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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 74 KB, 300x250, pe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11102265 No.11102265 [Reply] [Original]

>8/10 when not smiling
>4/10 when smiling

Who /ugly smile/ here?

>> No.11102272

bonus points for me for having rotting yellow teeth (genetics plus lack of proper dental hygiene before I realized it's too late)

>> No.11102391

I have an ugly smile and can't figure out why. Sucks cus I smile against my will a lot.

>> No.11102503

Yep. Insanely deep creases when smiling and slightly crowded yellowish teeth.

Had severe depression through most of my teen years and hardly brushed my teeth. Think I went a couple of months without brushing once.

They should be in much worse condition than they actually are desu.

>> No.11102515
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>8/10 when not smiling
>9/10 when smiling
>get compliments from random people
>mfw when /great smile/

>> No.11102523

Oh, and also I've never had a cavity in my life.

>> No.11102545
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Something like this

>> No.11102566
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>> No.11102679
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go gloat somewhere else you bastard

>> No.11102860

Does anyone else's smile totally fuck up their nose?

>> No.11102902
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What if I said no?

>> No.11102928

crooked teeth+crooked smile reporting in

shit really sucks because it heavily detracts from my pretty great dimples

>> No.11103019

Me. I've got a kinda big nose and I look Semitic when I smile.

>> No.11103209

>not having good teeth genetics
Eugenics needs to be a thing again.

>> No.11103214

>3/10 not smiling
>4/10 smiling
>yellowish teeth

I dunno MATE might as well SUICIDE what's the point? even at my best I will be what
7/10?????????????????? and look over-groomed.

>> No.11103225

Right here. When i smile my nose looks like a fucking clown nose. Its pretty round at the tip and when i smile it just looks like 10x bigger. Its awful really. I have dimples too but can't put them to good use having a fucked smile/nose combination.

>> No.11103321

post face

>> No.11103358

Anyone here have a "grey area" smile

Where it's not great, not necessarily bad, but you still don't like it? I like my natural smile, but my forced, showing teeth smile makes me look like a serial killer

>> No.11103589

james franco

>> No.11103602

>look like a murderous nazi when blank faced
>look like a really nice guy when smiling

Best of both worlds.

>> No.11103681
File: 134 KB, 2744x956, 145525126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chipmunk cheeks


>> No.11103899

smile is important, fix your smiles /fa/!

>> No.11104092

Can't believe this many bros have terrible smiles. Post pix /fa/ggots

>> No.11104106

Same boat

>> No.11104132

I look like a jew whenever I smile

>> No.11104242

Why smile in the first place?

>> No.11104370

IKFT. Currently going through Invisalign treatment to sort out my shit-tier front teeth. But nothing will ever bring back the missing half of my incisor.
Note to all: hockey is not effay. Wear a cage kids.

>> No.11104469

lmao fatty

>> No.11104499

insecure fuck

>> No.11105041

Dont give up
My teeth used to be absolute piss mixed with shit

They're OKAY after a year of mediocre care and a couple of dentist appointments.

>> No.11105108
File: 47 KB, 483x504, 9900f55507809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no fucked up features
>no fat / crooked nose
>perfect teeth after three years of ortho
>slim face, alright jaw, etc
>look like a fucking mong when i smile
i still cant stop myself i do it all the fucking time

>> No.11105119
File: 17 KB, 400x449, 7MUTn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had perfect 10/10 teeth after braces
>didn't wear my retainer for a week because i lost it
>teeth are now 5/10 no matter how much I wear it

feels bad man :( A dentist said it's just because I have extremely crowded teeth. I kinda regret not going back and getting a second opinion on my wisdom teeth since I still have them, but what's done is done I suppose.

>> No.11105120

i didn't wear my retainer for 6 months, put it back on and it fits p much perfectly

git gud

>> No.11105187

>not getting your wisdom teeth taken out before braces


>> No.11105202

Wake me up

>> No.11105241

>Average face
>Slightly overweight
>Asymmetrical body/face

Still feels pretty good man.
Who else /kindainsecure/ here?

>> No.11106200

this is me. nut i have perfect teeth, the problem is my total lack of dimples make my cheeks look incredibly chubby kinda like a baby.
>8/10 to 5/10
to counter this, as a teen, i just didn't smile at all, so now i have permanent bored face.
any tips on how to get thinner cheeks?
i could drink more water and eat less sodium for a start