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/fa/ - Fashion

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11071004 No.11071004 [Reply] [Original]


Do poor people really spend more on luxury cloths?

>> No.11071035

Yeah, rich people often have extremely expensive shit that's meaningful to them or makes their lives better in ways besides clothes.

The richest men I know all dress down. One of them wears Hermès ties when he had to wear a suit like twice a year and that's it. They own things like tens of thousands of acres of land, racing teams, stables and jets, so they don't give a fuck if you know they've got it because ten minutes after you've forgotten them they're in the jet to catch an NBA game on a whim.

>> No.11071048

I know an old dude(only like 50yo) that's a multimillionare that wears rick with his son. All depends on the person not the money I think

>> No.11071057

>how people without fashion sense lash out at people making fun of them for buying clothes at walmart

i'm 100% sure good taste in high quality clothing is directly related to relative wealth

>> No.11071058

Post pikks of his sikk rikk fits

>> No.11071067

Not sure what you mean, but I can definitely see how someone who can actually afford to shop at, say, Louis Vuitton, would be more likely to buy a less branded, more tasteful bag than someone who saved up for it and wants everyone to know they bought LV.

>> No.11071074 [DELETED] 


Nah. Poor people may buy quasi-luxury goods that any middle-class person can afford (the newest flagship phone, used/on sale mall-tier "luxury" brands) but true luxury goods are out of reach of poorfags.

>> No.11071075

who cares? we're all going to die anyway.

>> No.11071080

Also that article is dumb. There's a difference between a mother who dresses in a nice suit to interact with bureaucracies and two guys fighting over the last pair of Jordans. Nobody's going to give you preferential treatment outside of the trap for having nice sneakers or a LV belt.

>> No.11071107

>I learned, watching my mother, that there was a price we had to pay to signal to gatekeepers that we were worthy of engaging. It meant dressing well and speaking well.

>There is empirical evidence that women and people of color are judged by appearances differently and more harshly than are white men.
I love how she says this without even bothering to link to the empirical evidence, but I'll accept it for the sake of the argument.

>Why do poor people make stupid, illogical decisions to buy status symbols? For the same reason all but only the most wealthy buy status symbols, I suppose. We want to belong. And, not just for the psychic rewards, but belonging to one group at the right time can mean the difference between unemployment and employment, a good job as opposed to a bad job, housing or a shelter, and so on.
Aaaaand here's where the idiotic opinion begins.

Expensive purchases do not, by themselves, grant status. Dressing well does not require that much money anymore - hell, a good suit or work outfit can be had at an extreme discount nowadays, especially if you have the Internet. The fact that the writer's mom did well one time by dressing up and acting right does not mean that spending money on expensive clothing will generate similar results.

Her point would only make sense if the added money spent on clothing was (1) noticeable and (2) actually spent on nicer dress clothing. I suspect some idiot buying expensive Jordans isn't gonna get employed any more than someone rolling in with fucking beat up Converse.

>> No.11071192

That's a top normcore fit

>> No.11071206

Your point on dressing well on cheap clothing is extremely fucking true. I buy my clothes on discounts and also from general large clothing stores. As long as it fits and looks good people will love it regardless of its 'brand'. Does help to have good genes and a friendly social demeanour though.

Poor tasteless basic bitches don't bother with appearances and their purchase of expensive clothing which they smack on with a bunch of shit that doesn't fit is a great example of that.

>> No.11071212

When i first ran into high fashion I thought 'how come these black scraps of ripped clothing that don't fit or keep me warm cost 900 buckarooneys when I can buy a full comfy preppy fit that drops panties and keeps me warm.

>> No.11071217

>who saved up for it and wants everyone to know they bought LV.

You summed up the basic bitch attention seeker mentality with no imagination, creative ability or substance perfectly.

>> No.11071240

money can't buy taste

but being born into money or spending a lot of time around people who have money/are serious generally aligns your sense of what's "normal" with the normalcy of people who are already successful

if you already have taste, good job

>> No.11071254

Always that one guy

>> No.11071262

>I suspect some idiot buying expensive Jordans isn't gonna get employed any more than someone rolling in with fucking beat up Converse.
Less, if anything. Either the first guy's going to have mismatchedly expensive shoes (= shoe thief, to the employer) or his whole outfit's going to be garish, flash, expensive brands (= whoops). Beat up Converse just means "needs a job", which the employer already knew.

>> No.11071298

Anyone else find it problematic that the broke person is clearly a person of color?

>> No.11071303

>judging POC
You're a fucking white male.

>> No.11071310

Ehh, I disagree, even for the most entry level of jobs, you should try to dress somewhat nice, I have a lacoste pollo and some cheapie leather shoes I wear.

>> No.11071401

back to cultural studies with you

>> No.11071557

I'm usually on /fa/ because sunglasses but this is pretty true. You go through a phase where you make good money so you feel like you should wear clothes to fit your salary, then you realize how stupid, impractical, and uncomfortable high end fashion clothes are. Went from rocking acne and rick, to wearing fruit of the loom and Levis

>> No.11071666

fuck off, nigger

>> No.11071674

>But, I have half a PhD and I support myself aping the white male privileged life of the mind.

can someone explain what she's saying???

6th paragraph

>> No.11071685
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>> No.11071726



>> No.11071730

It means she was too stupid to get her PhD and that she now tries to act as white as possible to be able to get a job.

>> No.11071745

show me the average dude

>sorry about the average being represented in a shitty infographic

couldn't be bothered one bit to really be sorry

>> No.11071749
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What does acting white even mean?

Serious question btw.

Whenever people say this they either act super normal or say they like certain random foods a lot.

>> No.11071757

>What does acting white even mean?
Acting in a socially acceptable way, leading to a more successiful and upwardly mobile life.

It's also a thing niggers bully each other with, when one of them tries to escape the cycle of poverty and crime, and something whites try to shake off when they want to gain street cred and be gangsta.

>> No.11071828
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This, pretty much.

Large parts of the black/hispanic/asian/whatever community and almost all of the left believe that people act in different ways according to their skin colour (which is very racist and extremely ironic considering they see themselves as anti-racists, but that's another discussion).

What this basically means is that she's trying to act, like the other anon said, in a rational and socially acceptable way to 'take part of the White Privilege' gains by not acting like a buffoon.

I know 4chan is general is filled with anti-semitism but you should all check-out Mr. Ben Shapiro on Youtube. That guy is brilliant and capable of explaining all the bullshit the left partakes in, in a very good way.

Here's a fun clip where Shapiro and, surprisingly, a hispanic woman touch on the subject of 'acting white' very briefly. Also, take a look at the body language between the two black people vis-a-vis Shapiro and the hispanic woman on the right.


On topic: I buy more expensive items because they look better, they last longer, they feel better and they weren't made by an 8 year-old girl in Bangladesh working for 12 hours a day for 1$/day in a factory where she risks being burned to death, sexually harrassed, getting poisoned when handling (tanning?) leather and where she faces the risk of the building collapsing upon her due to poor construction.

>> No.11071902

>caring about anyone from Bangladesh

>> No.11071957

>acne and rick
yeah those fit together perfectlly, just admit that youre in highschool

>> No.11071967

You can buy reasonably cheap things that are still of decent materials, decent construction, and not made in the 3rd world.
Those aren't luxury goods, those described in the article aren't all luxury goods.

OTOH, Op's pic...
The shoes costing 800$ are Yeezy or cordovan wholecuts, or the like. You can buy decent ethically made shoes for a forth of the price.

So, what are we talking about?
Poor people buying decent stuff, or poor people going full ham for louis vuitton or yeezy?

>> No.11072049

it's tru, but rich people tend to dress in expensive basics, not gaudy shit or fakes. why yes the outfit on the right is typically rich middle aged white dude casual, the cost for those items are probably the same as the dude on the left

>> No.11072088

Youre obviously poor if u actually think this is universally true

>> No.11072176

I can agree with the article for the most part. Clothing does make the man when that's the first thing you see about them.
You clearly weren't wearing any acne if you went back to Levi's. It's like going from reigning champ to Target shirts. And often times higher end clothing is a better investment

>> No.11072200

Alright Carl, way to bring the room down

>> No.11072204

people who spend lots of money tend not to have it for long

it takes a lot of money in order to be able to keep up with expensive trends

>> No.11072687

most rich people are old
most old people dress like shit

rappers are rich and they some of the best dressing people bar none

>> No.11072893

>poor people don't deserve nice things
That said luxury is dumb anyway

>> No.11073099

Tbh that is not true. I have lived all my life surrounded by a bunch of fairly rich people in Europe. As for comparison, if we were in the US we'd be in the top 1%. All my friends wear expensive clothing, and so do their families. The idea that rich people don't wear expensive clothing came from the Americanised idea that fashion doesn't matter. It's true; Jobs, Gates and Cuban don't wear super expensive clothing but they do not represent the thought of the majority of rich people. My father, for example, goes to his job with €6...7k suits.

It is also true that poor people buy expensive stuff to look rich, but not as much. I once read an article that said that the luxury industry is not mainly maintained by "old money", and yes by normal people, but it is worth noting that there is a lot more poor people than rich people, and that naturally they would buy more.

>> No.11073477

My family are pretty normal, middle class. I used to spend a lot on clothing, I loved SLP and its all id wear. I kind of realised that it was futile, I was spending that much money on clothes all the time when I was only 17 ish (im 19 now pls no ban). I sold everything. I started from scratch and basically just shop at Uniqlo and J Crew. I have a few shirts, a sweater and a coat from Thom Browne and I think some Saint Laurent sun glasses left, but that's it. Most of my luxury items are gifts desu.

The people who buy luxury items who can't really afford it are the types that think they're wealthy when they're driving a 10 year old BMW. I've honestly found myself to be much happier spending my money on healthy food, skincare and haircare.

>> No.11073486

what about spending like 100 dollars on button downs, and a couple hundred on shoes and things cuz you're a young professional but not wealthy
Am I a poor pleb

>> No.11073490

You sound like all the Facebook fags that always puts "doesn't matter what you have or how expensive your clothes are be humble". Bullshit

>> No.11073552

Shoo shoo worthless Nihilist

>> No.11073588

I'm gay

>> No.11074010

Because niggers.

>> No.11074283

He summed up all of /fa/ including your ratchet ass, ho.

>> No.11074622

>they weren't made by an 8 year-old girl in Bangladesh working for 12 hours a day for 1$/day in a factory where she risks being burned to death, sexually harrassed, getting poisoned when handling (tanning?) leather and where she faces the risk of the building collapsing upon her due to poor construction.

... I know you are a /fa/ggot and all, but please learn some economics.

The only person forcing a worker to work is the said worker, and if they though they could do better elsewhere, then they would be elsewhere.

>> No.11074637

That's a normalfag range, a bit on the expensive side, maybe prices are higher where you live.

>> No.11074645

don't say desu.

>> No.11074666

>Went from rocking acne and rick, to wearing fruit of the loom and Levis

no you fucking didn't, otherwise you'd know that as "uncomfortable" you think high end fashion clothes are, fruit of the loom would feel like being dressed in sandpaper. cheap clothes aren't comfortable at all.

>> No.11074682

I'm assuming that you're referring to shirts made by, for example, Brooks Brothers.

They are worth it and worth your purchase. To give you an idea of the longevity of some of my (old) dress shirts, worn at least 1x/wk.:

- Arrow (a gift) - ~3-5 months (and shitty quality from day 1)
- J.Crew - ~1 Year (and even from day 1 looked a bit rough)
- Express: ~6 Months (awful from day 1)
- Banana Republic: ~1.5 years-2 years, but I bought something I considered especially well made
- Brooks Brothers: 2-3 years
- Charles Tyrwhitt: 2 years (but I bought a more expensive shirt, IIRC)

In other words, the thicker, better-made, double-ply fabric comes handy if you anticipate regular wear and washing. You could certainly get away with cheaper shirts, but they tend to look worse and wear more quickly. The no-iron fabrics Brooks sells are particularly nice, though the nomenclature is still kinda misleading: you should still iron them, but they generally do look nicer right out of the dryer (where they shouldn't be, but I'm lazy).

If I was genuinely poor, I'd still go for Arrow - I think good tailoring could probably make them passable and they retail for something like $20 - but I adore Brooks shirts like crazy.

>> No.11074687

>wearing out dress shirts
You aren't supposed to wear them for manual labor and athletics...

>> No.11074692

>You aren't supposed to wear them for manual labor and athletics...
Of course not, but shirts just wear out through existing/washing. The first point of failure is usually the points of the collar and sometimes the edges of the cuffs - when those begin to go, I usually donate the shirt to charity.

>> No.11074705

Linen (in a tasteful off-white) is much more durable than cotton.
It's more expensive, and more casual, but if durability is important for you go for at least a linen/cotton mix.

>> No.11074711

I've definitely considered it. Most of my hesitation relates to the fact that linen blends/linen shirts are more casual/harder to launder. May experiment with it more over the summer.

>> No.11074724

Linen isn't any more difficult than any normal cotton shirt, you'll have to iron it and accept that it will wrinkle.
If you can't make it part of your style, then linen shirts aren't for you.

You could still switch your undershirts to linen. Extremely hard to find, but worth it if you're an undershirt kind of guy.

>> No.11074768


My father is a doctor and all he wears is LL bean and clothes that were given to him as a present

However I notice that younger PAs dress pretty nicely but I assume that wears off after awhile

>> No.11074772

If you can get a dressier linen shirt, it will definitely be worthwhile. I have several and they're great - I wear them all year round.

>> No.11074879

I have a masters degree in bus. admin/finance, minoring in economics. I know the benefits to sweatshops for the local community, I still have a problem with children working in them and how workers (children and adult alike) are abused in said sweatshops. When I say abused, I don't mean economically, but rather the other ways I described: by forcing them to deal with sexual harassments, working in extremely unsafe conditions etc. If they don't want to put up with these things - that no one should put up with - they're simply fired.

I make enough money to be able to afford items that are made in better conditions, and you know that when a child has handled a product, it most likely isn't of very high quality. Because not even the people of Bangladesh are stupid enough to let a kid handle high quality cashmere.

You can still make the argument that they choose to accept the unsafe working conditions, but when it's either that or starving/letting your family starve, I think it's fair to talk about being forced; if not by the employer, by your horrible situation (which the employer then takes advantage of).

>> No.11074908

I still cannot get used to this word filter

>> No.11074927
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>> No.11074983

>a person of shit color

That's basically the average refugee pictured right there.

>> No.11075035


>> No.11075056
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I guess at some point, when your rich enough, you don't really give a fuck what others think about what you wear. Jordan himself is an example of a guy who clearly doesn't give a fuck.