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/fa/ - Fashion

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11215264 No.11215264 [Reply] [Original]

> What uni / college do you attend?
University at Buffalo
> Your Major
Undeclared tard
> Year
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?
Lots of sweat pants, fedora-core

>> No.11215292

STEM secret club
Final year
It's pretty fa once you filter out the Asian hypebeasts, gymtards and tumbrlinas, so basically 2% of the students can dress well

>> No.11215300

> What uni / college do you attend?
Ohio State
> Your Major
Civil engineering
> Year
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?
Not including international students, 2.
Basketball shorts, tank tops, boat shoes, chubbies and poorly fitting oxfords

>> No.11215384
File: 18 KB, 225x225, BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What uni/college do you attend?
Boston College
> Your Major
Double in Economics and Philosophy
> Year
Will start as a freshman in the fall
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?
I would say about a three. It seems to be mostly prepcore and try-hard Asians. Maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.11215399

> What uni/college do you attend?
Lund University, Sweden
> Your Major
Engineering Physics
> Year
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?
about 5. for the engineering faculty i would say 1 though

>> No.11215430

> What uni / college do you attend?
University of St. Thomas
> Your Major
> Year
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?

>> No.11215455
File: 84 KB, 512x512, one direction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leeds Uni
>Graphic Design
>3rd year
>7/10 in my course but tbf overall most guys just dress like this plus a bomber jacket or two

>> No.11215464

> What uni / college do you attend?
SUNY at Stony Brook
> Your Major
> Year
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?
3 without rich Koreans.

>> No.11215470

> What uni / college do you attend?
Harvard University
> Your Major
> Year
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?

>> No.11215477

I am looking at Econ and have an offer from BU. Do you recommend it? What do you think of it?

>> No.11215531


>> No.11215589

Forgot to post a numbe: 3 , only because a select few try

>> No.11215599

Uni: Drew University (shit ass school but covers $52K of my tuition yearly and close to NY ;))

Major: Economics/Investment Banking

Year: Just about to be Freshmeat

>How /fa/ is it?
Not sure but the hoes range from 3s to 7s and really delusional people. Scary ass place

>> No.11215606

U. of Vermont
Year 6 (grad school)
Light 6 on the effay scale. Mostly basic bitch tier fits done well, lots of cute undergrads though.

>> No.11215609

>>11215477 here

What do you think of your econ program? I'm curious for reference

>> No.11215611

Since you're not at school yet you will need at least an applied math minor. Better is a double major in applied math and finance with a minor in stats or econ.

I'm assuming you wanna make fat stacks since you're in econ.

>> No.11215619

Oops, sorry just realized you're not there yet

>> No.11215629

I'm literally thinking of transferring after 1 semester ASAP.

Not interested in a lot the school has to offer since it's so small and I'm definitely going to cycle and get tired of a lot of women in that shitty school

Should I really kill myself in applied mathematics or just take it easy and get a high ass GPA and transfer the fuck out of there to something more prestigious like Cornell or Babson or Boston College?

No problem, my French friend is going to BU next year possibly with econ major

>> No.11215649

What do you want to do? You're going to need (just for econ I mean, at the bare minimum) honors calc 1-2, linear algebra, and ODEs, which should be more than halfway to a math minor so you should just get it. It will make your resume much, much, much more impressive.

You won't have to kill yourself to even get an applied math/econ double major. You will have to study most nights, but may I remind you that you are going to college?

As for transferring, it depends. If you have a free ride for 4 years then take it no matter what. Just say that in your grad school apps. If you'll pay either way, switch.

>> No.11215661

University of Utah then S.J. Quinney College of Law
Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies
>fa level
prob like a 5, lots of conservatives and shit

>> No.11215685

>What uni / college do you attend?
> Your Major
>How /fa/ 1-10 is it?
lots of cringe but pretty normie core 5/10

>> No.11215692

You know a girl called Safinah in second year?

>> No.11215707

> What uni / college do you attend?
SOAS, University of London
> Your Major
> Year
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?
Mainly hippiecore, hypebeasts and a lot of muslim girls in hijab, skinny jeans, and a long cardigan.

Might transfer to Birkbeck next door but they're a 1/10

>> No.11215709

Are you taking any business either? Itcould be super useful.

>> No.11215728
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>Skinny jeans, hijab and long cardigan.
Muh dick.

>> No.11215793

>>11215477 here again

What do you think of your econ school? I'm trying to get an understanding of what all is out there.

Also, I'm surprised by the number of econ majors in this thread, I didn't think it was a super common major

>> No.11215801

>I didn't think it was a super common major

This board is full of image conscious, poor introverts who want a lot of money to buy luxury goods. Of course it's full of econ majors.

>> No.11215804

That makes sense. If you're not already a trust fund baby and you want Rick Owens you better get a job with $$$

>> No.11215848

Due to the nature of the school our economics is based mainly on other countries and development so I can't speak too accurately.

I don't really know about how things are taught in America but here there's a huge difference in how Economics is taught in school (A levels) to university. In schools it's mainly essay/graph based but at university you do A LOT of maths so be prepared for that, it's a really mathematical subject.

The subject is pretty interesting though, gives you a good understanding of how a lot of things work and of course usually leads to very good jobs.

>> No.11215860

After my exam tomorrow, I'll be done freshman year
Decently /fa/. Lots of cute chinese girls on campus

>> No.11215881

no way, ub? wya freshie, make your way to pistachios sometime

>> No.11215938

I commute to campus, but I am seriously considering dorming. Is it worth it?

>> No.11215958

My biggest concern with a lot of the schools I'm looking at is whether or not they are super dogmatic with Saltwater versus Freshwater but I feel like undergrad would be more about the basics than ideological stuff. Have you noticed anything about that?

>> No.11216029

nah, it's kinda expensive to live in a shitty shared room on ellicott. Unless you've got classes next semester that start real early or just a shitty schedule that makes the commute back home seem dreadful, then keep commuting. Chances are, if you're doing a stem major at ub, you're gonna want to live on campus...

plus, when you're an upperclassman, you get priority in choosing an on campus apartment if you've lived on campus long enough.

living on south is pretty cheap too, i think it's like 300-400 bucks a month but it's fuckin nasty as hell living in one of those shitter places that just had a frat move out...

sweethome, chestnut villas, and rensch are pretty chill too, i guess. they're pretty expensive as well, though (700-900 per month)

>> No.11216056

What's your major?

>> No.11216074

Hey I went there!

Econ/Phil is a good combo dawg. Philosophy will bolster your GPA a bit too, and looks good with a quantitative major like Econ. It's fairly prepcore, though there are some dece fits around

>> No.11216078

i'm a junior doing electrical engineering and computer science as a minor. wbu senpai?

>> No.11216082

oh, my bad, hit the wrong reply

>> No.11216101

James Madison Uni
Econ/Math Double
Freshman soon to be sophomore
Lots of frat stars. Vineyard vines everywhere

Transferring to william and mary in the fall tho

>> No.11216122

>Double in Economics and Philosophy
that's me lmao

>> No.11216183
File: 39 KB, 150x148, Umichigan_color_seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Michigan
Start next year, spent a decent amount of time on campus though
Ann Arbor is comfy AF and it's more effay than average.

Certainly more effay than >>11215300

>> No.11216200

>university of Maryland

Secondary English education

Technically I'm a junior but I went to community college for 3 and a half years

It's alright I guess. Mostly pastel shorts and sperrys but you see the occasional hype beast

>> No.11216368

The College of William & Mary
Public Policy/Envir Policy
4 I guess
The kids in the indie scene tend to dress pretty well and so do the rich chinese exchange students

hellllo :)

>> No.11216389

Just finished up my third year in EECS there, and word of warning, I'd North Campus is a tier below Central for fashion, mainly because it's just a fuckton of engineers.

>> No.11216450
File: 415 KB, 1024x819, university-of-minnesota-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Minnesota
Econ and Math
>How /fa/ is it?
5? 4? 6?
Somewhere in there, the school is so large that even if 1% of the campus was /fa/ it would mean that there are 500 /fa/ students. Generally it's sweats, basic-bitch, fratboi, rich asian, and assorted autistic person. I will see /fa/ staples like CPs maybe once a month from people I do not know.

>> No.11216463

Guy who's been asking every econ major itt about their school reporting in again.

Is U of M still really Fresh Water? I'm interested but worried it might be too dogmatic

>> No.11216470

Holy shit what a cuck

>> No.11216531
File: 337 KB, 1362x1408, Screen Shot 2016-04-25 at 11.24.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by 'Fresh Water' you mean small or obscure then no way, the faculty are very open and do pretty interesting research, and while for most classes you will have a grad student you can often times find good research opportunities with the faculty. The program is quite large and very well respected as you probably know.


>> No.11216539

UG STEM isn't remotely effay. kys

Besides Math, it shouldn't be included in STEM in any case.

>> No.11216572

I'm front salt lake bro, what a shit city.
Anyways I'm going to be a freshman at Fordham Rose Hill campus next year, anyone go here?

>> No.11216578

I meant Fresh Water as in dogmatically Friedman Neoclassical. Most schools are moving away from both Fresh and Salt Water ideologies and becoming more neutral but I've heard U of M is still very dogmatic. Curious for a student's thoughts

>> No.11216587

Should I get a B.S. over a B.A.? I'm more interested in economic policy and theory over its quantitative facets, however I don't want to make the mistake of overloading my resume with pure liberal arts studies. For context I'm interested in possibly an MPA/Law School/Polotics.

>> No.11216636

The longer standing faculty are discernibly influenced by neoclassical influences, they would probably opt to have John Taylor before Ben Bernanke. However, it isn't a wholly fair assertion because many of the people who actually teach most of the classes I've taken are your standard fairly liberal grad student. Not to mention that most of the new professors to receive tenure are pretty neutral as well. I don't think it is as dogmatic as many people would say, and if it is then it must be for grad students rather than undergrads.

>> No.11216642

Boston University

Human Physiology (Doctor bois)


>> No.11216658

> What uni / college do you attend?
George Brown College
> Your Major
Computer Systems
> Year
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?
-25, At least at my Campus

>> No.11216661

BA is probably better. Especially if youre interested in law/politics. BA's are generally more employable

>> No.11216674

Ok, thank you. I figured it would be less extreme at the undergrad level and that's what I've heard from other places like U of Chicago that used to be extremely Friedman based

Also U of M is my dad's alma mater (Electrical Engineering) so go gophs!

>> No.11216678

U Mich's EE/CS program is fucking phenomenal, props.

>> No.11216682

University of Washington
Industrial Design
People are pretty much what you'd expect from Washington, lot of cute Asian transfer students and cute hipster-types. Campus is a beaut, 6/10 total.

>> No.11216696

Yeah. It's a cool place

>> No.11216740

I figured that'd be the case, most of the time I've spent there has been on Central. North was nothing to look at since when I visited the north diag was all fucked up since they're redoing it but I imagine it'll be cool when it's done.

Any tips or info you want to pass on to an incoming freshman?

>> No.11216870

Hopefully it's done by the time you're here, although knowing them there'll probably be another renovation project starting.

In terms of tips, most of the professors there are actually great, it's worth getting to know them. Also, assuming you're CS, take 281 as soon as possible, since there's only 1 or 2 upper level courses that don't require it. 370 (Computer Organization i.e. how assembly works), it doesn't really matter since only a few classes require it.

>> No.11216879

Oh, also, Today Clothing is the best store for /fa/ goods.

>> No.11216891

Buckeyes in this

>> No.11216898

dropping out is effay

>> No.11216912


Not really /fa/, but it'll be great to see how many of you get disillusioned with the education system and drop out before senior year.

It happens. Just don't feel like you're pressured to go to college just because your parents tell you.

>> No.11218008


>> No.11218016

What school/how's it working out?

>> No.11218333

> What uni / college do you attend?
Loughborough University
> Your Major
Politics w/ International Relations
> Year
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?
0, everyone wears flip flops, jack wills or the university's official tracksuit because everyone here does sports

>> No.11218343

Uni of Maryland
CompSci CompEng

>> No.11218344

> What uni / college do you attend?
> Your Major
Chem. Engineering
> Year
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?
Like a 7? Most people know how to dress inoffensively, helped by the fact that the majority of UGs are female and they generally dress better than average. Good/excellent fits are definitely not uncommon though, seeing as how it's Montreal.
Generally I'd say Concordia students dress better, since it's known to attract much more of the hipster crowd than McGill.

>> No.11218677

Cringey pic.

>> No.11218703

>starting in the fall
>stereotypical hipsters and tumblrites

>> No.11218717

> What uni / college do you attend?
University of Belgrade
> Your Major
> Year
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?
depends on faculty, my also contains all the humanities
Art history majors dress well in general, history majors dress like shit, so hit and miss

>> No.11218784

Brown University
> Your Major
Comp. Lit
> Year
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?
6, more /fa/ than other ivies but its still an ivy so people dont have time to cultivate their image.

>> No.11218830

you gon get beat son

>> No.11218858

More hypebeasts in Concordia imo

Everyone dresses pretty standard at Mcgill

>> No.11218977

Turned down an offer from Cornell to go to BC because fuck Ithaca.

>> No.11219079

> What uni / college do you attend?
Harvard Law
> Your Major
> Year
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?

>> No.11219089
File: 65 KB, 300x178, ucm001-300x178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Uni
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
> Major
> Year
> How /fa/?
effay as fuck but in the gay side

>> No.11219119

U wot u wot Leeds u wot u wot Leeds

>> No.11219246

> What uni / college do you attend?
Binghamton University
> Your Major
> Year
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?

that's being generous, too many rich hypebeast asians

>> No.11219314

Thank you for the advice, brother

>> No.11219352

Hur svårt var det att komma in? Vad hade du för slutbetyg i gymnasiet, och högskoleprovs resultat?

>> No.11219475 [DELETED] 

Where did you study for undegrad? Also, I'll be a freshman at BC next year and if I maintain a high GPA and get score well on the LSAT do you think I'll have a chance of getting in?

>> No.11219483

Where did you study for undegrad? Also, I'll be a freshman at BC next year and if I maintain a high GPA and score well on the LSAT do you think I'll have a chance of getting in?

>> No.11219831
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>> No.11219877
File: 844 KB, 480x218, 1461269170402.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What uni / college do you attend?
Federal University of Technology - Parana, Brazil
> Your Major
graphic design (yeah, i know)
> Year
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?
Pretty much an engineering centered campus, so guess what. There are some ~15 10/10 girls though. Not a single dude knows his shit, just the usual hipster or normie-core.

>> No.11220446

> What uni / college do you attend?
> Your Major
Graphic Design
> Year
> How /fa/ 1-10 is it?
I'm feeling a strong three to light four on this one. Most art students know how to put themselves together but everyone else is pretty normal. Also, there are tons of SJW type girls(?) :/

>> No.11220780

>all these normie states schools

>> No.11221460

I'm not that anon, but I'm a YLS 1L. As long as your GPA and LSAT are competitive, you should have a chance. Harvard is mainly about numbers.

>> No.11221491
File: 2.17 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fysiker more like patricier, amirite ;^)

>> No.11223260

I'm a grad student here and would have to agree, the only decently dressed people are foreigners

>> No.11223492
File: 85 KB, 2000x930, 2000px-Boston_University_Wordmark.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other incoming freshman looking for a roommate, I need someone who isn't a slob

>> No.11223520


>How /fa/
fedora-tier prep and normie shit

>> No.11223531

Doesnt matter



10/10 srs dietetics girls can fucking dress.

Im gonna switch for computer science tho, nutrition is worthless and poorly paid.

>> No.11223692 [DELETED] 

Liverpool John Moores University

Computer Science

First Year

People dress alright, goes from average to 9/1 0's eastern Europeans dress pretty badly here though

Hey, my brother went there for his degree, how is it there? He ended up getting a 2:2 and has a cushy job in NZ, didn't have much to do with his degree though

>> No.11224684
File: 957 KB, 500x276, 1459491603436.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, anyone taking Comparative Literature help me out?? such as

I just want to know what the course is like?

is it a lot of essays and grinding? lot of discussions?

how much do I have to read per day, and whatever what not.

also what kind of internships are you guys looking at

>> No.11224706

lmbo say hi to big vishnu for me

>> No.11224720

Wish they'd learn to walk though. Trying to walk anywhere through U of T is enraging, man. No awareness of their surroundings whatsoever.

>> No.11224752

fashion's worse than that here. There's like 3 guys who wear SLP and ann, a bunch of asain transfer students in RO, and then everyone else is maybe 4/10.

Not that it matters

>> No.11224753

> 10/10 srs dietetics girls can fucking dress.

really? dont they intersect the sports studies crowd? and those just dress like fucking slobs, like they are on their way to track or gym.

>> No.11224772

>2 months into fucking biomed
>A kid still wearing cargo shorts, white crew socks, black/black sneakers and graphic tees

just kill me senpai

>> No.11224930

>Portland State University
>Computer Science

>> No.11224985

No, most girls are dyel and dont give a shit about sports. Just being thin and /fa/