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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 48 KB, 600x600, brysontiller-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11115433 No.11115433 [Reply] [Original]

How can i make myself less ugly?

>> No.11115441

with confidence comes beauty

>> No.11115446

nah thats what ugly people tell other ugly people

>> No.11115447

be white.

>> No.11115456
File: 175 KB, 377x473, s2124124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roll again

>> No.11115463

i know, i got that quote from you.

>> No.11115468


Nah familia, this is some real ass advice. Authentic confidence is in oneself is attractive, not to be confused with cockiness.

>> No.11115482

Plastic surgery.

>> No.11115552

op here. i swear its like niggas in 2016 got a face update and im still stuck in 2016. i just look like a kind of ugly hood-ish black guy

>> No.11116509

theres always worse

>> No.11116523

nigga u cute af

>> No.11116631

That's not OP anon.

That's Bryson Tiller.


>> No.11116669

Lifting heavy thing and eating

>> No.11116674

>i just look like a kind of ugly hood-ish black guy

Nigga start dressing better

>> No.11116676

Its the hair. Find a nice cut for your face type and wear clean, well-fitting, non-gangsta clothes.

>> No.11116760

Have a smile on your face so your beauty shines through you.

>> No.11116765

just start acting like you're attractive
even if you're the ugliest nigga in the world it will work if you really try to fool yourself

>> No.11116785

That's literally what half the ugly self-hating Asian girls in Sydney do. Actually that's 90% of them.

>> No.11117715

worked for me i am just average still can get pussy because of alpha behaviour or basically behaving like good looking dudes..
some dudes told me im ugly but i dont give a shit i still get opportunities

if youre ugly and hate yourself, the majority of people will think that, but if you act like a good looking person you might trick some grills into thinking youre attractive

idk why it works

well you shouldnt be below 4-5/10 otherwise it wont work because of credibility

>> No.11117782
File: 46 KB, 659x640, tumblrhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mayo out

>> No.11118269
File: 29 KB, 500x397, ba44e1e08c3fcc784cede76aa68f22ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op again. Shit i meant to say that im stuck in 2005. Its not because of how i dress that i think i look hood-ish. i dont know how to desribe it well, but it seems like all of the black guys of 2016 started looking better facial wise and i still dont look good compared to them. i have some basic twists and i cant figure out another hairdo. I dont want that nappy hair with the fade look because pretty much every other nigga has that. I cant do a buzzcut because i have a really wide head and it will just look weird. Im so conflicted

>> No.11118335

you know you can get literally any white girl you want right

also stop wearing hoodies

>> No.11118349


>> No.11118395

Lmao no. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.11118405

Gtfo cuck

>> No.11118417

Step 1
•quit being an insecure, validation seeking pussy

>> No.11118425


The only way he could get a white girl would be if he raped one or if she's desperate/ugly as fuck

>> No.11118432
File: 93 KB, 540x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From what I've seen it's true. I've seen some dirty, hideous niggas like pic related hand in hand with some of the qtest white chicks.

It's not the same for other ethnicities where I've noticed the guy actually has to be a little good looking.

>> No.11118438

yeah because it works dumb fuck

>> No.11118441

Guy isn't that ugly and the girl isn't that cute literally get the fuck out of here you weirdo cuck

>> No.11118442

There is more to human interaction than how you look

Attractiveness is a social construct

That "nigga" apparently has better pickup abilities than you do

Try picking up a book for once in your miserable life

>> No.11118473
File: 131 KB, 597x601, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl isn't that cute

Maybe because she's dating a black guy and you're looking own on her for doing so thus decreasing your attraction for her. Cos the way I see it the girls atleast a 6-7 while the guys a 2-3. There's also pic related again. Guy being buttfuck ugly.

>cuck poster
Hurr durr get out of here with your conflicting life experiences.

Lies, and what book?

>> No.11118474

I don't know where you live that niggas get qt white girls easily. Where I'm from they are mostly fat, daddy issues or drug habbit. Most these white bitches I see with niggas average at best.

Bitch in that pic is like a 5, dat nigga on her level. She look like one of the ones with psychological issues. Mother probably an alkie, hates daddy cause he too busy chasing skirt to give a fuck about her.

>> No.11118482

In this pic the girl is cuter for sure but once again the guy really isnt "hideous" or even unattractive. You have the gall to call me a cuckposter when you are literally cuckposting right now.

>> No.11118484

Is he some kind of sports team player, maybe you found your reason right there

>> No.11118491

Google will help you find what you need.

You're on the web right now. All of the information at your fingertips pretty mucu gives you unlimited potential for self-improvement through learning.

Quit getting in your own way and study some philosophy. Sitting on 4chan all day hating everyone is a path to suicide.

>> No.11118492

>I don't know where you live that niggas get qt white girls easily. Where I'm from they are mostly fat, daddy issues or drug habbit. Most these white bitches I see with niggas average at best.
Bitch in that pic is like a 5, dat nigga on her level. She look like one of the ones with psychological issues. Mother probably an alkie, hates daddy cause he too busy chasing skirt to give a fuck about her.

Lmao, I lived in Japan for a few years and this is literally what they say about Asian chicks that hook up with white guys.

Nice coping mechanism friend.

>> No.11118497
File: 109 KB, 640x640, 11374808_1587963144796588_1310408083_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people ITT think the guy in the picture is OP

That's R&B singer Bryson Tiller.

Bryson Tiller is the complete physical embodiment of what a shit ton of women find extremely attractive right now.

If OP looked like Bryson Tiller he would not be making this thread.

>> No.11118503
File: 58 KB, 650x650, eyeem-77278481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11118512

this picture is ugly but OPs pic looks good, 2/10 pic. OPs is 7.5/10

>> No.11118528
File: 1.28 MB, 1073x1077, bryson-tiller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the same nigga though.


>> No.11118555
File: 30 KB, 500x377, 939a699ba08818c942f9cd170d6bf253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 steps to attractiveness.

>Knowing your face/body/watever

Know your face shape, hair and glasses and facial hair should correspond with that, look after your fucking hair.

>Be clean and fit

Skin routines, keep your face hydrated but not oily, clean and stuff, google is your friend. Same with your body, use a fucking shower. Go to the gym, go running, dont eat like a fucking tramp.


so you dont stink, you arent fat, your hair doesnt look like shit and your body actually likes you. so now act like it, youll feel good and you will just naturely feel more confident through that. now just keep with the routine

>> No.11118577

I had a big post but this is almost exactly what I was going to post minus the staying clean part because I assumed that was self-explanatory.

I'd like to stress the first point on the haircut. It really can make or break a person's attractiveness.

>> No.11118605

Perhaps the idea of a man being able to sing is attractive to some chicks and that's what creates this illusion this guy might be "attractive" but he's not... This Bryson Tiller fagget looks no better than a potato with tapered pubes for hair.

>> No.11118622

Post your big post anyway man. I'm screenshotting this shit,


I have a square bed that looks circlish in my shadows and really
, really thick hair. Any advice?

Any advice?

>> No.11118649

Well... See again, the guy really isn't ugly at all, at least for a black guy. And sure, she's "pretty" if you want to say that.

>> No.11118656


And how are we supposed to know this isn't just some friendly pic with a nig nog classmate?

>> No.11118677
File: 259 KB, 1000x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's a """"friendly"""" classmate

Lmaoo. Cuck detected.

>> No.11118685

*square head

Somebody pls respond.

>> No.11118687

Would help if you would post a pic desu m8, merely describing the shape of your head isnt enough.

>> No.11118701

But I'm ugly and I don't what people to save pictures of me and laugh...

>> No.11118715

>just sing and talk bro!

Fucking lmao.

Ignore the other shit ITT posted by bluepilled retards. OP, this faggot is desirable like that because of his LOOKS. That's it. That's literally it. Not his "conversational skills", not his "game", not his "confidence". None of those things really exist. He slays because he's GOOD LOOKING.

Unfortunately, not only can you not "learn confidence" (because confidence is a myth, it's just looks), but you also can't become good looking unless you're born that way either. Sure, you can put on MUSCLE, but you can't put on HEIGHT, FACE or FRAME, and these are what attract women. I know it sucks, but it's the way it is.

Lmaoooing at your life right now you cucks.

>> No.11118716

I thought black people were meant to be alpha savages senpai u fucking up brah

>> No.11118775

>implying I'm black

Curry here. I get ridiculed on this site enough.

>> No.11118900

i think it's true
in high school i remember people worse than me (i'm a 4/10) getting 8/10 girls (with some effort)
of course the 9/10 guy had it easy: the girls were the ones 'friendly' him
and autism will make a 8/10 guy looks 5/10

>> No.11119371

>seems like all of the black guys of 2016 started looking better facial wise
No, Instagram and the like just upholds attractive people as gods. Everybody compares themselves to and lusts after model tier individuals now. My sister is 16, all her friends are on Prozac because they're bombarded with attractive instawhores all day and wonder why they didn't get to live that godmode life

In 2005 people hadn't yet discovered the means to be so acceptably whorish and shallow

>> No.11119397

nah, completely wrong, this dudes got it: >>11118441

This dude are better than average and look pretty fit. And both the girls you posted are 6s at best. The second one looks fake af.

You are literally cuckposting. There are 3 things girls like: Confidence, looking reasonably clean and well put together, and being fit.

There is a verrrryyyy small percentage of white girls who go for minority guys just to show how "diverse" and non-racist they are, but theyre crazy and should be avoided at all costs.

>> No.11119688

>There is a verrrryyyy small percentage of white girls who go for minority guys just to show how "diverse" and non-racist they are, but theyre crazy and should be avoided at all costs.

What do you mean by "minorities". Most of the Indian/Asian people that I know that get white chicks are normies as fuck. The girls they date are normal and like them because they're fun people.

It just seems your a bitter dude that's trying to rationalise why white women aren't dating white guys lel .

>> No.11119704

You must be new here.

OP, check out Lookism.net, specifically a thread called "The Complete Looksmaxing Guide for the 4-7 Normalfag." Figure out which areas of your face are deficient and consider fat grafts / custom implants.

>> No.11119838

I don't want to stuff my face full of plastic however...

>> No.11119952

isn't that the reincarnation of sluthate.net
it's (r9k)^2
think twice before sending somebody who's insecure in that direction

>> No.11120179

seconding this, Been on Lookism since its Conception

you will literally never leave

Nuclear Red pills will consume you

>> No.11120644

Too scared to check it out senpais what's so special about it? I will find info on why I'm ugly and how to change it? Isn't that a good thing??

>> No.11120689

no one took your b8, huh faggit

>> No.11120906

When did this board become so preoccupied with black guys and white girls?

>> No.11120959

because if your qt gf cheats on you it's fine if he's a good ol boy

>> No.11120986
File: 67 KB, 600x408, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what the fuck this thread has turned into, but I do have a question of my own.

I'm a black guy looking for a new haircut. I've just worn a natural afro for years. How do I pick a cut that fits me?

>> No.11120990

There's hair general threads, even black hair general threads. Go ask there stupid nigger shoo shoo

>> No.11120998

There isn't a black hair general up right now and I'm not making one. I think my question is on topic enough.

>> No.11121022

This thread is about white girls getting with black guys. Make a new thread or contribute fag.

>> No.11121030


What kind of hair style should a black man get to attract white girls?

>> No.11121066

Why is getting a white gf the ultimate life goal of 99% of black men? Do you actually want to become involved with a deranged bunnyboiler that only fetishizes you because her dad didn't get her a pony when she was 12 so now she will fuck you to get back at him?

>> No.11121143

The niggas I roll with like to fuck snow bunnies on the side but probably wouldn't date one. Probably a fetish thing similar to you white boys with japanese girls. Idk most white chicks I've met are too passive aggressive

>> No.11121186

Those are just regular people a non.

>> No.11121194

This desu

>> No.11122029

lmao jesus christ. you have to understand that this anon >>11119371 is 1000000000% right.

the internet will fuck up your whole life. the constant exposure to attractive people and lavish lifestyles you will never experience can cause crippling insecurity.

it deludes you and makes you turn everything into a pissing contest.

get out more and take a look at your average person, walk around the mall or even better yet walmart. the average person is....very average.

im ugly as well, but i don't really dwell on it theres nothing i can do thats why i try to dress nice.

my hair is shit and my nose is too wide. both are fixable but you'd have to be really pathetic to get plastic surgery.

>> No.11122039

>shit ton of women
you mean ratchet black and hispanic chicks??
white and asian girls love nerdy/proper black guys

>> No.11122047

the iphone camera say yes you're fucking hideous but then the bathroom mirror is like nah you look good.

what is the truth?

i know the mirror is perceived different to your own self

so would the iphone camera be how people actually see me????

>> No.11122057

Don't they pretty up your corpse for funerals?

>> No.11122059

self hate.
they want the furthest thing possible that resembles them in any sort of way. also media brainwashing

>> No.11122114

the type of girls you speak of must be geo-specific. Over here, black, white, and asian doesn't matter. It's more socioeconomic and you'll find various skin colors in different rungs of the ladder.

>> No.11122129

>What kind of hair style should a black man get to attract white girls?
LOL wtf? Is this for real? Dude, there's literally a million things you should be worrying about instead of your hairstyle. Did you think a certain fade will have the white girls lining up for you? Get out more senpai...

>> No.11122465

What if i'm open to all ethnicities even my own?

>> No.11122540

Other anon here, ok but what if you're a manlet? I'm like 5'4" and not that bad looking but I asked some girls on ask.fm if they would date a 5'4" good looking dude or a below average 6'3" guy, they all answered below average 6'3" guy. Man this sucks

>> No.11122546

m8 they are both average looking 5-6s

>> No.11122578

Dude that does suck. I'm 5'4 and only go after cute little 4'7- 4'11 girls. It's true you could go after any girl though. Some manlets get cute Amazon chicks. Anyways about that question on ask fm, most girls suck with telling height. They probably think 5'4 is a lot shorter than what it really is. I sometimes get confused for 5'7 and then I top kek when I tell them I'm 5'4.

>> No.11122597

I wish I'd get confused for being taller dude, I've had people tell me I was a lot shorter than I am. and I'm hispanic and most hispanic girls are shorter than me and don't care about height, but man a white girl is my dream

>> No.11122605

Don't pose when your picture is taken

>> No.11122608

It's adorable when a 30 yr old tries to fit in with a younger crowd.

>> No.11122630

im 20

>> No.11122632

gg no re

>> No.11122642

Get real skinny, how much do you weight? Also post face pic pls? i like looking at faces. I'm Hispanic also and yeah you're right, I've only ever been with one white chick and she was a little bit taller than me. Good thing I'm in Hispanic girls tho

>> No.11122702

Nah dude I don't think being really skinny is good if you're short. My friend is 110lbs and he looks like a boy. I'm 125lbs and I look fine. I mean I try to be attracted to hispanic girls but I just can't. I'd fuck the shit outta them but I wouldn't date them

>> No.11122704

Wear a mask or cover face

>> No.11122782

Yeah you're right about that. I'm also at 110 and look like a boy but it's not too bad because I am actually still young and have a v taper so the broad shoulders make me look a little muscular at least. But yeah I'm actually lifting to get to 120-125 ideally.

>> No.11122923

Ugly cunts detected. End yourselves, don't contaminate the gene pool with your defectiveness.

>> No.11123019

I can attest, recently been rocking dope fits and with that came a lot of confidence. Now my bestfriends girl wants me bad. Confidence my man.

>> No.11123153

do a michael jackson

>> No.11123156

didn't know /fa/ had bbc gay fetish

>> No.11123167

You're so handsome, id marry u in seconds! Dont need to change anything! True.

>> No.11123189

youre cute anon, stop this

>> No.11123229
File: 69 KB, 800x450, 18kxy5bbtul32jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy is attractive desu. Great jawline, smooth hydrated skin, well fitting haircut.
Honestly I think he could do better than the chick. She looks basic and annoying.

Dude stop beating yourself up over the iphone camera, it's lenses are fucking weird, nobody looks good in them. I used to check myself in it everyday and it drove my anxiety mad. Check pic related my friend.

>> No.11123540

>Honestly I think he could do better than the chick. She looks basic and annoying

I think she's clinging onto him. Look at how she's fucking bear hugging him right now like she's scared that he's gonna realise he could do so much better.

Not him but no homo... right?

>> No.11124000
File: 87 KB, 800x1129, 1458555556809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to be white

>> No.11124054

It's funny that you would post that pic because that guy actually got cucked

>> No.11124369


>> No.11125316


>> No.11125759

i trust mirrors more desu

>> No.11126483

jeez you really showed them mister!11!

>> No.11126553

while it may not make you better looking, confidence can make you insanely more attractive

>> No.11126569

Dont be a nigger

>> No.11126594

If that's you, I would kill to look like you, good god.

>> No.11126722

How do I get confidence then?

>> No.11126727

fake it till u make it
basically act confident until you actually stop giving a shit what people think of you

>> No.11128036

no its not me. Im giving an example of how good black guys look in this day and age compared to how i look.

>> No.11128103

Read this >>11118715 and accept it you uggo.

>> No.11128144

because his son has blonde hair and blue eyes?