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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 790 KB, 967x963, 1459670453462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11130160 No.11130160 [Reply] [Original]

u mad /fa/ we get to fuck the hot sluts who do everything for us?

You skelly's are so mad.

>> No.11130162


I think I'd rather chose agent orange because it's easier to tell her to stop putting on that shit than telling miss skeletor to eat a thing and lift some weights. Kneecaps thicker than thighs are the worst thing.

Also agent orange spreads her legs everyday for me heh

>> No.11130167

>agent orange

>> No.11130169


Left one for gf, right one for everything else.

Basically /fa/ always banging 1 girl and /fit/ having different fuckbuddys every month

>> No.11130172
File: 83 KB, 589x704, 1457593575615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ > /fa/.

Pic related is what /fit/ girls get to fuck.

>> No.11130183

lol at capping yourself at being only one
fit and fa is ultimate pussy slayer mode

>> No.11130194
File: 1.49 MB, 2448x3264, 1459547433214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes /fa/ is a total pussy slayer.

Pic related is from this thread

>> No.11130200


~~/fit/ Mentality~~
>Women won't sleep with me because I am autistic / stupid / low self esteem / uninteresting
>If I get /fit/ finally girls will fuck me
>I still have no self-respect and will have sex with anything with a vagina because God I am so lonely and everyone else I have around with has a penis.

>> No.11130204

I find it amusing that there are people who would actually preference the female on the right.

>> No.11130209


Not op, but my girl said she initially liked me because of my phenomenal body.

>> No.11130237

oh stop

every feud between our boards is just satire at this point
secretly were gay for fit likable guys and they have the hots for us brooding fashionable guys

>> No.11130246

Fuck yeah man that dude totally slays.

>> No.11130260


I'd take the right one because she is prolly hot as fuck in bed.

Left one is skelly

>> No.11130267

right one looks stupid but when I'm really horny I want some curves so I secretly want the right one even though I'll probably keep going to girls like the left one

>> No.11130274

most fit girls i know either have roid monkey bald bfs or fat neets in video game t-shirts following them around like a whipping boy

>> No.11130286
File: 585 KB, 1008x1280, ontheinternet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11130294

>dry eyes - tired as fuck
>couldn't close eyes fast enough
fuck you

>> No.11130295

/fit/ is for old gramps. /fa/ is for young people.

>> No.11130302

You fitness faggots are fine but seriously guys, you should learn from us and start wearing actual clothes. Be noticed. Be hated or loved. Don't wear body armor every day. It looks so, so, so fucking miserable. Like a dog that was thrown out of a speeding car and now it's just wondering around in the misty streets, desperate for compassion and ownership.

We here at /fa/ get so much pussy just by walking down the street it's kind of becoming a nuisance

>> No.11130303
File: 102 KB, 560x477, 1457583341712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11130306

the /fit/ one looks good desu

>> No.11130314

That fit is actually cool

>> No.11130320

qt techno sluts prefer fashion over fitness

>> No.11130323

A FUCKING V NECK ? You are a fucking joke man !

>> No.11130324


He looks like a complete fag, what are you talking about?

Even the /fa/ guys in the thread made fun of him.

You prolly look like that yourself

>> No.11130325
File: 157 KB, 895x1024, 1458207796647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are such physiques even possible. It's like in my japanese anime

I actually agree a lot with you. Most of /fit/izens are usually only self aware about their bodies and not with what they are covering them with.

Also agree on the pussy getting.

One more thing to add to the discussion is that actually /fa/ and /fit/ should be an ongoing process. While you build up to some sort of goal with lifting, depends on where you started you will be able to transition from one style to another to suit your changing phisyque.

Pic related. He's not entirely /fa/ nor he is completely /fit/. He seem to be living a generally healthy lifestyle and cared both for his body and clothes. I suppose he was a lanky skelleton in his teens and transitioned into a mature-ish young adult look and that is the understanding which both /fa/ and /fit/ overlooks quite often.

>tl;dr being /fa/ and /fit/ is an ongoing process and a normal person never jumps to extremes

>> No.11130327

/fa/ looks good with whatever he pleases

>> No.11130332

dadcore pls go to reddits male fashion advice they think just like you there not even kidding.

>> No.11130334

Is it possible to be /fa/ and /fit/ especially as a big guy (For you)? I'm talking 6'5 230lbs rugby player type body.

>> No.11130339


/fit/izen here.

>tl;dr being /fa/ and /fit/ is an ongoing process and a normal person never jumps to extremes

I agree.

But let us be honest here. 90% of the guys in /fa/ look like pic related.

If a /fit/izen were to wear that, he would look 3x better.

Being one sided sucks for both. /fit/ guys look shit if they dont buy good clothes.

/fa/ fags look shit with bodys like that.

A fusion of both is the best. But it seems like all /fit/izens wear sweatpants and hoodies.

And all /fa/ fags wear stylish clothing but look like complete skellys.

tl:dr Being JUST /fa/ and being JUST /fit/ sucks. You gotta have both of it.

>> No.11130343
File: 207 KB, 467x700, 1453361196280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh stop it with the edge cause you might cut someone.

I'd rather read your opinion cause it seems that you have something to add to this constant /fa/ vs /fit/ debate.

>> No.11130345
File: 422 KB, 940x788, 1459525706575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh forgot pic of random fag

>> No.11130350

seriously reddit mfa is more user friendly to old dads

Check it out just check it the fuck out

>> No.11130353
File: 191 KB, 1366x2048, Christophe_Lemaire_002_1366.1366x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone would look shit in that because its a garbage ass fit
a reasonably healthy/active person, not skelly autist but not gym junkie either, would look ideal in a good fit like this

>> No.11130362
File: 118 KB, 640x624, 1454278761515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you think likewise.

It's also highly dependent on a persons lifestyle. Either way it's not a question of what to have but rather what suits your lifestyle and preferences best.

Want to be a walkway fashion model surrounded by like minded people and probably work in the industry? Go /fa/

Want to have X and be Y go ahead. Just really being an asshole or elitist on a topic of personal preference where there are so many variables that it's difficult to agree on something completely is plain immaturity or lack of mutual understanding.

>> No.11130363

W2C on those shoes, please, anyone ?

>> No.11130365

Damn you guys are insecure having to post on another board to try and boost your ego.

>> No.11130366

Jokes on you I get neither

>> No.11130367

I see you are a highly opinionated internet enthusiast. Thanks for sharing thoughts and ideas and making this anime papercraft convention a better place for us all ;^)

>> No.11130371
File: 338 KB, 672x1136, 12914953_10207986809619747_2033818445_o 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm somewhat /fit/ and my fits always get slept on in waywt

getting fit looks great naked but ruins the silhouette with /fa/ clothes on, you just look regular and a bit off

pic related

>> No.11130378
File: 60 KB, 640x426, 1453347551264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here >>11130353
That example is probably not the best. Did not want to post gossling core.

Either way your posted example would portray the situation better. A good model/body/mannequin = well fitted clothing and more/less flexibility.

I think that often people focus too much on detail sometimes and overlook the big picture. For example that someone wants to pull off a certain look but they don't for example the height, or frame for it and it comes off weird looking. So it just prooves that everyone should go for what suits them best and it's also something that is discussed in the sticky

>> No.11130380

he quads to big for he god damn torso

>> No.11130389
File: 120 KB, 960x1280, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mentioned the "fitting style" aspect in this post >>11130378 Sometimes one improved aspect does not allow you to do the other. Just as you mentioned the silhouette which is almost completely dependent on your height and build is something that would illustrate

Pic related. I lift too and try to avoid skinny fitting pants and get quite often overlooked on waywat threads too.

>> No.11130395


everything fits great and you legitimately look super good dude. just all black is VERY edgy.
when I have to wear all black on my way home from work, I get the seediest looks.

>> No.11130396

top kek

>> No.11130397

hot twink
Would hit it/10

>> No.11130401

Thanks love <3

>> No.11130402

it doesnt fit great, the curvature of his quads outward, then back into his waist disrupts the silhoette where it meets the jacket
the silhouette of his legs should widen fairly evenly as it goes up until it meets his waist, not curve out then back in again

>> No.11130403
File: 239 KB, 600x544, 1458483973180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem breh

>> No.11130404

you look scandinavian

>> No.11130406
File: 20 KB, 320x320, 12479345_533265530170666_2144749334_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its because your fit is retarded, not your body.

Pic related is what good clothes on a good body look like.

>> No.11130408

full slp is totally pussy slayer

in what shithole do you live /fit/fag?

>> No.11130409


You mean whores that thinks that imitating a distressed puppy is the same thing as having an orgasm?

>> No.11130412

thats fucking garbage, lurk more

>> No.11130415


only way to solve that is for him to get polio and wheelchair it for the rest of his life. the jacket fits nice an the jeans for the most part a fairly form fitting.
maybe if he got a longer shirt (not kanye west tier long lmao) it'd be more coverable, but its stilla """""""""slick"""""""" look imo.

>> No.11130416


both are fucking disgusting

>> No.11130421

>implying that isn't the only reason she's still with you

>> No.11130429

might be the jacket's fit but I'm actually a lil top heavy
True. I think there's a discrepancy between what looks best with clothing on (not what looks good) and how to look the best without clothes. Your fit is great and I see your point about going for a style/silhouette that fits one's body type but generally the middle-of-the-road-hunk dresses dull in my opinion. Being skinny makes more edgy options avaliable in regards to clothing, and one can pull off more edgy/cool fits with a skinny body.
With that said, I prefer looking a bit off/boring in clothes because I feel that I look so much better naked
thanks my dude. I like all black
I feel you, though I like the combination/style of the fit enough to make do with a sub-optimal silhouette. I like being muscular too so I think showing it of in a less obvious way than an obnoxious tank top is playing to my strengths. Strictly fashion-wise (not talking about getting attention from opposite sex etc) I totally agree with you though
that's horrible

>> No.11130430

Slav/baltic mix. Green eyes, blond hair, pale skin and shit like that.

Good example of bad taste in clothes

>> No.11130434
File: 11 KB, 320x350, 00g7q3q8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these gym slaves

>> No.11130435

yes the jacket and the jeans fit fine, but his body shape doesnt fit correctly with the silhouette, the calves taper fine, but as soon as you get to the thighs it is disrupted by this huge bulge, not to mention the jackets silhouette is boxy which makes it stand out even more

>> No.11130438

you sleep and feel much better, you should try it

>> No.11130442

the left leg doesn't really look like that irl, it looks more like the right one which doesn't have such a clear bulge

>> No.11130446
File: 35 KB, 960x540, greven14_1222761338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will forever sleep in Valhalla, no time for sleeping now

>> No.11130447
File: 1.00 MB, 676x806, 1439560425742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /fa/
>girl on the right is 100% my type
>don't want to ruin my silhouette

>> No.11130456
File: 93 KB, 960x1280, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by this?

> I prefer looking a bit off/boring in clothes because I feel that I look so much better naked
Same here. And it does not even conflict with the general topic of this thread. Which is "what look will get you "X" kind of girl". If you're social and spend a lot of time around people that or function in an environment where a lot of people see you, dressing the way /fa/ dictates and having that edge factor benefits the "oh look it's that edgy kid" aspect and attracts too much unecessary attention.

>> No.11130469

Ryan Gosling is a good example. He looks attractive as fuck but his style is rather boring

I've gotta admit that dressing a bit edgy often works in my favour, I'm semi-pretentious about my taste in music and movies, looking a lil edgy often attracts people who are into the same things. A shame that they're often communists

>> No.11130488


meh maybe he just wants to look like a giant brick wall, he'll attract more samoan women than you could catch chocolate eggs on easter mate.

>> No.11130489

ive never seen a good fit from a guy with decent muscle mass on /fa/ or any other fashion forum
fuck off

>> No.11130490

the things is, whether a girl prefers someone to be fashionable or muscular depends entirely on where you live
typically in big cities, especially in the trendy/hip etc. places such as underground clubs, universities etc, more experimental fashion is much more readily accepted and common, women are much more into things such as art, fashion, philosophy etc and will tend to prefer that over someone who only goes to the gym, where it is the opposite in more traditional areas

>> No.11130500

damn dude I got that jawline on me
Only thing is that I'd rather have a girl who isn't looking for a perfect body - just what I have right now

>> No.11130520

Glad you found what suits you best!

Completely agree.

I personally spend quite a lot of time in the local music scene and going to different places and clubs pushed me into developing certain styles to assimilate more with the crowd and become more approachable/in touch with what look dominates the certain scene. Maybe that's going too far, but my local town is quite small and the contrast in dressing styles varies by walking 100 meters from one club/venue to another.

>> No.11130522

is that david blaine

>> No.11130554

I don't get it.
Left one looks kind of lame, right one looks like a whore.
Are any of these supposed to be good?

>> No.11130558

This is the only correct answer

>> No.11130569

It sounds like your body is only good thing about you

>> No.11130647

Well it doesnt really matter to me desu, may it be initially or not

>> No.11130655


>> No.11130700

source on right?

>> No.11130719

Hey guys, /v/ here, what kind of girls will we attract?

>> No.11130759

Attractive girls that your not actually dating because your really more like there whipping boy while Chad over at /fit/ is the one fucking her.

>> No.11130835
File: 80 KB, 766x960, 1459337767129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autists ITT actually lift and dress /fa/ for approval from females instead of doing it because they enjoy it as a hobby
wew lad

>> No.11130860

This >>>/fit/36628904

>> No.11130905

Of course there's nothing wrong with it, but the problem with /fa/ and /fit/ is that they become obsessed with others approval, which just turns into another form of social autism and depression.

>> No.11131589

>I find it amusing that there are people who would actually preference a female.


>> No.11131616

a fag is someone who has to take down someone elses hobby just so they can feel ok being a beta who cant feel safe unless they have GAINZ BRO ITS ALL ABOUT THE GAINZ /FIT/ ISNT GAY WE JUST APPRECIATE THE MALE PHYSIQUE !!?!

>> No.11131800

>not doing both

lol faggot

>> No.11131807

Sick fit desu senpai