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/fa/ - Fashion

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11100498 No.11100498 [Reply] [Original]

what are some fa hobbies?

>> No.11100585

Something that you like to do.

>> No.11100748

I don't enjoy anything anymoer

>> No.11100775
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Playing guitar. As long as you aren't playing butt rock and sappy acoustic songs(wonder wall) you're pretty effay
I play jazz myself

>> No.11100799

jesus christ this board is more vapid than i thought

>> No.11100846

Being sad

>> No.11100860


>> No.11100920


>> No.11101203
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Backcountry skiing

>> No.11101261


>> No.11101274

Sport (non-violent ones), art, dance, acting, craftsmanship, writing, education, philosophy, design and cooking. Also music

>> No.11101280

This is the only truly correct answer. Aesthetic hobbyists are literally a cancer on our society

Thinking about taking up falconry but hunting grounds would be a trip. Thoughts?

>> No.11101284

MMA, WCW, Tractor pulls

>> No.11101286

Go after pigeons in the park

>> No.11101290
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>> No.11101297
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>> No.11101298

Watercolor enema art

>> No.11101302

As admirable and enjoyable as that sounds I don't want to get my theoretical falcon confiscated. Nor do I enjoy DNR fines

>> No.11101312

Violence is effay bitch boi

>> No.11101315

Buttfucking other men and contracting AIDS

>> No.11101384
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Urban exploration

>> No.11101390

Threadly reminder that the following are NOT hobbies
>consumption of media (reading, TV, films)
>smoking, drinking, doing drugs
>music, unless you play an instrument

>> No.11101411

Reading and hiking are mostly definitely hobbies. As is television and cinema

>> No.11101418

Photography and hiking are fucking hobbies m8

>> No.11101431

Sucking huge dicks

>> No.11101468

Congrats, you made me look up the definition of hobbies.

>> No.11101470

>having hobbies
wtf normie i bet you are not even into fashion gtfo

>> No.11101494

jerking off till your dick hurts

>> No.11101524


>> No.11101538

My hobbies are sleeping and wanting to die in my sleep.

>> No.11101563

If we're going to be /fa/ the term is "off-piste".

>> No.11101570


>> No.11101643

fuck you did i blew you the fuck out last thread

>> No.11101649


>> No.11101658

Wonderwall is not /fa.

>> No.11101677

Anything creative/artistic or dangerous

>> No.11101880

Cool people make things cool.

Cool things don't make people cool.

Get a hobby that you like, and if you are truly effay, you will make that hobby effay.

>> No.11102059

yep, im gonna start it over again
are also fa af

>> No.11102087

Confirmed for vapid shell of a human

>> No.11102093



>> No.11102115

Photography can be either a hobby or job depending on if you're making money off your photos/prints.

>Praktica SLR

>> No.11102139

>le baseless claims

Would you explain why photography, of all things, is not a hobby?

>> No.11102161

>X isn't a hobby because everybody does X
>you wouldn't call breathign a hobby
hobbies aren't defined by how many people do them, they're defined by how much time you put into them

>> No.11102169

I play video games and watch anime.

As I'm sure most of /fa/ does too.

>> No.11102178
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>> No.11102187


Not him, but imo photography isn't considered a hobby because it's the go to thing to do when you're not good at anything else. And we all know that none of you actually make prints. You're just the designated photo taker in your social group because you've got an overpriced camera.

Sure it's technically a hobby, because the word literally means something you do for fun. But when you tell most people that you like photography, they'll likely sneer inside.

>> No.11102218

That's all I needed to hear, you're just talking out of your ass now

>> No.11102414 [DELETED] 

i know how to make prints
take your worthless opinions back to /p/

>> No.11102419

Actually doing what the fuck you like and having a personality.

Oh wait

>> No.11102441


>Sure it's technically a hobby

so we're effectively in agreement on the issue of contention.

you seem to be under the impression that if people sneer at your hobby, then it's not a real hobby. if you live your life based upon what people do or do not sneer at, then you'll have a shitty life anon

>> No.11102456

>Sport (non-violent ones)

but how if not grappling am I supposed to wear my cat (https://www.instagram.com/p/BDBdxWEoCEf/)) or sushi (https://www.instagram.com/p/BAm2QWEICFe/)) compression pants?

>> No.11102488

>Sure it's technically a hobby, because the word literally means something you do for fun. But when you tell most people that you like photography, they'll likely sneer inside.

Projecting so hard you're in IMAX

>> No.11102605

Learning to read is effay

>> No.11102700

parkour if youre not shit

>> No.11102711

Skied Big Mountain competitively, can confirm it is not /fa/ at all

>> No.11102744


>> No.11102747

>Something that you like to do.

But more broadly, it's super important to have at least one reasonably athletic hobby.

>> No.11102870


>but imo photography isn't considered a hobby

>Sure it's technically a hobby

I'm gonna go with technically a hobby over the opinion of some insecure projecting faggot.

>> No.11103142

Lol are there actually this many photography fags on /fa/?

>> No.11103252
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I collect old money.

Ignore the socks and knee pads in the corner. I know I'm a slob.

>> No.11103265

I was going to say
>inb4 that one faggot that says analyzing high-brow films is not a hobby

>> No.11103301

photography is most definitely a hobby if you have a passion in it. It's not if you just take photos of normal day to day hanging with friends and stuff like that.

>> No.11103601

I repaired an old bicycle, I grow herbs that I use in cooking. I make cool patisseries that I see sold with more margin than most luxury products.

I'd be into photography and cool keyboards if I had the money.

Few other hobbies that I don't consider effay, such as running, various sports, linux stuff, reading stuff and shitposting.

>> No.11103607

Every kid at my school buys an expensive camera and calls himself/herself a photographer. I'm not surprised.

>> No.11103618
File: 3.00 MB, 4160x3120, 20150222_121058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i enjoy cars, working on them and modifying them for style, mainly

i also love driving cars, so drifting is what i mainly enjoy doing

pic related is my car, before i smashed it into a wall while drifting it, it now is in 3 different colors so its not really presentable

>> No.11103687


Whatever you want as long as you excel at it, or become good enough to scoff down at others.

>> No.11103698
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Nice one familia I appreciate that rebuttal

>> No.11103699
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>And we all know that none of you actually make prints.
Do you even know what this machine is for? Maybe the rest of /fa/ carries around cool retro vintage cameras as fashion accessories that aren't even loaded with film, but I actually use mine. Also you don't have to be good at something for it to be a hobby. I'm definitely not very good at playing the piano, but I still have plenty of fun just playing it for myself and I find it rewarding.

Anyways I guess my most """" /fa/ """" hobby is photography because when I'm out with a camera everybody gets to see my cool expensive gear and how hip and cool I am and how my camera matches my outfit. My least /fa/ hobby is probably either flight simulators or reading about history.

>> No.11103713

>>11101274 (craftmanship)
>>11102700 (parkour but holy fuck)

>> No.11103726

Writing (fiction, not shitty poetry)
Music (as long as its not pleb tier, get some /mu/ shit)
Playing an instrument (one that isn't guitar, bass or drums)

>> No.11103768
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>> No.11103907

Fuck your Jazz. Rock 'n' Roll and Blues you basic bitch

>> No.11103912


You say that but when you keep getting your expensive shit destroyed by fences and glass it quickly stops becoming effay.

>> No.11104438
File: 133 KB, 243x353, snowboard fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about being a park-rat?

>> No.11104441

no it's just that a lot of people think your opinion is dumb

>> No.11104477


>> No.11104498
File: 738 KB, 1600x1067, jedanderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /jed/ here

>> No.11104511

Photography fags are fucking cancerous cunts

>> No.11104578

man your world view must be pretty fucked

>> No.11104584

sucking cock

>> No.11104586

>my worldview must be fucked because I look down on people who pick up hobbies as a fashion statement

>> No.11104595

Nonono don't say that you'll hurt /fa/'s feelings

>> No.11104600

thats not what you said
you said that people who are into photography are cancerous

but either way, who is to say people pick up photography as a fashion statement? isnt it more likely that people who are into photography are probably also into art and fashion?

>> No.11104611

Different anon, but from my experience in a mid level uni in a mid sized city, 95% of photography fags I met in the photography club do it as a statement either because they're not good at anything else or because they think it's "artsy" and "sofisticated".

>> No.11104617

I said photography fags, not all photographers

>> No.11104643

Did a guy with a film camera fuck your girlfriend or something

>> No.11105232

>implying cheap stuff cant be effay

>> No.11105391

Same. I don't even enjoy 4channing anymore.