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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 139 KB, 435x580, male model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11132910 No.11132910 [Reply] [Original]

how to become male model /fa/? I want another source of income and I feel that I can do modeling. How does one find a modeling agency?

>> No.11132921

Post pic i may be able to help

>> No.11132965


You won't make any money. Especially since you're starting out.

>> No.11133162

why wouldnt I be getting money?

>> No.11133170

im a male model and the guy is right

you don't make shit

i even did a cover of a big magazine and didn't get a dime

>> No.11133175


why the hell did you do that if you didn't get payed for it?

And don't give me some bullshit about "exposure"

>> No.11133192


Because many agencies will sign you and "pay" for your apartment, travel, general expenses, etc. You wind up having to pay all of it back. The name of the game is to build up a portfolio full of jobs that didn't pay in the hopes of landing a large campaign that does. It's a brutal cutthroat business and many models have to work another job just to keep their heads above water.

I know all of this because I very briefly used to be one. It's not worth your time or effort. Channel your time and energy into a job that will benefit your future, not leave you with a massive amount of debt.

>> No.11133195

How long to achieve that body natty?

>> No.11133216

i used to date a female model and holy shit they make so much money. She "worked" 7 days a month and made more money than i did toiling in the filth in a warehouse.

>> No.11133225


But why male models?

>> No.11133228


Women make more. It's probably the only profession in the US where women actually make more on average than men do.

>> No.11133231

Yeah, its kinda bs. Especially the super high end ones.

Male models apparently don't make anything near female models though. Even if you're a chick its probably pretty hit or miss.

>> No.11133233

>OP wants to be a model
>wants another source of income
>feels that he can do modeling

>doesn't know that male modeling makes little to no money
>doesn't post picture
>isn't already scouted or signed to an agency let alone have a portfolio

yep another shitpost in /fa/

>> No.11133234

go into gay porn

>> No.11133240

your only hope since you haven't already been scouted is to become a famous musician with good hair. Those get to model for designer houses all the time, don't even need the body or face for it, just look at Ariel Pink

>> No.11133251

because i'm actually rich and don't have anything to do

and i don't mean chinese trust fund rich like everyone on the board claims they are

i mean like, my parents are literally worth tens of millions so i have absolutely nothing to do so i just travel and model even if i'm taking a loss

>> No.11133257


in that case, can i have money for sum fags m8?

>> No.11133263

ya m8 stop by with all your roadmen and ill hook u up

>> No.11133265

Elaborate, story timeeeeee

>> No.11133388

Porn too

>> No.11133840

I got scouted twice and am submitted to a few shows at fashion week this summer. Are you saying that they'll make me do it for free or that I'll actually lose money? Is this really standard practice? I'm a poor student so I should just say no to prada and everything then?

>> No.11133856
File: 27 KB, 840x405, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People constantly talk about how they want to get scouted on /fa/ and now that I got scouted everyone is saying it sucks and no one ever pays you anything... This sure is depressing.

Some guys from my agency were at a casting for Y3 and they promised 6500 usd, surely that can't have been "fake", right?

And, most people who get scouted must have no idea how modeling works(and they probably think they'll get payed initially, like most people assume) so are you telling me they all just get scouted, do jobs and then kindly accept that no one is paying them shit until they are famous? It's regular people who get scouted were talking about here, not people who would do anything for modeling, would they really do this

>> No.11133869

hi i'm a model i feel like nobody's elaborating

i work for ysl, got scouted 2 years ago been on exclusive with them since. Been scouted 3 times

I live in London, i'm 6'5 and i never walk around with headphones. I think these are really important to being scouted but you can't exactly plan something like that.

Magazines don't pay. period. All about exposure, it's fucking lame but i mean it's not like it's work, so you get over it. Being on a cover is like a bonus, but you still don't get paid.

Your money comes from ecommerce, shows, campaigns or what have you. For me, i've never done ecommerce, but have done campaigns and shows and stuff and it pays well, but you gotta live off it whilst you do all those free magazines.

I say to those who consider it, apply because nothing will happen if you don't. Take 3 topless photos of your profiles, (front and two sides) then another of you toplesss just posing. Send these to an agency

>> No.11133876
File: 893 KB, 936x1248, tumblr_o4dv5zD40u1s33l0go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's worth mentioning if you aren't prepared to post a pic of yourself, you're not prepared to be a model,

not like it's a requirement but you do need to be used to randomly finding pictures of yourself, also any comments or how people might portray you, you have no say in that and need to be open minded

>> No.11133883

Post a pic of yourself
inb4 you can't

>> No.11133891
File: 1.09 MB, 2448x3264, tim in slp with raincoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be older than 25 and don't lift.

pic related he modeled on a runaway.

>> No.11133899

hello you just posted a pic of me

>> No.11134148

inspirational vid:


>> No.11134247
File: 529 KB, 1280x960, 1454137187683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Tim :)

>> No.11134368

Op here, I lift and am a senior in highschool. Haven't really had the opprotunity to get scouted since I live in a suburb, so should I call agencies?

>> No.11134382

hello have we met before?

don't call them, do whatever submission things they have online, or email them

>> No.11134420

where do models hang out and how to contact them

>> No.11134528

most male models I assume are average lads who just happen to fit what a casting bureau wants. i mean I'm sure not that many do it full-time apart from the obvious big names.

>> No.11134645

is it possible to meet crush models if you stay in front of their agencies buildings 24/7?

>> No.11134864

Male models don't make money. Even the world famous male models make jack shit compared to their female counter-parts

>> No.11134867

If money is your concern, be a bottom in gay porn

>> No.11134879

Get corrective surgery sweetheart, then you can be male too!

>> No.11134882

i'm a model and i never go to my agency, unless i have to, usually see them like one every few months so probably not worth trying

actually recently i found where i worked, girls were working like 15 hour days, where i worked like 8, then we were getting paid the same, weird but yeah you're right girls get paid more, and also they generally have more opportunities for shows and such

>> No.11135896

Yeah people I meet irl will find this and you'll judge me

>> No.11135915

Thanks. Interesting, so for you, shows do pay after all. But you are exclusive to Ysl so that might have something to do with it, perhaps? Do you think the other random dudes at fashion week get payed too?

>> No.11135931

yeah i mean guys get paid from doing shows, it's paid pretty well, i get paid a bit more maybe because i've worked with them a lot, but i do make most of my money from the showroom, not the shows. This is because I get a UK and FR agency taking from the show, whereas not in the showroom

>> No.11135998

Cool. I'll definitely accept fashion week shows this summer then in that case. The others in the thread seemed very pessimistic but I suppose they do more magazine shoots and such as opposed to shows?

>> No.11136015

it depends what shows you do, if any, but i mean yeah it pays, and if you're a model, it's your job it's not really like you have the freedom to choose, you apply for everything and you accept what you get

>> No.11137083

I also have a short carrer as male model, This guy tells the truth.
Best way to make some money is having a photographer friend that fake your portfolio and or make free work for indy brands. Then be "discover" for a big campaign

>> No.11137702

What do you mean by faking your portfolio?

>> No.11137732


have none of you faggots ever watched a male model documentary? these assholes live in shitstain aparments (payed by their agency) do free work all the time to get "exposure" and even then, its hard as fuck to land a free modeling job.
You owe your agency all the money they give you, apartments, plane tickets etc. So youre most likely going to dig yourself in a debt hole

this cuck had to wait in line for 7 hours to work for free, and when you make it "big" and model for a huge company youre most likely doing it for free (aka the cuck in vid)

if you want to be a model you have to be the most retarded, ignorant human being, modeling is a hobby not a profession.