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/fa/ - Fashion

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11314095 No.11314095 [Reply] [Original]

Will being effay get me a qt gf. Or will being fit help more because I'm working on both

T. Crippling loneliness

>> No.11314102

Normies like t-shirts+jeans+superstars so clothes don't matter that much, /fit/ can help you better.

>> No.11314109

I don't want a normie

>> No.11314111


it also really depends what kind of girl you're looking for. all girls aren't the same in their preferences. that said no girls like a spineless fagboy so if you're not getting girls now fixing your wardrobe into something effay isn't going to help much.

>> No.11314357

Superstars are gr8 tho... then again I might have some normie DNA

>> No.11314365

Pretty accurate advice.

>> No.11314737


Girls are more impressed by who you are rather than what you are. That doesn't mean you take your mom's advice and just "be yourself," (basically just continue being a failure with women and doing nothing about it until some 5/10 comes along and settles for you) but it does mean that, unless you're really REALLY ugly (like borderline genetic disorder/deformity), you have the option to upgrade yourself by making adjustments to how you behave. Try to be more assertive/domineering and mind your posture, nothing says "lesser man" like being hunched over and staring at the floor all the time. I'm sure you'll have better luck with girls if you take these things into consideration. With that said, upgrading your wardrobe/body certainly won't hurt.

>> No.11315200

ID on that headdress?

>> No.11315351

that depends how out of shape you are right now

>> No.11315461

Ha ha that's a paper bag silly anon :^)

>> No.11315467


>> No.11315685

desu, i'm a bit of a spineless fagboy.

i'm really skinny, just wear the same jeans, tshirt and boots every day

im not even funny or outgoing

im just a really smart, interesting guy.

ive never had a shortage of women.

>> No.11315714

a bit of both goes further than specializing.
but you'll only change the first impression you give. that's a big deal, but might not be enough.

>> No.11315734
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what about those qt asian exchange/chinatown girls wearing yy style fits? cropped trousers, oversized coats

I see them on sidewalks and in restaurants but never out to anything. I wear more conservative comme & yohji, dress like pic related, but they don't even bat an eye

this. but I'm tired of immature white art girls. normies at heart

>> No.11315762

Neither. I'm sorry man, your going to have to work on your social skills

I'm tall, broad, and have a jaw line which could cut diamond and have slim success, while my friends have much more success, my friend who is short, fat, poor, redheaded, stupid and strictly wears ironic graphic shirt is a lady killer. Confidence is the biggest thing

>> No.11315770
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>Tfw this is true

>> No.11315773

ive always thought this dudes head looks so small

>> No.11315836

>people who are neither /fit/ nor /fa/ claim it does not help you with women
Who would've thought.

>> No.11315877

In your circumstances correlation doesn't not causation

>> No.11315879

try again

>> No.11315881

Dressing well might make a talking point, but females are usually pretty vain, so I would say not. Being fit makes you more intimidating, this isn't a good thing considering these people already lack social skills

>> No.11316087


>> No.11316113

Do both but neither will guarantee it. Improving your "stock" helps your ability to pull better looking people but when it comes down to it your personality (and hers) is what matters most. Just don't become a cunt while you're on this mission for self improvement because believe it or not you actually do better as an average looking nice/funny/interesting guy than a jacked or well-dressed douche. You can get laid more as the second, no doubt, but that's the kind of sex that gets really boring after a while (going out to clubs and getting beautiful brainless bitches to bone you)

If you want an actual gf, stay cool. But do improve your body and style because if you're on 4chan, you're probably not much atm xox

>> No.11316217

>dressing for girls

You're the type of person that sees music as an accessory too you characterless faggot.

>> No.11316220

Thank God you're back

>> No.11316307

Please post ur fucking face Bateman
I don't want to get advice from someone who is ugly and/or insecure

>> No.11316611

How do I Asian-gangster core? White Sweater with loose suit jacket and pants?

>> No.11317379

Having drive, a career, and charisma will get you pussy. That and you must dress to match the tribe you want to attract. No worries, you'll be fine. If you get really effay you'll repulse women. The majority of women want a man with energy, who's fun, and who isn't a pussy.

>> No.11317489

I usually wear a tuxedo t-shirt, plaid shorts, and sneakers.. The least /fa/ thing someone can wear... But I don't have trouble meeting girls. Girls aren't too scary or tough to hook up with. If you can manage to be brave and have a personality you'll be fine. That and if you don't over think you're golden. That and if you go places you actually like going to you meet women that are similar to yourself.

>> No.11317527

jil sander

>> No.11317712

thanks mane

>> No.11317897
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Jeez oh man that really needed a bag

would waifu though.

>> No.11317904

Im 5"8 not the best jaw line
Im chubbs but not obese
I lifted a bit back then so i have nice sized calfs,forearms, shoulders back and biceps.
Nice ass according to some women ive been with.
I dress pretty much normal.
I will take some inspo from here and dumb it down to look normie.
Yet try not to dress like a nigger or a closet school shooter fag.
However i have great confidence.
Since working in construction with all types of personalitys and manning the fuck up around women.
Shit i fucked one of the cleaning ladys in the storage room couple of times.
People do not give a shit.
Maybe if youre not tall or athletic or beautiful.
A big enough dick and a great friendly yet non beta personality will get you far.

>> No.11317916
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>wifing a jewess

>> No.11317922

nothing will fix social anxiety my dude

>> No.11317925
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Better than nothing

>> No.11317932
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holy shit

>> No.11317944

Oh shit what the fuck?!?!?

>> No.11317952

you need /lit/ my man

>> No.11317964

you need /pol/ my man

>> No.11317973
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Even more?

>> No.11317984

p-post ass p-please?

>> No.11318022


>> No.11318029

Meditation will. Go look it up, it literally will change your neural pathways so you'll feel less anxious and more calm in social situations.

>> No.11318035

Lol u accutually believe that bullshit

>> No.11318038

Idk man.
I mean ive posted dick pics but idk about that one.

>> No.11318070

legit thought it was a photoshop for 10 seconds

>> No.11318093

put the bag back on

>> No.11318103


>> No.11318117


>> No.11318119
File: 65 KB, 736x416, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're ignorance is sickening... all the spiritual and religious meditation is silly but meditation itself actually is a thing that can biologically change your brain. It's like working out your brain. Read this or don't, I don't really care


>> No.11318165

Is the juden related to Bernie?

>> No.11318181

Would still fuck, though. That ass is god-like.

>> No.11318260
File: 12 KB, 250x159, tk_manga1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically, besides the top. buttonups with interesting materials work best, imo, like silk or raw linen. make sure to cop a dead tired, world weary expression and posture and hard as steel reserve.

for inspo, look at tekkonkinkreet - the manga, not the film - and takeshi kitano films - yohji did costume design for Brother.

can anyone rec other manga w good yakuza loose fits?

>> No.11318281
File: 534 KB, 853x480, vlcsnap-2010-01-14-13h14m38s44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also some taiwanese films: millenium mambo & rebel of the neon god for more casual delinquency.

>> No.11318629

You don't even need to be assertive or domineering
Just being confident will do you good
I wouldn't consider myself assertive and definitely not domineering, I just talk to women like they're actual people and it works
Sure you're liable to make some friends rather than lovers, but it's better than turning yourself into an asshole a pissing anyone actually worth talking to away

That being said, if pussy is your main goal, go the /fit/ route, if you work hard its impossible not to get more girls
If effay you mean not dress like shit then sure, try getting some basic tees, jeans that fit and some nice normie shoes
If you mean actually get fashionable, it's a lot harder and a lot more expensive, plus it won't get you more pussy, just more quality chicks in my experience

Good luck brother

>> No.11318651

newb question ik (new to/fa/) what is effay mean?

>> No.11318654

Take the sunglasses off and she is okay

>> No.11318663

Effay is pronouncing the letters in the board abbreviation (fa) separately f a
It means fashionable or more importantly comforming to what is considered fashionable here

>> No.11318665

there is no hope for you. kill self.

>> No.11318800

Good taste, I'd add Fallen Angels to the list