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/fa/ - Fashion

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11074941 No.11074941 [Reply] [Original]

which cigarettes are /fa/? pic related, davidoff gold are effay af

>> No.11075081

stop smoking

>> No.11075097

we love you

>> No.11075106
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i'll smoke ya till im dying

>> No.11075110


>> No.11075797
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used to smoke these when I was 13
also some menthol crappy ones when I smoked weed with my friends when I was 16 or so
now 20 and dont smoke but sometimes feel like.

>> No.11075821

those are so gay

if someone ever asked me for a cigarette and I gave them one of those, holy hot fuck man

Like smoking can look tough and cool but those are fucked

>> No.11075829

whats wrong with them?
I liked the vanilla ones but hey I was just a kid

>> No.11075849


of course, I understand, but man, smoking anything but a white cigarette is quite strange. Especially with the flavor and devil imagery, but it's a boutique kind of thing I would assume

>> No.11076389

Whatever will get you the most likes on your fucking Instagram. How about you just find cigarettes that you like you fucking faggot. But.
Let me set the record straight
>is xxxx /fa/ means, "Do white boys on a anime forum think this is cool?"
>is xxxx fashionable means, "Do fashionable people think this is fashionable?"
Being "fa" is short for: "An arbitrary thing being fashionable", so when you ask:
>Is an old school barbershop effay
>What's the most fa anime and why is it Cory in the House
>Post fa pens
>Is xxxx fa?
>What's the most fa deodorant
>Post fa ducks
You are not getting an answer from a regular person that might know some shit about fashion. You're asking the wrong people entirely. /Fa/ is filled to the brim with guys who just want to dress cool and don't really know much about fashion, which is fine, but they end up getting told by fucking tripfags who literally wear skirts and clown shoes, who literally suck Kanye West's dick because he made graduation once, who literally stand outside of stores for DAYS just to "cop" a fucking tee shirt or even worse fucking shoes they won't wear, who think that Rick Owens and his goblin of a wife are literally god for starting the trend of wearing black and gay techno 90's goth rags, and once they realize how fucking stupid the trend is, they dismiss it like it never happened and it becomes a giant fucking circle jerk.
If you want an inspo thread, awesome, start that, but please stop piling on the fucking is xxxx fa?
What answer do you want? Use common sense. A pencil bag is not fashionable. A backpack can be. Deodorant can't be fashionable. Going to an old-timey barbershop is cool. Ducks are ducks. Come on now.

>> No.11076405
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>not smoking these for that 80's socialist construction worker aesthetic

Also, softpacks are GOAT

>> No.11076965
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About to finish this beer and have one of these 555s. I'm excited, to say the least.

>> No.11077882

and we dont want you to die

>> No.11077991
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>> No.11078027

Pall Mall non filters in the soft pack are /fa/ as cigarettes get

>> No.11078034
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Forgot pic

>> No.11078037 [DELETED] 

My friend is in a huge bind. He needs all the help he can get. I've been trying to help him out but I'm just as down as he is. I hope yall can help in some kind of way. Please spread this link around.

>> No.11078165

we don't want you to die

>> No.11078175

dad, what are you doing here?

>> No.11078185

Maybe some choose them for the looks. But they actually taste real good

>> No.11078234

Being this mad

>> No.11078424


>> No.11078435

The answer is always Camel Blue <3

Tho rolling tobacco is wehre it's at

>> No.11078436
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fucking good post.


guess he hit the nail on the head then, huh?

>> No.11078935

Only women buy those.

This MILF I used to fuck smoked the pink ones exclusively.

God I miss her huge, plastic tits.

>> No.11078936

I only smoke white grape White Owl cigars.

How /fa/ am I?

>> No.11078948
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>Vanilla cigs

Man you just reminded me of the cigarette one of the Chinese exchange students let me have after some sorority bitch broke my last one.

It was a really good mix of normal cigarette flavor and vanilla. Had a burgundy filter iirc.

>TFW you'll probably never find out what brand it was.

>> No.11079001

smoking is not /fa/. Seriously. It looks trashy, smells trashy, and it shows you lack self control.

>> No.11079035

>lack of self control.

Kek when will anti-choicers stop pretending that everyone gets an uncontrollable addiction to everything.

>> No.11079038
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>> No.11079061

no, most people don't have uncontrollable addictions. the fuck are you talking about? You're straight up making shit up because you're in denial. It's not even a matter of debate; you're objectively wrong.

>> No.11079069

Enjoy your black lungs and cancer

If you can't quit right now you will never

>> No.11079080

You know what's not effay? People who willingly pay to damage their body and shorten their lives. Also you smell digusting if you smoke. I'd tell you to kill yourself, but you're already doing it.

>> No.11079110

>it shows you lack self control.
>Literally saying that everyone who smokes in uncontrollably addicted and lacks self control

I'm not the one who'se making shit up, m8.

>You know what's not effay? People who willingly pay to damage their body and shorten their lives.

That's a glaring logical fallacy, considering that even breathing causes cancer: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15646026

>> No.11079132

That argument isn't logically fallacious you bozo. We need to breathe to live, but we don't need to suck on nicotine sticks to surviv

>> No.11079154

There's a lot of shit humans do that we don't need to do to survive, but I highly doubt you go into as much of an autistic tizzy about those as you do about smoking.

>> No.11079171

holy shit kill yourself

>> No.11079205

>no longer smoke and switched to ecigs
>realize i look like a faggot and hate ecig community, but at the same time feel way better physically
>still love the taste, smell and feel of real cigarettes, but terrified of getting ill

>> No.11079212

>Angry anti-choice brigade member.

Fuck off NIMBY cunt.

>> No.11079238

What I I actually want to kill myself?

>> No.11079240

my first ever cig, chick i was with offered them to me and we did that corny af blow smoke into each others mouths shit and then we fucked, shit was cash to be quite honest with all of you familia

now the only nail I smoke is menthol spirits, like a real man

>> No.11079256
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>not smoking exclusively as a method of hastening your death


>> No.11079320

I fucking hate people who take the moral high ground and condemn you for smoking. If anyone's being morally reprehensible here its the people claiming to know whats best for you despite not being you and the people shoving their flawed worldiew down your throat just so they can feel good about themselves. Fuck you all of you are just as selfish and hypocritical as us smokers.

Have any of you fuckers also considered that we MAY have accounted for the numerous consequences and have still decided to continue smoking for some personal reason?

>> No.11079407

This, desu

>but anon, the only correct way to live is a bland, pleasure-less excuse for a life! You have to keep yourself healthy, otherwise you'll never be able to work the soul-crushing job you resent until you're 70!

>> No.11079419

I hate pretty much the smell of others smoking but hey if its not a closed area go for it who cares
also a lot of people are probably killing themselves through something, like eating shitty food or doing no exercise at all.

>> No.11079437

Bingo, they've got cognitive dissonance so bad they could run for office.

>Smokers are dumb cuz cancer
>Eats processed-AF pizza rolls and thinks sprinting to the microwave for them counts as exercise.

>> No.11079453

You helped my argument. Not sure what you were trying to accomplish there. Yes, smoking shows you have a lack of self control. Yes, everyone who smokes is uncontrollably addicted and lacks self control. What a revelation!!!

Do you have a mental handicap? Repeating what I say in le epic meme greentext xDDD doesn't make your argument right. Degenerate subhuman.

>> No.11079456

Stopped smoking recently
It's fun and at best feels fucking great but the downsides are too plenty

>> No.11079467

Be edgy and roll your own. Personally I prefer hand rolled as well

>> No.11079485

>Have any of you fuckers also considered that we MAY have accounted for the numerous consequences and have still decided to continue smoking for some personal reason?

You're doing it because of addiction. You're not in control. You're not "choosing" to smoke because of some mysterious reason that no one knows about.

Also, you started smoking because of peer pressure. That's literally the only reason anyone smokes. Even the first pack you smoked was disgusting, but you wanted to fit in with the cool kids so badly that you kept forcing it on your body.

Not only are you insecure and are willing to poison your body because you wanted to look like an edgy preteen rebel, but you lack the willpower to attempt to quit. Those of you who have given up simply take the attitude of "hurr durr im choosing not to quit because im a stubborn badass xDD".

This isn't a matter of debate. I am factually, objectively correct.

>> No.11079487

Except that's a steaming pile of horseshit, you cunt.

Not all smokers who are "12 packs a day" uncontrollably/subconsciously addicted type, the same as how not everyone who drinks a alcohol is a "It's been 3 minutes since I last downed a Miller Light, the end is nigh" alcoholic.

>> No.11079494
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>All this projection

Tell us again how you know everything about someone you've never met.

>> No.11079497

>implying anyone will read all that shit

wew lad

>> No.11079500

They have better taste generally, last much longer than a pack while costing roughly the same (if not cheaper), and you consume less tobacco if you roll on the go. Downside is that you look like a tool in some social circles but if you roll fast and tidy you don't have to worry about looking like a faggot with a crumbled cig. Also people are less likely to bum from you.

>> No.11079501


the only correct answer here.

can you hear that? that's the sound of sweaty fingers scampering to write an angry reply fueled by nicotine-induced rage.

>> No.11079502

desu i started smoking because i always wanted to

>> No.11079515

Nah men, i smoke because i like the taste, and also i roll my own cigs, industrial ones taste like bricks.
Also, i smoke when nobody is around because i dont want people to know.
Not everybody here is a faggot

>> No.11079516

Yeah, you saw the cool actor on TV smoking and wanted to be just like him. When you saw the edgy kids in high school smoking behind the bleachers, that sealed the deal for you.

There is no such thing as an inherent desire to smoke. This is basic, fundamental reasoning here.

>> No.11079517
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Ultra-pathetic samefag

>> No.11079527

> i smoke because i like the taste
"i can stop whenever i want!!1! this is definitely a choice im making hurr durr"

>i roll my own cigs
good for you? No one asked.

>i smoke when nobody is around because i dont want people to know
You're trying so hard to hide the guilt of succumbing to an addiction.

>> No.11079529

Passing tobacco smoke mouth to mouth? Were you like 13 or what?

>> No.11079532

i'm still on high school

>> No.11079533

Jokes on you, I called the cops on the 9edgy5u underage smokers.

>> No.11079539

An amazing rebuttal. How enlightening. I like the part where you critically analyzed the subject matter and replied with an objective explanation as to why you're correct, backed by reputable sources of course.

Oh wait, your brain is not capable of basic human function. Let me dumb myself down for you little guy:

>hurr durr ur stoopid samefag im rite ur wrong xDDDD who needs facts when ur subhuman??!!1

>> No.11079542

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.11079546
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I started rolling my own when I was unemployed for a short time and was broke, stuck to it for these very reasons.
Also, although I don't really agree that smoking can be fashionable I think it does look good to roll and smoke my own with the denim/rocker look that I go for. (I don't know what you would actually call the style, so here is a picture of what I mean)

>> No.11079548

I started smoking in college, on a night where I was insanely stressed out. My friend suggested it and I jumped at the opportunity. This was not a "look cool" decision for me, but a "not start a fight with a random" decision.

Not everyone fits the narrative you see on TV.

>> No.11079553


>> No.11079555

to add to this, I loved the taste the first time.

>> No.11079556

>Getting this buttblasted over getting called out.

Someone's insecure about their shit argument.

I already took your illogical claptrap down, by the way. >>11079487

>INB4 you pretend that your logic isn't inherently flawed
>INB4 another big pile of your Steaming Pile of Horeshit Opinions®
>INB4 more projection.

>> No.11079563

Bruh, you cray.
I have like, A cigarette a day.
Then if my pack runs out I don't get more for at least a week 'cause I'm lazy af.
I smoke 'cause I like it, not because of some crazy compulsion.

>> No.11079611

i don't see what the big deal is , i smoke because i want to i've taken breaks before i just took a month off because of my surgery and i could stop but i like to smoke. I don't really care if other people do or don't smoke so why would anyone else

>> No.11079621

none. it's 2016, the only people who smoke past 22 are in low socioeconomic classes. once you're out of college, you should stop. and in general, just stop the side effects are awful.

>> No.11079627
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>> No.11079837

Great generalizations fuckface. I smoke because I want. Not all of us have zero amount of self control

>> No.11079861


>> No.11079877

I just took a big doodoo dump

>> No.11081705


>> No.11081737
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Sobranie black are pretty /fa/ i guess, also you can just smoke lucky strike from a fancy cigarette holder