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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 31 KB, 250x375, DD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11173668 No.11173668 [Reply] [Original]

Meeting up with potential lady friend for a drink at an upscale nice bar - not a club. We're not meeting until 10:30 tonight.

What do I wear?
Jeans are out.
Are suit pants/slacks (either navy or gray -which one?) acceptable?
>Blue dress shirt
>no coat

Is dis good? I'm having trouble finding balance between formal and casual and I'd rather dress up than down.

>> No.11173688

Jacket without tie is far more elegant than tie without jacket. If you have a navy suit jacket and grey pants handy, grab those and pair them with the blue shirt for a relaxed but put together look.

>> No.11173691

dont be a fagget and dress like a normal person

>> No.11173717

All my jacket labels are numbered 0 to 23 while the only digits you got on you are some fat whore's number


>> No.11173722

Come on anon, just wear the dress shirt with the jeans and a tie. Don't be difficult. No one wears a jacket.

>> No.11173725

I'd be scared about overdressing if I were you. You don't want to look out of place at this bar or be more dressed up than she is. Don't be afraid to be modest. You could probably get away with a casual dress shirt without a tie, no coat and casual chinos/trousers and shoes & belt to match.

>> No.11173726


>> No.11173730

full rick

>> No.11173736

>jeans are the only kind of pants i'm comfortable with and i'm scared of standing out by looking nice

>> No.11173751

I recommended chinos and trousers. What you going on about m8?

>> No.11173758
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>Meeting up with potential lady friend for a drink at an upscale nice bar

>> No.11173764

sorry, didn't see the chinos part - you're good

>> No.11173798

OP, wearing a tie without a jacket is HORRIFIC. It makes you look like a fucking office drone.

If you're not wearing a jacket, don't wear a tie, either. Just go open-collared. That will send the signal that you're relaxed. If you wear a tie without a jacket you will look like the manager of a Wendy's.

>> No.11173834
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Jesus fuck, that hat doesn't go with his face shape at all.

>> No.11173841
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I dunno how I feel about mixing different suit and dress pants. If it were a sport coat, sure but it's not.

chinos. real neet, man.


Learn to troll softer. You newfag's got no style or sense of know how. Mother fucking disgrace. Thank god you don't know your father. That slack jawed faggot would be beyond disappointed. Now get back to /pol/ son.


Ok. I'll clarify. There wasn't any point initially but just "FOR YOU" I will. WE had mutually married fag friends. They had a kid. Now they are gone. Me and friend have not hung out on our own and its been a while but now we for the first time are. Thus, there is potential. What else do you fucking want to know? I'm 8 inches erect. I like chinese. I enjoy long hikes, I am old enough, clean shaven, and when smartly dressed, can pull off the fedora (I'd never wear a trillby) but I don't wear it except the once or twice a year retro themed dance I ultimately attend. Satisfyingly, the last two of these, I won a $200 gift card to a fancy restaurant and $150 PX90 type gym membership which I promptly sold for $75 cash because let's be honest, "fuck that shit."

Does that work for you, brah?

Thank you for the honest answer.

>> No.11173854

It always depends on the jacket. Some navy suit jackets can pull double duty as a sportcoat, some can't. If the fabric is less of a slick worsted twill and more hairy, and/or the buttons are brown horn instead of black plastic, then it's absolutely fine to just use the jacket on its own.

>> No.11173858

>No one wears a jacket.
are you even old enough to go to a bar?

>> No.11173871

the only jacket numbering that low is in children's clothes, are you 12?

>> No.11174919

So, what happened? Did you go with the jacket, jeans, and open shirt?

>> No.11174925


>> No.11175662

OP pls respond

>> No.11175693

OK what is the actual difference between a blazer and a sport coat besides one comes with pants when you buy it?

>> No.11175738

>besides one comes with pants when you buy it?
But that's a suit, senpai.

The blazer is inspired from a naval officer's jacket. Metal buttons, navy fabric, streamlined details, it used to be good for formal events, it's a military coat.
Sports coats are made for horse riding and hunting. Natural colors, a lot of details that go hand in hand with the 'sports', like hacking pockets. It's more casual, and in no case formalwear.

Ofc that's where they come from, nowadays you'll find a lot of odd jackets that fall somewhere in between, and the cut can go formal or casual for both. Usually bizcaz goes blazer (if not suit), and accademicals go sports coat, but that's it, really.

>> No.11175816

>shirt and tie but no jacket at a bar

Its like this nigga has his first day at RadioShack the day after the date

>> No.11175822

There's already a lot of good advice here, but:

A suit sans tie would be the ideal situation. Ties in casual situations look weird and tend to come off as stuffy. With that said, perfunctory attempts at dressing up will get you in the door and (ideally, I'm sure) drop panties.

>>11175738 is good advice, and I'll jump on it even further: just go get yourself a nice suit. In a situation like this, nothing beats just tossing on a suit in the closet with a dress shirt and heading out the door. It's easy, inoffensive, and - as long as you don't roll in cranked into a tie and looking awkward about it - no-one will think twice. The suit is simultaneously dressy and male lingerie, which is great.

That said, if we're gonna be more specific, I'd show up in navy or some sort of casual gray suit - never anything too formal, suit-wise. If a suit is not an option, I'd wear decent dressy pants and maybe a sweater or something. Still never a tie.

Don't be afraid of "dressing up," that's a concern only 16 year olds have.

>> No.11175823


As much as I like your radioshack dropping, who wears a full suit to the bar?

>> No.11175829

No one does. But if you're gonna wear a tie to a fucking bar you'd better have a jacket on.

Ideally, you'd wear a sportcoat (if anything) with a shirt and slacks or jeans

>> No.11175831

I recommend a pair of nice fitting kakis a plaid shirt and a blazer. She's probably basic mfa that shit up.

>> No.11175834

Btw why are Jeans out... Do you not own any nice ones?

>> No.11175850

Tie with no jacket = loser who obviously never dresses to go out for dinner or drinks at a decent place, certainly not with a woman. Don't be that guy.

A tie is not really required unless the restaurant asks for it; go with a button down collar shirt with any type of jacket - sports coat, blazer, bomber - as long as it's tasteful. For the love of God do not wear khaki chinos! With a blue shirt! you don't want to look like you work at BestBuy

Casual is better, especially with footwear. Don't be that guy with shiny black shoes and shitty jeans and a tucked in blue stripped shirt. Wear a blazer over anything and that is enough for drinks in the evening.

>> No.11175876

I mean't "untucked" shirt

>> No.11175899


I don't know if any of this has been said yet



please please please play it safe and go with a matching three piece suit in a neutral colour like navy or grey and make sure more than anything that it fits

>> No.11175906


amend: i wouldn't personally wear a three piece suit, basically if you want to look normal wear slim fitting trousers, a plain shirt, pullover + coat

>> No.11176222

I'd say tie can work with a sweater or cardigan too, depending on the material (dressy silks are out).

>> No.11176231


>> No.11176307
File: 25 KB, 325x325, Chipotle Cult Robes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got a last minute postpone. She said she had to be up early for work the next day, (today, Friday). So instead we pushed it back to 10:30 for next Friday night. Draw your own conclusions.

So now, you have a whole week to tell me what I should and shouldn't wear. Get started.

>> No.11176396

>Draw your own conclusions
She's clearly fucking Chad right now, maybe even giving him a rimjob right now

>> No.11176398


the damn truth!! i see this way too much at this office

>> No.11176414
File: 47 KB, 640x340, Corporate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you going out for a drink or to an interview? Ties are for work and weddings.

Slacks, collar shirt.

>> No.11176514

Come the fuck on, you HAVE to go out and have fun at the bar now. That was the plan, don't let a small detail like her absence destroy your evening!

Anyway, what do you have in your closet? A white or pale shirt, big collar a plus, a navy jacket (blazer if possible, sports otherwise, but if you only have a suit, then go full suit), grey woolens or chinos, pattern optional if that's what you have. No tie, open collar, no undershirt, flask in chest pocket, go and have fun!

>> No.11176543

If you are seriously asking what to wear on a mongoloid loli image board, you are not getting laid tonight bruh

>> No.11176832


Yeah, probably not but next Friday, who knows. Although I am meeting a woman I met off Tinder tonight for the first time. We're going to dinner, coincidentally in her neighborhood. I don't have any hopes or expectations but dinner but maybe on the second date there's a possibility.

Anyway, kiddos, getting laid would be nice but long term female companionship is really the end game.

>> No.11176853

Absolutely, feels over raw animal lust, just plz don't do it long term with the tinderella.

>> No.11176894
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>> No.11176939


>no sox.

Seriously, dudes look like greasy Brazilians who try too hard.

As for me, I'll come right out and say, I'm a hairy motherfucker. So I'm going to wear an undershirt rather than look like a 70s pornstar. Don't blame me, blame my Slavic ancestors from 125 years ago. I gotta work with what I have.

I have both white and lighter off-white dress shirts. I have suit coat/suit pants in off-black with pin-striping, grey, and navy with pinstriping. I also have kahki colored dress pants.

White shirts are meant for formal. Blue is more casual.

>Ties are for work and weddings.
This seems to be the problem. Ties add respect and they also had height by not making you so boxy and increasing your vertical figure.

Very creative.

I should add, I do have a nice brand new leather (real leather, msrp was $350) jacket. Perhaps that would work with tan/khaki dress pants and a blue shirt? But tie?

>> No.11176975

if you wear a tie, wear a coat. Don't wear a tie. Wear a coat

>> No.11176983

Uhhh you're doing tinder wrong

Chances are she's just the average user on there in town for a little bit just wanting to get off....and you're going to drag her ass to dinner

>> No.11176992

Found the pleb

>> No.11176994


Nope, we've texted the last 2 weeks back and forth. I'm sure I'll get stick footing the bill for dinner but there is some potential. I mean not to get all stalker but once you get the the text stage of swapping numbers, you can facebook view her etc. Considering I have a fucking dog (it's tinder, should I really give a shit?) for my tinder pic, I'm sure she's done the same to see what I actually look like.

>> No.11177087

>off black

>> No.11177104


Yes. Technically "charcoal" Suit 101 is to never own a true black suit unless you are an undertaker, work as a bouncer, or are a goon in the Russian mob. I most certainly am not wrong on this. If you think I am, please let me know your advice, so I can disregard it.

>> No.11177118

No, I'm just calling you an idiot for referring to it as off black instead of charcoal. I agree though, there's very little reason to own an actual black suit

>> No.11177140
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>an idiot for referring to it as off black instead of charcoal.

What are semantics?

>> No.11177709

Maybe she's just a furry?

>> No.11178169

The tie would look like you're trying too hard, you aren't on the mad men cast.
It's a bit like Chanel said, take off the last accessory you put on, and for you that's the tie.
The white, or better yet of white, shirt is a subtle way to dress better. Not very subtle, but better than wearing a tie to a casual date.
The pins are too much as well, don't you have any solids or more relaxed patterns?
Go in with the full blown regalia, and you'll look like you're preying on her daddy issues. That might get you laid, or might throw her off, idk about Russia but it wouldn't work that great here in Europe.

>> No.11178224

No ties with leather!
Btw, how is that jacket cut? If it's something blazer like, just don't at all.

>> No.11178318
File: 50 KB, 567x358, Muh 50s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fedora, tench coat, tie, slacks, classy shoes.

>> No.11178323
File: 113 KB, 400x323, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sieg you're based as fuck. Nobody shits on poorfags like you.

>> No.11178400

holy shit dude. It's MMM maison martin margiela because I have to spell it out for you. That's the reference. He's saying the only clothes that he owns is MMM. He's rich you see to afford that. God this is the retardness of neo-/fa/

>> No.11178502
File: 49 KB, 400x597, Indiana_Jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The tie would look like you're trying too hard, you aren't on the mad men cast.

b-b-b-ut, I should be...
>It's a bit like Chanel said, take off the last accessory you put on, and for you that's the tie.
technically speaking, it's the tie clip
> or might throw her off, idk about Russia but it wouldn't work that great here in Europe.
>The pins are too much as well, don't you have any solids or more relaxed patterns?
Pins are very subdued but I do have straightforward. Other than grey, they personally look too office worker or retail to me.
She's actually slavshit Ukrainian, so after this recent round of events, best not to do as the Russians do.

ok, I won't. I don't take it personally. Although I think Indiana Jones wore a tie and his jacket but whatev.

on a side note. it's 2:30 am. Just got home from a 6:30 dinner with the Tinder thing. Wore grey pants and a blue dress shirt-no tie(I did consider you guise.) She wore kinda a flower pattern dress. Things worked out. Plans tomorrow(at least it seems so, she was pretty hands on), it will be more casual with jeans and a button down. I really need to invest in more boots/shoes but as a straight male, it's really something I don't do. I'm not sure how much longer I can do chuck taylors, work boots, or dress shoes for...(don't you fucking judge me)

>> No.11178530


>> No.11178608

>>no sox.

You don't have to copy the style straight off, you retard. But the guy on the left in a light grey suit is pretty much perfectly dressed for a night at a more fancy place: relaxed, but elegant.

>> No.11178634

military dress (that's the parade/officer shit, don't overdye them as service people do, will look great) boots, in brown. there, you have a casual boot for all your cold weather needs.

as an aside, why the fuck are you even considering a tie clip for a casual outing?

>> No.11178642

I don't like how is torso looks so short.
Between the open buttons and the high waist, he's got no midsection! Maybe closing one button would fix it.

The other guy, tho, is ready to go drone.

>> No.11178645
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>gets insecure
>starts talking about fedoras

kekkin here mate

>> No.11178659

IMO the outfit you suggested sounds a bit too office like

Trousers, a collared shirt and a sweater is doable.

A suit, jacket open with no tie is also doable.

A more casual colour combo, I.e khaki chinos with a navy sport coat

>> No.11178661

Personally I hate low-rise trousers that elongate your torso, it just looks extremely unbalanced and very faggy.

>> No.11178730

There has to be a 'just right' point somewhere in between.
If the jacket stance is closed enough, so the shirt doesn't show when buttoned, maybe the pants could go slightly lower, a waistband's witdth lower, so that they'd keep above the second jacket button.
Maybe it's just me, but women should be leggy, men should look more balanced.

>> No.11178854
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I think both should have high rise, but it's more acceptable if women don't do it - simply because it looks more feminine.

>> No.11179484


>as an aside, why the fuck are you even considering a tie clip for a casual outing?

It gets very windy here.

>> No.11179543


A tie clip is extremely formal and stale, and it just looks very bad.

>> No.11179558

Nah, it's useful and prevents your tie from flying away. I don't get /fa/'s hate for men's jewelry and accessories.

>> No.11179575

The only acceptable jewelry men can wear are watches.

And your tie won't 'fly away' without a tie clip. Stop being ridiculous.

>> No.11181135

Holy shit I can't believe people are actually suggesting a tie. Unless you exist in an upscale culture where this is the fucking norm (finance, executive BS) then it comes off like you are a floor salesman or try hard. Meanwhile a button up and chinos is versatile enough for literally any situation here. If she's dressed up less than you expected, it comes off dressed up but not in a way that makes you look out of place. If she's dressed more than you you come off more casual but together.

Then just wear some coat if the weather demands for it. Again, unless the dressing culture around you is very different then this. Button up + chinos is pretty fucking versatile, whereas ties or suits are going to send very specific messages about you.

>> No.11181262

>going out for casual drinks
>/fa/ tells you wear a suit

my god the autism on this board is unbelievable. i can just imagine a bunch of 17-19 year old awkward white nerds wearing suits everywhere

>> No.11181292

Saman <3

>> No.11181293

Wearing a suit to a tinder date lol.

She was already out with friends and you were the alternate option.

Either she found Chad and blew you off or you came across as so autistic in the build up to the date that she blew you off.

I'm going to guess it's a combination of both.

For future reference: pretend you're out in town before the drinks with your own friends.

And don't wear a suit. She only chose an upscale bar because you'll be paying and she won't bump into Chad who fucked her the night before.

>> No.11181318

>tie with no coat for a social outing

>> No.11181322

i mean, i'm not denying he's a disgrace but still

>> No.11182318
File: 52 KB, 691x293, hhheh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking from experience?