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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 231 KB, 610x260, 1398850036624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11110132 No.11110132 [Reply] [Original]

Waywt, second verse same as the first!
Old one closin in on 3 hunded

>> No.11110136
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Big Guy, BDSM edition

>> No.11110157
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reposting so all you good folks get a peep!

>> No.11110207


bravo chap, head and shoulders above the rest

>> No.11110217
File: 2.58 MB, 3024x4032, wwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repostin 4 feedback

>> No.11110226

pull your jeans out of your socks. if you're gonna tuck them into something, tuck them into your shoes. other than that, this is a solid fit. normally i'm not a fan of rolled sleeves, but they're adding to the comfiness of this.

>> No.11110232

jeans are cuffed on top of the socks, but this is the feedback I wanted. thanks anon

>> No.11110236


you look very normal. your clothes look very average. you wouldn't really stand out in a crowd in a good or bad way. the only thing going on that's remarkable is your pinroll/socks/shoes interaction, which doesn't really do much for or against the outfit. it's just sort of there.

you don't look bad. you don't look great. it's an outfit--and that's about all there is to say about it.

clean your room.

>> No.11110239

normie shit

>> No.11110244


First 10 posts are always shit.

>> No.11110247

tbqh if /fa/ says its not good but not bad im happy

>> No.11110250

oh, i see that now. yeah, i'd lose the pinroll and just tuck the jeans into your shoes.

>> No.11110276
File: 319 KB, 392x606, DISPOSITIOJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cant see but I'm smiling at you irl because you are my friend.

Keep up the good fits, Pal! (You)

Days until the big anouncement: 26

>> No.11110283
File: 1.71 MB, 3120x4160, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do I look normal?

>> No.11110317

w2c those new balance?

>> No.11110321

no one cares unless you post pupper tbqh

>> No.11110351
File: 1.27 MB, 2000x1840, 28-03-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11110371
File: 1.76 MB, 2129x3264, fit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11110384

CRT 300's, you can get them on the NB website

>> No.11110390

Every piece you are wearing is total garbage. But with that being said it actually doesnt look bad. You have potential, if you started wearing actual clothes and stopped being poor I could see you pulling off some super dope fits.

>> No.11110404

You're looking sexy af but you should swap out the Adidas pants for something else, or at least not tuck them into your socks

Nice superstars though, and I love that Castrol vest

>> No.11110406
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>> No.11110417

w2c jeans my man? Nice fit

>> No.11110424
File: 185 KB, 296x480, 2016-03-28 16.57.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11110439

that right there is really nice vest

>> No.11110454
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>> No.11110461

school-shooter tier
What's the sweater I'm fixing to buy one because u inspired me
u still look like a mime. And sweet newboys
what happened to ur ass

>> No.11110462

your getting way better main

>> No.11110466

W2c shirt? Loved those

>> No.11110701

That being said, I have plenty of actual clothes, if you are referencing designers. But I don't think that has to make a fit good or bad, that castrol vest id probably class above the majority of my raf, undercover and rick owens bits just because i guess thats how I value things. maybe if you lurk more youd see my other fits, wearing 'actual' clothes.

>> No.11110710


do you really think i could maintain hair like that whilst being poor. nahh

>> No.11110728


>> No.11110750

acceptable, biggest flaw is shoes
good for what it is, but not noteworthy
nice nice i like
p good, dont like whats goin on around the ankles though
works but looks a bit off somehow, id switch things up
nice concept poor execution

>> No.11110855

thanks friend theyre unbranded skinny fit

>> No.11110858

its pendleton but i got it at goodwill so idk if its available

>> No.11110864
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>> No.11110913

post shirt on grailed i'll make u rich k thnx

>> No.11111016

v nice

>> No.11111077

He was a skater boi

>> No.11111080

Really like it

>> No.11111112 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11111344

I'm a doop fanboy but I have the means to recreate this look so finally I can into become doop. Where is that breton shirt from? I have one from J. crew factory but its shit I hate it

>> No.11111380
File: 147 KB, 682x1551, IMG_20160328_153844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese furniture core

>> No.11111408


please keep posting. that vest is wicked

i know what you are going for and you failed. the pants are probably the biggest problem area.

s a f e
you should experiment more. perhaps you do and you just dont post them.

>> No.11111447

I mean you've improved but its still complete shit, pants and shoes are particularly bad and as always loose weight

nice sweater, jeans look weird, calves look way too thick compared to thighs

bad shoes

missed u bby

shoes are maybe too matchy with the top. Jeans are awkward


cool pants but the pallet here is fucked

good as always Jan

I want to hate it but looks ok, sleeves and rips are cheesy

basic. are the nmds comfy?

lol nailed the aesthetic

basic, looks good bc of your body

>> No.11111706
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>This is the state of /fa/

>> No.11112198

Shoes are no good, rest is good though

>> No.11112245

Maybe poor wasnt the proper way to phrase it. I understand that my original post was an assumption as well as a back-handed compliment. I have become jaded because of all the kids who just have shitty clothes on this site. You obviously have a good sense of style and that shows through in the styling of your fit. What I am trying to get at is that each individual item is inherently unnapealing. Meaning adidas is shit, always has always will be. So your outfit doesnt have to be all designer for it to work but at that same token these inidivual pieces (outside of your styling) are fucking repulsive.

>tl;dr you know how to dress yourself but these pieces are shit.

>> No.11112258
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>> No.11112264
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Got no attention last time so...

>> No.11112270

I wouldn't go out in public if I were you.

>> No.11112279
File: 1.09 MB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11112282


How did you make a blank post? Mods???

>> No.11112290

Rick exploder is sick but thats really all you have going. Everything else looks bad. White tee is too short, black pants seem boring. Balmain sneakers seem lame.

>> No.11112338

You look skinnier
Been exercising? Either way nice improvements

>> No.11112396

talk shit post fit

>> No.11112402

i see i see, well thank you, i appreciate the critique

>> No.11112403

Cant agree with u. And it's not exploder btw

>> No.11112412

w2c castrol vest?

>> No.11112416

are you serious? you have to be trolling right?

>> No.11112418

i really just can't take this post seriously at all. post fit

>> No.11112431
File: 1.01 MB, 4837x1881, IMG_20160329_220719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comf tbqh

>> No.11112447


>> No.11112448

holy shit that flat front is AY LMAO, Why is it so strong?

>> No.11112452

im trying to find it myself to, its my grandads, whos been wearing it for 40 years now

>> No.11112455

Please get light coloured socks, the black sucks.
Rest is cool.

>> No.11112462

dunno, shits comfy tho

>> No.11112469

do people here cross post on r/mfa and r/teenmfa wouldn't surprise me, a lot of boring fits.

others either passable or not worth mentioning because troll.

>> No.11112471

cheers buddyboy if u find it link it here
also fit is tight af

>> No.11112482
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>> No.11112498

nice dog dug

>> No.11112538
File: 1.56 MB, 2448x3264, my balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning

>> No.11112571
File: 961 KB, 627x1222, sketch-1459247968202~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11112589

nobody has posted anything actually different just fucking casual.
nobody likes chuck taylors as well.

>> No.11112608
File: 1.32 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time posting. Norse/Gap/Levis/Chucks

>> No.11112648

Nice hair, nice flannel. I like it.

>> No.11112675

What chucks? Are they the parchment chuck 2s?

Actually, w2c whole fit?

>> No.11112686
File: 145 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's snowing so I'm goin for a 4 am walk.

>> No.11112697

>fuccboi the outfit
Still like it.

>> No.11112717

ur cute

>> No.11112746

Josh Peck?

>> No.11112812

You look like you just survived a horrible car crash

>> No.11112831

it is an exploder bomber, why are you saying things you dont know?

>> No.11112860


Its not to bad dude, just not a huge fan of the sweats, sweater and shoes are good though.


awkward photo man , not that flattering, decent fit not my thing though.


when the slavcore is extra spicy
bottom half has a lot of potential my man.


when buying stuff just make sure it fits nicely, everything here fits """"okay""" but could fit a lot better.

>> No.11112892

try slimmer pants senpai, good job

>> No.11112906

i dig the fit anon
sup chad

>> No.11112934
File: 224 KB, 1920x750, lady-personnage-belle-clochard-disney-film-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11112978

Advice: you seem like you can (now) dress acceptably to the general public. This is the level you should stay at. Don't try and edge it up and play with more fashiony fits, it'll look shit and you won't realise it until two years later when you suddenly notice nothing you're wearing fits you as a person or your personality. Source: me. Yes I am projecting.

>> No.11112980
File: 1.01 MB, 3456x3812, wiht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11112986

Normie shit.
Also you must have a lot of gay literotica on that shelf.

>> No.11112987

Nice fit friend
Pretty chill

>> No.11113040

dug you're making us nervous, wheres the pupper

>> No.11113044
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>> No.11113045

too tight at thighs.

>> No.11113047
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>> No.11113062
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>> No.11113084
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>> No.11113101
File: 77 KB, 720x960, 111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please fight me

also i love this

>> No.11113110
File: 228 KB, 686x2016, 29thmar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today i went out to buy some new glasses

>> No.11113111

pretty great if you're going to play tennis

pretty lame if you're going to do anything else

>> No.11113114

yeah i don't know famm it's kinda fuccboiy....

>> No.11113115

I like it minus the shoes (also clean your room)

Those pants are interesting and look cozy.

Fucking love that sweater.

The technical fabric doesn't go well with the skirt, which is a more preppy thing.

Those shoes look orthopedic for some reason. Might wanna swap em out.

>> No.11113131

The shoes are vans old skools senpai. It's most likely just the pic.

>> No.11113163

Real military jacket? W2c

>> No.11113176

hello hi where is your fit?

>> No.11113236
File: 1.12 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20160329_175744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feedback please

>> No.11113250

Rolls are pretty horrible

>> No.11113257
File: 48 KB, 330x1270, 6e1a6ac5-a273-46d8-a0eb-775e529a4400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11113260

I know you think it looks sexy how tight your sleeves are but it looks really feminine.

>> No.11113424
File: 1000 KB, 1080x1460, excessive paranoia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this is pretty boring but I dress quite conservatively. Shoe looks like a clown shoe but it's just how I bent my foot

>> No.11113430

i'm sorry but all the pieces are shit

>> No.11113438

How come?

>> No.11113449

top and bottom clash real hard

>> No.11113468
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common projects

>> No.11113597

Jacket doesn't look good, jeans doesn't fit in and doesn't fit good anyways and shoes are out of place and ugly

>> No.11113650

Never seen such good jeans look so cheap

>> No.11113673

w2c t-shirt?

>> No.11113687

how do you suggest i fix it?

>> No.11113692

What dont you people understand about small phone cameras and unflattering angles?

>> No.11113698



>> No.11113703

Some cop is scoping for you, dude.

>> No.11113714
File: 1.18 MB, 1080x1920, IMG_20160220_113808241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11113729

I miss the old kanye

>> No.11113738

It's the fit that make them look like turd

>> No.11113750

w2c pantaloons

>> No.11113895

lol fuck off

>> No.11114245
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x1836, 20160329_143902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme'ing out

>> No.11114823

Honestly not a fan, as the other anon said everything together just looks cheap.
Hat is dope though

>> No.11114886


wearing 100% memes well done.

prepare to be swimming in tumblr bitches

>> No.11114943

>tfw he'll never ever say which adidas those pants are

>> No.11114952
File: 64 KB, 600x800, e87ed3ee-eb2e-48d6-ab01-ac57e641efa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11114984

as far as I can tell, you look like a heavier version of my boyfriend

>> No.11114989
File: 1.72 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. sorry for shit on the mirror
2. I need to recuff the pants and sleeves
3. pretty basic outfit
4. pic might be sideways rip sorry lads

>> No.11115000

this looks like ass

>> No.11115048
File: 41 KB, 300x381, Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does /fa/ wear clothing with Ricardio on it?

Is it Adventure Time-core?

>> No.11115100

he said it yesterday
Adidas Snake Superstar Track Pant 28-30 waist size

>> No.11115157
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>> No.11115214
File: 112 KB, 1070x1334, 12903624_10205211690886364_1755799355_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

belief nyc, undercover, represent, Rick Owens DRKSHDW

>> No.11115216

clean your mirror that's disgusting

>> No.11115222

by not wearing a dress shirt with sweatpants and joggers senpai

>> No.11115243

no face but I can tell you're either very cute or butter

almost love, like a lot.

nize buzzcut

I'd fuck with that jacket

>> No.11115261

Topman Lmao I'm a broke boi

Yeah I ran out of socks I just grabbed the first pair I could find

White Chuck 2's, they're just really dirty. Jacket is Tommy, jeans are topman.

Yeah I Defs need to get my rolls better, my jeans have a weird shape to them that make them oval shaped.

I'm 170cm and like 52kg so yet bf must be an 11 year old lmao

>> No.11115352

my boyfriend is 5'9 120-125 lbs. I'm your height and 100 lbs

>> No.11115359

white socks and you're golden

>> No.11115360
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>> No.11115363
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love it

>> No.11115380

drop shirt acquire some wool cardigan or unstructured blazer and you're golden famalam

ha lol you see just sell it to him

>> No.11115393


>> No.11115417
File: 1.13 MB, 1936x2592, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold the cardigan to help fund a grail, had to wear it one last time.

>> No.11115425

this picture is depressing. nigga why don't you go lift some weights and learn to farm like your old man? Fashion is for faggots who live in big cities

>> No.11115427

pretty good, my man

>> No.11115430
File: 611 KB, 337x820, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time posting, feedback?

>> No.11115432


>> No.11115437

i like thisss

>> No.11115438

I live Minneapolis

>> No.11115451


>> No.11115491

not effay but I'd wear it tbqh

>> No.11115506

is that a cig in each hand? what a lad

>> No.11115519


>> No.11115528
File: 724 KB, 1126x2338, Snapchat-9020037109057359949-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11115548
File: 3.81 MB, 1570x3176, 101cceca-9572-40a3-a4c0-59d8bd6a3155..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

earth tones & messenger bag

>> No.11115555

this is probably bait but ill assume it isnt. its not ricardio its the comme des garcons logo

>> No.11115589

hehe nah thats actually my keys hooked on my belt

>> No.11115597

>wasting dub quads on responding to bait

baka desu senpai

>> No.11115600

It's not even bait. It's just a joke you auts

>> No.11115621

you dress like you're in high school

>> No.11115766
File: 81 KB, 960x1280, nYnOW6Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


les savy fav inspired

>> No.11115840

W2c pants?

>> No.11115886

did you know you must be at least 18 to post on 4chan?

>> No.11115935

id on shirt?

>> No.11115956
File: 61 KB, 640x799, 39e12767-7a54-417b-b616-c520a0045662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hair looks fucked up in that picture, here's a picture of my face.

>> No.11115964

Get better fitting pants. Otherwise, it looks fine.

>> No.11115970

I love your hair senpai

>> No.11115975
File: 248 KB, 1280x960, IMG_3664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couple fits from the last two days coming up, trying to up my fashion game.

>> No.11115978
File: 1.15 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_3655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad for that re-orienting itself ^ here's yesterday

>> No.11115980


>> No.11115996
File: 457 KB, 546x1463, CYMERA_20160330_002546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omo sweater

>> No.11116158

I've never seen anyone make pink work

>> No.11116160
File: 478 KB, 852x1136, 12941161_10207986800979531_922882640_o 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11116164

fuckin great dude, loving your fits

>> No.11116180
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>> No.11116183

it's aight, looking good
w2c that flannel dude?
10/10 bretty good
bretty good
shirt doesnt go well with shoes and your pants/jeans look really awkward like that. Not a fan of the shoes but that's your thing
nice emoji breh, decent+ fit
dont roll your jeans, fit is aight with pants rolled down
bretty good
sweet breh
like the other anon said get some semi skinny jeans and you'll be in with the elite normcore dudes around here. Looks great to be honest, good on ya dude
shoes look cheap, other than that I can see what you're going for even though it's not my bag

>> No.11116185
File: 2.20 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20160330_114812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11116242

are u 15

>> No.11116269

ehhh those stacks, cuff em and your golden

>> No.11116274
File: 1.17 MB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearing a dress today

>> No.11116287

Basic but good. Is that hoodie the SS-J2?

>> No.11116348

bad look overall

>> No.11116377
File: 135 KB, 372x470, GettyImages-478441136-800x470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i put a lot of effort into this one

>> No.11116381

what did you do?

>> No.11116384

sold my house and bought some rick owens

>> No.11116391

dick ovens

>> No.11116443

Thanks. It's the j25ss from 2014. Perfect for the swedish spring summer autumn wheater.

>> No.11116453

wearing this much fake shit

>> No.11116457
File: 617 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_9029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turned my janoski's into adidas

>> No.11116468
File: 113 KB, 640x1136, IMG_9043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is my shit always sidways
bonus gym teacher fit

>> No.11116633
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>> No.11116647
File: 1.08 MB, 1080x1460, PhotoGrid_1459344273339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's equally boring fit

>> No.11116660


fly as hell, except the shirt is a little baggy and the roll looks loose/sloppy. killer look though, just fix the fit.

>> No.11116661
File: 333 KB, 885x2448, 2016-03-29 07.59.07-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11116666
File: 43 KB, 285x925, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70s core
R8, pls no bully

>> No.11116668

your fit is nice, but consider dropping the meme cap. also, clean your shoes
you could go with a plain shirt here. too much stuff happening with the shoes already, the graphic tee just feels like too much.

>> No.11116675

you cant just put on a denim jacket and call it 70'Score. Nice get, btw.

>> No.11116685
File: 637 KB, 751x1329, 20160330093516_glitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

: )

>> No.11116689

Thanks for the feedback man. I like wearing a cap from time to time and this is the only one I have that's at all ok. I'll either get a nicer one or stick to rarely wearing it. And yeah, my shoes are really muddy and I entirely agree that I need to clean them.

>> No.11116696

Fake or not, I still think his fit looks good, granted it's not my style but I give him props. I see fashion as just dressing good and not a circle jerk to see who has the most money

>> No.11116722


where do you live ?

>> No.11116727
File: 2.42 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20160317_201258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little bit cringe. Shit fit desu

>> No.11116741

coastal NC

>> No.11116757

White trash/10

>> No.11116771


>> No.11116795
File: 357 KB, 746x1595, 20160330_154540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11116796

Androgynous? In what way does this dude look androgynous?

>> No.11116844

Asian male here senpai

>> No.11116851

Nice, my acrnm softshell has saved me on more than one occasion.

>> No.11116854
File: 2.85 MB, 1932x2576, shitfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awful pic but w/e im lazy

>> No.11116858

Are you the one who posted pics on long hair general? If so, ily

>> No.11116860
File: 1.27 MB, 1076x2869, 2016-03-29 12.19.33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11116903
File: 1.02 MB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty basic, flag tee is kinda cringe desu.

excuse the mess pls

>> No.11116916

Is that another denim jacket? Radical

>> No.11116923

whats wrong with denim jackets senpai?

>> No.11116927

Can you post a few more? I like your wardrobe, and have the same body type.

>> No.11116979
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>> No.11116997
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>> No.11116998

thanks my dude. I got black/grey colorway margiela gats. wondered if that'd prob look better than the gay nikes

>> No.11117021


>> No.11117028

you need some stiffer, more geometric pants sempai

>> No.11117049


>> No.11117052

The thermal hanging down kills me.

Shoes look pretty interesting, I think the entire fit as a whole could've been executed better.

>> No.11117064

Nothing, I actually really like then.
I wish I still had mine, its just not a common occurence anymore

>> No.11117129

imo a nice fit, minimal but ricks add a bit of personality

>> No.11117133
File: 1.09 MB, 1932x2576, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this cute sanctuary romper yesterday.

>> No.11117143


Are you in the Southern Hemisphere or is this global warming

>> No.11117144

Midwest. It's nice AF out, almost 70.

>> No.11117148


That's scary. Also, the shoes make or break an outfit like yours, what were the shoes!

>> No.11117163
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>> No.11117173

Wow you're still here


Nice bag though

>> No.11117175

She is a Kansas city pleb

>> No.11117189


Raised by Wolves


Thanks! Should I go skinnier or baggier in regards to pants?

>> No.11117193

meh, nice fit for an japanese, 5,1' dude.

>> No.11117200

This is the exact pose and look this cuck will be in while he films you fucking his girlfriend

>> No.11117202

Cut your hair, cuff your jeans, burn that backpack, give your flag tee to the next homeless person you see.

shoes and jacket are nice imo. just put on a plain coloured tee and dont wear jeans that sag like my grandmas tits.

>> No.11117203

Skinnier if you want to achieve the look people here are yearning for. I think it'd look much better, baggier often means going more american. You don't want to do that

>> No.11117215

dude, you look like tinker bell in those jeans. they look like something a gay turkish prostitute would wear when he goes shopping. srsly, ripped jeans with glitter? what is this, 2003?

i like your glasses, and the denim jacket really suits you. but please, give those jeans to your mom or donate them to goodwill or something. they are awful.

>> No.11117224

nice, w2c shades?

>> No.11117230

Dior reflected glasses

>> No.11117263

would lick

>> No.11117336
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ayy lmao

>> No.11117353
File: 3.05 MB, 1836x2448, you know who it is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn these threads are going slowly. heres what i got goin on today, i think im gonna dye this jacket black.

>> No.11117472

D did you make a hot joke?

>> No.11117498

Thanks for advice

>> No.11117500

u look like a serial killer

>> No.11117529
File: 2.87 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-03-30-13-39-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty bland today, need more accessories for the summer.

>> No.11117552
File: 120 KB, 775x1889, abc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think my dudes

>> No.11117567
File: 1.09 MB, 2127x3139, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copped this shirt today for $1.50

>> No.11117594

wtf berry its been like years since you posted??

>> No.11117639
File: 288 KB, 546x634, Screen Shot 2015-12-31 at 10.15.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of my new shirt?

>> No.11117669

probably the only fit of yours ive kind of liked/been able to tolerate those anns

what is the tee? :-)

>> No.11117681

Just a thrift, says "retreat" on the tag, it's a size L and the fabric is surprisingly comfy.

>> No.11117683

My b

>> No.11117698
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Basic, but fine.

>> No.11117713

How's the shirt? I copped it too but holding onto it until Summer hits

>> No.11117721

please dude tell me where u got that hoodie
looking for one exactly like that

>> No.11117725

it fits me pretty decently, i have an awkward shoulder size that is either a bit too big for small shirts and tshirts but sometimes way too small for mediums, but this particular shirt hit the sweetspot of what i need. Its a bit wider in the shoulders i guess than typical uniqlo tshirts which also fit me decently. material has some chunk to it so it feels good enough. The color is a lot less yellow than in the picture, closer to a gold than mustard i guess. For the $15 i paid for it i cant complain.

>> No.11117729

meant for

>> No.11117736

kk ty :-)

>> No.11117742

Cool thanks, I tried it on and liked the material but it was snowing outside at the time and I didn't wanna be that guy.

>> No.11117775

The shirt looks really akward

>> No.11117780

how so?

>> No.11117789
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>> No.11117799
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>> No.11117844
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>> No.11117858

Unknown Hoodies UK super cheap and pretty good quality, especially for the price

>> No.11117863

Looks good bro, nice arms.

>> No.11117903
File: 394 KB, 500x581, 1459119395807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nu male visits /fit/

>> No.11117952
File: 69 KB, 640x450, 1934501_1119956104688711_7435113299995540320_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c trousers?

>> No.11117960

You look like a russian farmer out of a ww2 movie or something but i wont lie id bury my face in that hair mate

>> No.11118142
File: 61 KB, 717x960, 12899859_10205430045132078_1432445141_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I dress less boring >>11117799

>> No.11118174

He looks like a hippie, probably the smelly one.

>> No.11118183

>no shoes
the fuck are you doing posting that

>> No.11118200

get a shirt that fits

>> No.11118203

dented by some slut in heels at a club, fml

>> No.11118262

w2c boots?

>> No.11118355

:p pant isn't bad, it's viridi anne 100%linen, smell good
i don't wear shoes simply
Vado alla spiaggia

yeah :'^

>> No.11118506
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>> No.11118519
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Thornberry-core 2k16

>> No.11118613

>how do i dress less boring?
Leave /fit/ immediately t b h.

Have you noticed that everyone here is wearing black skinny jeans, black or white basic tee (or other basic af shirt), and fucking black/white meme shoes? And then posting in WAYW threads like they spent time/effort putting together their "fit"? Nigga, you wearing the /fit/ uniform, you didn't try at all. And no, anime tee shirts don't help.

It's practically April, wear something bold. Be fucking happy. See
He's not wearing fucking black jeans, grey sneakers are as good as any here, and the pink is fucking awesome. He doesn't look Old Navy-core like
but also doesn't look like he's on his way to Mad Max's funeral like (let me just pick a handful here...)
or 2/3 of the other posts here. A few others here are decent-tier but Jesus it's time to drop the monotone.

>> No.11118632

/fit/ as in the board? What makes you think I go there? I appreciate the response, though. I'll take that all into account when next I go buy some shit. Thanks anon

>> No.11118655

I.... like it?
the shoes kill kinda kill it though
>no memeboat shoes

anyways, slaveowner/10

>> No.11118688

am retard. meant /fa/

>> No.11118734

willing to bet money that >>11118613 is >>11115996 not that all that shit is wrong, I'm just very skeptical that anyone other than the wearer of that outfit could think it's anything other than shit

>> No.11118758

post your Instagram senpai

>> No.11118866

Not at all, friend. Just an occasional visitor to /fa/ and i know that if the pink shirt guy wore that to class, he looks fashionable yet approachable and probably interesting. As opposed to the black-on-black (with white soles!) /fa/ victims who would trigger a school lockdown because they look like an active shooter.

Just picked him out because he's wearing some actual color, unlike these other (still ok) fits:
decent shirt, clone bottom half
kinda drab
two ok shirts on top of clone bottom half
neutrals aren't really colors
dark colors, would cross street to avoid/10
decent summer fit, finally some color!
not bad, still kinda drab
still kinda drab, wearing fall outfit in spring
not bad, shit pic
still kinda drab
not sure about the jeans with the shirt

>> No.11118911

eurocore faded jeans desu

>> No.11118994

i dont do that stuff hombre

>> No.11119026

What's the denim overshirt?

>> No.11119033

What r the pieces anon?

>> No.11119046


>> No.11119070
File: 214 KB, 570x570, poohbearXthugger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11119113

Beautiful, Mwah, Exquisite. W2C pants friend ?


yah shoes nasty

good morning honey, i miss u and ur fits pls post more :*

qute hair

jacky too long, your jeans are a nasty colour and those suede booties dont fit, im sorry

Your fit stinky but i like that ring :+]

Wow, was digging until I looked at your dumb shoes


Has potential, try swapping up the overshirt though to a more solid colour ? <3 the shirt btw

omo sweat looks too tight on you man

Proud of u, son.

>> No.11119131

Get the sticker off your 6p pls

>> No.11119258

bdsm as in "just fuck me up" - tier fit

>> No.11119517

looks good
i get middle-aged-dude-that-wears-branded-snapbacks-and-smokes-weed-and-likes-pimping-up-cars vibes from this, but only a little. pretty original
neaten up them cuffs senpai. this is kinda a boring fit, the white shirt could be more interesting - perhaps a silkier material or a deeper neck
mfa done right
i can appreciate the bod, this is one hot fit. not really traditional fa style either which is cool, i really hope the shirt is a cool grainy material though or stonewash rather than standard cotton. Prob just the dirty mirror tho. stacks on jeans are kinda poor
really boring and i get major fashion fuccboi vibes off this, but i guess it's objectively not that bad. ur rolls are dung. obvs Commeverse would look better here, but i can appreciate not buying into the complete pinroll/cdg meme. something about this fit is just really boring. props for the matching of black and cream tho
standard fa, but still cool. i think to have a good silhouette your proportions should be dramatic, and in this case your kinda in the grey area. i think its the pants, they're not big and they're not skinny - just kinda bleh, if you get me. dunno about shirt but the shoes and jacket go together really really well
b i g m o n e y
gay. trousers dope, but clash with shoes a lot. I also think this would be improved tenfold if the cuffs weren't touching the kicks. maybe swap to something less hypey, more mature? nice jumper.
this is a weird fit. minimal, works. nothing to say about it really, which i guess is good.it looks decent my man.
girls prob dig u and guys think your a douche. the button-up isn't long enough to balance out how wide the neck is on that tee. pants don't look like they fit. interested to see what shoes you wear with this

>> No.11119522


fit makes you look kinda short, but this is an interesting blend of slav and polite-middle-class-bookish-type. I'd point you out to friends if i saw you in public
fix hair/glasses
could be cool, but it's kinda obvious you're a newbie - your trousers are wider than you jumper, and not in a good way. what colour chucks? black would be goat i think, either normal or all-black.
z i p - u p
kinda cool, you look a bit prickish. all black chucks are rad, as stated above. your head belongs on a LAD body and your fit belongs on a scrawny fuccboi
z i p - u p
jeggings. really nice looking hoodie though, and cool shoes. I think this is TOO basic.
oh jesus. personal peeve for camel trousers, especially chinos. i'm actually kinda glad you just posted a shitty POV pic, that way i can't get mad for liking it.
r u black
this is gay, step up your trouser game. really boring fit, but not bad.
props for no sfb's
this looks neo-exmilitary if you know what i mean - like a futuristic veteran look.I think it's really cool. Not really reserved, hence the fuccboi shouts from other anons, but not so drastic that people think you're an artsy fashion guru, which is tricky grounds when it comes to criticism. I super like the way the hood comes up your neck, and the oversized cuff straps. those are also a brilliant geo colourway.

>> No.11119525


palace is a classy supreme
almost cool. your nails make you a female fuccboi though, and the hat is like the cherry on top. expecting to see you making vine videos in a car about how to treat ur man with an iced-tea in your hand. this is a good fit regardless though. you make vans look expensive, so well done.
the trousers do not fit. in this case, the cuff with the vans looks bad. this is a good example of how -not- to do a full black fit. i think the hoodie has potential though, well copped. you're a bit of a /r/streetwear skaterboy meme though
drama student
You look like you can almost into fashion, because you do something creative like paint or play in an orchestra or act, but it isn't working. jacket is waayyyyy too ambitious for you currently. shoes and jeans look a bit big, but they work together. also black generally clashes with denim. either tone it down or tone it up.
you are asian
undo top button, or push down cuffs, or scrape that luminous yellow off of the shoes. Rotate the hat approximately 180 degrees in either direction, ty
dope jumper, cosy fit. your shoes look like reps which makes me lol. buzz all your hair off and this'll look a bit like a trainspotting fit. I think this is an example of basic done right. also bias because i quite like the way u write
white socks pls
jeans give you womanly hips, but cool jumper. I really wanna see this fit but with a distressed version of the jumper. tilt your hat a lil bit more, i think it would look good
are you a dad
trousers a bit baggy but still cool, cool jacket and cool jumper. there's a lot going on, and youre kinda edging on hypebeast. I'd expect to see this on /r/streetwear. swap hat to match the trousers and you're onto a winner?

>> No.11119527


people that dress like this fucking annoy me, with the hat/fully buttoned shirt/ankles, but in this case i begrudgingly think this is good. objectively. absolutely memeing though, so cut that out
d i s t r e s s
people are gonna hate on the way you cuffed the jeans but i think they look cool. You look extremely feminine. Shoes n jeans fit really well, which means you don't have to worry about the top. You look very tumblry.
you're trying to be that tripfag guy with the long hair and the ramones and all the hedges in his pictures, and i can respect that. It's kinda a look that has to be perfect though, in order to not look a bit shit. I think yours is okay atm, but really depends on what's going on above the shoulders
bad trousers, that is all. huf hoodie would be like 5 times cooler if the logo was actually backwards, like in your mirror.
well this is absolute rage-inducing trash. I would punch you on the street.
Wear your shoes properly. Stop buting graphic tees. Get an actual real-world haircut. If you'e set on an mfa look, the trouser tassles have to go. FUCK this is fucking shit.
i dunno if it's a good fit but you seem chill. I think it's better that you sold the cardi desu. This fit would look good on an asian dude with some sort of ponytail thing going on. You are very white.
why do first time posters always fall short in the pants department? they don't fit well bro. that aside, ditch the hat imo. real nice flannel and cool tee, goes well with the necklace. hat seems unnecessary. all in all, quite a safe fit. I'd write home about the tee, but that's it.

>> No.11119528


yacht dweller
I always support these fits because i think they're ironic and jokey, but I'm starting to question that now. I think it looks good, aside from the rolls. They're horrendous. some more wealthy looking shoes may suit this fit better, and unless you can grow body hair i recommend getting into shape. the backdrop of this image is a nice touch.
oh no
nothing fits, and that's bad because you seem tall. so they REALLY don't fit. shrink all these pieces in the wash and i think it could be nice.
u look young
i think this is way too minimal, also way too safe. the stans are obviously the only choice for this fit, which is not a good thing. your colour palette is nice, but again, safe.
dress shoes?
it all fits you rather nicely, but i don't think it actually works all that well together. like the thick cuff dealio on the neck of your tee/jumper. I think that's really makes this a cool fit. the jacket is just a bit out of place. also a little boring in terms of colour. it pushes the whole fit out of minimal and into just boring.
r o s h e s
can't really see anything here, but i think it's a nice use of those jeans. of course, fix the shoe game. some big ol fresh looking boots (like DMs) would be really good here. they'd give you the up-to-date look without looking out of place.
i'm sorry but
if you didn't look chubby this would be good - your legs are too thick-looking but the jeans also look tight, not baggy - so bad luck there my friend. I'm really looking forward for those style sweaters to go out of fashion, then full circle back into fashion. it'll give them a bit of reputability, if you know what i mean - like, they'd be considered classic. yours is very cool.

>> No.11119530


ripped jeans/long coat meme can die
i think your jacket is really cool though. it's a good fit i guess, nice hat actually, and works really well with fit. shoes are pretty bright, unsure if that's a bad thing. you're definitely memeing here, which is a shame because it's cool.
gats look gud
thank you very much for sharing the brand of trousers too, they're awesome and i'm having a hard time finding tapered cargos. they remind me of knoch. probably just the angle of the phone, but your head looks absolutely colossal. really good fit though, regardless of the lack of colour. also your gats look a good level of beaten-up.
update on the fit: socks look bad. i thought they were just some tight long cuffs on your cargos. hoodie really cool though. fit is like a lazy-techwear, in a good way.
black chucks
you have an hourglass figure. you are a man. do you see this? why are you not using the top as a layering piece? also i think you also suffer from thick leg syndrome, but might just be the angle.
getting better bigman!
disregard other guy, i think the tee is really good. You look fucking fresh. great fit on everything, although i'd probably tighten up those pinrolls. everything else looks very particular and detailed aside from the trousers, and that'd probably balance it out. Your shoes could've come out looking so bad, so congrats. great jacket. i peep that colour matching on the hat/bag. w2c everything on the top half? I'm curious.
you dress well.
you nailed that cigarette fit feel. great shirt, good choice of jeans.

>> No.11119533


poo poo colour hehe
i think the greatness of this fit all depends on what you were intending. don't think the joggers fit as well as they could. I really like the cardigan, i think it works really well, and appreciate the lack of meme hat. although that would also fit well. it's kinda a simple fit, but you probably know that. tassles on joggers would make this really cool.
i'ma bully
you belong in a shitty dad rock band. defo got the aeshtetic. i hope this is deliberately bad, like what huck sometimes does. tees look awful with denim vests, especially in this case. go vest or long sleeve if you want to actually look good. green tee and red chucks pairing is also so painfully nerdy. It kinda has a classic fit feel to it really, but if you went out dressed like that people would judge you hard. unless you were also ridiculously handsome or had an old gritty look like iggy pop.
nice room
also nice head, and the amount of laundered dress shirts is pleasing. don't think this is a very good fit at all though. I just want it to be because of room/jawline/hair/shirts
that's a very nice looking shirt. I don't think it's shit, throw on some chelseas and you're good to go. i like that you judge yourself for what's essentially a good fit
neat elevator
also cool jacket shirt combo, i think that looks really good - shoes too. something about it looks bad though. I know it would kinda clash but i think shorts would look good here. maybe swap jeans for well fitting dress pants?
faggot pose
i think the ramones look excellent with the jeans here, really want to stop liking monotone fits but the jacket and shirt are also really well fitting. it kinda wouldn't be out of place on /r/streetwear, and your gay pose and caption make you very disagreeable but w/e

>> No.11119534


not a fit
like the other guy said, nice jacket and nice shoes, but you don't really look like you're even trying. you look uninterested in fashion basically
hello again
idk if the jeans are awful, but i think you're really cool
the fit is aight
stop quoting the bible
the pants are nxtlvl but the jumper looks like fruit of the loom pleasant all the same
you right hand has man veins
sorry that was mean
you look okay
i find it easier to critique guys but i think this is pretty nice, and the glasses are goat
vest done right
you look amazing my friend, if there was a european take on workwear this is it. For some reason i really like the added touch of black socks. I think in this fit, the blue denim jacket is cooler.
shoe guy
your shirt looks great with the shoes and trousers. i really like it. u have good fits. also the watch and bag is a great touch. and your hair would normally look bad (apologies) but in this case it looks great. I know it's simple and monotone, but potentially best fit in thread.
black chucks
see drama student guy^ I think the jacket, although interesting, creates a really horrible looking cut between the top and bottom of you. its not seamless. could be avoided with similarly coloured trousers or layers.
good cop
really, shirt is cool but i don't think it's the type you should tuck in. bad trousers, and theyre way too dark
nice tee
you're right, basic but fine
lovely jacket
unbutton it though. this would look more professional with dress trousers. grey socks is a good choice.
ello bohemian guy
this is a much better fit, the buttons go with your look much more and your pants are actually interesting this time. cuffs could be neater
im gonna leave this one
sorry but this is great
w2c flannel?
i really like this. everything on point, and good use of colours. even the camo bag.

>> No.11119535
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that was a graft

>> No.11119550
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>> No.11119638

I love ugly

>> No.11119643

Agree on the shoes, just slapped them on cause I don't really care what people at the grocery store think

>> No.11120215

I R8 this b8:
1/10 made me reply

>> No.11120416

Are you not wearing pants?

>> No.11120682
File: 1.09 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_0894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this outfit?

i'm thinking of swapping the shorts with a darker color like forest green or grey.

also not sure how i feel about the socks. i think it might look better with some simple black trainers but i don't have any.

>> No.11120691
File: 3.89 MB, 2352x2352, fuckingiphone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK why did this rotate.

>> No.11121017

gracias senpai

>> No.11121033
File: 118 KB, 1120x630, drink_gallery5.546e2142f4c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bad at /fa/. Take my words with a grain of salt.
Sleeves on the jacket look too long.
Your whole bottom looks like freshman gym class. Needs some serious work I think.