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/fa/ - Fashion

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11043688 No.11043688[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is /fa/ full of white men with yellow fever?

>> No.11043695

let's see

chinks/japs/etc. aren't:

they're also effay and like whites, so there's that

>> No.11043742

because they're cuckolds who can't get any better ; Asians are easy to get because many are shy and love white cock. They'll say some bullshit like
>>11043695 said, but that is true for any race, and only a small minority of Asian girls are like that in real life (most of them have boybodies and are autistic and boring) these autists just assume they're just like their anime waifus in real life.

Many of these cucks also just think they're "so cultured!" for saying they like asians, even though most people know they're racist regardless.

>> No.11043798

4 C H A N

>> No.11043815

Because only zipperheads are both stupid enough to be attracted to the type of autismos who frequent 4chan, and average looking enough to be ignored by all the other men on the planet.

>> No.11043848

Why do asian women get absolutely fucking batshit insane after their early 20s?

>> No.11043880

asian girls are like white girls but better in every way

it's a straight upgrade

>> No.11043893

the "answer" - they're effay
the real answer - 1) weeaboo faggots who think asian grills are like their anime waifus 2) neonazis who like japan because muh axis and think white women are garbage

>> No.11043910

don't forget
>muh traditionalist lifestyle

like Japan and China aren't as consumerist and modernized as the West

>> No.11043921

well i get where they're coming from with that one since different cultures foster different behaviors and personalities even despite globalization, but if you're such a pathetic bitch you need some demure and submissive fantasy girl you should end your life

>> No.11043930

they are effeminate, beta numales who are too estroginized to date most women and think asian women are submissive angels because they watched mulan and shitty animes too many times as a kid

their rural midwest suburb doesnt actually have any asians so they think that everyone in asia looks like a kpop star or jav actress, and not the fat, ugly brown pigs that most of them actually are

they are also spoonfed bullshit about how a 2/10 fat, acne covered losers can go to japan and fuck 5 different models every night because asians are so wild for 4 inches of white meat. not only do they think this is actually true but they think this would actually happen with white washed 3rd gen asian immigrants as well instead of having a restraining order put on them

>> No.11043952
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I had a lot of first experiences with a really hot Asian girl and it made an impression. I don't have any delusions about them being special in any way. I just think the hot ones are truly hot.

Eh, I dated a Japanese girl who was a reactionary traditionalist in everything but name only, so they're out there. Basically she was a progressive when it came to the west but worried about what any change would do to Japan. She was from a bit of an upper class family so she actually knew the more traditional side of life there better than most.

>> No.11044371

The samefag is real are you mad white girl? that the Chad went with the Asian instead of you keep crying

>> No.11044387
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Tfw arguing about sexual attraction on a fucking fashion board. Gotta love 4chan.

>> No.11044391
File: 245 KB, 1000x1500, tumblr_o3bg3hCFec1qk12q0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

majority of white males have asian fever

people just seem to enjoy something different from themselves, that can be said about the other side in which they are not necessarily xenophobic but cant find comfort in the foreign

>> No.11044396

uhh Chads go for trashy white sonority girls and aren't /fa/, they're late adopters of trends, never makers or early adopters... since their lives revolve around "getting pussy" not being creative or being anything that goes outside of the norm actually...

Are you the anon above that posted a pepe frog? because if so you're pathetic... just leave the memes outside, no one with a 3 digit IQ takes /r9k/ (or /fit/ for that matter) seriously

>> No.11044411
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Pretty much this.

>> No.11044425
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I personally give a preference to my own race first but if they're thin af and cutie obviosuly... Asians come second, then the rest.

Because even thorugh your pic girl might be cute idk man looks fake to me, my face has finer eyebrows too and I'm a boy... her nose looks petite but it's too upwards for my taste it's kinda piggy, she isn't as skinny as I would like her legs are too milf-core for my taste especially when you compare them with her arms which are thin (this bugs me lol it's like her arms are perfect -2 but her legs are +2) she did too much leg, all she had to do was be thin .

Her fashion sense is basic af for someone who believes herself to be a model... and her face is too round. of the asian races the koreans are the most unoriginal and boring imo.

Now don't get me wrong she is pretty and I would marry her if she was interested in me and had a kick ass personality.

>> No.11044442
File: 231 KB, 960x960, tumblrshit001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much this

idgaf if theyre submissive or whatever, they obviously aren't all like that and even if they were that kind of personality sounds kind of boring desu. for me personally a really attractive azn grill is more attractive and aesthetic than a really attractive non azn grill, that's all there is to it

also asians in my experience seem much more aware of fashion shit than other races, which is a big plus for /fa/

>> No.11044458

That in your pic is the ideal face shape for humans. V-shape is best, so if you got a sharp jaw that seems that it could cut glass you're gold, you just have to be thin to make the best of your bone structure.

Most asians tend to have circular faces through.

>> No.11044482

bruh i got possibly the strongest yellow fever here but i'd drop allthat shit for a chance with rose

>> No.11044499

Hmm this thread made me do some research about my race & Asians as well.

Why Swedes are the prettiest Caucasians? is it because they're less mixed?

Swedes (Nordics in general really) they're the ones with more heart shaped (v-shaped) faces. Also I noticed that Caucasians are more varied in face shapes: inverted triangles, hearts, diamonds, long faces, ovals, squares. etc. I believe they're the most varied race in face shapes now...

Asians seem to have: oval & round mainly the prettiest ones are hearts through with the perfect v-shape and all. imho naturally the Japanese are the best looking, then potentially Korean, then Chinese and then they become more circle faced the more you go these ways.

I was going to post a model but that would have been generic. I like when caucasians nail that heart face shape and get very pointy v-chins + their natural colored eyes + natural fair hair they end up looking very fairy tale like when that happens. They're literal elves.

>> No.11044505

>tfw 6'0, 185lb tall muscular light skin handsome Asian
body count of 8, all cute/hot asian girls
shit is LIT when they want Asian men but can only find boys, that is until they find ME

>> No.11044506
File: 34 KB, 233x186, 43420121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how Rose parents looked like in their youth, they must have been extremely pretty.

Both dad & mom.

She has ethereal facial bone structure.

>> No.11044509

>mfw white girls say asian girls are submissive

lel eat shit bitch

>> No.11044515

And I only started fucking girls after I broke up with my ex in August. Calculated it to be around one new girl every two weeks until I found my current gf, who is literally amazing.
I have ZERO desire to fuck any white chicks. Dated a white girl in HS dumped her ass after 2 weeks.
Asian girls
>smell nicer
>more serving
>better personality
>awesome in bed
>dress better

>> No.11044518

Pro-tip: Race mixing is a social pathology and to say you prefer asian women because they are more traditional is a joke because miscegenation is the absolute rejection of your entire society, race, culture, and family.

It is an act of rejection to your parent community, and act of murder towards the struggle and values of all of your ancestors...these are the "traditional, pure, submissive" people who are so much better than your own people?

I can speak only for white men, because that is what I am, but one would only choose to reject their own people after feeling a great sense of betrayal and rejection by their own community, because the act of miscegenation is such a hateful act towards one's own society, and I think that is why you see the black sheep, or betas, the low status white men, who choose to date outside their own race the most, because they have been rejected or failed to meet the standards of the white community, and have been forced out into the cold to meet other societal rejects from other communities.

It's a damn shame and it makes me sorry every time I see it. Society has failed these men, and these men have failed society, and if it doesn't make you sad to see such suffering you are made of stone.

>> No.11044524

I agree.
Fuck race mixing and let's keep to ourselves.
Not being ironic.

>> No.11044529

Are you ACTUALY insinuating that Asian GODDESSES are not genettically SUPERIOR?? You gota be pullin my leg bud

>> No.11044536

Which white girls?

I know some girls browse /fa/ but if ITT one ever posted it's just 1 and the rest against Asian girls are /pol/ (/b/) male newfags.

Pro tip: read their lingo. If it's a meme you don't understand it's a male /pol/ newfag, if the memeing is kept minimal there is a chance it's rlly a girl.

>> No.11044555
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I agree with the argument that "they're more traditional" is total bullshit since any Asian who is willing to reproduce with non-Asians is actually non-traditional lol.

>It is an act of rejection to your parent community, and act of murder towards the struggle and values of all of your ancestors...

This is total /pol/tard bullshit. You're free to choose what you like, always & if you don't you're an slave to someone else's judgement. What you should do in life is what you like.

Nothing wrong with "yellow fever" Caucasians, they're living how they want.

Just as the Asian that has a preference for Caucasians but limits himself to Asians because he fears the judgement of his society, morals, status quo, bullshit, etc (concepts that don't really exist & hinder your capability to reach who actually you are).

>> No.11044585
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>185 lbs

you best be 6% bf

>> No.11044591

Almost all Asian cultures, including Turks, Tartars, and Uigurs treat women like farm animals. They are bartered like slaves. Any escape option is an improvement. A honky that plays video games all the time and can be offed with food is easy enough to come by. Get her some citizen status. Queen Bitch then.

>> No.11044592

Nobody cares who is muscular on /fa/ anyways. It's the opposite here otherwise you won't fit on high fashion designer clothes & rock their ideal silhouettes.

>> No.11044593

>Almost all Asian cultures treat women like farm animals.
You're speaking as if this still happened.

>> No.11044625

fashion isn't meant for muscular people, it's for skinny people

>> No.11044637
