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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 322 KB, 600x450, sweatshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11236862 No.11236862 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /fa/, don't usually post here so please no bully.

I'm looking for a list of clothing brands that don't use exploitative human labor (ie, child labor, sweatshops, hazardous work conditions, etc). Bonus points if the raw materials used also don't come from exploitative labor.

>> No.11237211


>> No.11237252

The list would be short.
If the raw materials have to be free from exploitative labour then it would be extremely short. Especially so, in fact.

I can only think of one "brand" that sources all of its materials in the british isles and manufactures them there, too. They only produce 3 or so of each size of each respective item of clothing.

Look for any brand that's not made in the far east.
Basically anything truly made in a western nation, or japan (but even then, loose labeling laws allow for a lot of bullshit - something doesn't necessarily have to be made in england, japan or switzerland to be allowed to have "made in ____" stamped on it).

So, basically nothing.

Why do you want such a list?

>> No.11237263


Basically this. There are no "brands" that don't use sweatshops. That'd be way less profitable. The only place where you might be able to buy homemade clothes would be in some local market, but it's probably going to be shit.

>> No.11237294
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Sweatshops aren't exploitation. The workers choose to work there because the wage is better than other available options.

It would be exploitative if those factories entering the market forced out other businesses that would've made preferable alternatives, presumably local with better work conditions and similar wage. This is usually more often the case in the first world.

Vietnamese, etc. workers welcome factories because it pays far better than they could get locally. You can blame this on their inefficient, corrupted government due to the foreign interventions made by the same feel-good liberal humanism colonialist contingent you're implicit in.

>> No.11237314

Someone, somewhere, is getting shafted somehow in regards to everything you'll ever buy, op.

Everything, everywhere.

The degree of shaftage is relative.

>> No.11237333

Go back to /pol/ with your retarded ass logic

>> No.11237447

American apparel doesn't use sweatshops (everything is made in the US) but idk about the materials and whatnot.

>> No.11237479

ancap detected

>> No.11237508
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It's very straightforward logic, all it takes is basic empathy. Ask the worker themselves how they feel.

Would they rather the factory shut down and they're forced to go back to cutting coconuts or making sandals out of tire rubber? The answer is no, or else they would have never stopped in favor of the sweatshop.

But people like OP will still try to shut down the factories, move them to other countries, force them towards automation, etc. just to help make themselves feel good. Talking the big talk about the workers when they couldn't care less about their wishes regarding their own livelihoods.

>> No.11237527

>ut people like OP will still try to shut down the factories, move them to other countries, force them towards automation, etc. just to help make themselves feel good. Talking the big talk about the workers when they couldn't care less about their wishes regarding their own livelihoods.
Not to mention all the while festooning themselves with the fruits of this "exploitative labor" so that they don't pay "those ripoff prices" at home.

>> No.11237754

OP here

Nobody is asking for factories to shutdown. I'm not even asking for factories outside of the western world. Maybe I wasn't clear. I'm asking for brands or labels that have a relatively high standard for employee working conditions and pay a decent wage.

>> No.11237786

>I'm asking for brands or labels that have a relatively high standard for employee working conditions and pay a decent wage.

Pretty much all high-fashion de-facto conforms to this simply because production of the items is skilled labour. Mall-tier fast fashion can be made by anyone, but more complex clothing items require trained employees

>> No.11238176

>Nobody is asking for factories to shutdown
Sure but why are you specifically targeting a boycott against their livelihoods? What is there to gain from it?

>> No.11239378

>I'm asking for brands or labels that have a relatively high standard for employee working conditions and pay a decent wage.
Then look only at things that are made with quality.
Not super mass produced crap.

Eg. with shoes: nike vs USA/UK made NB.
Traditionally made, factory benchmade footwear made in UK, US, Spain, Australia.

A high price ie. "luxury" crap won't necessarily be what you want as, for example, so much so called luxury shit is made by chinese coolies imported into italy to make shit cheap but with a "made in italy" label (true fact, look it up, there are entire towns of chinese slaves in northern italy making shit for various luxury brands: never trust "made in italy" - case by case basis only).

Anything mass produced with a global presence (zara/h&m etc.) is not what you're going to want.

>> No.11239400

OP can look towards artisan designers, ie hardnen CCP etc. but I doubt she has the money or brains for it.

>> No.11239422


not referring to OP but what irks me is people who complain about these things, but refuse to pay for higher quality items or service. . .

also >>11237294 actually has it right. It's worse for some countries more than others, but it's not so easy to blame the factories or working conditions, but it's more the exploitations of the corporations that manipulate impoverished nations for labor and materials i.e. globalization at work

>> No.11239457

Lets continue on from where OP started, but focus on some other factors as well.

I like Patagonia for their desication towards minimizing the consumeration from costumers and thus overproduction. They believe in repairing, recycling and, hell, even reusing. They encourage people to sell their patagonia stuff if these people do not need it themselves anymore. I am sure they are not the only ones - do you know any other examples?

Also, how about organic/non-organic cotton? Organic sounds good, but it is a plant, and lik much other agriculture, organic farming tend to require more watering and thus might leave a bigger enviromental footprint pr. sq. foot. So what should we choose? What do you guys look for?

Any takes and comments on social responsibilities are welcomed

>> No.11239464

Youre going to have to pay a lot and search a lot. Things like Fair Isle sweaters that use British wool and are made in Britain.

Ive heard stories and seen photos of 'sweatshops' in the luxury shoemaking towns of Italy

>> No.11239484
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It may take more water, but is the continued the use of pesticides, antibiotics, gmos any better? You could very easily not be saying thay at all, and suggesting alternative natural material or even wool or other animal fabrics. But if you aren't I think extra water < pesticides, etc. in terms of a danger to our enviornment