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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.67 MB, 1309x3264, poetinrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11156788 No.11156788 [Reply] [Original]

poet appreciation thread

>> No.11156792
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>> No.11156795
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>> No.11156795,1 [INTERNAL] 

What's with this dressing like a totally different generation ?

>> No.11156800
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>> No.11156802

this fucking cancer victim looking dweeb tried to start a trend and got nowhere lmao

i think the best he got out of it was that he may have fucked a girl like 8 years younger than him

>> No.11156816

>implying teen pussy isn't best pussy
sounds like something someone with an old hag would say

>> No.11156819
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>> No.11156826

>may have

sounds like someone's riding this guy's dick too hard

>> No.11156829

if this guys 20.... do the math

>> No.11156845
File: 99 KB, 969x314, goodby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

related I guess...

>> No.11156851

>when a white boy spends too much time on a cartoon board with other white boys who use black vernacular: the post

>> No.11156860

dam bro try not to cut yourself on that edge

>> No.11156870
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>> No.11156876

too late i cut myself haha edgy xD

>> No.11156880
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>> No.11156925
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>> No.11156931
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>> No.11156940

he definitely abuses meth

>> No.11156949
File: 27 KB, 216x447, hood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11156960
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>> No.11156968
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>> No.11156975
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>> No.11156985
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>> No.11156997
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>> No.11157007
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>> No.11157014
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>> No.11157022
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last post

>> No.11157031
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>> No.11157035
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>> No.11157041
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>> No.11157050
File: 134 KB, 1500x936, chemo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck this thread, fuck this board, fuck the entire userbase. You are all a self-defeating paradigm in action.
It's like you just can't help but drive away every halfway decent poster. It's like you actually ENJOY causing pain to anyone who stands apart from the crowd.

Yeah, yeah, internet hate machine, I get it. Now go post a fucking feels thread and spend the rest of the day wondering why you're alone and miserable.
Fuck it, I'm out. Here's my trip, enjoy bashing my reputation before the newfags figure out what happened.

Fucking subhumans.

>> No.11157052
File: 30 KB, 500x375, uglytbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

timber, the love of his life

>> No.11157057
File: 67 KB, 480x640, bod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11157070
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>> No.11157075
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>> No.11157085

except she's fucking knoch now lmao
looks like poet literally got cucked

>> No.11157097

read >>11157007

>> No.11157104

post a fit

>> No.11157110
File: 223 KB, 551x432, cuckedrofl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad? :^)

>> No.11157111

so how long yall think this UFO looking mf cock is

>> No.11157191 [DELETED] 

always and forever

>> No.11157200
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always and forever

>> No.11157220
File: 177 KB, 1104x1388, 49ed77ba44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11157258
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>> No.11157269

>implying he wasn't right

>> No.11157273
File: 351 KB, 800x802, william-shakespeare-portrait11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11157289
File: 30 KB, 320x205, mot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, please stop

here's a motivational speech by poet
just please stop

>> No.11157370
File: 25 KB, 236x364, hnl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only decent knoch fits are just poet rip offs

>> No.11157540


Yeah and he's wearing clothes that are more expensive than the paycheck your single mother gets every fortnight that she saves desperately to buy you the latest adidas so you won't get bullied in high school.

>> No.11157557

how fucking buttblasted are you lmao

>> No.11157568

>being this anallyanguished

>> No.11157583

yeah, i'm really jelly of the clothes he can afford to buy by washing dishes
yes, he was a dish washer, said so himself but i don't expect someone new like yourself to have known that 8)

>> No.11157598

Someone post the one with 'pull on your acne that you bought on sale'

>> No.11157602


Obviously hit a nerve.

>> No.11157633

wow this is the guys all you "old fags" looked up to? his fits sucked. he wasn't creative. and he looks 40 and bald.
old /fa/ must have been a sucky as hell place

>> No.11157639

obviously rectally ravaged

>> No.11157641
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>> No.11157648

is there a reason why you're sucking this guy's dick so hard? did he fuck your mom or something, so you look to him as the father that you didn't have?

>> No.11157675
File: 2.78 MB, 1280x720, little_girl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than the little boy drama queens you pricks have today

>> No.11157698

does anyone know how old he is?

from some of his posts I got the idea that he was about 15 in 1990, but that's just a guess...

>> No.11157710

should be mid 30s if i remember correctly, but i never paid much attention when he was around because he was a fucking faggot and dressed like a retard

>> No.11157718

you look like a nun
buttoned especially so

>> No.11157721
File: 948 KB, 506x1116, ld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11157762

>blatantly break the rules by tripping outside of your thread
>get hate for being shitty and annoying
>wont drop trip
>become a face for all the hate from shitposts to be aimed at
what the fuck do tripfags expect? bunches come through all the time and with very few exceptions they are lecherous cesspools. they dont contribute, they dont remain inconspicuous. they are vapid teenage attention whores.

>> No.11157782

i mean poet's fits werent the greatest thing out there but at least he was noteworthy. i cant even name any of the trips that are on /fa/ right now. the last trip i took any notice of was pigfuck because he was so god damn annoying.

>> No.11157813

Better than anything poet ever posted. Get his sorry apologist dick out of your ass

>> No.11157839

Aye fuck you man
You probably made all those Huckleberry inspo threads

>post 2012 /fa/

>> No.11157853

>last post doesnt contain a trip

>> No.11157881


>> No.11157933

Not even close, I actively shitposted in every single one of those threads and most other inspired threads for that matter. Poet was a cuck though, he wrote autistic essays and said nothing of value ever. His "style" never caught on for a reason, it's literally just classic silhouettes from militaries with a different color palette.

People like knoch adopted the style for a short time because (get this) it was already so similar to their other stuff. Again nothing of value was created

Atleast people after and before Poet never claimed to have done anything special. They knew where they were and what they were doing and understood that in the grand scheme of things their posts didn't matter, poet for some reason thought that this didn't apply to him which was hilarious. That's the reason everyone shit on him at the time.

The dude was fucking late 30s posting on an anime forum's fashion board, taking pictures of his "revolutionary" fits and trying to convince others how amazing he was. That's not someone who should be respected, so why are you here?

>> No.11157952

good post, hit the nail right on the head

poet is a fucking nobody that's irrelevant to fashion and irrelevant to this board, this thread was either started by poet himself or one of his delusional dickriders

>> No.11157960

sup humalien

>> No.11159042


>> No.11159047

is there a zip somewhere? or like a tumblr or anything? i dig

>> No.11159818


>> No.11161674

lunar will never die

>> No.11161697

Don't aspire to be poet

Dude was a narcissist vain man child with no direction in life

All he had to brag about was some old rags that were on a runway once to impress some 19 year olds

>> No.11161707


my god

>> No.11161776

>19 year old

pretty generous assumtion senpai

>> No.11161853

So lemme get this straight, this kid/old man, who hasn't posted here in four fucking years is still being discussed, adored and shit on?

And you say HE HAD NO LIFE? Ow, my cognitive dissonance, it hurts.

Shit on the old man all you like, at least you COULD have a fucking meaningful and over-written chat with him (provided you went to college or read a book once a year)

So much stupidity and insecurity ITT.

Hey faggots, I've read the word "LunarCore" in print magazines, on blogs, web mags, you name it. Recently, too.

So yeah the cancer patient faggot plays dress up, but what the fuck have you ever made? Talk about fucking irrelevant? That's you 2.

And poet is a fucking loser, I really feel that way.

But This board is full of White Fucking Trash, and that shits way worse.

>> No.11161872
File: 614 KB, 600x1020, PAGE-151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hourly reminder that that poet left /fa/ after getting repeatedly blown the fuck out by Lord Digimon

>> No.11161877

>calling someone else a narcissicist vain main child with no direction in life

>> No.11161882

>White fucking trash

Fuck off nigger

>> No.11161885

there were better trips that posted on this board ;_;

>> No.11161908

You're the nigger here. You;re uneducated, you don't read shit, you can't make or do shit, you're lower to middle class and you only talk shit. You're full of shit, too.

That's a Nigger, round these parts!

>> No.11161941

Yeah that totally happened


>> No.11161974


>posting nothing from the argument but that weak ass rebuttal

Thanks for letting me know wasoru is back up tho

>> No.11161986

poet and his dress up shenanigans is literally the only proof to the outside world that /fa/ has ever accomplished anything. Even if it's as trivial as just giving a name to astronaut fits

>> No.11161996


>t-the world would be better off with more brown skinned lesbians
>t. poet

Is this dude for real?

>> No.11162000


That's a recorded event and not a rebuttal, you pedantic faggot. You and poet should get married and lick each other's asses, because you're both autistic shitwads.

>> No.11162020

"Best waywt in years"


>> No.11162024


Get a grip m8. I ran that sorry fuck out of town. Him and piggfucker.

You should be thanking me. I'm basically the marshal around here

>> No.11162050

Suck my cock, Marshall. You lord over a pile of shit. You're a powerless faggot who can only play bossman on effaggot because you have nothing resembling power in real life.


Pigfuck's talking white pride with the shittiest DNA on the planet - REJECTS from ENGLAND. Fucking inbred prison continent fat fuck wants to talk about gene pools, gimme a fucking break

He should start with his own inbred cousin fucking heritage

So - Fuck you, and fuck him. Night!

How much fucking lower can you get what a shit roll that was.

>> No.11162052

>nothing of value
>nothing of value
>knoch adopted the style
>nothing of value

You do know where you are right? Post a fucking fit you sour cunt. What have you contributed?

>> No.11162111


Careful m8, the doctor warned you about getting your blood pressure up. It won't help your diabetes

>> No.11162156

>underage manlet trying to dress like cool grown ups

This is pathetic. Clothes like don't go well with babyface and 165cm of height. Also, those scream "look how rich my parents are".

>> No.11162254


Nice dorm room faget

>> No.11162268


meant to respond to


>> No.11164135

Knoch never adopted lunarcore

he did space and military outfits for a long time even before poet posted here

people only described knoch fits as lunarcore long after the fact

>> No.11164412

poet took a year scraping the internet for film/costume designs, space suits and similar pics

probably about a thousand total, presented to the board in 5+ maxed out threads. He was also talking to knoch about refining the shit and pointing out details and shit that ignorant faggots who can't get dressed without an instruction manual would never have picked up on ever

not ever. this board is a loser magnet, no wonder poet came here. It's also a stupid bitch magnet, hence the ten thousand kids in palladiums and cargo pants

and to the rest of the mall tier scum in this shit thread who think their autistic loser hero/archenemy is too old for Rick? RICK IS INTENDED FOR 30-40 SOMETHINGS WITH MONEY. ALWAYS WAS.

BUT - none of you are that person. You all work at fucking journeys or claire's and live in the midwest or the south where you live off of shit like cookout arbys and chikfilet because youre all fucking paycheck to paycheck nobodies with less the a rack in the fucking bank

your parents will probably have to cash out their fucking pensions to send you to community college ffs thats how average and poor and dumb you faggots are

Real Talk? ll take a mildly interesting well dressed delusional autistic psycho with no friends over a fucking beta in hollister and AF with no friends and no money and a shit hometown where you gotta drive for like ten minutes just to cop a fucking sixer because there is NOTHING ANYWHERE

ill take that any fucking day, thats how depressed you all make me

>> No.11164441

>poet took a year scraping the internet for film/costume designs, space suits and similar pics
Fuck off poet. How about next year you spend doing anything actually creative like paint or write or do actual research.

>> No.11164509

Fuck you, dipshit

Id rather drink bleach than be that skullfucked cosplaying faggot for one second

shithead was the definition of a loser

kind of like you, a pansy cuck queer

but with some stories and better clothing

>> No.11164519

This is poet. Do not reply. He's starting to talk shit on himself to garner sympathy.

>> No.11164615

>poet samefagging the post
>Projecting the post
>delusion the post
Get fucked you old piece of shit

>> No.11164652

Poet has never worn anything close to knochs fits what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.11164657

lolololololol ou two ride that dick so hard you see him everywherrrrre

do you dream about your senpai, too? what are the dreams like? I want to hear from a true dickrider

>> No.11164664

fuck off B

>> No.11165264

Saving this pic, this dude is literally retarded

>> No.11165796

It's a good fit. A better one than anything poet ever came up with. You'd have to be retarded to not see that.

>> No.11166546

poet was obsessed with knoch and considered him a style icon

>Knoch dabbled in what we would now call Lunarcore way ahead of time, he was really visionary in that regard.
a direct quote from >>/fa/thread/S7001975#p7005852

>> No.11166555

you're awfully small for your height, brother
i turn over a rock and find you there

>> No.11167717

He still has never worn anything like knoch

poet is just a loser that cant come up with anything original