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/fa/ - Fashion

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11168274 No.11168274 [Reply] [Original]

post anything bhg fashion related ITT


>> No.11168292
File: 29 KB, 392x470, stock-photo-smiling-black-man-with-laptop-isolated-on-white-109665113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to grow mine. I've just been trimming the sides and leaving the top. Will that be fine or is it better to just leave it? I don't wanna look like a tramp :(

>> No.11168312
File: 87 KB, 500x750, 68660cc7e5c8391b53d53476b43dde91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried henna for maximum conditioning and possibly looser curls? How much of your hair was dyed/stained if you did?

>> No.11168353
File: 86 KB, 500x669, 87c65d925289b53aaebf408eea9c5abb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bump. This is all I want. Is it possible to go from 4c to 3b or anything like that without relaxer bullshit?

>> No.11168365

So cool, it looks so soft and fluffy

>> No.11168739
File: 76 KB, 456x810, tumblr_o5l18oraTT1rqzi9uo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I really don't think 4c hair can undergo such a drastic change, but maybe some experienced anons will point you in the right direction. Changing hair texture doesn't really seem possible without some sort of chemical processing though. You could try bantu-knot outs, but they're very time consuming

On a side note, I never really see 4c naturals? I feel kind of like an idiot for wearing it out naked like this because I only ever see girls with nice curls going natural.

Do women with actual 4c hair just relax it or something? Is it a rare hair type?

pic related is me. I got a kind of weird haircut (no natural hair salons around and looks worse head-on) and I'm having trouble figuring out what to do with it until it grows out over the next couple of years. Is there a way I could make it look decent?

>> No.11168748

I want to have a new hair style I don't know what I want though, my hair is really long at the moment a little past my shoulders.

>> No.11168752

i-i thought i was supposed to get help here ._. nvm

>> No.11168765

What kind of styles are you wearing now?

its a slow board, friendo :/

>> No.11168851



>> No.11168855
File: 78 KB, 720x960, fkinhairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys help me with my hairs ? I'm mixed race and I have curly hairs but they are really dry and this is starting to get me mad. there is little hairs that are coming out from the pack and idk what I can do to help this. I tried to wash em with cold water and 0 ph shampoo but this doesnt help, im rly clueless of what I can do ..

>> No.11168865

Just keep our moisterized and trimmed.

>> No.11169181
File: 44 KB, 650x365, Max-Hydration-650x365-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly believe at it's most moisturized and frizz free 4c is going to be tiny pin needle sized coils or s shaped curls. The problem is hydral fatigue will most likely occur in the process of getting to that point. You won't be 3c but moisturized 4c curls + a curl loosening agent like henna might get you to a 4c as they stretch a little longer. This is just me theorizing tho

>> No.11169244
File: 440 KB, 611x611, Screen-shot-2015-04-10-at-1.53.58-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your hair is truly dry try the following:
- Warm / lukewarm water
- Deep condition before shampoo with Coconut Oil (Keep on for 30 minutes then add shampoo)
- No [sham]'poo'/ low [sham] 'poo'
Rec(s) :
* ACV Rinse
* Honey Shampoo Wash (check humidity)
* Clay washes (Bentonite/Rhassoul)
* Any silicone/sulfate free conditioner
- Rinse out cleaning agent and either:
* add a moisturizing oil, then leave in conditioner /butter /cream
* condition right after rinsing out the shampoo, add oil, then butter or cream again
(essentially the LOC or LCOB method)
- If your hair is extremely dry you might have to do the oiling method at night to help it along the week, until the hair is able to move oil along the shaft efficiently.
- Deep conditioning overnight can weaken the hair strands
- also Coconut milk + Raw Honey + Olive Oil, is a good nourishing protein treatment. A protein treatment should probably be done at least once a month to keep the curls at bay.

I realized that this may end up making your hair too oily, so you might want to focus on lighter products (ie..water based leave ins , water based conditioners, light oils like jojoba or macademia ) so you don't end up with soppy hair. It's about balance. I'd say people with tighter curls seem to do better with heavier products and vice versa.

>> No.11169250

We don't know what you look like. If you're happy with it though, you're good. If not drop a picture or something.

>> No.11169316
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>> No.11169339
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>> No.11169380
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>> No.11169410

why do white people keep posting these pics? do you think were gonna b photo props for yall?

>> No.11169422

thank you, I really appreciate the answer

>> No.11169443

I'll probably find a way to post one sooner or later. Just worried about dropping pics on /fa/, more so 4chan.

>> No.11171008

Maintaining healthy, non-breaking hair is a pain. I should just shave it off and wear a wig like all the old people do

>> No.11171206


>> No.11171220


>> No.11172333
File: 118 KB, 935x580, no time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else use black images to reply to white devils?

>> No.11172364
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Getting this today

>> No.11172391

I had your same problem for most of my life. The thing that did the trick for me was putting coconut oil in my hair while it is wet, and letting it air dry. Don't towel try it. That makes it frizzy

>> No.11172405
File: 1.43 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody tell me what hair type I have & what products will work best to define my curls/reduce frizz? I've been using shea moisture hair custard lately and I kinda like it but I could improve.


>> No.11172476
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Who else /4C hair/ here?

>> No.11172662
File: 71 KB, 500x589, tumblr_o4j6foJgC61rjrkloo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your curls look big enough to be 3b I think, maybe 3c (also hair can be a mix of multiple textures) I have way too many. What helps define your curls/reduce frizz is knowing your porosity then you can choose ingredients from there.

With frizz, I've had good luck with doing a coconut milk wash or some amount of light protein hair mask. Other than that, you might need to tame the frizz with a botanical hair gel that won't harden it but keep the clumps and moisture at bay. If you live in a super humid area, I'm sorry for your perpetual frizz tho.

>> No.11173113

how many oil bath per week for you ?

>> No.11173277
File: 1.82 MB, 1716x592, noir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about 10 months of growth, apparently I'm shit at combing it since it looks symmetrical in the mirror but in photos it looks slightly off and weird.
I don't know what type it is but its pretty thick.

The thing is I don't really have a goal for this afro, I've tried a flat-top before but right now I'm just letting it grow until an idea or inspiration comes. Any ideas?

also the second photo is just some scruffy/rushed brushing.

>> No.11173656


>10 months

my hair is that size after 2 months. and we have the same texture too, i think.

>> No.11173671

why is it when i get a haircut its good for one day and then looks like shit the next? It looks like i didnt even get my hairline fixed up or anything....

>> No.11173711 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 512x512, SkypeBlack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Opening the /black/ skype group up again. around 30 people in there currently

Talk about hair, clothes, music, or just shoot the shit and chill.

add me @death.rattle_ and send me a PM if you would like to be added to the group. You will have to send a timestamped picture of your face and a fit pic to be added to the group.

>> No.11173731

There aren't 30 people in it you dumb nigger. Go start your BLM group elsewhere

>> No.11173781

Its a pretty shit group tbqh.
Take your shit to KTT.

>> No.11173844

Most of the people in the group are alright, but discussions are shit-tier desu

>> No.11173938

well the strands are about 4.5 inches it just compresses a bit after its combed. after looking it up i think its like 4b texture or something

>> No.11174042 [DELETED] 


>> No.11174077
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>> No.11174115
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>lunarcore black hair

>> No.11174120

Is his shirt Gucci?

>> No.11174671
File: 1.31 MB, 2576x1932, 20160411_151326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ladyboy dread ponytail or nah?
I need to know

>> No.11174686
File: 367 KB, 588x588, romeflynn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a relaxer? I saw this dude on bold and the beautiful and I really liked his hair. I had dreads before but had them cut and now I want something new but a lil unique.

>> No.11174992
File: 617 KB, 640x1136, 0f03343f39c3b7dc87a86d1f9bb14f4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for it. I think it looks pretty cool.

>> No.11175056
File: 1.20 MB, 5973x2208, hair growth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair growth from Oct '15 - Now

Don't have an endgame currently just trying to grow it long. I buzz my sides and back but haven't touched the top in a while.

>> No.11175070

>painted nails

>> No.11176057


>> No.11176068


>> No.11176079

i will forever kinda of hate my mom for putting relaxer in my hair when i was 7 until i was 11

i feel like theres nothing i can do besides keep relaxing it or shave it all off.

i tried to transition and i lost so much hair holy shit that was a nightmare.

i really want to shave it all off and start over but i dont have the confidence

my hair has never grown past shoulder length and it makes me so sad :(

>> No.11176100 [DELETED] 

Why does it all look like pubes?

>> No.11176230


don't worry, friendo. i have a shitty hairline anyway.

>> No.11176237 [DELETED] 

Abolishing slavery was a mistake

>> No.11176242


will order whatever you suggest from amazon right now

>> No.11176263

no shampoo ever, only conditioner

>> No.11176277
File: 53 KB, 500x499, dont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a difference? ive been using the soap bar for 22 years.. post you're recommendation

>> No.11176297
File: 98 KB, 500x496, tumblr_o234q6kIhj1skqlxjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hate your mom, mine was the same, but even though she had all the tricks of her childhood (castor oil etc) she still didn't use them because she was trying to assimilate.

You could do protective styling while you transition so that when you do the big chop you have maybe a little over a twa to work with ie.. fauxlocs, marley twists, havana twists, etc.

>> No.11176306

Hehe black

>> No.11176697

Why not try the thin dreads/ shave the sides look like
>>11169316 posted?

Could look stylish with a bit more length

>> No.11176751
File: 28 KB, 596x739, 11430110_996352537071724_2669616255073121747_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you won't grow proper facial hair until you're 25 - 30

>> No.11177103



>> No.11177558

Henna will dry your hair out with application, not condition it. Also be careful, because applying gritty substances like henna to your hair can actually chip the cuticle off (especially if you have delicate, kinky hair), much like excessive combing, and make your hair more porous. It might cause a tiny change in curl pattern though, especially with repeated application, because it coats the outside of the hair shaft and weighs it a bit. My hair is black and henna tends to cause a slight red sheen in sunlight.

If you want conditioning, try "neutral" or colorless henna, ie cassia powder.

>> No.11177562

not even black but iktf

>> No.11177564

No, it's not rare at all. You just don't see it. Check Youtube. It's possible to grow out 4c hair, but AFAIK it takes some skill and experimentation. Many women with 4c hair do relax because the hair type is stigmatized (despite looking like a gorgeous goddamn raincloud) and there's not info everywhere on how to care for it.

>> No.11177581

I'd wait until you could fit more strands into the ponytail. Not a bad style though

>> No.11177585

That looks like it is relaxed. Unless he is mixed with something

>> No.11177592


>> No.11177593

I didn't know this was a thing for all black people lol

>> No.11177602

Your hair looks like mine. I'd say I'm a 3b/3c.

My best recs to you after literally 10 years of experimentation:

1. Touch your hair as little as possible after you get out of the shower. I skip putting in fancy leave-ins these days because squishing or brushing out my conditioner and then letting my hair air-dry involves less work, less touching, and less expense. Don't comb it, brush it, or fiddle with it until it's at least 90% dry. Frizz is usually what happens when you break up your curls while they're still setting.

2. If you do towel-dry, don't use regular terry cloth. You could use a microfiber towel, or even better and cheaper, a very soft old t-shirt. Press your curls or gently wrap and leave the fabric on like a turban to dry, do not scrub around your scalp.

3. 9 times out of 10, it's not about your hair product, it's about your technique/handling. I use V05, dollar store baby shampoo, and Tresemme, all silicones and parabens, and my hair is fine ;) however, brush my hair too much and there's little broken pieces everywhere no matter WHAT miracle product I'm trying to use.

4. Stuff to be wary of: chalky/gritty substances like clay, henna, etc, fine-toothed combs, boar-bristle brushes, heat styling, relaxing and straightening products, white people putting their fingers all in your hair while it's drying.

5. The best deep conditioners are olive oil, avocado oil, and coconut oil. At least overnight for it to get into your hair shaft, use a lot. I like coconut oil bc it's solid at room temp and thus gets everywhere less than the other two.

>> No.11177849

>white people putting their fingers all in your hair while it's drying.

LOL just out of no where

>> No.11177857

Where do you go cop chains

Dont say goldgods

>> No.11177888

What does this has to do with hair?

>> No.11177896


You could have just not replied

>> No.11177970

That coon looking motherfucker is half black/half negro/all god damn. Does relaxing your hair really yield results like that? I'm sure he put a bunch of product in it as well

>> No.11178369

Believe it or not, yes.

On the bus and shit

>> No.11178410
File: 119 KB, 660x321, b2fc29cc-258a-4c38-8f2c-cdfc82b1d96c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me, rn.
kinda fucked up thought i wanted dreads. i like the tight curls more. i have some thin dreads here and there...

>> No.11178478
File: 208 KB, 1680x1050, 1460736027104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11178496

It's not really.

>> No.11178504

Shit happened to me all the time when I had long curls, senpai.

>> No.11178754

Henna strengthens and conditions my hair; once a month I'll mix up the powder with only full-fat milk (using red wine/lemon juice will fuck your hair up) and leave it on for at least six hours.
Afterwards it's shiny, strong and soft. Smells pretty good too.

>> No.11179882

whats the point of these black hair threads

>> No.11179889

kys if you think all buzzcuts, afros, and dreaded hairstyles can be executed the same way for everyone

>> No.11179894

Better than
>woman hairstyle
>serial killer

>> No.11179907
File: 46 KB, 600x800, shea_moisture_raw_restorative_conditioner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup black /fa/

just so you know, pic related every day/night as a leave in, plus a little bit of jojoba oil and a satin cap while i sleep (fuck how it looks, you need to protect your shit against drying pillow cases and sheets) have made my hair super fucking healthy and beautiful

>> No.11179910

And the other hair threads?
>hitler youth
>young leo

>> No.11179917


why not just get silk sheets and pillow cases

>> No.11179941

they're a better alternative than nothing at all, but your hair is kept neat and in place with a cap and is a ton easier to manage in the morning

there's still friction against the pillow when your hair is left out, so matting and knots can still happen. at least for me they did

>> No.11180075

how did you do this? looks good

>> No.11180263

Is fully dyeing your dread acceptable? If so what color? My dreads are about 8 or 9 inches long if that helps

>> No.11180273
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, 4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually kind of jelly of 4b/c because of the possibilities for temporary texture changes with twists, bantu knots, etc. Naptural85 on YT is a fucking wizard with this; people accuse her of not having 4-type hair all the time because she's so good at twist-outs.

My mulatto curls will barely hold a twist ; _ ; don't envy the effort involved in growing it out though

>> No.11180275
File: 49 KB, 425x425, 4c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more pretty 4c

>> No.11180369

My barber cut into my flat top and made it really high on my head almost like a Mohawk, it looks bad, is it salvageable or do i just have to cut it all off. Btw i thinking about getting a prem so i can Asian like hair is this possible

>> No.11180474

lol got em

>> No.11180614
File: 699 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-04-16-17-48-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda of want hair like this

>> No.11180618
File: 911 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-04-16-17-48-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this

>> No.11180628

wow that is some seriously fucking atrocious posture

>> No.11180652

Yeah what makes it worse is he's already short

>> No.11181035

ahahah pretty accurate

>> No.11181110

But they're the post painful, rigid and thick types to have