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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 203 KB, 792x612, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11223376 No.11223376 [Reply] [Original]

last one was starting to meme

>> No.11223386
File: 1.64 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shuttle loom Levi's
Lacoste long sleeve polo
Oakley oversized sunglasses

>> No.11223394
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>> No.11223395
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>> No.11223405
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Nice day out today

Not a personal fan of short sleeve button ups but looks good. Just throw on some longer socks imo

>> No.11223437

You really shouldn't be critiquing anyone. Much less that dude...

>> No.11223442

Why do people hide their faces in these pictures? Are you worried that someone will recognize you or perhaps that it will distract us from your clothes?

>> No.11223451

People consider it good practice.

>> No.11223453

Shocking quality photo, but from what I can see I would check you out on the street.

>> No.11223467

W2C green top?

>> No.11223469

because i'm not strikingly attractive

>> No.11223494

... But you have an amazing sense of fashion?

>> No.11223498

i'm not that same guy anon

>> No.11223511
File: 1.81 MB, 2065x2117, 20160416_123042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to find a way to wear these pants that isnt ugly as fuck

>> No.11223519

>this is a console pleb

>> No.11223522

Do not cuff like that
Google pinrolling

>> No.11223539

sandals are beyond shit

>> No.11223561

Nah i know how to pinro they just look shit that way. This way too unfortunately

>> No.11223566

Because you just do it. Same happens on /fit/ or anywhere else you're posting yourself and your face isn't the point

>> No.11223572

Band of Outsiders my man

I know of several people who browse this Mongolian spice exchange forum and the prospect of revealing my identity would be humiliating, despite how contrite that sounds

>> No.11223575
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>mongolian spice exchange forum

>> No.11223700
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>> No.11223706


>> No.11223720

Rip. I need to learn more before i experiment

>> No.11223722

welcome to 4chan m8, now leave.

>> No.11223729
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>> No.11223738
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>> No.11223749
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>> No.11223751
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Going camping mate? Nice hair btw
Go with longer socks or no socks at all
Too basic

>> No.11223761

what footwears be those? nice fit

>> No.11223775

Sneakers are NB 574 WCG

>> No.11223789

thanks comerade +1 dogecoin tip

>> No.11223806

Бeз пpoблeм, comrade

>> No.11223956
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>> No.11223978
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How are the shoes?

>> No.11223988

the shoes are the least of your worries m8

why? i'm hoping this is ironic

>> No.11224001
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>> No.11224007
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>> No.11224013
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>> No.11224014

so are you brothers?
all of the above-ers?

>> No.11224026
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>> No.11224036

listens to mac demarco once
cuffed way too high
look fat

>> No.11224078
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>> No.11224084


>> No.11224101

i always appreciate your fits. looks like you belong in a japanese magazine.

>> No.11224114
File: 82 KB, 960x720, 580898_10151055948607056_327209110_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think?

>> No.11224172
File: 515 KB, 1224x1632, IMG_1848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate it cunts

>> No.11224174

This better be b8

>> No.11224179

either ride the memes or don't bother

>> No.11224198

>shitty bigcartel meme shirt
>meme smiths
>black bomber
>black skinny pants
>horrible posture that makes you look like an autist
You are a walking meme, well done

>> No.11224208

I hate you

>> No.11224216

what impresses you anon?

>> No.11224217

w2c shoes?

>> No.11224221

not digging the cuffs or the shoes, otherwise solid

azns are always fashion gods wtf

>> No.11224237

good clothes

>> No.11224242

post fit

>> No.11224272

>Nice hair btw
can never tell if people are being nice or sarcastic here

>> No.11224547
File: 1.39 MB, 1152x2048, 20160428_142236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been a while, rate my fit friends.

>> No.11224565
File: 61 KB, 640x1136, 13106582_10207533702155503_1843490650_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i /fa/ friends?

>> No.11224645

can't tell if sarcastic but http://store.nike.com/ca/en_gb/pw/roshe-shoes/dngZoi3?cp=gsns_kw__txt!g!c!br!e!nike%20roshe&k_clickid=342cb5b9-bc95-4066-98f3-9a86dc7943d5

>> No.11224748
File: 332 KB, 500x375, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dug bought adspace on 4chan.org/fa/ for his shitty youtube channel

>> No.11224778

Blue top please

>> No.11224781
File: 2.16 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constructive criticism please it's a new fit

>> No.11224791

Is chicken /fa/

>> No.11224792

~~S I M P S O N W A V E~~

>> No.11224799
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>> No.11224871
File: 284 KB, 610x260, waywt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made this for you

>> No.11224884

looks 50's as fuck
if that's what you're going for, then good job

>> No.11224888
File: 1.04 MB, 3872x3872, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I wore today.

>> No.11224891

V dope.
I'd like to see the shirt tucked in a little more, and pants pulled up higher. If you can't pull em up anymore than that, you should leave your shirt untucked

>> No.11224894

pretty fly for a white guy, senpai

>> No.11224896
File: 1.54 MB, 2789x4316, IMG_20160427_234141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went thrifting today
Hat - $1
Pants - $4
Shirt - $0.25
Shoes - free

>> No.11224911

your legs look like they glitched down from your knees

>> No.11224932
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>> No.11224933
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Abuse me

>> No.11224935
File: 160 KB, 678x908, IMG_4334e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

middle-eastern tourist is the best way to describe this
>>>/mfa/ is that way
reminds me of Tara the android. would fug
>white guy dabbing
>black guy appropriating white culture

cant be arsed to r8 the rest

>> No.11224936

It was too easy to reverse search your face and find your address before, but now the japanese jew is going to sell our information.

>> No.11224939

lol bait?
nothing works together
also topknot...

>> No.11224942
File: 11 KB, 500x481, 1456783785790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire fit

>> No.11224952

dig but too close to a costume to wear in public

>> No.11224956

did you intentionally rip these jeans?

>> No.11224957


>> No.11224964

Thanks for the advice I'll tuck it in a little more. I think if I pull my pants up more my dingle will show, but I'll pull'em up

>> No.11224969


>> No.11224993

native /g/entooman here.
is this thread a joke that i'm not getting? are people actually posting pics of themselves or is this just a game of people posting poorly dressed idiots from their fb feeds or something?

i can't honestly believe that the people in this thread are so fucking unfashionable, and this is coming from an autist who wears socks with sandals and cargo shorts.

>> No.11224995

Don't we all, no stress.

>> No.11224997

I actually like this.
>inb4 le you only like it cause he has rick sneakers xDDdD

>> No.11225013

Then then this faggot comes along

>> No.11225017

I don't care what anyone says those are pretty nice pants

>> No.11225019

Well I mean to you "fashionable" probably means what the normies and guys who dare to talk to girls wear.

>> No.11225033

thanks my dude
they are so comfy!

>> No.11225045

hella sick pants drop info brosef

>> No.11225051

korean tier nice fit i dig the cuffs

please save this shitty fashion board

>> No.11225064

shutup i bet u cant kickflip pussy

>> No.11225066
File: 1.08 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will probably become a meme and you guys will blast the fuck outta me and post it in numerous cringe threads, but honest to god what do you think?

/fa/'s opinions do not dictate what I wear but I would like to believe I am not completely autistic.


>> No.11225088

Jacket is waayyyyyy too big.
Boots tucked into boots like that make you look like you belong in ww1 or sumptn

>> No.11225092

>white guy dabbing
I'm pretty sure he's just covering his face for the photo

>> No.11225093

that's the point. i know it might look dumb as fuck but I really dig the aesthetic of oversized pants tucked into tight-fitting boots (mine are jungle boots)

jacket is big because i got it at a thrift shop for 2 bucks. i personally also like the aesthetic of oversized jackets as long as you can also see a slim waist/torso

maybe i've just got terrible fucking taste. eh

>> No.11225099

fucking coldwater creek how is it even possible thats a hella generic brand
don't sell yourself short my man, just post and don't give af

>> No.11225103

yeah. ik man just a little insecure since i don't ever see shit that I like on /fa/ and if i post a fit I like i get torn apart.

>> No.11225106

You look like a school shooter/nazi. You may think it looks good but everyone makes fun of you behind your back. You look like you have a decent looking face from what I can tell, you should dress better.

>> No.11225108
File: 3.65 MB, 972x2429, Screenshot_2016-04-28-18-36-24-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11225109

I think the woodland stands out a bit too much, maybe brown 8" boots would match better

or get a bomber to complement the bloused boots

>> No.11225121

yeah people tell me i look like a school shooter but i dress how i like. yeah it's angsty teenage shit but i'm usually too high on amphetamines to care. my face is alright but i'm mostly asexual

>> No.11225124

Think if all the hairs in it its a manbun? Agree it all looks bad tho

>> No.11225130
File: 810 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Norse Projects
Très Bien
Acne Studios

>> No.11225134

i think it would be better if you changed the coat for something else or don't wear it at all.

>> No.11225135
File: 28 KB, 491x655, eb285c42-c9e4-4eea-a643-d27ee06935ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried it with some jeans... not blurring out my face cause eh

alright i'll admit this one looks stupid and would fit in a cringe thread

>> No.11225139

better with the black pants. if you changed the boots you could make it work with the jeans. however i'm not really a fan of the jacket at all, i think you should just ditch it or find something more suitable and fitting.

>> No.11225143

>black guy appropriating white culture

You're wearing jordan's...who is appropriating who here? lol
Also appropriation is a dumb concept. We should be happy that people respect our shit enough to make it their own

>> No.11225145

You can't wear a fur coat with busted nikes dude. Put on some loafers.

>> No.11225148

he is definitely not wearing jordan's in that picture

>> No.11225149

I'll take that as a compliment.

>> No.11225150

I like those pants but wouldn't know how to make an outfit with them lol. Also snapbacks are kinda played...ur cute btw

>> No.11225152

drop the jacket and post pic

>> No.11225153

LOL post an after pic plz

>> No.11225154

Only good in this thread.

>> No.11225157


boots look shit in both, but i'm biased and think all boots like that look shit on guys

>> No.11225159

like the top half...those pants and shoes though.....

>> No.11225161

hey thanks man. actually like these brown boots w/ the jeans. i still like the black boots/ black trousers combo most, though.

alright, one second man. lacing up these boots takes forever

>> No.11225164

nothin personnel

>> No.11225165
File: 1.20 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic. here is brown boots / jeans

>> No.11225168
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>> No.11225169

the boots are kinda ugly imo, i think you should just go with the black pants/black boots. fits the style you're going for better as well i think

>> No.11225171
File: 633 KB, 600x613, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black guy wearing non-degenerate clothing

>> No.11225172
File: 1.41 MB, 628x1500, Milspo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried milspo today, fit feels like trash though idk why it feels that way, its the most basic I could've done.

>> No.11225175

>Wearing jordan's
Welcome newfriend :^)

>> No.11225178

best of the 3. BUT this fit requires a real idgaf attitude to make it work, and here you are wringing your hands about posting it anonymously

>> No.11225180

hmm...i guess i like this. wanna see what it looks like buttoned up.
proportions are off...wear a shorter shirt so your legs don't look like stumps. that shirt is just awful all around. Also with that jacket you should wear baggier pants, it looks top heavy in a bad way.
I'm like a fan of yours lol. GREAT outfit. Shoes are the only part I would change.
Brown shoes would work better. light jeans too. It looks like your top half is chill and your bottom half is trying to be class. Consistency of styles is needed.
Jacket is a little too small for this, you cant put on a sweatshirt underneath something that is already fitted.I like what you're trying to do.
cuff is too high. I think you just gotta give up on these pants mate.
I like this a lot. Simple fit but the hat adds some character
Are you new here???
kinda boring...no offense. maybe I'd like it if I could see it better?
let's fug

>> No.11225194
File: 1.07 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1952 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah well i really do have that attitude irl.

i'm usually drowning people out with music (death grips. yeah, you guessed it.) and i graduate this year. (senior in hs) I take /fa/'s opinions more seriously than I do the people around me, because /fa/ has far better taste than the people around me. (I live in the middle of Bumfuck Nowhere, Midwest US)

i'm also coming down from an adderall trip so i'm kind of nervous. thanks for the acknowledgement though man. i like the fit and it's unique/my own. I might smoke a bowl or something before class so I can chill out,(have not slept in about 2 1/2 days) i'm quiet AF anyways and have few friends

yeah no. this is different white T because the other one is not well fitting

>> No.11225198

not nikes. gotta have that arch support, fuckin flat feet.

>> No.11225201

bloused boots guy here. just was gonna add that I am routinely mocked by my peers for my abnormal taste. even on /fa/ my fits are unorthodox

the ideal "fashionable" male in my area has a wardrobe consisting of boat shoes, cheap dress shirts, and ill fitting shorts that end right above the knee cap.

population 9,000.

their anger/astonishment fuels me to wear more obscure things. they hate me and I love every second of it.

>> No.11225206


I feel like we would be best buds IRL
at Ieast on my end

Needs more flecktarn raingear

>> No.11225212

>flecktarn raingear
i wish man.

and i appreciate the positive vibes, don't know you but i'm sure we could be friends

>> No.11225213

I have some dude, it doesn't breathe well but it does it job and looks bad ass.

Same. Do you dress in any other styles?

>> No.11225215

wear it with a henley underneath dude

>> No.11225216
File: 2.97 MB, 1224x1632, 2016-04-27_18.03.19-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From bottom to top

H&M - Leather Derby Shoes
Cheap Monday - Slim Fit redyed from gray to black
H&M - White tshirt
H&M - Some blazer I bought looong ago

Super cheap chinese watch, ring and fake rayban

>> No.11225219

thanks for the back-handed compliment ?

>> No.11225220

your fit made me hard. gj

>> No.11225221

you look like some fratboy who is about to go to the club

>> No.11225224
File: 568 KB, 200x136, 536917826578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get help

>> No.11225226

looks pretty fucking metrosexual, so if that's what you're going for congratulations

>> No.11225228
File: 86 KB, 640x426, jordans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i thought he had these on...Well it was fun being here I gotta kms now

>> No.11225229


>> No.11225231

be nice to my new best bud


>> No.11225233

that jacket is dope af. w2c

>> No.11225235

not a huge fan of henleys

well when i really don't give a damn i'll just throw on a national park shirt or some shit and some chino shorts with either 7" or 5" inseam. for footwear - nike SFB 8" in tan (no socks) or barefoot if permitted.

sometimes in fall i do something like >>11223394
except i do not roll my sleeves and wear docs or brown leather chelseas.

also a big fan of the SLP aesthetic. skin-tight jeans (not extremely tight, just maybe some slim 511s) + chelseas and a dress shirt with the top moderately loose/unbuttoned. I am not extremely tall and skinny, so this is a bit hard for me to pull off. (5'10, 145)

i try not to look like a /fa/ or mfa clone though and i'm outdoors all of the time. I like tarnished and ripped clothing. i fuck my clothes up myself, (because I feel it gives them character?) I would never buy something already torn.

>> No.11225237

I like your attitude. I'm the same way. Fuck what anybody thinks if you like how you look.>>11224888

>> No.11225240

I too feel for the outdoors meme
hiking, camping, white water raftin...

you uh have any contact info? kik snap insta ...
this aint soc but fook it

>> No.11225242

actually got it at a local Samaritan center for $2. I also picked up these barely worn jungle boots for $2.

thanks man :)

yeah man i will warn you though I am young and pretentious
ethanpaxton11@gmail.com (guess my first and last name?)
and sc is diamondshamrock

don't use any social media other than 4chan/sc

>> No.11225244
File: 634 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_1961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, forgot pic again.
apologies for the low quality

>> No.11225247

i done SC
too Iazy to emaiI atm

>> No.11225256

I love going to the club but this would be more lounge wear for me.

Since I'm gay I guess I'll take that as a compliment?

>> No.11225258

alright i'll get on there sometime today.
need to shower and prepare for the day or whatever. kind of funny that I shower so often considering I don't wash my clothes for weeks at a time. the Midwest isn't very /out/ friendly. lots of lakes in my area. don't fish or anything because vegetarian. but I make the most of it

>> No.11225265

This looks real nice homie
Clothes fit and good colors
I like!

>> No.11225298

oh jacket guy here by the way it's an m65 field coat

i usually wear a small/medium in jackets. they only had an x-large at the thrift shop. so I had to work with that. I like the fit, but it's huge on me.

>> No.11225306


>> No.11225311

Jesus dude your posture is awful. You need to fix that.

>> No.11225312

Well put some dr. Scholls foot supports in a better shoe lol. I really like the outfit besides that though. You're wearing a super high class outfit with cheap athletic shoes, it kinda ruins the entire look. Also you can't wear black shoes when everything else you have on is black.

>> No.11225316
File: 2.87 MB, 2267x2117, 20160428_071626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning. Shorts are bad

>> No.11225320

yikes on the shorts bud

>> No.11225324

its all bad sorry m8, pocket ruins the shirt and the shoulders drop too far, even for a drop shoulder shirt
meme smiths arent very flattering with shorts
and as you already know shorts are bad, the fabric, cut and colour

>> No.11225325

did you shave your knees Xd

>> No.11225341

>Constantly posts old as fuck fits
What are you doing with your life

>> No.11225346
File: 130 KB, 1080x1920, 13120828_779526515518236_1549959635_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11225350

Looks pretty good.

>> No.11225352

Excellent pants cop m8

>> No.11225353

id on pants?

>> No.11225356

That coat isn't working, I'm afraid.

>> No.11225362
File: 180 KB, 1000x1000, surplus_m65_jacket_olive_1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fit would look real good with some docs, or if you still want a military vibe, go thrift an m65 jacket.

Like anon said, dont sell yourself short man, you can pull off some nice fits with your styling, just need a bit of effay guidance, of course not all of it because you'd end up looking like a goth ninja.

>> No.11225374

nice fit! glasses and hair are on point as well.

>> No.11225377

I hope you never give advice here.

>> No.11225383
File: 124 KB, 378x1112, IMG_1429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11225389

get the austrian one from the Kommando Store (/k/'s own mil-surp store)

>> No.11225401

You got an Insta ??

>> No.11225404 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11225414
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>> No.11225415

I like this a lot. Seriously

>> No.11225416

Fuck that's expensive lol. There's like an army surplus store down the street from me, do you think they would have it? I've shopped there a couple of times before but I always get dirty looks bc people assume I'm trying to impersonate a soldier or sumn haha

>> No.11225421

4chan actually liked my outfit today. I'm crying tears of joy

>> No.11225425


Ricardo Tubbs(Miami Vice)/10. Love it

>> No.11225443

w2c milhouse shirt :)

>> No.11225448

Really good all around, nit picking.

Watch is slightly to small.

>> No.11225463

looper cosplay?

>> No.11225497
File: 1.07 MB, 489x1500, Howdy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy partners, would you all be interested in some shitposting?

>> No.11225505

fair enough, thanks man. all thrift shop shit besides the shoes actually

>> No.11225511

nah but I'm thinking about getting one soon. strict fashion
like it was said earlier to rock this style you have to give no fucks whatsoever on what people think about you. I've seen like 2 of them in the last thrift shops I went to. No promises tho. Surplus is a great place to buy

>> No.11225513

Sorry went to bed I'll put it on again just for you bb

>> No.11225521

Please stop

>> No.11225524
File: 379 KB, 780x1040, _20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I wore to pick up my ecwcs parka

>> No.11225540

I like

>> No.11225552

Nice dog dug

>> No.11225555
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MY benis isn't showing so that's good. so is this better?

>> No.11225566

You look like you eat ass

>> No.11225589

would cop the shit outta pants, where u from

>> No.11225601
File: 1.67 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't always tuck my shirt in just trying some new stuff out any thoughts guys or gals don't roast me please

>> No.11225606


are your fits nice? Yes
Are they special? Not really but doesnt matter
but I mean you wear more or less the same thing in every fit I find, a varient in sweater or shoes but it's tossed between that or chelseas.
I'm not trynna hate on you dude, i'm just saying do you have a small wardrobe or what? Not much more cna be said about your fits if this is the guist of it, nahmean.
anyway it is nice, but its the same as yesterdays , and the day before that, and the day before that,etc

>> No.11225630

>don't roast me please

How can we not roast you? What the fuck is this?

>> No.11225633
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>> No.11225638
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>> No.11225642
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How do i make my dick less noticable?

>> No.11225645

r u cereal bout going outside like that?

>> No.11225646

Waistband trick. Put your dick up on your waistband

>> No.11225649

put it in my butt

>> No.11225650

Black cap, and idk about the wedges since i'm not a chick, but i would've thought martins or similar might look good.

>> No.11225656

Dayyym girl you thick, Houston??

>> No.11225657

Cut it off

>> No.11225670

You are a beautiful man.

>> No.11225676

what jeans brah

>> No.11225686

Tbh no one likes these shoes except me TuT

>> No.11225689

sandals are trash, rest is basic
Not a fan of the shoes
Can't even see what you're wearing
Pants don't fit, fit overall is trash
You of all people should not be accusing others of being basic
no bueno
bad. Shoes suck, put on socks, rest is basic
Cuffs are a little big, rest is v cool.
wew lad
diff shoes
Hypebeast trash
muy mal
Do you live in a bathroom
none of these are good
Nothing fits
So is everything else
Diff shoes
do you even own socks
This is good, just pull the tuck out a little, so that it spills over your pants instead of coming straight up.
no bueno
Buy pants that fit

>> No.11225719

Then wear them, same reason I wear my creepers even though im a guy. Gotta being unique homie

>> No.11225762
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Damn dude it was a joke. And it's a fit bruh does trying to hurt others feels make your dick hard. There's is legit no reason for you to be an asshole.

>> No.11225776
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My wardrobe is pretty small yeah. I'm quite tall (6'4) so finding clothes which fit well is always hard. I'm focussing on building a wardrobe of high-quality basics, I quite like having a 'uniform' of similar fits.

Basically I've got a rotation of five pairs of Acne jeans (2 black, 1 raw, 2 blue) various crew neck sweaters, knits, t-shirts in block colours/stripes/fades. I've got one warm jacket (black wool overcoat) and one thin jacket which I wear mostly everyday (Norse Projects, cotton navy mac). Then for shoes I rotate between two pairs of chelseas (brown suede/black leather), GATs, Stan Smiths and Vans.

I like to keep things quite minimal, nothing overly branded, mainly muted greys, navy, black with the odd colour splash of orange/blue.

>> No.11225795

How is >>11224888 silly ? 9 comments and you're the only negative one.

>> No.11225799

Wear more stripes they look nice on you

>> No.11225801

Thanks :) so kind

>> No.11225804

I'll take it! Lol

>> No.11225807

Alright man I'll take ur advice

>> No.11225820

Have you considered tucking in the shirt and wearing a belt? Also which boots did you end up rocking?

>> No.11225822

Let me know what your username is when you make an account. I like your personality lol

>> No.11225833

10000 times better ! Also look up the military tuck on YouTube, it'll be even cleaner. That's what I did in this pic >>11224888

>> No.11225837 [DELETED] 
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Idek anymore

>> No.11225839

Damn you're hot!!

>> No.11225842

cuffed way too high mate calm down

>> No.11225850

Maybe he's just wearing the same shit lol

>> No.11225855

Go back to r/mfa/ mf'a !!!

>> No.11225859

Band collar ain't bad. The rest make me upchuck

>> No.11225861

Pull that belt up higher so ur dick outline is even more pronounced will ya?

>> No.11225866

Pants are too low rise to tuck in rn senpai

>> No.11225872

Damn ma!!! This fit dope. I thought body jewelry was supposed to go on bare skin though lol

>> No.11225877

Dock Martin's? With a skirt and tank? Nah that's the female equivalent of timbs with shorts on

>> No.11225879

PLZ post a pic in ur creepers. I was debating getting some but I don't wanna look like too much of a thot

>> No.11225881

Yo middle finger hella short!! Lol I'm playing but fuck that other Nigga ur fit wasn't that bad

>> No.11225884

HAAA >calm down

>> No.11225957
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>> No.11225964

Are you going for palewave

>> No.11225966

real nice man

>> No.11225973 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11225977
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>> No.11225981

I'm not sure I just kinda got dressed

>> No.11225986

really nice looking boots, what are they?

>> No.11225993

Those were some Red Wings I copped for $5 at a thrift shop. Soaked scrubbed them and all that other shit and they are great for winter

>> No.11225998
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different from what I usually wear. Sorry for bad pic

>> No.11226000
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forgot pic this is what they looked like b4

>> No.11226002
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oops sorry upside down

>> No.11226031
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after. didn't work very hard on them at all

>> No.11226049

I'm not a girl

>> No.11226052

ID on dog?
bad and basic fuckboy
almost nice palewave. Different shoes and no jewelery would be better
all nice but you should get more shoes
bad and look like a hipster wannabe
looks like a thot
good stuff but I think you need to shave
very nice, love the shirt
bleh 4/10
get rid of that jacket
suggest different shirt bc makes u look basic but other than that its good stuff
(roll up ur shorts ;))
you think you look expensive but trust me everyone knows youre cheap trash. Burn all of it.
If thats what ur aiming for u missed

>> No.11226054

I got tiny lady hands

>> No.11226060

I'll look in to it

>> No.11226108

Yea most girls wear em to the beach but I thought I could wear it with this since it's kinda a tight outfit does it look dum tho

>> No.11226128
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>> No.11226130
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oh wow I apologize for my late reply. black pants on black boots. There's just something in a good blouse that I find extremely aesthetically pleasing. Maybe it's because I really liked Nazi uniforms when I was about 12? tried a belt but I don't like the look. I guess I'm sort of going for that really high waistline look.
I wouldn't go that far but thanks man (: here's a narcissistic and pretentious self photo I took this morn.

>> No.11226142

cut your hair

>> No.11226173

Like the earth/neutral style colouring, shoes don't match the rest of the fit though.

>> No.11226187

what shoes would you recommend? im looking to buy better shoes for this style

>> No.11226191
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>> No.11226200

really nice, info on the shirt?

>> No.11226203

H&M linen popover from summer last year

>> No.11226206
File: 112 KB, 1000x1000, neutral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you added a bomber jacket that was around the same shade as your trousers (or slightly lighter) then any form of sneaker that incorporates a brownish colour pallete would go nicely, something like pic related is what I have in mind.

>> No.11226208

Seconding that

>> No.11226219
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>> No.11226223

Good god most of these are bad. Does anyone here take the time to learn the basics before venturing off into niche trends they can't pull off?

I get these looks are counter culture but most of you look like you are mimicking and bastardizing the source material. It gets so bad that the

simpler looks are the ones that stand out the most because they look the most decent.

>> No.11226228


>> No.11226243

what do you guys think about cutoffs? have a few pairs of jeans that are like 5 inches too short

>> No.11226246
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Quality is potato yeah, new phone is coming soon

Also, how do I into scarves

>> No.11226247

Very hit or miss. If the pants don't fit though, you might as well try.

>> No.11226254
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Prolly taking the socks off

>> No.11226258

never Jesus christ

>> No.11226261

ok I'll make them into a jacket then ty

alright I'll see what happens

>> No.11226271

I donate old,ugly or miscolored jeans to thrift shops. Least I can do since I get sick fucking stuff from them

>> No.11226308

oh no

>> No.11226320

hmmmm not bad

>> No.11226329


>> No.11226335

>double denim

>> No.11226347

damn dude those pants!

>> No.11226352

Looks good but i dont think the coat is a good fit desu

>> No.11226354
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it's a rainy day.

>> No.11226357

w2c those pants my dude?

>> No.11226372

aryan god-tier/10

>> No.11226379

Looks like something a blind 90 year old man would wear

>> No.11226381

not too bad, just get a more slimming jacket. And this may just be me, but the default "camo jacket" just seems like something a school shooter wears

>> No.11226383

if you're trying to go for a teenager look, you succeeded bro

>> No.11226388 [DELETED] 
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>Last ibe was starting to meme
>Looks in this threat
>Tfw history repeats itself

>> No.11226392

hows the jacket? it looks good but i feel it would impractical to wear

>> No.11226400

Lurk moar

>> No.11226402
File: 618 KB, 684x577, 1458648001567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last one was starting to meme
>Looks in this thread
>Tfw history repeats itself

>> No.11226439

Kill yourself you ugly Philippino

>> No.11226440
File: 1.91 MB, 2308x3036, jacketpantsjaypeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought both the jacket and pants from cos.

Should i return them?

Siloutte feels like it looks kind of weird on me, although im losing weight so could wait it out until i hit 10% bf or just return them and maybe swap the jacket for a small rather than medium. My large quads ruin the pants imo.

>> No.11226468

You have one of the most punchable faces I've seen in a while
Nice cap and trousers

>> No.11226484

thanks famwise

the outer ring

yeah i kidna agree. I try and buy hats that are more on the dad side. also thanks

>> No.11226503
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>> No.11226735

From what I can see both fit well. Silhouette isn't weird at all

>> No.11226762

What pants? Please respond.

>> No.11227006

just made an insta. we'll see how this shit goes. it's "diamondshamrock" don't expect like daily fits but i'll try to post

>> No.11227013

> entire race of betas and ladyboys
> powerful

>> No.11227042

This one?
Damn, how tall are you, what about your weight? I have tiny shoulders too, is this M?

>> No.11227048

think saw you on teenfa a while ago, nice fit dude

>> No.11227058


fucking cool dude , i need these redwing shoes, tell me the reference pls m8

>> No.11227079
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yeah thats the one.

im 6ft

At the moment i weigh 174, aiming for 165

and yeah, its a M

My shoulders are actually really broad, 45 inches around. The problem is that my hips are kind of wide as well and the jacket drapes straight down and around them. Think i might go for a small next time i buy from there.

>> No.11227090

Damn. im 6ft 167lbs. And, man, believe, you have tiny shoulders just like me. It might fit relaxed, but on tiny sholders anything relaxed fits like shit. Ok, anyway, thx m8.

>> No.11227097

Ah, btw, can you post texture of it?

>> No.11227108
File: 2.92 MB, 2448x3264, detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best i can do my dude.

The texture is actually really nice. Shame it fits like shit.

>> No.11227120

Ok, thx m8. Btw, is it soft by touch? Or general cotton?

>> No.11227122

It's supposed to fit boxy

>> No.11227150


>> No.11227155

how do you like those eytys
thinking those might be my next shoe purchase

>> No.11227159

dont like the NB's with this fit, looks clunky in comparison to the other pieces

>> No.11227263

>>11223394 (thanks for the deets, >>11223572)
>>11223956 (where's the shirt from?)
>>11225524 (reminds me of what some adorkable chararcter from an anime would wear...not a bad thing)

>> No.11227285

Boring bordering on bad-cliche but not quite there

>> No.11227291

Like it. Would wear, but untuck shirt

>> No.11227380

uncuff jeans, easy
turbo lame
cant believe you posted this shit fit three times
why do i like this kid
would be better without the expensive meme shirt
burn it all
shirt sucks rest fine
kinda like the fit but want to pucnh that face
god youre so gay dude, get rid of all your rick shit
aight i guess
much love for this, i wish more people dressed like this
real bad
how did you ruin this? they just dont go together senpai

>> No.11227415


wtc your pant ?

>> No.11227457


sorry theses Visvim shoes not redwing* but what is the reference ?

>> No.11227461


>> No.11227574

lol eeech n eeeeem

>> No.11227580

thanks m8

>> No.11227595

normie friend rated this 9/10

>> No.11227597

Lmao what highschool tier taste

>> No.11227697

i can tell you're a trend follower. Hair, clothing, shoes. Basic as fuck. Like copied down to a wire.

>> No.11227739

and you're what? on a thread where you observe, copy, and rate others on their "originality" when we're all "following" each others "trends"? Get the fuck out cuck

>> No.11227871

At least I don't put my body on the internet, fucker.

>> No.11227883

because youre too afraid to put your ugly ass out there; at least i know im attractive lel.

and oh good comeback you obese nekbeard kek

>> No.11228050

Bowties are cool.

>> No.11228188


>> No.11228217

fuckin hell

>> No.11228223

It was all uniforms for me in both my primary and secondary years, bruv. The heck would I know about that.

>> No.11228667
File: 1.90 MB, 5312x2988, 20160429_012811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt okay today.

>> No.11228850

h&m suit pants that I cut off at the bottom
not sure what you mean by reference, but they're Visvim Virgils from the opening of the Visvim FIL Kyoto store in 2009

>> No.11228997

HAHAHA why do you want to punch me

>> No.11229006

The pants are thrifted and there is no tag... I'm sorry :( . I can the a close-up of the material if you want

>> No.11229015

Yeah hot is the correct word lol. You got a sc?

>> No.11229020

Thx thx thx

>> No.11229025

er yeah but it's my personal one so i dont really want to give it away. sorry. also i'm not into guys. or that many girls for that matter. hope you understand xoxo

>> No.11229033

Umm yeah I'd say it looks kinda weird over top the clothes.

>> No.11229034

I like the cropped pants. 7/10

>> No.11229035

I second this shoe pick

>> No.11229037

Do you mean like a Capri Length or shorts?

>> No.11229040

Dang Nigga you making us look bad

>> No.11229045
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Double denim works when done correctly.

>> No.11229048

Both cool I think. Why are you losing weight?

>> No.11229054

His shoulders aren't tiny.

>> No.11229057

Agreed lol
You're garbage

>> No.11229058

Get em!!!!

>> No.11229062

Umm.. You should go on a shopping spree. How long have you had that stuff?