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File: 22 KB, 530x707, skxaqy7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11134999 No.11134999 [Reply] [Original]

what is the best way to remove hair, especially legs, considering very hairy everything.

>> No.11135006


>> No.11135009

Beasts all over the shop. You'll be one sooner or later.

>> No.11135235

Nair or just shave that bitch

>> No.11135291

Get a hair clipper. You get an even, quick trim without having to shave.

>> No.11135295

laser hair removal if you have the cash to blow

>> No.11135318

I'm sorry, but your leg looks like the just fuck my shit up guy's hair.

>> No.11135338


dont. you are a man, son, live up to it.

>> No.11135473

razor is a meme. depilatory creme for everything except face and balls.

>> No.11135482

and for the love of god, i am serious about balls.

>> No.11135485

how's an epilator? besides the pain of course.
i heard it makes the hair less thick and has slower growth if you do it over time.

>> No.11135550

Do do your entire legs. That would cost a shit load

>> No.11135556

Either that or get them waxed

>> No.11135867

does your name start with u

>> No.11135878

>that leg

>> No.11136165

how to no more hairy b-hole?

>> No.11136233


>> No.11136540


Nice trip OP

>> No.11136783


>> No.11137276
File: 16 KB, 355x355, Tria_4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This works.
It will take at least a year.
It HURTS. God damn, it fucking HURTS.

>> No.11137286

second this, one of the stupidest things i have ever done.

>> No.11137721

why would u want to remove your hair as a straight male

>> No.11137730

I use an epilator. Hurts like hell the first few times and I only do my legs and armpits. It's very effective at reducing hair growth and making it less visible though, the hair that grows on my legs is completely nude and soft now. Additionally I only need to do it once every 2-3 weeks.

>> No.11137741

the "JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP" haircut on leg hahahaha

>> No.11137824

Are ingrown hairs common? I guess it would depend on the type of epilator?

>> No.11137952
File: 114 KB, 500x333, 1386683236663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


would you believe me if i said i had hairier legs than that

fucking kill me

>> No.11138035

this picture bothers me

>> No.11138055

You need to shave first and then it won't, dumb fuck

>> No.11138058

No, they're very common regardless of the brand

>> No.11138207

does this work with pubic hair too?

>> No.11138215


that aint possible to be quite honest with you family

>> No.11138220
File: 268 KB, 640x367, tosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hairy legs
>hairy arms
>never be cute twink
end my life

>> No.11138673

are you just going to use that same reaction image in every fucking thread??

>> No.11138690

I can read the directions, thanks. It still hurts. You can put it at a lower setting, but I find it doesn't work nearly as well.

It works on any kind of hair as long as your hair isn't too light, and your skin isn't too dark. I recommend lidocaine cream for sensitive areas.

>> No.11138703

How should I go about trimming pubic hair? Should I?

>> No.11138933

Don't do it OP

You're gonna look like a fagit, so just embrace your hairiness some men can't get

Also that pic gave me spooks

>> No.11139060
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>> No.11139064

easy, just remove the leg itself

>> No.11139313

Haha I used to do that too.
In fact I could do that in middle school.
I grow body hair like a monster, had chest and back hair at 16.

Just buy one of those electric buzzers, trim that stuff to like a couple centimeters

>> No.11139570

The literally worst is hair in ass, cant imagine it ever not being a turnoff and impossible to remove

>> No.11139843

I feel it. Hairy fucking legs since end of elementary :::,,,)))

>> No.11140221
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>> No.11140905
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does this work

>> No.11140910
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>> No.11141085
File: 1.34 MB, 945x945, toshio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye senpai

>> No.11141087

Is it true that shaving makes hair more thick?

>> No.11141340

let me lick your thighs

>> No.11142738


>> No.11143089

Hot grill or cute twink?

>> No.11143390
File: 13 KB, 191x225, 1455317354678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wh-what happened, anon?

>> No.11143401

no and yes

in the long run it'll grow back normally just the way it was before

in the short run, you are trimming the hairs down so when the individual strands grow back the ends will be thicker and pricklier

>> No.11143406


No shaving doesn't change the size of your hair follicles. It gives the hair a clubbed end as opposed to a tapered one which gives the appearance of being thicker.

>> No.11143675
File: 186 KB, 623x612, bestcatterino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the size of the feet (personally would tickle feet regardless :333)

>> No.11143694

Fuzzy legs are nice. Fuzzy chests are nicer, most snuggleable/10.

>> No.11143742

Sugaring if youre lazy

Also, hairy men are hot af, pls dont shave unless youre a twinkie

>> No.11143753

They're 25.4cm or a US women's 10 I think

>> No.11144499

Yes. But the charger is stupid, and I'm going to have to send mine back because of it.

>> No.11144794
File: 30 KB, 362x407, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Braun silk series 9
Best epilator ive ever bought.
I'm >>11140910

>> No.11145002

Use an electric razor to get it really short, then nuke your legs with Nair or Veet or whatever you like.
Protip: Do not skip the electric razor part, I had legs as hairy as OP's and tried just using Veet. I had to use so much, and there were huge, disgusting, smelly clumps of hair all over my bathtub.

>> No.11146179

Look at your browser url and figure it out.