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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 252 KB, 1920x1080, WIN_20160403_23_31_00_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11133238 No.11133238 [Reply] [Original]

Besides picking at my acne less, what else can I do to improve my appearance?
Would appreciate if your answers could fit into the following categories, but feel free to give me advice on other aspects of fashion.
-small lifestyle changes (ex. better posture)
-big lifestyle changes (ex. lose/gain weight)
-small cosmetic changes (ex. new hairdo)
-big cosmetic changes (ex. plastic surgery)
Thanks for helping me out, guys.

>> No.11133242

let me cum on your face

>> No.11133244

You could completely clear that acne up with like one course of mild antibiotics. Go to a doctor. I did the same and I wish I'd done it years earlier.

>> No.11133245

small lifestyle changes: fix posture
big lifestyle changes: lose some weight
small cosmetic changes: accutane, lip balm
big cosmetic changes: nothing

maybe get a different haircut but that's optional

>> No.11133250

>4 replies in 4 minutes from someone who didn't read the sticky

wew lads can i know the secret on how to get (You)s???

>> No.11133252

Thanks. Is there a certain kind I should ask for, or is each case different?

>> No.11133258


>> No.11133278

u r perfect the way u r what is ur address

>> No.11133285

Looking good! I don't think something as drastic as plastic surgery would be necessary here. In terms of posture, just make sure you stand up straight.

There are alot of free, equipment-less workout programs for weight loss online, just search it up.

For hair, just Google what types of hairstyles fit the shape of your head/face, and pick one you like.

Just in general, wash your face when you wake up/go to bed with warm water, drink alot of water.

yeah and I definitely agree with >>11133244

for fashion, try uniqlo or muji if you have one in your area
there are alot of inspo albums online, try Pinterest for one, some even pop up on here from time to time.

Most importantly I find is confidence, keep your head up, and a positive attitude can change more than you think! You go!!!


>> No.11133293

like there's one right here:

>> No.11133303
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slight but good improvement if you fix acne

>> No.11133317

Did you touch up my lips too? They look less blotchy.

>> No.11133321

just the red parts

>> No.11133367

add some color to your room. holy shit that looks like a motherfucking prison cell lmao. Definitely the thing you should be trying to improve the most imo. other than your room, should just smile more, wear darker clothing. Use Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit w/ the micro beads to & some moisturizer to completely cleanse your skin. Get rid of that ancient 1920s antique heater you have there.

Weight is fine. Everyone can nitpick at themselves for 'cosmetic changes' but its honestly not worth it, when at the very least you could do is just smile & change your room. Then you'd go from "girl with black stare in a white prison cell" to "slightly pudgy faced cutie pie"

>> No.11133416

>not appreciating old-timey heaters

get a load of this pleb

>> No.11133427

Holy fuck, miring facial genetics.

>Ask your dermatologist for accutaine (isotrentinoin)
>Read the /fit/ sticky and apply it to your life
>Make sure you're swallowing correctly; looks like you might have some baby fat in your cheeks

That's literally it. Also, why the fuck are you posting this on a fashion board?

>> No.11133433
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You have a face with some definite potential. I think something like the pic but simpler like just straight longer hair with bangs parted to the side would look great. Losing a bit of weight and the acne would make you golden.

>> No.11133435

Grow your hair long. You have the sort of face shape that would benefit from long hair. It could slim down and elongate your face.

>> No.11133437

dude what is that prison cell room. unfortunate room

>> No.11133463

There sure are a lot of ignorant fucks in here.

Acne can be a very persistent problem that can have absolutely nothing to with the behavior of the person. That is usually the case in adult acne.

>> No.11133476

I've seen facial aesthetics threads on this board before, so I figured this would be the place?

>> No.11133502
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>change the room
Well, my boyfriend is saving up to buy a house for the both of us. So, I don't think it's worth the effort, but when I settle into my new home, I'll definitely add some color to my/his bedroom.
Honestly, I would love to take you up on that, but I don't own this house, and I'll be moving into a new one in only a year or two.
Does pic related help? I could not just splash color in the room, so I used my the plushie I was gifted a while back to somewhat add color.

>> No.11133540

yes smiling helps loads, that tiny plushie is cute and all but just not enough lol. seriously that room is the thing that needs improving the most. darker clothing to compliment your hair & clear your face & you're instantly cutie pie at that point. Try neutrogena pink grapefruit w the microbeads. It smells amazing & would help a lot. Try not over dry your face though, & new room on the way, darker clothing & there you go .

>> No.11133542

If you've got someone who you have plans to move in with, why are you so concerned with how you look?

>> No.11133549

You look very unique and pretty.

>> No.11133550

Do heroine

>> No.11133561

Well, I suffer from anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder (lol, no, I'm not some tumblrina, I was actually diagnosed as such.) and so, I'm hoping that by changing my appearance to something I'm more proud of, it will start to change my self esteem and mood in general.
as for my boyfriend, he's such a great guy, and deserves to have a pretty(ier) girl by his side. Taking care of myself in that department is my way of telling him I care about looking good for him, because I appreciate him.

>> No.11133562

Suck his dick

>> No.11133565

your lip shape is trending really hard right now. A simple change would be to get into watching makeup videos on YouTube and start trying out styles that you like and that other people say look good on you.

>> No.11133572


can you blur that shit too

and make her face slimmer.

Because desu OP, you have potential, you're good looking (as if the world didn't need another pretty bitch to bitch around, fuck you desu)

lose weight basically

>> No.11133578
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I'm out

fucking whore

>> No.11133590

Awww youre actually so cute?? Umm other than the acne which everyones already mentioned, put on lots of lip balm! Its hard to tell with unfortunate phone photography but they look a bit chapped? Also a shoulder-ish length hair and a messy fringe could look super cute on you. Make up always helps with smoother skin/lip appearance & if you dig thicker brows use a brown eye shadow instead of a pencil. Just some suggestions :]]]]

>> No.11133602

lol go back 2 r9k

>> No.11133614

Why do you assume I have sex with him just because I'm dating him? I know it's the norm for most couples, but still.

>> No.11133618

Thank you for your tips and for being so friendly :D

>> No.11133625

what's your identity? your face looks masculine with the short hair, so longer is best for female

>> No.11133626

.. why wouldnt u have sex with ur boyf. even if you did that doesnt make u a whore at all whatsoever lol.

>> No.11133631

>Y No sexytimes?
Because prude desu, onii-senpai.

>> No.11133643

delete this thread and read the sticky fatty

>> No.11133650

The most relevant thing I could find on the sticky is help with acne, which I am already taking steps to take care of. No tips of how to achieve an illusion of better facial proportions, complimentary hairstyles, etc.

>> No.11133667

lose weight

>> No.11133705

Treating acne is a really touch and go kind of process. I was perscribed like 4 different things before something worked. Diet is HUGE too. Cutting out dairy and sugar worked wonders for me and it's good for general health too. At the end of the day, though, everyone is different and you just have to keep trying things until something works and not loose hope. Acne can be rough but I guarantee it gets better if you try.

>> No.11133708

wtf is wrong with you do you only talk to girls if they are single

>> No.11133723

I think I've received enough tips to make a plan to help me reach my goal. I'll make a follow-up thread in six months (three if I get /fit/ really fast.) from now and see how the results come out.

>> No.11133820

what races are you

>> No.11133835


man that guy is playing the long game. If you actually manage to get good looking by the time you finally let him give the tip it might even be worth it

>> No.11133872

I'm curious as to know what races I look like to other people-- you tell me your guess first and then I'll tell you. :3

>> No.11133904

well then
>longer hair
>lose weight
>sex your boyfriend up
maybe lighten up the eyebrows too, once the hair gets longer.

>> No.11133930

Loose weight.
Shave head.

>> No.11133941

what does your boyfriend think about your other boyfriend

>> No.11133951

I only have one.

>> No.11133987

have a vagina

>> No.11133993

why is your bed so fucking high

>> No.11134007

It's got a ton of drawers on the side for storage.

>> No.11134009

that bed is too goddamn high!

>> No.11134010


honestly can't give advice unless you post some fit pics.
i like your hair length, but you need to visit a barber

>> No.11134012


dont use lip balm it's the devil. it will make your lips crave it more, essentially getting addicted.
just drink more water (2-3L/day at least) and you'll be fine

>> No.11134032

chinese white

>> No.11134037
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Well you have beautiful lips and eyes.
>Loose all weight go below 60 - 55 kg.
>Go to a dermotologist get ruacutan -> helped me a lot
>Jog and squat
>come back here for /fa/ advice

also I can cum on your face so your acne will disappear faster

>> No.11134250


You have good features and the hair suits you so you're pretty much all set.

You just need to work really hard on sorting the acne out (Sometimes this isnt possible and will clear up in time but its worth going to the doctors and trying different things)

Acne, Slight tan / workout for healthy clear skin.
Then its just fashion and personality but thats all subjective and up to you.

Seriously just work on the acne and scarring from acne. I've had friends whove done it who look great now.

>> No.11134253


Oh and you should workout. Everybody should. Male or female it doesnt matter. If you want to live a long, happy life with a sharp mind and the ability to do everything you desire you need to be healthy.

I'd even argue that everybody should lift. Even girls. People think better of those who have muscle and tone. It doesnt matter what gender.

>> No.11134261
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>bipolar disorder

you look really cute anyway, under all that fat
lose the weight fix your acne and grow your hair

>> No.11134271

how old are you?

>> No.11134288


youre a cutie add me on skype niggerlover8

>> No.11134290


gtfo faggot

>> No.11134934

My mother is from the Dominican Republic, she's part white, black, and native. Dad is from argentina, he's part white and basque and native from his mother's side.
I could possibly be asian, as I know very little about my ancestors.

>> No.11134935


>> No.11135020

>I know very little about my ancestors.
You and the other millenials.

>> No.11135067


>> No.11135586

Since you are 18 the best way to improve your appearance is to have sex. Trust me I'm a doctor.

>> No.11135602

Change your hair it's unflattering with your face. Loose about 10 lbs of fat.

>> No.11135897

small lifestyle changes: pick an aesthetic you like and stick with it

big lifestyle changes: dont post your face on 4chan, and be around 100lbs

small cosmetic changes: get better eyebrows, and clear up your skin

big cosmetic changes: nothing really, maybe fix your nose but other than that youre fine if you lose weight and get better eyebrows and have nice style. also maybe get a better hairstyle, or color.

>> No.11135969

>le stormfag fedora tip

>> No.11136001

You are too good and pure for this place leave while you still can.

>> No.11136121

Your hair isn't very nice, it's what jumps out at me and say DO NOT CUM ON THIS GIRLS E-PICS SENPAI

>> No.11137112

Sure, but who actually cares about their ancestors.

>> No.11137941
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>> No.11137949

go to a dermatologist

>> No.11137955

I actually like your hair.

Loose acne and weight(improvingb your diet will improve both). Maybe cut out dairy completely. Oh and stop wearing t-shirts, just were well cut blouses and pantalons/skirts.

Sweep the floor.

>> No.11137960

helped me out a lot, i'm acneless since 8 months

>> No.11138001

lol at the thirst itt for shrek's wife
lose weight and clear ur skin, and then hope you dont look like princess fiona anymore

>> No.11138081
File: 99 KB, 1920x1080, Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I'm avoiding studying so here ya go:

I didn't change features apart from neck and shoulders(losing weight).

Purples and taupes are you best friends in make-up. I'd go for that k-poppy spring look, it suits your large eyes. Burnt omber eyeliner ic with black and some falsies. Don't pull eyeliner upwards but keep it straight.

Clean up brows a little, i wouldn't go thinner as you have black hair and thick brows adds youth. Draw them in closer together, it will make your face look slimmer and your nose smaller. Tackle acne with colourcorrecting greenstick. Heavy cool toned pink pink blush. Fill in your lips till the edge, they're your best feature. You have great cheekbones, highlight them, aswell as nosebridge and tip and innercorner of your eyes. Again, I like the hair. Also, round necklines make a wide neck look even wider.

>> No.11138087

oh wow so all she has to do is be a different person? cool!

>> No.11138090

What the fuck, you think that looks good?

You're a fucking moron anon.

>> No.11138091

Wowie u look like a real life anime babe, do u have a bf cuz I want u 2 b my gf. U will have to respect me and listen to what I have to say as a good servile wife that i know u r. I also need.u 2 respect my culture and customs. As an otaku I take japense culture very seriously.

>> No.11138123

Power of make-up, she already has the features.

Can't handle the fact that there are good-looking people in this world?
Not sure how korean and japan are the same, but they got some kick-ass cosmetics. For the rest I can't understand what you say cause I'm not into cartoons.

>> No.11138139

Holy shit, youre a moron

>> No.11138179


>> No.11138224
File: 110 KB, 1920x1080, face2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I made another one that may please the lot of you.

>> No.11138259


Don't quit your dayjob.

>> No.11138291

That's definitely a "cute-as-fuck" potential.
Get rid of the acne, sit straight, wear something less pajama-ish.. I like the hairstyle, just make it a bit less messy? Then it's perfect.
Also good lord why wouldnt you sex your boyfriend?

>> No.11138335

Makeup. You have adorable features and i like the playful short haircut. Have you ever gone in somewhere to get your makeup done?

>> No.11138947

back to /pol/

>> No.11138975

>wear something less pijama-ish
>was actually wearing pajamas as it was late when I made this thread

>> No.11140278

Grow your hair long

>> No.11140298

oh god and here comes the MAC shill...

>> No.11140313

You're a qt OP.
Work on getting rid of the acne and lose a bit of weight and I think it'll really help with your anxiety.
Best of luck!

>> No.11140366


Learn how to do some minor make up.

Go watch YouTube tutorials and stuff.

I know some people are all anti make up and shit but honestly it looks like fun to do and will help you a lot with your self confidence.

You will be able to look closer to your perfect version of you.

>> No.11140382

And go get someone to do your eyebrows.

>> No.11140482

you are a fucking idiot though by the way
who doesn't want to look good? even if theyre in a relationship? Do you really think the only reason people care about appearance is for finding a mate? thats the only time someone can want to look good?

hey i'm married I'm just going to look like shit for the rest of my life

thats not approved of typically, i just don't understand your logic here

>> No.11140503
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Lose weight, get on birth control/ antibiotics for acne, fix your eyebrows a bit, get a decent foundation and concealer, and fix your posture. You're not ugly.

>> No.11140508

BTW I didn't change anything in your face, just cleared up the skin and made your arms thinner

>> No.11140535

Grow out hair

>> No.11140551
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anything is possible with surgery and makeup

>> No.11140554

Visit dermo over the counter isn't doing it for you, visit dentist overbite/underbite, lose weight cardio, tan/get more sun, trim eyebrows, dye hair +highlights your face structure needs the distraction, hair cut, Chapstick freq and often.

Sit up straight. Wash your neck seriously, and do something about the greasey hair and split ends

Wear nicer clothing to bed

>> No.11140557
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Did the best I could

>> No.11140560

Eyebrows way to dark here

>> No.11140570

great now she looks like an aids patient

>> No.11140575

isn't that the effay?

>> No.11140582

damn lmao howd you do that

>> No.11140785
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>> No.11140839

on another board i used to advised people to go to a derm, but they always fell back to 'what over the counter cleanser should i use guys?'

i don't know what it is what kids and not wanting to do anything in person
buying clothes off photoshoped photos in stead of handling them in brick mortar stores to check for quality
getting skincare advice from random sites with anonymous reviews instead of certified doctors

men have been doing fine with just water and occasional soap for their face
yet these kids somehow don't find it strange that they need bottles of toner cleanser moisturizer to even look normal

>> No.11140858
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>> No.11140861


this is good but could someone make her body look less like the body of a 65 year old cashier

longer hair would be a bonus too.

>> No.11140873

>getting skincare advice...
The very first thing in the OP was:
>Beside picking at my acne less
I already have a plan to help with it, so all the advice about it from the people on this thread is redundant. I just pointed it out so people wouldn't answer "le acne". Ironically, the majority of replies have to do with it.
>inb4 but you said "picking", which implied that you wanted other advice on the matter
If that was the case, perhaps I would have mentioned more acne related things as examples for my criteria, so as to stress my focus on the acne?

>kids these days don't do things in person
Since the BCs they sent letters. In the 1800s they telegrams. In the 1900s they called. In the 2000s they still call, and use the web. Human history has proved that we will stop doing things in person if we find more efficient ways of meeting our objectives.

>clothing quality
If you don't like it, just return it. If you can afford to access anything online, you almost certainly have other clothing to wear in the meantime, and thus will not lose a limb to return the article of clothing.

>> No.11140914
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>> No.11140966

The issue of acne starts with good skincare. The best quick fix is a thick concealer dabbed on spots with a thin dusting of powder. I find full coverage foundation worsens acne and draws attention to uneven skin texture.

The hair would look cute combed back with no part, secured with a headband. The bangs should either be grown out toward the lips of further, or cut at least even with the upper eye. The mid-line of the face is the least proportionate area to have hair fall. It would look cute scrunched. It would look cute straightened with a little volume on top.

You can really play up lips for effect, bolder colors would suit you with your darker hair and complexion.

Winged liner can really play up the eyes, black or darkest brown being best. Short hair makes it easy to wear dramatic liner without looking over dressed.

If you are seeking a less dramatic look, deep tinted lip balm is nice in plums, cherry reds, and shimmery brown. A simple swipe of eyeliner above the top lashes ending in a rounded shape is enough to make a statement with mascara.

Benzoyl peroxide is very effective when dabbed with a q-tip directly on lesions over several days; both small and large pimples/boils should be covered. Your skin should be covered in tiny white dots when you are finished. It will clear them up. Applying the paste anywhere but on a pimple can worsen acne, you only want the pimple to dry out.

>> No.11140982

Literally all femanon needs to do. Excising wont hurt either, but more for the "healthy lifestyle" part of it than looks desu.

>> No.11142666


>> No.11142676

nice joke m8 very smooth :DD xD

no fuck off back to 9gag

>> No.11142687


>> No.11142698

Looks like Bran from Game of Thrones.

>> No.11142701


>> No.11142735

lose weight

>> No.11142751

eat clean and start jogging

this will cause you to lose weight and help with your depression

>> No.11142787
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Everything is possible with a bit of surgery and makeup. You are beautiful, trust me!

>> No.11142837
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anything is possible with a bit of surgery and makeup

>> No.11142902


Do this:
-better posture
-clear face
-wash hair
-lose weight

>> No.11142908

Why is her neck and back hairy dude