop whoever you are
you obviously dont really know me because ive never done heroin in my life (im only 18 ffs) and i never ever sent nudes to anyone, not even my bf because i dont even date people online in the first place and im not even that type of girl anyways
im reporting you anyways for posting that personal info sorry but you deserved it

shut up

>> No.11321437


>> No.11321440


>> No.11321443

use a white shirt instead the grey polo

>> No.11321456


that's what i usually do actually

>> No.11321459
File: 219 KB, 706x703, 1462228026299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gr9 legs chibi

>> No.11321493

You all look like shit

>> No.11321512

You're just jealous

>> No.11321528
File: 27 KB, 640x480, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you look like a malnourished Spike Spiegel with less hair

>> No.11321547
File: 846 KB, 1600x1200, 1460561723685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein gott.

>> No.11321553


>> No.11321559

Fuck off tilt-head

>> No.11321580

that haircut really doesn't go with your face shape m8, you should get something with more volume on the sides.

>> No.11321602

Pls answer

>> No.11321607

its just a fucking plain hoodie, get a grip

>> No.11321613
File: 995 KB, 2689x4781, j8dqafL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm calling it "Sunday Blues".

>> No.11321618

fuck off white knight

>> No.11321621

Hey, I like the attempt, but the pants need to be narrower towards the bottom.

>> No.11321636
File: 2.93 MB, 2457x2083, 20160523_162303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11321645

Really good b8 actually I almost fell for it

>> No.11321646


>> No.11321655

ID on shoes

>> No.11321658

Previous one worked quite well.

>> No.11321668

Looks like vans sk8 low with brown sole

>> No.11321671
File: 15 KB, 342x419, Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Pastor. Awful

>> No.11321673

how can we miss you when you refuse to fuck off?

>> No.11321703
File: 8 KB, 246x250, 1425621204433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dude. she's just some fucking kid. ignore her. this bullying is beyond disgusting tho.

>> No.11321715


>> No.11321727


>> No.11321739


>> No.11321747

light blue shirt and black pants don't match

>> No.11321754


Your so attractive. Everything is on point post another pls. /10 King

>> No.11321761
File: 1.16 MB, 730x1150, waywt23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11321766


Nice fit. Insta? Do you have

>> No.11321771


can anyone explain to me what the fuck is going on here? he looks exactly like hobos in my area. is this board elaborately meming like fit with the squat plugs?

>> No.11321773

Idk what to think of this..
Nice hair / shoes.

>Idk about the pants(maybe to tight?)

>> No.11321777

You'll go more viral one day because people cant seem to ignore you. When that happens don't give a fuck and keep doing what you like.

>> No.11321786
File: 8 KB, 134x175, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude. Chill the fuck out its just a SAMEFAG
>>>>>>None of us like that shit
learn to ingore them.

>> No.11321793

It's still works tho

>> No.11321797


>> No.11321798


>> No.11321814

But all your other fits are normie af.

>> No.11321821

Idk dude norm core is so /fa/
I agree with his fit- prob a diff shirt tho

>> No.11321822


People keep asking me this. No sorry, I don't.

>> No.11321829

K, we'll do you have anymore fits to post?
So far so good

>> No.11321831


You again. You have good facial aesthetics.

>> No.11321849
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x801, DSC_0113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how he works,
That's how
The good Lord, he works.
That's how he works,
That's how.

>> No.11321852

weak bait

>> No.11321855

dude this is kinda just unnecessarily mean

>> No.11321862

Haha long boy

>> No.11321863


This might be 4chan, but lets try not be as toxic as /b/ - leave the girl alone.

>> No.11321866

I didn't post this, and I don't know why this anon would impersonate me for such a dumb reason, but he is right, I don't have an insta.
I've been posting for a while, so I don't really know why you're asking this.

>> No.11321869

Great fit.

>> No.11321872


>> No.11321873

/fit/ here, you look like a hobo who hasn't eaten in days and is wearing clothes picked from a dumpster

>> No.11321875


>> No.11321877

fuck off you whiteknighting samefag, if she didn't want negative attention here she shouldnt have spammed her face unprompted on every board for months and months on end

>> No.11321879

sunday jihad

>> No.11321880
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lookin ass

>> No.11321883

/fit/izen here. What the fuck is that supposed to be? Are you the type of guy to suck dick for crystal meth? You look the part, homo-hobo

>> No.11321884

nice sneakers, mr. samurai

this board is a goldmine

>> No.11321901

trash. Boots are thrown in for no reason, and the rest is classic fashion victim core - Maybe it looks good on a runway, but why would you wear it on the street?
Sneaks Might work better here.
I wish you posted this with the sandals, because it probably would look much, much better. Also please make your hair better.
Sneaks would be better than the boots
Can't really see, but combat boots would look better than the snekas
suh dude
Lose hoodie
Clown shoes.
I don't like the boots.
The rafs don't look that good here. i think you could choose something a little more skatery, like those black wtaps vans (i think) you have.

>> No.11321904

i concur. it's the constant face spamming that gets under peoples skin

>> No.11321922
File: 84 KB, 804x1300, hanging-gallows-rope-27229183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i call it "you need a hangman's noose"

>> No.11321935


p clean. where's the photo taken? what's up with all the bags?

>> No.11321985
File: 1.05 MB, 1956x2496, DSC00928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What goes better with my ¥900 Japanese farmer/peasant jacket; boots or sneakers?

>> No.11322006


my home. flatmates make leather goods, bags are some of their prototypes.

>> No.11322030
File: 17 KB, 250x311, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really weird.

I'm 2 months old here, if that makes any sense.
I'm not on waywt that much.
Thought you looked cool, but now I dgaf anymore.

>> No.11322032


da boots 4 sho

>> No.11322054

Sneakers desu

>> No.11322055


I like the black. Nice socks tho

>> No.11322057


>> No.11322079


>> No.11322160
File: 3.97 MB, 3764x2255, Selfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11322166


>> No.11322211

Thanks for the opinions, boots it is I guess

>> No.11322239
File: 809 KB, 1076x2576, IMG_20160418_1221172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11322242


>> No.11322243

w2c shirt or something like it

>> No.11322257

It's called a coverall. Japanese labourers used to wear them. I got it from this Japanese site http://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/c529046437

Check OP shops though (or Japanese brands like Visvim, Beams or United Arrows has them if you're got stacks)

>> No.11322272
File: 106 KB, 517x639, Bates VE13M-1-002-20 Classic L-S shirt - Rust Cord AVAILABLE IN VIOLENT GREEN STORES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I saw corduroy jackets/shirts from Vanishing Elephant the other day

>> No.11322334
File: 22 KB, 282x500, myfit23may.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11322697
File: 3.05 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11322941

this is beautiful

>> No.11322972


>> No.11322986
File: 27 KB, 236x353, 1460912420145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to cop more confidence senpai. peddled the cop/not for days now unsure about what to pair. boots for sure, you can see it for yourself.

and top job on the cop.

>> No.11322999


>> No.11323011
File: 1.96 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an unusually flat chest—'bout to roid up though hard for the Boca Raton 4th of July Beach Jamboree bitches.

>> No.11323017

loafers look godawful with skinny pants
and driving loafers are just awful in general

>> No.11323020

If you're wearing a red hat then you look much like Ness.

>> No.11323034

All meanness is unnecessary desu senpai

>> No.11323040

Yeah, well, that's, like, your, opinion, man. Haven't you ever heard of Gucci, mane? Their Euro.

>> No.11323045

they dont wear gucci with tees and jeans famalam

>> No.11323048


i know right

this bish again

>> No.11323050

No he's right. The pants should at least be cropped/cuffed

>> No.11323060
File: 594 KB, 1080x1920, 2016-05-24 00.08.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11323064

But honestly, I dont understand how someone could believe something like 'all loafers are terrible' in such obnoxiously absolute terms. If they're not your style, taste, fine; but leave absolutes out of your commentary because that's the type of bullshit that creates the pervasive warped standards that clutter up boards like this—with that peculiar brand of 4chan pretentiousness and selfflagellatingly induced sense of superiority that I find so little and petty.

Anyway it's my and several persons of the female population that may or may not include your mother depending on her life status and aplearance [a yo momma joke misspelled? Wtf?] personal opinions thay my outfit was and still is sexy all up my supple skin that all the single ladies wanna touch butts too.

We have a voice.

>> No.11323066

I can't, they're Moto jeans—it would look to wacky to me.

>> No.11323071

Ixnay on you ommentkay. I went to boarding school in Swissland bruv. Peeps there (or perhaps maybe just the various affluent youths with whom I was almost strictly engaged during my foray there) def do dis.

>> No.11323075

If you want to do this shit, then ask yourself why he even made that response. Despite the tone, the reason that guy went out of his way to post anything at all, even if it was a critique of something you were wearing for the sole purpose of helping you look better in future outfits. I agree that it's dumb to say something like "all loafers are ugly" but I really can't get on board with loafers and moto jeans. Come on dude, you're better than that.

>> No.11323081


>> No.11323082

Actually scratch what I just said, the original poster was right. Loafers look objectively terrible with skinny pants, and driving loafers do objectively look terrible too.

>> No.11323142
File: 15 KB, 236x314, 526414f783f7099fb76014bd59d84481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...the FUCK just happened above?

a-are...are you ... okay?

>> No.11323146

I can assure you that I'm not okay.

>> No.11323152

that pose looks like you just shit yourself

>> No.11323172

you used to post on mchan you creep

>> No.11323180

But why? Where's the benchmark that says they can't look good together? and how does that relate to the fit I posted?

I'm really grappling to understand the normative tastes on this board and how they're formed. Clearly there's a certain prevailing attitude among posters here, one that seems to generally and arbitrarily (or maybe I'm not seeing the underlying pattern to the behavior in question) promote some styles, trends and rules while stifling others. It's as if the unconscious mob mind here has synthetically derived it's own objective standards: a way to conform to the ostensibly conformless.

But fuck it. I'm tired. To each their own.

>> No.11323187

How does it feel to be a particle in sociological polarization? and yes I just made that term up.

>> No.11323211

I'm pining here for some perspective. WHY—to you, whatever your name is—do they look so godawful and terrible. I understand aesthetics is a complex concept and therefore hard to explain in explicit terms, but I really need to understand why you think these things look like they do to you.

>> No.11323222

To whom are you referring?

>> No.11323226

I'm a completely different anon but that fit is not very good at all. Nothing comes together in any cohesive way. Just an uninteresting and dispassionate outfit

>> No.11323273
File: 1.37 MB, 1552x2868, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I saw this asian girl wearing a Green hat, glasses, white short sleeve button up, light blue jeans, and white vans. Is this a good looking outfit?

It caught my eye that I had to take a not of it.

>> No.11323284


>> No.11323301
File: 940 KB, 1033x1815, 16-04-29-15-21-30-922_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also, here's my looks from a few weeks ago after a $300 ecstasy binge

>> No.11323305

I get it—the consensus is that it's a bad fit. But I still don't fully understand why you all think it is. For instance: what exactly do you mean by 'cohesive' and 'dispassionate'? Not enough color, variety, striking pieces? Or is it the composition? See, I think you all think that there exists certain fashion faux pas that one must never break. But the truth is fashion is nothing more than self-expression. It doesn't follow a rule book. The only rule to follow in order to be successful is: be self confident and self aware. That's it. The rest is offhand pretentious feeble minded bullshit. Because you ought to remember: every guy dressed like shit on the street makes you look that much better by contrast.

Anyway: impress or undress.

I still want to know why you hold the tastes you do.

>> No.11323308

using my power you shall take a shower

>> No.11323323

Oh also I didn't mean to imply confidence and self awareness guarantee good taste in fashion, or even that there's objectively good taste at all. Just that confident people usually achieve what they want, even if it means convincing themselves that outfit looks good to them despite outside opinions.

That being said, I think certain items of clothing: seersucker shorts, white corduroys, socks with flip flops, berets of any kind, and sweater vests are all absolutely heinous. However that doesn't mean that I don't think that some people are destined to like those things. And for that, I only condemn some of them, but only because they often imply a certain degree of conformity and lack of originality that I find insipid—beyond ugly.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. I'm kind of drunk and am on a bar of Xanax.

>> No.11323441


>> No.11323444


>> No.11323457

Has anyone called you out on that bomber before?

>> No.11323476

Hope you're joking

>> No.11323482

clean, looking good

>> No.11323486
File: 178 KB, 1080x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, these are my posts and this one is not me>>11320738
i reported that person for doxing me but it doesnt seem to be deleted yet... if you guys can report them for me that would be great

oh and heres an update, ive decided to use a trip from now on so people dont try to pretend to be me and others wont get confused ,hopefully it will work in this post (this is my first time trying this)

>> No.11323489

nobody cares, fuck off and get a livejournal or something you blogging cunt

>> No.11323495

you sound really miserable and i hope you get better

>> No.11323501

I'm absolutely fine I just don't understand why you are so desperate for attention that you go around this website ruining perfectly good threads to stroke your ego

>> No.11323510

your obviously not fine if thats how you react to someone you have a problem with
im not desperate for attention and i havent ruined any threads. i think your confused with other people who keep spamming those annoying meme pics of me everywhere i go... you dont know what its like for me or what i have to deal with on a daily basis so just stop it

>> No.11323513


>> No.11323517
File: 26 KB, 480x480, 12289690_731899576940696_8051384786670202270_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11323521


>you dont know what its like for me or what i have to deal with on a daily basis so just stop it

Considering the amount of attention that you're seeking, no one pays attention to you outside of the internet do they? It's pretty obvious though, you look like a drug addict that enjoys getting ran over by a large array of vehicles. So, I conclude that it bothers you when people ignore you. I'll gift this (You) so that you can kindly fuck off.

>> No.11323526
File: 81 KB, 684x1024, eb602fe17b3465932bd0a348a2de8c0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I express this more plainly? There is no theme. No indication that you understand fashion as it exists in the world around you or as it relates to your own body and tastes.

> fashion is nothing more than self-expression
Yes, and GOOD fashion is something that is expressed WELL. That is the difference. What could your outfit possibly express about you?

>be self confident and self aware
Self confidence is something that is earned. Your justifications are just laziness and pride. "Here is my outift. I put no real thought or effort into it at all, but it is equal to that of any other fits."

> convincing themselves that outfit looks good to them despite outside opinions.
Mental delusion.

I honestly dont mean to sound malicious, I'm really not trying to hate on you as a person, but these are all arguments I've seen on this board before, and they suck. "All art is equal" "Its just your opinion" Follow the rules or break them, it doesn't matter, as long as you do it tastefully.

> I still don't fully understand why you all think it is.
There is nothing remarkable about it at all lol

>> No.11323529

shes clearly a broken human being. Mentally ill. Just leave it alone my man

>> No.11323540

>you dont know what its like for me or what i have to deal with on a daily basis so just stop it
Oh how sad, you facespam yourself all over this website constantly. You didn't even post a fucking fit in this thread. Seriously, fuck off, no one likes you apart from some fat lonely neckbeards on r9k, why don't you go do them a favor and post your nudes for them if you want attention because that is the only thing anyone is interested in from you

>> No.11323563

do you think every single girl is attention seeking just cause of their gender?
you dont know what its like to be a girl and idc what you think of me
ok? im not though
i dont post my face as much anymore, i just posted my face right now because i wanted people to know that i was gonna start using a tripcode and so they know its me.
i didnt post an outfit because my clothes suck ok? im poor and im sorry i cant afford amazing clothes to show off with.
i dont care if you dont like me but you dont have to make up things about me that arent true and insult me or harass me. no one deserves that

>> No.11323571

you suck

>> No.11323577

I'm your YouTube channel it shows a decent sized house ciara fucking cats and you're mentally ill you've stated that on your Yt account and other thing

>> No.11323579

>i didnt post an outfit because my clothes suck ok?
then why the FUCK did you post in the waywt to begin with? FOR ATTENTION

>> No.11323584

Go to /soc/

>> No.11323585

if you get murdered im not suprised why they wanted to do that.

>> No.11323588


>> No.11323595
File: 122 KB, 1000x835, 121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro tip: don't take anyone seriously, keep doing what you like since no one can stop you except if you break a rule

>> No.11323597

wow youre so cool
yeah but im only fucking 18 and my parents arent millionaires and i have 3 other siblings so i cant spend thousands of dollars on high fashion clothes.
im not mentally ill, i take medication but its nothing serious, just to help focus in school and stuff
thanks, you made me feel allot better about this whole situation

>> No.11323605

but you didn't answer the question
>why the FUCK did you post in the waywt to begin with

>> No.11323609
File: 233 KB, 1000x1000, 5d4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people take the internet too seriously and are retards, who really choose to ruin their own day. Incredibly stupid but they do exist.
As you can see they are making all the issue themselves, they started the violent thread derail.

>> No.11323610

this image has to be a fucking joke

>> No.11323611


Yo Eliza, how are things going?

>> No.11323614

you can keep doing what you like and use a tripcode and everyone else here will tell you how shit you are for it.

but please keep telling us all more and more about your personal life and your mental illnesses. Thats what this board is for anyways.

>> No.11323618

so are you from reddit or tumblr

>> No.11323619

Oh boy, we have another REEEEEE

>> No.11323620
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>> No.11323623
File: 938 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20160524_013556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11323624

>hey here's the waywt
>my parents arent millionaires and i have 3 other siblings so i cant spend thousands of dollars on high fashion clothes so I won't post a fit but I still want to post here
>even though I have nothing relevant to this thread, I better post myself being le randum in a snuggie XD several times over
>why are people mad at me? you don't know what it's like being le grill

>> No.11323626

whats her yt i want to stalk

>> No.11323629

>you can keep doing what you like and use a tripcode and everyone else here will tell you how shit you are for it.

NO FUCKING WAY! She is gonna get mean text on the internet! She is over!

^ thats how moronic you sound.

>> No.11323634

hey guys im doing a meet up at wilmington, Delaware (where i live)

>> No.11323637

2008 4chan back when we knew how to not take the internet seriously which is not even that old but you were too busy in NewGrounds. Newfags never learn.

>> No.11323639

SAMEFAG stupid fuck D

>> No.11323641

wow you are such an oldfag

>> No.11323644

What are you gonna do? Nothing as expected.

>> No.11323645

How many oldfags can you even name?

>> No.11323649

Hiding behind insecurity stop being awhiteknight

>> No.11323656
File: 338 KB, 423x347, doomedgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, shes got problems alright

>> No.11323657

Hipster Youth
/fa/csist faggot
Franz Kafka

stop the the internet seriously then, newfags

>> No.11323660

No it's not her Yt its her daily motion

>> No.11323663

Are you stuttering anon?

>> No.11323664

cringed hard lol
cringed even harder

>> No.11323665

sick fit. people here dont rate individuality

>> No.11323670

hey dude u missed a chance to hate on >>11323623 cheers

>> No.11323673

good photo though

cool lookin

>> No.11323685

Fine Bros looking ass

>> No.11323696

i feel like the jacket should be baggier with straight pants
love the colour though
but that's just my opinion ya know

>> No.11323699

the good fit there is the worst on the three.

>> No.11323707

wow that sweater fits terribly.

haha wow you suck.

>But honestly, I dont understand how someone could believe something like 'all loafers are terrible' in such obnoxiously absolute terms. If they're not your style, taste, fine; but leave absolutes out of your commentary because that's the type of bullshit that creates the pervasive warped standards that clutter up boards like this—with that peculiar brand of 4chan pretentiousness and selfflagellatingly induced sense of superiority that I find so little and petty.

>Anyway it's my and several persons of the female population that may or may not include your mother depending on her life status and aplearance [a yo momma joke misspelled? Wtf?] personal opinions thay my outfit was and still is sexy all up my supple skin that all the single ladies wanna touch butts too.

>We have a voice.
this has to be a copypasta haha right guys? guys?

if you google this one hit shows up: this post LMAO

>> No.11323708

Prove it wrong then.

>> No.11323753

I would too because that makes me want to cry myself to sleep

>> No.11323774

>if you google this one hit shows up: this post LMAO

>> No.11323816
File: 225 KB, 462x521, 353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna switch the stans with mm gats when they come in the mail tomorrow, i think that'd improve it

>> No.11323846
File: 25 KB, 384x400, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11323860


>> No.11323861
File: 295 KB, 960x1280, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11323874

I like this!

>> No.11323884
File: 47 KB, 448x360, 1447787849056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not mentally ill


>i take medication but its nothing serious

Nobody gone stick his dick in crazy.

>> No.11323893

Looks comfy and clean

>> No.11323908
File: 2.27 MB, 1206x1280, Chillman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11323915

perfect filename lol

>> No.11323924


this is the core complaint

not one pic has been an actual, top to bottom fit pic

people expect posting about fashion on a fashion board go figure

theyre just face shots and a shitload of people getting super triggered by it

not to mention the kind of attention shes fishing for isnt going to come from here anyways

try some collection of sad lonely fucks instead

>> No.11323927

im not convinced this isnt just high quality trolling for yt views or something honestly

>> No.11323929
File: 139 KB, 720x1280, 82faa304-f58d-4cee-84ef-1a8219c90992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 this

less atrocious photo bc i hadnt been on a binge. i think i'd just got done porkin' my wife so that's probably part of why this looks.. unkempt?

>> No.11323938


are you THAT insecure or are you trolling?

>> No.11323954

>this how women use 4chan

>> No.11323970

Im calling it shave your beard cuck

>> No.11323991
File: 168 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11324001

you made me cringe dude. you dont belong here

>> No.11324033
File: 802 KB, 1600x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fashion starter pack edition

Farhi Cardigan
CDG T-shirt
Acne Jeans

>> No.11324038


i mean if the fits bad that means i belong here even more

just means i need to lurk more v0v

>> No.11324041

How do the GATs fit? Im thinking of getting some

>> No.11324063

i mean. i'm not super insecure but like objectively this outfit is a lot less neat than i like to present myself. i guess it's also bc i'm a faggot who's super into the whole "dandy" aesthetic which like gets super technical so even the slightest error stands out rly starkly i guess. like the waistband on my jeans for example is slightly too tight bc i have a curvy-ish figure and these are like. the waist-to-crotch situation is super straight and doesn't work with wide hips which u can't tell so much with the black shirt but ukno. when u wear the clothes the slightest misfit seems way more uh, severe? not severe but yea i guess stark?

>> No.11324135

more like cuck fashion starter pack

>> No.11324144

>conectar igualdad

>> No.11324348

Not him but gats fit true to size in my experience

>> No.11324351

It's made by quentin so yes

>> No.11324378


>> No.11324504

yes you are, but workout and get a better hairstyle you failure.

>> No.11324528

Are you kidding me?

>> No.11324541
File: 29 KB, 450x461, ba5170e2-16e1-4e98-babd-b244f222efe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11324554
File: 1.16 MB, 728x868, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted in the last thread and only got one reply because ded thread.


>Bud light baseball cap
>southern ranch apparel frocket
>chubbies shorts
>chubbies shorts tube socks
>newbalance 993s

Literally just put this outfit together.
I'm usually a chubbies/khakis and button down with sperrys sorta guy but I've seen other people in this exact outfit and liked it.

I wanna see whether or not it works on me.

Was going for a fratty look.

I only wore it for about an hour yesterday so I'm reusing the outfit for taking my girlfriend to lunch and the movies today.

>> No.11324557

Also, advice on what I can wear newbalance 993s with that isn't this outfit.

I got them really cheap secondhand specifically for this but I can't see wearing them without looking like autismus otherwise.

>> No.11324576
File: 379 KB, 1200x1742, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eliza, don't pay any attention to these losers. They feel that /fa/ is their little hug corner and they dont like new people. In fact, most of the people who post here are just beta neet trust fund virgins seeking some sort of validity from their shitty niche internet community. Just don't respond to them and keep doing what you're doing.

>> No.11324577

you look good, comfy

>> No.11324580

looks like you're wearing boxer briefs.

you should probably throw everything away.

>> No.11324582

talk shit post fit. also, who are you to judge?

>> No.11324587

I think you could easily fit the 993s into the style you are already working. They look good w/ the old money/frat core kind of look. To be honest though, that look is pretty vanilla/boring and over played. To make it stand out I think its more about body type.You def could pull it off if you tried

>> No.11324588

They're actually a brand of shorts.
These ones in particular are made for boating/kyaking and are waterproof.

They've also got leather cords on the back pocket to match with sperrys.

>> No.11324594

>To make it stand out I think its more about body type.You def could pull it off if you tried
Lose weight or gain muscle mass?
I recently went from 170 to 190 when I dropped running but it wouldn't be too hard to work back.

>> No.11324598
File: 39 KB, 574x660, ntEP9Xp8e2-4c4Xr-zNTPvQysnCNIywe4tQLA3rNFYI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you happen to watch h3h3 productions?

>> No.11324599
File: 2.62 MB, 2160x3840, IMG_20160524_124230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this jacket fit?

>> No.11324619

Work on the greasy/acne skin.

>> No.11324624
File: 111 KB, 455x776, 1464057816400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11324632

envious of your parents house

>> No.11324633
File: 331 KB, 1080x1920, IMAG0071_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleezy uncle core

>> No.11324652

why do you keep saying ur 18, i swear ur 16?

>> No.11324660

Very Frat, however showing off your legs, the socks, and the hat are all really cool. I dress the same way honestly and the way I like to operate is through using very interesting shirts. I like using old sportswear from the 70's, with color stripes and accents on the collar/sleeve. But try interesting things with your top, hell try tucking it to see if you can pull off that favela aesthetic.

>> No.11324681

>Nobody gone stick his dick in crazy.

Well I did once

>> No.11324693

I have way too many times. I stuck my dick in a girl who was into healing crystals for christ's sake

>> No.11324694
File: 1.12 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fit good, I got a 290 and I'm usually 10.5/11 and they're comfy. Need breaking in for a few days though.

>> No.11324697
File: 57 KB, 750x937, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i posted my outfit of the day >>11320621 are you blind?
i know, im not the one who ruins threads, its the assholes that spam me with meme pics and just talk trash about me for no reason
things are ok but they could be better
are you being sarcastic
ill do that when you stop doxing me
im sure youre perfect right anon?
and i hate to break it to you but i dont want your dick anyway, i have a bf
k, nice using the woman card against me

>> No.11324736

Please stop using this board, you have already ruined r9k.

>> No.11324786

Lovely to see you all getting so annoyed over nothing. Warms my heart. You all suck xD lol

>> No.11324799

Call it "At least I'm not Anthony Bu- waaaait"

>> No.11324886

Subscribing to no set theme or style is my one constant theme baby—abstract eclecticism, power clashing, fashion forward I think they call it?,
All that. Haven't you ever
seen the documentary Iris? Her philosophy tows well with mine.

The outfit expresses precisely what you've already said—a themelessness whose origin is varied and potentially untraceable. Call it a maelstrom of influence. Regardless if others think it look bad (who seems restricted to this board—I receive compliment on my style almost daily (though it might just be my likable personality)) inappropriate what I want from where I want as mine to wear. And I don't care how that sounds because it's true.

And confidence isn't earned. That implies it's given. Confidence is learned, gained, and perpetually reinforced. You're right, I might be prideful. But—and you can laugh at me if you want—I actually tried on 2 or 3 fits before deciding on that want. Did I use maximum effort? No. But minimum effort (call it lazines ;) is how I, regrettably, usually do things with. Therefore I think my out fit expresses this WELL, by both our logics.

And finally: fuck yeah I'm going to tell myself my outfit looks good despite the seemingly baseless and homogenous criticisms of others—especially when the source is a place where words like 'tastefully' are taken for granted, and the status quo is never analyzed or questioned.

Anyway: I'm just glad you all called my fit godawful and unremarkable rather than gaudy or tacky, words whose connotations are safer from this boards influence.

>> No.11324893
File: 1.16 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bait feat puppy and dirty mirror

>> No.11324908

No you suck.

And it's not copypasta—it was a drunken rant. Though the fact you thought so is a bit flattering. Anyway, 'selfflagellatingly' is so a word. My autocorrect says so. It might just be missing a hyphen.

>> No.11324924
File: 109 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a hoodie and shorts.

>> No.11324942
File: 341 KB, 1080x1920, IMAG0137_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing I'm holding is a denim jacket

>> No.11325162

why exactly does this look so underwhelming?
i like the idea behind it, loose fit overall, beige tones.

there's something about the way his clothes fit him that just look really dumb

>> No.11325167

hi tops don't look terrible here, black shorts would work better here. or just a color that isn't whatever that is

>> No.11325177

you need to either work out and get a good figure or wear clothes that don't reveal the embarrassing contours of your body

>> No.11325187
File: 255 KB, 707x698, 1439431771951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll add you on skype later, I dislike skype through, also Jakie seems really cool I would like to have him on Steam to play some games this vacations.

>> No.11325282

just wear normal jeans

>> No.11325533

size down

>> No.11325640

get this dumb cunt off my board

>> No.11325705

Who the fuck are you to say that

>> No.11325836

He's talking about your wide hips.

>> No.11325840

how am i dumb? are you psychic and able to detect someones iq through their posts?

>> No.11325894

i can imagine girls having crushes on you and day dreaming about you

>> No.11325903

it really doesn't, your fit is trash and it's sad because i can tell you were actually trying.

>> No.11325924

this makes me want to buy a vintage patagonia windbreaker from etsy

>> No.11327270

die in a hole u fucking bit h fuck u

>> No.11327537

>Anyway, 'selfflagellatingly' is so a word. My autocorrect says so. It might just be missing a hyphen.
ahhaha keep believing your cuckphone. you have entertained me with this string of posts like no one on /fa/ has ever done before.

>> No.11327540

>Farhi Cardigan
>CDG T-shirt
>Acne Jeans
I don't understand how you paid so much money to achieve such a standard fit. you could have achieved the same look paying 10% of what you did now.
>that ugly crease
do you use stretchers?

no, size down

>that posture
nailed it. except for the shoes, should be ozweegos or something in that trend. nb 990 would work.

I see what you're going for but you have to be a lanky skater to achieve that. shirt is way too tight at the chest. pant//shoe interaction is what i'm basing your intentions off of.

then don't post

I'm guessing you're wearing yeezy boost 950. not a great choice dude!