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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 83 KB, 530x530, kylie-jenner-instagram-fbd1-530x530 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11213018 No.11213018 [Reply] [Original]

Inspo for fashion on curvier girls? And by curvy I mean THIN everywhere except ass and maybe thighs/hips or breast. No fatties just fit please.
Its a long shot but I really want the inspiration.

>> No.11213029
File: 36 KB, 480x479, 12445785_890504591058672_1169270609_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11213039
File: 112 KB, 640x640, 12093777_1047874135273640_521612392_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11213539

Girls like these look like whores to me.
Anyway I think any high waisted jeans and some polo t-shirt, everything slim-fit.

>> No.11213541

disgusting kanye whore tier trash

>> No.11213547

Me too. Just cumdumpsters.

>> No.11213551


ass injections not effay

>> No.11213607

Suggestions on how people with this body type should dress would help. Thanks

>> No.11213612

full rick

>> No.11213618

Yea Iv'e been noticing slim fit seems to be the only thing that works out best. It's a shame. There are some fits I really admire that just wouldn't work. Slim fit everything all the time isn't very creative either.

>> No.11213623

Feel like baggy layers would just make someone with a curvy body look fat.

>> No.11213666
File: 811 KB, 760x541, 1409997943868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause they are whores, just like the rest of them.

>> No.11213683


>> No.11214630

>curvier girls
>kylie Jenner


>> No.11214663

You think this is a fashion board or something?

>> No.11214735
File: 235 KB, 817x1222, iggy-azalea-tattoo-removal-asap-rocky-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11214776


These types of """"girls""""" and this """"""style""""" is so fucking repulsive and tacky.

>> No.11214839

underrated kek

>> No.11214842
File: 1.32 MB, 1262x822, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11214863


depends how curvy but with the correct kind of bras and stuff then curvy body types can pull off layers without looking fat, but not every type of layering, if that makes sense. There is a point when if you have literal melons on your chest and ass like a baboon then you will look fat in anything but whore clothing, and of course you will look like a whore if but its a choice between fat or whore.

>> No.11215213
File: 51 KB, 600x600, Perfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11215237

this, it seems so fucking soulless and hypebeast, like they only literally live for instagram likes and twitter shoutouts n shit, and the only music they listen to is kanye west

>> No.11215257

I would fuck iggy so hard that her implants would turn to jello

>> No.11215579

Lol. Is this rob?

>> No.11215591
File: 170 KB, 1024x768, SWAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you fucking faggot - it's Milo Yiannopoulos, the queen faggot of /fa/.

>> No.11215631

please kill yourself immediately

>> No.11215641
File: 118 KB, 972x942, Daddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the butt-blasted SJW faggot

>> No.11215659

The thing about these 'curvy' girls that every photo they take on instagram uses deceiving angles and framing to make them look better.

IRL they just look like fat people wearing tight clothes

>> No.11215679
File: 3.35 MB, 2952x5248, 1457447663881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha nice one /b/rother *tips maga hat*

>> No.11215696


>> No.11215700
File: 129 KB, 750x937, Trump 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have some blue haired, hairy, smelly whale of a 'womyn' to growel before?

>> No.11215723
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, 1460916051658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whaa?? dude im on your side lol i love milo. he may be a lisping, limp wristed ponce but hes ALSO a conservative haha how freakin epic is that??? *holds up spork*

>> No.11215743

that looks like a r/teenfa fit.

>> No.11215758


>> No.11215767
File: 50 KB, 615x665, Bernie babies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha you really seem like you're pic related

>> No.11215799
File: 141 KB, 1097x1075, 1460273807210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuck no way bro!!!! im a 100% red-blooded american White Male who loves trump!!!

please make sure to visit r/the_donald for the spiciest campaign memes

>> No.11215828
File: 946 KB, 728x1130, Trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek so fucking mad

>> No.11215862
File: 295 KB, 1263x717, 1460916200050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damm wtf shes hecka hot

do you think if i save and post enough pics of qts in trump merch, one day a girl might finally talk to me???

>> No.11216319

So no one have fits?

>> No.11216325
File: 179 KB, 720x960, 1449213678691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy high waisted jeans that hug your ass
there you go, now everyone wants you.

>> No.11216329
File: 672 KB, 1440x1080, 1436302980431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11216335
File: 270 KB, 1688x2648, 1385804611024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee it's so hard isn't it

>> No.11216344
File: 628 KB, 2190x3474, 1386012863615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11216348

This is helpful thanks anon

>> No.11216350
File: 118 KB, 877x1492, Target.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11216366

It does make the ass look cute but these fits are kind of boring normie teir.

>> No.11216371
File: 419 KB, 1200x1000, politican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is precisely how I imagined /pol/tards to be:
- HY
- Fat
- Muh conservatives will protect freedom
(even through they're the biggest moralfags who want to censor everything almost on par with the democrats)

>> No.11216374

Is this supposed to be fashion lol

>> No.11216515

Youre a fucking retarded cucklet

>> No.11216574

Strawtengu, please stop

>> No.11216621

don't mind me, just here for the fat asses

>> No.11216695

Milo is the shit

>> No.11217509


>> No.11217514

>her shoes

probably flat

this is goatest ass

>> No.11218210

>fan of Trump

Has there ever been an easier way to detect a dumbass? Not even trolling, Trump supporters are morons.

>> No.11218217

too much ass

>> No.11218222

Too little of Test

>> No.11218228


No, only loud and proud Trump supporters are morons, I. E. the type of people who go to his rallies. The smart, moderate ones are too afraid to speak openly about their support. And, to be fair, most Bernie supporters are mentally ill, which you could argue is worse.

>> No.11218233

goddamn i would hatefuck the shit out of kylie

>> No.11218234

No, all Trump supporters are morons. Most of his policies are populist spew that they mop up and think would actually help anything. Insane Bernie supporters I'm convinced are working for the RNC since they're doing the right's job for them throwing every insult at Hillary.

>> No.11218265

The key word there is most. Things like the wall are ridiculous but it's probably not gonna happen anyways, and his other, more reasonable policies are better. I, personally, don't care if his policies are going to create that much change, because honestly, I feel that there has been so much change in policies and culture recently that instead of jumping headfirst into more change, we should wait and see the effects first. And besides, if someone doesn't support socialism or isn't a democrat in general, who are they going to vote for? Hillary? People are just choosing a side.

>> No.11218292

Well idk what you mean by change. Sounds like a passive-agressive tweet about Obama. His policies are disastrous however, and so is his understanding of anything he talks about on the campaign trail. He even speaks like a 5th grader running for Class President; "I'm going to be so great, just wait and see how great I'll be. I'll be so presidential." Most people claim they're independents but I don't believe it for a second, they always lean one way or the other. The majority of the population is in favor of: gay marriage being legal, legalizing marijuana, abortion being legal, against interventions in the middle east, the wealthier paying more taxes (or their fair share, however you word it), and even in favor of criminal justice reform. They are majority Democrats but the Republicans have done a great job convincing them otherwise with their constant hyperbole of the nation ending if transgenders use the same bathroom as cisgendered females or how your son will drop out of college and turn to a life of heroin if weed gets legalized. Democrats have done a horrendous job of selling their policies as well, not defending them well at all and doing a terrible job in mid-term elections. Just 10 years ago they took over the senate and house when Bush was still president

>> No.11218322

Already legal, and not going anywhere.

>transgender bathrooms
>pulling out of the middle east
>criminal justice reform
I support all of the above and am voting for Trump, however some things on that list are obviously more important and pressing issues than others. As for the tax thing, I don't think the rich should be taxed that much more, rather the loopholes should be closed. More taxation of the rich would just lead to more use of the loopholes and panama papers situations. I think that though I don't agree with a lot of his policies, Trump is not the type of conservative that will use the presidency to go after transgenders or gays for example just to pander the the religious right, when there is no real benefit to the country to oppose it.

>> No.11218328

>I support Liberal policies yet am voting for the man against them. So literally what is the point? And don't even say "he's not part of the establishment" bullshit. He fucking BOUGHT the establishment and morons will trust the puppet-master himself.

>> No.11218347

The point is that I support him because I am a capitalist. I disagree that he is the man against liberal policies, he's practically the most liberal gop candidate for a while. He actually supports transgender bathrooms and marijuana, did you know that? He's not perfect, but in my opinion, he is the most sensible choice. I personally do think he is anti-establishment too, I mean he even commended bernie.

>> No.11218365
File: 174 KB, 500x600, keeppolinpol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know very well that the "establishment" is not going anyway wins whoever wins nor the future wars in the middle-east yet to come.

Anyway shut up because I can report both of you. Keeping /pol/ in their retarded containment board is a global rule.

>> No.11218517

Nothing wrong with that style of dress, (and it's what's trendy right now even if the girl isn't curvy) they're projecting their insecurities about wanting to date those women but being too far out of their league to do so.

That attitude is getting old. Every time a guy feels uncomfortable and not confident around a woman, the first thing they do is call them whores.

>> No.11218533

im sorry anon, i've been lurking for months trying to find such inspo, there is none
u will just have to deal with kinda normie core, and no layers unless u want to look like a tent

>> No.11218539

>tfw my ex had this sort of ass and the girl i was talking to during my time had this sort of ass but they found out about each other so now im left with 0 ass

>> No.11218540
File: 73 KB, 540x720, m-muhcurves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no. Pic related is what a woman should look like. The ones in op's posts are the definition of trashy. The only "uncomfortable" thing about them is how much they look like third-rate whores.

>> No.11218559

Give up on life pants are not inspo bro

>> No.11218569

Her hair looks awful.

>> No.11218611 [DELETED] 


That isn't "trashy".Googling the word trashy will give you better examples.

That's currently the trend of what young women look like right now in the U.S. Actually go outside to an event where the crowd is young 20 somethings you'll see most young women dressing in similar style.

Op posted great examples it's clean and simple looking clothing that has contrast (straight lines versus wrinkled/wavy). You guys are acting like a bunch of old church women getting caught up with seeing midriff and perky tits.

Right now it's trendy for girls to want to have fuller features and fashion (out side of industry) is emphasizing it.

The woman you posted is Astrid Eika, she'll look good on the runway with the purpose of just showing the clothes off but she's board thin
so even is she wanted to dress how young women are currently dressing she couldn't really pull it off because non-fashion (house) industry trends are focusing on different looks.

>> No.11218630


That isn't "trashy".Googling the word trashy will give you better examples.

That's currently the trend of what young women look like right now in the U.S. Actually go outside to an event where the crowd is young 20 somethings you'll see most young women dressing in similar style.

Op posted great examples it's clean and simple looking clothing that has contrast (straight lines versus wrinkled/wavy), at the laziest it's usually a nice tee with distressed denim pants or shorts. You guys are acting like a bunch of old church women getting caught up with seeing midriff and perky tits.

Right now it's trendy for girls to want to have fuller features and fashion (out side of industry) is emphasizing it.

The woman you posted is Astrid Eika, she'll look good on the runway with the purpose of just showing the clothes off but she's board thin so even is she wanted to dress how young women are currently dressing she couldn't really pull it off because non-fashion (house) industry trends are focusing on different looks. Or rather high-fashion and the general media will never really did and never will focus on emphasizing women with more well developed features, and not necessarily for the reason of it being unaesthetic, it's just more practical to have thinner models.

>> No.11218646
File: 57 KB, 552x670, 1461688148149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11218659

itt: fat crooked legs

>> No.11218668

She looks so miserable and unhappy. At least she should be ironically smug about talking shit, you know like if she was confident in what the shirt says just to be more bait-y.

>> No.11218690

kek she looks like shes in pain.

>> No.11218746

lol at the /fa/ nerds pretending they dont like big ass slim waist girls cuz muh thinspo and muh runway fashion body

>> No.11218748

>That's currently the trend of what young women look like right now in the U.S
Good thing I don't fucking live there, then.

>> No.11218753

B-but that's what real womyn are like! You mean you don't like fat, sweatpant-wearing midgets caked in make-up?

>> No.11218761

Yeah, stop having good taste, losers!

>> No.11218786
File: 110 KB, 500x692, jesuslovesyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Astrid Eika
>she couldn't "pull off" non-runway clothes

The shit we tell ourselves to make us feel better...

>> No.11218843


This is a good example of a designer wanting to show off the draping and motion and texture of the fabric and/or piece as a whole, rather than the shape of the model.

The clothes and model aren't being presented in a every day casual style. You wouldn't see too many women in that shirt, but the shorts yes.

OP wanted inspo for fit but curvy women. People got offended at seeing actual breasts and hips and started flinging the word whore and trashy around. Most of the women you encounter on a day to day bases have full breasts and hips even if they're thin they may still be busty and not run way thin and flat like /fa/ loves so much. High fashion models are just there to show the clothes off and sell them. If you put the girls in OP's first 3 pictures into that exact pair of shorts with a spaghetti strap tank top on a hot summer day, people would be flipping their shit again calling them whores again.

>> No.11218901


You're starting to sound butthurt. Projecting much? You're trying to phrase it as a "silly boys don't appreciate real curvy women" thing when it's actually much simpler: short women with big thighs who overdo makeup and dress like trashy whores look like trashy whores. Tall, slender women who don't overdo makeup and don't dress like trashy whores look classy and attractive.

>> No.11218989


I have free time today so I decided to type. This is typical of internet boards though, there's always a disconnect from what's actually going on outside, it doesn't mean that no one can take their time to correct it. The problem is the clothes or the women in OP's post don't look trashy or whorish and neither do they have over done makeup. People got insecure about women and how they make the clothes look and decided to bitch about it, not realizing that what op posted is actually what's been in style this year.

>> No.11219030
File: 83 KB, 469x469, 1432607396799-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just arguing the semantic application of trashy. That this is currently in style in low culture doesn't negate their criticism. It's undignified, bodily, unintelligent, unbecoming style and its popularity stems exclusive from the Kardashians, a family whose entire career consists of exploiting their privacy and began with a sex tape

It's trashy. And /fa/ has always hated meme styles, there's no double standard here - there isn't one with saying those women look like hoes, it's the female equivalent of fuckboy which has never triggered you

In other news, post tits or fuck off slut

>> No.11219056
File: 213 KB, 561x425, hussein-chalayan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if you take a trip through nigger twitter/ig you'll find pop culture agrees that the jenner look is clearly a hoe look. urban dic is less reliable measure than normalfag memes, but there you have it

It being in style doesn't change anything. Twerking being in style didn't stop anyone from knowing you were signaling as a thirsty whore

But that's beside the point, the point is that it's not fashionable. It's tasteless. Boxy and deconstructed, structured fit, ie chalayan pictured, can work with curves without thirstily showing them off. If the board was just about being attractive, it'd be all fuckboy fashion. For example, the alt-trash fuckgirl look is high waist denim shorts and tucked tee with rolled sleeves.

You've got free time today so post your tits

>> No.11219061
File: 167 KB, 1176x652, Screen Shot 2016-04-26 at 3.08.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11219138

I don't know why you think I'm a woman go ask your mom for tit pics, She's more likely to give them to you. You have a skewed view of what a whore is I'm thinking that she served as the example.

Kylie Jenner has one public relationship and she's 18, not much of a whore in my opinion.

And about twitter (which is a terrible measure of anything meaningful btw since most of what's posted is for joke purposes) like I said earlier that's pussy dudes being too afraid of women. Classic see a good looking girl out at party, be too afraid to talk to her or not good looking enough to think they have a chance in the first place, but get mad and calls her a hoe when they see her leave with a guy that did chat her up. It's just typical fuck boy salt.

>> No.11219217

I think you're having trouble telling the difference between a literal description and a colloquial one.

When we call someone a fuckboy, we don't literally mean a guy in prison who had his throat crushed in the bathroom so he could be gang raped repeatedly without the guards hearing, leaving him with the distinctive high pitched "fuckboy voice". Because that's what it means.

> I don't know why you think I'm a woman
My mistake nu-male. You know nice guys are officially misognyist pigs too now, right?

>> No.11219298

Are people hating on the bodies of these women or the clothes they're wearing in the first few pics. If its the later then it'd be real cool to see some inspo of what yall think looks good.

>> No.11219306

lol holy shit

>> No.11219309

it's the midriff

>> No.11219311
File: 69 KB, 481x475, ss+(2016-04-26+at+11.42.18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11219313

I think it's the sweatpants/leisurewear

there's a female inspo thread in the catalogue

>> No.11219327


>> No.11219338

The reason why I posted this one was because Iv'e made several female inspo threads before yet people post very lanky flat more masculine women and it just doesn't help much.

>> No.11219341

So glad to see someone knows what curvy is. Fat is not curvy fat is fat. Curvy is a women with either or both boobs or ass.

>> No.11219351


>> No.11219501
File: 121 KB, 870x790, 1457952242070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11219505

But anon

All women are whores

>> No.11219506

I know

>> No.11219522

thaat girl is a skinhead oi

>> No.11219537

is this true

>> No.11219538

You could just get inspo from kylie jenner. I think most people think she is pretty good looking

>> No.11219594

Occasionally she has some okay fits. Not really inspiring to me though. She either wears dresses, sporty wear, or weird famous people clothes.

>> No.11219832

Are you gay

>> No.11219864
File: 196 KB, 1242x1242, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11219900

Yea whats up with all this?
Low testosterone/high estrogen can be a very serious issue in men please check the warning signs and contact your doctor for help.

>> No.11220367

what a self-loathing dumbass

>> No.11220435

I just google'd "Trashy women" and "Trashy girl" and females too "ticc" for /fa/ appear. /fa/ is right.

>> No.11220502


Teenage boycore

>> No.11220507


Oh, geee, I wonder what fashion is?

>/fa/ has always hated meme styles

Are you even trying?

>> No.11221357

Oh shut the fuck up. Nothing like what op posted shows up when you google those terms.

>> No.11221417

inspo for twinks with big butts?

>> No.11222015

"trashy nigress"

>> No.11222018
File: 97 KB, 1199x802, 5gOtuvz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.11222664

shes taking a full body selfie with her skirt riding up. its a different context. of course thats trashy.

>> No.11223295


>> No.11223313

the real inspo is realising that (a) its not as big as you think it is, or (b) if it is that big your legs are also disgustingly large ruining all potential

>> No.11223365


>trashy nigress

You guys are really reaching trying not to lose an argument.

You didn't even spell Negress right...

>> No.11223371

i went to the same school as kylie ama

>> No.11223503

Girls in Fred Perry get me wet.

Especially if they've got big tits and the top button done up on their polo.

>> No.11223534


Do you know anyone from Thacher? A couple of my friends went there

>> No.11223551

Did you fuck her?

>> No.11224246

Nope, almost went there though. The dorms looked like shit.

I wouldn't slumming it with losers on 4chan if I did.

>> No.11224315


juicy high school gossip pls

>> No.11224946

I want jeans like that myself

>> No.11224947


>> No.11224954

I'm a girl...

>> No.11224962

post feet

>> No.11224970

Why tho

>> No.11224971

proove it

>> No.11224972

Idc about proving it to some /fa/ virgin I just want sauce on the jeans

>> No.11224974

prove youre a girl and ill give you sauce

>> No.11225012

why not? just do it senpai

>> No.11225218


http://w w w.asos.com/ASOS/ASOS-Rivington-High-Waist-Denim-Jeggings-In-Clean-Black/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=6447278

Now take a pic of your ass and post it otherwise kys you fucking faggot ass pretending to be a girl online

>> No.11225329
File: 26 KB, 712x376, The_Doom_Generation(13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this ass mine. What mmme do?

>> No.11225890
