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/fa/ - Fashion

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11091818 No.11091818 [Reply] [Original]

I'm joining the army soon. How can I keep /fa/ after basic?

>> No.11091847

who cares. nobody in the army is going to be impressed by /fa/ nonsense

>> No.11091858

Its for me. I like to look nice, sorry.

>> No.11091899

I joined the army. After 9 months I have completely stopped caring about fashion/Only dress super basic/dressing up is super uncomfortable

>> No.11092027

PTSD is effay as fuck so shoot for that. That tortured look is so hot right now.

>> No.11092091

well fuck me then I guess.

>> No.11092126


>> No.11092155
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>not going Navy or Coast Guard for those dress whites
What's your mos though?

>> No.11092157

become an officer in a cavalry regiment that dates back to the time of Napoleon or earlier.

>> No.11092211

Read Hemingway, emulate his character's aesthetics.

>> No.11092690
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>> No.11094088

>is killing babies /fa/?

>> No.11094111

>is being an estrogenized nu-male cuckold /fa/?

>> No.11094119

Joining the military is the ultimate cuckold life. You get cucked out of a comfortable sleep. You get cucked out of good food. You get cucked out of sick jawnz. And when you return from your deployment your wife was cucking you the entire time.

>> No.11094131

You cuck people when you shoot at them and they die

>> No.11094139

you keep using that word.....

>> No.11094148

You get cucked when you die in a war that accomplished nothing and is now universally recognized as a massive failure and if you happened to survive you get cucked by ptsd and the fact that the country treats veterans like shit, possibly cucked by being a cripple from IED/Roadside bombs and again you were literally cucked by your wife the entire time.

>> No.11094153

>Just about the most testosterone filled thing in history, fighting in a war

>> No.11094158

Soldiers are literal cuckolds because their wives cheat on them when they're deployed. They're also non literal cuckolds. When somebody says "you've fucked me over" do they literally mean "you had sex with me"? of course not. Cuckold is a state of mind and the military is peak cuckold. Sacrificing yourself and your own comfort and pleasure for the comfort and pleasure of others.

>> No.11094171

Othello was a general in the military but it didn't stop him from getting mentally cucked into killing his own wife and himself. And again, many soldiers wives' cheat on them while they are deployed


So yes, you can be a football jock with a gun but still be a cuckold. Your cuckold status has nothing to do with how much testosterone is in your muscular chad body. If your wife cheats on you, you're still a cuck.

>> No.11094195

cuckoldy implies a willingness. im sure soldiers don't wish their wifes cheat on them whilst deployed.

>> No.11094284


"A cuckold (sometimes shortened to cuck) is the husband of an adulterous wife. In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own"

And even then, accepting your deffinition, they willingly join the military, knowing the high rate of infidelity among wives of deployed soldiers. So they willingly take the risk. They also willingly submit to the will of the government giving up their personal comforts, making them mentally cucked

>> No.11094432
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>Not joining the Air Force
All of the sweet bennies, none of the retarded bullshit.

Fuck w me

>> No.11094540

>I'm a drooling retard with no understanding of military structure

>> No.11094560
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>> No.11094611

>i'm cuckold who loves watching my hot wife take creamy loads


>> No.11094760

Same thing basically

>> No.11094828
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>implying I'm a disgusting breeder
Lol I'll show you who's the boss of this gym

>> No.11095180

Is somebody upset they're too unfit to do anything more strenuous than trying to fit their skinny fat toaster strudel looking body into a pair of 510s?

>> No.11095199
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hey buddy i think you got the wrong door, the leather clubs 2 blocks down

>> No.11095200

1N3 here, I live very comfy life in full rick whenever I'm not listening to sandmen talk about the weather.
if you're not intel or flightcrew in the worlds greatest Air Force I feel bad for you. B^)

>> No.11095313
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Fuck you

>> No.11095327
File: 69 KB, 853x480, 128512249431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll suffer /fa/ wise but about a year due to lack of clothing and not being able to go home until after technical training in you'll normalize at probably a little less /fa/

The normal attire of the enlisted man is running shoes basketball shorts and a graphic/sand t-shirt, so you dressing normal as you do now its going to be way outrageous and you'll gravitate more towards timeless pieces.

hard to explain

t. Air Force

>> No.11095888

3A1, I'm pretty cozy. Nice desk in the cushy command office.

>> No.11096879

>When your amigos from your patrol team finds out you're wearing Acne jeans :'(

>> No.11097396

fuck you leather man

>> No.11097991

I dunno how military life works but boots and combat trousers look sick either way. Ignore this cuck bullshit though army for a few years saving almost all thr money you earn aint bad at all

>> No.11098063

is somebody trying to project because they're getting cucked by a country that doesnt give a shit about it's veterans. Have fun with your life long mental illness.

>> No.11098105

I'm heavily considering trying out for AF OTS and a subsequent rated career - probably not fighter pilot because I'm nearsighted but maybe air battle master or smth.

Is officer life /fa/?

>> No.11098111


>> No.11098568


is self immolation /fa/

>> No.11098982
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>tfw crew chief

Just kill me familia

>> No.11099437

>cuckold: 14 matches
This fucking place sometimes.