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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 610 KB, 640x640, cute girl makes stupd faces.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11227255 No.11227255 [Reply] [Original]

>taking girl out this Saturday
>cold sore still healing.

What do? Broke out on Tuesday. Got some Abreva and it's starting to scab, but it's still obviously there.

I've got a little more than 48 hours. Any tips on getting my lip to look presentable by then?

>> No.11227274

tell her in advance you fag and postpone if youre that self conscious

>> No.11227281

fucking everybody got herpes or some shit? scary asf

>> No.11227330

if you eat her out, she will get genital herpes from you.
didnt they have sex ed where you grew up?

>> No.11227335

Sore will be healed at that point.

>> No.11227347

whos the pic related sluterina

>> No.11227370

put some honey on it over night

>> No.11227378

suck your dick then fuck her
spread the goods man dont be selfish

>> No.11227407

emily rudd

>> No.11227409

if you can see it, its still shedding

>> No.11227469



Genital herpes is common af

>> No.11227563
File: 12 KB, 400x400, MGTOW GOATMAN EXEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its filthy and part of the reason i went MGTOW.
not chasing anymore diseased women

>> No.11227568

I dont want to get this shit either man scaryyyyyyyy

>> No.11227618

Just googled it. That's really neat, man. Rejecting shitty gender-norms is pretty admirable. Wouldn't expect to find feminist ideals so embraced by a large group of dudes.

>> No.11227847

attractive people that know how attractive they are are the worst

>> No.11228809

Is this really the first you have heard of it?

>> No.11229004

Yeah but then I looked more into it and instead of blaming generations of backwards social ideologies it just blames modern day women and that's a little fucked

>> No.11229007
File: 107 KB, 640x480, PC284927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is herpes /fa/?

>> No.11229010

You don't think modern feminism is kinda ruining society?

>> No.11229022

why? as long as they aren't narcissistic about it.

This webm is a blessing desu

>> No.11229036


>> No.11229044

wait... what does this have to do with fashion again?

mods pls delete this shitpost

>> No.11230347

Why keep bumping it then?

>> No.11230355

Enjoy your herpes simplex faggot

>> No.11230367

bitch makes me cringe

>> No.11230373

do people really believe this outside pol

>> No.11230380


>> No.11230524



>> No.11230583
File: 95 KB, 653x490, 1454884969670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2c gf in webm?

>> No.11230693

>you will never be a cute girl
why live lads?

>> No.11230834
File: 13 KB, 633x758, wojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this looks like the girl I'm crushing on and she just got a bf
>tfw its also my birthday which i'm spending on 4chan

when does the train stop anons?

>> No.11230842

>be neet and have tfw no gf
>get job and see qts all around
>tfw no gf intensifies beyond belief
happy birthday lad, no brakes on the feels train.

>> No.11230845

Exactly how i feel rn. Working ina restaurant is suffering

>> No.11230853

>tfw She's my boss

not joking either. I'm so fucked.

>> No.11230857

The reason you are seeing a lot of attractive girls now is that you're no longer hiding in your basement (proverbial or not) all day. Don't cling on to the first girl to give you attention.

>> No.11230859

>The reason you are seeing a lot of attractive girls now is that you're no longer hiding in your basement
Obviously you fucking melt, that is what my post implied.

>> No.11230870

>as an insult

there are such better insults

>> No.11230879

>this melt

>> No.11230884

Best to leave the neet basement and go fully employed MGTOW for maximum life success

>> No.11230891

>Best to leave the neet basement and go fully employed MGTOW for maximum life success
Obviously, the only true answer to girls being sluts is to fuck as many sluts as possible. Also, you aren't an alpha male unless you post about it on Reddit all day.

>> No.11230893

Yes, more money to spend on fedoras without a pesky woman around.

>> No.11230909
File: 240 KB, 800x563, noose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fake lenses

>> No.11230910

i knew this dumb bitch who got genital herpes from a hookup because of this

>> No.11231123

And then you married her you white Knight you

>> No.11231231

unless they were damaged or ugly at one point narcissism is inevitably part of the package

>> No.11231372

I don't usually like these kinds of anti-hypersensitivity rants but this one made a bit if sense

>> No.11231758
File: 32 KB, 355x355, 71-qLN2ZdtL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only shit that works
keep reapplying to the sore throughout the day

>> No.11232684

this looks good. I have a denavir prescription and I take a shitload of lysine pills

there is and there isn't a difference between mouth (aka cold sores) and genital herpes. cold sores are actually relatively common among adults. I've had them since I was a kid, shit sucks.

>> No.11233018 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 960x912, 1393843606274 (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't cling on to the first girl to give you attention
>mfw I'm doing this
>mfw I don't care
first gf, scored a grill way above my league, this is some once in a lifetime shit

we're all going to make it in the end senpai

>> No.11233023
File: 76 KB, 960x912, 1393843606274 (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't cling on to the first girl to give you attention
>mfw I'm doing this
>mfw I don't care
>mfw not depressed for the first time in years
first gf, scored a grill way above my league, this is some once in a lifetime shit

we're all going to make it in the end famm

>> No.11233027

Congratulations on making it brah.

>> No.11233039

Don't do this, I did this, got super cute gf, first kiss, lost virginity, shit was nice

Got too attached, became her doormat, cucked me and said fuck you to my feelings, dumped the guy she dumped me for, now I'm alone and feeling like shit, ignored all her red flags because I was a fucker

Get with a girl that matches your personality, not because she's cute, it's not worth it at the end, she was my biggest mistake

>> No.11233065
File: 47 KB, 438x366, 1419335777743 (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but our personalities do match, other than that she's just a lot prettier than I am

idk being a doormat still sounds a lot better than the lonely hole I was at a month ago

love feels an awful lot like coke though, v nice

>> No.11233310

The irony in this post is astounding. That's still Herpes Simplex Virus 1(the same virus that shows up on your lips). Not the genital herpes(HSV2).

>> No.11233320

start blowing your silver cutlery for antibodies

>> No.11233497

you're an idiot

>> No.11233559

no you

everyone's an idiot for love anon ;.;

>> No.11233884

You need to hit the books anon.

>> No.11234009

>idk being a doormat still sounds a lot better than the lonely hole I was at a month ago

Good lord you are pathetic

>> No.11234064

joke's on you because I mean every word of it :^)

>> No.11234070

>being a doormat still sounds a lot better than the lonely hole I was at a month ago


>> No.11234670

>no more sex for me because I might get herpes
wtf is wrong with people. Use a condom and don't have sex with utter whores and you're fine.

>> No.11234683

you'll regret it anon. i thought this during my relationship and it FUCKED ME THE FUCK OVER after she kicked my ass to the curb

>> No.11234686

>don't have sex with utter whores
so not with women you are saying

>> No.11234695

Utter whores as in the lowest common denominator of women. I'm talking girls who will fuck you for a 40 oz. Wtf is up with 4chan and this "ew all girls are sluts, I only want pure Asian virgins who don't go out and sit at home all day" mentality. The word slut shouldn't even be in your vocabulary. I'll have sex with a 9/10 even if shes been with 20+ guys.

>> No.11234697

>20+ guys
fucking gross

>> No.11234714

I hope you enjoy your dick itching

>> No.11234724

>hard times make hard men make soft times make soft men make hard times
AIDS will come back and make an example of you

>> No.11234725

my ex wanted me to eat her out and she had like 20+ guys

no fucking thanks.

>> No.11234747
File: 1.39 MB, 702x766, brad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be chode
>In club
>Notice Brad Pitt in VIP section
>Surrounded by most beautiful women I've ever seen
>Literally all 9+/10
>Now's my chance
>Leave corner of comfort with my drink
>Slowly walk around crowd and make my way to VIP section
>Tug on Pitt's shirt
>He glances over his shoulder
>Goes back to having fun with friends and beautiful women
>Tug a bit harder
>He turns around and leans over VIP railing with a "wtf does this guy want" expression on his face to hear what I have to say
>I open my mouth
>"Um, excuse me mr.pit, i uh, i would like to uh inform you that, the girls you're with, uh..."
>At this point the social circle stops talking
>They all look at me with raised eyebrows
>"uhh- yes- the girls you're with, they're uh, sluts"
>Crowd bursts into laughter
>Brads fw

>> No.11234749

i believe

>> No.11234759

You guys do realize that the most attractive and funnest girls have an abundance of the top 1% of guys they can pick from to have sex, and that they'll have sex whenever they want it right? You do realize that the top 99% of girls 8/10+ will have had sex with 20+ guys by 25?

>> No.11234783

go back to your containment board

or go outside lol.

>> No.11234788

This poster is so funny. The movement is neat if it fits their existing political inclinations, and as soon as it doesn't, it's fucked. Rather than maybe causing them to re-evaluate their existing presumptions.

You know, like identarianism for example, which Donna Haraway criticized as regressive and mislead back in the cyborg manifesto

>> No.11234804

yes i realize that, its the reason i went full MGTOW

>> No.11234836

every girl i serve seems to be a qt

>> No.11234837
File: 34 KB, 600x465, 1457020111005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"hey anon, what do you think of my butt?"
"uh- shes a slut, no thanks, she's not 'pure', no no, mgtow for me, she's had sex with better guys than me and I'd be too insecure about my lack of sexual experience"

>> No.11234841
File: 63 KB, 600x605, unhealthyinternetobsession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some /fa/ insults

>> No.11234870

I don't think he was going that direction. Pretty sure the attitude was more of "I'm either a top 10% male or I'm not and there's not a whole lot I can do about it."
Only things you can change are your fitness and your clothes.

>> No.11234932


>> No.11234939

Buddy of mine gave head to a girl with Herpes.
Now he gets it on his mouth area.

>> No.11234949
File: 314 KB, 1080x1920, Health 101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay safe, kids.

>> No.11234959

Condoms don't really protect against herpes.
Though a female condom is better at it than a male condom, since it covers part of the vulva.

>> No.11235060

Herpes can be transmitted even when no lesions are present.

>> No.11235070
File: 218 KB, 1000x667, 1452901717361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except you can improve your game, find better jobs, build confidence, read more, etc. Not being in that top percentage doesn't mean you should just never peruse women, it means you should have the fucking drive to work on yourself and become a top percentage man.

>> No.11235076

And if you don't have the drive and desire to become a fucking confident, determined, leading male then so be it. Enjoy the cuck life. Peace out bois. This was my last post to 4chan.

>> No.11235166
File: 377 KB, 500x654, 1461131877335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Committing your self to a movement with prescribed ideals and motivations is not self-determination.
Men should be self interested. No one is successful or earns any respect by leading their life in order to obtain women, and the only women they'll get are low grade hoes anyway. Men focus on bettering themselves for themselves - the fame, money and women naturally follows.

You don't need a petty, reactionary ideology to engage with that like going to AA to rid yourself of alcoholism. It's clearly a crutch for men to weak to achieve independence independently.

>> No.11235813
File: 63 KB, 550x787, OG MGTOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys realize that many MGTOW are PUAs, they just refuse to get married or share resources with women

>> No.11236258

Your mom's a crutch

>> No.11236640


Remember when alcoholism was a character trait?

>> No.11237020

It still is. AA is for nu-males

>> No.11237071


Just stick to high school girls. You'll be fine

>> No.11237145

most have had 20+ guys by the time they get to high school

>> No.11237167


Maybe in the fucking Congo

Average age of first intercourse is 15 in the USA, ie sophomore year of high school.

Most women have been with 12+ guys by sophomore year of college

>> No.11237173


All relationships end in one of two things: regret or death

>> No.11237765

That statistic includes all the fatties and uggos
The hot ones have all been hosed out by 17

>> No.11238586

Who is the semen demon and what is off about her? I cant put my finger on it

>> No.11240033

Herpes bump for teen awareness

>> No.11240036

god the girl in OPs post is so in love with herself

>> No.11240049

ye, it makes me feel weird because it's such an unattractive trait yet she's stupidly beautiful. I want to fuck and kill her at the same time.

>> No.11240142

Nothing, she's 10/10. gotdamn

>> No.11240149

The feeling you're experiencing is actually not wanting to be a girl, but wanting a girlfriend. You just defaulted to thinking you want to be a girl because you know it's easier for you than getting a gf

>> No.11240159


>> No.11240933

Its pure self indulgent cringe

>> No.11240950

I'm not sure if the people I grew up with are retarded or being worried about face herpes is a mostly American thing.

I remember family and friends basically encouraging sharing bottles and I know for a fact my mother, at least, gets cold sores.

I always found sharing bottles gross but I'm pretty sure I've had cold sores before. Probably not for over a decade.

>> No.11240960

so this is the only reason you went mgtow? Dumb af. Generally mgtows are virgo neets anyways, so yeah no surprise here.

>> No.11240963

>idk being a doormat still sounds a lot better than the lonely hole I was at a month ago
Time to revaluate your life.

>> No.11242019

Repeat after me: If she has no STIs, it does not matter how many guys.

Really, sex is not special, it's a biological thing most of us want and do. A large part of the "muh purity" thing comes from guys who are sexually inexperienced and don't want to feel like they're the one who needs to be shown what to do. I know because I've been there. Guess what, I got my shit together, fixed the way I projected myself into the world (read: I learned to be confident in myself, and to act so when I could not actually be).

Also, as far as dating out of your league, the trick is to not become a doormat/ "feel so lucky you got her". It's a relationship, it should be essentially equal, and you should act as such.

>> No.11242027

youn and your mum have herpes

>> No.11242094

Well said. Never let the hot lay control everything just because they are hotter.

>> No.11242205

Get some anti-virals and lysine.

>> No.11242212

Oh and I got shit on my dick for a few weeks now but I haven't felt anything. Nothing coming out either.

I did get Herpes because of my fucking ex who said she did not cheat. She did have a cut on her lip and not a long time later she got herpes. They say you can carry the virus and that it can stay dormant until you get very sick.

Anyways, I still need to see a fucking doctor because of the one spot on my dick. I also have eczema but I don't think it is related. I think it's weird that it's there for this long without feeling anything.

Fuck that fucking shit.

>> No.11242393

At least your mum did not give you the herps like that other anon.
Europe is a tough show I guess

>> No.11243756


>> No.11243760

OP here. Why the fuck is this thread still up?

Anyway, cold sore kinda cleared up by then (and we rescheduled to Sunday), but I didn't smash anyway so I guess it doesn't matter. Hopefully next time.

>> No.11243816

If you post a selfie of any sort of a girl in the OP its guaranteed that you will get replies. Most anons don't know how to reverse image search and just look at the image/webm, a lot of them actually think the girl in the "selfies" is OP (not in this case since its webm). most just look at the images, that's why "hello Rat0" threads are flooded with useless replies and the thread's question doesn't even gets solved.

>> No.11244094

Do you still have herpes?

>> No.11244102

Once you have it it lies dormant in your nerves forever, so yes. It just reveals itself and creates the cold sore your immune system weakens to a sufficient point, like when you have the flu.

>> No.11244930

Emilysteaparty on twitter/ig/youtube

>> No.11245969

So you feel ok about giving some chick herpes

>> No.11245977

Guys, going to the first tinder date on my life on thursday. Should I go for the jugular directly? We basically agreed on coffee first, then "wine and chill" later if things go well (which I'm sure they will).

>> No.11245998

lol shes not that cute, she looks so awkward and all her expressions are so forced and not cute

i hate fake bitches like her lmao

i bet she plays a whole bunch of dudes tho

>> No.11246003

Tinder isn't about dates. Its full of horny people, don't blame them either also on your situation... it depends, just be confident in yourself & don't be annoying because you don't have anything to lose. If you chatted previously online it will be hella easier.

>> No.11246075

We chatted throughout the whole day and absolutely nothing sexual came out from either side. I'm not sure what to expect.

>> No.11247128

i've been on regular dates using tindr, as long as you dont market yourself as a cheap ez fuck theres lots of that out there

>> No.11247818

just be yourself op

>> No.11247845

be funny, work towards more body contact, do something exciting, watch game of thrones back at your place then fuck.

literally what happened for my past 3 tinder dates

>> No.11247855

>eye and lip movements remind me of my ex
time to jack off and kill myself

>> No.11247868

>idk being a doormat still sounds a lot better than the lonely hole I was at a month ago

bro dont do this. its gonna become short term gain for long term loss, trust me you'll end up worse off

>> No.11247887

If she already agreed on wine and chill she wants to fuck